Welcome to Allenby Daycare

Allenby Daycare Inc.Welcome to Allenby Daycare!Allenby Daycare opened in 1983 to meet the needs of families in the Allenby Community needing quality childcare. The daycare is a not-for-profit childcare centre operated by a Board of Directors consisting of Allenby Daycare parents.We are licensed by the Ministry of Education under the Day Nurseries Act, to provide care for 10 Toddlers, 16 Preschoolers, 95 School-aged children and 60 Junior and Senior Kindergarten children. Allenby Daycare provides subsidized childcare spaces for eligible families. The aim of Allenby Daycare is to provide a stimulating program that meets the needs of all children outside of regular school hours. Our staff of qualified and enthusiastic caregivers provide positive and enjoyable learning experiences for all children. All programs are designed to meet the needs of each child within the context of the group. Through age appropriate activities, children have the opportunity to develop emotionally, creatively, socially, physically and intellectually in an environment that fosters cooperation and a sense of responsibility. Children are guided in programs that foster positive self-concept, responsibility, independence and a sense of security and happiness. They are encouraged to develop a sense of being a unique and important person whose individuality is to be recognized. The recognition, acceptance and expression of emotions are encouraged. The Allenby Daycare Family Handbook is currently being revised. The complete handbook, containing all operating policies will be available for parents in the fall of 2014. In the interim please direct further inquiries to the Daycare Director.ProgramsAllenby Daycare?offers programs for children ages?18 months to 12 years.?Our programs focus on age-appropriate play and learning opportunities.??All children are involved in our play based and educational activities including music, art, storytelling and recreation. Activities for all age groups are based on the “ELECT” (Early Learning for Every Child Today”). This document describes curriculum for Early Childhood settings in Ontario and may be viewed at; —18 months to 30 months. The toddler space is designed to maximize the learning capacity of the child. Our goal is to provide a rich and interesting environment that toddlers can explore with all their senses. A variety of activities are set up and/or provided each day in order to foster the toddler’s development. The Early Childhood Educator ratio in the toddler room is 1:5Preschool— 2.5 to 3.8 years. The Preschool program provides an opportunity for the children to develop positive social skills and further explore their understanding of their environment. Children’s autonomy is fostered by ensuring flexibility and choice in activities. The ratio for preschoolers is 1:8.Junior and Senior Kindergarten— age 3.8 to 6 years. Allenby Daycare is pleased to be the third party operator, providing care for Kindergarten students before and after school beginning in September 2014. This program is designed to complement the Kindergarten program the children receive at school. Children are given the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, in an environment that is especially equipped and designed to meet their needs for learning and increasing independence. In accordance with TDSB and Ministry of Education guidelines Allenby Daycare will operate this program in school classrooms. The staff to child ratio for the Kindergarten program is 1:10. Please note that enrollment in the before and after school Kindergarten program does not guarantee enrollment in the School Age program. Further questions and answers regarding the new JK/SK before and after school program offered in licensed daycares may be found at;tdsb.on.ca/EarlyYears/ChildCare/FDKBeforeandAfterSchoolProgramSchool Age— age 6 to age 12 years. Our school-age program provides a space for children to be with their peers in a safe and stimulating environment. Activities are planned to develop skills and support learning. A variety of activities are provided in a supportive environment where children have the opportunity to make choices. The ratio is 1:15.Program Eligibility and HoursChildren must be enrolled at Allenby Junior Public School or live within the school catchment area to be eligible for enrolment in Allenby Daycare. Enrolment in any one of Allenby Daycare programs does not guarantee enrolment in a subsequent program. For example, enrolment in the Preschool program does not guarantee a placement in the before and after school Kindergarten program. If you are interested in a subsequent program, please contact the Daycare regarding placement on the waiting list. Allenby Daycare operates from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. year round with the exception of statutory holidays and a two-week closure in August. FeesFees are due and payable on the first of each month. Families are strongly encouraged to submit fees through pre-authorized debit. There is a $25.00 charge for any NSF cheque or outstanding payment through authorized debit. The Board of the Directors has set the following monthly fees for January to December 2014. Toddlers: $1400 per monthPre School: $1200 per monthKindergarten: $650 per month (before and after school care)School Age: $428 per month Registration and DepositAll completed registration forms must be signed and submitted to the Daycare office prior to a child attending the Daycare. A deposit equal to one month’s fees must be included to complete registration in the Daycare. Upon receipt of registration forms, parents will be contacted by the Daycare to schedule an orientation meeting for new families.Cancellation of CareParents are required to give one month’s written notice prior to withdrawing their child from Allenby Daycare. Failure to give one full month’s notice will result in the loss of the initial deposit. Late Fees Allenby Daycare closes promptly at 6:00 p.m. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to arriveon time to pick-up your child/children. Parent’s/Guardians arriving after 6:00 p.m. will be requested to sign a late slip and are charged a late fee of $5.00 for each five-minute period starting at 6:01 p.m. The late fee is charged per family and is paid to Allenby Daycare. Registration Forms ChecklistHave you included the following?Child Information SheetHistory of the ChildEmergency & Trip Release FormPhoto consentPre-authorized Debit AgreementAllergy InformationImmunization FormDeposit fee equal to one month’s program fees For further information regarding Allenby Daycare, please contact Carol Mayne - Childcare Director at (416) 487-7108 allenby.daycare @sympatico.ca or Nicole Gilmore/Julie Jemmott – Assistant Superviors at (416)487-7800 allenbydaycare@ We look forward to having your family at Allenby Daycare! ................

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