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QUESTIONSQuestion 1: What are the developmental aspects of the Internet (for example, economic, social, regulatory and technical aspects), especially for developing countries?Determining the individual user rights of the internetEstablishment of international internet lawCreation of online person rights protection system on internet and created system should support by social media organizationsThus automatically initiate legal action on the internetCreation AI tools on the internet browser that defend the people's rights in the legal perimeters with government supports Ensure that the Internet is more accessible with W?-F?, radio signals etc. developing satellite systems or IOT applications.Providing Internet access to non-internet users by supporting Internet provider organizationsTo protect users, maintain understanding of network communication, data networking and so on. Transmitting information through education system, dissemination of internet ethics courses through media and internet. Question 2: How can governments and other stakeholders promote the developmental aspects of the Internet?Country governments should create policies to promote Internet useFree, supervised internet interaction must be ensuredImplementation of new internet protocol and security principles in solidarity with international organizationsDevelopment of internet legal systemSupport organizations to create competition between internet providersSupporting IOT applications to increase internet use, organizing programmatic educational seminars and certificate programs for studentsIncrease their interaction with the internet in many areas agriculture, animal husbandry, textile, mining, transportation, banking and so on.Question 3: What are the challenges and opportunities?Interaction can be smooth and sincere when the internet is used as conscious, supervisory and in legal frameworks.It respects the platforms on which the user knows the rights.Many IOT applications might be create and contribute to the country's economy.Business interactions with the internet (agriculture, commerce, banking, transportation etc.) can be provided easily and safely.Accessibility from the Internet can increase the accessibility of any person (natural disasters, kidnapping, injury, etc.) case of emergencies. Such as police, hospitals, emergency and media departments need to better monitor internet technology.SUMMARYWe can describe the developmental aspects of the Internet by separating many groups. The communications and information delivery capability of the Internet serves all sectors of society. The areas of education, health, social policy, commerce and trade, government, agriculture, communications, and science and technology benefit from Internet access to information. The internet provides many benefits for society. Internet can be defined as a technological tool that enables or enhances the convenience of people this way. At the same time, internet can only become a tool for social development if it is applied in a way that addresses the complex challenges of improving the lives of the least-privileged and most-needy millions around the world. Social development here means in improvement in the living standards and general well-being of all members of any given society. Accordingly, if the Internet is to be socially beneficial, it needs to be used for alleviating poverty, improving access to health care and education, conserving and fairly distributing resources, and strengthening participation in decision-making processes. Thus the success of the Internet should be measured less in terms of sheer numbers of connected individuals and more in terms of accessibility and contribution to social progress. ADDIN EN.CITE <EndNote><Cite><Author>Uimonen</Author><RecNum>1</RecNum><DisplayText>[1]</DisplayText><record><rec-number>1</rec-number><foreign-keys><key app="EN" db-id="9pwpsaatvrd5svertrkxvp23z2dafpddtez0" timestamp="1482865087">1</key></foreign-keys><ref-type name="Journal Article">17</ref-type><contributors><authors><author><style face="normal" font="default" size="100%">Uimonen</style><style face="normal" font="default" charset="162" size="100%"> Paula</style></author></authors></contributors><titles><title>The Internet as a Tool for Social Development</title><secondary-title>United Nations Research Institute for Social Development</secondary-title></titles><periodical><full-title>United Nations Research Institute for Social Development</full-title></periodical><dates></dates><urls></urls></record></Cite></EndNote>[1] It is widely believed that the digital revolution holds many promises for developing countries, allowing them to leapfrog through stages of development and catch up with more developed countries. The idea of joining the global information society is pursued vigorously worldwide, not the least by commercial interests. Appropriate measures to be taken are increasingly on the political agendas at international, regional, and national levels and more international development efforts aim at introducing new information technologies in less-developed parts of the world.Internet is seen as need and convenience for developing countries. The Internet needs to be protected by regulations, protocols and laws to protect the rights of individuals. It can be developed with the support of governments and other stakeholders, and the internet will contribute to the economy of the country in communication with other sectors. The fact that the internet is free and accessible means that citizens can hear their voice to around the world. The internet is freedom, but requires supervision and knowledge. I hope that social media controls, internet laws and courts will come out in order to protect their rights. Money laundering on the internet, frauds, inappropriate content, attacks on individual rights, and conscious propaganda in social media etc. IT crimes require international internet law and control mechanisms.Such formations will not only lead to rigid governance but also to make constructive decisions that are more open, free and open to developing societies, and will make them individuals who are bound by internet ethical rules.CONTACT DETAILSFirst/Last Name: Bahadir SoybakisTitle: Aimed at controlling internet developmentOrganization you are representing: TUBITAKCountry: TURKEY ADDIN EN.REFLIST 1.Paula, U., The Internet as a Tool for Social Development. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development. ................

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