CW #12: Aggressors Invade Nations

CW #12: Aggressors Invade Nations

(Use a separate sheet of paper)

Read pp. 481-485

1. Why did the Japanese invade Manchuria?

2. What were the immediate results of the Japanese invasion of China?

3. Why did Britain and France take no action against Italian aggression in Ethiopia?

4. In what three ways did the German reoccupation of the Rhineland mark a turning point in the march toward war?

5. How did other countries help Franco’s Nationalist forces bring about the collapse of Republican resistance in Spain?

6. a. Define Isolationism

b. Why did isolationists in America want the Neutrality Acts passed?

7. a. What was Anschluss?

b. How was it achieved?

8. What agreements did Britain and France make with Hitler at the Munich Conference?

9. Why did Winston Churchill believe that Neville Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement was a defeat for the British?

10. Why did Stalin sign a non-aggression pact with Hitler, once a bitter enemy?

CW #12: Aggressors Invade Nations

(Use a separate sheet of paper)

Read pp. 481-485

1. Why did the Japanese invade Manchuria?

2. What were the immediate results of the Japanese invasion of China?

3. Why did Britain and France take no action against Italian aggression in Ethiopia?

4. In what ways did the German reoccupation of the Rhineland mark a turning point in the march toward war?

5. How did Hitler and Mussolini help Franco’s Nationalist forces during the Spanish Civil War?

6. Define Isolationism

7. Why did isolationists in America want the Neutrality Acts passed?

8. What was Anschluss and how was it achieved?

9. What agreements did Britain and France make with Hitler at the Munich Conference?

10. Why did Stalin sign a non-aggression pact with Hitler?


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