By Judi Thomases

? 2009 by Judi Thomases


The Age of Aquarius Will Change the World!

By Judi Thomases


By Judi Thomases

In mid-June of 2009, an amazing pattern regarding the sign of Aquarius unfolds:

Jupiter, which has been zooming through Aquarius all this while, stations retrograde at 27¡ã

Aquarius. Shortly before this, on May 28th, Neptune stationed retrograde at 26¡ã Aquarius

for the first time hitting this degree. Incredibly, both of these planets are joined by Chiron,

also at 26¡ã Aquarius. And this cosmic dance is taking place exactly conjunct the Moon of

the Sibley United States chart, falling in Aquarius at 27¡ã in the 3rd house. And as if this

weren¡¯t enough, Solar Arc Jupiter is also at 27¡ã Aquarius, having taken 233 years to get


? 2009 by Judi Thomases


The Age of Aquarius Will Change the World!

By Judi Thomases

Just to reel off this amount of energy at or near a singular degree, affecting our

country in such a major way, would give pause to stop and think what it means (whic h this

article will be about), planetary stations, of course, strengthening the power of the given

sign. But it bears mention that the sign of Aquarius has been further dramatically

emphasized leading up to this period by having lots of other important events connected to

it. It¡¯s a regular Aquarian lalapaloosa!

On January 11th, a Mercury station retrograde fell at 7 ¡ã Aquarius conjunct the Sibley

South Node at 7¡ã Aquarius, which was also the degree of the ensuing Solar Eclipse on

January 26th at 6¡ã Aquarius, and which was trine the progressed Sibley Uranus which was at

7¡ã Gemini. (By analogy to a play, the narrator begins the voice-over, and a new theater of

action is born.) In mid February, Mars transited those degrees of Aquarius, and of course

Mercury went back over them. (Continuing the analogy, the curtains are opened and the

action begins.) By late March, the transiting North Node reached that degree of Aquarius

too. (Important figures enter.) And to complete this amazing Springtime picture,

progressed Mercury of the Sibley chart is seen retrograde at 22¡ã Aquarius in the 3rd house,

having conjuncted Solar Arc Venus at 24¡ã Aquarius in the 3rd house¡­Solar Arc Mars is at 12¡ã

Aquarius in the 2nd house (so there was a transiting Mars Return to Solar Arc Mars)¡­and

Solar Arc Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, has just entered its own sign (0¡ã Aquarius) by Solar

Arc direction. (The production is now in full gear. Action!!)

What is this all about?


The astounding confluences of Aquarian energies are occurring in tandem with

several key events: the historic election of an African-American to the Presidency, the

burgeoning of blogging and social networking, and the economic crises that are propelling

change. All of these factors are the introductory volley of The Age of Aquarius. And in this

article, we¡¯ll look at what Aquarius means, what these phenomena are telling us, and how

we can better understand and approach the incredible crises and opportunities of our age.

Let¡¯s get back to what Aquarius means. Some keywords for Aquarius are: forwardthinking, friendship, social networking, science and research, rebellion, individualism,

genius, conservatism versus Bohemianism, intuition, shattering crystallized forms,

brotherhood, humanitarianism, transition, originality and revolution. Because of the

generally pleasant nature of the aspects, we know that the string of Aquarian events has

the potential of producing positive news about technology and inventions that can offer a

feeling of happiness, idealism, and buoyancy to the population. By June, at least some of

the headlines will reflect good news. Jupiter conjunct Neptune on the U.S. Moon will be a

real chance to read some of this good news, to send it around on the internet, and to be

friendly in a detached cyber way with many people around the world.

The natal U.S. Moon in late Aquarius seeks to find its reflection in the phrase E

Pluribus Unum, a global community of diverse peoples accepting each other if not tribally

then at least cerebrally or intellectually, and if not lovingly then at least affably. After so

much polarization during the presidential campaign, and after the long years of war, the

time has come for the country to see itself again as one, as the united states. And many

efforts have led to this point, efforts such as the Civil Rights, Women¡¯s Lib, and Gay Rights

movements, efforts such as the integration of many immigrant communities, and even

efforts such as comedians gently poking their own and everyone else¡¯s cultural oddities, to

bind together an American identity. The time has come, in other words, for Americans to be



? 2009 by Judi Thomases


The Age of Aquarius Will Change the World!

By Judi Thomases

¡°Friends¡± is a particularly Aquarian word. Not lovers, just friends. Nowadays, you

can¡¯t say the word ¡°friends¡± without thinking of Facebook. Facebook has turned the word

into a verb, as in ¡°she friend-ed me¡±. (That means, invited me to join her web-ring.) Social

networking and blogging are a powerful part of creating global community. The internet has

morphed into what is called ¡°Web-2¡±.

According to Wikipedia, the term Web-2 describes:

¡°¡­the changing trends in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that

aim to enhance creativity, communications, secure information sharing, collaboration and

functionality of the web. Web 2.0 concepts have led to the development and evolution of

web-culture communities and hosted services, such as social-networking sites, video

sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies.¡±

Social Networking is defined on Wikipedia as:

¡°¡­ building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or

who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others.¡±

Whereas many of us had gotten used to emailing each other on a daily basis, finding

our in-boxes swamped with both trivia and important business stuff, now that has all been

changing. Email is so last year! People are connecting through various social networking

sites that allow you to put up a profile of important data about who you are (or, who you¡¯d

like others to think you are), at the same time you reach out to connect or invite your

friends to join you in a web-ring and read about each other¡¯s lives. You can post photos or

videos, and invite others to your events too. Examples of popular social networking sites

are , (used primarily for business), (which started

out for artists and singers), and . Currently, the fastest growing site is


Facebook works in two different ways: the younger generation uses it to simply keep

each other updated on their activities, thoughts and relationships by posting pictures and

videos continuously, like an interactive family album, while the older generation seems to

use it more as a business platform and marketing tool. Twitter, on the other hand, has

boiled everything down to the simplest form by having an extended network of interested

colleagues (your connections) post only a sentence or two continuously about whatever

they are up to in the moment. On Twitter especially, people can elect to follow you, and

then your posted activities become an ongoing promotion-and-connection game. My

daughter, an internet marketer, refers to her Twitter circle as her ¡°Tweeps¡±. Your Tweeps

seem to have an endless fascination about what you¡¯re up to right now, and vice versa.

For the spiritually/holistically- minded like ourselves, there are specialized social

networking sites such as and (the latter being

targeted to believers in The Law of Attraction) that serve a similar function of creating webrings of like- minded friends; furthermore, within these umbrella sites such as

PowerfulIntentions, there are subgroups targeted to specific interests, such as The Secret,

Wicca, Mermaids, Buddhism, Healers, and so forth.

This new phenomenon has the effect of people constantly talking to each other,

revealing their inmost thoughts, showing what they are up to, being real and human, and

yet not overly involved with the next guy. Social networking sites are the trend of the

future; they are Aquarian in that people are becoming knitted together in a worldwide

network while remaining relatively aloof.

And there will be other innovative attempts to socialize that underscore connectivity,

technology and detachment. For instance, the New York Post on 2/7/09 featured an article

? 2009 by Judi Thomases


The Age of Aquarius Will Change the World!

By Judi Thomases

on the texting craze, quoting a tech entrepreneur as saying that ¡°Texting is a much freer,

more anonymous way to interact socially.¡± The same article reported on an oddball

(Aquarian) concept wherein many people gathered to dance in a club while wearing

uniforms (Hazmat suits!), speaking very little, yet texting each other nonstop. ¡°It¡¯s to make

it more about what¡¯s on the inside,¡± said one, probably reflective of the pendulum swinging

away from the oversexed Pluto-in-Scorpio zeitgeist, while another said, ¡°It becomes like

Facebook in real time.¡±

If this isn¡¯t Uranian, I don¡¯t know what is! But this is just the beginning!

The world is talking to itself frequently, often constantly, and seeing what each

experience looks like. The world is beginning to see the reflection of oneself in the (diverse)

other guy. Seeing Other as Self, in other words. (In the Wisdom System? on my blog, this

concept is a Level 3 component. You can explore the four levels by visiting



So with the incredible emphasis on Aquarian energies, especially as shown in the

Sibley chart, social networking had to happen so that Americans could become chatty,

friendly, interconnected, technologically more innovative, and creatively explorative of the

very notion of ideas, selfhood and communication.

As this is being written in early February 2009, transiting Mars has not yet contacted

Solar Arc Directed Mars at 12¡ã Aquarius in the Sibley chart, nor rushed on through early

March to cross progressed Mercury at 22¡ã and Solar Arc Venus at 24¡ã, finally to reach the

all-important degree of 27¡ã Aquarius on March 12th. This is probably the Stimulus Package

having a certain effect, and should bring a period of tremendous activity on the internet

through networks such as blogs. (¡°Blog¡± is the shortened name for ¡°web log¡±. People post

their thoughts on blogs, and other people comment on them. )

Blogging is a form of free speech. It can be international. Blogging is the antithesis

of controlled or limited communications as has previously been the norm whenever big

corporations have controlled the publishing business or any government has controlled

political opinions. Blogging is another form of freedom represented quite well by Aquarian

energy. You can say that blogging is in natural antagonism to anything that represents a

gate. (I think of Bill Gates!) A gate is Saturnian; it represents authority, limitation, or

blockage to whatever is individualistic or eccentric.

With a Sagittarius ascendant, the keywords of which are ¡°independence¡± and ¡°freespiritedness¡±, America has been built on a foundatio n of free speech. It is our First

Amendment. It is the people¡¯s voice. Freedom of speech, freedom of information, as seen

on blogs and on cable TV, can sometimes be outrageous, rebellious, and even subversive.

Saturn has a problem with this. Saturn is corporate-owned media and government controls.

Saturn is the gate whereas Uranus is the exploding of crystallized form.

During this period of powerful emphasis in the sign of Aquarius, we are also under a

long pattern of Uranus ¨C Aquarius¡¯ ruler ¨C locked in a struggle against Saturn. (And we

can¡¯t forget that Saturn is the co-ruler of Aquarius.) Here is the new versus the old; here is

freedom versus restriction. Uranus is a very strong player in the Sibley chart as it is within

4¡ã of the 7th house cusp (i.e., a powerful Gauquelin zone degree), and because it has by

Solar Arc Direction just entered its natal rulership, the sign of Aquarius, at 0¡ã. Furthermore,

as we will see, transiting Uranus will soon contact the Sibley 4th house cusp, another

angular powerhouse degree (which is just minutes away from the 0¡ã Aries world degree),

and will square transiting Pluto still in early Capricorn.

All this spells tremendous tension. Even aside from that, we have Pluto¡¯s crazy

dance. Pluto alone is acting as an agent of change, doing its typical action of rooting out

corruption and abuse regarding the sign it has just entered: Capricorn, the sign of Big

? 2009 by Judi Thomases



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