Supervised Agriculture Experience Programs

Supervised Agriculture Experience Programs I & II

Credit: .5 per semester

Course Length: One year (Two semesters and summer)

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

Course Description:

This independent study course is strongly recommended for students enrolled in approved agriculture courses although agriculture enrollment is not required. FFA members not enrolled in agriculture classes may enroll in this course to satisfy that portion of membership requirements. Students will have a minimum of one approved project or acceptable plans for doing so. Supervised study, project record book work, training plans and agreements, and instructor project visitation and supervision are essentials of the supervised agricultural experience.

Project record book areas include agricultural communications, agricultural mechanical technical systems, agricultural processing, agricultural sales and/or service, aquaculture, beef production, cereal grain production, dairy production, diversified livestock production, emerging agricultural technology, environmental science, equine science, feed grain production, fiber crop production, floriculture, food science and technology, forage production, forest management, fruit and vegetable production, home and/or community development, horticulture, landscape management, nursery operations, oil crop production, outdoor recreation, poultry production, safety, sheep production, small animal care, soil and water management, specialty animal production, specialty crop production, swine production, turfgrass management, and wildlife management.

Record books are due at the end of each grading quarter for evaluation by the instructor. Summer work is graded at the end of the first nine weeks period following the summer. Record book projects run during the calendar year from January until December. Students may have a partial record book for a portion of the calendar year if they begin at the beginning of a semester of leave at the end of a semester.

Introduction to the Agriculture Industry I

Stark County High School

Fall Semester

Credit: .5 per semester

Course length: 1 semester

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 9

Course Description:

This introductory course provides an opportunity for students to learn how the agricultural industry is organized; its major components; the economic influence of agriculture at state, national, and international levels; and the scope and types of career opportunities in the agricultural industry. Leadership skills and abilities are developed through an orientation to the FFA, parliamentary procedure, career development judging events, public speaking, and introduction of careers in agriculture. Microcomputer applications are introduced with Internet usage.

Grading Scale:

100. A

89. B

79. C

69. D

59. F

Grades based upon:

Homework 25%

Tests & Quizzes 25%

Labs 25%

Class Notebook 25%

Semester Grade determined by:

First quarter grade 40%

Second quarter 40%

Semester Exam 20%

Instructional Units:

Careers in Agriculture

The FFA Organization

Safety in Agriculture

Agriculture Mechanics

Leadership Skills

Animal Science

Written and Oral Communication

CO2 Dragsters

Parliamentary Procedure

Shop Projects

Mousetrap racers

Problem Solving

Agriculture Science in Action

Introduction to the Agriculture Industry I

Stark County High School

Fall Semester

Textbook: Agriscience Explorations; E. Morgan, R. Chelewski, J. Lee, and E. Wilson; 1998; Interstate Publishers, Inc.

Course Outline:

Week One

Life Has Changed! Chapter 1 Outline

The Agriculture Industry Chapter 1 Terms

Chapter 1 Review and Test

Week Two

The FFA and You Chapter 20 Outline

Chapter 20 Terms p. 414

Hand Tool Identification

FFA Student Worksheets

Week Three

The FFA and You Hand Tool Id and Quizzes

Chapter 20 Review

FFA Student Worksheets

Week Four

Safety in Agriculture Chapter 6 Outline

Chapter 6 terms p. 92

Hand Tool quizzes

Power tool Safety

FFA Student Worksheets

Week Five

Safety in Agriculture Chapter 6 Review

Chapter 6 Test

Power Tool Safety

Agr. Lab Safety

Safety Test

Week Six

Agricultural Mechanics Chapter 11 Outline

Chapter 11 Terms p. 190

Shop projects

Week Seven

Agricultural Mechanics Chapter 11 Review

Chapter 11 Test

Shop projects

Week Eight

Leadership Skills Chapter 23 Outline

Chapter 23 Terms

Shop Projects

Parliamentary Procedure

Week Nine

Leadership Skills Chapter 23 Review

Chapter 23 Test

CO2 Cars

Parliamentary Procedure

Week Ten

Animal Science Chapter 13 Outline

Chapter 13 Terms

CO 2 Cars

Student worksheets

Week Eleven

Animal Science Chapter 13 Review

Chapter 13 Test

CO2 Cars

Student worksheets

Week Twelve

Written and Oral Communication Chapter 19 Outline

Chapter 19 terms

Mousetrap Racers

Student worksheets

Week Thirteen

Written and Oral Communication Chapter 19 Review

Chapter 19 Test

Mousetrap Racers

Student worksheets

Week Fourteen

Solving Problems Chapter 12 Outline

Chapter 12 Terms

Bridge Building Lab

Student worksheets

Week Fifteen

Solving Problems Chapter 12 Review

Chapter 12 Test

Bridge Building Lab

Week Sixteen

Science in Action Chapter 7 Outline

Chapter 7 Terms

Science Labs

Week Seventeen

Science in Action Chapter 7 Review

Chapter 7 Test

Science Labs

Week Eighteen

Course Review Review Assignments

Semester Exam

Basic Agriculture

Introduction to the Agriculture Industry II

Stark County High School

Spring Semester

Credit: .5 per semester

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 9

Course Description:

This course continues where the Introduction to Agriculture Industry I course left off in the coverage of opportunities available in the industry of agriculture. Basic concepts in supervised agriculture experience programs, public speaking, introductory welding, problem solving, plant science, and soil science. FFA activities are included in classroom and lab instruction. Supervised Agriculture Experience programs are introduced and began during this semester course.

Grading Scale:

90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D

0 – 59 F

Grade Components:

Homework 30%

Lab Exercises 40%

Tests & Quizzes 30%

Semester Grade:

Third Nine Weeks 40%

Fourth Nine Weeks 40%

Semester Grade 20%

Instructional Units:

Careers in Agriculture

Growmark Essay Topic

Supervised Agricultural Experience Projects

SAE Practice Record Book Problems

Introductory Welding

Basic Electricity and Electrical Wiring

Basic Hydraulics: Syringe Robot

Plant Science

Soil Science

Solving Problems

Bridge Design Lab Project

Basic Agriculture

Introduction to the Agriculture Industry II

Stark County High School

Spring Semester

Textbook: Agriscience Explorations; E. Morgan, R. Chelewski, J. Lee, and E. Wilson; Interstate Publishers, Inc. ; 1998.

Course Schedule:

Week One

SAE: Developing Career Goals and Skills Chapter 21 Outline

Chapter 21 Terms

Record Book Problems

Construction Projects

Week Two

SAE: Developing Career Goals and Skills Chapter 21 Outline

Record Book Problems

Construction Projects

Week Three

SAE: Developing Career Goals and Skills Chapter 21 Review

Record Book Problems

Construction Projects

Chapter 21 Test

Week Four

Written and Oral Communication Chapter 19 Outline

Chapter 19 Terms

Public Speaking

Construction Projects

Week Five

Written and Oral Communication Chapter 19 Outline

Chapter 19 Review

Public Speaking

Construction Projects

Syringe Robots

Week Six

Agr. Mechanics: Introductory Welding Gas Welding Assignments

Welding Safety

Welding Labs

Syringe Robots

Week Seven

Agr. Mechanics: Introductory Welding Arc Welding Assignments

Welding Safety

Welding Labs

Syringe Robots

Construction Projects

Week Eight

Agr. Mechanics: Introductory Welding Welding Assignments

Welding Labs

Syringe Robots

Construction Projects

Week Nine

Agr. Mechanics: Introductory Welding Welding Assignments

Welding Labs

Syringe Robots

Week Ten

Solving Problems Chapter 12 Outline

Chapter 12 Terms

Design Labs

Syringe Robots

Week Eleven

Solving Problems Chapter 12 Outline

Chapter 12 Review

Design Labs

Syringe Robots

Chapter 12 Test

Week Twelve

Plant Science Chapter 14 Outline

Chapter 14 Terms

Plant Science Labs

Construction Projects

Week Thirteen

Plant Science Chapter 14 Outline

Chapter 14 Review

Plant Science Labs

Construction Projects

Week Fourteen

Plant Science Plant Science Labs

Construction Projects

Chapter 14 Test

Week Fifteen

Soil Science Chapter 15 Outline

Chapter 15 Terms

Soil Science Labs

Construction Projects

Week Sixteen

Soil Science Chapter 15 Review

Soil Science Labs

Construction Projects

Chapter 15 Test

Week Seventeen

Course Review Review Assignments

Lab Projects

Week Eighteen

Course Review Review Assignments

Semester Examination

End of Semester

Agriculture Science I

Stark County High School

Fall Semester

Credit: .5 per semester

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 10

Course Description:

This second year course builds on the basic skills and the knowledge gained from the introductory course. Units of study include meeting human needs in a changing world; using applied science and technology; using the science of computation; applying principles of plant science; reproducing plants; producing plants; keeping plants healthy; and applying principles of soil science. Applied math / science skills are stressed throughout the course with numerous hands-on laboratory activities. Attendance on behalf of the student is required in order to receive full educational benefits of the course. Students successfully completing course requirements will receive one-half credit of science toward graduation.

Grading Scale:

90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D

0 – 59 F

Grade Components:

Homework 25%

Lab Exercises 50%

Tests & Quizzes 25%

Semester Grade:

First Nine Weeks 40%

Second Nine Weeks 40%

Semester Exam 20%

Instructional Units:

Meeting Human Needs

Principles of Soil Science

Principles of Plant Science

Plant Reproduction

Plant Production

Applied Science and Technology

Science of Computation

Chemistry in Agriscience

Determining Bases of Life

Agriculture Science I

Stark County High School

Fall Semester

Textbook: Introduction to World Agriscience and Technology; J. Lee & D. Turner; 1997; Interstate Publishers, Inc.; 2nd Edition.

Course Outline:

Week One

Meeting Human Needs in a Changing World Chapter 1 Outline

Chapter 1 Terms

Student worksheets

Week Two

Meeting Human Needs in a Changing World Chapter 1 Review

Chapter 1 Test

Group Activities

Week Three

Applying Principles of Soil Science Chapter 17 Outline

Chapter 17 Terms

Agriscience labs


Week Four

Applying Principles of Soil Science Chapter 17 Outline

Agriscience labs

Chapter 17 Review

Land Use Contest

Week Five

Applying Principles of Soil Science Land Use Contest

Chapter 17 Test

Agriscience labs

Week Six

Applying Principles of Plant Science Chapter 7 Outline

Chapter 7 Terms

Agriscience Labs


Week Seven

Applying Principles of Plant Science Chapter 7 Outline

Chapter 7 Review

Agriscience Labs

Chapter 7 Test

Week Eight

Reproducing Plants Chapter 8 Outline

Chapter 8 Terms

Agriscience Labs


Week Nine

Reproducing Plants Chapter 8 Outline

Chapter 8 Review

Agriscience Labs

Chapter 8 Test

Class Notebook Grading

Week Ten

Producing Plants Chapter 9 Outline

Chapter 9 Terms

Agriscience Labs


Week Eleven

Producing Plants Chapter 9 Outline

Chapter 9 Review

Agriscience Labs

Chapter 9 Test

Week Twelve

Using Applied Science and Technology Chapter 2 Outline

Chapter 2 Terms

Agriscience Labs


Week Thirteen

Using Applied Science and Technology Chapter 2 Outline

Chapter 2 Review

Agriscience Labs

Chapter 2 Test

Week Fourteen

Using the Science of Computation Chapter 4 Outline

Chapter 4 Terms

Agriscience Labs


Week Fifteen

Using the Science of Computation Chapter 4 Outline

Chapter 4 Review

Agriscience Labs

Chapter 4 Test

Week Sixteen

Determining the Bases of Life Chapter 5 Outline

Chapter 5 Terms

Chapter 5 Test

Agriscience Labs

Week Seventeen

Course Review Review Assignments

Week Eighteen

Course Review Review Assignments

Semester Exam

Agriculture Science II

Stark County High School

Spring Semester

Credit: .5 per semester

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 10

Course Description:

This course builds upon the basic skills and knowledge gained from the introductory course. Units of study include applying principles of physics; applying principles of chemistry; applying principles of animal science; feeding animals; breeding animals; keeping animals healthy; using biotechnology to improve life; and applying principles of earth science. Applied math / science skills are stressed throughout the course with numerous hands-on laboratory exercises. Attendance on behalf of the student is required in order to receive the full educational benefits of the course. Students completing the course requirements successfully will receive one-half credit of science toward graduation.

Grading Scale:

90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D

0 – 59 F

Grade Components:

Homework 25%

Lab Exercises 50%

Tests & Quizzes 25%

Semester Grade:

Third Nine Weeks 40%

Fourth Nine Weeks 40%

Semester Exam 20%

Instructional Units:

Applying Principles of Physics

Applying Principles of Chemistry

Applying Principles of Animal Science

Feeding Animals

Breeding Animals

Keeping Animals Healthy

Using Biotechnology to Improve Life

Applying Principles of Earth Science

Agriscience II

Stark County High School

Spring Semester

Textbook: Introduction to World Agriscience and Technology; J.S. Lee & D.L. Turner; Interstate Publishers; 2nd Edition; 1997.

Course Schedule:

Week One

Applying Principles of Physics Chapter 19 Outline

Chapter 19 Terms

Agriscience Labs

Syringe Robots

Week Two

Applying Principles of Physics Chapter 19 Outline

Chapter 19 Assignments

Agriscience Labs

Syringe Robots


Week Three

Applying Principles of Physics Chapter 19 Review

Chapter 19 Test

Agriscience Labs

Syringe Robots


Week Four

Applying Principles of Chemistry Chapter 18 Outline

Chapter 18 Terms

Student Worksheets

Agriscience Labs

Syringe Robots

Week Five

Applying Principles of Chemistry Chapter 18 Outline

Chapter 18 Review

Student Worksheets

Agriscience Labs

Chapter 18 Test

Week Six

Applying Principles of Animal Science Chapter 11 Outline

Chapter 11 Terms

Student Worksheets

Agriscience Labs

Week Seven

Applying Principles of Animal Science Chapter 11 Outline

Chapter 11 Review

Student Worksheets

Agriscience Labs

Chapter 11 Test

Week Eight

Feeding Animals Chapter 12 Outline

Chapter 12 Terms

Student Worksheets

Agriscience Labs

Week Nine

Feeding Animals Chapter 12 Outline

Chapter 12 Review

Student Worksheets

Agriscience Labs

Chapter 12 Test

Week Ten

Breeding Animals Chapter 13 Outline

Chapter 13 Terms

Student Worksheets

Agriscience Labs

Week Eleven

Breeding Animals Chapter 13 Outline

Chapter 13 Review

Student Worksheets

Agriscience Labs

Chapter 13 Test

Week Twelve

Keeping Animals Healthy Chapter 14 Outline

Chapter 14 Terms

Student Worksheets

Agriscience Labs

Week Thirteen

Keeping Animals Healthy Chapter 14 Outline

Chapter 14 Review

Student Worksheets

Agriscience Labs

Chapter 14 Test

Week Fourteen

Using Biotechnology to Improve Life Chapter 15 Outline

Chapter 15 Terms

Student Worksheets

Agriscience Labs

Week Fifteen

Using Biotechnology to Improve Life Chapter 15 Outline

Chapter 15 Review

Student Worksheets

Agriscience Labs

Chapter 15 Test

Week Sixteen

Applying Principles of Earth Science Chapter 16 Outline

Chapter 16 Terms

Agriscience Labs

Student Worksheets

Chapter 16 Review

Chapter 16 Test

Week Seventeen

Course Review Review Assignments

Agriscience Labs

Week Eighteen

Course Review Review Assignments

Semester Examination

End of Semester

Physical Science Applications in Agriculture I – (PSAA I)

Stark County High School

Fall Semester

Credit: .5 per semester

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisite: Physical Science and/or Algebra recommended

Suggested Grade Level: 11, 12

Course Description:

This course reinforces and extends understanding of science and its processes by associating scientific principles and concepts with relevant applications in agriculture. Numerous laboratory exercises and experiments will deepen students’ understanding of scientific and agricultural content in this one semester course while actively involving students in the process of science. Students can also establish a supervised agriculture experience (SAE) program and participate in activities of the FFA.

Sample topics include: 1) Agricultural Power Systems – energy, force, work, torque; 2) Environmental / Natural Resource Systems – infiltration, percolation, turbidity, universal soil loss equation; 3) Agricultural Structure Systems – compression, shear, levers and pulleys, psychrometrics, tempering, annealing, cooling; and 4) Agricultural Processing Systems – specific heat, pressure, boiling point, coagulation,vaporization. Attendance on behalf of the student is essential in order to receive full educational benefits of the course. Students successfully completing this course will receive one-half credit of science toward graduation.

Grading Scale:

90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D

0 – 59 F

Grade Components:

Homework 25%

Lab Exercises 50%

Tests & Quizzes 25%

Semester Grade:

First Nine Weeks 40%

Second Nine Weeks 40%

Semester Exam 20%

Instructional Units:

Conducting Experiments

Summarizing and Interpreting Data

Soil and Water Relationships

Soil Fertility and Nutrient Uptake

Moisture Management: Microirrigation

Loads and Loading

Heat Transfer

Power Systems

Mechanical Power Transmission

Hydraulic Power Transmission

Moving and Lifting with Simple Machines

Physical Science Applications in Agriculture I – (PSAA I)

Stark County High School

Fall Semester

Textbook: Physical Science Applications in Agriculture; Philip Buriak and Edward Osborne; Interstate Publishers, Inc.; 1996.

Course Schedule:

Week One

Conducting Experiments Chapter 1 Outline

Chapter 1 Terms- p. 2

Chapter 1 Questions- p. 3


Week Two

Summarizing and Interpreting Data Chapter 2 Outline

Chapter 2 Terms- p. 16

Chapter 2 Questions- p. 17


Chapters 1&2 Test

Week Three

Soil and Water Relationships Chapter 6 Outline

Chapter 6 Terms- p. 70


Week Four

Soil and Water Relationships Chapter 6 Questions


Chapter 6 Test

Week Five

Soil Fertility and Nutrient Uptake Chapter 8 Outline

Chapter 8 Terms- p. 96


Week Six

Soil Fertility and Nutrient Uptake Chapter 8 Questions


Chapter 8 Test

Week Seven

Moisture Management: Microirrigation Chapter 9 Outline

Chapter 9 Terms- p. 114


Week Eight

Moisture Management: Microirrigation Chapter 9 Questions- p.115


Chapter 9 Test

Week Nine

Loads and Loading Chapter 13 Outline

Chapter 13 terms- p. 166


Notebook Grading

End of First Quarter

Week Ten

Loads and Loading Chapter 13 Questions- pp.166-167


Chapter 13 Test

Week Eleven

Heat Transfer Chapter 15 Outline

Chapter 15 Terms- p.200

Chapter 15 Questions- p.201


Chapter 15 Test

Week Twelve

Power Systems Chapter 17 Outline

Chapter 17 Terms- p. 230


Week Thirteen

Power Systems Chapter 17 Questions- p. 231


Chapter 17 Test

Week Fourteen

Power Transmission Chapter 18 Outline

Chapter 18 Terms- p. 246


Week Fifteen

Power Transmission Chapter 18 Questions- p. 248


Chapter 18 Test

Week Sixteen

Moving and Lifting with Simple Chapter 20 Outline

Machines Chapter 20 Terms- p. 274


Week Seventeen

Moving and Lifting with Simple Chapter 20 Questions- p. 275

Machines PSAA Labs

Chapter 20 Test

Week Eighteen

Course Review Review Assignments

Notebook Grading

Semester Examination

End of Semester

Landscaping and Turf Management

(Horticultural Production and Management II)

Stark County High School

Spring Semester

Credit: .5 per semester

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 11, 12

Course Description:

This advanced course contains two major areas of horticulture: (1) landscaping and (2) turf management. Units of study include the scope of the landscape business; principles of landscape designing; the selection and use of plant materials in the landscape; lawn installation; developing cost estimates; and maintenance of the landscape. Students gain experience in designing and drawing landscape plans. Computer applications are stressed as students use landscape design software to develop plans. If possible, outdoor landscape projects will be designed and completed by the students around the school grounds and / or in the surrounding communities.

Grading Scale:

90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D

0 – 59 F

Grade Components:

Homework 25%

Lab Exercises 50%

Tests & Quizzes 25%

Instructional Units:

Landscape Designing

Landscape Construction

Using Drawing Instruments


Symbolizing Landscape Features

Analyzing the Landscape Site

Outdoor Room Concept

Designing Plantings

Completing the Landscape Plan




Surfacing Materials

Selecting the Proper Grass

Lawn Construction

Pricing the Proposed Design

Pricing Landscape Maintenance

Pruning Trees and Shrubs

Care of the Lawn

Landscaping and Turf Management

(Horticultural Production and Management II)

Stark County High School

Spring Semester

Primary Textbook: Landscaping: Principles & Practices; J. E. Ingels; Delmar Publishers; Fourth Edition; 1992.

Supplemental Textbook: Introduction to Horticulture Science and Technology; C. Schroeder, E. Seagle, L. Felton, J. Ruter, W. Kelley, & G. Krewer; Interstate Publishers; 1995.

Course Schedule:

Week One

Landscape Designing Units 1 & 2 Outline

Landscape Construction Units 1 & 2 Terms

Units 1& 2 Review

Units 1 & 2 Test

Week Two

Using Drawing Instruments Units 5 & 6 Outline

Lettering Units 5 & 6 Terms

Units 5 & 6 Review

Units 5 & 6 Test

Drawing Exercises

Week Three

Symbolizing Landscape Features Unit 7 Outline

Examples of Landscape Designs Unit 7 Terms

Unit 7 Review

Unit 7 Test

Drawing Exercises

Week Four

Analyzing the Landscape Site Unit 9 Outline

Unit 9 Terms

Unit 9 Review

Unit 9 Test

Drawing Exercises

Week Five

The Outdoor Room Concept Unit 10 Outline

Unit 10 Terms

Unit 10 Review

Unit 10 Test

Drawing Exercises

Computer Landscapes

Week Six

Designing Plantings Units 11 & 12 Outline

Completing the Landscape Plan Units 11 & 12 Terms

Units 11 & 12 Review

Units 11 & 12 Test

Drawing Exercises

Computer Landscapes

Week Seven

Trees Unit 13 Outline

Unit 13 Terms

Unit 13 Review

Unit 13 Test

Drawing Exercises

Computer Landscapes

Week Eight

Shrubs Unit 14 Outline

Unit 14 Terms

Unit 14 Review

Unit 14 Test

Drawing Exercises

Computer Landscapes

Week Nine

Flowers Unit 16 Outline

Unit 16 Terms

Unit 16 Review

Unit 16 Test

Drawing Exercises

Computer Landscapes

Week Ten

Surfacing Materials Unit 19 Outline & Terms

Unit 19 Review & Test

Drawing Exercises

Computer Landscapes

Week Eleven

Selecting the Proper Grass Unit 22 Outline & Terms

Unit 22 Review & Test

Drawings & Computers

Week Twelve

Lawn Construction Unit 23 Outline & Terms

Unit 23 Review & Test

Landscaping Projects

Drawings & Computers

Week Thirteen

Pricing the Proposed Design Unit 24 Outline & Terms

Unit 24 Review & Test

Landscaping Projects

Drawings & Computers

Week Fourteen

Pricing Landscape Maintenance Unit 25 Outline & Terms

Unit 25 Review & Test

Landscaping Projects

Drawings & Computers

Week Fifteen

Pruning Trees and Shrubs Unit 26 Outline & Terms

Unit 26 Review & Test

Landscaping Projects

Drawings & Computers

Week Sixteen

Care of the Lawn Unit 27 Outline & Terms

Unit 27 Review & Test

Landscaping Projects

Drawings & Computers

Weeks Seventeen & Eighteen

Course Review Review Assignments

Landscaping Projects

Semester Exam

End of Semester

Biological Science Applications in Agriculture – Animal Science

Stark County High School

Fall Semester

Credit: .5 per semester

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisite: Biology strongly recommended

Suggested Grade Level: 11, 12

Course Description:

This course is designed to reinforce and extend students’ understanding of science by associating scientific principles and concepts with relevant applications in agriculture. This one semester course will deepen understanding of science as content and as a process through the use of numerous laboratory exercises and experiments. Students can also establish a Supervised Agriculture Experience program and participate in activities of the FFA.

Sample topics include: 1) Growth and Development of Animals – embryology, ethology, nutrition, immunity systems ; and 2) Processing Animal Products – preservation, fermentation, and pasteurization. Students completing the course successfully will receive one-half credit of science toward graduation. The amount of hands – on labs in the course requires regular attendance on the part of the student in order to receive full benefits of the course. This course will be valuable preparation for students planning to pursue further education, especially in agriculture or the sciences.

Grading Scale:

90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D

0 – 59 F

Grade Components:

Homework 25%

Lab Exercises 50%

Tests & Quizzes 25%

Semester Grade:

First Nine Weeks 40%

Second Nine Weeks 40%

Semester Exam 20%

Instructional Units:

Cellular Biology and Taxonomy

Biology of Growth and Development

Muscle and Meat Biology

Biology of Digestion

Biology of Reproduction


Ethology: Animal Behavior and Welfare

Biological Science Applications in Agriculture – Animal Science

Stark County High School

Fall Semester

Textbook: Animal Science Biology & Technology; MeeCee Baker and Robert E. Mikesell; Interstate Publishers, Inc.; 1996.

Course Schedule:

Week One

Cellular Biology and Taxonomy Chapter 1 Outline

Chapter 1 Terms- p.4

Animal Science Labs

Week Two

Cellular Biology and Taxonomy Chapter 1 Review- pp.15-17

Chapter 1 Worksheets

Animal Science Labs

Chapter 1 Test

Week Three

Biology of Growth and Development Chapter 2 Outline

Chapter 2 Terms- p.20

Animal Science Labs

Week Four

Biology of Growth and Development Chapter 2 Review- pp.31-33

Chapter 2 Worksheets

Animal Science Labs

Chapter 2 Test

Week Five

Muscle and Meat Biology Chapter 3 Outline

Chapter 3 Terms- p.36

Animal Science Labs

Week Six

Muscle and Meat Biology Chapter 3 Review- pp.42-43

Chapter 3 Worksheets

Animal Science Labs

Chapter 3 Test

Week Seven

Biology of Digestion Chapter 4 Outline

Chapter 4 Terms- p.48

Animal Science Labs

Week Eight

Biology of Digestion Chapter 4 Worksheets

Animal Science Labs

Week Nine

Biology of Digestion Chapter 4 Review- pp.59-60

Animal Science Labs

Chapter 4 Test

Notebook Grading

End of First Quarter

Week Ten

Biology of Reproduction Chapter 5 Outline

Chapter 5 Terms- p.64

Animal Science Labs

Week Eleven

Biology of Reproduction Chapter 5 Worksheets

Animal Science Labs

Week Twelve

Biology of Reproduction Chapter 5 Review- pp.78-79

Animal Science Labs

Chapter 5 Test

Week Thirteen

Genetics Chapter 6 Outline

Chapter 6 Terms- p.84

Animal Science Labs

Week Fourteen

Genetics Chapter 6 Worksheets

Animal Science Labs

Week Fifteen

Genetics Chapter 6 Review- pp.94-95

Animal Science Labs

Chapter 6 Test

Week Sixteen

Ethology: Animal Behavior and Welfare Chapter 7 Outline

Chapter 7 Terms- p.100

Animal Science Labs

Week Seventeen

Ethology: Animal Behavior and Welfare Chapter 7 Worksheets

Chapter 7 Review-p.110-111

Animal Science Labs

Chapter 7 Test

Week Eighteen

Course Review Animal Science Labs

Review Assignments

Semester Examination

Notebook Grading

End of Semester

Agricultural Construction and Repair

(Agricultural Mechanics and Technology II)

Stark County High School

Spring Semester

Credit: .5 per semester

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 11, 12

Course Description:

This second semester course is designed to develop student knowledge and skills in the area of construction and maintenance of agricultural structures and facilities. Major topics include instruction in welding and electricity. Welding units include classroom and laboratory experiences in oxyfuel welding and cutting, shielded metal arc welding, and gas metal arc welding. Welding safety procedures are discussed and tested upon prior to lab units. Electricity units include classroom instruction on principles of electricity and laboratory exercises on electrical wiring such as service entrance and household circuits. Electrical safety is discussed and tested upon prior to the beginning of student lab exercises. The immense amount of time spent in the laboratory on welding and electricity activities makes regular attendance on the part of the student necessary in order to receive full benefits of the course.

Grading Scale:

90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D

0 – 59 F

Grade Components: ( Each Nine Weeks )

Homework 25%

Lab Exercises 50%

Tests & Quizzes 25%

Semester Grade:

Third nine weeks period 40%

Fourth nine weeks period 40%

Semester exam 20%

Instructional Units:

Electrical Circuits

Planning Circuits

Electrical Boxes

Cable Conductors

Installing Cables and Conductors


Installing Branch Circuits


Three-Way and Four-Way Switches

Service Entrance Panels and Subpanels

Grounding the Electrical Wiring System

Installing Circuit Breakers

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters

Electrical Conduit

The Service Entrance

Installing Lighting Fixtures

Estimating Wiring Costs

Oxyfuel Gas Welding: Equipment and Supplies

Oxyfuel Gas Welding: Assembly and Adjustment

Oxyfuel Gas Welding: Flat Position Welding

Brazing and Braze Welding

Shielded Metal Arc Welding: Equipment and Supplies

Shielded Metal Arc Welding: Assembly and Adjustment

Shielded Metal Arc Welding: Electrodes

Shielded Metal Arc Welding: Flat Position Welding

Gas Metallic Arc Welding

Agricultural Construction and Repair

(Agricultural Mechanics and Technology II)

Stark County High School

Spring Semester

Weeks 1 – 9 Electricity and Electrical Wiring

Weeks 10 – 18 Oxyacetylene and Arc Welding

Textbook: Electrical Wiring; Ralph Duncan and James E. Wren; AAVIM; 1999.

Course Schedule:

Week One

Before You Begin Chapter 1 Outline

Electrical Circuits Chapter 1 Workbook

Chapter 2 Outline

Chapter 2 Workbook

Electricity Worksheets

Week Two

Planning Circuits Chapters 3 & 4 Outlines

Electrical Boxes Chapters 3 & 4 Workbook

Wiring Lab Tools & Equipment

Wiring Diagrams

Wiring Lab Assignments

Wiring Lab Safety

Week Three

Cable Conductors Chapters 5 & 6 Outline

Installing Circuit Cables and Conductors Chapters 5 & 6 Workbook

Wiring Lab Assignments

Week Four

Receptacles Chapters 7 & 8 Outline

Installing Branch Circuits Chapters 7 & 8 Workbook

Wiring Lab Assignments

Week Five

Switches Chapters 9 & 10 Outline

Three-Way and Four-Way Switches Chapters 9 & 10 Workbook

Wiring Lab Assignments

Week Six

Service Entrance Panels and Subpanels Chapters 11 & 12 Outline

Grounding the Electrical Wiring System Chapters 11 & 12 Workbook

Wiring Lab Assignments

Week Seven

Installing Circuit Breakers Chapters 13 & 14 Outline

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters Chapters 13 & 14 Workbook

Wiring Lab Assignments

Week Eight

Electrical Conduit Chapters 15 & 16 Outline

The Service Entrance Chapters 15 & 16 Workbook

Group Wiring Lab Assignments

Week Nine

Installing Lighting Fixtures Chapters 17 & 18 Outline

Estimating Wiring Costs Chapters 17 & 18 Workbook

Group Wiring Lab Assignments

Electrical Wiring Exam

Textbook: Welding Technology Fundamentals; William and Kevin Bowditch; The Goodheart-Wilcox Company,Inc.; 1997.

Week Ten

Oxyfuel Gas Welding: Equipment & Supplies Chapter 4 Terms- p. 35

Chapter 4 Worksheets

Chapter 4 Review- p. 50

Oxyacetylene Lab Techniques

Arc Welding Lab Techniques

Chapter 4 Outline

Week Eleven

Oxyfuel Gas Welding:Assembly&Adjustment Chapter 5 Outline

Chapter 5 Terms- p. 51

Chapter 5 Worksheets

Chapter 5 Review- p. 56

Welding Lab Safety

Welding Lab Assignments

Week Twelve

Oxyfuel Gas Welding: Flat Position Welding Chapter 6 Outline

Chapter 6 Terms- p. 57

Chapter 6 Worksheets

Welding Lab Assignments

Chapter 6 Review- p. 68

Week Thirteen

Brazing and Braze Welding Chapter 9 Outline

Chapter 9 Terms- p. 95

Chapter 9 Worksheets

Chapter 9 Review- p.104

Welding Lab Assignments

Week Fourteen

Shielded Metal Arc Welding: Chapter 11 Outline

Chapter 11 Terms- p. 115

Chapter 11 Worksheets

Chapter 11 Review- p. 124

Welding Lab Assignments

Week Fifteen

Shielded Metal Arc Welding: Chapter 12 Outline

Equipment Assembly and Adjustment Chapter 12 Terms- p. 125

Chapter 12 Worksheets

Chapter 12 Review- p. 130

Welding Lab Assignments

Week Sixteen

Shielded Metal Arc Welding: Electrodes Chapter 13 Outline

Chapter 13 Terms- p. 131

Chapter 13 Worksheets

Chapter 13 Review- pp.137-138

Welding Lab Assignments

Week Seventeen

Shielded Metal Arc Welding: Chapter 14 Outline

Flat Welding Position Chapter 14 Terms- p. 139

Chapter 14 Worksheets

Chapter 14 Review- p. 148

Welding Lab Assignments

Week Eighteen

Course Review Welding Assignments

Review Assignments

Semester Examination

Biological Science Applications in Agriculture – Plant Science

Stark County High School

Spring Semester

Credit: .5 per semester

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisite: Biology strongly recommended

Suggested Grade Level: 11,12

Course Description:

This course is designed to reinforce and extend students’ understanding of science by associating basic scientific principles and concepts with relevant applications in agriculture. This one semester course will deepen their understanding of science as content and as a process through the use of numerous laboratory exercises and experiments. Students can also establish a Supervised Agricultural Experience program and participate in activities of the FFA.

Students will apply their knowledge of biology to management decisions and practices in agriculture. Sample topics include: 1) Initiating Plant Growth – germination, plant sensory mechanisms, enzyme action, absorption, and 2) Managing Plant Growth – photosynthesis, respiration, translocation, metabolism, and growth regulation. Students completing the course successfully will receive one-half unit of science credit toward graduation. This course will be valuable preparation for students planning to pursue further education, especially in agriculture or the sciences.

Grading Scale:

90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D

0 – 59 F

Grade Components:

Homework 25%

Lab Exercises 50%

Tests & Quizzes 25%

Instructional Units:

Conducting Experiments

Summarizing and Reporting Research

Plant Tissue Testing

Transpiration in Plants

Rhizobium: Nitrogen Fixation


Photosynthesis and Respiration



Heredity and Reproduction

Biological Science Applications in Agriculture – Plant Science

Stark County High School

Spring Semester

Textbook: Biological Science Applications In Agriculture; Edward W. Osborne; Interstate Publishers,Inc.;1994.

Course Schedule:

Week One

Conducting Experiments Chapters 1 & 2 Outline

Summarizing and Reporting Research Chapter 1 Terms- p. 2

Chapter 1 Questions-pp. 2-4

Chapter 2 Terms- p. 26

Chapter 2 Questions- p.30

Plant Science Labs

Chapter 1&2 Test

Week Two

Plant Tissue Testing Chapter 4 Outline

Chapter 4 Terms- p.66

Plant Science Labs

Week Three

Plant Tissue Testing Chapter 4 Questions- p.68

Plant Science Labs

Chapter 4 Test

Week Four

Transpiration Chapter 8 Outline

Chapter 8 Terms- p. 154

Plant Science Labs

Week Five

Transpiration Chapter 8 Questions- pp.157-158

Plant Science Labs

Chapter 8 Test

Week Six

Rhizobium Chapter 5 Outline

Chapter 5 Terms- p.82

Plant Science Labs

Week Seven

Rhizobium Chapter 5 Questions- p.84

Plant Science Labs

Chapter 5 Test

Week Eight

Germination Chapter 6 Outline

Chapter 6 Terms- p. 96

Plant Science Labs

Week Nine

Germination Chapter 6 Questions- pp.100-101

Plant Science Labs

Chapter 6 Test

Notebook Grading

End of First Quarter

Week Ten

Photosynthesis and Respiration Chapter 7 Outline

Chapter 7 Terms- p.124

Plant Science Labs

Week Eleven

Photosynthesis and Respiration Chapter 7 Questions- p.129

Plant Science Labs

Chapter 7 Test

Week Twelve

Tropisms Chapter 9 Outline

Chapter 9 Terms- p.172

Plant Science Labs

Week Thirteen

Tropisms Chapter 9 Questions- p.174

Plant Science Labs

Chapter 9 Test

Week Fourteen

Hydroponics Chapter 10 Outline

Chapter 10 Terms- p.186

Plant Science Labs

Week Fifteen

Hydroponics Chapter 10 Questions- p.190

Plant Science Labs

Chapter 10 Test

Week Sixteen

Heredity and Reproduction Chapter 3 Outline

Chapter 3 Terms- p.44

Plant Science Labs

Week Seventeen

Heredity and Reproduction Chapter 3 Questions- pp.45-47

Plant Science Labs

Chapter 3 Test

Week Eighteen

Course Review Review Assignments

Semester Examination

Notebook Grading

End of Semester

Agricultural Mechanics and Machines

(Agricultural Mechanics and Technology I)

Stark County High School

Fall Semester

Credit: .5 per semester

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 11, 12

Course Description:

This course offers planned learning experiences and activities in the area of power mechanics. Course areas include electrical technology, internal combustion engine technology, and hydraulics technology. Sample topics include electric motors, electric controls, principles of hydraulics, and principles of small engine operation. Small engine areas include carburetion, ignition systems, lubrication systems, cooling systems, preventive maintenance, and troubleshooting. Students will need to provide at least one small engine to work on during the lab portion of the course. Attendance on behalf of the student is required in order to understand the concepts demonstrated and instructed on during the course.

Grade Components:

Homework 25%

Lab & Shop Exercises 50%

Tests & Quizzes 25%

Grading Scale:

90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D

0 – 59 F

Semester Grade:

Third Nine Weeks 40%

Fourth Nine Weeks 40%

Semester Exam 20%

Instructional Units:

Safety in the Small Gas Engine Shop

Tools and Measuring Instruments

Engine Construction and Principles of Operation

Two and Four Cycle Engines


Ignition Systems

Lubrication Systems

Cooling Systems

Engine Inspection, Disassembly, and Cylinder Reconditioning

Engine Reassembly

Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Agricultural Mechanics and Machines

(Agricultural Mechanics and Technology I)

Stark County High School

Fall Semester

Textbook: Small Gas Engines; Alfred C. Roth; The Goodheart-Willcox Company,Inc.; 1998.

Course Schedule:

Week One

Safety in Small Gas Engine Shop Chapter 1 Outline

Chapter 1 Terms- p. 19

Chapter 1 Worksheet

Compression Parts & Quiz

Carburetion Parts & Quiz

Chapter 1 Review- p.19

Week Two

Tools and Measuring Instruments Chapter 2 Outline

Chapter 2 Terms- pp.41-42

Chapter 2 Worksheet

Ignition Parts & Quiz

Secondary Tools Parts & Quiz

Chapter 2 Review- p.42

Week Three

Engine Construction and Principles of Chapter 4 Outline

Operation Chapter 4 Terms- p. 75

Small Engine Disassembly

Small Engine Lab

Week Four

Engine Construction and Principles of Chapter 4 Worksheet

Operation Chapter 4 Review- pp.75-76

Small Engine Disassembly

Small Engine Lab

Week Five

Two and Four- Cycle Engines Chapter 5 Outline

Chapter 5 Terms- p. 90

Small Engine Lab

Week Six

Two and Four-Cycle Engines Chapter 5 Worksheet

Chapter 5 Review- p. 90

Small Engine Lab

Week Seven

Carburetion Chapter 8 Outline

Chapter 8 Terms- p. 145

Small Engine Assembly

Small Engine Lab

Week Eight

Carburetion Chapter 8 Worksheet

Chapter 8 Review- pp.145-146

Small Engine Assembly

Small Engine Lab

Week Nine

Ignition Systems Chapter 9 Outline

Chapter 9 Terms- p.171

Small Engine Lab

Notebook Grading

End of First Quarter

Week Ten

Ignition Systems Chapter 9 Worksheet

Chapter 9 Review- pp. 171-172

Small Engine Lab 2

Week Eleven

Lubrication Systems Chapter 10 Outline

Chapter 10 Terms- p.188

Small Engine Lab 2

Week Twelve

Lubrication Systems Chapter 10 Worksheet

Chapter 10 Review- p.188

Small Engine Lab 2

Week Thirteen

Cooling Systems Chapter 11 Outline

Chapter 11 Terms- p.198

Small Engine Lab 2

Week Fourteen

Cooling Systems Chapter 11 Worksheet

Chapter 11 Review- pp.198-199

Small Engine Lab 2

Week Fifteen

Engine Inspection, Disassembly, and Chapter 15 Outline

Cylinder Reconditioning Chapter 15 Terms- p. 280

Chapter 15 Review- p. 280

Small Engine Lab 2

Week Sixteen

Preventive Maintenance and Chapter 12 Outline

Troubleshooting Chapter 12 Terms- p.215

Chapter 12 Review- pp.215-216

Small Engine Lab 2

Week Seventeen

Course Review System Review Quizzes

Week Eighteen

Course Review Review Quizzes

Notebook Grading

Semester Examination

End of Semester

Agricultural Business Management I

Stark County High School

Fall Semester

Credit: .5 per semester

Length: 1 semester

Prerequisite: none

Suggested Grade Level: 11, 12

Course Description:

This course is designed to develop student skills in the advanced areas of agricultural business and commodity marketing. Topics to be included but not limited to are size and scope of agribusiness, supply inputs, production, processing, and marketing as well as interaction of technology, economics, society, and government. The main focus concentrates on the role and functions of the Chicago Board of Trade and Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the agriculture economy. Students participate in simulated trading and prepare commodity reports concerning various commodities on their uses and marketing within the economy. Early in the semester students are introduced to agricultural surveying and global positioning systems with classroom and outdoor exercises.

Grading Scale:

100. A

89. B

79. C

69. D

0 – 59 F

Grade is based upon:

Homework 25%

Lab Reports (including commodity reports) 50%

Exams 25%

Semester Grade:

First quarter 40%

Second quarter 40%

Semester exam 20%

Each student will prepare a commodity report on two different commodities traded at the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. A large quantity of classroom time will be devoted to research and preparation of these reports during the second quarter resulting in 90% of your quarter grade coming from the grade of these reports. Also, a class field trip to the Board of Trade and Mercantile Exchange will take place during the month of October.

Instructional Units:

Agricultural Surveying

Differential Leveling

Profile Surveying

Marketing Basics

Economic Theory

Fundamental Market Analysis

Technical Market Analysis

Futures and Cash Markets

Marketing Math

Commodity Marketing Projects

Options Marketing

Agriculture Business Management I

Stark County High School

Fall Semester

Textbooks: Agricultural Surveying; Vocational Agriculture Service

Introduction to Commodity Marketing; Chicago Mercantile Exchange

Commodity Challenge; Chicago Board of Trade

Course Schedule:

Week One

Intro to Agr. Surveying Student Worksheets

Determining Distances Lab Exercises

Week Two

Calculating Land Areas Student Worksheets

The Surveying Instrument Lab Exercises

Note Outlines

Week Three

Differential Leveling Student Worksheets

Lab Exercises

Week Four

Profile Leveling Student Worksheets

Lab Exercises

Week Five

Differential Leveling Lab Quizzes

Profile Leveling

Week Six

Global Positioning Systems Student Worksheets

Marketing Basics Lab Exercises

Commodity Marketing Ch. 1

Week Seven

Economic Theory Commodity Challenge Ch. 2

Fundamental Analysis Commodity Marketing Ch. 2

Student Worksheets

Chapter Outlines and Questions

Week Eight

Technical Analysis Commodity Marketing Ch. 3

Chapter Outline and Questions



Week Nine

Using Futures Commodity Marketing Ch. 4

Ups and Downs of the Markets Commodity Challenge Ch. 3

Chapter Outlines and Questions


Week Ten

Options Terms Commodity Marketing Ch. 5

Trade-a-thon Activity Commodity Challenge Ch. 4

Chapter Outlines and Questions


Commodity Reports

Week Eleven

Options Strategies Commodity Marketing Ch. 6

FFA Commodity Marketing Activity Chapter Outline and Questions


Commodity Reports

Team Marketing

Week Twelve

Marketing Math Commodity Marketing Ch. 7

FFA Commodity Marketing Activity Outline and Questions

Commodity Reports


Team Marketing

Week Thirteen

Marketing How-To Commodity Marketing Ch. 8

FFA Commodity Marketing Activity Outline and Questions

Commodity Reports


Team Marketing

Week Fourteen

FFA Commodity Marketing Activity Commodity Reports

Commodity Challenge Team Marketing

Week Fifteen

FFA Commodity Marketing Activity Team Marketing

Commodity Challenge Commodity Reports

Week Sixteen

Commodity Challenge Commodity Reports

Week Seventeen

Course Review Commodity Reports

Week Eighteen

Course Review Commodity Reports

Semester Exam

Agriculture Business Management II

Stark County High School

Spring Semester

Credit: .5 per semester

Course Length: One semester

Prerequisite: None

Suggested Grade Level: 11, 12

Course Description:

This course includes additional material which provides greater degrees of specialization in agribusiness operations. Course content includes computerized record keeping skills with Microsoft Quickbooks Pro software. Students will also study agribusiness accounting areas such as personal life skills, inventory, balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, owner equity, financial analysis, and decision making. Time will also be devoted to taxes, depreciation, credit, and insurance concerning the agriculture business. This course offers valuable preparation for students training for business careers especially involving the industry of agriculture.

Grading Scale:

90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D

0 – 59 F

Grade Components:

Homework 30%

Tests & Quizzes 30%

Record Book Problem 40%

Semester Grade:

Third Nine Weeks 40%

Fourth Nine Weeks 40%

Semester Exam 20%

Instructional Units:


Income Statements

Balance Sheets (Net Worth)

Cash Flow Statements


Economic Principles


Financial Analysis

Decision Making

Computerized Recordkeeping

Borrowing and Investing

Agriculture Business Management II

Stark County High School

Spring Semester

Primary Textbook: Agribusiness: Decisions and Dollars; J. Elliot; Delmar Publishers; 1999.

Supplementary Textbook: Farm and Ranch Business Management; J. Steward & R. Jobes; Deere & Company; 1987.

Course Schedule:

Week One

Developing Personal Life Skills Chapter 1 Outline

Chapter 1 Terms

Chapter 1 Review


Chapter 1 Test

Week Two

Inventory Chapter 2 Outline

Chapter 2 Terms

Chapter 2 Review

Inventory Assignments

Chapter 2 Test

Week Three

Balance Sheet Chapter 3 Outline

Chapter 3 Terms

Balance Sheet Assignments

Week Four

Balance Sheet Chapter 3 Review

Balance Sheet Assignments

Chapter 3 Test

Week Five

Income Statement Chapter 4 Outline

Chapter 4 Terms

Income Statement


Week Six

Income Statement Chapter 4 Review

Income Statement


Chapter 4 Test

Week Seven

Statement of Cash Flows Chapter 5 Outline

Chapter 5 Terms

Cash Flow Assignments

Week Eight

Statement of Cash Flows Chapter 5 Review

Cash Flow Assignments

Chapter 5 Test

Week Nine

Statement of Owner Equity Chapter 6 Outline

Chapter 6 Terms

Owner Equity Assignments

Chapter 6 Test

Week Ten

Analyzing Financial Performance Chapter 7 Outline

Chapter 7 Terms

Financial Analysis


Chapter 7 Review

Chapter 7 Test

Week Eleven

Planning and Decision Making Chapter 8 Outline

Chapter 8 Terms

Budget Assignments

Agr. Business Record Book


Week Twelve

Planning and Decision Making Chapter 8 Review

Chapter 8 Test

Agr. Business Record Book Problem

Week Thirteen

Business Borrowing / Investing Chapter 9 Outline

Chapter 9 Terms

Loan Assignments

Agr. Business Record Book


Week Fourteen

Business Borrowing / Investing Chapter 9 Review

Chapter 9 Test

Agr. Business Record Book


Quickbooks Pro Software

Week Fifteen

Taxes Chapter 10 Outline

Chapter 10 Terms

Tax Assignments

Agr. Business Record Book


Quickbooks Pro Software

Week Sixteen

Taxes Chapter 10 Review

Chapter 10 Test

Tax Returns

Record Book Problem

Quickbooks Pro Software

Week Seventeen

Course Review Record Book Problem

Quickbooks Pro Software

Review Assignments

Week Eighteen

Course Review Record Book Problem

Quickbooks Pro Software

Semester Examination

End of Semester


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