
| | | | | |

| |WASH Rapid Assessment Report | | MARCH 2018 | |

| | | | | |


Contents 2

List of Acronyms 3

Demographic Dash Board 4

Executive Summary and Objective 5

Background 6

Methodology and Coverage Area 7

Findings and Analysis 12

Health Section: 19

Water /Sanitation/ Hygiene borne diseases prevailing: 19

Key findings according to FGDs: 21

Recommendations 22


References: 23

Contact Details: 23

List of Acronyms

WASH: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene.

HHs: Households.

FGDs: Focus Group Discussions.

HC: Health Center.

AWD: Acute Watery Diarrhea.

ARI: Acute Respiratory Infection.

CLTS: Community Led Total Sanitation.

IDPs: Internally Displaced Persons.

PLW: Pregnant/lactating woman.

Demographic Dashboard


This report is compilation of findings from joint inter-agencies WASH rapid assessment conducted in lower Juba region of Somalia from 21-28 March, 2018. The main data collection methodology was through Kobo collect mobile data collection platform and focus group discussion (FGDs). The assessment was conducted in three districts namely Kismayo district, Afmadow district and Badhadhe district which were affected by devastating drought in the region and serious water crises reported. The accuracy of these responses were dependent on how well informed the individual interviewees were.


1. To identify major humanitarian WASH gaps in lower Juba region of Somalia.

2. Identify any overlap of humanitarian interventions if any and by which agency(s)

3. To identify IDPs priority needs in term of WASH services and broader humanitarian situations of the areas targeted for this assessment

Back group information and Introduction


Target population

This study targeted households from poor host communities and IDPs /returnees in the 3 district in Lower –Juba. Household random sampling was used together with focus group discussions(FGDs) for qualitative components. Only heads of household or their spouse responded to the questionnaires.

Sample Size

The survey covered a representative sample size of 537 households with confidence level of 95% and confidence interval of 5. The study was done through systematic random sampling of the three targeted communities/district located within lower juba. Since no official population figures exist for lower-juba, a stratified sample was taken whereby households were selected at random from each of the locations. This location included: Burgabo, Kudha, Madawo, Ras Kiamboni, kolbiyow and Waraq in Badhadhee district, Dhobley, Dif, Deg-elema, Tulo Barwaqo, Afmadow town, Qoqani and Tabta in Afamadow district and Farajano, Fanole, Galbeed, shaqallaha, Gulwade, Alanlay in kismayu district.

The selection of households within each village was carried out at random. Only adults (people over the age of 18) were requested to participate in the survey. In each village, both men and women had equal chance to be surveyed.

Sample size was calculated using the formula below.

|Z 2 * (p) * (1-p) |

|[pic] |

|c 2 |


Z = Z value (e.g. 1.96 for 95% confidence level) 

p = percentage picking a choice, expressed as decimal 

(.5 used for sample size needed)

c = confidence interval, expressed as decimal 

(e.g., .05 = ±5)


Q1. Is_this_an_IDP_settlement (yes) or (No)

Is this an IDP settlement (yes or no)

|90% | | | |

| | | | |

|80% | | | |

| |78% | |84% |

| | | | |

|70% | | | |

| | | | |

|60% | | | |

| | |59% | |

|50% | | | |

| | | | |

|40% | | | |

| | |41% | |

|30% | | | |

| | | | |

|20% | | | |

| |22% | | |

|10% | | |16% |

| | | | |

|0% | | | |

| |Badhadhe district |Afmadow district |Kismayo district |

| | | | |

[pic] Yes [pic] No

When the respondent were asked if they were living in IDP settlement in Badhadhe district the 22% of the respondent said yes while 78% of the respondent said no. In Afmadow district 41% said yes while 59% said no, in Kismayo 84% of the respondents said yes while 16% said no.

According the secondary data available from JRIA (Juba land IDPs, Returnees affair office there are over 93,000 IDPs, 51, 168 returnees in Kismayo district alone. That is why the majority of the respondent said they are living in IDP camps

Q2: Gender_of_respondent (male or female)











Gender of the respondent (male or female)







|badhadhe District | |Afmadow District |Kismayo District |

| | |Male | |Female | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

In all three district high percentages of the people interviewed during assessment were women, since they are always at home, another factor that contributed to the high number of the women respondent is that women population is higher than that of men in the region and women’s role in Somali culture includes fetching water for the households hence women suffer and know more than men in times of water crisis. In culturally women are always present at home also while men go look for daily breed, other families are female headed households which is very common in the area. 56% of the Badhadhe district respondent were female while 44% were men, In Afmadow 69% of the respondent were women while only 31% were men and in Kismayo 84% were women while 16% of the respondent were men.


Age of the respondent










| | |23% | | | |

| | |20% 20% | | |19% |

| | | | |18% | |

| |17% | | | |17% |

| | | |16% |16% | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|13% |13% 11% | |11% | | |

|10% | | | | | |

| |8% |9% |9% | |8% |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |6% |


|Badhad| | | | | |A| |

|he | | | | | |f| |

| | | | | | |m| |

| | | | | | |a| |

| | | | | | |d| |

| | | | | | |o| |

| | | | | | |w| |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | |2 to 4 18 |

| | | | |

|70% | | | |

| |68% |69% |68% |

|60% | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|50% | | | |

| | | | |

|40% | | | |

| | | | |

|30% | | | |

| |32% |31% |32% |

| | | | |

|20% | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|10% | | | |

| | | | |

|0% | | | |

| |Badhadhe District |Afmadow District |Kismayo District |

| | | | |

[pic] Yes [pic] No

In Badhadhe 68% of the respondent interviewed said they are originally from here, 32% of the Badhadhe district respondent said they IDPs and not from the location of origin. In Afmadow district they are large number of IDPs and that is why 31% of the said they are not from this location while 69% of the respondent from the district were from Afmadow district. In Kismayo its hosting largest number of IDPs in the region over 93,000 IDPs and that is evident from the rapid assessment findings.

Q6: What is your primary source of your drinking water?

what is your primary source of drinking water?

|5| | | | | |

|0| | | | | |

|%| | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

When asked what is your primary water source for washing and cooking the responses were similar to the previous question almost the same. Which means the sources of water for drinking, washing and cooking come from the same water sources for the most of the respondent in three target districts.

Q8: Is your household currently able to get enough water for drinking and cooking?

Is your household currently getting enough?

Water for drinking and cooking

|90% | | | |

| | | | |

|80% | | | |

| | | |81% |

|70% | | | |

| |72% |71% | |

|60% | | | |

| | | | |

|50% | | | |

| | | | |

|40% | | | |

| | | | |

|30% | | | |

| | |29% | |

|20% |28% | |19% |

|10% | | | |

|0% | | | |

| |Badhadhe district |Afmadow district |Kismayo district |

| | | | |

[pic] No [pic] yes

When asked whether the respondents were getting enough water the findings were as above graph which indicate 72% of the respondent in Badhadhe, 71 % of the respondent from Afmadow and 81 % of the respondent from Kismayo said no they don’t get enough water. This was due to the drought that

affected the region. All water point dried up or has low water yield hence long queues and scrambling for water can’t allow one to get enough. Other reason given were prices been too high to afford.

28% from Badhadhe, 29% from Afmadow and 19% from Kismayo of the respondents said they do have enough water for drinking and cooking.

Q9: If not what are the reasons for not getting enough water?







What were the reasons you are not getting enough water?

| | | | | | |

| | |78% | |79% | |

|54% | | | | | |

|42% | | | | | |

|2% |2% |11% 4% |7% |10% 8% |2% |

| | | |

|Badhadhe district |Afmadow district |Kismayo district |

[pic] There is not enough water at my source 34

[pic] we don't have enough containers to store water 27

[pic] water source is too far 1

[pic] waiting time is too long 1

When asked the respondent why they can’t get enough water for their families the reason given were as shown in the graph above majority of the people saying they can’t afford. 54% from Badhadhe district, 78% from Afmadow and 79% from Kismayo respondents are said they can’t afford. 42% from Badhadhe, 11% from Afmadow and 10% from Kismayo saying they don’t have enough containers to store water. 2% from Badhadhe, 4% from Afmadow and 8% from Kismayo said the water source is too far hence they can’t get enough water while 2% from Badhadhe,7% from Afmadow and 2% from Kismayo said the waiting time is too long for them to get enough water.

Q10: Do you treat your drinking water?

Do you treat your drinking water?














|Badhadhe district |Afmadow district |Kismayo district |

| | |yes | |No | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

When respondents were asked whether they treat their drinking water or not, the following were their responses; 56% from Badhadhe, 96% from Afmadow, 62% from Kismayo said no they don’t treat their drinking water while 44% from Badhadhe, 4% from Afmadow and 38% from Kismayo of the respondent said they do treat their drinking water. This mean many of the communities in the region at risk of contracting water borne diseases since they are drinking water from unprotected water sources and no treatment is done.

Q11: If yes how do you treat?

How do you treat your drinking water?

|80% | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |chlorine tablet | |filter |and chlorine tablet | | |

| | | | |Badhadhe | | |Afmadow |

| | | | |district | | |district |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |87% |

| | | | |

|60% | |76% | |

| | | | |

| |64% | | |

| | | | |

|40% | | | |

| |36% | | |

|20% | | | |

| | | | |

| | |24% |13% |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|0% | | | |

| |Badhadhe District |Afmadow District |Kismayo District |

| | | | |

[pic] yes [pic] N0

The table above shows that 64% of respondent from Badhadhe district, 76% from Afmadow district, 87% of the respondent from Kismayo don’t get enough water for their livelihoods activities due to water shortages in the region and this is very serious issues as the economics of the region solely depends on livestock and farming which if water shortages occur might die or otherwise affected by lack of market, low yield which will affected the whole population food security levels. 36% from Badhadhe district, 24% from Afmadow and 13% from Kismayo respondent said they get enough water for their livelihood activities because this was during driest month of the year when all water pans which at least 50% of the population in the rural areas dried up.


How long by foot will it take you to the nearest water


|60% | | | |

| | | | |

|98% |92% | |

|80% | | |90% |

| | | | |

|60% | | | |

| | | | |

|40% | | | |

| | | | |

|20% | | | |

| | |8% |10% |

| | | | |

|0% | | | |

| |Badhadhe District |Afmadow District |Kismayo District |

| | | | |

[pic] Yes [pic] No

When respondents were asked if they pay for water, the following were their responses 98% of Badhadhe, 90% of Kismayo and 92% of Afmadow respondents said they pay for water which means majority of the resident in those location have to buy water. Due to the drought it was hard to get enough water for free and small % were people assisted by humanitarian agencies through water voucher, water infrastructure that were rehabilitated or improved. Though according to FGDs and other secondary data available shows though minimum affordable water tariffs in IDPs set up community have to contribute to certain amount of fee for operational and maintenance cost of the water points.

Few percentage (%) of the respondents; 2% from Badhadhe, 8% from Afmadow and 10% from Kismayo said they get water free of charge which are likely the people assisted by humanitarian agencies with emergency water voucher or water supply infrastructure in the region.


If yes how much did you spent on water last


|80% | | | | | | | |

|50% | | | | | | |53% |

|40% | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|10% |17% | | |7% | | |7% |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |10 to 99| |l| | |

| | | |dolars | |e| | |

| | | | | |s| | |

| | | | | |s| | |

| | | | | |t| | |

| | | | | |h| | |

| | | | | |a| | |

| | | | | |n| | |

| | | | | |1| | |

| | | | | |0| | |

| | | | | |d| | |

| | | | | |o| | |

| | | | | |l| | |

| | | | | |a| | |

| | | | | |r| | |

| | | | | |s| | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | |Badhadhe District | |Afmadow District | | |Kismayo District |

| | |Price has increased | |Price has decreased | |Price Has not changed |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

As per the respondent feedback shown above water prices in the region increased last three month for example in Badhadhe district 59% of the respondent, 73% from Afmadow of the respondent, 70% from Kismayo said the amount they spent on water has increased last three month showing how the drought had impact on their households while 38% from Badhadhe, 19% from Afmadow,19 from Kismayo respondent said the prices reduced and 3% from Badhadhe, 8% from Afmadow and 11% from Kismayo respondent said the prices were unchanged in last three month which mean those were families using piped water system with fix prices per M3. It can be deduced from the findings that those who said the prices of water reduced are people who benefited from humanitarian intervention in regards to fuel subsidy support, solar water pumping systems which main objectives were to reduce water tariffs charges.


what do you use to store water?

|1| | |94% | | |

|0| | | | | |

|0| | | | | |

|%| | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

When asked the respondent what they use to store their drinking water their responses were as shown in the table above as evident from the findings is that majority of people use jerry can to store water. This is because jerry cans a cheaper, potable and easy to use by the poor who can’t afford bigger capacity storage.


how many containers do you have to store?

water in?

|60% | | | | | | | |

|40% | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |20% | | | | | |

|10% | | | | | | |

| |15% | | |

| | | | |

| | | |1 to 3 containers 13 | |4 to 6 containers 32 | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |7 to 9 containers 17 | |10 to 12 containers 25 | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

As per the above graph good number of the respondents that 15% from Badhadhe, 27% from Afmadow and 51% from Kismayo have no enough water storage containers in their households.

This will be very severe during water shortages period when such people will be disadvantaged for example sometimes water comes once in a week or after 2-3 days so if they don’t have enough water storage facility those families will serve more than other families with high storage capacity increasing the vulnerability of needy people.










How often do you clean your containers?

| | | | | | | | |

|never |once a month | |once every six |Every two week |every day |

| | | | | | | |month |

| | |Badhadhe district | |Afmadow district | | |Kismayo district |

| | |1 to 20 liters 5 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|70% | | | |

| |68% | | |

|60% | |62% |65% |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|50% | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|40% | | | |

| | |38% | |

|30% | | |35% |

| |32% | | |

| | | | |

|20% | | | |

| | | | |

|10% | | | |

| | | | |

|0% | | | |

| |Badhadhe District |Afmadow District |Kismayo District |

| | | | |

[pic] yes [pic] No

When the respondents were asked whether their households have access to soap or not their responses were as shown in the graph above which can be deduce that high percentage (%) of the families in the region have no access to soap because huge IDPs, returnees and poor host communities who have been affected by the drought means that they can’t afford to buy soap for the families. It also means or translates that during critical water crisis household prioritize buy water than to buy soap. It worth mentioning that good percentage (% ) of the respondent have access to soap in all three district

If_not_why_not_Respondent_can't access

If not, why not?

|100% | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |distribution |in the market |and ashes |

| | | |Badhadhe District | |Afmadow District |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

As per the assessment findings shown in the graph above good percentage (%) of the respondent are practicing hand washing but good percentage (%) of them are not practicing hand washing at five critical times as supposed to be to have a healthy family. Hand washing at five critical times has proven to be most effective preventive measure against poor hygiene related diseases. It is good to WASH hand before eating food and after visiting latrines but without combing other three vital hand washing time its impact will be minimal.










how do people in your household wash their





| | | |17% |

| | |Badhadhe District | | |Afmadow District | |Kismayo District |

| | | | | | | | |

When respondents were asked how member of their households Wash their hand the responses were as follows: 52% from Badhadhe, 62% from Afmadow and 57% from Kismayo of the respondent said they wash their hand with water only. 17% from Badhadhe, 7% from Afmadow and 15% from Kismayo of the respondent said they wash their hands with water and ash. 17% from Badhadhe, 19% from Afmadow and 7% from Kismayo said they wash their hands with water and sand and finally 15% from Badhadhe, 12% from Afmadow and 21% from Kismayo said they WASH their hands with water and soap which is most effective way of practicing hand washing at five critical times. But unfortunately more than half of the respondents are using only water which is not all that effective against diseases causing germs.

Has your household received any of the following hygiene kits?

Which of the following hygiene items do you received


|60% | | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |96% |

|80% | | | |

| | | | |

|60% | | | |

| |64% |62% | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|40% | | | |

| |36% |38% | |

|20% | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |4% |

| | | | |

|0% | | | |

| |Badhadhe District |Afmadow District |Kismayo District |

| | | | |

[pic] No [pic] Yes

As per the assessment findings shown in the above table data. 64% from Badhadhe district, 62% from Afmadow and 96% of the Kismayo respondent said they haven’t participated in hygiene promotion campaigns while 36% from Badhadhe, 38% from Afmadow and 4% from Kismayo participated in hygiene promotion activities. Due to the large population in Kismayo over 93,000 IDPs, 51168 returnees and 300,000 host communities, the interviewees/respondent not participated in hygiene promotion campaigns specifically can be justified in that perspectives.

This means Kismayo which there are large numbers of organizations but the results expected is yet to be achieve, people are still using unprotected shallow well, poor hygiene practices and insignificant community participation in hygiene promotion activities compared to other two district mentioned.

What_type_of_latrine_does_your household member use?

what type of latrine does your household?

member use?

|45% | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |communal |

| | |80% | |

| | | | |

|60% | | | |

| | | | |

|40% | | | |

| | | | |

|20% | | | |

| |7% |20% |11% |

| | | | |

|0% | | | |

| |Badhadhe District |Afmadow District |Kismayo District |

| | | | |

[pic] No [pic] Yes

When the respondents were asked if their latrine are gender the responses were as shown above graph. 93% from Badhadhe district, 80% from Afmadow and 89% from Kismayo of the respondents said their latrines are not gender separated. This can pose risk of GBV against women and is lacking gender

/Protection mainstreaming which ought to be part of any project that is targeting a community. While 7% from Badhadhe district, 20% from Afmadow district and 11% from Kismayo respondent said their latrines are gender separated.

Are latrines accessible for disabled people?

Are the latrines accessible to disable



|80% | | | |

| | |87% |87% |

| | | | |

|60% | | | |

| |54% | | |

|40% | | | |

| |46% | | |

| | | | |

|20% | | | |

| | |13% |13% |

| | | | |

|0% | | | |

| |Badhadhe District |Afmadow District |Kismayo District |

| | | | |

[pic] Yes [pic] No

54% from Badhadhe, 13% from Afmadow and 13% from Kismayo said they latrines are accessible to people with disabilities which is very small percentage while 46% from Badhadhe, 87% from Afmadow and 87% from Kismayo of the respondents said their latrines are not accessible to people with disabilities. Which means though some of the communities have access to latrines; people with disabilities have not been considered during latrine design hence denying access to latrines for the most vulnerable people in the community.


Do latrine have hand washing facilities?

|100% | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Badhadhe | | |Afmadow District| |

| | | |District | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |garbages | |away from |near home | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |garbages |

| |73% |

| | |

|23% |27% |

| |21% |

| | |

|Badhadhe District |Afmadow District |Kismayo District |

| | | |Yes | |No | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

As per the graph shown above 23% from Badhadhe district, 73% from Afmadow and 79% from Kismayo of the respondents said their family members had cases of AWD in last two weeks. This was because of water scarcity and poor hygiene practices in the region which can be attributed to the drought impact in the region. Kismayo was at the time of the assessment having AWD/cholera outbreak that affected over 400 induvial and death of 4 others.













If yes is it under 5 years or above 5 years?


|72% |75% |

| | |

|28% |25% |

| | |

|5% | |

|Badhadhe District |Afmadow District |Kismayo District |

| | | |>5 years of age | | ................

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