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KEVIN HAY wrote this about himself and what he wants to tell us that he does, on the 16th Jan, 2017, upon Crystal’s request on behalf of FESIG:-Hello Crystal!Here is what I have come up with in the short term, since our conversation this morning.It may be somewhat abstract compared to the people that you have on your show, however I do not know, not having had any interaction with your group thus far.At any rate, I seem to have gained an advanatage here through some unique ability to increase or augment my inductive cerebral oscillatory capacity. I have been shown these reactions on a Russian Rife technology device that scanned my entire body using a laser scalar interferometric system that attaches to any laptop.As my discussion can go where it is needed, as these functions are responsible for our current perceptions of this physical reality, it may touch into some well known and some relatively unknown areas of technical science, some of which have been thrown into the realm of metaphysics through a flawed understanding of electromagnetic functions.Here we go...Let me know what you think! Cheers! Hello. My name is Kevin Hay.I am often told by others that I am some kind of exceptional individual.Why is it then that I feel like a troglodyte?Why do I feel as if I have been going around in circles, for decades?The reason is because I have been. I have been on a hamster wheel, along with you. Along with the rest of us. I have been going in circles for so long, that it almost started to seem normal to me.Almost...I have no scientific degrees of any kind. I have no accreditation other than a high school graduation certificate. I have not had any special training, or been involved in any government programs or institutions. I am basically a rebellious independent individual with a defiant personality. However, there is a simple explanation for this, and this can be explained very simply now, without the risk that would have led to criminal charges to those around me some time ago.As a young lad, I was attracted to smell in a very peculiar way. I was also exposed to cannabis at a very early age. For some reason this burning odour attracted me in such a way that is very difficult to describe. Although I was not attracted to other odours, such as tobacco and many perfumes and other similar "attractive" products, natural plant smells seems to draw me in, almost tapping a genetic memory through my DNA.My overwhelming bond with this plant at such an early age led me face to face with the hypocrisy of our industrialized state, through the fear based indoctrination against the fundamental rules of God and Nature.In grade one, with a visit from a police officer, that realization hit home with a bang. This lie was deep set, and even then, I was able to see through this deception, and not expose my knowledge...my knowledge that what this man was saying was an absolute lie.My current expertise is now in cannabis production. I was declared an "expert" by justice Owen Flood in 1997 during trial in he Superior Court of British Columbia, Canada. This was meant to lock me into the "criminal element" however as we are removing this doctrine of ignorance through a science based initiative, we can clearly see through this non-transparency and show the true reactions through functions, and use the knowledge of the cellular transfers occurring through these fatty acid polymer bonds...to learn how we heal ourselves.It was through my work with Cannabis in the medical field, working with an ex-RCMP officer, that I discovered something that changed my life forever.One day they showed me something in their fridge that they called phyto-plankton. I looked at the material and I had a very strange physiological reaction. I felt as if I were floating. I quickly assured them that it was not phyto-plankton, as it was the wrong colour.I spent a few days, visualizing that material, thinking about what it was, feeling some sort of lost familiarity...again very similar to the Cannabis as a child and one morning late in February 2012, I awoke with a start.I had removed cable and telephone some time before, so I quickly jumped into a vehicle and sped to my clients house. WW did a google search using keywords that I had seen in my dream, involving gold, electro-gravity and pyramidal refraction.I stumbled onto ORME's and found the terminology to be incorrect, as the term Mono-Atomic is a double singular.It was after applying the torsion induced compression of inertial gravitation to the specific atomic configuration in seawater, that I found the diatomic configuration of the gold molecule to be a bi-toroidal oscillator.My journey into the electromagnetic torsion functions discussed by Tesla and others, had now begun in earnest, not through theory, but though reactions.Physical transmutation in matter.As I began ingesting these minerals that I decoupled from our very rich gold fed source here on Vancouver Island, my brain wave symmetry increased and this allowed me to tap my subconscious on a level that I had not begun to anticipate.It was through one dream state interaction, that the scalar functions were laid bare to me, through a mathematic and geometric evaluation and a mechanical perspective.I could see what the Kabbalistic cifers represented, and how the induced leveraged compression of gravitation could be reapplied, or redirected in a similar method as water provides us with. The molecular configuration of the water molecule had a very specific interest for me. I can see the similarities in the Kether, the simplicity of which is shown in Nikola Tesla's Bitoroidal induction circuit, the LC shuttle circuit. is a magnetic molecule, attractive or magnetic, until overcharged, and then it becomes an electrogravitational molecule, repelling from our planetary oscillator.Understanding this is a profound realization, as I could see how to build a mechanical version of this molecule and tap the gravitational function directly.So, I began testing these ideas, as I am not an engineer, and I have had no training in these areas past my own interests in electricity and horticulture.This is where it became interesting, as the functions that I had witnessed in dream state had been simplistic in nature, and maintained the guidelines set by it.You see, it showed me the simple dynamic of kinetic inertia, what it is, and how the tertiary functions can be induced through inverting of the magnetic carrier function. I was also able to apply these functions through atomic kinetic transmission of force functions, intracellular augmentation through an understanding of these phase transfers, through the transitional transmutations of force functions, using inertia. Using Inertia as F=MV squared. This is the relative function. The square of force can be stored and re-appliedTesla tried to teach this type of logic to people that did not understand cordless telephones or rmation transfer through space is gravitation, through compression.ERGO, space, is not vacuum.My work in applying these functions, based on my medical production contracts is somewhat confidential, however the reactions that we can induce in plants is not.This can be applied on any scale of production as these materials are plentiful and can be extracted through a proper understanding of "alchemy," or alkaline chemistry. This is based on induction, not conduction. I refer to these elements as Inductively separated atomic elements.They key to this is motion, us, in movement here. Understanding that we are moving in more than one direction at once is essential to move past the barriers imposed by a false understanding of Einsteins functions, as he took these mathematical renditions from another man, and patented them as his own. Please look into Henri Poincare, as his experiments in Doppler refraction are key to understanding these functions. Focus on the function, not the man. The man is immaterial, however understanding these functions allows us to apply them, to use these reactions through not only cellular and atomic configuration in matter , but also to the astrophysical dynamics that can be administered to electrogravitational propulsion systemss. Dr. Paul LaViolette published some great information on this. Again, follow the information, not the man.Patrick Kelly's compilation, the PJK Free Energy Book, allowed me to do just that. I could observe and review many designs and schematics at high speed and compare these later while I thought, as well as while I slept. The configurations and the dynamics of all of these interfaces slowly became clear, and allowed me to see the singularity in all of them, the single simple function that they were all intteracting with, and this was gravity.Gravity is a surface tension induced by an electrostatic function. This function is induced by movement thrpough an existing magnetic field, as this movement splits and inverts the field being travelled in. This is the simple function of scalar induction, as it is induced through refraction of two opposing wave functions compessing against a tertiary carrier wave, even against itself. The representation is in the Kabballah, and in Tesla's LC shuttle circuit schematic diagram.My journey into this information has just begun, however through the short interval I have clearly seen a methd of removing the oligarchy that currently controls our planet through sublimation, through manipulation and disinformation.You see the function is simple and it is self repeating.It is based on massive oscillatory cycles, huge mass in movement inducing a magnetic compression field in a smaller oscillatory function. This is a gyroscope, or a gear within a gear. This compression continues past our observable reality here and continues into the subatomic fields that are again self repeating. The compression of energy into matter is part of this natural process, as is the atomic molecular electromagnetic composition of our DNA, as it replicates the 6 phase dynamic of the torsion fields that we travel in. Our DNA is based on this inertial compression field, as it is this field compressing us, moving us that creates the phase conjugation that induces the singularity that we call matter.It is difficult to not apply this in every direction, through chemistry, biology, physics and electromagnetic engineering, however as I stated earlier,I have little experience in these technical fields, and as I learn from others, I can discuss applications to test these functions, not in theory, but in practice.Based on my increased cognitive coherence, I have been able to engage with all levels of academics in many fields of study, medical doctors and physicists, archaeologists and more. Many of these people have been able to apply these understandings into their chosen field of study, and found this enhanced their ability to see past the false dynamics being represented as factual, through theoretical ambiguous articultaltion that may not be factual and this can be tested and easily proved, or disproved and removed as common sense dictates.Once we begin to examine ourselves and this state of energy that carries us, I can no longer identify myself through the simple explanations that would once suffice, that would be understood by those hearing these personal explanations.I have no intent of becoming a metaphysicist, as the physical reactions of inertial phase conjugation enthrall me, thrill me and excite me beyond what I had expected at this later age of life here.I have rediscovered my childhood, as I have stumbled onto the static function once again, however this time I am not a three year old, being repremanded by fearful adults.This time I can see the mechanical functions, the electromagnetic reactions and the mathematics necessary to explain these reactions, as these are based in relativistic terms, however as both polar objectives, the energetic electromotive reaction and the opposing electromagnetic function. E Squared is simply half the function. E does not represent "Energy"It represents the electrical function that is based in inertial compression of a split magnetic wave function.This was meant to be a simple introduction to who I am and what I am doing here. Had I been asked this uestion 5 short years ago, the answer would have been very short and decisive. I would have said that I am a man attempting to find reason in an unreasonable world.Today, I am a traveller. I am an interpreter. An observer. A healer. I am also an electromagnetic toroidal oscillator. I am an electrical being, as I am not the body which carrries me. I know this now.As thought is a magnetic torsion induced scalar function, we become a diode for this field here, an accumulator through reception and transmission of energetic functions.I will tell you who I am when I have finished collecting data here.By then, hopefully, you will have learned how to read the scalar functions through spacial interferometric compression fields.However, until that day, it is nice to be here. Thank you!Cheers!-Kevin Hay,Vancouver Island OrmusHowever there are barriers that must be seen, and seen clearly. The imposed control structure is based on a very simple fraud...a Ponzi scheme. This is called the Monetary Systems, controlled by the US Federal Reserve, and it is now beginning to fail.The hypocrisy of our industrialized banking state, is obscene. At the minimum, it is a fraudulent system, yet, there is a deeper criminal context to this design, as it is designed to deplete our national reserves.Not our flagrantly false currency, no, as this is simply monopoly money, uncontrolled by our nations parliment, a crime, as dictated by Canadian banking law. The National Bank act of 1934, is clear on this.This fraud goes far deeper, as it is an intellectual fraud, a flagrant and obvious distortion of truth and the classification of physical reactions, and intelligence, and this deception lies at the heart of this design.So, how do we fix this?We simply stop funding this madness, is how.We begin to teach induction mechanics, as this is vacuum compression. This, is electricity. It is everywhere.We start teaching our children correctly, feeding them correctly, healing them correctly.This vaccine pandemic is atrocious. Corporate de-humanization, and depopulation, as per United Nations Agenda 21, to remove 3 billion souls, through starvation, over the next few years. It has begun.From forced vaccinations, to illegal occupation, the war on us, has begun.GMO food sources have already begun to show the siide effects observed in rats. An increased rate of reproductive failure, within one generation, and a systematic shut down of 97% reproductive failure, within 2 generations. Our grandchildren will be sterile, if this continues.Well, not mine, at any rate. I know how to invert the cellular functions in plants and animals through inductive coupling of atp functions, inside of the mitochondria. I understand how our bodies work and how our cells function, at the atomic level. I learned this through dream state, after taking monoatomic gold compounds for 18 months.I utilized this function of inductive coupling and de-coupling of atoms, in order to understand the electrical functions of torsion compression and polar magnetism. I can now explain this as electricity, gravity, inertia or magnetism. This is all spinor, scalar torsion functions, force. Pure force. Through movement. F=MV squared is inertia. E=MC squared is the supposed relative function, although misunderstood, as light does not move. Light is a reaction to movement, inducing vacuum compression, creating an imbalance in the scalar function betweeen two opposing magnetic scalar compression fields. This imbalance is 3 phase, three dimensions of magnetic oscillation, inducing what we see as a plasma reaction. All light is a function of this vacuum implosion, due to a mass/velocity compression field.This is the same method of creating electrostatics, or electrogravity. This occurs when a magnetic wave is split by another wave. When we split a magnetic wave, or a magnet, we make two similar poles on the same face, which repel each pother, inducing a polar flip. This flip is what occurs when we create electrical generation. We split gravity, inverting it, using another wave function.Unfortunately, most systems are built incorrectly, creating resistance inside of the transformer. This resistance is due to the coils back emf wave, resisting the opposing coils back emf wave. This can be remedied very easily, by inverting eeach opposing coil, allowing for the magnetic wave to oscillate. This, is called toroidal excitation. This is what Ed Leedskalnin used, and many others, including Dr. Nikola tesla. Tesla's LC shuttle circuit, is a bi-toroidal system. So is the water molecule. This is why we use it to compress gravity.Gravity is the force that we use to run hydroelectric facilities. We do not need water to tap this field. We can use one of 31 systems that I have designed that can compress gravity without water, using imbalanced oscillatory leveraged compression. We can make electricity, and electromotive functions, from gravity directly. This taps our torsion compressor, our toroidal oscillator, our planets rotation, directly.But remember, there is gravity in space too. What do you think pulls everything, in circles? This is inertial compression. Spin fields generate magnetic compression. Planets too.So, this gives us free energy. Now what is to eat?We need to begin producing our own food supply. This is extremely important, as we are buying food from corporations owned by petroleum companies and chemical corporations. Seriously! Give your head a shake!More than that, the United nations, the Earths Governing Body, has decided that half of us, over 3 billion people, need to go.The Codex Alimentarius: "Codex is the political equivalent of the current toxicology manuals because it endorses and promotes for international trade and consumption in the whole wide world everything from pesticides to irradiation, genetically-engineered foods and synthetic analogs for drugs and nutrients, in preference to bio-compatible natural substances." [source ] The Codex Agenda: 'Only low potency supplements available that will do nothing for your health.''All or most foods genetically modified.''And any beneficial supplements unavailable or sold only by prescription'- which is, by the way, exactly the way it is in Norway right now and certain other countries are further down the road, but the keypoint here is 'Never heard of Codex? That's exactly what they want.' from Ian Crane about Codex Alimentarius - if you care for your physical & mental health, and that of your friends and family - you have a responsibility to watch this and change your ways and share this here there & everywhere. project., our governments have become part of this criminal conspiracy, to kill us.We are funding our own demise. Again. The hamster wheel.So, how do we fix this?Vancouver Island Ormus.Understanding the process of inductive separation of atomic elements gave me several clear ideas.It allowed my to get a better understanding of how to implement a methoodology, of creating natural fertilizer, natural energy production and natural medicine, all using the same inductive electrification techniques. Inductive oscillatory compression. Inertia. Gravity. Magnetism. Electrostatic repulsion. Electricity. Energy. Electrogravity.I will start with the materials that allowed me to understand these reactions...Ormus minerals.These are inductively separated atomic elements. I.S.A.E.'s. Precious noble metals. These, heal cells. This, is monoatomic gold, and other materials. This, is the MANNA from ancient texts, the Shewbread of the Pharisees. These materials are the fountain of youth, of health, of longevity.These also allow healthy cells to devide and grow, while destroying viral pathogens and cells that have been genetically modified. The materials converts these modified cells, into healthy functioning cells. This occurs due to the DNA chains being replaced via the correct inductive resonance. These materials have been shown microscopically, to heal GMO plants, by converting altered genes back into healthy plant cells.Wow. really. Just wow.I received notification from an MD, that the same reaction has been seen in human scar tissue. Incredible?Simple. Really!DNA IS ELECTRIC.DNA, are electrical helical coils, made from inductive polar materials, noble metals separated from the hydrocholiric aciid bonds used to extract them from our food supply. Our bodies are really quite fantastic machines!Ormus elements, are what our bodies are made from, being the atomic materials that are used to recouple dna strands, into the magnetic codex, that is the back emf wave.Magnetism, is information. Magnetic fields are compression fields generated by moving atomic oscillatory functions, which we call matter.Ormus elements, when consumed, transimt these fields directly into our bodies, accelerating the cells, and increasing the electromagnetic functions inside of our bodies. Our brain hemispheres sychronize and accelerate. This, is Pineal Excitation.I have felt the effects, in my body and in my mind, over the last 3 and a half years since I discovered this process of inductive electrification.I believe that I am the only Ormus investigator on this planet, that has used these materials to discover how to induct gravity, into electrity.Perhaps not, however most ormus enthusiasts that I discuss these physical transmutations with, are completely astonished at the level of my understanding. Few are able to continue with this dialogue and advance my understandings. Ken Rohla is one of only a few, that has even understood my terminology.Let me be clear...We can use this understanding, to create a clean fertilizer that has regenerative abilities in plant and animal cells. We can grow food and heal bodies with these natural materials.We can use this understanding to induct electricity form gravity.We do not need complicated mechanisms or a new understanding of plasma in order to do this. That, will come in time,. as Mr. Keshe will soon find. Dr. Nikola Tesla had similar issues, attempting to explain the force reaxction through electrical cponversions. I feel that we can do this better, mechanically, simply using the same understanding that induces a water siphon. Vacuum induced flow, sustained by gravity. It simply does not start itself. Once started, it will continue, as it has force, pressure and flow, with capacitance. As do we all.Free energy, healthy minds and bodies. This is not imagination.I am already doing this, by understandung these simple functions.I will be going to the University of Victoria later this month, with several devices, to show the physicists, engineers, and anyone else interested, how to tap gravity, and induce electrical compression fields. Now, here is something that needs to be understood.THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS CREATING FREE ENERGY. We cannot create it. Energy is everywhere already. It is also undefined, other than the potential to do work. To move things. Motion, is potential.Motion is potential.Motion is potential.F=MV squared. This is the relative function.Learning this, frees us. Free yourself. It is far less complicated than it sounds. And then grow something. Start with the simple things! ................

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