|Technique |Description |Purpose |Neurophysiology |

|Rhythmic Rotation |Active/passive mvmt in rotation along |- Increase ROM |- Mechanoreceptors |

| |longitudinal axis |- Good for hypertonicity | |

|Rhythmic Initiation |PROM ( AAROM ( AROM ( RROM. Emphasis on |- Initiate mvmt |- Decrease level of activity in reticular |

| |agonist unidirectional. |- Teach pattern |activating system ( leads to decreased |

| | |- Synchronize components |alpha motor neuron excitability. |

|Hold Relax, Active Mvmt |Isometric in mid-shortened pos ( relax ( |- Initiation |- Increase gamma bias |

| |lengthened pos ( quick stretch ( |- Hypotonia & Weakness |- Increase stretch sensitivity of |

| |AAROM/AROM/RROM | |intrafusal muscle fibers |

| | | |- Dec. reciprocal inhibition of agonist |

|Slow Reversal |Concentric contractions of agonists w/o |- Increase agonist motion |- Inc. alpha motor neuron excitation via |

| |relaxation b/w reversals. |- Strengthen agonist/antagonist |successive induction |

| | | |- GTO stretch stimulus |

|Contract Relax/ Hold Relax |Move body part to limitation & ask for max|- Tightness (dec. ROM) |- Autogenic Inhibition (GTO) |

| |contract of antag. | |- Renshaw Inhibition |

| |CR – only rotation | |- Supraspinal influences |

| |HR – no motion | | |

|Agonist Reversals |Concentric ( Eccentric ( Concentric |- Inc. control thru lengthened contraction|- Agonist being stretched as lengthened |

| |contractions of agonistic muscle repeated | |- Inc. gamma bias |

|Repeated Contractions |Isotonic contraction of agonist. At |- Facilitate agonist (weakness) |- Stretch reflex |

| |weakness, repeated stretch back into | |- Irradiation |

| |pattern. | | |

|Alternating Isometrics |Isometric of agonist then antagonist w/ |- Used as precursor to RS |- Facilitates alpha & gamma motor neurons |

| |hands on same side | |- Biasing of muscle spindle |

|Rhythmic Stabilization |Simultaneous isometric of ag/antag w/ |- Co-contraction |- Same as AI |

| |hands on different sides. |- Stabilization | |

|Slow Reversal Hold |Isometric contraction @ any range w/ SR. |- Stability in certain ROM |- Iso-contraction increase recruitment & |

| |Applied where stability needed | |irradiation |

|Timing for Emphasis |Whole pattern performed. Once wkness |- timing w/in extremity |- irradiation |

| |detected, iso-contraction at strong comp. | |- Facilitation |

| |w/ isotonic contraction of weaker comp. | |- Normal sequencing |

|Resisted Progression |Increase strength & enhance normal timing |- Increase strength & endurance |- Res. increases demands |

| |of mvmt. Proximal part stable and distal | |- Irradiation |

| |part mobile | |- Cortical influence of effort |

|Normal Timing |Resist concentric motion until poor |- Increase coordination & sequencing |- Mvmt regulated to subcortical levels |

| |sequencing observed. Isometric on | |yielding a more automatic response. |

| |proximal segment & quick stretch on distal| | |

| |(weaker) segment | | |


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