Set up the Parent or Guardian Sapphire Account ...

Set up the Parent or Guardian Sapphire Account and Access Report Cards

Below are instructions to create the parent or legal guardian Sapphire Community Portal account. Students do not create their Sapphire accounts and can only access Sapphire through ClassLink. 1. Go to: agorasapphire. 2. Select Create a Web Portal.



Agora Cyber Charter School

Username Password


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-"- Forgot your password? -"- Create a Web Portal accoun

If you have forgotten your login credentials?

Email: support@agora org or go to

Web? https:1/support.

Browser Reeormiendations I FAQ I Terms of Use 10/11/2018 1t 18PM Srte cootents Copynghl C 2012-2018 by K12 Systems. Inc unless otherwise ll'Kkated

3. A new window will appear. Select OK if the district is Agora Cyber Charter School.

paagc-sapp hire . says

You are about to apply for a Sapphire Community Porta l account. District: Agora Cyber Charter School Is this correct?


[ Cancel

4. Read the user agreement, select Yes and Continue.

Set up the Parent or Guardian Sapphire Account and Access Report Cards

Your Community Wei) Portal User Account will be set up as soon as we receive your Community Wei) Portal Reg istration and are able lo verify tls contents. You will receive an ema il whe n your Comm unity Web Portal User Accoun is ready tor use. Be sure to ch& k your spam filter ii n&essary and allow 48 business hours lor receipt ol your email.

I have read and agree to the above policies .

5. Complete the online application and create a Username and Password. To gain access to your child's information through Sapphire you must fill in the form correctly and precisely. Remember to write down your Username and Password. After carefully filling in the form select Save Form and Continue.

To gain acce?ss to your ch ild's infor mation through the Sapphire Community Web Portal, this form must be filled out correctly~P-:recise ly.1 and then submitted e lectronically. If you already have a Sapph ire Community Web Portal a ccount and need help retrieving your pin or pas.sword, please emai l support@. Please DO NOT create a new account.

Sapp hire Community Web Portal Application

School District: Agora Cyber Charter School Currenl School Year. 2019 Conlacl Name: Agora Cyber Charter School Conlacl E-mail Address : sapphire@

Family Information



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The application is reviewed by an Agora Administrator. Allow at least 48 hours for approval of the account. Upon approval you will receive an email with a PIN.

Keep this information in a secure place. It will be used all year to retrieve report cards.

The parent or legal guardian must email support@ if they forget their Sapphire Username or Pin and include their first name, last name and phone number.

The parent or legal guardian can reset their Password if forgotten by visiting agorasapphire. Next, select the "Forgot your password" and enter the Pin and Username.

Set up the Parent or Guardian Sapphire Account and

Access Report Cards

How to Log in: 1. Go to: agorasapphire 2. Enter your Username, Password and Pin.

Agora Cyber Charter School

Use rn a m e

Password ~ - - - - - - - - ~


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.,. Forgot your password?

.,. Create a Web Portal account

You will navigate through the portal using the links under Student Backpack. Students in grades K-5 utilize different features of Sapphire then students in grades 6-12. All grades use Sapphire to store report cards.

Families will learn how to navigate Sapphire in the Orientation Program.

Select Report Cards under Student Backpack to access the student report card when available

each marking period or semester


Home I l .,n _

Sapphire Software ,. ? 1) J Logout I Help I

Grade.10 A9ora Cyber Charter Sehc

litt!R Current Schedule

llJ Reports

- epQi'f'Cards

- File Cabinet


Grade 10 Agora Cyber Charter Schc

Select the report card and a PDF file will open up with that report card for that particular marking



Sapphire Software

? -Grade 10 A,;iora Cyber Charter Sehc

11:tlll Current Schedule

lo Reports

- Report Cards

Report Cards

lo Report Card - 4

[El Report Card - 3 [El Report Card - 2

- File Cabinet


l : : : JAgora Cyber Charter Sdlc

POSTED DATE 06/19/2013 04/ 19/2013 02/01 / 2013

Set up the Parent or Guardian Sapphire Account and

Access Report Cards

3. Review the report card. You can choose to print or save a copy of the report card. Contact the

assigned teacher if you have questions about the student's grade.



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