Loudoun County Public Schools

Midterm Study Guide- 2016 -2017 The difference between representative and availability heuristics?The difference between a heuristic and an algorithm?What is repression? How does it impact our memory system?Positive vs. negative correlation. Give an example of each type.What is Sensory Adaptation? Give an example. Antagonist vs. agonist drugs.Inhibitory vs. excitatory neurotransmitter.The 7 psychological perspectivesBehavioralPsychodynamicEvolutionaryCognitiveSocioculturalBiologicalHumanistic The concept of Gestalt. What is transduction? Where does it occur in the ear and eye?Opponent process theory vs. Trichromatic theory.Sensory memory vs. short term memory vs. long term memoryHow to get memories from sensory to short term.Binocular vs. monocular cues for depth perception. Give examples of each type.Rods vs. cones. What is the serial position effect? How does it impact the recalling of information? NeurotransmittersAcetylcholineDopamineGABANorepinephrineSerotoninEndorphinsGlutamate What is the Gate Control Theory? How does it influence our level of pain?Longitudinal vs. cross sectional research Different imaging technologyEEG-CAT-PET-MRI-Functional MRI-Hilgard’s Hidden Observer experiment and the role of dissociation. Withdrawal vs. Tolerance.The all or nothing response and the firing of a neuron.The Visual Cliff Experiment and depth perception. The only research design that can infer causation?How hypnosis can help alleviate pain.Normal Distribution vs. Skewed Distribution. Where the 3 measures of Central Tendency fall on a normal distribution. How extreme scores skew the 3 measures of central tendency.The role of myelin sheath in sending a message.The role of accommodation in vision. Why do we have a blind spot?Benjamin Whorf’s idea of Linguistic Relativity.How encoding, storage and retrieval aid in the process of memory.The 4 Gustatory receptors. What is Syntax?What are semantics? What is hypnosis?The benefits of double-blind research and the reduction of bias.Left vs. Right Hemispheres. Noam Chomsky’s view on language and the Language Acquisition Device.How do operational definitions aid in the process of replication?Parasympathetic vs. sympathetic nervous system.Phi Phenomenon.Wolfgang Kohler Chimpanzee study.Sensory AdaptationSelective Attention.Split Brain Surgery. What is it? Why is it done?Circadian Rhythm.The Vestibular Sense.The role of neurons in the nervous system. Retrograde vs. Antrograde amnesia. Standard deviation, including the standard deviation percentages. Heuristic vs. Algorithm.The process of hearing, using the various parts of the ear. Know which parts are inner, middle and outer ear.The process of seeing, using the various eye parts. What occurs during the 4 stages of sleep and REM sleep. Various glands: pancreas, Thyroid, Adrenal, Pituitary, Pineal.Just Noticeable DifferenceWeber’s Law. The role of neurotransmitters and the synapse in the process of sending a message.Long Term Potentiation and memory.How does Functional Fixedness inhibit problem solving.Correlation Coefficient. Know what the number means.+.24…………………….. what does this tell you about a correlation relationshipWhat is the function of the following brain structures?medulla-frontal lobe-cerebral cortex-amygdale-pons-cerebellum-hippocampus-hypothalamus-temporal lobe-occipital lobe-parietal lobe-sensory cortex-motor cortex-thalamus-brain stem-reticular formation-Wernicke’s-Broca’s-Describe the following types of research studies.correlation-experiment-survey-case study-naturalist observation-Describe the following drugs/drug categories.cocaine-marijuana-heroine-alcohol-nicotine-LSD-An opiate-An amphetamine-A depressant-A hallucinogen-A stimulant-Describe the following parts of a research studysample-Random Sample -Population-hypothesis-theory-control group-experimental group-independent variable-dependent variable-operational definitionsDescribe the following sleep problemsSleep ApneaNarcolepsyInsomniaNight terrorsThe REM rebound effectHow do the following terms relate to languageMorpheme-Phoneme-Grammer-Syntax-Semantics-Language acquisition device (LAD)- Put the following neurons in the correct order in terms of how vision is processed.Optic nerve, ganglion cells, bipolar cells, rods and cones Draw and label a neuron. Include the following partsMyelin Sheath, Dendrites, Axon Terminals Place theory vs. frequency theory. The role suggestibility plays in the hypnosis. How do avoid sampling bias. Ethical guidelines of research studies.Where transduction occurs in both the eye and ear. Autonomic vs. Peripheral vs. somatic vs. central nervous systems ................

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