Meeting Agenda Budget and Finance Committee

City and County of San Francisco

Meeting Agenda Budget and Finance Committee

City Hall 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102-4689

Members: Connie Chan, Rafael Mandelman, Ahsha Safai

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Clerk: Brent Jalipa (415) 554-7712 ~ brent.jalipa@

10:00 AM

City Hall, Legislative Chamber, Room 250

Regular Meeting

A quorum of the Board of Supervisors may be present at this committee meeting. If a quorum is present, the meeting will also constitute a Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors. However, the meeting will be conducted in all respects as a committee meeting, and any substantive decision will constitute a recommendation of the committee rather than an action taken by the Board. The Clerk will make a note of the special meeting in the committee minutes, and discussion will be limited to items noticed on this agenda.

Remote Access to Information and Participation

The Board of Supervisors () and its committees convene hybrid meetings that allow in-person attendance, in-person public comment (prioritized before remote public comment), remote access (watch: ), and remote public comment via teleconference (). Members of the public may also submit their comments by email to the Clerk listed above; all comments received will be made a part of the official record.

PUBLIC COMMENT CALL IN 1 (415) 655-0001 / Meeting ID: 2597 675 7544 # # (Press *3 to enter the speaker line)




City and County of San Francisco

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Budget and Finance Committee

Meeting Agenda

May 3, 2023


1. 230281 [Administrative Code - Purchase and Sale of Electricity and Related Products - Public Utilities Commission] Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to modify the waivers of specified contract-related requirements in the Administrative and Environment Codes for electricity and related product transactions, authorize binding arbitration for contracts with Investor Owned Utilities, and increase the annual expenditure limit for energy procurements from $150,000,000 to $200,000,000. (Public Utilities Commission)

(Fiscal Impact)


3/21/23; ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to the Budget and Finance Committee.



2. 230405 [Contract Amendment - 21 Tech, LLC - Service and Support Agreement Not to Exceed $18,200,000] Resolution authorizing the Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector to amend a service and support agreement with 21 Tech, LLC which enables the City and County of San Francisco to accept online tax filings, to extend the contract term for an additional 10 years, increasing the contract amount by $10,000,000 for a total amount not to exceed $18,200,000 to commence upon Board of Supervisors and Mayoral approval for the period of May 31, 2023, through May 31, 2033. (Treasurer-Tax Collector)

(Fiscal Impact)


4/18/23; RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to the Budget and Finance Committee.

3. 230315 [Emergency Declaration - Plumbing Repair at San Francisco Main Public Library - 100 Larkin Street - Estimated Cost of Repairs $550,000] Sponsor: Mayor Resolution approving the Director of Public Works' declaration of an emergency under Administrative Code, Section 6.60, for repairs and remediation work at the San Francisco Main Public Library, estimated to cost approximately $550,000. (Public Works)

(Fiscal Impact)

3/21/23; RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to the Budget and Finance Committee.

City and County of San Francisco

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Budget and Finance Committee

Meeting Agenda

May 3, 2023

4. 230453 [Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development - Cannabis Equity Grants Program for Local Jurisdictions - $1,511,791.11] Sponsor: Mayor Resolution retroactively authorizing the Office of Cannabis to accept and expend a grant award in the amount of $1,511,791.11 from April 1, 2023, through October 31, 2024, from the Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development for the Local Equity Grants Program for Local Jurisdictions; authorizing the Office of Cannabis to execute the agreement with the Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development, and any extensions, amendments, or contracts subsequent thereto, on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco; and indemnifying the Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development for liability arising out of the performance of this contract.

4/18/23; RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to the Budget and Finance Committee.

5. 230204 [Airline and Airport 2023 Lease and Use Agreement] Resolution approving the 2023 Lease and Use Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission, and 29 airlines to conduct flight operations at the San Francisco International Airport, for a term of ten years, from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2033; affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and to authorize the Airport Director to enter into modifications to the Lease that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the City and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Lease or this Resolution. (Airport Commission)


3/7/23; RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to the Budget and Finance Committee.

4/5/23; CONTINUED.


6. 230342 [Airline and Airport 2023 Lease and Use Agreement - Various Airlines] Resolution approving the 2023 Lease and Use Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission, and 11 airlines to conduct flight operations at the San Francisco International Airport, for a term of ten years, from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2033; affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and to authorize the Airport Director to enter into modifications to the Lease that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the City and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Lease or this Resolution. (Airport Commission)

(Fiscal Impact)


4/4/23; RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to the Budget and Finance Committee.



City and County of San Francisco

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Budget and Finance Committee

Meeting Agenda

May 3, 2023


NOTE: The following legislation will not be considered at this meeting. Board Rule 3.22 provides that when an Ordinance or Resolution is introduced which would CREATE OR REVISE MAJOR CITY POLICY, the Committee to which the legislation is assigned shall not consider the legislation until at least thirty days after the date of introduction. The provisions of this rule shall not apply to the routine operations of the departments of the City or when a legal time limit controls the hearing timing. In general, the rule shall not apply to hearings to consider subject matter when no legislation has been presented, nor shall the rule apply to resolutions which simply URGE action to be taken.


[Appropriation - $275,000,000 Total Including Appropriation of $260,878,172 in Certificates of Participation Refunding Proceeds and Deappropriation and Reappropriation of $14,121,828 in Series 2023-R1 Refunding FY2022-2023] Sponsors: Mayor; Preston Ordinance appropriating $275,000,000 consisting of: appropriation of (1) $260,878,172 of one or more series of Refunding Certificates of Participation Series 2023-R1 proceeds, (2) de-appropriation of $14,121,828 of Series 2012A, 2015-R1, and 2015A Certificates of Participation prior reserve funds, and (3) re-appropriation of the same amount to Refunding Certificates of Participation Series 2023-R1; and placing these funds on Controller's Reserve pending the sale of the Certificates of Participation in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023.

(Fiscal Impact; No Budget and Legislative Analyst Report)

4/4/23; ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to the Budget and Finance Committee.

City and County of San Francisco

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Budget and Finance Committee

Meeting Agenda

May 3, 2023


[Authorizing Refunding Certificates of Participation, Series 2023-R1 Multiple Capital Improvement Projects] Sponsors: Mayor; Preston Ordinance authorizing the execution and delivery of refunding Certificates of Participation, in one or more series from time to time ("Certificates"), to prepay certain certificates of participation that financed and refinanced various capital improvement projects within the City and County of San Francisco ("City"); approving the form of a Supplement to Trust Agreement between the City and U.S. Bank Trust Company, National Association (as successor-in-interest to U.S. Bank National Association), as trustee ("Trustee") (including certain indemnities contained therein); approving respective forms of a Supplement to Property Lease and a Supplement to Project Lease, each between the City and the Trustee, for the lease and lease back of all or a portion of certain real property and improvements owned by the City and located at 375 Laguna Honda Boulevard within the City, at 1 Moreland Drive, San Bruno, California, and/or any other property as shall be determined by the City's Director of Public Finance; approving the form of Escrow Agreement (including certain indemnities contained therein), between the City and U.S. Bank Trust Company, National Association, as escrow agent ("Escrow Agent"); approving the form of an Official Notice of Sale and a Notice of Intention to Sell the Certificates; approving the form of an Official Statement in preliminary and final form; approving the form of a purchase contract between the City and one or more initial purchasers of the Certificates; approving the form of a Continuing Disclosure Certificate; granting general authority to City officials to take necessary actions in connection with the authorization, sale, execution and delivery of the Certificates; approving modifications to documents; and ratifying previous actions taken in connection therewith, as defined herein.

(Fiscal Impact; No Budget and Legislative Analyst Report)

4/4/23; ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULE to the Budget and Finance Committee.

City and County of San Francisco

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