



From Thu Jun 26 20:10:32 1997


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Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 19:03:33 -0500

Reply-To: golden cliff

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: golden cliff

Subject: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


I will be gone this weekend and next week, so I'll share my scrapbook

offerings now.

I have enjoyed the many and varied comments on Scouts-L. I think I have

learned much and examined several issues I might not otherwise have


For the Scouts in my troop, there has been direct benefit. Through

contacts I have made through people on Scouts-L we have enjoyed many

great experiences.

We have gone...

... spelunking at Lem's Rock in Alabama with Charlie Thorpe II,

...snowmobiling in Wisconsin with Milt Forsberg,

...toured a Hurricane Hunter aircraft in Tampa with (Terry ?)

...stayed at Camp Belzer near Indianapolis

...stayed at Camp Woodland Trails north of Toronto

...received recommendations for rafting the Ocoee river in TN

...Merit badge seminar in Champaign, IL

...Scout cancer patient made new friend in Kentucky

...many other great experiences

Those are just a few things that have directly affected boys. Boys are

what Scouts-L is all about. I have also used ceremonies, planning tips,

recipes, and many other resources that have made Scouting better for my


For me personally, I regard many Scouters on Scouts-L, whom I have never

personally met, as friends. It has been a place to share ideas and enjoy

many funny stories that have made me smile. I only wish I had more time

to spend at my computer to further enjoy Scouts-L, sometimes I just

cruise through without having time to read everything.

I am very appreciative to Jon Eidson for dedicating his time and talents

to make the Scouts-L listserv a quality place where we all feel welcome.

It's like walking into a campsite and taking a seat around a fire

circled by a group of kindred souls, and sharing time, thoughts, and dreams

with them. Though we are separated by miles, even continents, there is a

common interest and spirit that unites us. It is truly a family of

Scouting that we share in.

Best wishes to Jon and Scouts-L for a continued presence in Cyberspace.

It has become a safe haven for many Scouters worldwide.

YIS, Cliff Golden

Scoutmaster Troop 33; DeKalb, Illinois

Three Fires Council BSA

From blkeagle@ Thu Jun 26 14:52:27 1997

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Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 13:46:00 -0500

To: "Michael F. Bowman" ,

From: "settummanque, or blackeagle (Mike Walton)"

Subject: Re: Help Build A Scouts-L Scrapbook!

Status: RO


Hey Professor!!

That's an EXCELLENT IDEA and one that is long in coming!!

In talking with Jessiann earlier today, she urged me to please express to

everyone that "no matter if someone has already echoed your feelings or please go ahead and post YOUR OWN PERSONAL feelings or

expressions. Even if someone (like me) has stated the same thing. The most

important thing is to honor Jon, and if that means that he sees three or ten

expressions stating basically the same thing...he'll know

that it comes from three or ten separate hearts and spirits." To which I

strongly agree upon. She said "I'm going to post my own posting even though

you may have more memories and stuff!"

To give some background as to how/why Jon became our listowner:

When the Scouts-L youth discussion list was started, a fellow by the name of

Doug Coffman (whom called himself and we called "Lefty") wanted to

set aside some space on a listserver so that those that were interested in

youth programs and their operation can talk together, share information and

advice, and become advocates for each other and our programs. Doug had

several "ins" which motivated him toward creation of the list:

he's a Scouter, an Eagle Scout and a brother of the national service

fraternity Alpha Phi Omega, which is based on the tenets of the Scout Oath

(Promise) and Laws.

After a short year of "kicking the list off" and maintaining the list, Doug's

university balked at the idea of *so many* (more than 200 at the top end;

more than 100 messages passing along a little BITNET server each day!)

people using this new forum, that he asked several of the "starters" if they

would be willing to take it over. I was one of those folks asked; my

university said "Not at this time".

Jon Eidson, at that time, a new Scouter in a relatively new Troop,

volunteered to "take some time" from his role at Texas Christian University

to serve as our new listowner. Everything was transferred and we went onward

and upward since then. We have grown from a little under 100 at the start in

1990 to well over 2000 today (not including, of course, those that print

Scouts-L off and shares it with others; those still getting excerpts of

Scouts-L from BBSes, websites and FidoNet; and those resenting Scouts-L

postings to other youth agency leaders worldwide).

The road was built with the good works, great ideas and advice, and

information from all of us. There were several highlights that I want you

all to keep in mind as you prepare to reflect this weekend:

- The Scouts-L list was not in competition with any other list at the time

of its starting, but just about everywhere you would go within Boy or Girl

Scouting, you would hear references to "that great list on the BITNET" and

how great it would be to "get onto that list!". During our earlier days,

there were more than 100 Bulletin Board Systems (BBSes) that "carried"

either extracts or "gateways" to Scouts-L.

- The Boy Scouts of America mentions Scouts-L *by name* and "the email

internet Scouting group" several times during national programs, during

national events, and during their National meetings. I would say that the

same things happened with regard to the Girl Scouts of the USA and other

groups. While they have NEVER formally endorsed this forum, the BSA has

acknowledged several times that "there's a alful lot of great things going

on over there".

- The Scouts-L listserver archives, which started out as a modest effort to

capture our ongoing daily discussion for those that "missed a day or so" due

to vacation, work committments, or "being out with the Scouts", has become

an INTERNATIONAL resource. More people have hit the listserver to get

information from our archives than to subscribe or change subscription

options. It's still all there....from the earliest entries like Chris

Haggerty's silkscreening process to Cub Scout hints and tricks to old sets

of jokes and tall tales to POW WOW book resources. Most of it is in text

format, but as the forum grew, we got quality clipart from Gary Hendra and

later on from others. And we developed our OWN collection of Scouting

advice, starting with the Pinewood Derby information, to the Eagletips, to

the Wood Badge information....information that keeps coming up, and as still

as meaningful to our Scouters today as it was back in 1992 or 1994 or


- When the Internet was emerging as more than "geeksville" for many, Jon

worked with lots of us out here in developing new tools to not only get more

people here to Scouts-L; but also in getting more Scouters and other youth

leaders online *period*. He's made upteen trips to the National office to

speak with various programming, support and information management

professionals and offering to coach them on how to use Scouts-L and even

offering accounts. At the same time, he has allowed the expansion of our

discussions by helping to establish 10 *other* groups and lists, the first

of which was called "Electronic Scouting" or

E-Scouts. The "spin-offs" included forums to address specific needs of

Order of the Arrow, Jewish, LDS, WAGGS and other "sub-cultures" of

Scouting online.

- When USENET newsgroups became available to more parts of the nation,

people STILL made their way over "to that Scouts list". Why?

In a large part, due to Jon's insistance that we keep "remembering why we

are all here and to remember that we have the disagreement with what was

SAID, and not the PERSON that said it". That one beacon, the shining point

off of the mountain of talk, convinced even those over at USENET to reform

and to try to tailor conversations toward "helping" instead of "confronting"

others. Jon made that happen by maintaining such a high level of "civility"


- What does a LISTOWNER do besides "keeping peace in the land"?

A lot. He handles "bounced mail", mail that somehow doesn't make it's way to

each and every one of our subscribers. He handles inquiries from individual

members looking for "that time we talked about Cub Scout Sports" (a lot of

that, he forwards to others like myself that maintains somewhat of a running

"open archive" so that it frees him up to do other things; a lot of times,

he'll do the searches himself!). He also responds to those that feel that

specific members "responded inappropriately" to their

posting. Jon and other listowners also insure that "spam" sent to "each and

every list" never reaches us. He also makes sure that we are not using the

list solely as a commerical entity, although he realizes that there are

several here with "concerns" which do target Scouters and youth leaders.

The Listowner also "sets the rules", but if you ask Jon who "sets the

rules", he'll tell you that there's very few rules that HE has set up as

opposed to other lists whereby whatever the listowner says goes. In setting

up the WELCOME letter, for instance, he sought out advice and input from

those have been here for a while as well as those that "just got here".

He's also asked me and other "longtimers" to "continuously poll our group,

take a pulse and see if we're meeting THEIR needs." Jon does this as a

SIDELINE, gang. He doesn't get paid for what he does and does our stuff ON

TOP of his regular work at TCU as a systems programmer in their computing

division. This places him lots of times in odds with his boss, who sees

that what Jon does as "something he does on his own" and not part of the

University's service objectives. Jon Eidson put in a lot of his personal

after-work hours, especially when the list "spikes" at the start of August

and again in Feburary, to make sure that everything "runs

smoothly" and that "everyone's postings reach the rest of us".

I have sent Jon a private posting which I will share with the rest of the list

on Tuesday.

I've been very blessed with being a part of this forum since it's earlier

beginnings, and to have been a small part of your lives by the way of

electronics and inspiration. Jon and I have talked off and on by voice,

fax, mail and email over the years, yet we've never met face-to-face.

Jessiann and I hope to join and meet as many of you as we can later this

summer during the waning hours of the National Jamboree.

I STRONGLY ASK and ENCOURAGE each of you here (and those that can't post

directly here, I ask you to *please* help them to place their personal

reflections here so that we can all share those with Jon too) to please

participate as Professor Beaver asked, and to please help us with

honoring a man that has devoted a LOT of his free time to the welfare of

promoting youth programs, in providing a way for all of us to meet

"interactively" and to help us all in getting that hug, that pat on the back,

that kick in the seat, that lump in our throats, that warm feeling in our

hearts and stimulation in our minds over the years.

I look FORWARD in reading and sharing your impressions with Jon -- and with

all of us this weekend!


(c) 1997 Mike Walton ("no such thing as strong coffee,...") (502) 827-9201

(settummanque, the blackeagle)

241 Fairview Dr., Henderson, KY 42420-4339 blkeagle@

kyblkeagle@ or

---- FORWARD in service to youth ----

From Fri Jun 27 21:11:32 1997


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Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 21:09:03 -0400

Reply-To: Cheryl Singhal

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Cheryl Singhal

Subject: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO



Just a brief note to say "Thanks for taking the time to do the List".

In the short time I've been here, I've learned a great deal from Scouters

around the world ... our similiarities are so much greater than our

differences, and without this common meeting ground, we might never have

known that.

Thank you...for your time, your effort, your empathy.

Cheryl, wife of CC Troop 763, Wheaton Md, Olde Mill, NCAC


|csinghal@ * "You are my son. It was not*

*cheryl_singhal@cpafug. * an effort." Sarek, ST-IV |


From Fri Jun 27 18:42:38 1997


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Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 18:36:46 -0400

Reply-To: jservos@

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Joe Servos

Subject: scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO



I'll try to keep this brief in the hope that you have many more

notes of appreciation to read.

Scouting is about kids (I was about to say boys but my cub pack is

coed and that is another well travelled thread)

Your list has broadened my horizons.. many new resources, ideas,

suggestions, and an excellent forum for the pros and cons of various

approaches to dealing with the kids, when they are good, or otherwise.

The dynamics of dealing with the other members of leadership teams is just

as important. Listening to different views, and having the good judgement to

accept criticism and constructive ideas, is reflected in the daily exchanges

seen on the list.

Many of the BSA procedures do not apply here in Canada due to differences in

the programs, but the international nature of the list sure does bring home

what all of us are endeavouring to do, help kids have fun and grow.

Your list is important to us all. Thanks for the opportunity to participate

Joe Servos Akela

27th Guelph Ont. Canada Cubs

PS I think that there really are no bad kids, jus differing degrees of


From Fri Jun 27 13:13:18 1997


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Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 12:58:19 -0500

Reply-To: John Bemis

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: John Bemis

Subject: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


Having to leave for Webelos Resident Camp tonight (Friday 6/27)

I have set mail to digest, I will miss the ongoing message

traffic but I will get back to it on 7/7.

Having been involved in this "electronic roundtable" or

"virtual campfire" for the last few years, I have picked

up tons of material for just about everything in Scouting.

Case in point is the material that I used from here with

tag lines for the NE-1B Section Conclave.

The Broken Arrow ceremony was on disc and paper, we

performed it during the training session, then passed it out!

The different kinds of 'transition' ceremonies,

like youth to adult were 'borrowed' from a Wood Badge

beading ceremony found here several years ago.

I am going to Webelos Resident Camp with numerous

examples of new and recycled ideas. We are going to do

a flag retirement ceremony for a campfire close.

We are going to do a 'Swamp-thing Walk'. We are going

to put kids in bubbles and Tipis and play with our marbles.

By the way, the 'Cubmaster'

for the week is the Treasure Valley Cub Scout Coordinator,

Jason Kuder. He "works" as the NE-1B Section Chief.

He wanted to take the rest of the summer off in order to get

ready for the Jambo97 Service Corps. Jay is the JVC for this.

The best thing has been the friendships that have developed

and the opportunity to meet the individuals at events;

Akela Calls, Section Conclaves, Wood Badge Courses/Reunion,

NOAC, etc. It is really a "kick" to be on vacation

and drop in on an friend from the 'net, and then spend

a couple of hours talking and trading paper/ideas.

It is especially interesting to attend an event (NLS,

NOAC, STS, Powwows) and be greeted with smiles, handshakes,

and "... and you're Jay Bemis, I know your wife [from AOL]".

In case of Cub Scout Wood Badgers, hugs!

By the way, my wife Jan (RndTblJan) keeps up with

Scouts-l from AOL. Some of you may have seen the Shadetree

activity on weekends and the monthly (Third Thursday)

AOL Cub Scout Round Table. Some events are more intesting

because of the participants from Scouts-l! I keep track of my

friends from NE CS-48 and NE I-140/163/176/183.

Are you interested on going to a really good 'awesome'

training event? Let me tell you about Wood Badge ....

One of my observations from starting a list of names for the

1992 NOAC was its evolution into the spin-off Arrow-l.

In preparation for the 1992 NOAC, the NOAC attendees

began talking, then planning a get-together. Mike Walton

had produced the 'Internet Lodge' flap and it was a great

success. I decided to put together a list of interested


Not knowing the campus at Purdue, we discovered a 'resource'

who suggested that we use one of the fountains.

We gathered the list of names and we were off for the event!

Needless to say, the NOAC/Scouts-l event went off at the

"washing machine" fountain. Mike Walton acted as the

moderator for the discussion group that evening.

Mike hosted the event because of his shy and retiring nature (gr:)).

As a note, that was my Lodge in the fountain water.

We also discovered a lot of Arrowmen that wanted to go to the

NOAC but could not. Discussions kept 'breaking' out on OA issues.

These discussions began taking a large amount of bandwidth.

The also centered on material that was "safeguarded" meaning the

OA ceremonies. Enter Jon with the suggestion that we take the

list and start a spin off. Because of the material being

discussed it also needed an administrator who would screen

the would-be particpants. After a rocky start, the Arrow-l

operation was up and running. It has now spun itself into a

Brotherhood and Vigil variations. Jon was instrumental in

getting resources and interested parties together to make the

thing work.

Jon, thank you for all your hard work and especially your time!

Jay Bemis

Vice District Chairman - Program

Quinsigamond District, Mohegan Council Worcester, Ma

From Sat Jun 28 18:50:10 1997


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Date: Sat, 28 Jun 1997 18:42:34 EDT

Reply-To: Dick Sofian

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Dick Sofian

Subject: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO



Let me take this time to thank you for your tireless efforts in keeping

the Scouts-L list active and available for those of us trying to keep

the Scouting dream alive and well.

I have been able to use this resource to gather valuable information,

data, graphics and the collective wisdom of the group.

Having been a part of the scouting program as a youth, participating

as a Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Order of the Arrow member, and to be

able to relive these experiences with my son 35 years later is a great

joy to me. The Scouters that I interact with, who share our desire to

set the right example for our youth, to lead, not just follow down the

scouting trail are a true inspiration to me, and I thank them all.

To the members of this list, thank you for being there whenever I have

a question or a problem. I know I can count on you. To Jon, Doug, Mike,

Cheryl, Marie, Grant, Cliff, Sarah, and all the rest, thank you for


me to check on your activities daily, and to feel a part of your


I consider it an honor to be in your presence, and I believe we all


for this experience.

Thanks one and all!

Dick Sofian - dsofian@


Assistant Cubmaster, St. Louis (MI) Cub Scout Pack 3609

Brotherhood Member, Mischigonong #89, WWW

From Sat Jun 28 19:50:55 1997


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28 Jun 1997 18:45:47 -0500

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Date: Sat, 28 Jun 1997 18:37:45 -0500

Reply-To: Marilyn Giglio

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Marilyn Giglio

Subject: Re: Scouter's Wife/Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


Just to add a little to each;


If your husband asks, "Was there anything interesting in the mail", and

you know he was talking about the 'Scouts-L' E-mail, you are probably an

'Electronic' Scouters Wife....


Thanks Jon... I have learned so much from everyone's experiences, as well

as ideas from Crafts-Zoology... and some great Recipes (The Trash-can Turkey

was such a hit at our last weekend romp). Overseas cultural exchanges...

Some very moving stories and Friday Funnies... Electronic Cards, from

people with good hearts...

Just thanks are all we have to offer, but Scouting Hearts are a thing forever!


MArilyn Giglio ___

Pack Communications _____ | '> ______

Pack 364 - Grandview, MO | / / \ \ |

Thunderbird District | | | ^ | | |

Heart Of America Council | | |_/\ /\_| | |

| |_/ //MG\\ \_| |

"I used to be a 'Filly', |_/ /_/ \_\ \_|

but now I'm just a 'MARE'..." //_\\


PLUS my latest endeavor:

Wolf Den Leader Pack 631 HoowwwWWLL!!! and two Brownies to boot!

From Sat Jun 28 21:18:57 1997


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28 Jun 1997 20:13:49 -0500

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Date: Sat, 28 Jun 1997 20:10:51 +0000

Reply-To: "Jessica A. Walton"

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

Comments: Authenticated sender is

From: "Jessica A. Walton"

Subject: Scrapbook

X-cc: jessica@, blkeagle@

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO



I know from speaking at length about Scouts-L with Mike that you

weren't the person who began the list. However, just as an adoptive

parent doesn't give birth to a child to be their parent, you've

certainly "raised" this list to one with really high standards.

Speaking as someone with very limited exposure to Scouting and its

programs, I am impressed with the caliber of people you have

attracted to this list over the years. For the most part, I have

found them all to be a wonderful, family-oriented group of people who

love the program and who most of all, dedicate their lives to the

youth who enjoy both Girl Scouting, Boy Scouting, Royal Rangers,

Missionettes and all other various youth oriented programs.

I want to thank you for all of the hard work, dedication, long hours

and true caring you've put into this list. You have brought many

ideas, discussions, issues and yes, disagreements to all who have

participated throughout all of the years Scouts-L has been in

operation. I can honestly say that I used many ideas from this list

when I was student teaching, in working in various programs with

kids, in tutoring, in Cub Scouting and even with my own

step-children. You've brought many hours of talking, sharing,

laughing and crying to Mike and myself!! We've learned much along

with everyone else.

If one thing stands out overall, it is that EVERYONE



Thanks for doing everything you can to focus on our children. Keep

the faith as Scouts-L continues to grow.



Jessica A. Walton ----->--->---->- Brotherhood and

Vigil) and who knows what others things you've been involved with.

Many times I have gone back to the Troop's Committee or PLC with information

retrieved from this list. It's not clear whether that information could have

been achieved via another vehicle, that isn't the point. All of us here on

this list have come together many times on issues and provided much information

to those in asking.

I have readied myself and others for an Adirondack Canoe Trek, Sea Base

Adventures, and Philmont... Without the help and wise advice by those on

this list, many of us would be struggling to make a Scouting program

better for the Kids involved. We have spanned the world in Scouting via

this vehicle, we have spanned the gender field of scouting with this

vehicle, and we have made numerous friends. I have a list of people I've

communicated with and continue to communicate with through this list.

I have traded with people from around the world through this list, I have

traveled to many places (Internet wise) because of this list. My list of

Scouting URL's is long, with each of these places providing many ideas

and resources. I have given a few Sermons on Scout Sunday through phrases

and thoughts from this list...

My jobs within Scouting have been enhanced because of this list and my

ability to provide ideas and information to my council's many mtgs and

committees has all stemmed from this list... If not for this, I would have

had to rely on local help, local scouters and quite possibly limited


So in closing this msg to you, I am sure you will have heard it many many

times through this effort to appreciate your work, but thanks! It's a

simple phrase, but carries so much meaning within it.



_/_/ _/ _/_/_/_/ | Pat(rick) Meehan (WWW & I trade patches)

_/ _/ _/ _/ | email: mailto:alf@melmac.pok.

_/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/ | EXT email: mailto:alf@pok.

_/ _/ _/ _/ | or mailto:pat_meehan@vnet.

_/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ | Phone:(914) 433-7916 :: fax:(914) 433-8363

From Tue Jul 1 09:12:17 1997


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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 18:12:48 +0000

Reply-To: Ben Parker

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Ben Parker

Organization: Best Effort Co.

Subject: Re: Scrapbook

X-To: Scouts-L Youth Group List

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L


Status: RO



They say the sincerest form of complement is imitation, following the

example set by others. (Sounds like Wood Badge...) I joined Scouts-L

shortly after the 1992 NOAC. I had learned of the List from fellow

staffers on the WOA-TV project at NOAC, where we assembled a crew of

technicians from across the country (and couldn't have done it without


Over time I have asked questions, and received many helpful hints and good

advice from fellow Scouters here on council mergers, camporee themes (3 of

our last 8 camporees have come from ideas here), merit badge counseling,

high adventure, Jamboree, etc. Nobody can know everything but collectively

we all know more than anybody else. The dialog here has always been good,

and very 'professional' (even though we are volunteers) with an understood

feeling that we are trying to do the best we can for the youth we serve.

There have been some disagreements, but always polite, reasoned, even


The example set here has led me to start our own council area discussion

list (DPRV-L) 1.5 yrs ago, to focus on local issues, and recently (helped

by another young Scout) I have started the Brotherhood-L and Vigil-L lists

for Order of the Arrow members to discuss particular things they can't on

Arrow-L (which TCU also hosts very graciously). So, Jon, you have set a

fine example and many of us are following in your footsteps.

Thanks again for all your hard work.



Ben Parker ............ (Oak Park IL) .......... bparker@

* ASM T-16 Oak Park IL (founded 1916) * Beavers are Busy! (C-22W-93) *

* ListOwner DPRV-L * Des Plaines Valley Council IL * Eagle Scout-1962 *

* Pachsegink Lodge 246 * || >>>---|>----> || * Pedhakquon Wischalowe *

From Tue Jul 1 09:13:48 1997


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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 11:20:59 -0700

Reply-To: Joel Geldin

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Joel Geldin

Subject: Scrapbook

X-To: Scouts-L Youth Group List

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L


Status: RO



My name is Joel Geldin, ASM (I learned the abreviations here) Troop 772,

Laguna Niguel, CA. Today is the 1 month anniversary of my joining the

Scouts-L list. I found you all when I was recently asked by my DE if I

would help form a Pack and Troop at my Temple. Being a netizen, I knew

there was a lot to learn about Scouting on the net, but not that I would

ever find so much help discovering it. In lurking here I have found out

questions I need to ask, resources for where to find the answers and a

group of people who care deeply enough about scouting to share the good and

the bad.

My hats off to the fouders and the supporters of Scouts-L thanks for being


/Joel Geldin/ ASM Troop 772

Laguna Niguel, CA

From Tue Jul 1 09:18:54 1997


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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 14:29:52 -0700


Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List


Subject: Scrapbook


To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


I first heard about this list about 5 years ago. It took me almost

a year to get on, for reasons that I still don't understand. Even then,

it took the direct intervention of Paul Wolf to get me on.

I have enjoyed it immensly. We may not necessrily agree, but we can

usually treat each other as Scouters and "agree to disagree".

Last fall, I got an email from a fellow in the Seattle area, inquiring

if I would like to get together. He was from a customer company, and

would be in town later in the month. We did get together, and have

had a few good times. There are also the ones that I may never meet,

but consider them friends all the same. That is a closeness that you

don't get from the USENet groups.

Thanks Jon, and keep up the good work.


Chuck Bramlet, ASM Troop 323

Thunderbird District, Grand Canyon Council, Phoenix, Az.

I "used to be" an Antelope! (and a good ol' Antelope, too...) WEM-10-95

Please E-mail any replies to: >> >>---|>--->|

Green River District (Renton WA)

Scout Leader Training Chair

From Tue Jul 1 09:59:45 1997


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1 Jul 1997 08:54:41 -0500

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Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 09:50:34 -0400

Reply-To: ocanna@ALPHA.CAER.UKY.EDU

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: "Dan O'Canna"

Subject: Scrapbook


To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


Thanks Jon. Many thanks to those who are kind enough to let

you use a considerable amount of computer resources to host this

list. Since many of us receive Scouts-L on our "work" systems,

thanks to those who allow the members to recieve the large

volume of traffic generated by this Roundtable of Scouters.

The many tips I've read on the list have certainly been a help to

me and more importantly the boys I serve.

The jokes and songs I've learned and shared lighten my spirit

when I'm blue.

The inspriational messages from the list that I've shared with the

Scouts and Scouters in my council benefit us all.

The clip art and other files in the Scouts-L archives provide a

reference library of great value.

Finally the people on the list. By far the fellowship and Scout-

like attitude of the list members are the greatest resources

available to each of us. The values of the Scout Law are demon-

strated every day by the postings I receive.

Without your help, Jon, these wonderful aids to Scouting might not

be available. Thank you for the time you spend on our behalf.

Yours in the spirit of Scouting,

Dan O'Canna Lexington, Kentucky

From Tue Jul 1 10:15:49 1997


Received: from pucc.PRINCETON.EDU (smtpc@pucc.Princeton.EDU []) by cap1. (8.6.12/8.6.10) with SMTP id KAA04947; Tue, 1 Jul 1997 10:15:49 -0400


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1 Jul 1997 09:10:43 -0500

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09:10:15 -0500

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Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 09:08:40 -0500

Reply-To: "Koval, Ric"

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: "Koval, Ric"

Subject: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


To Jon and the List:

After being away from the List for waaayyy too long due to some neck

surgery and recovery, OA Conclave, and Scout Camp; I find the "Virtual

Roundtable" engaged in a richly deserved thread of appreciation for our List

Owner. Not having seen the original posts or yet getting the archive to follow

this thread, the intent and heartfelt thanks are obvious.

Jon, Thank-you.

Thanks for your Herculean effort to keep us together and positive.

Thanks for your "administrivia" tolerance of running a large list.

Thanks for your committment to Scouting and Scouters worldwide.

Thanks for "going to the mat" with your employers for us, we must use an

inordinant amount of your resources and time.

(Thanks must also go to TCU for thinking enough of Jon to let him use those

resources on us!)

Thanks for keeping a "Special Place" for us to meet, greet, discuss, debate,

debunk, inform, learn, teach, laugh, cry, pray, share, dispense, collect, up-,

down- load, save, swap, test, confirm, reflect, and participate in things


We should award you the internet equivalent of the Silver Beaver; the

"Internet Something-or-other" (sorry, drew a least I hope it's not

the Internet Albatross ;-}) for service above and beyond for years. It is

richly deserved!!!

Thanks, Jon...Ric...

P.S. To all the Scouts-L'ers...My thanks to you for your contributions to the

Scouts and Scouters of my area. I've learned and shared and passed on many of

the megabytes of info I've collected. Without your help the things I hold most

dear in my sig credits (including the most recent) would not have been as

rewarding or effective...Thanks...R...

Twin Valley Council Wahpekute OA Lodge #53

(South Central Minnesota) Vigil Honor T97 Gihim Amemens

C-36-94 ANTELOPE C-28-97 STAFFER |>>>>====/\=====>|

Council Training Chair Lodge Adviser

I will not follow the path...

I will make my own way and I will leave a trail...


From Tue Jul 1 11:07:24 1997


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with BSMTP id 5308; Tue, 01 Jul 97 10:58:59 EDT

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1 Jul 1997 10:02:06 -0500

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10:01:16 -0500

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TCP; Tue, 01 Jul 97 10:01:08 CDT

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Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 11:00:02 -0400

Reply-To: Randy Moyers 1355 6051

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Randy Moyers 1355 6051

Subject: Scrapbook


To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

In-Reply-To: Tom Bingaman

(Jun 30, 2:25pm)

Status: RO



You are like the old man who, having successfully crossed the ravine himself,

paused to build a bridge for those who might follow him. You have built an

electronic bridge which we all walk on a daily basis to seek knowledge, advice,

solice, or simply companionship. No one can know the countless hours you must

spend performing the tedious administrative tasks associated with the upkeep of

this list. Try to look beyond those tasks and see that through your work here

you touch the lives of thousands of youth in packs and troops around the world.

When I present material from the list to 100+ scouters at roundtable, how many

lives do you touch?

When material from the list is included in a Pow-Wow book, how many lives do

you touch?

When advice from the list helps to solve the problems of a pack or troop and

allows it to continue to serve youth, how many lives do you touch?

When advice from the list helps to turn a misguided youth from a path of

destruction to one aligned with the aims of scouting, how many lives do you


When a frustrated scouter at the end of his/her rope finds advice and comfort

and continues on in scouting, how many lives do you touch?

The sad thing is that the rest of us get to see the tangible results of this

list in the eyes and hearts of the youth we serve, while you cannot see the end

results of your work. As you read these letters of appreciation, try to use our

eyes and see the faces of the young men who have a better scouting program due

to your efforts. These few bytes that we send cannot begin to express the

respect and gratitude we on the list have for you. Thank you, Jon. You have

made a difference. No one can ask for more in life.

YIS, (I used to be a Bobwhite... SR-CS-09)

Randy KE4NNI

ASM Troop 397, ADC, District/Council Training Staff, Roundtable Staff

Lighthouse District, South Florida Council

To Reply directly to me: mailto:moyersrl@m.

To Reply to the SCOUTS-L List:

From Tue Jul 1 11:15:07 1997


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1 Jul 1997 10:09:49 -0500

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Central V4L380P6) id 432859070097182FCCMAIL1; 01 Jul 1997 07:59:07 GMT


Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 07:59:07 GMT

Reply-To: Fred Osgood

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

Comments: MEMO 07/01/97 08:00:00

From: Fred Osgood

Subject: scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO



Welcome back from Philmont! I know you had a grand experience.

We all appreciate what you do on Scouts-L. My favorite Scouts-L

experience is as follows:

I was going to Israel and looking for a Scout Shop/contacts and posted

to Scouts-L. Before I knew it I was getting responses. My post was

even forwarded to Scouts-J. Because of the tight tour schedule I was

not able to explore all of the leads, but I was able to get patches

(at a army surplus on Ben Yehudah Street) and made an electronic

friend that I traded patches with. Thanks to you John for providing

the service and Mark, Jerry, Dan, Neil and Katie, Judie, Alan, Ed,

Steve and Divr for responding.

BP would be proud!

Fred Osgood

T 853 Mesa, AZ

... Bobwhite

From Tue Jul 1 11:17:01 1997


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1 Jul 1997 10:11:14 -0500

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Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 07:46:55 PDT

Reply-To: dmsanchez@VNET.

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: "David M. Sanchez"

Subject: scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


Good Morning Jon,

I would like to begin with a huge, massive, enormous THANK YOU !!!!

for all you have done with Scouts-L. I have been a member of this

list for about 2 years now. I began asking questions as a Wolf den

leader, then a Cubmaster and next as a membership zone chair. I have

met so many wonderful people that I touched my life in ways they will

never know. Yes Mike I too have yelled at the monitor, laughed out

loud (including rolling on the floor), and shed a tear. I have also

shared many of my Scouts-L experiences with all of friends in Pack 265.

Mr Cubmaster when can we meet Mr Scouts-L .......huh ? no no no Scouts-l

is a mailing list on the internet with a ....... next pack meeting B-).

Thanks again Jon ! and welcome back.

David M. Sanchez

Cubmaster Pack 265

Mene Oto District, Santa Clara County Council

From Wed Jul 2 18:33:20 1997


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2 Jul 1997 17:28:13 -0500

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Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 17:41:04 -0400

Reply-To: "Don, Liz & Matt"

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: "Don, Liz & Matt"

Subject: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO



I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the time and effort

AND VISION that you demonstrated by creating the Scouts-l listserv. Many

of the files in archive are worth there weight in Gold. I have certainly

learned a lot about scouting in the last six months. I hope to learn

more as the years go on. I truly believe the Brotherhood of Scouting is

alive and well in Cyberspace due to you. Thank you.

Don Scruggs

Troop Committee

Troop 214


From Wed Jul 2 17:31:50 1997


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Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 21:53:55 -0400

Reply-To: Pete Murray

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Pete Murray

Subject: Scrapbook

X-To: SL

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


Hey Jon,

I have been reading these Scrapbook posts with some interest as to how =

many people have been moved to write. They all have lives, and they are =

probably more committed to their individual units and boys than most in =

their District. They are the Troop/Pack Committee chairpersons, Cub and =

Scout Masters, District Chairs, DEs, Commissioners etc., and they spend =

much of their waking time serving the youth and other adults who serve =

the youth of our land. They are those noble few who can not say "no" to =

a legitimate need and so are the ones every one else relies on to =

"handle" the problems, and put on the program. Their lives are soooo =

full with soooo many activities, that they never seem to be able to just =

take time for themselves. Jon, they simply don't have the time to write =

you about this... and yet they do.=20

They write, because your list gives back all of the time it takes to =

read it and more. It solves most of those little nitty gritty problems =

and gives insight into the deeper ones. It plans out whole Pack meetings =

with some great ideas. It helps a troop to make wise decisions over =

which stove or tent to buy, and even where to camp! We even found those =

logger fonts (more than once) with ease. There is even some humor to =

lighten us up. On top of all this, we have found a tight knit group of =

fellow Scouters/Friends who can relate to our chosen hectic lifestyles. =

And Jon, the difference between your list and all of the other "helps" =

we encounter in Scouting is.... You make us look good.... Real good!=20

After my first year in Cubs as a Tiger Dad, The new Roundtable commish =

asks me to help with RT... she thinks I am an Internet guru with what I =

get from here. Two years down, and the training chair wants me to help =

with training... she likes all those neat ideas I come up with. Go =

figure, I print out a bunch of copies of a post or two, and everyone =

thinks I know what I am doing. I have a passel of "Scout Master's =

Minutes" that has most of the pack thinking I am well read AND a deep =

thinker. You get the picture, anytime I have a project, task, or =

problem, I turn to the list and tap into one of the greatest powers on =

earth... the amassed brain power of the Scouters assembled here on =

Scouts-L. How could I not appear to be competent???

So thanks Jon, thanks for making this monster that has become so much =

bigger than you. It is huge, and sometimes testy... but it does so much =

more good than many of the "official helps" could ever hope to. There is =

no way that you could have helped so many without it; and without it =

there would be no way so many could have had the time to write you =



Pete Murray


Cubmaster of Mighty Pack 230, Apopka Fl

Semoran Springs Roundtable Staff (Webelos & Computers)

Semoran Springs Training Staff

Awesome is as Awesome does...

From Wed Jul 2 17:14:34 1997


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2 Jul 1997 16:06:01 -0500

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Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 10:28:47 -0400

Reply-To: "Bruce Harper (VT Webmaster)"

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: "Bruce Harper (VT Webmaster)"

Subject: Scrapbook

X-To: Scouts-L Youth Group List

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


Thanks, Jon, for all you do for SCOUTS-L. As an administrator of several

Listserv lists (none as big as this one), I know of the hassles and

problems that come fast and furious. To have stuck it out this long shows

true dedication to service to others. I had to go back to my mainframe

account to track down my subscription date -- October 15, 1992. At that

time, I had just moved from "interested parent" to "Assistant Webelos

Den Leader." Since then, two of my sons have advanced into Boy Scouts

and I followed the second one into the troop as an Assistant Scoutmaster.

Son number three starts his trek in a year.

The discussions have been interesting and informative in the five years

I've been here. The list has run smoothly, thanks to Jon and his

occasional gentle reminders about how we should conduct ourselves. I've

learned quite a bit about how Scouting should work, how it really works,

and how folks across the country and around the world are making sure

that kids have fun and learn a little bit while they are at it. I've

followed discussions from folks who walk around with rulers and rule books

to ensure that every badge and pin is in the exact location. I've also

followed discussions from folks who follow the rules 99 percent of the

time, but are able to lighten up for that critial 1 percent so that the

kids benefit from the program. It is nice that SCOUTS-L exists to show

both sides of these situations and to let others know that they aren't

alone in dealing with problem children, problem adults, and problem


Again, thanks Jon!

Bruce in Blacksburg

Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 56, Blacksburg, Virginia

New River District -- Blue Ridge Mountains Council

Bruce B. Harper (540)231-4360

Distributed Information Systems Virginia Tech Computing Center

1700 Pratt Drive Blacksburg, Virginia 26060

Virginia Tech home page

From Tue Jul 1 11:57:30 1997


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Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 11:48:18 -0400

Reply-To: ndmann@TACL.DNET.

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Nathan Mann

Subject: Scrapbook


To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


What a great list!

Here I have found so many nuggets...

o Ways to work with a WEBELOES den, when I was recruted to fill in after the

kid's den leader had had enough after 4 years with them.... and neither of my

boys were in that group of 10!

My Den Chief went on to Eagle...

Three boys from that group made Eagle

(One in a different troop)

Two are still active and working the trail

o How to run a Pinewood Derby

(Keep it SIMPLE, Make it FUN, Involve EVERYONE - throw away the electronics)

at the PACK level for several, District, and Council twice

How hard it is to step back and let another take over and stumble...

o How to keep one's sanity as Assistant Cubmaster with 80 - 110 cubs

(what needs to be done, what can/should be done by others)

o How to keep Den Leader's sane when Cubmaster

Ways to say thanks, ways to listen, ways to approach situations

o Ideas for running a Cub-o-Ree and scout Skill-o-Ree

from PATCH companies to different skill challanges to pat-on-the-back items

And thanks for the ray of sun that found the ampitheater after the downpour

o Ideas for sessions in Cub Daycamp; as program director twice

Ice Cream making in the woods,

2-liter rockets launching Egglians

o Scanning my own SCOUTS-L archives (I keep them all!) for the collective

thoughts on Boy Scout retention past age 14+ when gas & girls turn heads...

Putting together our troop's High Adventure program

Revising, reviewing, and reliving my youth as ASM - Venture Scouting

With 15 - 20 older scouts to guide, some I've known since kindergarden

Trying to connect to X-ski in Muskeegon - Thanks G.R.Ford council scouters

Shortly to 50mi canoe in Canada - Thanks all for the tips on Canada

as well as places to stay (or visit)

o Discovering other scouters online who enjoy Buckner Cave as much as we do!

Hi Milt Forsburg - hope you're enjoying camp this week!

o Sharing the challanges of a scout facing cancer, and his ASM dad.

Your email, cards and letters eased Chris's 2 1/2 year struggle

He lived for scouting; preferring campouts over hospitals to the end

planned and conducted his Eagle project from the bed...and reached his goal

o Read a story by a SCOUTS-L regular, about how as a young scout he'd had some

difficulties, and a scouter had aided him; it was in the great style I so

enjoy reading; Thanks to Mike Walton (Settummanque!) for mentioning that

scouter's name in your posting. We emailed to confirm identities; it was

the son (and now Council Executive of Crossroads of America Council), and

son of Troop 40's mentor (uncle to one of my venture scouts) that Mike

wrote of so well. I printed Mike posting and shared it with the scouter's

mother, as the troop and she mourned the loss of Jim Clabaugh. He made a

difference, he instilled values in his children and grandchildren that made

a difference and was reflected on SCOUTS-L. Mike, next time you visit

Camp Crooked Creek, there's a memorial facing campsite #6 to the father of

that scouter that helped you at the side of the road... late one night...

o The SCOUTS-L digests have been distributed at Cub Leader Roundtables for

a couple years, spreading thoughts beyond the electronic screen

Of all the discussion lists I use, SCOUTS-L is by far the most useful

and well read. Keep the computers on, the keyboards working, the coffee

flowing and discussions ongoing.

So many answers and ideas to explore!

(It's great to be 21... again)

Nate Mann - One eagle son and one well on the way

ASM T40 Venture Scouting

Louisville, Ky

From Tue Jul 1 11:24:42 1997


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Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 11:21:48 -0400

Reply-To: Wayne Hill

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Wayne Hill

Subject: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


To Jon and all,

Thank you! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!!!!

Scouts-l is a tremendous and immediate resource. Everyone has been

helpful, and friendly with any question I asked. It's great to hear from

Scouters outside the USA too!

Three cheers for Jon for keeping us electrically together.

Wayne Hill

ASM, Troop 165

Gloucester City, NJ, USA

Camden County Council

Lekua 77 Brotherhood


...a good ole " We are all products of our choices "

Bobwhite too... " Scouting is a good choice "

From Tue Jul 1 11:27:32 1997


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1 Jul 1997 10:22:21 -0500

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Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 11:20:35 -0400

Reply-To: Jerryegray@

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Jerry Gray

Subject: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


Hi Jon,

Thanx for all the great stuff. My roundtables and training sessions have been

so much richer because of this list.

I started electronic messaging back in 1991 after attending the first Akela

Calls - Region 1 Pow Wow at East Stroudsburg University. There was session

called the Big Byte and was on computers and Scouting. They didn't have the

Scouts-L listed but they did have the Scouters Echo. I found a BBS in

Connecticut that was a local call and was on-line. Between the two, I have

discovered how works in Brazil, Mexico, Canada, England, Ireland (Yahoo!),

and so many other places. I've corresponded privately with some of these

people, and even talked to some of them on the phone.

Thanx again for all the help spreading the Scouting word.


Cub Roundtable Commissioner/Cub Training Chairman

Nutmeg District - Connecticut Rivers Council

Tschani Lodge #10 WWW - Ordeal Member

and a good ol' Bear, too!

From Wed Jul 2 17:17:29 1997


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Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 12:40:28 -0500

Reply-To: "Marie E. Lackore"

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: "Marie E. Lackore"

Subject: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO



In simple words....


I have learned so much, met so many neat people on-line.

Thank you for all you do to make Scouts-L a reality.

Yours in Scouting,

Marie E. Lackore


From Wed Jul 2 17:41:25 1997


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Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 13:29:57 -0500

Reply-To: Jim Sleezer

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Jim Sleezer

Subject: Scrapbook


To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO



Guess it's been around six years that I've been on the list. I can even

remember the days when we had only a few messages a day Mon-Fri and almost

none on the weekends. Nearly every address ended in .edu

I've certainly gotten full value from the list. It often serves as a basis

for discussion at Roundtable and occasionally at district committee

meetings. There are several local scouters on the list so when I mention

a topic, we already have a running start.

I appreciate your efforts--I know that maintaining a list is not an easy

task. Thanks again for making it possible.

jim sleezer

Will Rogers Council, OKlahoma

From Wed Jul 2 17:55:04 1997


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2 Jul 1997 16:49:47 -0500

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Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 14:23:00 -0400

Reply-To: Sccs17Jill@

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Jill Walsh

Subject: Re: Scrapbook


To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


Dear Jon:

You can't begin to know how much Scouts-L has meant to me over the last

six months. I heard about your group from Mary Beth Murphy (MBScouter) and

it has been a wonderful experience meeting all you people. The love and the

prayers that you sent to me while I was going through chemo really made the

difference. Since I was housebound for three out of the four weeks of the

month, Scouts-L was my lifeline to Scouting. The good advice, where to get

information, problem solving, and even the flames help me feel like I was

still a part of the Scouting movement.

I have often said that when you move around as much as we have, thank

God for Scouting. I knew that when we moved into a new area that we could

always rely on Scouting and Scouters to make us feel welcome. Scouts-L has

done the same during my illness. Now that I'm in remission I'm ready to get

back to work. There are blue cards and advancement sheets to be filled out,

training sessions to be planned, etc. and I can't wait.

Thank you, Jon, for all that you do for Scouting. Through this medium,

you know that you were "important in the life of a boy."


Jill Walsh

District Training Chairman

Advancement Chairman -- Troop 2000

Pioneer District, Buckskin Council

Scott Depot, WV

From Tue Jul 1 08:51:36 1997


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Date: Tue, 1 Jul 1997 07:05:15 -0500

Reply-To: Mark Arend

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Mark Arend

Subject: scrapbook


To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


I missed out on the start of this (went nomail for camp) but I'm getting the

idea. I've been hooked up here for about a year and a half and I've gotten

a lot of good information, advice, & support which --I hope-- has made me a

better leader. I can only imagine the time it takes Jon to keep this thing

going-- I have trouble just keeping up with reading it. Thanks Jon &

everyone else who makes this such a great resource.

Mark W. Arend

Beaver Dam Community Library

311 N. Spring St. Outside of a dog, a book is

Beaver Dam, Wisc. 53916 man's best friend. Inside of

(414) 887-4631 (fax 887-4633) a dog it's too dark to read.

--Groucho Marx


Scoutmaster, Troop 736


From Mon Jun 30 11:40:46 1997


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with BSMTP id 2287; Mon, 30 Jun 97 11:32:25 EDT

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30 Jun 1997 10:35:35 -0500

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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 11:30:42 -0400

Reply-To: Sandalfoot@

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Steve Eisenberg

Subject: Scrapbook


To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


Thank you to all Scouters who participate around our virtual campfire.

Although my postings are infrequent, I've learned a lot about Scouting over

the past two years by following the discussions. Its great to see the diverse

ways Scouters from around the country (& world) handle similar situations.

With this knowledge, hopefully, I've been able to be a more effective leader

(as a Cubmaster), teacher (District Cubscout Leader Training Committee), and

counsellor (Unit Commissioner).


Steve Eisenberg, Unit Commissioner

Cub Scout Leader Training Committee

Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 75, Columbia, Maryland

National Pike District/Baltimore Area Council


From Mon Jun 30 12:32:30 1997


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30 Jun 1997 11:27:04 -0500

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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 11:16:27 -0400

Reply-To: Gary Burkhardt

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Gary Burkhardt

Subject: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO




I've been a list member less than a year. I had to look it up, its only

been three months. This is because the List makes you feel like you

have always belonged. I kept hearing about the List. I kept finding

material which was credited to the List. And then I joined the list.

First I received your welcome, so I introduced myself and received

other welcome messages. I check in several times a day when possible

to see what is happening. I know that I can turn to the list for help

and that the list allows me to help others. There are many Scouters

that believe in the program as much as I do. The List has allowed us

to know each other, help each other, and befriend each other regardless

of where we may be from. I thank you for the List. You have taken

the symbol of the ax in a log and put it into action.


Gary Burkhardt (I care, I'm here to help, what can I do for you?)

a good old owl, too! NE III-121, staffer NE II-86


From Mon Jun 30 12:42:13 1997


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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 12:36:09 -0400

Reply-To: Rex Goode

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Rex Goode

Subject: Re: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L


Status: RO


I've been a member of the list for a few years, mostly lurking these days

since I'm not working in any Scouting position currently. Can't bring

myself to leave though.

Thanks, Jon.

-------------------- -----------------

| Rex Goode "Although robust enough for general use, |

| rexg@ adventures into the esoteric periphery |

| I used to be a buffalo... of the C shell may reveal unexpected |

| quirks." UNIX C shell (man csh) |


From Mon Jun 30 13:00:49 1997


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30 Jun 1997 11:55:42 -0500

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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 11:52:50 -0400

Reply-To: "Steven G. Tyler"

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: "Steven G. Tyler"

Subject: Scrapbook (belated)

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


(Sorry for the delay -- I was online all weekend, but not on e-mail.)

Jon, thanks for all your efforts to make SCOUTS-L work. In just a few

months, you've succeeded in reversing my long-held bias against lists as

having too low a signal-to-noise ratio! Downside: my fellow Scouters

are getting REAL tired of my prefacing comments with "Y'know, that

reminds me of an interesting thread on SCOUTS-L..." ;-) Keep up the

good work!



Steve on Cattail Creek

From Mon Jun 30 13:03:50 1997


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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 11:46:13 -0500

Reply-To: "John T. Peeples"

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: "John T. Peeples"

Subject: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


Compared to many folks on the list, I'm still a new comer; I signed on

back in the spring shortly after the folks here at St. Jude provided me

with a new computer and e-mail access. I've been a Scouter for 10 years

now and often feel that our small district is a stepchild of the Chickasaw

Council - our council has merged with the Delta Council and rumor has it

the a merger with East Arkansas is next (is bigger always better?).

Anyway, Scouts-L has given me the opportunity to ask questions of Scouters

and youth leaders around the globe and to take their experiences back to

my district and my Scouts to build an even stronger program. No matter

how large our Council gets or how small our district is on the Council

map, I know that I have an even larger circle of Scouting friends who live

by the Oath and Law and treat each other as equals - new comers, old

timers, parents, urban Scouters, rural Scouters, those with large units,

small units or even no unit, across racial lines and even across national

boundries, - this list treats everyone the same and truely gives each of

us a chance to "practice what we preach".

In my short time here I've gotten help with songs, skits, ceremonies,

special events - - like the Crittenden District Fall Extravaganza, coming

up August 15 - 17th , Day Camp, Summer camp (especially the

"homesickness" thread) and countless other great ideas. I've posted both

to the list and privately and "met" people across the US with ties to

Memphis and the Chickasaw Council. Hoepfully, some of my "electronic

assistants" will take us up on the offer of a place to stay while thier

Scouting unit is on the road through the Mid-South.

With my limited comuter skills, I can only begin to imagine the hours of

effort that Jon must contribute to keep the list up and running; if TCU is

anything like The University of Memphis or St. Jude, I get a headache just

thinking of the red tape and administrative "grief" I'm sure Jon must put

up with for the sake of Scouting. Congratulations to Jon and everyone on

the list for keeping the fire going; I'm proud to add a log to the fire

to keep it glowing!

Yours in Scouting;

John T. Peeples, Scoutmaster Troop / Pack 231

First Presbyterian Church, West Memphis Arkansas

DO YOUR BEST for others, expect the best FROM others; it really does work!

PS: Thanks to my boss and our ITS department here at St. Jude Children's

Research Hospital in Memphis for providing the internet access and e-mail,

and allowing me use this system for my Scouting activites. jtp

From Mon Jun 30 13:10:31 1997


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12:02:45 -0500

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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 11:50:24 -0500

Reply-To: Milt Forsberg

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Milt Forsberg

Subject: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


I would like to add my appreciation for all the time and effort put into

this listserver. It is a wonderful service to the Scouting community. I

am sure it takes a lot of time to manage. We don't usually send enough

praise to volunteers who maintain services.

I have gained lots of information in so many varied aspects of Scouting

just by reading the postings. I hope I have been able to add some

productive comments as we go along. The server is a wealth of

information, help, and direction with the knowledge shared by the several

hundred users. It is comforting to know everyone is out there and ready

to comment or help.

I have made friends through the server. We have been able to coordinate

activities between troops and help each other. I particullarly enjoyed

the informal meeting of many in the group at the NOAC at Purdue and at

Indiana. Most are on both Scouts-L and Arrow-L.

Again, Jon, we thank you for your continued effort in serving Scouting


Milt Forsberg

SM, Troop 7

Champaign, IL

From Mon Jun 30 13:21:48 1997


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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 10:56:23 -0600

Reply-To: Jan Mussler

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Jan Mussler

Subject: Good Job, Jon!

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


I really appreciate Jon and the work he does with Scouts-L. I belong to

two work-related lists - neither is run as well as Scouts-L. Jon GENTLY

lets us know when we've overstepped the rules. With this list, there is

GIVE and TAKE. The two other lists I subscribed to, people taken rarely

give, but always want advice. Flame wars break out here, but rarely. On

my other lists, so-called professionals can get really testy with each

other and flames fly!

I couldn't recount the numerous ideas I borrowed from here to bring to our

Pack Committee as we rebuild Pack 170. We recruited the most boys ever

using ideas from Scouts-L. We've had tin can ice cream, games, weather

vanes for my den. I've used this list for problem-solving in the Pack on

several occassions. I've got a whole page of WWW pages to visit which

relate to the Webelos activities. I can't get to Roundtable as often as

I'd like, but I feel like this resource is even better.

Hat's off to you, Jon.


Jan Mussler, Webelos Den Leader, Pack 170

Nederland, CO - Long's Peak Council

Arapahoe District

From Mon Jun 30 15:16:50 1997


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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 14:09:29 -0500

Reply-To: ""

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: ""

Organization: University of Nebraska

Subject: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


I also am a fairly newcomer to the Scouts-L list - once again as so many

have indicated - I was browsing the Web looking for something regarding

Scouts and I found Scouts-L on the list, signed up, lurked around a bit,

and finally have started to respond.

This is a wonderful list. I have truly enjoyed the postings. I have

been able to share information that I gained in over 12 years of an

adult scouter with the other members and have also gained much knowledge

from others on the list. I have found many new friends through this

list, many of whom I would never have known except through this list.

It is great to know of so many who tirelessly give their time and

efforts to scouting, but what is even better is the person who gives

much more time and effort in getting and keeping all of us together so

that we can share our information!

Jon -you are doing a wonderful service to scouts everywhere!!! Keep up

the good work. Thank you for all of your effort, time, and energy.

YIS - Joyce Ore

Cornhusker Council, Lincoln, NE Unit Commissioner

From Mon Jun 30 15:46:00 1997


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with BSMTP id 2973; Mon, 30 Jun 97 15:32:54 EDT

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30 Jun 1997 14:36:00 -0500

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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 15:34:03 -0400

Reply-To: Elisa McClelland

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Elisa McClelland

Subject: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO



Thank you for taking up the "honorable" role of LIST owner

and for all the things you do to take care of the LIST.

Thanks to your family for the unknown hours they have spent

away from your presence.

Thanks to your kindly institution of higher learning for

housing this list.

Finally, thank you (and everyone) for tolerating those of us

who inadvertently send list requests to the wrong address!

(I was trying to stop my mail temporarily before going out of

town, BEFORE the thunderstorm came, BEFORE the power went

out! Instead even though I replied to a message from LISTSERV,

I managed to mess it up, and seriously exceed my disk space


Elisa McClelland

former WDL, Pack 1395, Seneca District, NCAC

now parent, Troop 464, Seneca District, NCAC


From Mon Jun 30 16:08:20 1997


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30 Jun 1997 15:03:06 -0500

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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 14:46:16 -0500

Reply-To: Ron Boyd

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Ron Boyd

Subject: Re: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO



Thanks....many thanks... for the Scouts-L listserv. To be brief, let me just

say this:

If I need info, feedback, opinions on:

Scouting traditions, policies, practices, advancement, ceremonies, camps, ideas,

problems, news releases, etc........

All I have to do is read the email from this valuable resource. It is indeed




Ron Boyd, SM

Troop 260

Decatur, AL

From Mon Jun 30 17:25:23 1997


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30 Jun 1997 16:19:52 -0500

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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 13:52:34 EDT

Reply-To: "Rhonda L. Medlicott"

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: "Rhonda L. Medlicott"

Subject: Re: Scrapbook


To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


I joined Scouts-L only six months ago. But I had been a den leader

(Wolf) two months and in a lot of ways I was still floundering looking

for some kind of guidance. I found it. Since I have been a member of

this group, I have:













And did I mention how much I have Grown? As a volunteer, friend, parent,

scouter, partner and enormously as a person. I could not have done it

with out all you out there caring and your willingness to share with me a

part of your life. Thank You!!

Rhonda Medlicott, Pack 16, Wilton,CA

From Mon Jun 30 11:38:18 1997


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30 Jun 1997 10:32:39 -0500

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Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 10:21:03 -0500

Reply-To: "settummanque, or blackeagle (Mike Walton)"

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: "settummanque, or blackeagle (Mike Walton)"

Subject: Scrapbook Entry

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


This is a copy of the posting I sent Jon over the weekend. I've removed

only five paragraphs which were personal in nature; I'm proud to share the

rest of my thoughts and feelings with all of you and with Jon. Scouts-L has

meant a lot to me over the years, and without Jon's leadership and his

willingness to "fall on his sword" many times with his school's

administration for us, this list would NOT be as "famous" or "lively" as it

is today!

Two short reminders: PLEASE, PLEASE place the word "Scrapbook" in

the subject line; it will help all of us here. And PLEASE, PLEASE post

your expressions here (even if you've sent a personal note to our

listowner). We're hoping that when he gets back late tonight or early in

the day Tuesday, that he'll be completely overwhelmed by the number and

content of the postings!!


------------------begin included posting---------------------

Hey Jon!!

Thank you ever so much for many things, Jon. For your friendship over the

years. For allowing me to bring to this forum my Scouting experiences,

stories, and information. For giving me a way to give back to the program

in the only way that I have time to do so consistantly. And for being there

when I needed help in getting internet resources off of the ground for local

Councils and for units that really want to be a part of this grandness that

is the Internet.

A favorite Scouts-L experience or memory:

My favorite Scouts-L experience has been when we all worked together to

convince Kathie Cervany's Council's leadership to allow training awards for

their Roundtable staff members. That was one time of many that we have all

worked together, from different parts of the country, from different points

of view, to resolve a problem on behalf of someone we've never met before!

It also *changed BSA policy*, as a of many policies which have

been changed or modified thanks in a large part to you and your list.

A story about friendships developed as a result of Scouts-L:

I wished deeply that we could have met together at the last Jamboree. My

heart was racing when we got out of the car and walked up the hill to the

gate. It beated even faster when we arrived at the National Sea Exploring

display, the location for our first Scouts-L "Internet Scouters' Reunion

Meeting". I held Jessi's hand tightly as we sat down together, and I'm sure

that I couldn't hide my pride and my deep respect for those other people

that I've just known as "names on a computer screen"...only a few of us, but

over the two hours we spent there, leaving only when it was close to 10pm

and not wanting to leave. It was your list that brought us all there

together, and when we all returned, that one action...that one small meeting

catapulted this group toward something that eventually became "larger than

all of us combined". We became a community.

There's simply something absolutely special about travelling miles out of

the way of going to or from a place, or waiting in an airport a few more

minutes in order to meet someone that "was just on their way to" another

location, or in the thrill of attending a dinner or a Court of Honor or some

other activity and looking across the room and realizing after hearing a

name, "Hey! Aren't you on Scouts-L? I've read your postings and I really

like what you have to say!!" and getting up, walking over and hugging or

shaking hands (or both!)!

You've had a great deal to do with all of that, even though you weren't able

to be there or had little to do with the planning. You made it happen, Jon,

by serving us all and keeping our lines of communications open.

Things that have been learned as a result of Scouts-L:

I have learned much about the way that Scouting is really done in other

parts of our nation. I've learned about religious youth groups and their

importance to the development of youth within their faiths. I've learned

that *my answer* is not the ONLY

answer to a specific problem or situation, and that sometimes, those other

answers are BETTER and something that *I* may want to use within my own

situation! I have also learned that Scouting is more than just being there

for the kids in our's being there for the other adults in our

programs as well. I've learned some more songs,

some different ways of performing ceremonies, some ways that I can be of

service here locally, and that if you want an answer to a Scouting question

or concern, this is *still* the place (even though our disclaimers plainly

deny this!) to get them answered with as much or little detail as we choose

to read about!

How discussions on Scouts-L have benefited local Scouts and Guides:

I don't know how our discussions have directly benefited our local Scouts

and Guides here. I do know that many people have used our daily discussions

as starting blocks toward finding out how they can be of service to their

fellow Scouts and Scouters. I also

know that a lot of Scouters have used the resources here to make their

programs better.

I don't know how many personal notes I've received over the years (I guess I

should count them all up for some sort of statistical reasoning, but its not

important) asking for advice or an opinion because "I've read your posting

on Scouts-L and wanted some more information" or "I know that we've talked

about it on Scouts-L in the past and I don't want to bring it up right now

again, but...." Scouts-L and your part in administering it has *made the

difference* between some "good Scouters" and some GREAT Scouters.

An example of that can be found in "Dr. Steve", Steve Meyers. "Dr. Steve"

took a Troop and restarted it, using a lot of the advice and information we

all provided from Scouts-L.

He used what we stated, along with what the BSA says should be done and what

he wanted to do as a new Scoutmaster, and have made Troop 1 in Akron, THE

place to be.

He increased the membership, the finances, and the visiability of the Troop.

In the process, Dr. Steve also convinced *other new Scoutmasters* as to how

Troop operations and programming should be conducted. Simply, Jon, you made

it possible for Dr. Steve and a WHOLE BUNCH of OTHER "Dr. Steves" reading

and printing here

to be highly successful Scoutmasters!!

What I've enjoyed most about Scouts-L:

In one word: Everything. I enjoyed the banter about "which Wood Badge

patrol was the best" (I STILL say "Beavers Build Better Wood Badgers!"

*heheheheee*). I enjoyed reading about how various Scouters have had great

experiences using some of the things we've talked about here. I enjoyed

being able to help others by answering a question or making a comment. I

enjoyed the argumentative nature of some of our discussions, and reading

others' points-of-view on a issue or topic. I enjoyed even doing the

research for many of the questions that we've asked here and couldn't get an

answer right away. I enjoyed writing personal letters to new Eagle Scouts,

and sending them via email to their Scoutmasters or Advisors. I enjoyed

getting information about youth medical disorders, about national programs

and events and how to participate, about how youth members are making a

difference locally without the benefit of "being a Scout" or a Guide.

I didn't enjoy hearing about Scouters whom have "went home", nor about

Scouters that got into the news negatively. I didn't enjoy talking about

topics that we can't really come to a consensus on and which led us off what

we all agreed we're about here. I didn't enjoy getting email from Scouters

that told me "you're full of it, you know?" But in those cases and others,

I have *enjoyed* getting them from Scouts-L....because it shows me that even

though that others may NOT agree with my way of thinking (or National's way

of thinking, which I've tried as hard as I can to "represent" in many of my

postings in lieu of getting an "official poster" to do so)...they ARE

thinking and feeling. Those postings left me looking at my screen,

sometimes with eyes closed in prayer, sometimes with my mouth open in

disbelief, and sometimes with my hands and mouth yelling back at the monitor!!!

You've brought all of that to, the resources of Texas Christian

University, and the listserver software. While "Lefty" got us all started,

you moved us toward the Information Age and toward our own direction. My

personal prayers are for your continued service to us, for your continued

health and that of your family, and that you continue to be of service to

others through your interaction in Scouting there in your local Council.

You've meant a lot to *all* of us, Jon. There's a great deal of respect,

love and support for you and your hard, tiresome work at keeping us all

talking with each other around this large international "virtual fire".

"Large, international virtual fire". We've always been such an

international forum, even from our beginnings when we had (and still have)

folks like Anne Page and Ian Ford around, giving us perspective and asking

questions from New Zealand and England. Only today, we've added 14 other

countries and territories to our "review list". Again, you have been so

instrumental in getting us access and getting us exposure to Scouters on a

worldwide scope. Sometimes I have to look down at the signature from Grant

or Byron and remember that they are Scouters in Australia or Canada....their

comments, thoughts and feelings are just as important to me as those from

Dave Hultberg, or Randy Finder, John Pannell, Cathy Porter or Michele

Konigsdorf. Or those that are silently sitting at their screens, reading

each and every posting, and whose "voices" we'll never hear.

Again, thanks for bringing us *all* together every day, Jon. Thanks for

taking your personal and professional time in getting the resources,

fighting for us and getting us space on the University's servers to let us

all talk with, for and about each other and the myriad of national,

regional, and local programs we belong to. Thanks for not making a

distinction between "those activily in the program" and those "that remember

the program or used to be in the program". Over the seven years, we've had

folks here that have been "thrown out" of their program, professionals and

former professionals, youth agency leaders, recreational aides, church

leaders, and a lot of present and former Boy and Girl Scouting leaders here

at Scouts-L. Each person brought to this list their own personality, their

own perspective, their own experiences, and a lot of joy and sorrow to this

list. It has made this list a large, international community.

You made it all work. Work well, work without a lot of conflict and problems

that so many other groups have suffered. You've given us a voice,

individual and as a group.

Thanks for providing us with getting that hug, that pat on the back, that

kick in the seat, that lump in our throats, that warm feeling in our hearts

and stimulation in our minds over the years.

Thank you also for allowing me to offer my personal reflection on what I've

done and wasn't able to do in Scouting and for giving me a place to share

those reflections with so many others...not in hopes of selling books or

bragging, but to allow them to think about their own service and the way it

makes a difference...a big some youth member, some adult

member, some parent, some friend of theirs.

Here's to another six years of service to all of us around the

"International Roundtable meeting that NEVER ends!" If you EVER need

anything, please don't hesitate to let me know. I owe you a lot, Jon...and

won't ever forget what you've given all of us here in this forum!!

Mike Walton

------------------------end included posting------------------------


(c) 1997 Mike Walton ("no such thing as strong coffee,...") (502) 827-9201

(settummanque, the blackeagle)

241 Fairview Dr., Henderson, KY 42420-4339 blkeagle@

kyblkeagle@ or

---- FORWARD in service to youth ----

From Thu Jul 3 16:57:31 1997


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Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 15:50:19 CDT

Reply-To: G E Hedrick

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: G E Hedrick

Organization: Computer Science Department, Oklahoma State University

Subject: scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO



I have been a member of the Scouts-L e-mail discussion list since

about 1992. I have used the list actively except for one year (I was

on leave) since that time. As far as I know, you are the only list

owner that Scouts-L ever had.

I appreciate your serving as list owner for the Scouts-L list, and I

appreciate TCU for allowing you to host the list on one of their


I personally have found the list most worthwhile. It ahs answered

many of my questions, most of the time before I even have formulated

the question completely in my mind. The list has been a tremendous

source of materials for serving on training staffs for Pow-Wows, SMFs,

and Commissioner Colleges. It also has served well in preparing for

adult scout meetings (troop/pack committee, district

committee/commissioners/ council board, etc.)

Locally, we have several scouters on the list. Frequently, we discuss

topics from Scouts-L orally when we meet together. We like the

concept of Scouts-L discussion list so much that we started our own

Pawnee Bill e-mail e-mail discussion list for local scouting events

and concerns.

Jon, Keep up the good work -- and we know it takes a lot of work to

manage the list. All of us out here in Scouting Cyber Space

appreciate and use the service you provide through Scouts-L.

We hope you enjoyed your Philmont Trek.


G. E. Hedrick

Troop committee, T828

District Commissioner, Pawnee Bill District, Will Rogers Council

E-mail: geh@a.cs.okstate.EDU

From Mon Jul 7 10:00:19 1997


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Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 09:53:24 -0400

Reply-To: Shattuckb@

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Bill Shattuck

Subject: Re: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


I've only been a member of Scouts-L for a short time. Through the information

that has been posted here, I've been able to get new ideas, download pages

and pages from web sites and generally have fun. Everyone has different ideas

and at time has generated "interesting" comments.

Thanks for keeping this list going. It helps us to present a better program

for the boys.


Bill "Moose" Shattuck

T485 Westlake Village, CA

From Tue Jul 8 12:42:27 1997


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Date: Tue, 8 Jul 1997 10:12:41 -0500

Reply-To: John McCollum

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: John McCollum

Subject: Scrapbook

To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


In a salute that only Scouts/Scouters might understand;

H O W !


O Jon Edison O


! !

H O W !

Thanks, Jon, for all you do!

Keep Scouting!

John McCollum ...and a good ol' Bobwhite, too!

SM T895, Circle Ten Council

Richardson, Tx

From Wed Jul 9 09:13:11 1997


Received: from pucc.PRINCETON.EDU (smtpb@pucc.Princeton.EDU []) by cap1. (8.6.12/8.6.10) with SMTP id JAA15522; Wed, 9 Jul 1997 09:13:11 -0400


with BSMTP id 2892; Wed, 09 Jul 97 09:04:50 EDT

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9 Jul 1997 08:07:56 -0500

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08:07:01 -0500

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Wed, 09 Jul 97 08:06:54 CDT


Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 09:12:29 EST

Reply-To: Jay Thal

Sender: Scouts-L Youth Group List

From: Jay Thal

Organization: Washington Apple Pi, Ltd. user group in Washington, D.C.


To: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L

Status: RO


In recent weeks I've been upgrading my system, and sitting in frong of

two keyboards trying to figure which one to use. And, during that time, he

well deserved accolades for Jon have been scrolling down the screen.

I allude to my computer problems because it contrasts with that which

Scouts-L, and Jon, have provided us all. Scouts-l means that working through

problems is not a solitary effort. Willing and knowledgeable mentors are only

a couple of keystrokes away - even at a distance of 12,000 miles.

Jon has allowed us to share in the collective wisdom and experiences of

others; loosen up with the posted humor during those occasional tense moments;

and, meet so many others with similar interests, visions, or passions.

Scouting does not bring isolation, but Unit, District, Council had

represented the normally contemplated boundaries. With Scouts-l our boundary

is the globe. And, if we would designate "Sojourner" as an honorary Explorer

and member of our virtual roundtable (and commentor on extraterrestrial

geology), we can expand into the Solar System.

When a weekend away from Scouts-L yields 100+ messages the challenge

seems daunting, but in the end the accomplishment is rewarding. Perhaps not as

exhilerating as a Philmont trek, Scouts-L has become an importent part of our

collective memories.

In a couple of weeks, I hope to share with you all experiences of the

Canadian Jamboree, as so many have shared their experiences.

So thanks Jon, thanks for your vision.


Jay Thal


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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