L4 - Guidelines - DSDM Agile Trainer Coach - Nov-15

211010517145000Agile Project Trainer-Coach Candidate GuidelinesVersion Oct-18“I help others to do it right”toc \o \t "Heading 3,3" 1INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc526689631 \h 32CERTIFICATION OF Agile Project TRAINER-COACHES – “I help others to do it right” PAGEREF _Toc526689632 \h 42.1 General PAGEREF _Toc526689633 \h 42.2Agile Projects - Versions and Examinable Topics PAGEREF _Toc526689634 \h 42.3 The process for achieving Agile Project Trainer-Coach certification PAGEREF _Toc526689635 \h 43Agile Project TRAINER-COACH - Step by Step Guidance PAGEREF _Toc526689636 \h 53.1Meet Entry Criteria PAGEREF _Toc526689637 \h 53.2Submit Application Form to Agile Business Consortium PAGEREF _Toc526689638 \h 53.3Demonstrate ability to share accurate, on-message Agile Project knowledge – Oral Exam PAGEREF _Toc526689639 \h 53.3.1 The Oral Examination Process PAGEREF _Toc526689640 \h 63.4 Agile Project Trainer-Coach Registration PAGEREF _Toc526689641 \h 64Trainer-Coach Re-certification PAGEREF _Toc526689642 \h 74.1 Re-certification via Audit of Training Delivery PAGEREF _Toc526689643 \h 74.2 Re-certification via Masterclass Attendance every 3 years PAGEREF _Toc526689644 \h 74.3 Re-certification via Exam Re-sit (Lapsed Trainer-Coach) PAGEREF _Toc526689645 \h 74.4 Re-certification via “Exceptional Circumstances” PAGEREF _Toc526689646 \h 74.5Re-certified Agile Project Trainer-Coaches PAGEREF _Toc526689647 \h 85ADDITIONAL ORAL EXAM GUIDANCE FOR AGILE PROJECT TRAINER-COACH CANDIDATES PAGEREF _Toc526689648 \h 95.1Agile Project Trainer-Coach Oral Examination PAGEREF _Toc526689649 \h 95.2The Rationale Underpinning the Trainer-Coach Oral Examination PAGEREF _Toc526689650 \h 96FURTHER INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc526689651 \h 11APPENDIX A – Agile Project Agile Trainer-Coach - Exam Focus Version: Agile PF PAGEREF _Toc526689652 \h 12A.1 Objective PAGEREF _Toc526689653 \h 12A.2 Focus for the Exam PAGEREF _Toc526689654 \h 12A.3 Topic Areas PAGEREF _Toc526689655 \h 12APPENDIX B –Agile Project Trainer-Coach - Exam Focus Version: AgilePM PAGEREF _Toc526689656 \h 14B.1 Objective PAGEREF _Toc526689657 \h 14B.2 Focus for the Exam PAGEREF _Toc526689658 \h 14B.3 Topic Areas PAGEREF _Toc526689659 \h 14INTRODUCTION1.1Objective1.1ObjectiveThe Agile Business Consortium training, coaching, accreditation and certification process aims to provide the industry with high calibre professional staff, trained and qualified to perform effectively on Agile Projects, and focuses on Agile Project Framework (AgilePF) and Agile Project management (AgilePM). Agile Projects, as used in this guide, applies to - the current version of DSDM – June 2014 onwards - the Project Management focused version of DSDM (currently v2)*** Please note: The basis for DSDM Agile Professional exam is the DSDM Handbook – either Handbook or Handbook.The following Handbooks provide complementary and supplementary information, but they do not come within the syllabus for the DSDM Agile Trainer-Coach certification.- Describes DSDM from the Business Analyst perspective - Links closely into DSDM and shares common elements with Agile Project Framework and Agile Project Management. The Agile Business Consortium maintains a list of accredited training organisations (ATOs), accredited Agile Project training courses, and certified Agile Project individuals:- Professionals, Trainer-Coaches, Examiners and Business Consultants.The Agile Business Consortium certifies Agile Project Professionals, Agile Project Trainer-Coaches, Agile Project Examiners and Agile Business Consultants. The Agile Business Consortium and APMG accredit training organisations to deliver accredited Agile Project training courses and awards certificates to successful Accredited Training Organisations (ATOs). APMG-International manages AgilePM, AgileBA and AgilePgM written exams (Foundation and Practitioner) and issues certificates to successful candidates.? The Agile Business Consortium accreditation procedures have been endorsed by APMG, and historically were assessed and endorsed by BCS (British Computer Society) and by Certa.CERTIFICATION OF Agile Project TRAINER-COACHES – “I help others to do it right”2.1 GeneralAll Agile Project certifications are experience-based, as we believe that it is the personal experience of using Agile PF / AgilePM / Agile that allows individuals to fully understand Agile Projects and to pass on that understanding.2.2Agile Projects - Versions and Examinable TopicsAgile Project Trainer-Coach exams are based on either - the current version of DSDM – June 2014 onwardsor - the Project Management focused version of DSDM (currently v2)The base for the Agile Project Trainer-Coach oral exam isOutlined in Appendix A or Appendix B in this document the subject areas for the certificationDetailed in full in the appropriate Handbook.For the purposes of this document, references to Agile Projects would encompass either Agile Project Framework or Agile Project Management2.3 The process for achieving Agile Project Trainer-Coach certificationEntry Criteria – Before ApplyingBe a certified Agile Project Professional (any version of DSDM / AgilePM)This was previously called DSDM Agile Professional or DSDM Advanced PractitionerHave at least 2 years practical AgilePF or AgilePM experienceHave experience of delivering training sessionsHave experience of coaching AgilePF or AgilePM (teams and/or individuals)At least two x 3 months spells of coaching these areasStep 2 – Apply to Agile Business ConsortiumSubmit Application form to Agile Business ConsortiumStep 3 – Prove your ability to provide accurate and on-message Agile Projects knowledge Attend an oral exam to answer questions on “pure” AgilePM / AgilePF theory, showing how you will put this information across to others, supported by your own experiencesUsing the appropriate Handbook as the basis for your exam revisionAgile Project TRAINER-COACH - Step by Step Guidance3.1Meet Entry CriteriaAll Agile Project Trainer-Coaches must have previously passed Level 3 - the Agile Project Professional certification (previously called DSDM Agile Professional or DSDM Advanced Practitioner) - which will have demonstrated their personal experience of DSDM /AgilePF / AgilePM / Agile and their basic understanding of AgilePF / AgilePM theory and its practical application.Applicants are also expected to have practical experience of putting across AgilePF / AgilePM theory, using both a training style and a coaching style, and ensuring the desired understanding has been achieved.Training style is typically presenting an AgilePF / AgilePM concept, ensuring the desired understanding is achieved.Coaching style is typically responding to a specific problem situation, identifying and then sharing knowledge on how AgilePF / AgilePM can be used to address the problem.3.2Submit Application Form to Agile Business ConsortiumPlease apply to the Agile Business Consortium by submitting (preferably electronically):A completed application form (forms are available to download from the ABC Website).Please include a brief summary of your experience of delivering training sessions and providing coachingPlease also include some (limited) information on your experience of DSDM / Agile. Confirm which version of Agile Projects (AgilePF or AgilePM) you wish to be examined on3.3Demonstrate ability to share accurate, on-message Agile Project knowledge – Oral ExamProvided you have the appropriate entry criteria, you will be invited to attend an oral exam.The objective of the Agile Project Trainer-Coach oral examination is to assess your ability to put across accurate AgilePF / AgilePM knowledge, spontaneously and without reference to pre-prepared materials, and to back this up with experienced-based examples, using a Training style or a coaching style The style of answer will depend on the examiner’s questions. E.g. “If a team is having x problem..” suggests Coaching style, whereas “You are running a short session on x..” suggests Training style. A Trainer-Coach candidate is expected to demonstrate the following:The ability to explain AgilePF / AgilePM concepts accurately and clearly, without reference to notes, slides or manuals. The scope of questioning during the oral exam will relate directly to the Handbook appropriate to the chosen version (AgilePF / AgilePM).The ability and willingness to use practical examples from their own practical AgilePF / AgilePM project experience to relate Agile Project theory to Agile Projects in practice. The ability to resolve misunderstandings of AgilePF / AgilePM concepts.The ability to “sell” the concept and benefits of AgilePF / AgilePM.The ability to assess a delegates’ understanding of AgilePF / AgilePM.The purpose of the Agile Project Trainer-Coach oral exam is to confirm the ability to put across accurate AgilePF / AgilePM knowledge, spontaneously, without reference to pre-prepared materials and to back this up with experienced-based examples.3.3.1 The Oral Examination ProcessThe oral examination lasts between 45 and 60 minutes and is carried out by two independent Examiners. All oral examinations are digitally recorded as part of the standard quality procedures.The Agile Business Consortium reserves the right to place an observer at the oral examination. However please note, the observer’s role is to assess the examiners, NOT to assess you.At the end of the oral examination, you will be asked to wait outside the exam room for a short time, whilst the examiners make their decision. You will then be informed of the outcome and get a signed form confirming the result. The 2 possible results following the Trainer-Coach Oral exam are Pass or Defer.Pass – Successful Agile Project Trainer-CoachIf you have met the required standard within a few weeks the Agile Business Consortium will send you your Agile Project Trainer-Coach certificate. Time permitting, you will also have an opportunity to get feedback from the examiners.As a certified Agile Project Trainer-Coach: You can now deliver AgilePF / AgilePM accredited training coursesYou can now also deliver APMG accredited AgilePM Practitioner training courses.Defer – Unsuccessful this timeIf you have not met the required standard on this occasion, you will be offered the option to get verbal feedback on the exam. All deferred candidates will be sent an electronic copy of their feedback, regardless of whether or not it has already been given verbally.An exam resit incurs an additional fee (see ABC web site for details of exam charges). In the event of a candidate cancelling the examination, the full examination fee is payable.3.4Agile Project Trainer-Coach RegistrationThe Agile Business Consortium enrols successful Agile Project Trainer-Coaches on the List of Certified Agile Project Trainer-Coaches. Trainer-Coach Re-certificationThe initial Agile Project Trainer-Coach certificate is issued for three years from the date of the oral examination. After three years, you must renew your certification. This is to ensure your knowledge of AgilePF / AgilePM is kept up to date and reflects the Agile Business Consortium current thinking.4.1 Re-certification via Audit of Training DeliveryIf a Training Course audit takes place, a Trainer-Coach who is assessed as satisfactory will be given automatic renewal of their Trainer-Coach certificate for 3 years, from the date of the audit. There is no charge for a Trainer-Coaches being renewed during audit. 4.2 Re-certification via Masterclass Attendance every 3 yearsThe objective of the Masterclass is to share knowledge, experience and issues as well as to ensure everyone is kept abreast of new information and initiatives from the Agile Business Consortium. Attendance at this event will also be used to ensure attendees are still “on message” and continue to work from a correct understanding of the AgilePF / AgilePM topic areas.All Trainer-Coaches are welcome to attend the Masterclass event each year if they choose. However, in order to maintain their certified status, Trainer-Coaches who have not been audited within the three-year period must attend a Masterclass day before their certification expires. Masterclass events are held annually, usually around the time of the Agile Business Conference. In general, there may be a nominal charge for attending a Masterclass event, but typically this is waived where facilities can be organised free of charge.For further information please contact the Agile Business Consortium.4.3 Re-certification via Exam Re-sit (Lapsed Trainer-Coach)Where Trainer-Coach certification has lapsed, because the 3 year deadline has passed, it will be necessary to re-apply and re-take the Agile Project Trainer-Coach examination. For further information contact the Agile Business Consortium. A lapsed Agile Project Trainer-Coach must not state they are a Agile Project Trainer-Coach, either on their cv, on electronic media or to Training organisations.4.4 Re-certification via “Exceptional Circumstances” In exceptional circumstances, an accredited Agile Project Trainer-Coach who cannot attend a Masterclass in the foreseeable future may be permitted to maintain their accreditation via an alternative route. One example of “exceptional circumstances” is a Agile Project Trainer-Coach living and working outside Europe, who is introducing AgilePF / AgilePM into an area where no Consortium administrative support exists.Each “exceptional circumstances” case should make a formal submission to the Agile Business Consortium. A decision will be made on a case by case basis by the Training and Accreditation Panel, and an appropriate alternative to Masterclass attendance put forward, to offer another way of allowing the Trainer-Coach to demonstrate their accurate and still-current AgilePF / AgilePM knowledge.4.5Re-certified Agile Project Trainer-Coaches There is a nominal charge for issuing a new Trainer-Coach certificate. ADDITIONAL ORAL EXAM GUIDANCE FOR AGILE PROJECT TRAINER-COACH CANDIDATES5.1Agile Project Trainer-Coach Oral ExaminationYou should be prepared to describe, answer questions and run a mini training session or coaching session on each AgilePF / AgilePM topic requested by the examiners. The AgilePF / AgilePM topic areas are shown in the Appendices in this document. The appropriate Handbook provides full details.During the oral exam, you are expected spontaneously to use real-life AgilePF / AgilePM examples to illustrate AgilePF / AgilePM theory. (This should happen without prompting from the examiners, since this is the style of training and coaching needed to put across AgilePF / AgilePM effectively.)During the exam, you may use the whiteboard / flip charts provided as necessary, for better demonstration of your training / coaching abilities and to illustrate concepts. You may not bring any pre-prepared materials into the exam, or consult Handbooks or any other manuals, books, slides or notes. The Agile Project Trainer-Coach examination is “candidate led”. This means the onus is on you to demonstrate your ability and to use practical examples and/or analogies, without prompting from the examiners. During the exam, examiners may describe typical training scenarios (example “If you were running a course where <problem> how would you…?”), or set questions based on real delegate questions or roles (example “If I were the <role> how would you convince me that …..?”. typical coaching scenarios (example “If a team is having <x problem>, how would you…?”However, examiners will not use role play or attempt to trick, sidetrack or mislead you.5.2The Rationale Underpinning the Trainer-Coach Oral ExaminationAlthough training delivery in the real world is generally supported by slides, and coaching may be supported by reference to AgilePF / AgilePM materials such as the Handbook, nevertheless an Agile Project Trainer-Coach is expected to “know their AgilePF / AgilePM” without needing to rely on pre-prepared slides or other materials. There are several reasons behind this:When course delegates ask questions or ask for clarification, the appropriate slide will not always be the one on display. A good trainer needs to be able to explain from his/her knowledge. S/he will also need to expand beyond what is summarised on a slide, fluently and without reference to written material.When a team or an individual is hitting problems, a good coach builds credibility by being able to apply their AgilePF / AgilePM knowledge, fluently and without immediate reference to the HandbookTo be effective, AgilePF / AgilePM training and coaching must be related back to real project experience. To be credible, the Agile Project Trainer-Coach must be able to switch between AgilePF / AgilePM practical examples and accurate AgilePF / AgilePM theory.Running Agile Project training is much more than working through a series of slides. Agile Project Coaching is much more than reading from the Handbook. Remember, on a training course, this may be the person’s or the organisation’s first contact with AgilePF / AgilePM. On a project, the influence of the coach may have a positive (or negative) effect on the credibility of AgilePF / AgilePM. This means the Agile Project Trainer-Coach is the ambassador for the Agile Business Consortium, and therefore his/her knowledge of AgilePF / AgilePM needs to be detailed and accurate.Frequently discussions, problems, explanations or even detailed project scenarios are raised away from the working area or classroom (the “round the coffee machine” scenario). It is vital that the Agile Project Trainer-Coach can talk through problems, propose solutions etc. without the aid of props, slides or the Handbook. If the information given is inaccurate, or the Trainer-Trainer does not know the answer without looking it up first, the Trainer-Coach loses all credibility, and AgilePF / AgilePM may lose credibility with the organisation.Following on from training or coaching, delegates will hopefully be going for personal Agile Project certification. Their knowledge of AgilePF / AgilePM, gained from the Trainer-Coach, will be tested. It must therefore be accurate, and clearly explained. Misunderstandings must be picked up and corrected before the end of training or during coaching. Otherwise, in the case of a candidate later failing a Agile Project exam, sub-standard or inaccurate training or coaching could potentially become the basis of an appeal.Once an Agile Project Trainer-Coach is accredited, s/he may be called upon to run any accredited training. Therefore during the oral exam s/he needs to demonstrate knowledge in all the syllabus areas as described in the Appendices. FURTHER INFORMATIONPlease contact the Agile Business Consortium for any further information on Agile Project personal Certification. For information on Accredited Training and Accredited Training Organisations, either contact the Agile Business Consortium or the APM Group. All queries and applications can be made to the following addresses:International HouseDover PlaceAshford Kent TN23 1HUTel: +44 (0)1233 501300Fax:+44 (0)1233 501311Web : : certification@ The APM Group Limited Sword HouseTotteridge RoadHigh WycombeBuckinghamshireHP13 6DGTel:? +44 (0) 1494 452 450Fax: ?+44 (0) 1494 459 559Web:? apmgroup.co.ukEmail: servicedesk@apmgroup.co.uk APPENDIX A – Agile Project Agile Trainer-Coach - Exam Focus Version: Agile PFA.1 ObjectiveThe Agile Project Trainer-Coach certification confirms that an individual has demonstrated the appropriate level of knowledge of AgilePF, both the theory and the practical application of the theory, so that they can give accurate and on-message AgilePF information to others, typically via training, coaching and discussion. Successful candidates have demonstrated a detailed understanding of all the component parts of AgilePF, how they work together to support AgilePF as a whole, and how these concepts are made real through practical working examples of AgilePF in practice.A.2 Focus for the ExamCandidates are not expected to learn the whole Agile Project Framework Handbook but should be able to demonstrate that they can explain AgilePF and how it works to others.A.3 Topic AreasCandidates should be able to explain accurately the following topics The Philosophy and Fundamentals of AgilePF The AgilePF PhilosophyThe composition of AgilePFProject VariablesPositioning of AgilePF within AgileThe PrinciplesPreparing for SuccessThe Instrumental Success FactorsThe Process The Lifecycle PhasesThe People Roles and ResponsibilitiesTeam ModelRoles CategoriesRoles Areas of InterestThe ProductsProducts through the LifecycleEvolutionary, Milestone and Governance productsPractice – WorkshopsBenefitsRoles and ActivitiesPractice - MoSCoW PrioritisationMoSCoW RulesEffective PrioritisationBalancing PrioritiesPractice - Iterative DevelopmentPlanning Iterative Development – Requirement / Solution FocusControl and QualityPractice – ModellingWhy model?Modelling perspectivesPractice – TimeboxingStructured Timebox, steps and effortFree Format TimeboxDaily Stand-upTimeboxes – the wider contextPeople, Teams and InteractionsUnderstanding of making this effectiveRequirements and User StoriesUnderstanding of User Stories, INVESTProject Planning and ControlPlanning, Handling changeQualityTesting ConceptsTailoring the AgilePF ApproachGeneral Understanding of how Project Approach Questionnaire impacts the application of AgilePF to a project** Please note: candidates are NOT expected to have memorised the Project Approach Questionnaire, only to understand its use and the value it providesAPPENDIX B –Agile Project Trainer-Coach - Exam Focus Version: AgilePMB.1 ObjectiveThe Agile Project Trainer-Coach certification confirms that an individual has demonstrated the appropriate level of knowledge of AgilePM, both the theory and the practical application of the theory, so that they can give accurate and on-message AgilePM information to others, typically via training, coaching and discussion. Successful candidates have demonstrated a detailed understanding of all the component parts of DSDM, how they work together to support AgilePM as a whole, and how these concepts are made real through practical working examples of AgilePM in practice.B.2 Focus for the ExamCandidates are not expected to learn the whole Agile Project Management Handbook but should be able to demonstrate that they can explain AgilePM and how it works to other people.B.3 Topic AreasCandidates should be able to explain accurately the following topics Choosing AgilePM and The Philosophy and Fundamentals of AgilePM Positioning of AgilePM within AgileDifferentiators for The DSDM PhilosophyThe composition of DSDMProject VariablesThe PrinciplesPractical application of the principlesPreparing for SuccessThe Instrumental Success FactorsThe Process The Lifecycle PhasesThe People Roles and Responsibilities, the Team modelRoles Categories and areas of interestThe ProductsProducts through the LifecycleEvolutionary, Milestone and Governance productsPlanning & ControlPlanning ConceptsTesting ConceptsTracking and Control ConceptsPlanning and Quality through L/CyclePractice – WorkshopsBenefits, Roles, ActivitiesPractice - MoSCoW PrioritisationMoSCoW RulesEffective Prioritisation, balancing prioritiesPractice - Iterative DevelopmentPlanning Iterative Development – Requirement / Solution FocusControl and QualityPractice – ModellingWhy model?Modelling perspectivesPractice – TimeboxingStructured Timebox, steps and effortFree Format TimeboxDaily Stand-upTimeboxes – the wider contextDigging Deeper PrinciplesRoles and ResponsibilitiesPM through the LifecycleProductsDigging Deeper – Deliver on Time – MoSCoW + TimeboxingMoSCoW Rules, Effective Prioritisation, Balancing PrioritiesStructured Timebox, steps and effortFree Format TimeboxDaily Stand-upTimeboxes – the wider contextPeople, Teams and InteractionsUnderstanding of how to make this effectiveRequirements and User StoriesUnderstanding of User Stories and INVESTEstimatingStyles of estimating, Estimating through L/cyclePlanning through L/cyclePlanning activities by phaseHandling changePlanning for qualityTesting ConceptsNever Compromise QualitySolution and process qualityMaintainabilityRiskRisk process, Agile project risks, Mitigating project risksTailoring the AgilePM ApproachGeneral Understanding of how Project Approach Questionnaire impacts the application of AgilePM to a project** Please note: candidates are NOT expected to have memorised the Project Approach Questionnaire, only to understand its use and the value it provides ................

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