|Discuss nursing responsibilities in maintaining an |Nursing roles in ALS Checklist: |READ: |

|emergency cart. | |Lewis (2011) |

| |Peer Checkoff: | |

|Perform one rescuer and two rescuers CPR using AHA standards in a |Using Ambu bag |Fundamentals Book |

|simulated situation. | | |

| |Peer Checkoff: | |

|Demonstrate or explain the insertion of oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal |CPR |VIDEOS: |

|airways. | |#0118 - “Code: Cardiac Arrest” |

| |Adult | |

|Demonstrate ventilation techniques using a manual |one rescuer |#0144 - “12 Lead EKG” |

|resuscitator in a simulated situation. |two rescuers | |

| |obstructed airway |COMPUTER SIMULATION: |

|Demonstrate assistance with endotracheal intubation in | |#0090-“Megacode” |

|a simulated situation. |Child | |

| |one rescuer | |

|Practice preparation and administration of common |two rescuers | |

|ALS drugs in a simulated situation. |obstructed airway | |

| | | |

|Simulate proper placement of ECG leads in an ALS situation. | | |

| | | |

|8. Identify indications for defibrillation. | | |

| | | |

|Describe and simulate preparation and care of a defibrillator. | | |

| |The group must give a name to themselves. The group must wear an | |

|Identify at least five safety precautions for using a |identifying theme until successfully passing the code. Schedule | |

|defibrillator. |preview of code with instructor present after identifying team name | |

| |and theme. | |

|Discuss each of the roles on a code. | | |

| |Satisfactory completion in a Mock Code (2 attempts) | |

|Document the events in a code. | | |

| | | |

|13. Demonstrate a role in a mock code | | |

| | | |

w:syllabus\sophfll\CV MockCodes-unit II Reviewed 7/2013


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