Population Distribution and Survivorship - Weebly

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Population Distribution and Survivorship


Part I: Producing a Human Survivorship Curve

1. Humans are classified as having a Type I curve. Does your curve reflect this classification?

2. What does it mean to have a Type I survivorship curve?

Pre-1850 Survivorship Curve

3. Is there a difference between the curves for males and females on this graph? If so, what could be some reasons for these differences?

1850-1910 Survivorship Curve

4. Compare the survivorship curves for males against those for females. Are there differences? If so, what could be some reasons for these differences?

5. Analyze and compare the mortality rates for the older groups. In general, why would these rates be higher than the mortality of other age groups?

6. How would the survivorship curves of a developed country compare to those of a less developed country?

7. How could survivorship curves be used to make judgments about environmental and health conditions developed vs. developing countries?

Part II: Producing Age-Sex Diagrams

8. Draw a typical population pyramid for a developed and a developing country.

Pre-1850 Population Pyramid

9. Based on your Pre-1850 population pyramid, was the United States an economically developed or developing country at the time? Why?

10. What pattern of growth does your population pyramid for the Pre-1850 data suggest for the future? What evidence makes you formulate that prediction?

11. How could an increased fertility rate change the shape of the pyramid?

1850-1910 Population Pyramid

12. Describe how this pyramid is different than the Pre-1850 pyramid.

13. What could be some reasons for these differences?


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