2015, The Age of Aquarius and the Mayan Calendar

2015, The Age of Aquarius and the Mayan Calendar

Many thought that the end of the Mayan calendar signalled the end of the world because the calendar

ended on 21st December, 2012, but nothing eventuated. The reason for this failure was the erroneous

interpretation of the calendar. The calendar actually heralded the end of an age, and so is ended. The Age

that it described was known in the occult as the Age of Pisces.

Interestingly, 2012 featured predictively in a number of records other than the Mayan Calendar (viz. The

Mesoamerican Mayan Long Count calendar, from an inscription on Monument 6 at Tortuguero in

Tabasco, Mexico). These are: The Hindu Kali Yuga calendar; the Toltec prophecies for the return of

Bolon Yoke K¡¯u; ¡°The Bible Code¡±1; the Egyptian Orion Prophecy; the ¡°Book of Changes¡± (I-Ching);

The Web Bot Project; NASA¡¯s Solar Maxim predictions; the Jewish Kabbalah Zohar; & the Ancient

Cherokee Rattlesnake Prophecies.

From December 2012 onwards, the universe has been in a new age, the occult Age of Aquarius. The song

¡°Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In¡±, performed by The Fifth Dimension in 1969, heralded the dawning of

this new age, and had the purpose of preparing the peoples of the world for its coming.

The Age of Aquarius is an astrological age as well as an occult age. An Astrological Age is about 2,160

years2 with some deviation because the Earth¡¯s rotations vary in length. Why 2,160 years? The cycle of a

precession (Precessional Cycle) lasts 25,920 years, and there are 12 constellations of the Zodiac, so

25,920¡Â12 yields 2,160. Also of note: the Earth¡¯s precession is 72 degrees per degree; and a Precessional

Cycle is also known as a Great Plato Year or an Aeon.

Here are some of the past ages: the Taurean Age started in about 4000BC; the Arian Age started in about

2000BC; and the Picean Age went from around 160BC to 2012AD.

Each age concludes exactly at the time of a predetermined astrological event (not astronomical). The Age

of Aquarius began when The Age of Pisces concluded ¨C when the March equinox point moved out of the

constellation Pisces and into the constellation Aquarius. This would occur when ¡°the sun rises out of the

mouth of the Ouroborus (great serpent of the Milky Way). This is the sun rising in Sagittarius, the centaur

with a bow ¨C the sun ¡®god¡¯ rising again ¨C Nimrod/Osiris/Apollo.¡±3

So what does this all mean for the church ¨C what do we need to understand about our times to give us any

required wisdom needed to operate in these Last Days? Here are some points quoted from various


The Planetary Rule of the Age of Aquarius

¡°Aquarius is ruled by two planets in Astrology ¨C Uranus & Saturn. Uranus represents Independence

and Saturn Universal Humanism. Humanism postulates that no dogma or political doctrine can save

you; only you can save yourself. If you save yourself, you save society, you save the nation and the

Planet Earth! In other words, Universal Humanism will be the hallmark of the Aquarian Age.¡±4

The Features of the Age of Aquarius

¡°All freethinkers are excited about the New Aquarian Age where Wisdom will blossom and importance

will be on Self Development, Self Transformation, Self Realisation & Self Actualisation. Gone are the

days of dogma & Blind Faith. Personal transformation will result in Planetary Transformation!¡±5

1 ¨C Michael Drosnin (1998) ¡°The Bible Code¡±, Touchstone

2 ¨C Reference #2

3 ¨C Reference #5 p:306

4 ¨C Reference #1

5 ¨C Reference #1


One World Government and the Age of Aquarius

¡°Dante, Bernard Shaw & Alice Bailey had highlighted in their writings that a World Government is the

only solution to achieve permanent World Peace. Mahesh Yogi inaugurated the World Government in

1975 in Seelisberg, Switzerland ("In response to the call of time, a global organisation has been

structured, the non-political, the non-religious World Government which has the knowledge and

expertise to create an ideal society").¡±6

Masonry and the United World Order

¡°Foster Bailey, the husband of Alice Bailey, said that "Free Masonry is the descendent of a United

World Religion, a divinely imparted Religion. Then came separativeness and religions. Now we are

striving for a United World Order"...Dr Wilhmhurst saw the dawning of the Aquarian Age as the

fulfillment of the Plan and said that Free Masonry may be the vehicle for that fulfillment. Wise people

point out that the New Age Movement is the Universal Religion which H G Wells predicted would one

day take over mankind.¡±7

Council of Global Governance and the Age of Aquarius

¡°There is also a move to create a World Stock Market & to control all governments in the world. The

foundations behind the United Nations are spiritual. The Global Oneness Movement is gaining

momentum and a Council of Global Governance has been constituted with Maurice Strong as the


The US, Masonry and the Age of Aquarius

¡°The hand of the Mysteries controlled the establishment of the United States Government and the

signature of the Mysteries may still be seen on the Great Seal of the United States of America. The

Seal discloses a mass of Masonic symbols, chiefly amongst them the American Eagle, which is a

conventionalized phoenix. The US Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter said "The real rulers in

Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes".¡±9

George Washington and Freemasonry

¡°As a Deist, George Washington believed that by following the enlightened path guided by the

principles of Freemasonry, he would achieve apotheosis and become deified¡±10

Global Oneness and the Age of Aquarius

¡°Global Oneness alone can save the world. Globalists alone can bring a planetary transformation and

not those who champion the cause of a Nation or a Civilisation.¡±11

Spiritual Democracy and the Age of Aquarius

¡°It is a Movement 'more universal than reform' and 'more profound than a revolution'! The main

characteristic of the New Aquarian Age will be Spiritual Democracy. Global integration has been

achieved via the Net, which implements the Global Village Concept. The Wonder ¨C the World Wide

Web ¨C is the true World Encyclopaedia...As it is a syncretic Movement (Syncretism holds that all

religions are essentially One), it will bring forth global integration & Spiritual Democracy.¡± 12

Astrology and the Age of Aquarius

¡°All regressive thinking & negative tendencies will fade away and Enlightenment will dawn. The

6 ¨C Reference #1

7 ¨C Reference #1

8 ¨C Reference #1

9 ¨C Reference #1

10 ¨C Reference #5 p:295

11 ¨C Reference #1

12 ¨C Reference #1


Aquarian Age will usher in a major Shift in intellectual thinking, as it is the Shift of the Ages!

Astrology will regain its pristine glory and guide humanity. Those Great Revolving Heavens which

maketh Providence a virtuous Power, those mighty ones which advance us when we have learned or

retard us when there is still work to done, will be respected as the messengers of Universal Will. We

have to evolve to Divinity and become the Perfected Whole!¡±13

World Domination and the Age of Aquarius

¡°The World Plan has been in motion for centuries as a New World Order cannot happen overnight. To

achieve this difficult task, guns have to removed from the hands of private owners, currency has to be

removed and replaced it with credit, and intelligence databases all around the world should be

coordinated. Many people are becoming aware that something serious is going on and a World Plan to

unite global currencies, trade boundaries & Nation States are in the offing. The principle of Global

Economic Interdependence will unite all the economies of the world. There exists a benign Secret

Power behind the scenes whose aim is to control all the governments of the world. The innovative

World Order is made up many elements of control ¨C Mind control, gun control, IMF, The World Bank,

FEMA, UN, Secret Societies, weather control and so on and on and on. Nothing but absolute control

over everything; trade, banking, stock markets, oil, energy, technology, cyber world, nuclear capability,

etc, is the New World Order.¡±14

The Age of Aquarius is About a Complete Change

¡°The Age of Aquarius is causing great turmoil, to make room for the new values of love, brotherhood,

unity and integrity. Everything with Piscean values is being exposed and taken down. This includes

governments, corporations, individuals, and even personal relationships. Many call this a disaster, as

the world appears to be falling apart, but is it? The Aquarian Age points to the direction of our own

evolution in consciousness. We are each being asked to make a choice. We can cling to the old

outdated values or adopt the new evolving ones. Our happiness and peace depends on our choice. The

change will take place whether we like it or not.¡±15

Helpers of The Age of Aquarius

¡°The Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children are here to help us move towards the Age of Aquarius

values of "love, brotherhood, unity and integrity". These children possess increased spiritual

sensitivity, and have stronger ties to the upcoming values.¡±16

Christianity and The Age of Aquarius

¡°Many feel that most of the human population will gain a deeper understanding of the Christian

teachings. It will be a time of truly living instead of just surviving. We will have access to deeper

knowledge...a knowing that we haven't been aware of in this era.

"This age is regarded as an intermediary preparation toward the Christ in the etheric plane, the New

Galilee; the "new heavens and a new earth" to come in a future not identified by time. In the Aquarian

Age at hand it is expected a great spiritual Teacher to come ("will come"), through the school which

works as a herald of this age, in order "to give the Christian Religion impetus in a new direction."

Gleanings of a Mystic, Max Heindel¡±17

God, Light and The Age of Aquarius

¡°God after all in his infinite wisdom gave us Free Will. So, will we allow ourselves as a whole to be

swallowed up in hate, greed, and prejudice? Or, are we tired of this yet? The other choice is to reach

for the light and go in the new direction represented by the coming new Age of Aquarius of "love,

brotherhood, unity and integrity". Will we learn to live and work together for the good of the whole

13 ¨C Reference #1

14 ¨C Reference #1

15 ¨C Reference #4

16 ¨C Reference #4

17 ¨C Reference #4


planet? Or, will we continue on the road of self-destruction we've been traveling now for some time?¡±

The Spiritual Teacher Will Come From Within.

¡°I too believe that Christ will come to awareness within those who seek the Inner Teachings. He has

always been within us all, but will be KNOWN innately, by those who truly seek him with devotion.

"When the task of Saturn and of Mercury has been accomplished, then during the third decanate

Venus, which is the union heart and mind, will usher in the long hoped for era of love-wisdom, of

brotherhood and of expressed brotherly relationships. Opportunity ¨C Illumination ¨C Brotherhood; these

are the gifts that Shamballa is planning to confer upon mankind during the Aquarian Age, if man will

but prepare for them, accept them, and use them. Only the future will make clear man's reaction."

Esoteric Astrology, Alice Bailey, 1975¡±18

As We Think, So Shall We Create

¡°In a new and developed consciousness everything will be given freely on demand to meet a need.

Aware individuals will not conceive of lack. What we give out of love grows, not diminishes. We will

become "spiritual beings having a human experience", instead of human beings having a worldly

experience. Spirit and matter will merge and function as one.¡±19

Transhuman Evolution

¡°A radical, international, intellectual, and quickly growing cultural movement known as

¡®transhumanism¡¯ supports the use of new sciences including genetic modification to enhance human

mental and physical abilities and aptitudes so that "human beings will eventually be transformed into

beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label ¡®posthuman¡¯"20¡±21

Transhumanism and the Resurrection of Nimrod

¡°In addition to the supernatural aspects of biotechnology could provide the luciferian technology to

resurrect the Nimrod/Apollo/Osiris character in the person of the last-days Man of Sin, the

ramifications of using the same science to revive extinct animals or nephilim, or to create newly

engineered versions of demigods and mythological animals, may also play a key role in the kingdom

of Antichrist. This is because as interbreeding begins between transgenic animals, genetically modified

humans, and species as God made them, the altered DNA will quickly migrate into the natural

environment, and when that happens (as is already occurring among genetically modified plants and

animals), ¡®alien¡¯ and/or animal characteristics will be introduced to the human gene pool and spread

through intermarriage, altering the human genetic code and eventually eliminating humanity as we

know it. This is what happened before the Great Flood, according to many theologians, and perhaps

that has been the whole idea for the end-times as well ¨C to create a generation of genetically altered

¡®Nimrods¡¯ to serve as ¡®fit extensions¡¯ for the resurrection of underworld nephilim-hordes in preparation

of Armageddon.¡±22

Transhumanism and the Nephilim

¡°Does a curious verse in the book of Daniel hint at this? Speaking of the last days of human

government, Daniel said: They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave

one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.(Daniel 2:43)...Who are these non-seed? It staggers

the mind to contemplate the potential significance of Daniel¡¯s passage and its implications for the

future global governance...When this verse from Daniel is coupled with Genesis 3:15, which says,

"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed [zera, meaning

¡®offspring¡¯, ¡®descendants¡¯, or ¡®children¡¯] and her seed", an incredible tenet emerges ¨C that Satan has

18 ¨C Reference #4

19 ¨C Reference #4

20 ¨C Joseph Infranco (2009) ¡°President Barak Obama Warped and Twisted Science with Embryonic Stem Cell Order¡±, 13th April 2009


21 ¨C Reference #5 p:201-202

22 ¨C Reference #5 p:212-213


seed, and that it is at enmity with Christ. To ¡®mingle¡¯ non-human seed with Homo sapiens through

altering human DNA wile simultaneously returning nephilim to Earth has been the inspiration of the

spirit of the antichrist ever since God halted the practice during the Great Flood.¡±23

New Age, the UN & Maitreya

¡°How could all of the religions of the world, some who have been opposed for centuries, one day unify

all over the globe? An easy path is by teaching that the gods of all the various faiths are the same ¨C the

precise message Pope Francis and the Vatican are preaching. The Antichrist could be presented as the

fulfillment of all the Messianic prophecies of various religions. Share International, a New Age

organization and branch of the United Nations is led by Benjamin Creme. Creme a disciple of

Luciferian philosopher Madame H.P. Blavatsky, has long promoted the coming of the Maitreya, a

messianic figure who will fulfill just such a role. Here is a commercial that Share International ran

several years ago on CNN.¡±24

Pope Francis¡¯ Interfaith Policy

¡°In his ongoing effort to unify the denominations of the Christian faith as well as other religions, Pope

Francis hosted a series of interfaith gatherings at the Vatican that saw Muslim prayers given from the

pulpit for the first time in its history. The Pope¡¯s efforts while seemingly noble, are in complete

contradiction to Bible Scripture. But as Biblical Christianity is being abandoned in the contemporary

church, public displays of ¡°spiritual unity¡± will become more common. It is all prophesied in Scripture

as the world moves closer to the coming one world religion of the Antichrist.¡±25

Pope Francis¡¯ Interfaith Vatican Event

¡°It took place in the Vatican gardens in the shadow of St. Peter¡¯s Basilica, the most religiously neutral

place in the tiny city-state. It incorporated Jewish, Christian and Muslim prayers...The spiritual leader

of the world¡¯s Orthodox Christians was also present to give a united Christian front.¡±26 (24 January 2015)

Pope Francis Welcomes Aliens

¡°Pope Francis has said that he would be willing to baptise aliens if they came to the Vatican, asking

"who are we to close doors" to anyone ¨C even Martians...Francis said that Christianity had struggled

from its earliest stages with the temptation to reject "the living presence of God" in various forms.¡±27

(13 May 2014)

Aliens are our Brothers

¡°Not all will welcome a statement from Pope Francis advocating extraterrestrials as brothers and

worthy of being baptized into the Christian faith. According to Chris Putnam and Tom Horn, authors of

Exovaticana, Pope Francis I is preparing to lead the Catholic Church to embrace aliens as ¡°brothers in

Christ¡±...Putnam¡¯s and Horn¡¯s Exovaticana portends a future religious war between those accepting

extraterrestrials as ¡°brothers in Christ¡± and those believing them to be returning demons about to

enslave us. Despite the extensive scholarship found in Exovaticana, it unfortunately skews data

towards an overly negative assessment of the motivations of extraterrestrial visitors. Thankfully, the

Vatican¡¯s evolving public position, as reflected by statements from its leading astronomers, shows a far

more enlightened stance on how to consider the discovery of alien life from a theological perspective.

A statement or ¡°Urbi et Orbi¡± speech from Pope Francis expounding on various themes associated with

the view that extraterrestrials are potential ¡°brothers in Christ¡¯ is a welcome position to take on a

controversial issue with major world significance.¡±28


23 ¨C Reference #5 p:213-214

24 ¨C Reference #6

25 ¨C Reference #6

26 ¨C Reference #6

27 ¨C Reference #7

28 ¨C Reference #8



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