II - Glen Acres


Section 1. The Bible By Periods

A. The Ages (or dispensations) of Bible History

1. Name the three great ages of Bible History.

|Patriarchal Age | |Mosaical Age |Christian Age |

2. Explain what is meant by the names given to them.

|Rule of the Fathers | |Rule of Moses |Rule of Christ |

3. Tell the significant events that open or close each.

|Creation |Sinai |Pentecost |End of the World |

4. Name the books which open or close each.

|Genesis |Exodus |Acts |Revelation |

|Periods in the Patriarchal age. |Tell what each period is about. |

|Innocence |Garden of Eden (before man sinned) |

|Ante-deluvian |“Before the flood” |

|Post-deluvian |“After the flood” (example: Tower of Babel) |

|Patriarchs |“Fathers” (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) |

|Bondage |400 years in Egypt (Joseph to Moses) |

|Deliverance |Moses leads them out by God’s power. |

|Periods in the Mosaical age. |Tell what each period is about. |

|Wilderness Wanderings |40 years in the Sinai Desert. |

|Conquest of Canaan |Joshua conquers the Promised Land |

|Period of the Judges |God ruled through “Judges” (a Theocracy) |

|United Kingdom |The reigns of Saul, David and Solomon |

|Divided Kingdom |Ten northern tribes rebellion against Rehoboam |

|Northern Exile |Assyria disperses 10 Northern Tribes (Israel) |

|Southern Exile |Babylonian Captivity of Judah for 70 years |

|Post-Exile |Judah returns (under Persia) |

|Inter-Testament |Between Old & New Testaments (no prophets 400 years) |

|Life of Christ |Jesus prepares to found His church. |

B. Name the ten plagues (Exodus chapters 7-12)

|1. |Waters to blood |

|2. |Frogs |

|3. |Lice |

|4. |Flies |

|5. |Murrain (sores) on cattle |

|6. |Boils (on people) |

|7. |Hail |

|8. |Locusts |

|9. |Darkness |

|10. |Death of the firstborn children |

C. Name the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20; Deut. 5)

|1. |Thou shalt have no other gods. (Jehovah is the only true God) |

|2. |Do not bow down to any images (pictures or statues) |

|3. |Do not take God’s name in vain (don’t show lack of respect for his name) |

|4. |Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy (Rest and worship on Saturday) |

|5. |Honor your father and mother (Care for and show respect for them) |

|6. |Thou shalt not kill |

|7. |Thou shalt not commit adultery (Make love only to your mate) |

|8. |Thou shalt not steal (Do not take what does not belong to you) |

|9. |Thou shalt not bear false witness (Do not lie) |

|10. |Thou shalt not covet (Don’t be jealous of what belongs to others) |

Quote the 23 Psalm

KJV Psalm 23:1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures: he leads me beside the still waters.

3 He restores my soul: he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies: you anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.

6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Section 2. The Bible Library (picture)

Name the books of the Old Testament.

1. Law

|Genesis--Beginnings |

|Exodus—Exit from Egypt |

|Leviticus—Levite Laws |

|Numbers—Counting the people |

|Deuteronomy—Reviewing the journey |

2. History of Israel

|Joshua |1 Samuel | |Ezra |

|Conquest of Canaan |Saul King | |Rebuilt the temple |

| | |1 Chronicles | |

|Judges |2 Samuel |Records David's Kingdom |Nehemiah |

|Guides of God |David King | |Rebuilt Jerusalem walls |

| | | | |

|Ruth |1 Kings |2 Chronicles |Esther |

|Moabite becomes Jew |Solomon King |Records of 1 & 2 Kings |Jew Queen of Persia |

| |Divided Kingdom | | |

| | | | |

| |2 Kings | | |

| |Decline of Kingdoms | | |

| |Captivity of Kingdoms | | |

3. Poetry, or Devotion

|Job |

|Patience in suffering |

|Psalms |

|Old Testament song book, mostly by King David |

|Proverbs |

|Wise sayings, mostly by Solomon |

|Ecclesiastes |

|Solomon preaches on vanity of things under the sun |

|Song of Solomon |

|Love song of girl dreaming of her shepherd love |

4. Major Prophets

|Isaiah |

|Northern ten tribes carried away by Assyria (c. 700 BC) |

|Jeremiah |

|Southern tribes carried away by Babylon (c. 600 BC) |

|Lamentations |

|Mourning destruction of Jerusalem |

|Ezekiel |

|People's prophet in Babylon (c. 600 BC) |

|Daniel |

|Prophet to the nations in Babylon and Persia |

5. Minor Prophets

|Hosea--Israel |Obadiah -- Edom of Esau |Habakkuk --Judah |Haggai |

|Unfaithful wife |Doom |Why wicked win? |Get the temple built |

|Joel -- Judah |Jonah -- Nineveh of Assyria |Zephaniah -- Judah |Zechariah |

|Locust plague |Warning |Coming terrible day |Visions to build the temple |

|Amos -- Israel |Micah -- Israel and Judah | |Malachi |

|Idolatrous luxury |Warning | |Prepare the way for Christ |

| |Nahum – Nineveh of Assyria | | |

| |Doom | | |

Name the books of the New Testament

1. Biography—Life of Christ

|Matthew |

|Jesus the Messiah |

|Mark |

|Jesus the power of God |

|Luke |

|Jesus the wisdom of God |

|John |

|Jesus the son of God |

2. History

|Acts |

|How the church began and grew |

3. Letters of Paul

|Romans |1 Thessalonians |

|Salvation by faith |Jesus coming again |

|1 Corinthians |2 Thessalonians |

|A divided church |Jesus not coming right away |

|2 Corinthians |1 Timothy |

|Paul's Authority |How to lead the church at Ephesus |

|Galatians |2 Timothy |

|A Fickle church |Paul's final directions to Timothy |

|Ephesians |Titus |

|The glorious church |How to lead the churches on Island of Crete |

|Philippians |Philemon |

|(Rejoice) Letter of thanks |Return of Onesimus a Christian slave |

|Colossians |Hebrews |

|Supremacy of Christ |Better things in Christ |

4. General letters

|James |

|"Not by faith only" |

|1 Peter |

|"Suffer as a Christian" |

|2 Peter |

|“Make your election sure.” (Earth burned up) |

|1 John |

|“Make your election sure.” (Warning, anti-Christs) |

|2 John |

|"To the elect lady.” |

|3 John |

|"Diotrephes loves to have the preeminence.” |

|Jude |

|“Contend earnestly for the faith.” |

5. Prophecy

|Revelation |

|Seven churches and things to come |

Name the writers of the New Testament and tell how many books each wrote.

|Matthew -1 |Mark -1 |Luke -2 |John -5 |Paul -14 |James -1 |Peter -2 |Jude- 1 |

Name and identify 21 Old Testament characters.

|21 Old Testament characters |Identify each character |

|Adam |First man (Lived in Garden of Eden with Eve, first woman. |

|Noah |Built an ark (Went through the great flood) |

|Abraham |Father of the Faithful (Noted for great faith) |

|Jacob |Father of twelve tribes of Israel (From his twelve sons) |

|Joseph |Sold into Egypt (Became a ruler in Egypt) |

|Moses |Great Lawgiver (Led the Israelites out of Egypt) |

|Joshua |Led the people into the Promised land (Palestine) |

|Gideon |Great General who Judged Israel |

|Samuel |Last Judge and first prophet (Anointed first kings, Saul and David) |

|Saul |First King (Rejected for rebellion) |

|David |Man after God’s own heart (Second King) |

|Solomon |Wisest Man (Son of David and King after him) |

|Elijah |Carried to heaven in a whirlwind (Oral Prophet) |

|Isaiah |Messianic Prophet (Prophesied about Christ) |

|Jeremiah |Weeping Prophet (Lamented coming destruction and captivity) |

|Ezekiel |People's Prophet in Babylon |

|Daniel |Cast into a Lion’s Den (Prophesied in Babylon) |

|Ezra |Rebuilt the Temple |

|Nehemiah |Rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem |

|Esther |Saved her people (Became queen of Persia) |

|Malachi |Last Old Testament prophet |

Name the twelve original Apostles

“Peter, Andrew, James and John,

fishermen of Capernaum.

Thomas and St. Matthew too,

Philip and Bartholomew,

James the less and Jude the brave,

Simon the Zealot and Judas the knave…

Twelve disciples here in all,

Following the Master’s call.”

Name the Apostle who took the place of the one that fell away.

Matthias took the place of Judas (Acts 1:26; 2:14; 6:2, 6; 1Cor. 15:5, 7. cf. Matt. 27:1-5)

Name the “Apostle to the Gentiles.”

Paul was the “Apostle to the Gentiles.” (Romans 11:13; 1Cor. 15:8-9)

Quote the “Lord’s Prayer” (Matthew 6:9-13)

9. Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.


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