Life Skills for Youth: Ages 5-8 (Grades K-3)

|Life Skills for Youth: Ages 12-14(Grades 7-8) |

|HEAD - Thinking |

|Learning to learn |begins to accumulate knowledge |

| |begins to think abstractly |

| |needs some quiet time |

| |finds an outlet for creativity |

| |learns to improve the product |

| |learns what questions to ask to get the information wanted |

| |is able to predict results |

| |prefers "active" to "reflective" learning |

| |may avoid difficult tasks |

|Decision making |classifies information for use |

| |is able to compare and choose among several alternatives |

| |begins to make personal decisions based on forethought |

|Problem solving |is able to compare and choose among several alternative solutions |

| |identifies a plan of action for resolution of the problem |

|Critical thinking |discovers deeper meanings |

| |examines varying points of view |

| |reasons, compares, and analyzes information |

|Service learning |identifies situations where students can be involved in making a real contribution to their community |

| |participates in organized group experiences that meet special needs within a community |

| |reflects on what was learned during the experience |

|Life Skills for Youth: Ages 12-14(Grades 7-8) |

|HEAD - Managing |

|Goal setting |sets long-term goals |

| |plans strategies to reach goals |

|Planning/ organizing |develops a plan |

| |implements a simple plan |

| |involves others in planning |

|Wise use of resources |makes simple budgets for financial resources |

| |manages time |

| |begins to plan ahead how resources may be used |

|Record keeping |does not like to keep records |

| |can apply the skill to selected tasks |

|Resiliency |is able to manage stress |

| |chooses to make changes |

| |plans the future |

| |finds it difficult to adjust to factors that interfere with important peer relationships |

|Life Skills for Youth: Ages 12-14(Grades 7-8) |

|HEART - Relating |

|Communication |communicates effectively |

| |gains experience in presentations to group |

|Cooperation |has increasing responsibility for applying group skills to advanced tasks |

|Social skills |reaches out into the community |

| |is maturing socially, often conforming to group culture |

| |explores opposite sex activities --some are more confident than others |

| |can plan own social and recreational activities |

|Conflict resolution |develops mediation and negotiation skills |

| |applies personal values to alternatives |

|Accepting differences |accepts diversity |

|Concern for others |may have idealized thoughts about what can be done for others |

|Empathy |is able to compare one's experiences to that of others |

|Sharing |sees mutual benefits of sharing and working together |

|Nurturing relationships |builds rewarding relationships |

| |practices assertiveness |

| |may have "crush" on older youth or adult |

|Life Skills for Youth: Ages 12-14(Grades 7-8) |

|HANDS - Caring |

|Community service/ volunteering |is willing to put forth much effort and time for a cause |

| |sees broader picture beyond self-interest |

| |participates in community service |

| |wants to explore possibilities |

|Leadership |negotiates personal and group needs |

| |begins to understand leadership styles |

| |uses own competencies |

| |practices assertiveness |

| |may develop "hero" workshop and idolize bold, competent adults |

| |enjoys group membership, symbols, and regalia |

|Responsible citizenship |learns about respect for flag and country |

| |may demonstrate allegiance to country and take part in patriotic events |

| |learns more about other countries and different demonstrations of loyalty |

|Contributes to group |understands benefits of combined effort |

|Life Skills for Youth: Ages 12-14(Grades 7-8) |

|HANDS - Working |

|Marketable skills |is aware is sequence of steps involved in creating a product |

| |does guided exploration and supervised experience in work environments |

| |learns, in detail, skills and education needed for specific jobs |

| |benefits from shadowing an experienced worker |

| |selects appropriate technology and applies it to the task |

| |uses computers to process information |

| |maintains, troubleshoots equipment |

| |understands systems |

| |is beginning to think about what to do when grown up, but often unclear |

| |as to needs and values |

|Teamwork |appreciates the contributions of various team members |

|Self-motivated |starts to become self-directed and self-motivated |

| |works and completes projects independently |

| |allocates time appropriately among tasks |

| |usually meets deadlines |

|Life Skills for Youth: Ages 12-14(Grades 7-8) |

|HEALTH – Being |

|Self-esteem |is self-conscious; needs help overcoming inferiority complex |

| |is concerned with physical development |

|Self-responsibility |pursues personal goals |

| |exerts effort and perseveres to attain goals |

|Character |may design a reputation |

| |is beginning to understand ethical applications |

|Appropriate expression |makes appropriate responses to feelings of others of feelings |

| |correctly interprets body language |

| |emotions are on a roller coaster ride |

|Self-discipline |has growing ability to govern self |

| |still depends on adult guidelines |

| |has acceptable behavior in the community |

| |is beginning to question authority and values of adults |

| |peer pressure grows |

|Life Skills for Youth: Ages 12-14(Grades 7-8) |

|HEALTH – Living |

|Healthy lifestyle |compares labels and product quality choices |

| |spends appropriate amount of time in physical activity |

| |doesn't participate in risky behaviors |

|Stress management |learns ways to avoid or productively deal with stress |

| |chooses activities that are not stressful or lessen stress |

|Prevention of disease |learns relation of lifestyle practices to health for life |

|Personal safety |plans strategies to avoid danger |

| |makes decisions to improve personal safety |

Timothy J. Rollins, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, The Pennsylvania State University.

Adapted from: Hendricks, P. A. (1996, Nov). Developing youth curriculum using the targeting life skills model. Ames: Iowa State University, University Extension.

This publication is available in alternative media on request.

The Pennsylvania State University is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by University policy or by state or federal authorities. The Pennsylvania State University does not discriminate against any person because of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Direct all inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy to the Affirmative Action Director, The Pennsylvania State University, 201 Willard Building, University Park, PA 16802-2801: Tel. (814) 865-4700/V, (814) 863--1150/TTY.

|Life Skills for Youth: Ages 15-19(Grades 9-12) |

|HEAD – Thinking |

|Learning to learn |is able to think abstractly |

| |is ready for in-depth, longer learning experiences |

| |knows how to use efficient learning techniques to acquire and apply new knowledge and skills |

| |organizes, processes, and maintains information |

| |interprets and communicates information (symbols, pictures, graphs, etc.) |

| |pursues independent learning |

| |is able to conduct systematic inquiry |

| |follows through to find answers |

|Decision making |specifies goals and constraints |

| |considers risks |

| |a generates and evaluates alternatives |

| |applies personal values criteria to choices |

| |needs freedom from parental control to make decisions |

|Problem solving |recognizes long-term consequences of solutions to problems |

| |probes, devises, implements, and evaluates plan of action for problem resolution |

|Critical thinking |discovers a rule or principle underlying the relationship between two or more objects and applies it |

| |reflects on what to believe or do |

|Service learning |explores opportunities to provide structured time for enhancing academic skills with knowledge in real life |

| |situations in their own community |

| |as an individual with adult guidance, participates in meeting actual community needs |

| |evaluates the experience |

|Life Skills for Youth: Ages 15-19(Grades 9-12) |

|HEAD – Managing |

|Goal setting |Implements strategies for reaching long-term goals |

| |manages resources to achieve a goal |

| |exerts effort and perseveres toward goal attainment |

| |needs life planning guidance |

|Planning/ organizing |makes plans |

| |implements plans |

| |assesses and makes adjustments in plans |

|Wise use of resources |is able to prepare budgets |

| |allocates time |

| |prepares and follows schedules |

| |applies personal values to use of leisure time |

| |is able to generate and invest financial resources |

| |wants and needs a strong voice in planning own program |

|Record keeping |can keep useful and accurate records |

| |can understand the value of complete and accurate records |

|Resiliency |anticipates change |

| |prepares for situations |

| |leads change |

| |is able to deal with catastrophic situations |

| |anticipates greater independence from family |

|Life Skills for Youth: Ages 15-19(Grades 9-12) |

|HEART – Relating |

|Communication |communicates ideas |

| |persuades, convinces |

| |challenges existing procedures and policies |

|Cooperation |focuses on building partner-ships and coordinating a variety of experiences |

| |works toward group consensus in decision making |

|Social skills |demonstrates understanding, friendliness, adaptability, empathy and politeness in groups |

| |enjoys activities involving boys and girls; co-educational social events |

| |needs strong adult role models |

| |finds that peer group is all important |

|Conflict resolution |can negotiate, mediate, and assist in reaching consensus |

| |can understand value of conflict resolution to larger community |

|Accepting differences |works with diversity |

| |may risk conformity for personal wishes |

|Concern for others |has sense of social responsibility |

| |contributes to family well being |

|Empathy |is able to imagine how others actually think and feel |

|Sharing |risks more to share |

|Nurturing relationships |forms relationships for life |

| |forms intimate relationships |

| |may have a "mentor" |

|Life Skills for Youth: Ages 15-19(Grades 9-12) |

|HANDS – Caring |

|Community service/volunteering |makes significant contributions to projects of interest |

| |values contributions to a common good |

| |leads community service |

|Leadership |organizes groups to accomplish a purpose |

| |helps others do things their way |

| |can choose appropriately between leadership styles |

| |understands personal strengths |

| |teaches others new skills |

| |wants adult leadership roles; allows for exploration |

|Responsible citizenship |may have idealized view of patriotism |

| |understands allegiance to one's country |

| |evaluates loyalty to one's country in terms of personal goals and values |

| |thinks globally |

| |wants to get outside of own community |

| |develops community consciousness |

|Contributes to group |helps group set and reach larger goals |

|Life Skills for Youth: Ages 15-19(Grades 9-12) |

|HANDS – Working |

|Marketable skills |is ready for apprenticeship or internship integrating work and learning |

| |gets experience in real work environments |

| |practices workplace skills |

| |makes advanced application of math, reading, speaking, and dexterity skills |

| |begins to decide life's work; selects a career |

| |practices interviewing skills |

| |serves clients and customers |

| |finds patterns of interest becoming more definite |

|Teamwork |is able to work effectively in teams, especially if all contribute to the group effort |

|Self-motivated |organizes several tasks into sequential segments and allocates needed time to each |

| |establishes own deadlines and meets them |

| |is able to place priorities on tasks |

|Life Skills for Youth: Ages 15-19(Grades 9-12) |

|HEALTH – Being |

|Self-esteem |believes in own self-worth and maintains a positive view of self |

| |challenges authority |

| |desires a sense of independence yet needs and wants parents' help |

| |has a strong desire for status in peer group |

| |has widespread feelings of inferiority and inadequacy |

|Self -responsibility |accurately assesses one's own needs |

| |is trustworthy |

| |accepts responsibility for one's own needs and behaviors |

| |takes responsibility for meeting one's own needs |

| |is beginning to see self as individual |

|Character |may become involved in causes based on personal values and ethics |

| |examines consequences of various ethical concerns |

| |personal philosophy begins to emerge |

|Appropriate expression |manages own feelings of feelings |

| |respects differences of feelings |

| |manages feelings in intimate relationships |

|Self-discipline |assesses self accurately |

| |sets personal goals and monitors progress |

| |exhibits self-control |

|Life Skills for Youth: Ages 15-19(Grades 9-12) |

|HEALTH – Living |

|Healthy lifestyle |applies science information to food choices choices |

| |is involved in individual and team athletic events |

| |chooses to make healthy choices |

| |helps others deal appropriately with stressful situations |

|Stress management |uses appropriate means to deal with personal stress |

|Prevention of disease |understands mind/body relationship in preventing/treating disease |

| |avoids risky practices |

|Personal safety |is involved in personal and community safety |

| |makes lifestyle decisions about self-protection |

Timothy J. Rollins, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, The Pennsylvania State University.

Adapted from: Hendricks, P. A. (1996, Nov). Developing youth curriculum using the targeting life skills model. Ames: Iowa State University, University Extension.

This publication is available in alternative media on request.

The Pennsylvania State University is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by University policy or by state or federal authorities. The Pennsylvania State University does not discriminate against any person because of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Direct all inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy to the Affirmative Action Director, The Pennsylvania State University, 201 Willard Building, University Park, PA 16802-2801: Tel. (814) 865-4700/V, (814) 863--1150/TTY.

|Life Skills for Adults |

|HEAD – Thinking |

|Learning to learn |is able to think abstractly |

| |is ready for in-depth, longer learning experiences |

| |knows how to use efficient learning techniques to acquire and apply new knowledge and skills |

| |organizes, processes, and maintains information |

| |interprets and communicates information (symbols, pictures, graphs, etc.) |

| |pursues independent learning |

| |is able to conduct systematic inquiry |

| |follows through to find answers |

|Decision making |specifies goals and constraints |

| |considers risks |

| |generates and evaluates alternatives |

| |applies personal values criteria to choices |

|Problem solving |recognizes long-term consequences of solutions to problems |

| |probes, devises, implements, and evaluates plan of action for problem resolution |

|Critical thinking |discovers a rule or principle underlying the relationship between two or |

| |more objects and applies it |

| |reflects on what to believe or do |

|Service learning |explores opportunities to provide structured time for enhancing academic skills with knowledge in real life |

| |situations in their own community |

| |as an individual participates in meeting actual community needs |

| |evaluates the experience |

|Life Skills for Adults |

|HEAD – Managing |

|Goal setting |implements strategies for reaching long-term goals |

| |manages resources to achieve a goal |

| |exerts effort and perseveres toward goal attainment |

| |needs life planning guidance |

|Planning/ organizing |makes plans |

| |implements plans |

| |assesses and makes adjustments in plans |

|Wise use of resources |is able to prepare budgets |

| |allocates time |

| |prepares and follows schedules |

| |applies personal values to use of leisure time |

| |is able to generate and invest financial resources |

| |wants and needs a strong voice in planning own program |

|Record keeping |can keep useful and accurate records |

| |can understand the value of complete and accurate records |

|Resiliency |anticipates change |

| |prepares for situations |

| |leads change |

| |is able to deal with catastrophic situations |

| |anticipates greater independence from family |

|Life Skills for Adults |

|HEART – Relating |

|Communication |communicates ideas |

| |persuades, convinces |

| |challenges existing procedures and policies |

|Cooperation |focuses on building partnerships and coordinating a variety of experiences |

| |works toward group consensus in decision making |

|Social skills |demonstrates understanding, friendliness, adaptability, empathy and |

| |politeness in groups |

| |enjoys activities involving boys and girls; co-educational social events |

| |needs strong adult role models |

| |finds that peer group is all important |

|Conflict resolution |can negotiate, mediate, and assist in reaching consensus |

| |can understand value of conflict resolution to larger community |

|Accepting differences |works with diversity |

| |may risk conformity for personal wishes |

|Concern for others |has sense of social responsibility |

| |contributes to family well being |

|Empathy |is able to imagine how others actually think and feel |

|Sharing |risks more to share |

|Nurturing relationships |forms relationships for life |

| |forms intimate relationships |

| |may have a "mentor" |

|Life Skills for Adults |

|HANDS – Caring |

|Community service/volunteering |makes significant contributions to projects of interest |

| |values contributions to a common good |

| |leads community service |

|Leadership |organizes groups to accomplish a purpose |

| |helps others do things their way |

| |can choose appropriately between leadership styles |

| |understands personal strengths |

| |teaches others new skills |

| |wants adult leadership roles; allows for exploration |

|Responsible citizenship |may have idealized view of patriotism |

| |understands allegiance to one's country |

| |evaluates loyalty to one's country in terms of personal goals and values |

| |thinks globally |

| |wants to get outside of own community |

| |develops community consciousness |

|Contributes to group |helps group set and reach larger goals effort |

| |makes effective contribution to group cause |

| |sees beyond group to further applications |

|Life Skills for Adults |

|HANDS – Working |

|Marketable skills |is ready for apprenticeship or internship integrating work and learning |

| |gets experience in real work environments |

| |practices workplace skills |

| |makes advanced application of math, reading, speaking, and dexterity skills |

| |begins to decide fife's work; selects a career |

| |practices interviewing skills |

| |serves clients and customers |

| |finds patterns of interest becoming more definite |

|Teamwork |is able to work effectively in teams, especially if all contribute to the group effort |

|Self-motivated |organizes several tasks into sequential segments and allocates needed time to each |

| |establishes own deadlines and meets them |

| |is able to place priorities on tasks |

| |uses time responsibly |

|Life Skills for Adults |

|HEALTH – Being |

|Self-esteem |believes in own self-worth and maintains a positive view of self |

| |challenges authority |

| |has a strong desire for status in peer group |

|Self-responsibility |accurately assesses one's own needs |

| |is trustworthy |

| |accepts responsibility for one's own needs and behaviors |

| |takes responsibility for meeting one's own needs |

| |sees self as individual |

|Character |may become involved in causes based on personal values and ethics |

| |examines consequences of various ethical concerns |

| |personal philosophy begins to emerge |

|Appropriate expression |manages own feelings of feelings |

| |respects differences of feelings |

| |manages feelings in intimate relationships |

|Self-discipline |assesses self accurately |

| |sets personal goals and monitors progress |

| |exhibits self-control |

|Life Skills for Adults |

|HEALTH – Living |

|Healthy lifestyle |applies science information to food choices choices |

| |chooses to make healthy choices |

|Stress management |helps others deal appropriately with stressful situations |

| |uses appropriate means to deal with personal stress |

|Prevention of disease |understands mind/body relationship in preventing/treating disease |

| |avoids risky practices |

|Personal safety |is involved in personal and community safety |

| |makes lifestyle decisions about self-protection |

Timothy J. Rollins, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, The Pennsylvania State University.

Adapted from: Hendricks, P. A. (1996, Nov). Developing youth curriculum using the targeting life skills model. Ames: Iowa State University, University Extension.

This publication is available in alternative media on request.

The Pennsylvania State University is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by University policy or by state or federal authorities. The Pennsylvania State University does not discriminate against any person because of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Direct all inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy to the Affirmative Action Director, The Pennsylvania State University, 201 Willard Building, University Park, PA 16802-2801: Tel. (814) 865-4700/V, (814) 863--1150/TTY.



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