Criminology (Test #2) Study Guide

Criminology (Test #2) Study Guide

1. Mesomorph

2. Endomorph

3. Ecotmorph

4. Somatotype

5. Equi-potentiality

6. Testosterone

7. Artificial Colors and Flavors

8. Hypoglycemia

9. Environmental Contaminants

10. Androgens

11. Estrogen

12. Serotonin

13. Pre-menstrual syndrome

14. ADHD

15. Oppositional defiance disorder

16. Conduct disorder

17. Arousal theory

18. MZ v. DZ twins

19. Freud

20. Contemporary psychodynamic theory v. Freudian theory

21. Superego, Ego, Id

22. Inferiority complex

23. MMPI

24. Psychopath

25. Cognitive theory

26. IQ and crime

27. Stratified society

28. Branches of social structure theory

29. Social strata

30. Culture of poverty

31. Truly disadvantaged

32. William Julius Wilson

33. Social disorganization

34. Shaw and McKay

35. Zone in transition

36. Social ecologists

37. Culture conflict

38. Siege mentality

39. Gentrification

40. Collective efficacy

41. Informal social control

42. Public social control

43. Anomie

44. Conformity

45. Innovation

46. Ritualism

47. Rebellion

48. Cultural deviance

49. Agnew’s General strain theory

50. Negative affective states

51. Blocked opportunities

52. Sub-culture

53. Focal concerns

54. Middle-class measuring rods

55. Conduct norms

56. Socialization

57. Social learning theory

58. Differential association

59. Drift, Strain

60. Dramatization of evil

61. Neutralization

62. Denial of responsibility, injury, victim

63. Condemn the Condemners

64. Appeal to higher loyalties

65. Attachment

66. Commitment

67. Involvement

68. Belief

69. Symbolic interaction

70. Retrospective reading

71. Primary and Secondary Deviance

72. Stigmas


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