The Events of the End Times - BACKDOOR BIBLE

The Events of the End Times

Things to keep in mind when you study prophetic scripture

1. The three chracteristics of prophecy - last weeks lesson

2. Concept of Dispensations

3. The General and the Specific

4. The Spiritual and the Physical

Last week we looked at the signs of the end times, this week we will look at the order of predicted events

1. The “Big” Picture - show the big changes the in the state of man and the earth as recorded in God word. Identify the each period and the transition event. (Chart #1)

2. The Past and Present - Concept of Biblical history revealed against 2 groups of “chosen” people - the Nation of Isreal (Gods Chosen Children) and the Church (the Bride of Christ). (Chart #2)

Remember - the end of the present age (Age of the Church) will be marked by -

- Completion of Evangelism

- Apostacy meaning lots of false teachings in churches

- Union of Church denominations and even other religions world wide through compromise on basic teachings

- Removal of the limiters of evil - Church and Holy Spirit

The restoration of the Age of Isreal is marked by -

- Restoration of Isreal, its Temple and the daily sacifice

- The Anti-Christ revealed to lead the reformed “Roman empire”

3. The Future - Show the 3 general interpretations of the prophesies that relate to the future (Chart #3)

- Pre-Millenial Interpretation - A great time of tribulation (war, famines, eathquakes, and judgement and destruction mostly by Gods own hand) will precede Christs return and any major improvements he will make in the world.

- Post Millenial Interpretation - The world will continue to improve through the efforts of the Church and the Holy Spirit until a 1000 year period of peace on earth is acheieved. Then a period of tribulation will come after which Christ will return.

- No Millenium Interpretation - There will not be a millenium. The world will continue as it is until a time of tribulation comes and then Christ will return.

3a. Go into detail on the Tribulation Period and its Transition Events (Chart #4)

Beginning Events - focus on the Rapture and show the 3 interpretations

Situation during the first 3 1/2 years - Isreals peace and relationship with the beast

The key Middle Event - The beast turns on Isreal and demands to be worshipped

Situation during the last 3 1/2 years - Wrath of God poured out

Concluding Events - Armegeedon and Christ Return in Power to save Isreal

3b. Go into Detail on the Millenium and its Transition Events (Chart #5)

Beginning Events - Resurection, Judgements and restoration of the earth, Satan bound

Situation during - Longevity restored, peace, Jesus regins, we help, Satan bound

Concluding Events - Satan loosed, a final war, God wins, earth destroyed, New heaven

4.0 Answer any questions

5.0 Song - “Imageine” by the Beatles

Satan is already hard at work trying to convince people that there is no heaven and no hell. He wants you to think the propecys are all fairly tales and are the cause of all sorts of pain in the world. We must remeber as we enter the “end times” what Jesus said in Matt chapter 10. Peace through compromise is not Gods goal for man. Allegience to Jesus Christ is. In his own time He will bring the peace!

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn "'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law--a man's enemies will be the members of his own household. Matt 10:24-10:36 (NIV)

Chart #1 - The “Big” Picture



Chart #2 - The Past and Present

Chart #3 - The Future (3 Interpretations)

Chart #4 - The Tribulation

Chart #5 - The Millenium


Satan loosed, a final battle, the earth and death destroyed, Man and Satan judged and sent to Hell (Rev 20: 7-9)




Mans life is shortened and life made more difficult (Gen 6-11)

Man cast out of the

garden and difficulty

added to his life

(Gen 3:24)

Sin (disobedience) enters the world with Satans help (Gen 3)

Man in harmony

with God (Gen 2)

Garden of Eden

God still walks with men who live long lives

(Gen 5:24)

God deals with Isreal through prophets and the law

(Gen 12-Mal)

God deals with the Church

through the Holy Spirit

(Acts - Jude)

God sends his Son to redeem man. Jesus lives, dies and rises


God pours out wrath against the earth, destroys forces of evil and binds Satan (Rev 4-19)

God restores the earth to pre-flood conditions and Jesus reigns on Earth for 1000 yrs (Rev 20:1-4 )

Millenium Kingdom

God creates a new Heaven and a new Earth - Redeemed man now lives eternally with God (Rev 21 & 22)

Holy City


We are Here (somewhere)

A great “Mystery” is revealed - Salvation is also for the Gentiles (non-jews) and Christ “Church” is to be built which will become the “Bride of Christ”. (Eph 3:3-10 and 5:31-32

also Col 1:26, Matt 16:18, Rom 16:25, Rev 19:7 and 21:2)

A.D. 29

Prediction of 490 years (70x7) until the end of the age and 483 (69x7) years until the “Anointed One” comes (Dan 9:24-27)

Time of the Church

Signs of the Times

- Evangelism is completed (Matt 24:14)

- False teachings and false Christ abound (2 Tim3:1-5)

- Churches and Religions unite by compromise (Rev 17:1-7)

- Nation of Isreal restored (Jer 30:3-7)

- Preparation for sacrifice in Isreal (Temple, etc Dan 9:27)

- Roman Empire restored (Dan 2:39-45)

Last 7 years of the “Jews” Dan 9:27

The “Tribulation”

The Age of the Jews “suspended” - Isreal destroyed. The last 7 years postponed

Time of the Jews

483 actual years


Millenium (1000 yrs)

Final Battle


A great time of tribulation (war, famines, eathquakes, and judgement and destruction mostly by Gods own hand) will precede Christs return and any major improvements he will make in the world.


Tribulation (7 years)

Millenium (1000 yrs)



There will not be a millenium. The world will continue as it is until a general time of tribulation comes and then Christ will return.




The world will continue to improve through the efforts of the Church and the Holy Spirit until a 1000 year period of peace on earth is acheieved. Then a period of tribulation will come after which Christ will return.

Isa 66:15-16

Rev 19:11-21

Dan 9:27

Rev 13:1-8

2 Thess 2:7-10

Matt 24:39-41

1Thess 4:13-18

Whats happening during these 3 1/2 years

- Rev 17:1-6 (Hint: The true church is the “bride”)

- Jer 30:7-10

- Rev 7:9-14

- Rev 13:5

Whats happening during these 3 1/2 years

- Rev 8:7-9

- Rev 8:8-12

- Rev 13:16

- Rev 17:16

1st half - 3 1/2 years

Last half - 3 1/2 years

Rev 21:1-4

Matt 13:40-43

Rev 20:7-9

Rev 20:1-3

What is life like during the Millenium

- Rev 20:4,6 & Rev 5:10

- Isa 65:20

- Isa 65:25

- Isa 33:24

- Micah 4:1-3

Rev 21:1

Rev 20:11-15


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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