Age Grading explained by Alan Newman

Age-Grading explained by Alan Newman

You will have heard about age-grading in athletics but probably have not really understood its purpose or how useful it can be as a measure of performance. In this short article, I will attempt to answer some FAQs and show you how to use age-grading as a tool to improve.

What's the point of age-grading?

It's a way of 'levelling the playing field' as we age. We naturally slow down as we get older. Some studies suggest around 1% per annum post PB age. Age-grading simply puts a bit more science and maths behind that concept.

What's the best age-grading system?

The official World Masters Association (WMA) Age-grading calculator ? approved by WMA, European Masters Athletics (EMA) and British Masters Athletics Federation (BMAF).

Where can I find the WMA Age-grading calculator?

Is this the system that parkrun uses for age-grading results?

No. They use their own (secret) formulae. Unfortunately, there are at least half a dozen age-grading calculators out there and you'll get slightly different results from all of them! That's why it's best to stick with the official WMA calculator for reliable comparisons.

But this is only really useful for veterans, isn't it?

No. All ages can use the tables and indeed for all events. At the top of the calculator you will see you can toggle between Track and Field (updated 2014) and Road (updated 2015). There really is no other way to compare a teenager with an octogenarian or a pole vaulter with a marathon runner of any age.

Surely the tables are out of date if they are from 2015, aren't they?

Surprisingly, in-depth standards alter only slightly each year, although in road events there has been a significant shift forwards recently due partly to those very expensive but effective new shoes. The tables are based on current world records, so as they change the formulae will need to change, but that's a huge piece of work. Updates are currently being worked on.

What does it mean if I'm 60%, 70%, etc.?

Basically, for that event/performance/age your result is equal to around 60%, 70%, etc., of the current world record for that event. The holy grail for us club athletes is to hit 80%. Scoring eight out of ten, compared with a world record, is pretty impressive. Anything above 70% is good quality.

So how can I use the age-grading calculator to measure and improve my own performance?

The first thing to do is to check your PBs or current form across a range of distances/events. Where do you score highest? Where lowest? For runners, if you score higher at the longer distances you are clearly endurance-based and might need to work on your speed. Conversely, if your best results are at the lower end of the distance spectrum, you might need to add some longer runs and/or increase overall mileage. Consistent across the board? Then you have good ability across the range ? just keep doing what you are doing.

Any other hints and tips?

Yes. You can use the calculator the opposite way ? to see what performance you need to hit a particular age-graded result. Check any performance ? now put in your target age-graded % - click the Result (not Age-grade) button and it will predict what time you need to achieve. Clever! Now try with other distances.

You can also enjoy comparing your running ability with a mate's throwing prowess or another's expertise in the triple jump, etc. Endless hours of fun!

Some races include awards for the best age-graded performances and we have age-graded our recent training 5K time trial with some impressive results, including one of those 'holy grail' 80% performances (evidenced by Strava).

More information needed?

Just ask Coach Alan Newman at training for further explanation. Meanwhile, check your levels at a variety of distances/events and start working on your weaknesses. Don't worry, you won't break it but if you do, my name's Mark PK!

Good luck!

Alan Newman UKA Performance Coach, Level 3 Senior Group and Masters


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