Peripheral Neuropath y, Early-Onset. A

The 25th Infantry Division Association658368207265Agent OrangeTen Things You Should KnowDiabetes Mellitus Type 2. A disease char? acterized by high blood sugar leve ls resu lt? ing from the body's inabili ty to produce or respond properly to the hormone ins ulin Hodgkin's Disease. A malignant lym? phoma (cancer) character ized by progres? sive enlargement of the lymph nodes, liver, and spleen, and by progressive anemia Ische mic Heart Disease. A d ise ase c h a rac? terized by a reduced supp ly of blood to the heart, that can lead to chest pain (angina) Multiple Myeloma. A canc er of plasma cells, a type of white blood cell in bone marrowNon-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. A group of cance rs that affect the lymph glands and other lymphatic tissueParkinson's Disease. A progressive dis o r? der of the nervous system that affects mus? c le movementPeripheral Neuropath y, Early-Onset. AOne of our members recently recalled, "I remember us seeing U H-l _s flyin g around and spraying stiifl out of big spray booms ji-om both sides of the helicopta We said to each other - why are they spray? ing.for mosquitos out here?" They werenY They were sprayi ng "Agent Orange. " Below is the best article we have come across on the subject.Every Vietnam Veteran should read this article.Agent Orange was a herbicide and defoliant used in VietnamAgent Orange was a blend of tactical herbic ides the U.S. military sprayed from 196 2 to 1971 during the Vietnam War to remove the leaves of trees and other dense trop ical folia ge that provided enemy cover. The U.S. Department of Defense devel? oped tact ical herbic id es s pecifically to be used in " comb at operat io ns." They we re not comme rcia l g rade herbi cides pur? chased from chemica l companies and sent to Vietnam.More than 19 million ga llo ns of vari ? ous " ra inbow " herbicide combinations were sprayed, but Agent Orange was the combination the U.S. military used most often. T he name " Agent Orange" came from the orange identi fying str ipe used on the 55-gallon drums in whic h it was stored. Heavily sprayed areas incl uded fores ts near the demarcatio n zone, forests at the junction of the borders of Cambodia, Laos, and South Vietnam, and mangroves on the sout hernmo st peninsula of Vietnam and alo ng shipping c hanne ls so utheas t ofSaigon .Any Veteran who served anywhere in Vietnam during the war is presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange.For the purposes of VA co mpensation be nefi ts, Veterans who served anywhere in Vietnam between January 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975 , are presumed to have been exposed to herbic ides, as s pecified in the Agent Orange Act of 1991 .The se Veterans do not need to show that they we re expose d to Agent Orange or other herbic id es in orde r to get dis ability compensation for diseases -related to Age nt Orange exposure.Service in Vietnam means service on land in Vietnam or on the inland wate rways (" brown water" Veterans) of Vietna m.VA has linked several diseases and health conditions to Agent Orange expo? sure.VA has recognized ce rtain cancers and other health proble ms as presumpti ve dis ? eases assoc iate d w ith exposure to Agent Orange or other herbic id es during milita ry servic e. Veterans and their surv ivors may be eligi ble for com pensation benefits.AL Amyloidosis. A rare disease caused when an abnormal protein , amyloid , enters and collects tissues or organsChronic B-cell Leukemias. A type of can? cer which affects a specific type of white bloo d cellChloracne. (or sim ila r acneform disease) A sk in condition that occurs soon after exposure to chemicals and looks like com ? mon forms of acne seen in teenagers . Under VA's rating regulat ions, it must be at least IO pe rcent dis abling within one year of exposure to herbicide s.Page 14ner vo us s yste m co ndit ion tha t ca uses numbness , tingl ing, and muscle weakness. Under VA's rating regulations , it must be at least 10 percent disabling within o ne yea r of herbicide exposure.Porphyria Cutanea Tarda. A diso rder characterized by liver dysfunction and by thin ning and blistering of the skin in sun? exposed areas. Under VA's rating regula? tions, it must be at lea s t IO percent dis ? ab ling within one yea r of exposure to her? bicides.Prostate Cancer. Cancer of the prostate; one of the most common cancers among older menRespiratory Cancers (includes lung can? cer). Cancers of the lung, larynx , trachea, and bronchusSoft Tissue Sarcomas (other than osteosarco ma, chond rosarcoma, Kaposi's sa rcoma, or mesot he lio ma). A specific group of malignant cancers in body tiss ues such as muscle, fat, blood and lymph ves? sels, and connective tissuesVeterans who want to be considered for disability compensation must file a claim.Veterans who want to be conside red fo r d isab ilit y compensation for hea lt h problems related to Agent Orange expo? sure must file a claim.During the claims process, VA will c hec k military reco rds to confirm exposure to Agent Orange or qualifying military service. If necessary, VA w ill set up a sep? arate exam for compensation. ................

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