Explorers Part II

Explorers Part II

Study Guide


Students will need to know the following for each of the 3 explorers (Jacques Cartier, Sir Francis Drake, Henry Hudson):

- Country/Sponsor

- Year of voyage

- At least (3) reasons for voyage

- At least (3) accomplishments

Important Facts:

1. The 3 main reasons for exploration were: trade, religion, and land.

2. Both Jacques Cartier and Henry Hudson were in search of this passage to the Indies. What was the passage called?

Northwest Passage

3. Jacques Cartier had a hard time on his voyage because this large piece of land was stuck in his way. Presently, this area is known as what?

North America (Canada)

4. Cartier was responsible for naming this river. What was it called?

St. Lawrence River

5. Sir Francis Drake made a voyage through this famous area off the southern tip of South America. It was known for rough seas and stormy weather. What was this area called?

Strait of Magellan

6. Sir Francis Drake decided to continue west due to the fact that he pirated and pillaged this group and refused to sail back the way he had originally sailed. What group did he not want to see?

The Spanish

7. The two main ships that were used during the age of exploration were the

Carrack and the Caravel

8. This explorer was responsible for two separate explorations from two separate countries, the Dutch and the English. Who was this explorer?

Henry Hudson

9. Henry Hudson found this 450 mile long waterway thinking it would lead him to the west. Unfortunately he was wrong, however, he named this area

Hudson Strait/Hudson Bay

Bonus: Think of all the explorers we have discussed. In your opinion which explorer was the most important? Why? What effects did they have at the time? Today? Be sure to explain clearly with reasons WHY!


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