Nationalism in Europe and The Age of Imperialism

Nationalism in Europe and The Age of Imperialism


Choose 10 of the following boxes. You must choose at least 5 boxes from columns 1 and 2 and 5 boxes from columns 3 and 4. Mark the boxes that you have chosen. You must complete all of the assignment to receive the points at the end.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4

|Complete the section |Choose 2 of the people from page 713 key | |Choose 2 of the people from |

|assessment questions numbers|terms and people and write three sentences|Complete the section |page 718 key terms and people|

|1-4 on page 717 |telling who they were and what role they |assessment questions numbers|and write three sentences |

| |played in Italian Unification |1-4 on page 722 |telling who they were and |

| | | |what role they played in |

| | | |Italian Unification |

|Complete the section | |Complete the section |Who were the last 4 czars of |

|assessment questions numbers|Define the key terms and people from page |assessment questions numbers|Russia? What was an event or |

|1-3 on page 727 |723 |1-3 on page 732 |reform that took place during|

| | | |their rule? |

|Complete the section |Define three ways that imperial nations |Complete the section |What reforms during the Meiji|

|assessment questions numbers|organized the territories they controlled.|assessment questions numbers|period transformed Japan into|

|1-3 on page 745 |Colony/Protectorate/Sphere of Influence |1-3 on page 753 |an industrialized nation |

|Complete the section | |Complete the section | |

|assessment questions numbers|What were the Causes and Effects of New |assessment questions numbers|Define the key terms and |

|1-3 on page 760 |Imperialism in Africa? |1-2 on page 765 |people from page 761 |

Chapter 24 Chapter 25

1_______ 1______

2_______ 2______

3_______ 3______

4_______ 4______

5_______ 5______

Total _______( 50 points) Total ______ (50 points)

Book Work for Chapter 24

~Pg 717: 1c, 2a, 3b,

~Pg 722: 1b, 2a, 3b, 4c

~Pg 727: 1c, 2a, 3b

~Pg 732: 1a, 2b, 3a, 3b

Book Work for Chapter 25

~Pg 745: 1b, 2b, 3a, 3b

~Pg 753: 1c, 2b, 2c

~Pg 760: 1a, 1c, 2b

~Pg 765: 1b, 2a, 2b

Charts for Chapter 24

Cabour and Garibaldi: Complete the following chart of similarities and differences of the two Italian leaders

| | | |

| |Similarities |Differences |

| | | |

|Cavour | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Garibaldi | | |

| | | |

Italian Unification: list the causes and the effects of Italian unification. Which effects were positive and which were negative?

|Causes (3) |

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|Effects (4-2+/2-) |

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German unification:

|State that led unification |Prussia |

|Land acquired in unification process | |

| | |

| | |

|Major factors leading to unification | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

German Unification: list the causes and the effects of German unification.

|Causes (5) |

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|Effect (3) |

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Empires: Fill-in the chart to illustrate the similarities and differences of the two empires

| |Austria-Hungry |The Ottoman Empire |

|Government (leader, legislature, voting | | |

|rights) | | |

| | | |

|Economy | | |

| | | |

|Ethnic Group | | |

|Response to | | |

|Nationalism | | |

Russian czars: fill-in the chart with a list of the acts of repression or reform that marked that czar’s rule. Identify the reason for that czar’s policies of repression or reform.

| |Repression |Reform |Reason |

| | | | |

|Nicholas I | | | |

| | | | |

|Alexander II | | | |

| | | | |

|Alexander III | | | |

Charts for Chapter 25

Role in India: fill-in the chart comparing the British East India Company’s role with that of the British Raj.

|Role |Comparison |

| | |

|British East India Company | |

| | |

|British Raj | |

British Rule: summarize the effects of British rule on India in each category listed.

|Category |Effects |

| | |

|Politics (1) | |

| | |

| | |

|Economics (2) | |

| | |

| | |

|Society (2) | |

European imperialism: fill-in the chart comparing and contrasting European imperialism’s effect on China and Japan

| |Effects on Japan |Effects on China |

| | | |

| | | |

|Political | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Economic | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Cultural | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Military | | |

New Imperialism: fill-in the chart with information on New Imperialism

Motives for the New Imperialism

| | |

|Economic | |

| | |

| | |

|Political | |

| | |

| | |

|Cultural | |

| | |

| | |

|Society | |

United States: fill-in the chart with the various actions the United States took in each area

|Area |Actions |

| | |

|Cuba | |

| | |

|Philippines | |

| | |

|Colombia | |

Personal Accounts for Chapter 24

~Pretend you are one of the leaders of the Italian independence movement. Create an illustration of your inventor. On the illustration include at least 5 captions that describe what your colonist might say about their five senses. What do they see around them, smell, hear, taste, feel (emotional and physical). You must have a caption for each sense.

~Pretend you are either Otto von Bismarck or Wilhelm I. Create an illustration of your inventor. On the illustration include at least 5 captions that describe what your colonist might say about their five senses. What do they see around them, smell, hear, taste, feel (emotional and physical). You must have a caption for each sense.

~Pretend you are either a soldier during the Crimean War or the Balkan Wars or a member of the Young Turks. Create an illustration of your inventor. On the illustration include at least 5 captions that describe what your colonist might say about their five senses. What do they see around them, smell, hear, taste, feel (emotional and physical). You must have a caption for each sense.

~Pretend you are a serf in Russia. Create an illustration of your inventor. On the illustration include at least 5 captions that describe what your colonist might say about their five senses. What do they see around them, smell, hear, taste, feel (emotional and physical). You must have a caption for each sense.

Personal Accounts for Chapter 25

~Pretend you are either a British official or an Indian nationalist. Create an illustration of your inventor. On the illustration include at least 5 captions that describe what your colonist might say about their five senses. What do they see around them, smell, hear, taste, feel (emotional and physical). You must have a caption for each sense.

~Pretend you are either a member of the Qing dynasty or a daimyo. Create an illustration of your inventor. On the illustration include at least 5 captions that describe what your colonist might say about their five senses. What do they see around them, smell, hear, taste, feel (emotional and physical). You must have a caption for each sense.

~Pretend you are an African during New Imperialism. Create an illustration of your inventor. On the illustration include at least 5 captions that describe what your colonist might say about their five senses. What do they see around them, smell, hear, taste, feel (emotional and physical). You must have a caption for each sense.

~Pretend you are Santa Anna, “Pancho” Villa, Emiliano Zapata, Jose Marti or Emilio Aquinaldo. Create an illustration of your inventor. On the illustration include at least 5 captions that describe what your colonist might say about their five senses. What do they see around them, smell, hear, taste, feel (emotional and physical). You must have a caption for each sense.


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