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Chapters 1 to 3, multiple choice and true/ false.

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following is not a basis for classifying drugs?

a. street name

b. therapeutic use

c. mechanism of action

d. origin

e. all of the above are bases for classification of drugs

2. When it is classified by __________, marijuana is called an atropine-like drug.

a. origin

b. action

c. site of drug action

d. chemical structure

3. Which of the following factors is not thought to contribute to the drug experience?

a. pharmacological factors

b. gender

c. setting of drug use

d. all of the above affect the drug experience

4. Which of the following are pharmacological factors that help us to understand the drug experience?

a. the individual's genetic make-up

b. the physical environment where the drug is taken

c. the route of drug administration

d. all of the above

e. none of the above

5. __________ refers to the general occurrence of an event, usually expressed in terms of percentage of some population.

a. Incidence

b. Dependence

c. Prevalence

d. none of the above

6. According to the 1994 National Household Survey, __________ is the most commonly used illicit drug.

a. alcohol

b. cocaine

c. nicotine

d. marijuana

7. Which of the following is true of multiple drug use?

a. It involves the use of alcohol and one or more other drugs.

b. It can involve taking different drugs in sequence in order to move from one drug experience to another.

c. It can result in dangerous interaction effects.

d. all of the above

e. b and c only

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8. Which of the following does not contribute to alcohol and drug abuse costs as measured in cost of illness studies?

a. motor vehicle crashes

b. value of lost productivity

c. direct treatment costs

d. crime-related costs

e. All of the above contribute to these figures.

9. Which of the following is true about the diagnosis of substance-related dependence and abuse in DSM-IV?

a. A person may be diagnosed with both dependence and abuse of a given substance.

b. Separate symptoms have been listed for each individual drug type.

c. The criteria for substance-related abuse center on consequences in several life areas.

d. All of the above are true.

e. None of the above are true.

10. Which organization developed the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders?

a. World Health Organiztion

b. American Psychiatric Association

c. American Psychological Association

d. American Medical Association

11. Why is alcohol and drug use in the United States important?

a. because of the controversy that drugs create

b. because of the number of people who use alcohol or drugs

c. because of the negative consequences of drug use

d. all of the above

e. none of the above

12. Which of the following is true about drug use and crime?

a. Crimes committed by heroin addicts are typically violent and are brought about because of the effects of the drug.

b. Most crimes associated with alcohol are assaultive.

c. Drug use causes crime.

d. With regard to all drug use, the use of hallucinogens shows the strongest association with crime.

13. Archaeological evidence suggests that __________ was used as early as 6400 B.C.

a. morphine

b. grape wine

c. beer

d. heroin

14. __________ was used in Asia Minor around 5000 B.C. and was known as a "joy plant."

a. Cannibas sativa

b. The opium poppy

c. Hemp

d. Catnip

15. Which of the following did European explorers bring to the Americas?

a. alcohol

b. psilocybin

c. mescaline

d. tobacco

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16. The Second Opium War ended in the Treaty of __________.

a. Bombay

b. Versailles

c. Tientsin

d. Cornwall

17. Into the middle of the 1800s, in the U.S., drugs could be obtained __________.

a. through the mail

b. at grocery stores

c. without prescription

d. all of the above

e. none of the above

18. What did physicians in the mid-1800s refer to as "God's own medicine"?

a. marijuana

b. Godfrey's Cordial

c. opium

d. peyote

19. What was the probable cause for the increase in popularity of marijuana in the 1920s?

a. the end of WWI

b. the Depression

c. Prohibition

d. the repeal of marijuana laws

20. Dr. Timothy Leary, one of the chief proponents of LSD use, was __________ when he began to use the drug.

a. a San Francisco surgeon

b. a Harvard psychologist

c. a member of the Jefferson Airplane

d. part of President Kennedy's anti-drug task force

21. Heroin was first developed in __________.

a. Stone Age China

b. 16th Century Peru

c. the late 1800s

d. 1952

22. In the 1800s, the opiates were used __________.

a. to calm crying babies

b. as an anesthetic

c. to treat colds

d. all of the above

e. none of the above

23. The San Francisco Ordinance involved __________.

a. banning the importation of smoking opium

b. banning the smoking of opium

c. banning opium dens

d. all of the above

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24. Which of the following was not a result of Prohibition?

a. a shift in drinking habits from distilled spirits to beer

b. a takeover of alcohol distribution by organized crime

c. a decrease in the rate of drinking in the states

d. more extensive use of marijuana

25. The designer drug methcathinone is a synthetic form of _____________.

a. opium

b. khat

c. ecstasy

d. marijuana

26. Which of the following is not a neurotransmitter?

a. dopamine

b. norepinephrine

c. serotonin

d. acetylcholine

e. all of these are neurotransmitters

27. The space between neurons is the __________.

a. axon

b. axon terminal

c. dendrite

d. synapse

28. The brain structure that controls primary drives like hunger and thirst is the __________.

a. hippocampus

b. occipital cortex

c. hypothalamus

d. medulla

29. If a drug resulted in the spontaneous firing of neurons in the occipital lobes of the cortex, the result would be __________.

a. sexual arousal

b. auditory hallucinations

c. visual hallucinations

d. loss of memory

30. If a neurotransmitter is viewed as a key, what structure would be viewed as the lock?

a. the axon

b. the synapse

c. the receptor

d. the axon terminal

e. none of the above

31. Neurotransmitters are stored in packages known as __________.

a. dendrites

b. vesicles

c. receptor sites

d. axons

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32. Which of the following processes are responsible for removing neurotransmitters from the synapse?

a. enzyme breakdown

b. reuptake

c. spontaneous disintegration

d. both a and b

33. A compound that occupies a receptor, but does not activate the neuron is known as a(n) __________.

a. agonist

b. antagonist

c. enzyme

d. neurotransmitter

34. The neurotransmitter thought to be critical in the development of Alzheimer's disease is __________.

a. dopamine

b. norepinephrine

c. acetylcholine

d. serotonin

35. What neurotransmitter is primarily implicated in schizophrenia?

a. dopamine

b. norepinephrine

c. acetylcholine

d. serotonin

36. The brain's major inhibitory neurotransmitter is __________.

a. endorphin

b. L-dopa


d. serotonin

37. The branch of the autonomic nervous system that is activated during emotional arousal is the __________.

a. parasympathetic branch

b. sympathetic branch

c. central branch

d. peripheral branch

38. Visual information is projected to the __________.

a. occipital lobe

b. temporal lobe

c. parietal lobe

d. frontal lobe

39. Which of the following are techniques used to assess brain damage?

a. Electroencephalography

b. Computerized axial tomography

c. Magnetic resonance imagery

d. all of the above

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40. Which of the following is not one of the major divisions of the human brain?

a. hindbrain

b. midbrain

c. forebrain

d. backbrain


41. Calling amphetamines "speed" is an example of drug classification by therapeutic use.

42. Economic cost of illness studies pay particular attention to the psychological costs of substance abuse.

43. Individuals staying in inpatient drug treatment centers were not included in the National Household Surveys.

44. According to the National Household Surveys, cigarettes (nicotine) are the most commonly used drugs in the United States.

45. It is felt that the newest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, DSM-IV, will be the final one.

46. A diagnosis of drug dependence in DSM-IV requires that tolerance and withdrawal be observed.

47. The initial introduction to Europe of tobacco, coffee, and tea was met with much celebration.

48. Solvent inhalant abuse is especially problematic among teenage males.

49. Soldiers who used heroin in Vietnam were usually able to give up their habit upon return to the U.S.

50. Although illicit drugs have often been used for medicinal purposes, it is very rare for drugs that are developed for medical reasons to be used in nonmedicinal ways.

51. There had been no legislative attention to treatment of drug abuse until the 1980s.

52. According to the Controlled Substances Act, the maximum penalty for a first offense for possession is greater for a Schedule I drug than for a Schedule V drug.

53. An advantage of the Controlled Substances Act is that it contains provisions for adding and rescheduling drugs.

54. One problem with the Controlled Substances Analogue Enforcement Act of 1986 is that the so-called "designer drugs" are still unclassifiable.

55. Neural firing is "all-or-none."

56. A compound that occupies and activates a receptor site is called an antagonist.

57. Neural transmission is said to be electrical at the synapse.

58. The space between neurons is the axon.

59. Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme.

60. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter.

61. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that is released at the neuromuscular junction.

62. GABA is the neurotransmitter thought to be critical in depression.

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63. The neurotransmitter mimicked by opiate drugs is endorphin.

64. The autonomic nervous system is composed of the sympathetic branch and the peripheral branch.

65. The cerebellum is the part of the brain that controls balance.

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