This Master Services Agreement by and between Aetna Life Insurance Company, a Connecticut corporation located at 151 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut, its affiliated HMOs, if indicated in Appendix V, its other affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively “Aetna”) and Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., a California corporation, located at 10202 West Washington Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90232 (“Customer”) is effective as of January 1, 2013 (“Effective Date”). This Master Services Agreement, Statements of Available Services (“SAS”s) and any additional Schedules and Appendices, as so identified and agreed, shall be hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Services Agreement.”


WHEREAS, Customer has established a self-funded employee health benefits plan (the “Plan”), for certain eligible Plan Participants (employees, dependents, beneficiaries, retirees, or members as referenced in the Plan documents, or any term used by the Customer to designate participants in the Plan) pursuant to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”) described in Appendix I of this Services Agreement; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Plan, Customer wishes to make available one or more products offered by Aetna (“the Products”), as specified in the SASs; and

WHEREAS, Aetna has arranged to provide integrated claim administration of these Product(s) and supplemental administrative services (“Services”);

THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises stated herein and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereby enter into this Services Agreement, which sets forth the terms and conditions under which Aetna agrees to render the Services, and under which Customer hereby agrees to receive and compensate Aetna for such Services.


Unless one party informs the other of its intent to allow the Services Agreement to terminate in accordance with Section 7 of this Master Services Agreement, the initial term of this Services Agreement shall be one (1) year beginning on the Effective Date (referred to as an “Agreement Period”). This Services Agreement will automatically renew for additional Agreement Periods (successive one-year terms) unless otherwise terminated pursuant to Section 7 of this Master Services Agreement.


Aetna shall perform only those services expressly described in this Services Agreement. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Master Services Agreement and of the attached SASs, the terms of the SASs will control.


Both Aetna or and Customer will agree to discharge their obligations under the Services Agreement with that level of reasonable care which a similarly situated Services provider or plan sponsorPlan Administrator under ERISA, as applicable, would exercise under similar circumstances. In connection with fiduciary powers and duties hereunder, if delegated by Customer to Aetna as noted in the Claim Fiduciary section of the applicable SAS, Aetna shall observe the standard of care and diligence required of a fiduciary under ERISA Section 404(a)(1)(B).


It is understood and agreed that the Customer, as Plan Administrator, retains complete authority and responsibility for the Plan, its operation, and the benefits provided there under, and that Aetna is empowered to act on behalf of Customer in connection with the Plan only to the extent expressly stated in the Services Agreement or as agreed to in writing by Aetna and Customer.

Customer has the sole and complete authority to determine eligibility of persons to participate in the Plan.

Claim fiduciary responsibility is identified in the applicable Statement of Available Services ("SAS").


Customer shall pay Aetna the Service Fees in accordance with the Service and Fee Schedule(s). No Services other than those identified in the Service and Fee Schedule(s) are included in the Service Fees. The Services to be provided by Aetna and the Service Fees may be adjusted annually effective on the anniversary of the Effective Date (the "Contract Anniversary Date") by Aetna upon thirty ninety (3090) days prior written notice, or at other times as indicated in the Service and Fee Schedule(s).

Aetna shall provide Customer with a monthly statement indicating the Service Fees owed for that month. Customer shall pay Aetna the amount of the Service Fees, or shall dispute any portion or all of the Services in good faith, no later than thirty-one (31) calendar days following the first calendar day of the month in which the Services are provided (the “Payment Due Date”).

Customer shall reimburse Aetna for additional expenses incurred by Aetna and agreed to by the parties on behalf of the Plan or Customer which are reasonably necessary for the administration of the Plan, including, but not limited to: special hospital audit fees, fees paid or expenses incurred to recover Plan assets, customized printing fees, clerical listing of eligibility, Customer audits exceeding limits in the Services Agreement, and for any other services performed which are not Services under the Services Agreement. Aetna shall seek advance written approval from Customer before incurring any additional expenses that are expected to exceed [$100.00X]. The payment by Aetna on behalf of Customer of any such expenses shall constitute part of the Services hereunder, provided, however, with respect to any payments made by Aetna on behalf of and at the request of the Customer to vendors, as a result of Aetna issuing such payment, Aetna will assume the tax reporting obligation, such as Form 1099-MISC or other applicable forms.

In circumstances where Aetna may have a contractual, claim or payment dispute with a provider, the settlement of that dispute with the provider may include a one time payment in settlement to the provider or to Aetna, or may otherwise impact future payments to providers. Aetna, in its discretion, may apportion the settlement to self-funded Customers, either as an additional service fee from, or as a credit to, Customer, as may be the case, based upon specific applicable claims, proportional membership or some other allocation methodology, after taking into account Aetna's costs including Aetna's internal costs of recovery and distribution.

All overdue amounts shall be subject to the late charges set forth in the Service and Fee Schedule(s) except to the extent disputed in good faith by the Customer.

Within thirty (30) days Following Following the close of an Agreement Period, Aetna will prepare and submit to the Customer a report showing the Service Fees paid.


The Services Agreement may be terminated by Aetna or the Customer as follows:

(A) Legal Prohibition - If any state or other jurisdiction enacts a law or Aetna reasonably and in good faith interprets an existing law to prohibit the continuance of the Services Agreement or some portion thereof (notwithstanding Section 514 of ERISA), the Services Agreement or that portion shall terminate automatically as to such state or jurisdiction on the effective date of such law or interpretation; provided, however, if only a portion of the Services Agreement is impacted, the Services Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted.Aetna shall contact Customer immediately in writing regarding any such termination of services, and provide the effective date that any such change shall go into effect.

(B) Customer Termination - Customer may terminate the Services Agreement with respect to all Plan Participants or any group of Plan Participants included under the Services Agreement or any subsidiary or affiliate of Customer that is covered under the Services Agreement, or for a particular Product and/or SAS, by giving Aetna at least thirty-one (31) days written notice stating when, after the date of such notice, such termination shall become effective. Customer may also terminate the Services Agreement upon five (5) days’ written notice to Aetna in the event of Aetna’s material breach of the Services Agreement or breach of fiduciary duty or in the event of any fraudulent or criminal act by Aetna.

(C) Aetna Termination -

(1) Aetna may terminate the Services Agreement or any SAS attached hereto by giving to Customer at least thirty-one (31) days written notice stating when, after the date of such notice, such termination shall become effective.

(2) If Customer fails to respond to an initial written request by Aetna, or the bank selected by Aetna, on which benefit payment checks are drawn in satisfaction of a claim for Plan benefits (“Bank”), to provide funds to the Bank for the payment of checks or other payments approved and recorded by Aetna, Aetna shall have the right to cease processing benefit payment requests and suspend other Services until the requested funds have been provided. Aetna may terminate the Services Agreement immediately upon successful transmission of notice to Customer, (if by mail with five (5) day notice), facsimile transmission or other means of communication (including electronic mail) if (a) Customer fails to provide the requested funds within five (5) business days of written notice by Aetna, or (b) Aetna determines that Customer will not meet its obligation to provide such funds within such five (5) business days.

(3) If Customer fails to pay or dispute in good faith the Service Fees by the Payment Due Date, Aetna shall have the right to suspend Services until the Service Fees have been paid. Aetna may terminate the Services Agreement immediately upon successful transmission of notice to Customer, (if by mail with five (5) days notice), facsimile transmission or other means of communication (including electronic mail) if (a) Customer either fails to pay such Service Fees within five (5) business days of written notice of unpaid Service Fees by Aetna, or (b) Aetna determines that Customer will not meet its obligation to pay such Service Fees within such five (5) business days. In no event shall such termination occur prior to the Payment Due Date.

(4) Any acceptance by Aetna of funds or Service Fees described in paragraphs (2) or (3) above, after the grace periods specified therein have elapsed and prior to any action by Aetna to suspend Services or terminate the Services Agreement, shall not constitute a waiver of Aetna's right to suspend Services or terminate the Services Agreement in accordance with this section with respect to any other failure of Customer to meet its obligations hereunder.

(D) Responsibilities on Termination - Upon termination of the Services Agreement, for any reason other than termination under Section 7 (C) (2), Aetna will continue to process runoff claims for Plan benefits that were incurred prior to, but not processed as of, the termination date, which are received by Aetna not more than twelve (12) months following the termination date. The Service Fee for such activity is included in the Service Fees described in Section 6 of this Master Services Agreement. The procedures and obligations described in the Services Agreement, to the extent applicable, shall survive the termination of the Services Agreement and remain in effect with respect to such claims. Benefit payments processed by Aetna with respect to such claims which are pended or disputed will be handled to their conclusion by Aetna, and the procedures and obligations described in the Services Agreement, to the extent applicable, shall survive the expiration of the twelve (12) month period. Requests for benefit payments received after such twelve (12) month period will be returned to the Customer or, upon its direction, to a successor administrator at the Customer’s expense.

Customer will be liable for all Plan benefit payments made by Aetna in accordance with the preceding paragraph (D) following the termination date or which are outstanding on the termination date. Customer will continue to fund Plan benefit payments through the banking arrangement described in Section 8 of this Master Services Agreement and agrees to instruct its bank to continue to make funds available until all outstanding Plan benefit payments have been funded by the Customer or until such time as mutually agreed upon by Aetna and Customer (e.g., Customer’s wire line and bank account from which the Bank requests funds must remain open for one (1) year after runoff processing ends, two (2) years after termination).

Upon termination of the Services Agreement and provided all Service Fees have been paid, Aetna will release to Customer or, upon Customer’s written request, to a successor administrator, in Aetna's standard format, all claim data, records and files within a reasonable time period following the termination date. All reasonable costs associated with the release of data, records and files from Aetna to Customer shall be paid by Customer.


Plan benefit payments and related charges of any amount payable under the Plan shall be made by check drawn by Aetna payable through the Bank or by electronic funds transfer or other reasonable transfer method. Customer, by execution of the Services Agreement, expressly authorizes Aetna to issue and accept such checks on behalf of Customer for the purpose of payment of Plan benefits and other related charges. Customer agrees to provide funds through its designated bank sufficient to satisfy all Plan benefits (and which also may include Service Fees in satisfaction of the obligations of Section 3 and any late charges under the Services Agreement) and related charges upon notice from Aetna or the Bank of the amount of payments made by Aetna. Customer agrees to instruct its bank to forward an amount in Federal funds on the day of the request equal to such liability by wire transfer or such other transfer method agreed upon between Customer and Aetna. As used herein “Plan benefits” means payments under the Plan, excluding any copayments, coinsurance or deductibles required by the Plan.

Since funding is provided on a checks issued basis, outstanding benefit payment checks (checks which have not been presented for payment) will be handled, as elected by Customer, by full escheatment services whereby Aetna will review outstanding benefit payment checks and will process voids for invalid payments and mail survey letters to payees for valid payments. These surveys may result in a void for payments not due, a reissued check or the item escheated to the appropriate state.


(A) Eligibility - Customer shall supply Aetna in writing or by electronic medium acceptable to Aetna with all information regarding the eligibility of Plan Participants including but not limited to the identification of any Sponsored Dependents defined in Customer’s Summary Plan Description (SPD) and shall notify Aetna by the tenth day of the month following any changes in Plan participation. Customer agrees that retroactive terminations of Plan Participants shall not exceed 30 days and that Aetna has no financial responsibility for any benefit payments owed under the Plan. Aetna has no responsibility for determining whether an individual meets the definition of a Sponsored Dependent. Aetna shall not be responsible in any manner, including but not limited to, any obligations set forth in Section 13 below, for any delay or error caused by the Customer’s failure to furnish accurate eligibility information. Customer represents that it has informed its Plan Participants through enrollment forms executed by Customer’s Plan Participants, or in another manner which satisfies applicable law, that confidential information relating to their benefit claims may be disclosed to third parties in connection with plan administration.

(B) Initial SPD Review - Customer shall provide Aetna with all Plan documents at least thirty (30) days prior to the Effective Date or such other date mutually agreed upon by the parties. Customer agrees that it will provide Aetna with a copy of its SPD, as required by ERISA, so that Aetna may reconcile any potential differences that may exist among the SPD, the description of Plan benefits in Appendix I and Aetna’s internal policies and procedures. Aetna does NOT review Customer’s SPD for compliance with applicable law. Customer also agrees that it Aetna is not responsible for satisfying any and all Plan reporting and disclosure requirements that may be imposed by law, including updating the SPD to reflect any changes in benefits.

(C) Notice of Benefit Change - Customer shall notify Aetna in writing of any changes in Plan documents or Plan benefits at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such changes where it is administratively feasible to do so. Aetna shall have thirty (30) days following receipt of such notice to inform Customer of whether it will administer such proposed changes. Appendix I hereto shall be deemed to be automatically modified to reflect such proposed changes if Aetna either agrees to administer the changes as proposed or fails to object to such changes within thirty (30) days of receipt of the foregoing notice. The description of Plan benefits in Appendix I may otherwise be amended only by mutual written agreement of the parties. Aetna may charge additional fees relating to any actual increase in cost to administer the description of Plan benefits in Appendix I and otherwise revise this Services Agreement, including, without limitation, the financial terms set forth in the Service and Fee Schedule or the Performance Guarantees set forth in Appendix II because of changes which Aetna agrees to administer.

(D) Employee Notices - Customer agrees to furnish each employee covered by the Plan written notice, reasonably satisfactory to Aetna, that Customer has complete financial liability for the payment of Plan benefits. Customer agrees to indemnify Aetna and hold Aetna harmless against any and all loss, damage and expense (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) sustained by Aetna as a result of any failure by Customer to give such notice.

(E) Miscellaneous - Customer shall immediately provide Aetna with such information regarding administration of the Plan as Aetna may reasonably request from time to time. Aetna is entitled to rely on the information most recently supplied by Customer in connection with Aetna's Services and its other obligations under the Services Agreement. Aetna shall not be responsible for any delay or error caused by Customer's failure to furnish correct information in a timely manner. Aetna is not responsible for responding to Plan Participant requests for copies of Plan documents.


Customer acknowledges and agrees that Aetna or its affiliates or authorized agents shall have the right to use all documents, records, reports, and data, including data recorded in Aetna's data processing systems ("Documentation"), subject to compliance with privacy laws and regulations, including without limitation regulations promulgated pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. All Documentation is stored in Aetna’s data warehouses, and may be de-identified as to Plan Participants and Customer identity for purposes other than administration of Customer’s claims, at Aetna’s discretion. Customer is not compensated for any use of de-identified Documentation maintained in Aetna’s data warehouse.

Upon reasonable prior written request, and subject to the provisions of Sections 11 and 12, and as permitted by applicable law, the Plan-related benefit payment information contained in the Documentation shall be made available to Customer or to a third party designated by Customer, for inspection during regular business hours at the place or places of business where it is maintained by Aetna, for purposes related to the administration of the Plan. Aetna may assess a reasonable charge to recover costs in connection with documentation requests. Such Plan-related benefit payment Documentation will be kept by Aetna for seven (7) years after the year in which a claim is adjudicated, unless Aetna turns such Documentation over to Customer or a designee of Customer. In the event return or destruction is infeasible, Aetna shall continue to comply with all restrictions on the use and disclosure of such Documentation as required by law including without limitation extend protections required by HIPAA.


(A) Business Confidential Information - Each party acknowledges that performance of the Services Agreement may involve access to and disclosure of Customer and Aetna identifiable business proprietary data, rates, procedures, materials, lists, systems and information of the other (collectively "Business Confidential Information"). No Business Confidential Information shall be disclosed to any third party other than a party’s representatives who have a need to know such Information in relation to administration of the Plan, and provided that such representatives are informed of the confidentiality provisions hereof and agree to abide by them. All such Information must be maintained in strict confidence. Customer agrees that Aetna may make lawful references to Customer in its marketing activities and in informing health care providers as to the organizations and plans for which Services are to be provided.

(B) Aetna Confidential Information – Any information with respect to Aetna's or any of its affiliate's fees or specific rates of payment to health care providers and any information which may allow determination of such fees or rates and any of the terms and provisions of the health care providers' agreements with Aetna or its affiliates are deemed to be Aetna Confidential Information. No disclosure of any such information may be made or permitted to Customer or to any third party whatsoever, including, but not limited to, any broker, consultant, auditor, reviewer, administrator or agent unless (i) Aetna has consented in writing to such disclosure and (ii) each such recipient has executed a confidentiality agreement in form reasonably satisfactory to Aetna’s counsel.

(C) Plan Participant Confidential Information - In addition, each party will maintain the confidentiality of medical records and confidential Plan Participant-identifiable patient information (“Plan Participant Confidential Information”), and in accordance with the terms of the Business Associate Agreement attached as Appendix III to this Services Agreement.

(D) Upon Termination - Upon termination of the Services Agreement, each party, upon the request of the other, will return or destroy all copies of all of the other's Confidential Information in its possession or control except to the extent such Confidential Information must be retained pursuant to applicable law, to the extent such Confidential Information cannot be disaggregated from Aetna’s databases, or except as otherwise provided under the Business Associate Addendum attached as Appendix III provided, however, that Aetna may retain copies of any such Confidential Information it deems necessary for the defense of litigation concerning the Services it provided under the Services Agreement and for use in the processing of runoff claims for Plan benefits, in accordance with the terms of Section 7(D) of this Master Services Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provision herein to the contrary, the obligations set forth in this Section 11 shall survive termination of this Services Agreement and remain in effect with respect to a party for so long as such party retains any Confidential Information of the other party.

(E) Customer and Aetna acknowledge that compliance with the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs are necessary to protect the business and good will of each party and its affiliates and that any actual or potential breach will irreparably cause damage to each party or its affiliates for which money damages may not be adequate. Customer and Aetna therefore agree that if a party or party’s representatives breach or attempt to breach paragraphs (A) through (D) hereof, the other party will not oppose such party’s request for temporary, preliminary and permanent equitable relief, without bond, to restrain such breaches, together with any and all other legal and equitable remedies available under applicable law or under the Services Agreement. The prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party the attorneys' fees and costs it expends in any action related to such breach or attempted breach.


(A) General Guidelines - For the purpose of this Services Agreement, an "audit" is defined as performing a detailed review of health claim transactions for the purpose of assessing the accuracy of benefit determinations.

Audits must be commenced within two (2) years following the last day of the period being audited. Audits of performance guarantees must be commenced in the year following the last day of the period to which the performance guarantee results apply.

Audits must be performed at the location where Customer’s claims are processed.

Aetna is not responsible for paying Customers’ audit fees or the costs associated with the audit. Customer shall pay Aetna fees for any audit which, with Aetna’s approval, (i) cannot be completed within a five (5) day period, (ii) contains a sample size in excess of 250 claim transactions per plan (or with respect to a Health Fund audit, 250 Plan Participant(s)), or (iii) otherwise creates exceptional administrative demands upon Aetna. The Customer represents that it has informed its Plan Participants that Plan Participant Confidential Information may be used in connection with audits.

Any requested payment from Aetna resulting from the audit must be based upon documented findings, agreed to by both parties (such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld), and must be solely due to Aetna’s actions or inactions.

(B) Auditor Qualifications and Requirements - Customer will utilize individuals to conduct audits on its behalf who are qualified by appropriate training and experience for such work, and will perform its review in accordance with published administrative safeguards or procedures and applicable law against unauthorized use or disclosure (in the audit report or otherwise) of any individually identifiable information. Customer and such individuals will not make or retain any record of provider negotiated rates included in the audited transactions, or payment identifying information concerning treatment of drug or alcohol abuse, mental/nervous or HIV/AIDS or genetic markers, in connection with any audit. Aetna reserves the right to refuse to allow an auditor to conduct an audit in the event Aetna reasonably determines the auditor has a conflict of interest. Determination of the nature of a conflict of interest shall be in the sole discretion of Aetna. A conflict of interest includes (but is not limited to) a situation in which the audit agent (a) is employed by an entity which is a direct competitor of Aetna; or (b) has terminated from Aetna within the past 12 months; or (c) is affiliated with a vendor subcontracted by Aetna to adjudicate claims. The auditor chosen by the Customer must be mutually agreeable to both Customer and Aetna (such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld). Auditors may not be compensated on the basis of a contingency fee or a percentage of overpayments identified, in accordance with the provisions of Section 8.207 through 8.209 of the International Federation of Accountant’s (IFAC) Code of Ethics For Professional Accountants (Revised 2004).

(C) Audit Coordination - Customer will provide reasonable advance notice of its intent to audit and will complete an Audit Request Form providing information reasonably requested by Aetna. Further, Customer or its representative will provide Aetna at least four (4) weeks in advance of the desired audit date, with a complete and accurate listing of the transactions to be pulled for the audit, and with identification of the potential auditor. Notification requirements may exceed four weeks for unusual audit requests, including but not limited to audits involving large sample sizes (e.g., greater than 250 transactions). No audit may commence until the Audit Request Form is completed and executed by the Customer, the auditor, and Aetna.

(D) Identification of Audit Sample - Unless otherwise specified in Appendix II, Performance Guarantees, the sample must be based on a statistical random sampling methodology (e.g., systematic random sampling, simple random sampling, stratified random sampling.) Aetna reserves the right to review and approve the sample size, the objectives of the audit and the sampling methodology proposed by the auditors.

(E) Closing Meeting - The auditors will provide their draft audit findings to Aetna, in writing, before a final audit report is presented to Customer and auditors shall discuss their draft audit findings with Aetna at this stage of the audit process.

(F) Audit Reports - Aetna will have a right to receive the final Audit Report, before delivery to the Customer. Aetna shall have the right to include with the final Audit Report a supplementary statement containing supporting documentation and materials that Aetna considers pertinent to the audit.


The parties will cooperate fully to make reasonable efforts to recover overpayments of Plan benefits in a timely manner. If it is determined that any payment has been made by Aetna to or on behalf of an ineligible person or if it is determined that more than the appropriate amount has been paid, Aetna shall undertake good faith efforts to recover the erroneous payment. For the purpose of this provision, “good faith efforts” constitute Aetna’s outreach to the responsible party twice via letter, phone, email or other means to attempt to recover the payment at issue. If those efforts are unsuccessful in obtaining recovery, Aetna may use an outside vendor, collection agency or attorney to pursue recovery unless the Customer directs otherwise. Except as stated in this section, Aetna has no other obligation with respect to the recovery of overpayments. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Aetna shall be liable to Customer for overpayments that are due to Aetna’s gross negligence, fraud or criminal or intentional misconduct.

Overpayment recoveries made through third party recovery vendors, collection agencies, or attorneys are credited to Customer net of fees charged by Aetna or those entities.

Overpayments must be determined by direct proof of specific claims. Indirect or inferential methods of proof – such as statistical sampling, extrapolation of error rate to the population, etc. – may not be used to determine overpayments. In addition, application of software or other review processes that analyze claims in a manner different from the claim determination and payment procedures and standards used by Aetna may not be used to determine overpayments.

Customer may not seek collection, or use a third party to seek collection, of benefit payments or overpayments from contracted providers, since all such recoveries are subject to the terms and provisions of the providers' proprietary contracts with Aetna. For the purpose of determining whether a provider has or has not been overpaid, Customer agrees that the rates paid to contracting providers for covered services shall be governed by Aetna's contracts with those providers, and shall be effective upon the loading of those contract rates into Aetna's systems, but no later than three (3) months after the effective date of the providers' contracts.

Customer may not seek collection, or use a third party to seek collection, of benefit payments or overpayments from parties other than contracted providers described above, until Aetna has had a reasonable opportunity to recover the overpayments. Aetna must confirm all overpayments before collection by a third party may commence. Customer may be charged for additional Aetna expenses incurred in overpayment confirmation except where such overpayment is due to Aetna’s gross negligence, fraud or criminal or intentional misconduct.


(A) Aetna shall indemnify and hold harmless Customer, its directors, officers, and employees (acting in the course of their employment, but not as Plan Participants) and the Plan and its fiduciaries for that portion of any third party loss, liability, damage, expense, settlement, cost or obligation (including reasonable attorneys’ fees  but excluding payment of plan benefits ) caused solely and directly by Aetna’s gross negligence, willful misconduct, criminal conduct, breach of the Services Agreement, fraud, breach of fiduciary responsibility, or failure to comply with Section 4 above, related to or arising out of the Services provided under the Services Agreement.

(B) Except as provided in (A) above, Customer shall indemnify and hold harmless Aetna, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, and employees for that portion of any third party loss, liability, damage, expense, settlement, cost or obligation (including reasonable attorney’s fees): (i) which was caused solely and directly by Customer’s willful misconduct, criminal conduct, breach of the Services Agreement, fraud, breach of fiduciary responsibility, or failure to comply with Section 4 above, related to or arising out of the Services Agreement or Customer’s role as employer or Plan sponsor; (ii) resulting from taxes, assessments and penalties incurred by Aetna by reason of Plan benefit payments made or Services performed hereunder, and any interest thereon, provided that Customer shall not be required to pay any net income, franchise or other tax, however designated, based upon or measured by Aetna's net income, receipts, capital or net worth; (iii) in connection with the valid release or transfer of Plan Participant-identifiable information to Customer or a third party designated by Customer, or the use or further disclosure of such information by Customer or such third party; (iv) resulting from the inclusion of third party vendor information on identification cards; or (v) resulting from or arising out of claims, demands or lawsuits brought against Aetna in connection with Services provided under the Services Agreement.

(C) The party seeking indemnification under (A) or (B) above must notify the indemnifying party within 20 days in writing of any actual or threatened action, suit or proceeding to which it claims such indemnification applies. Failure to so notify the indemnifying party shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to seek indemnification, unless the actions of the indemnifying party have been prejudiced by the failure of the other party to provide notice within the required time period.

The indemnifying party may then take steps to be joined as a party to such proceeding, and the party seeking indemnification shall not oppose any such joinder. Whether or not such joinder takes place, the indemnifying party shall provide the defense with respect to claims to which this Section applies and in doing so shall have the right to control the defense and settlement with respect to such claims.

The party seeking indemnification may assume responsibility for the direction of its own defense at any time, including the right to settle or compromise any claim against it without the consent of the indemnifying party, provided that in doing so it shall be deemed to have waived its right to indemnification, except in cases where the indemnifying party has declined to defend against the claim.

(D) Customer and Aetna agree that: (i) Aetna does not render medical services or treatments to Plan Participants; (ii) neither Customer nor Aetna is responsible for the health care that is delivered by contracting health care providers; (iii) health care providers are solely responsible for the health care they deliver to Plan Participants; (iv) health care providers are not the agents or employees of Customer or Aetna; and (v) the indemnification obligations of (A) or (B) above do not apply to any portion of any loss, liability, damage, expense, settlement, cost or obligation caused by the acts or omissions of health care providers with respect to Plan Participants except in the event that Aetna has breached the applicable standard of care in selecting and credentialing providers to participate in the network.

(E) The indemnification obligations under (A) above shall not apply to that portion of any loss, liability, damage, expense, settlement, cost or obligation caused by any act undertaken by Aetna at the direction of Customer, or by any failure, refusal, or omission to act, directed by the Customer (other than services described in the Services Agreement). The indemnification obligations under (B) above shall not apply to that portion of any loss, liability, damage, expense, settlement, cost or obligation caused by any act undertaken by Customer at the direction of Aetna, or by any failure, refusal, or omission to act, directed by the Aetna.

(F) The indemnification obligations under this Section 14 shall terminate upon the expiration of this Services Agreement, except as to any matter concerning which a claim has been asserted by notice to the other party at the time of such expiration or within two (2) years thereafter.


In the event of a legal, administrative or other action arising out of the administration, processing or determination of a claim for Plan benefits, the party designated in this document as the fiduciary which rendered the decision in the appeal last exercised by the Plan Participant which is being appealed to the court (“appropriate named fiduciary”) shall undertake the defense of such action at its expense and settle such action when in its reasonable judgment it appears expedient to do so. If the other party is also named as a party to such action, the appropriate named fiduciary will defend the other party PROVIDED the action relates solely and directly to actions or failure to act by the appropriate named fiduciary and there is no conflict of interest between the parties. Customer agrees to pay the amount of Plan benefits included in any judgment or settlement in such action. The other party shall not be liable for any other part of such judgment or settlement, including but not limited to legal expenses and punitive damages, except to the extent provided in Section 14 Indemnification of the Master Services Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Defense of Litigation clause above, in any multi-claim provider litigation, (including arbitration), disputing reimbursement for benefits for more than one Plan Sponsor, Customer authorizes Aetna to defend and reasonably settle Customer's benefit claims in such litigation.


Other than in an action between the parties for third party indemnification, neither party shall be liable to the other for any consequential, incidental or punitive damages whatsoever.


Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Services Agreement or the breach, termination, or validity thereof, except for temporary, preliminary, or permanent injunctive relief or any other form of equitable relief, shall be settled by binding arbitration in Hartford, CT, administered by the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") and conducted by a sole arbitrator in accordance with the AAA's Commercial Arbitration Rules ("Rules"). The arbitration shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §§ 1-16, to the exclusion of state laws inconsistent therewith or that would produce a different result, and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered by any court having jurisdiction thereof. Except as may be required by law or to the extent necessary in connection with a judicial challenge, or enforcement of an award, neither a party nor the arbitrator may disclose the existence, content, record or results of an arbitration. Fourteen (14) calendar days before the hearing, the parties will exchange and provide to the arbitrator (a) a list of witnesses they intend to call (including any experts) with a short description of the anticipated direct testimony of each witness and an estimate of the length thereof, and (b) pre-marked copies of all exhibits they intend to use at the hearing. Depositions for discovery purposes shall not be permitted. The arbitrator may award only monetary relief and is not empowered to award damages other than compensatory damages.


If Aetna is requested by Customer to arrange for network services to be provided for Plan Participants in a geographic area where Aetna does not have a network of providers under contract to provide those services, Aetna may contract with another network of non-contracted providers (“non-Aetna networks”) to provide the requested services. With respect to the services provided by providers who are not under contract to Aetna or any of its subsidiaries (“non-Aetna providers”), Customer acknowledges and agrees that, any other provisions of the Services Agreement notwithstanding:

▪ Aetna does not credential, monitor or oversee the providers or the administrative procedures or practices of any non-Aetna networks;

▪ No particular discounts may, in fact, be provided or made available by any particular providers;

▪ Such providers may not necessarily be available, accessible or convenient;

▪ Any performance guarantees appearing in the Services Agreement shall not apply to services delivered by non-Aetna providers or networks;

▪ Neither non-Aetna providers nor non-Aetna networks are to be considered contractors or subcontractors of Aetna; and

▪ Such providers are providers in private practice, are neither agents nor employees of Aetna, and are solely responsible for the health care services they deliver.

Customer further agrees that, if Aetna subsequently establishes its own contracted provider network in a geographic area where services are being provided by a non-Aetna network, Aetna may terminate the non-Aetna network contract, and begin providing services through a network that is subject to the terms and provisions of the Services Agreement. Customer acknowledges that such conversion may cause disruption, including the possibility that a particular provider in a non-Aetna network may not be included in the replacement network. In the event of such disruption, Aetna would provide “transition care” during such conversion period.


In accordance with the services being provided under the Services Agreement, Aetna will have access to, create and/or receive certain Protected Health Information (“PHI as defined in Appendix III), thus necessitating a written agreement that meets the applicable requirements of the privacy and security rules promulgated by the Federal Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”). Customer and Aetna mutually agree to satisfy the foregoing regulatory requirements through Appendix III to the Services Agreement.

As of the effective dates set forth therein, the provisions of Appendix III supersede any other provision of the Services Agreement, which may be in conflict with such Appendix on or after the applicable effective date.


20.1. To the extent that Company provides to Contractor, or Contractor otherwise accesses Personal Data (as defined below) about Company’s employees, customers, or other individuals in connection with this Agreement, Contractor represents and warrants that: (i) Contractor will only use Personal Data for the purposes of fulfilling its obligations under the Agreement, and Contractor will not disclose or otherwise process such Personal Data except upon Company’s instructions in writing; (ii) Contractor will notify Company in writing and obtain Company’s consent before sharing any Personal Data with any government authorities or other third parties; and (iii) Contractor agrees to adhere to additional contractual terms and conditions related to Personal Data as Company may instruct in writing that Company deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to address applicable data protection, privacy, or information security laws or requirements.

20.2. In the event that (i) any Personal Data is disclosed by Contractor (including its agents or subcontractors), in violation of this Agreement or applicable laws pertaining to privacy or data security, or (ii) Contractor (including its agents or subcontractors) discovers, is notified of, or suspects that unauthorized access, acquisition, disclosure or use of Personal Data has occurred (“Privacy Incident”), Contractor shall notify Company immediately in writing of any such Privacy Incident. Contractor shall cooperate fully in the investigation of the Privacy Incident, indemnify Company for any and all damages, losses, fees or costs (whether direct, indirect, special or consequential) incurred as a result of such incident, and remedy any harm or potential harm caused by such incident.

20.3. To the extent that a Privacy Incident gives rise to a need, in Company’s sole judgment, to provide (A) notification to public authorities, individuals, or other persons, or (B) undertake other remedial measures (including, without limitation, notice, credit monitoring services and the establishment of a call center to respond to inquiries (each of the foregoing a "Remedial Action")), at Company’s request, Contractor shall, at Contractor’s cost, undertake such Remedial Actions. The timing, content and manner of effectuating any notices shall be determined by Company in its sole discretion.

20.4. To the extent that Company provides to Contractor, or Contractor otherwise accesses Personal Data about Company’s employees, customers, or other individuals in connection with this Agreement, Contractor shall implement a written information security program (“Information Security Program”) that includes administrative, technical, and physical safeguards that ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Personal Data, protect against any reasonably anticipated threats or hazards to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the Personal Data, and protect against unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of the Personal Data. In particular, the Contractor’s Information Security Program shall include, but not be limited, to the following safeguards where appropriate or necessary to ensure the protection of Personal Data:

(i) Access Controls – policies, procedures, and physical and technical controls: (i) to limit physical access to its information systems and the facility or facilities in which they are housed to properly authorized persons by establishing security perimeters with appropriate entry and exit controls; (ii) to ensure that all members of its workforce who require access to Personal Data have appropriately controlled access, and to prevent those workforce members and others who should not have access from obtaining access through appropriate security measures (e.g. system time-outs, system lock-out after several failed login attempts, security alarm systems; (iii) to use authentication mechanisms (e.g. card-keys, passwords) to permit access only to authorized individuals and to prevent members of its workforce from providing Personal Data or information relating thereto to unauthorized individuals; (iv) to separate logically data that is processed for different purposes; and (v) to encrypt and decrypt Personal Data where appropriate.

(ii) Security Awareness and Training – a security awareness and training program for all members of Contractor’s workforce (including management), which includes training on how to implement and comply with its Information Security Program and the disciplinary consequences of non-compliance.

(iii) Security Incident Procedures – policies and procedures to detect, respond to, and otherwise address security incidents, including procedures to monitor systems and to detect actual and attempted attacks on or intrusions into Personal Data or information systems relating thereto, and procedures to identify and respond to suspected or known security incidents, mitigate harmful effects of security incidents, and document security incidents and their outcomes.

(iv) Contingency Planning – policies and procedures for responding to an emergency or other occurrence (for example, fire, vandalism, system failure, and natural disaster) that damages Personal Data or systems that contain Personal Data, including a data backup plan and a disaster recovery plan.

(v) Device and Media Controls – policies and procedures that govern the receipt and removal of hardware and electronic media that contain Personal Data into and out of a Contractor facility, and the movement of these items within a Contractor facility, including policies and procedures to address the final disposition of Personal Data, and/or the hardware or electronic media on which it is stored, and procedures for removal of Personal Data from electronic media before the media are made available for re-use.

(vi) Audit controls – hardware, software, and/or procedural mechanisms that record and examine access to facilities containing Personal Data and activity including deletion, addition, or modification of data in information systems that contain or use electronic information, including appropriate logs and reports concerning these security requirements and compliance therewith.

(vii) Data Integrity – policies and procedures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Personal Data and protect it from disclosure, improper alteration, or destruction.

(viii) Storage and Transmission Security – technical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to Personal Data that is being transmitted over an electronic communications network, including a mechanism to encrypt electronic information whenever appropriate, such as while in transit or in storage on networks or systems to which unauthorized individuals may have access.

(ix) Data Retention – policies and procedures to ensure that retention of data including backup copies adhere to a defined retention policy.

(x) Secure Disposal – policies and procedures regarding the disposal of Personal Data, and tangible property containing Personal Data, taking into account available technology so that Personal Data cannot be practicably read or reconstructed.

(xi) Assigned Security Responsibility – Contractor shall designate a security official responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of its Information Security Program. Contractor shall inform Company as to the person responsible for security.

(xii) Testing – Contractor shall regularly test the key controls, systems and procedures of its Information Security Program to ensure that they are properly implemented and effective in addressing the threats and risks identified. Tests should be conducted or reviewed by independent third parties or staff independent of those that develop or maintain the security programs.

(xiii) Adjust the Program – Contractor shall monitor, evaluate, and adjust, as appropriate, the Information Security Program in light of any relevant changes in technology or industry security standards, the sensitivity of the Personal Data, internal or external threats to Contractor or the Personal Data, requirements of applicable work orders, and Contractor’s own changing business arrangements, such as mergers and acquisitions, alliances and joint ventures, outsourcing arrangements, and changes to information systems.

20.5. Company may request upon ten days written notice to Contractor access to facilities, systems, records and supporting documentation in order to audit Contractor’s compliance with its obligations under or related to the Information Security Program. Audits shall be subject to all applicable confidentiality obligations agreed to by Company and Contractor, and shall be conducted in a manner that minimizes any disruption of Contractor’s performance of services and other normal operations.

20.6. Personal Data means individually identifiable information from or about an individual including, but not limited to (i) first name and last name, address, email address; (ii) any form of device identifier; (iii) credit or debit card information, including card number, expiration date, and data stored on the magnetic strip of a credit or debit card; (iv) financial account information, including the ABA routing number, bank account number, retirement account number; (v) driver’s license, passport, taxpayer, social security number, military, or state identification number; (vi) medical, health or disability information, including insurance policy numbers, or (vii) passwords, fingerprints, biometric data.


(A) Relationship of the Parties - It is understood and agreed that Aetna is an agent with respect to claim payments and an independent contractor with respect to all other Services being performed pursuant to the Services Agreement. Aetna makes no guarantee and disclaims any obligation to make any specific health care providers or any particular number of health care providers available for use by Plan Participants or that any level of discounts or savings will be afforded to or realized by Customer, the Plan or Plan Participants.

(B) Subcontractors - The work to be performed by Aetna under the Services Agreement may, at its discretion, be performed directly by it or wholly or in part through a subsidiary or affiliate or under a contract with an organization of its choosing. Aetna will remain liable for Services under the Services Agreement.

(C) Advancement of Funds - If, in the normal course of business under the Services Agreement, Aetna, or any other financial organization with which Aetna has a working arrangement, chooses to advance any funds at the request of Customer, Customer shall reimburse Aetna or such other financial organization for such payment. In no event shall such advances by Aetna or any another financial organization be construed as obligating Aetna or such organization to make further advances, or to assume liability of Customer for the payment of Plan benefits.

(D) Communications - Aetna and Customer shall be entitled to rely upon any communication believed by them to be genuine and to have been signed or presented by the proper party or parties.

Neither party shall be bound by any notice, direction, requisition or request unless and until it shall have been received in writing at (i) in the case of Aetna, 151 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut 06156, Attention: Plan Sponsor Services Site Manager, Aetna, (ii) in the case of the Customer, at the address shown below, or (iii) at such other address as either party specifies for the purposes of the Services Agreement by notice in writing addressed to the other party. Notices or communications shall be sent by mail, facsimile transmission or other means of communication.

Address: Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.

10202 West Washington Blvd.

Culver City, CA 90232

Attn: Executive Director, People and OrganizationsBenefits

(E) Force Majeure - Aetna shall not be liable for any failure to meet any of the obligations or provide any of the services or benefits specified or required under the Services Agreement including performance guarantees, where such failure to perform is due to any contingency beyond the reasonable control of Aetna, its employees, officers or directors. Such contingencies include, but are not limited to: acts or omissions of any person or entity not employed or reasonably controlled by Aetna, its employees, officers or directors; acts of God; terrorism, pandemic, fires; wars; accidents; labor disputes or shortages; governmental laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or the opinions rendered by any Court, whether valid or invalid. Aetna shall undertake all commercially reasonable efforts to minimize the risk of loss to Customer due to a force majeure event.

(F) Health Care Reform - The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 contains provisions that may have a material effect on Customer’s benefit Plans. Many of these provisions are subject to further clarification through rulemaking which has not been completed, and may be modified by subsequent legislative or judicial action. Customer is advised to seek its own legal counsel concerning the effect of the Act on Customer’s Plans. Aetna reserves the right to modify its products, services, rates and fees, in response to legislation, regulation or requests of government authorities resulting in material changes to plan benefits and to recoup any material fees, costs, assessments, or taxes due to changes in the law. even if no benefit or plan changes are mandated. Any modification in rates shall only be passed along to Customer to the same extend passed along to all other similarly situated customers.

(G) Miscellaneous - The Services Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with applicable federal law, including but not limited to ERISA. To the extent such federal law does not govern, the Services Agreement shall be governed by Connecticut California law and the courts in such state shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction of any dispute related hereto or arising hereunder. No delay or failure of either party in exercising any right hereunder shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of that right. There are no intended third party beneficiaries of the Services Agreement. This Section and Sections 3 through 13 and 15 through 17 and 19 shall survive termination of the Services Agreement. The provisions of Section 14 shall survive termination only to the extent stated therein. The headings in the Services Agreement are for reference only and shall not affect the interpretation or construction of the Services Agreement. This Services Agreement (including incorporated attachments) constitutes the complete and exclusive contract between the parties and supersedes any and all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications or proposals not expressly included herein. No modification or amendment of this Services Agreement shall be valid unless in a writing signed by a duly authorized representative of Aetna and a duly authorized representative of Customer. By executing this Services Agreement, Customer acknowledges and agrees that it has reviewed all terms and conditions incorporated into this Services Agreement and intends to be legally bound by the same. The parties incorporate the recitals (set forth in Section 1 of this Master Services Agreement) into this Services Agreement as representations of fact to each other.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Services Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the day and year first written herein.

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EFFECTIVE January 1, 2013


Subject to the terms and conditions of the Services Agreement, the Services available from Aetna are described below. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, only the Services selected by Customer in the Service and Fee Schedule (as modified by Aetna from time to time pursuant to Section 6 of the Master Services Agreement) will be provided by Aetna. Additional Services may be provided at Customer's written request under the terms of the Services Agreement. This Statement of Available Services shall supersede any previous SAS, or other document, to the extent they describe the same or substantially similar describing the Services.

I. Excluded and/or Superseded Provisions of Master Services Agreement: NONE

II. Claim Fiduciary

Customer and Aetna agree that with respect to Section 503 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, Aetna will be the "appropriate named fiduciary" of the Plan for the first two levels of appeal for purpose of reviewing denied claims under the Plan. Customer understands that the performance of fiduciary duties under ERISA necessarily involves the exercise of discretion on Aetna’s part in the determination and evaluation of facts and evidence presented in support of any claim or appeal. Therefore, and to the extent not already implied as a matter of law, Customer hereby delegates to Aetna, and Aetna hereby accepts, discretionary authority to determine entitlement to benefits under the applicable Plan Documents for each claim received, including discretionary authority to determine and evaluate facts and evidence, and discretionary authority to construe the terms of the Plan.

If the denial is upheld in the second level of appeal, Aetna will determine if the appeal is eligible for External Review Organization ("ERO"). If the appeal is eligible for ERO, then Aetna will inform the Participant of his right to appeal to ERO. If the appeal is not eligible for ERO or if the ERO upholds the denial, then Aetna will inform the Participant of his right to appeal to t he Customer for final review and any other rights available under ERISA. Customer shall be the "appropriate named fiduciary" of the Plan for the final appeal, subject to the ERP appendix (where is this outlined?).

III. Administration Services:

A. Member and Claim Services:

1. Requests for Plan benefit payments for claims shall be made to Aetna on forms or other appropriate means approved by Aetna. Such forms (or other appropriate means) may include a consent to the release of medical, claims, and administrative records and information to Aetna. Aetna will process and pay the claims for Plan benefits incurred after the Effective Date using Aetna’s normal claim determination, payment and audit procedures and applicable cost control standards in a manner consistent with the terms of the Plan, and the Services Agreement and ERISA. With respect to any Plan Participant who makes a request for Plan benefits which is denied in whole or in part on behalf of Customer, Aetna will notify said Plan Participant of the denial adverse benefit determination and of said Plan Participant’s right of review of the denial adverse benefit determination in accordance with ERISA.

2. Whenever it is determined that benefits and related charges are payable under the Plan, Aetna will issue a payment of such benefits and related charges on behalf of Customer. Funding of Plan benefits and related charges shall be made as provided in Section 8 of the Master Services Agreement.

3. Where the Plan contains a coordination of benefits clause, antiduplication clause, or provision(s) reducing benefits for injuries or illnesses caused or alleged to be caused by third parties, Aetna will administer all claims consistent with such provisions and any information concurrently in its possession as to duplicate coverage or the cause of the injury or illness. Aetna shall have no obligation to recover sums owed to the Plan by virtue of the Plan's rights to coordinate where the claim was incurred prior to the Effective Date. Aetna has no obligation to bring actions based on subrogation or lien rights, unless Subrogation Services are included herein, in which event its obligations are governed by Article V of this Statement of Available Services.

B. Plan Sponsor Services:

1. Aetna will assign an Account Executive to Customer's account. The Account Executive will be available to assist Customer in connection with the general administration of the Services, ongoing communications with Customer and assistance in claims administration and record-keeping systems for Customer’s ongoing operation of the Plan.

2. Upon request by Customer and consent by Aetna, Aetna will implement changes in claims administration consistent with Customer’s modifications of its Plan. A reasonable charge may be assessed for implementing such changes. Customer's administration services Services feesFees, as set forth in the Service and Fee Schedule, will be revised if the foregoing amendments or modifications increase Aetna's costs. Aetna agrees to provide Customer with advance written notice of any implementation charges and/or increases to the Services Fees in connection with a change request by Customer and will obtain Customer’s approval prior to commencing any work.

3. Aetna will provide the following reports to Customer for no additional charge:

(a) Monthly/Quarterly/Annual Accounting Reports - Aetna shall prepare the following accounting reports in accordance with the benefit-account structure for use by Customer in the financial management and administrative control of the Plan benefits:

(i) a monthly listing of funds requested and received for payment of Plan benefits;

(ii) a monthly reconciliation of funds requested to claims paid within the benefit-account structure;

(iii) a monthly or quarterly or annual listing of paid benefits; and

(iv) quarterly or annual standard claim analysis reports.

(b) Annual Accounting Reports - Aetna shall prepare standard annual accounting reports for each major benefit line under the Plan for the Agreement Period that include the following:

(i) forecast of claim costs;

(ii) accounting of experience; and

(iii) calculation of Customer reserve.

Any additional reporting formats and the price for any such reports shall be mutually agreed upon by Customer and Aetna.

4. Aetna shall develop and install all agreed upon administrative and record keeping systems, including the production of employee identification cards.

5. Aetna shall design and install a benefit-account structure separately by class of employees, division, subsidiary, associated company, or other classification desired by Customer.

6. Aetna shall provide plan design and underwriting services in connection with benefit revisions, additions of new benefits and extensions of coverage to new Plan Participants.

7. Aetna shall provide cost estimates and actuarial advice for benefit revisions, new benefits and extensions of coverage being considered by Customer.

8. Upon request of Customer, Aetna will provide Customer with information reasonably available to Aetna which is reasonably necessary for Customer to prepare reports for the United States Internal Revenue Service and Department of Labor.

9. Aetna will provide assistance in connection with the initial set up, design and preparation of Customer’s Plan, subject to the direction, review and approval of Customer. Customer shall have the final and sole authority regarding the benefits and provisions of the self-insured portion of the Plan, as outlined in Customer’s Plan document. Customer acknowledges its responsibility to review and approve all Plan documents and revisions thereto and to consult with Customer’s legal counsel, at its discretion, in connection with said review and approval. Aetna shall have no responsibility or liability for the content of any of Customer’s Plan documents, regardless of the role Aetna may have played in the preparation of such documents.

10(a). Upon request of Customer, Aetna shall prepare an Aetna standard Plan description, including benefit revisions, additions of new benefits, and extension of coverage under the Plan. If the Customer elects to have an Aetna non-standard Plan description, Aetna will provide a custom Plan description with all costs borne by Customer; or

10(b). Upon request of Customer, Aetna will review Customer-prepared employee Plan descriptions, subject to the Customer's final and sole authority regarding benefits and provisions in the self-insured portion of the Plan.

If Customer requires both preparation (a) and review (b), there may be an additional charge.

11. Upon request by Customer, Aetna will arrange for the printing of Plan descriptions, with all costs borne by Customer.

12. Upon request by Customer, Aetna will arrange for the custom printing of forms and identification cards, with all costs borne by Customer.

IV. Aetna Health ConnectionsSM Services:

1. Utilization Management Inpatient and Outpatient Precertification:

Inpatient Precertification: A process for collecting information prior to an inpatient confinement. The precertification process permits eligibility verification/confirmation, initial determination of coverage, and communication with the physician and/or Plan Participant in advance of the provision of the procedure, service or supply at issue. Precertification also allows Aetna to identify Plan Participants for pre-service discharge planning and to identify and register Plan Participants for specialized programs such as Case Management and Disease Management.

Outpatient Precertification (not applicable to Indemnity or PPO Products): A process for reviewing selected ambulatory procedures, surgeries, diagnostic tests, home health care and durable medical equipment. The goals of this process (which may vary based on the requirements of any Aexcel Product(s) elected) are:

– Assessment of the level and quality of the services provided;

– Determination of the coverage of the proposed treatment;

– Identification of care and treatment alternatives, when appropriate; and

– Identification of Plan Participants for referral to specialized programs.

2. Utilization Management Concurrent Review:

▪ Concurrent review encompasses those aspects of patient management that take place during the provision of services at an inpatient level of care or during an ongoing outpatient course of treatment.

▪ Inpatient concurrent review is conducted telephonically or on-site at the facility where care is delivered.

▪ The concurrent review process includes:

– Obtaining necessary information from practitioners and providers regarding the care being provided to Plan Participants;

– Assessing the clinical condition of Plan Participants and the ongoing provision of medical services and treatments to determine benefit coverage;

– Notifying practitioners and providers of coverage determinations in the appropriate manner and within the appropriate time frame;

– Identifying continuing care needs early in the inpatient stay to facilitate discharge to the appropriate setting; and

– Identifying Plan Participants for referral to covered specialty programs such as Case Management, Behavioral Health and Disease Management.

3. Utilization Management Discharge Planning:

This is an interdisciplinary process that assists Plan Participants as their medical condition changes and they transition from the inpatient setting. Discharge planning may be initiated at any stage of the Patient Management process. Assessment of potential discharge planning needs begins at the time of notification, and coordination of discharge plans commences upon identification of post discharge needs during precertification or concurrent review. This program may include evaluation of alternate care settings and identification of care needed after discharge. The goal is to provide continuing quality of care and to avoid delay in discharge due to lack of outpatient support.

4. Utilization Management Retrospective Review:

Retrospective review is the process of reviewing coverage requests for initial certification after the service has been provided or when the Plan Participant is no longer in-patient or receiving the service. Retrospective review includes making coverage determinations for the appropriate level of service consistent with the Plan Participant’s needs at the time the service was provided after confirming eligibility and the availability of benefits within the Plan Participant’s benefit plan.

5. Case Management Program:

The Aetna Case Management program is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s health needs through communication and available resources to promote quality, cost-effective outcomes.

Those Plan Participants with diagnoses and clinical situations for which a specialized nurse, working with the Plan Participant and their physician, can make an impact to the course or outcome of care and/or reduce medical costs will be accepted into the program at Aetna’s discretion. Case management staff strives to enhance the Plan Participant’s quality of life, support continuity of care, facilitate provision of services in the appropriate setting and manage cost and resource allocation to promote quality, cost-effective outcomes. Case Managers collaborate with the Plan Participant, family, caregiver, physician and healthcare provider community to coordinate care, with a focus on closing gaps in the Plan Participant’s care and maximizing quality outcomes.

Aetna operates two types of case management programs:

▪ Complex Case Management targets Plan Participants who have already experienced a health event and are likely to have care and benefit coordination needs after the event. The objective for Case Managers is to identify care or benefit coordination needs which lead to faster or more favorable clinical outcomes and/or reduced medical costs.

▪ Proactive Case Management targets Plan Participants, from Aetna’s perspective, who are misusing, over-using or under-utilizing the health care system, leading them towards avoidable and costly health events. This program’s objective is to confirm gaps in Plan Participants’ care leading to their over-use, misuse, or under-use, and to work with the Plan Participant and their physician to close those gaps.

6. Infertility Case Management:

Aetna operates two types of infertility programs:

▪ Basic Infertility Program coordinates covered diagnostic services and treatment of the underlying medical causes of infertility, helps Plan Participants understand complex infertility treatments and helps control treatment costs through care coordination and patient education.

▪ Infertility Case Management Program provides education and information resources for Plan Participants who are experiencing infertility. Depending on the plan selected, the program may guide eligible Plan Participants to a select network of infertility providers for covered or non-covered services. If the services are covered, Aetna's Infertility Management Unit issues any appropriate authorizations required under the Plan.

7. National Medical Excellence/Institutes of Excellence Program/Institutes of Quality:

The National Medical Excellence program was created to help arrange for access to effective care for Plan Participants with particularly difficult conditions requiring transplants or complex cardiac, neurosurgical or other procedures, when the needed care is not available in a Plan Participant’s service area. The program utilizes a national network of experienced providers and facilities selected based on their volume of cases and clinical outcomes. The National Medical Excellence Unit provides specialized Case Management through the use of nurse case managers, each with procedure and/or disease-specific training.

The Aetna Institutes of Excellence (IOE) transplant network was established to enhance quality standards and lower the cost of transplant care for Plan Participants. It is made up of a select group of hospitals and transplant centers that meet quality standards for the number of transplants performed and their outcomes, as well as access criteria for Plan Participants. IOE facilities have agreed to specific contractual terms and conditions and are selected and recognized by transplant type. The following criteria are applied to each facility prior to being selected for the IOE network:

▪ Quality – enhanced organ-specific credentialing and quality standards;

▪ Access – the national availability of, and need for, transplant facilities on a transplant-specific basis. Need is assessed relative to the distribution of membership and relative incidence of transplant types;

▪ Cost – provider contracts reflect lower negotiated rates.

The Aetna Institutes of Quality (IOQ) are a national network of health care facilities that are designated based on measures of clinical performance, access and efficiency for bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, refers to various surgical procedures to treat people living with morbid, or extreme, obesity.

Facilities selected for the network met the following criteria:

▪ Have significant experience in bariatric surgery, including a minimum of 125 procedures in the most recent calendar year - aligns with nationally recognized organizations.

▪ Have evidence-based and recognized standards for clinical outcomes, processes of care and patient safety.

▪ Provide ongoing follow-up programs and support for their bariatric surgery patients.

▪ Adhere to Aetna's standards for Participant access to the facility and Aetna participating providers.

▪ Demonstrate efficiency in providing care based on overall cost of care, readmission rates and comprehensiveness of program.

8. MedQuerySM

The MedQuery program is a data-mining initiative, aimed at turning Aetna’s data into information that physicians can use to improve clinical quality and patient safety. Through the program, Aetna’s data is analyzed and the resulting information gives physicians access to a broader view of the Plan Participant’s clinical profile. The data which fuels this program includes claim history, current medical claims, pharmacy, physician encounter reports, and patient demographics. Data is mined on a weekly basis and compared with evidence-based treatment recommendations to find possible errors, gaps, omissions (meaning, for example, that a certain accepted treatment regimens may be absent) or co-missions in care (meaning, for example, drug-to-drug or drug-to disease interactions). When MedQuery identifies a Plan Participant whose data indicates that there may be an opportunity to improve care, outreach is made to the treating physician based on the apparent urgency of the situation. For customers who have elected the buy-up of MedQuery with Member Messaging feature, in certain situations outreach will be made directly to the Plan Participant by MedQuery, requesting that the Plan Participant discuss with their physician, specific opportunities to improve their care.

When available information reveals lack of compliance with a clinical risk, condition, or demographic-related recommendation for preventive care, a Preventive Care Consideration (“PCC”) is generated. The PCC is a preventive/wellness alert sent to the Member electronically via the Member’s Personal Health Record. Paper copies of a PCC, delivered via U.S. Mail, are also available as a buy up option.

9. Aetna Health ConnectionsSM Disease Management:

Aetna Health ConnectionsSM is Aetna’s new approach to medical management, and is a critical component of Aetna’s ongoing commitment to assisting to improve care for Plan Participants. Most traditional medical management programs focus only on the 20% of Plan Participants who are typically in poor health and represent the majority of medical costs. Aetna Health ConnectionsSM will continue to identify those Plan Participants at highest risks of deteriorating health, but also expands its focus and programs to include well Plan Participants. Regardless of their health status, Plan Participants will find that Aetna offers programs or web-based tools to help them become more informed health consumers, more aware of their own health status, and more engaged in taking action to improve or maintain their health.

Aetna Health ConnectionsSM Disease Management is an enhancement to Aetna’s medical/disease management spectrum and will target Plan Participants at risk for high cost who have actionable gaps in care, engage the Plan Participants at the appropriate level, and assist the Plan Participant to close gaps in care in order to avoid complications, improve clinical outcomes and demonstrate medical cost savings.

While traditional disease management is focused on delivering education to Plan Participants about a specific chronic condition, Aetna Health Connections SM focuses on the entire person with specific interventions driven by the CareEngine® System, a patented, analytical technology platform that continuously compares individual patient information against widely accepted evidence-based best medical practices in order to identify gaps in care, medical errors and quality issues.

10. Beginning RightSM Maternity Program:

Through an intensive focus on prevention, early treatment and education, the Beginning RightSM Maternity Program provides women with the tools to help improve pregnancy outcomes and control maternity-care costs through a variety of services including: risk identification, care coordination by obstetrical nurses and board certified OB/GYNs and Plan Participant support.

11. Informed Health Line:

Informed Health Line (IHL) provides Plan Participants with a toll-free 24-hour/7 day health telephonic access to registered nurses experienced in providing information on a variety of health topics. The nurses can contribute to informed health care decision-making and optimal patient/provider relationships through coaching and support. The nurses cannot diagnose, prescribe treatment or give medical advice, but they can provide Plan Participants with information on a broad spectrum of health issues, including: self-care, prevention, chronic conditions and complex medical situations. Plan Participants can also access the Audio Health Library, a recorded collection of more than 2,000 health topics, available in English and Spanish. Plan Participants can register on Aetna Navigator, Aetna’s member and consumer website, and access Health wise Knowledgebase, another valuable resource of information on thousands of health topics.

The range of available service components are purchased according to the following categories:

A. Nurseline 1-800# Only. This includes toll-free telephone access to the Informed Health Line Nurseline.

B. Service Plus. This includes the following components:

1. Toll-free telephone access to the Informed Health Line Nurseline.

2. Introductory program announcement letter.

3. Reminder postcards mailed directly to Plan Participants’ homes through the year.

4. Semi-annual Activity Utilization Report.

C. Optional Service Features. These features may be purchased in conjunction with the “Service Plus” package and include:

1. Additional introductory kit including Informed Health handbook, flyer with attached wallet cards and refrigerator magnet.

2. Annual Plan Participant survey and Comprehensive Results Report which reflects outcomes, Plan Participant satisfaction and savings results.

12. Wellness Counseling:

This service provides personalized decision support, educational materials, and targeted nurse outreach coaching Plan Participants to a healthier lifestyle through behavioral modification, education, and facilitation of the most effective utilization of Plan Participants benefits. Additionally, action plans may be developed and reviewed with Plan Participants, as appropriate. Plan Participants are identified for participation in wellness counseling through completion of the Simple Steps To A Healthier Life® health risk assessment.

13. Healthy Body, Healthy Weight:

This service is a voluntary, one-year program for eligible Plan Participants who access the program by taking the Web-based Simple Steps To A Healthier Life® health assessment. Plan Participants are categorized as low, intermediate or high-risk. The frequency and intensity of program interactions are determined based on the Plan Participants’ risk stratification and health status.

All program Plan Participants receive an initial call from an Aetna registered nurse/nutritionist who will:

▪ Provide information on nutrition, healthy menus and exercise.

▪ Review available health information resources.

▪ Provide motivational tools, including a pedometer and discounts to a participating community-based weight loss program.

▪ Identify opportunities for referral to other Aetna programs (e.g. disease management, case management, behavioral health).

▪ Place a follow-up call to review the Plan Participant’s progress and offer support.

▪ Based on their individual risk factors and health status, Plan Participants may also receive:

– Ongoing telephone outreach from and access to a weight loss therapist, to include a nutritional and “readiness-to-change” assessment.

– Additional motivational tools to encourage participation.

– Regular follow-up at 3-, 6-, and 9-month intervals to monitor weight loss, medication compliance (if applicable) and adherence to recommended exercise programs.

14. Onsite Health Screening Services:

Aetna’s Onsite Health Screening Services help employers engage and educate their employees about wellness at the workplace. These offerings provide turnkey solutions to support employers’ overall wellness strategies, increase consumerism and promote informed-decision making. Offerings include:

▪ Onsite Health Screenings (blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, BMI, etc.)

▪ Onsite Workshops: education on specific health conditions and diseases (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer screening, etc.)

▪ Special Awareness Campaigns: health campaigns that can be customized to meet customer needs

▪ Worksite Educational Resources: turnkey educational programs that focus on Women’s Health, Men’s Health and Children’s Health.

15. Simple Steps To A Healthier Life®:

Aetna has developed an internet-based comprehensive management information resource, known as “Simple Steps To A Healthier Life” (the “Life Program”) and located at , to be hosted by Aetna and designed for the eligible employees and dependants of subscribing employers (the “Users”). The Life Program is an online service that offers advice relating to disease prevention, condition education, behavior modification and health promotion programs that may contribute to the health and productivity of employees. The Life Program allows Users to create a health assessment profile that generates personalized health reports. Upon completion of the health assessment, Users also have access to an action plan with links to personalized online wellness programs (offered through HealthMedia, Inc.)

Refer to Appendix IV for features and system requirements for use of this service.

16. Personal Health Record:

Personal Health Record (PHR) is a collection of personal health information about an individual Member that is stored electronically. The PHR is designed so that the member can maintain his or her own comprehensive health record. In a PHR developed by a health plan, health information is commonly derived from claims data collected during plan administration activities. Health information may be supplemented with information entered by the health plan member.

Aetna offers the Aetna CareEngine®-Powered PHR (for Customers who have elected this buy-up option). The CareEngine-Powered PHR combines the basic functions of a PHR with a personalized, proactive, evidence-based messaging platform. As above, it’s pre-populated with health information from Aetna’s claims system. Members can also input personal health information themselves. An online health assessment is available to facilitate the self-reporting process. The Aetna CareEngine-Powered PHR also offers:

▪ Personalized messaging and alerts based on medical claims, pharmacy claims, and demographic information, and lab reports.

▪ Original condition-specific content developed and reviewed by doctors from the Harvard Medical School and the Aetna InteliHealth editorial team.

▪ Aetna’s personalized, interactive health and wellness program, Simple Steps To A Healthier Life.

▪ Informed Care Decisions, an online decision support tool that provides treatment information for more than 40 diseases and conditions.

Aetna offers a PHR program called Health Trackers Incentive that may include an incentive to encourage members to enter their personal information and create a more complete picture of their health. This incentive will be paid out on a quarterly basis; the amount of the incentive is determined by the Customer.

17. Focused Psychiatric Review (FPR):

A program which provides phone-based utilization review of inpatient behavioral health admissions (mental health and chemical dependency) intended to contain confinements to appropriate lengths, assess medical necessity and appropriateness of care, and control costs. This program includes a precertification process which collects information prior to an inpatient confinement, determination of the coverage of the proposed treatment, assessment of the level of services provided, as well as concurrent review which monitors a Plan Participant’s progress after a patient is admitted.

18. Managed Behavioral Health:

A set of services that includes both inpatient and outpatient care management.

▪ Inpatient Care Management provides phone-based utilization review of inpatient behavioral health (mental health and chemical dependency) admissions intended to contain confinements to appropriate lengths, assure medical necessity and appropriateness of care, and control costs. Inpatient Care Management provides precertification, concurrent review and discharge planning of inpatient behavioral health admissions. These services also include identification of Plan Participants for referral to specialized programs such as Behavioral Health Disease Management programs, Intensive Case Management or Medical Psychiatric Case Management.

▪ Outpatient Care Management includes precertification on a limited number of selected services. Where precertification is required, the request for services is reviewed against a set of criteria established by clinical experts and administered by trained staff, in order to determine coverage of the proposed treatment. Where precertification is not required, cases are identified for Outpatient Case Management through the application of clinical algorithms.

19. Intensive Case Management (Behavioral Health):

This program is designed for Plan Participants who have complex behavioral health (mental health and chemical dependency) conditions that require a specialized approach in order for care to be effective in relieving symptoms and improving the quality of their lives. Intensive Case Management is a process of identifying these high risk persons, assessing opportunities to coordinate care among multiple providers, identifying opportunities to improve treatment compliance, and facilitating coordination among support groups and supportive family members. These activities are designed to improve the individual Plan Participant’s clinical condition and lower readmission rates.

20. Medical Psychiatric Case Management:

The Medical Psychiatric Case Management program (Med Psych) is designed to help Plan Participants who have simultaneous medical and behavioral health conditions. As one condition may affect the successful treatment of the other, the need for care coordination between Medical Management nurses and Behavioral Health case managers is high. Plan Participants enrolled in this program are identified through the efforts of Aetna medical and behavioral health case/disease managers who screen for co-morbid conditions. Additionally, enrollees can be identified through Aetna’s predictive models and clinical algorithms. The Med Psych case managers provide service coordination with medical case managers as well as follow-up support for the Plan Participant.

21. Depression Disease Management:

This program facilitates the application of evidence-based treatment intervention and enhances the cost-effective use of pharmacy benefits to maximize responses to antidepressant medication. The program consists of the following components: self-assessment for depression and co-morbid disorders; online services related to depression and its treatment; decision-support tools; and case management telephonic outreach and coordination with pharmacy, primary care physicians and behavioral health professionals to assist with access to services as well as enhanced compliance.

22. Anxiety Disease Management:

This program facilitates the application of evidence-based treatment interventions and enhances the cost-effective use of pharmacy benefits to maximize management of, and recovery from, the symptoms of anxiety disorders. Plan Participants are identified for this program using claims data and referrals, and are then screened by a behavioral health professional to determine appropriate intervention. For those Plan Participants identified with chronic anxiety diagnoses and/or medical diagnoses with associated anxiety, case management may be deemed appropriate.

23. Alcohol Disease Management:

A program with variability to assist in meeting the needs of the Plan Participant who has been identified as early in the course of the disease, as the more chronic alcoholic, or an individual with another psychiatric disorder such as depression. As appropriate, clinicians with expertise in alcohol treatment reach out to the Plan Participant to provide support and education using case management and relapse prevention strategies. There can be collaboration with behavioral health providers, the primary care physician or family members and facilitated linkages for services.

24. Quit Tobacco:

This program is designated to provide helpful tools to Plan Participants who want to stop using tobacco. Plan Participants may opt to participate in the voluntary, limited-duration program by calling a toll-free number, or by using Aetna’s Navigator internet site. The program offers Plan Participants access to telephonic counseling, educational materials, including a self-help guide, and interactive web tools. Plan Participants who have registered for the program, completed the health assessment questionnaire and completed certain coaching sessions may also have access to the limited supply of over the counter nicotine replacement therapy items (gum, patch and lozenge).

25. Healthy Lifestyle Coaching:

The Healthy Coaching Lifestyle program provides online educational materials, web-based tools and telephonic coaching interventions with a primary health coach that utilizes incentives and rewards to encourage engagement and continued program participation. The program is designed to help Plan Participants quit smoking, manage their weight, deal more effectively with stress and learn about proper nutrition and physical fitness.

26. Radiology Benefit Management:

The radiology program is to promote the most appropriate and effective use of outpatient diagnostic imaging services and procedures. Aetna will maintain broad and national or regional access and experience interacting with free-standing radiology and/or outpatient network facilities which include the following services: Computed Tomography/Coronary Computed Tomography Angiograph (CT/CTA), Magnetic Resonance Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRIs/MRAs), Nuclear Medicine and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and/or PET/CT Fusion, Stress Echocardiography (Stress Echo) and Diagnostic Cardiac Catherization. The Radiology Benefit Management program will be administered by Aetna vendors through a clinical prior authorization process. This program should result in the following benefits:

▪ Immediate reductions in current high tech radiology spending for unnecessary or inappropriate services.

▪ Utilization management for clinically appropriate and cost-effective use of diagnostic imaging services and procedures.

▪ Improved services, quality and customer satisfaction.

Vendors can assist physicians or their staff in finding the most cost-effective, quality radiology and/or outpatient facility closest to the managed Plan Participant’s home. Aetna will maintain oversight on vendors operations and ensure procedures are consistent with company policies and procedures and meet with the accreditation standards of NCQA and URAC.

27. Flexible Medical Model

This program provides the Customer with the option to purchase more clinical resources devoted specifically to their Members. The Flex Model provides a Single Point of Contact Nurse (SPOC) and designated team to handle all case management activities for three levels of Flex Model Options, as elected. Aetna will engage in outbound Member outreach calls to provide case management support based on specific criteria.

For Customers who elect Flex Option 1 only

Includes a designated team to provide centralized case management services for all case management activities (i.e., Case Management referrals, PULSE assessment and High Dollar Claims).

▪ Single Point of Contact Nurse designated for the plan sponsor, with appropriate back up.

▪ If the Member is engaged with a case manager, the Nurse Case Managers will assess the Member's health care needs and provide information that will help meet their specific needs. To accomplish this, the Case Managers:

– Assess the Member's preparedness for admission.

– Evaluate the potential for discharge planning needs.

– Provide guidance on how to avoid post-surgery complications, using pain medications as prescribed, following their treatment plan, and contacting their physician early if they have questions about the course of recovery.

▪ Some customization to the CM trigger list, such as High Dollar claims reviewed at a lower threshold.

For Customers who elect Flex Option 2

Includes Option 1 elements plus:

▪ Pre-admission and Post Discharge calls for all diagnoses/conditions except maternity and behavioral health.

▪ Outreach to Members based on PULSE assessment who have scores of 10 or greater or one or more action flags.

For Customers who elect Flex Option 3

Includes Option 2 elements plus:

▪ Additional outreach options as determined by the plan sponsor. Customers can choose 2 from the list below:

– Frequent Emergency Room Visits.

– Informed Health Line call backs.

– Post Partum Calls, when appropriate.

– Pharmacy Non-Compliance (Aetna pharmacy data or imported pharmacy data required).

– Multiple Visits to Multiple Providers.

28. Aetna Compassionate Caresm Program

The Aetna Compassionate Care program provides additional support to terminally ill members and their families. It removes barriers to hospice and provides more choices for end-of-life care, so that members are able to spend their time with family and friends outside a hospital setting.

Aetna Compassionate Care Website is available to all Aetna customers as part of our standard medical plan offering. It provides:

▪ Information on the dying process, the grieving process, hospice and palliative care support

▪ Information about decisions to be made, a checklist of important documents to compile, plus printable Advanced Directives and Living Will forms for several states

▪ Tips for beginning a discussion with loved ones about end-of-life wishes

ACCP Enhanced Hospice Benefits Package

The enhanced hospice benefits package includes the following:

▪ The option for a member to continue to seek curative care while in hospice

▪ The ability to enroll in a hospice program with a 12-month terminal prognosis

▪ The elimination of the current hospice day and dollar maximum plan limits

▪ Respite and bereavement services are now included as part of the new enhanced hospice benefits. The hospice services provided through a hospice regularly include these services and are coordinated by the hospice agency providing care and the Aetna nurse case manager precertifying care for the member. In addition, bereavement services are also available through the Aetna EAP for plan sponsors without an EAP vendor.

Bereavement counseling shall be available both to Members upon loss of a loved one and to family and caregivers of a Member enrolled in ACCP following the death of such Member.

29. Dedicated Units, Designated Units and Care Advocate Teams

These services were created to help coordinate care, support and resources for Members under one Care Unit.

▪ Aetna's Dedicated Unit provides centralized care management services for pre-certification, utilization management and Case Management.

▪ Aetna's Designated Unit is a unit team that provides centralized care management services for pre-certification, utilization management, and Case Management for a specific set of plan sponsors, and

▪ Aetna's Care Advocate Team has customized workflows based on Customer needs, vendor integration, specialized outreach, and program integration. The Care Advocate Team will:

– Help the member understand your doctor’s diagnosis and treatment plan,

– Coordinate care across all Aetna programs to allow the member to get what they need from Aetna,

– Help the member decide what questions to ask the doctor or health care provider,

– Introduce the member to a disability specialist if they need to file a disability claim,

– Support the member throughout their treatment and recovery by making follow-up calls and helping them get the support they need, and

– Suggest other Aetna health and wellness programs that can help.

30. Aetna Health Connections Get Active! SM Program

Aetna Health Connections Get Active! is an evidence-based employee health and wellness program that focuses on bringing employees together on teams to pursue healthy lifestyles. The program takes the form of a company-wide, multi-week exercise, walking, and weight loss competition that promotes friendly competition, group support, and camaraderie in the workplace. The site also allows for personal challenges (exercise, sports, nutrition, smoking cessation, relaxation, etc.), ability to find activity partners, form health-related interest groups (e.g. healthy cooking club, lunch-time walking group), and share fitness plans with colleagues.

The competition can be paired with an on-going tracking program, which gives employers up to 3 formal challenges and allows employees to maintain the fitness tracking momentum, count their calories and track food consumption throughout the year.

Aetna Health Connections Get Active! will deliver or make available the following products or services:

▪ Marketing materials include: posters, flyers, emails and a marketing plan to help you promote the program to your employees. Employees will receive weekly communications and reminders to report their progress.

▪ Electronic versions of marketing materials (posters, flyers, emails) for distribution to employees.

▪ Maintenance of the Get Active website such that participants can register for and participate in the program, send peer-to-peer invitations and messages, access their personal website pages, set personal goals, track and report their progress, and view team standings.

▪ Access for administrators to view aggregate statistics about employee participation and success in the program.

▪ Welcome kits, which will include a welcome letter, pedometer and competition logbook, for registered team members, before the start of each competition (optional purchase).

▪ Free one-time replacement of lost or broken pedometers for all employees at any time during the competition, upon direct request.

▪ Toll-free phone line and e-mail technical support for all participants.

▪ Aggregate data reports for the purposes of analyzing the success of participants.

▪ Weekly electronic newsletters that will contain both updates about the competition and useful health tips and information for employees.

31. Aetna Benefits Advisor

Aetna Benefits Advisor (ABA) is an interactive, online decision support tool designed to assist employees in making their benefits elections during open enrollment. A virtual host (“David”) asks prospective enrollees questions relevant to the type of coverage the enrollee may wish to buy (regarding health care needs, lifestyle, financial status, etc.) and makes plan recommendations based on those responses and Customer’s benefit options. The ABA tool is available to Customers as a Buy-up and is comprised of the following optional Aetna product modules: Medical, Dental, HSA / FSA Guidance, Life (includes Basic/Supplemental/AD&D/Spouse/Child), Disability (includes STD/LTD), Vision (when integrated with medical coverage), Aetna Pharmacy Management, Personal Health Record (PHR), Aetna EAP. Customer will have use of ABA throughout Customer’s open enrollment period, and during the plan year as well for new hires or others eligible to make benefit changes during the year.

For an additional fee, Customer can purchase the “Important Messages” segment. This includes on-screen text complemented by up to 90 words of “David’s” recorded audio to support key messages developed by Customer (e.g. Customer wishing to highlight a wellness initiative for the coming year might purchase this multimedia custom message buy-up).

32. Member Health Engagement Plan (“MHEP”)

The MHEP offering aims to help Plan Participants better identify health opportunities and take action to improve their health and wellness. Customers must have MedQuery®, Personal Health Record, Simple Steps to a Healthier Life® health assessment and online wellness programs to feed all critical MHEP Plan Participant touch points.

MHEP features include:

▪ An enhanced “Alerts & Reminders” tab within the PHR, renamed to “My Health Activities”. This “to-do” list includes personalized tasks unique to each Plan Participant’s health status and needs (each task will provide a link to the activity mentioned):

– Complete your health assessment

– Complete your HealthMedia® online programs (wellness and/or disease management)

– Track your health metrics in your PHR

– Acknowledge/review your Care Considerations

▪ A Progress Bar added to the “My Health Activities” page, which visually shows the percentage of completed “to-do” list tasks. The Progress Bar is updated when evidence of action is collected from lab data, pharmacy claim data, medical claims data, or self-reported data.

Additional incentives supported by a more robust “My Health Activities” page. This option allows Customers to incent on more valuable and specific activities that drive healthier behaviors (for example, getting preventive exams/screenings and specific diagnostic work, preventing adverse drug interactions and managing conditions).

33. Mind Body Stress Reduction Programs:

Available to Plan Participants and other eligible employees as determined by Customer not otherwise covered under Products provided under this Services Agreement ("Employee"). Aetna’s Mind-Body Stress Reduction programs are evidence-based mind-body solutions that target Employees with stress. Our two solutions, Mindfulness at WorkTM and Viniyoga TM Stress Reduction.

1. Mindfulness at Work (in coordination with eMindful Inc.):

Teaches evidence-based stress management skills, including mindfulness awareness, breathing techniques and emotions management. Employee participants are required to have online access to participate.

Customer can choose between the following options:

a 12-week class only. This option includes only the 12-week course and can be offered to all Employees or only those with high and chronic stress (based on pre-intervention measures). .

A monthly class only. This option features 12 consecutive monthly classes covering similar materials and curriculums as the 12-week class. This program can be offered to a Customer’s full Employee population regardless of stress levels.

A combined weekly and monthly offering. This option includes both the full 12-week course for Employees with high and chronic stress levels (based on pre-intervention measures) and a monthly program (12-month total) for those with moderate to low stress levels. There are pre-set measurement thresholds for determining stress levels and appropriate course assignments.

All three options above can be offered in a single Customer dedicated or public class setting.

Program includes:

Facilitation by a highly trained instructor

Delivery in real time in a virtual classroom

Online registration process

Online purchase of headsets (if needed, not included in program cost)

Online pre and post-intervention measurements (stress, productivity, pain and sleep)

Program communications – all program communications with Employees except for “initial announcement” of program. Aetna will provide samples to Customer which may then be sent to Employees.

2. Viniyoga Stress Reduction (in coordination with American Viniyoga Institute):

Teaches tools for managing stress through Viniyoga postures (breath combined with movement), breathing techniques, guided relaxation and mental techniques. Helps reduce stress, relieve muscle tension and headaches, improves sleep and more.

Program features include:

2-week onsite class for one-hour per week

Taught by highly trained, certified Viniyoga teachers and yoga therapists

Adapted for individuals with structural and other health conditions

Requires an onsite facility that can accommodate 25-30 people

Employees can participate in business casual attire

V. Network Access Services:

A. Aetna shall provide Plan Participants with access to Aetna's network hospitals, physicians and other health care providers ("Network Providers") who have agreed to provide services at agreed upon rates and who are participating in the Network covering the Plan Participants (which, for any Aexcel product(s) elected, may be subject to further criteria depending on the Product model).

B. When a claim is submitted for services incurred after the Effective Date, covered by the Plan, and performed by a Network Provider, Aetna will issue a payment on behalf of Customer for those services in an amount determined in accordance with the Aetna contract with the Network Provider and the Plan benefits. In addition to standard fee-for-services rates, these contracted rates with network providers may also be based on case rates, per diems and in some circumstances, include risk-adjustment mechanisms, quality incentives, pay-for-performance and other incentive and adjustment mechanisms. Retroactive adjustments are occasionally made to Aetna’s contract rates (e.g., because the federal government does not issue cost of living data in sufficient time for an adjustment to be made on a timely basis, or because contract negotiations were not completed by the end of the prior price period or due to contract dispute settlements). In all cases, Aetna shall adjust Customer’s payments accordingly. Customer’s liability for all such adjustments shall survive the termination of this Services Agreement.

C. Aetna reserves the right to set a minimum plan benefit design structure for in-area network claims to which Customer must comply in order to participate in Aetna's Network Program.

D. Aetna will provide Customer with physician directories in an amount up to 100% of eligible employees plus 20% of the current enrolled employees. Customer shall pay the costs of providing any additional directories which it requests.

VI. Subrogation Services:

Aetna will provide assistance to Customer for subrogation/reimbursement services, which will be delegated to an organization of Aetna's choosing in accordance with Section 20.B of the Master Services Agreement. Any reference in this section to "Aetna" shall be deemed to include a reference to its contracted representative, unless a different meaning is clearly required by the context.

Subrogation/reimbursement language must be included in the Customer’s summary plan description (SPD) and the SPD must be finalized and available to Customer’s employees before subrogation/reimbursement matters can be investigated and pursued. Aetna will continue to process claims during the investigation process. Aetna will not pend or deny claims for subrogation/reimbursement purposes.

Aetna or its contracted representative shall retain a percentage of any monies collected while pursuing subrogation/reimbursement recoveries. This fee includes reasonable expenses. Reasonable expenses include but are not limited to (a) collection agency fees, (b) police and fire reports, (c) asset checks, (d) locate reports and (e) attorneys' fees.

Aetna shall advise Customer if the pursuit of recovery requires initiation of formal litigation. In such event, Customer shall have the option to approve or disapprove the initiation of litigation.

Aetna will credit net recoveries to the Customer. Aetna does not adjust individual member claims for subrogation/reimbursement recoveries.

Aetna has the exclusive discretion: (a) to decide whether to pursue potential recoveries on subrogation/reimbursement claims; (b) to determine the reasonable methods used to pursue recoveries on such claims, subject to the proviso with respect to initiation of formal litigation above; and (c) to decide whether to accept any settlement offer relating to a subrogation/reimbursement claim.

If no monies are recovered as a result of the subrogation/reimbursement pursuit, no fees or expenses incurred by Aetna for subrogation/reimbursement activities will be charged to Customer.

Notwithstanding the above, should Customer pursue, recover by settlement or otherwise, waive any subrogation/ reimbursement claim, or instruct Aetna to cease pursuit of a potential subrogation claim, Aetna will be entitled to its standard fee, which will be calculated based on the full amount of claims paid at the time Customer resolves the file or instructs Aetna to cease pursuit.

If Customer notifies Aetna of its election to terminate the Services provided by Aetna, all claims identified for potential subrogation/reimbursement recovery prior to the date notification of such election is received, including both open subrogation files and claims still under investigation, shall be handled to conclusion by Aetna and shall be governed by the terms of this provision, unless otherwise mutually agreed. Aetna will not investigate or handle subrogation/reimbursement cases or recoveries on any matters identified after Customer’s termination date.

VII. Group Health Certification Services Relative to P.L. 104-191, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and Related Regulations

Aetna will assist the Customer with the preparation and distribution of Certifications of Prior Group Health Coverage for health expense coverage which is administered under the terms of the Services Agreement. Aetna will be entitled to rely upon the information provided by the Customer in the production and distribution of such certifications.

VIII. Performance Guarantees

Any Performance Guarantees applicable to Aetna’s provision of Services pursuant to the Self Funded Medical Plan are attached in Appendix II of the Services Agreement.

IX. Fees

The following Administrative Fees are provided in conjunction with Aetna’s Services relating to the self funded medical products offered under the Plan Sponsor’s self funded benefits plan. All Administrative Fees from this SAS are summarized in the following Service and Fee Schedule.


|The corresponding Service Fees effective for the period beginning January 1, 2013 and ending December 31, 2013 are specified below. They shall be |

|amended for future periods, in accordance with Section 6 of the Master Services Agreement. Any reference to “Member” shall mean a Plan Participant |

|as defined in the Master Services Agreement. |

|Product |Per Employee* Per Month Fee - |

| |*A person within classes that are specifically described in Appendix I, |

| |including employees, retirees, COBRA continues and any other persons |

| |including those of subsidiaries and affiliates of Customer who are |

| |reported, in writing, to Aetna for inclusion in the Services Agreement. |

| | |

|Aetna Choice POS II Medical |$ 41.86 |

|Open Access™Aetna Select |$ 41.86 |

|Medicare Direct Indemnity |$ 21.59 |

|Services applicable and included in above PEPM fees (except where indicated otherwise) | |

|I. Administration Services |Included |

|II. Aetna Health ConnectionsSM Services |Included |

|Utilization Management Inpatient and Outpatient Precertification |Included |

|Utilization Management Concurrent Review |Included |

|Utilization Management Discharge Planning |Included |

|Utilization Management Retrospective Review |Included |

|Case Management Program |Included |

|Infertility Case Management |Included |

|MedQuerySM without Member Messaging |Included |

|Preventive Care Consideration (PCC) paper copy |Not Included |

|Aetna InTouch Care |Included |

|Aetna Health ConnectionsSM Disease Management |Not Included |

|Beginning RightSM Maternity Program |Included |

|Informed Health Line as follows |Included |

|Nurseline 1-800# Only | |

|Service Plus Components ( N/A to Aetna Choice POS II, Aetna Select & Medicare Direct) | |

|Optional Service Components ( N/A to Aetna Choice POS II, Aetna Select & Medicare Direct) | |

|Wellness Counseling |Not Included |

|Healthy Body, Healthy Weight |Not Included |

|Onsite Health Screening Services |Not Included |

|♣ Simple Steps To A Healthier Life® |Included |

|♣ Simple Steps Incentive Tracking |Not Included |

|Personal Health Record |Included |

|CareEngine®-Powered PHR | |

|PHR Health Tracker Incentive ( N/A to Aetna Choice POS II, Aetna Select & Medicare Direct) | |

|Focused Psychiatric Review |Not Included |

|Managed Behavioral Health ( N/A to Medicare Direct) |Included |

|Intensive Case Management |Included |

|Medical/Psychiatric Case Management |Not Included |

|Depression Disease Management |Not Included |

|Anxiety Disease Management |Not Included |

|Alcohol Disease Management |Not Included |

|Quit Tobacco |Not Included |

|Healthy Lifestyle Coaching |Not Included |

|Radiology Benefit Management |Not Included |

| | |

|Flexible Medical Model | |

|Flex Option 1 |Not Included |

| | |

|Flex Option 2 | |

| | |

|Flex Option 3 | |

| | |

|Frequent ER Visits | |

| | |

|Informed Health Line Call Backs | |

| | |

|Post Partum Calls | |

| | |

|Pharmacy Non-Compliance | |

| | |

|Multiple Visits to Providers | |

|Aetna's Compassionate Caresm Program |Included |

|ACCP Enhanced Hospice Benefits Package |Not Included |

|Designated Team |Not Included |

|Dedicated Team |Not Included |

|CAT (Care Advocate Team) |Not Included |

|Single Nurse Model |Included |

|Health Concierge |Included |

|Aetna Health Connections Get Active! SM as follows: | |

|Shape up competition/tracking multi-week program without pedometer |Not Included |

|Stay in Shape Year-round Program without pedometer |Not Included |

|Aetna Benefits Advisor |Included |

|Member Health Engagement Plan (MHEP) |Included |

|Progress Bar |Included |

|Incentive Administration |Not Included |

|Mindfulness at WorkTM |Not Included |

|Additional Fees | |

|Services applicable and not included in above PEPM fees | |

| | |

|National Medical Excellence/ Institutes of Excellence with transportation |Per Occurrence |

|and lodging expense | |

|IV. Aetna Subrogation Program |Included |

| | |

| |30% of recovered amount will be retained |

| | |

|V. Group Health Certification Services |Not Included |

|VI. National Advantage Program (NAP) | |National Advantage Access Fee: |

| | | |

|National Advantage - Facility Charge | | |

|Review (NAP-FCR) |Not Included |50% of Aggregate Savings – |

| | |Fee will be included in Plan Benefit Funding |

|National Advantage - Facility Charge | |Request from Bank |

|Review (NAP-FCR/MBB) | | |

| |Included | |

|National Advantage - Facility Charge | | |

|Review (NAP-FCR/FD) | | |

| | | |

|National Advantage– Itemized Bill |Not Included | |

|Review(IBR) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Included | |

Aetna also may adjust Service Fees effective as of the date on which any of the following occurs.

(1) If, for any product:

▪ There is a 15% decrease in the number of Employees in aggregate from our enrollment assumptions or from any subsequently reset enrollment assumptions.

▪ The member-to-employee ratio increases by more than 15%. We have assumed a member-to-employee ratio of:

Name of Product(s) Assumed Ratio

Aetna Choice POS II 2.31 Members to 1 Employees

Aetna Select 2.17 Member to 1 Emloyees

(2) Change in Plan - A material change in Plan is initiated by the Customer or by legislative or regulatory action (provided that Aetna charges a fee for such change to all similarly situated customers).

(3) Change in Claim Administration - A material change in claim payment requirements or procedures, account structure, or any other change materially affecting the manner or cost of paying benefits.

(4) If the maximum account structure exceeds 150 units per product. Account structure determines the reporting format. During the installation process, we will work with Sony Pictures Entertainment to finalize the account structure and determine which report formats will be most meaningful. Maximum total account structure includes Experience Rating Groups (ERGs), controls, suffixes, billing and claim accounts.

(5) If a material change in the plan of benefits is initiated by Sony Pictures EntertainmentCustomer or by legislative or regulatory action.

(6) If a material change is initiated by Sony Pictures EntertainmentCustomer or by legislative or regulatory action in the claim payment requirements or procedures, claim fiduciary option, alternate office processing usage, or any other change materially affecting the manner or cost of paying benefits.

(7) If the National Advantage™ Program (NAP), Facility Charge Review (FCR) or Itemized Bill Review (IBR) programs are changed or terminated by Sony Pictures EntertainmentCustomer.

(8) If Aetna programs and services including, but not limited to, Informed Health® Line (IHL), MedQuery®, Aetna Health ConnectionsSM (AHC) disease management program, Beginning Right® Maternity Program, and/or Health Lifestyle Coaching are terminated by Sony Pictures EntertainmentCustomer.

(9) If Sony Pictures EntertainmentCustomer places the products and services included in this multi-year fee guarantee out to bid, then this guarantee will be nullified.

(10) If legislation, regulation or requests of government authorities result in material changes to plan benefits, Aetna also reserves the right to recoup any material fees, costs, assessments, or taxes due to changes in the law even if no benefit or plan changes are mandated.

If one or more of the circumstances identified above occurs, then the additional financial guarantees between Aetna and Sony Pictures Entertainment Customer including, but not limited to, performance guarantees and medical management scorecard guarantees may also be modified or terminated in accordance with the financial conditions contained in those documents.

We are relying on information from Sony Pictures Entertainment and its representatives in establishing the fees and terms of this proposal. If any of this information is inaccurate and has an impact on the cost of the programs, we reserve the right to adjust our fees and terms upon the receipt of corrected information.

Late Payment Charges

In addition to any termination rights under the Services Agreement which may apply, if the Customer fails to provide funds on a timely basis to cover Plan benefit payments as provided in Section 8 of the Master Services Agreement, and/or fails to pay Service Fees on a timely basis as provided in Section 6 of the Master Services Agreement, Aetna will assess a late payment charge. The charge for 2013 will be as follows:

(i) late funds to cover Plan benefit payments (e.g., late wire transfers): 12% annual rate 1.5% annual rate

(ii) late payments of Service Fees: 12% annual rate 1.5 annual rate

In addition, Aetna will assess a charge to recover its costs of collection including reasonable attorneys’ fees.

The late payment charge percentage specified above is subject to change annually based on reasonable market rates.

Implementation/Communication Allowance - We are including an implementation/communication allowance of up to $185,000, which includes $35,000 as requested for a pre-implementation audit conducted by Sony Pictures Entertainment's consultant and $75,000 for a statistical claim audit. The remaining implementation/communication allowance of $75,000 may be used by Sony Pictures Entertainment to pay for implementation- and communication-related expenses incurred during the first plan year. These funds will be available after the January 2013 contract period service fees for this program have been paid. We will pay implementation- and communication-related expenses after Sony Pictures Entertainment has presented the invoices outlining the expenses they incurred. Any remaining amounts of the allowance after December 31, 2013 will be forfeited.

Any amounts ("implementation/communication allowance") that we pay to a plan sponsor to offset or reimburse such plan sponsor for any expense or costs incurred as a result of contracting with Aetna for benefits plan administration services, will be paid in accordance with applicable law. Plan sponsors are advised to determine appropriate accounting for these payments with their own counsel or accountant. Any plan sponsor receiving an implementation allowance or other payments from us that offset or reimburse expenses that would otherwise be paid from plan assets, should consult with their ERISA counsel to determine if such allowance must be credited to plan assets, and for additional counsel regarding the accounting for reporting of such payments.



EFFECTIVE January 1, 2013


Subject to the terms and conditions of the Services Agreement, the Services available from Aetna are described below. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, only the Services selected by Customer in the Service and Fee Schedule (as modified by Aetna from time to time pursuant to Section 6 of the Master Services Agreement) will be provided by Aetna. Additional Services may be provided at Customer's written request under the terms of the Services Agreement. This Statement of Available Services ("SAS") shall supersede any previous SAS or other document describing the Services.

I. Excluded and/or Superseded Provisions of Master Services Agreement: NONE

II. Claim Fiduciary

Customer and Aetna agree that with respect to Section 503 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, Aetna will be the "appropriate named fiduciary" of the Plan for the purpose of reviewing denied claims under the Plan. Customer understands that the performance of fiduciary duties under ERISA necessarily involves the exercise of discretion on Aetna’s part in the determination and evaluation of facts and evidence presented in support of any claim or appeal. Therefore, and to the extent not already implied as a matter of law, Customer hereby delegates to Aetna discretionary authority to determine entitlement to benefits under the applicable Plan Documents for each claim received, including discretionary authority to determine and evaluate facts and evidence, and discretionary authority to construe the terms of the Plan. It is also agreed that, as between Customer and Aetna, Aetna's decision on any claim is final and that Aetna has no other fiduciary responsibility.

III. Administration Services:

A. Member and Claim Services:

1. Requests for Plan benefit payments for claims shall be made to Aetna on forms or other appropriate means approved by Aetna. Such forms (or other appropriate means) may include a consent to the release of medical, dental, claims, and administrative records and information to Aetna. Aetna will process and pay the claims for Plan benefits incurred on or after the Effective Date using Aetna’s normal claim determination, payment and audit procedures and applicable cost control standards in a manner consistent with the terms of the Plan and the Services Agreement. With respect to any Plan Participant who makes a request for Plan benefits which is denied on behalf of Customer, Aetna will notify said Plan Participant of the denial and of said Plan Participant’s right of review of the denial in accordance with ERISA.

2. Whenever it is determined that benefits and related charges are payable under the Plan, Aetna will issue a payment of such benefits and related charges on behalf of Customer. Funding of Plan benefits and related charges shall be made as provided in Section 8 of the Master Services Agreement.

3. Where the Plan contains a coordination of benefits clause or antiduplication clause, Aetna will administer all claims consistent with such provisions and any information concurrently in its possession as to duplicate or primary coverage. Aetna shall have no obligation to recover sums owed to the Plan by virtue of the Plan's rights to coordinate where the claim was incurred prior to the Effective Date. Aetna has no obligation to bring actions based on subrogation or lien rights.

B. Plan Sponsor Services:

1. Aetna will assign an Account Executive to Customer's account. The Account Executive will be available to assist Customer in connection with the general administration of the Services, ongoing communications with Customer and assistance in claims administration and record-keeping systems for Customer’s ongoing operation of the Plan.

2. Upon request by Customer and consent by Aetna, Aetna will implement changes in claims administration consistent with Customer’s modifications of its Plan. A charge may be assessed for implementing such changes. Customer's administration Services Fees, as set forth in the Service and Fee Schedule, will be revised if the foregoing amendments or modifications increase Aetna's costs.

3. Aetna will provide the following reports to Customer for no additional charge:

(a) Monthly/Quarterly/Annual Accounting Reports - Aetna shall prepare the following accounting reports in accordance with the benefit-account structure for use by Customer in the financial management and administrative control of the Plan benefits:

(i) a monthly listing of funds requested and received for payment of Plan benefits;

(ii) a monthly reconciliation of funds requested to claims paid within the benefit-account structure;

(iii) a monthly or quarterly or annual listing of paid benefits; and

(iv) quarterly or annual standard claim analysis reports.

(b) Annual Accounting Reports - Aetna shall prepare standard annual accounting reports for each major benefit line under the Plan for the Services Agreement Period that include the following:

(i) forecast of claim costs;

(ii) accounting of experience; and

(iii) calculation of Customer reserve.

Any additional reporting formats and the price for any such reports shall be mutually agreed upon by Customer and Aetna.

4. Aetna shall develop and install all agreed upon administrative and record keeping systems, including the production of employee identification cards.

5. Aetna shall design and install a benefit-account structure separately by class of employees, division, subsidiary, associated company, or other classification desired by Customer.

6. Aetna shall provide plan design and underwriting services in connection with benefit revisions, additions of new benefits and extensions of coverage to new Plan Participants.

7. Aetna shall provide cost estimates and actuarial advice for benefit revisions, new benefits and extensions of coverage being considered by Customer.

8. Upon request of Customer, Aetna will provide Customer with information reasonably available to Aetna which is reasonably necessary for Customer to prepare reports for the United States Internal Revenue Service and Department of Labor.

9. Aetna will provide assistance in connection with the initial set up, design and preparation of Customer’s Plan, subject to the direction, review and approval of Customer. Customer shall have the final and sole authority regarding the benefits and provisions of the self-insured portion of the Plan, as outlined in the Customer’s Plan document. Customer acknowledges its responsibility to review and approve all Plan documents and revisions thereto and to consult with Customer’s legal counsel, at its discretion, in connection with said review and approval. Aetna shall have no responsibility or liability for the content of any of Customer’s plan documents, regardless of the role Aetna may have played in the preparation of such documents.

10(a). Upon request of Customer, Aetna shall prepare an Aetna standard Plan description, including benefit revisions, additions of new benefits, and extension of coverage under the Plan. If the Customer elects to have an Aetna non-standard Plan description, Aetna will provide a custom Plan description with all costs borne by Customer; or

10(b). Upon request of Customer, Aetna will review Customer-prepared employee Plan descriptions, subject to the Customer's final and sole authority regarding benefits and provisions in the self-insured portion of the Plan.

If Customer requires both preparation (a) and review (b), there may be an additional charge.

11. Upon request by Customer, Aetna will arrange for the printing of Plan descriptions, with all costs borne by Customer.

12. Upon request by Customer, Aetna will arrange for the custom printing of forms and identification cards, with all costs borne by Customer.

IV. Network Access Services: (For Dental PPO Plans ONLY)

A. Aetna shall provide Plan Participants with access to Aetna's network of dentists and other applicable dental care providers ("Network Providers") who (i) participate in the network applicable to the Plan Participant’s Plan at negotiated rates with Aetna and (ii) are designated by Aetna for participation in the applicable network.

B. Aetna reserves the right to set a minimum plan benefit design structure for in-network claims to which Customer must comply in order to receive access to Network Providers at Aetna’s agreed upon rates with such providers.

C. Aetna maintains an online directory for Plan Participants and Customers to access for information regarding Network Providers.

V. Dental Management Services:

A. Dental Utilization Management:

The Dental utilization management program provides for appropriate review, by licensed dentists and other dental professionals, of certain dental claims, as well as of voluntary predeterminations, in order to assist in making coverage determinations based on the necessity and appropriateness of services rendered to treat Plan Participants’ dental conditions.

B. Dental/Medical Integration (DMI) Program:

The DMI program is designed to educate Plan Participants on the impact of good oral health care on the management of certain diseases and conditions. Plan Participants identified with diabetes, coronary artery disease/cerebrovascular disease or who are pregnant, are sent educational materials explaining the correlation between their disease or condition and periodontal disease. The following programs are included:

1. Enhanced Benefit Program for Pregnant Women (offers additional benefits, i.e., an additional cleaning).

2. Enhanced Benefit Program for Diabetes and Coronary Artery Disease (offers additional benefits, i.e., an additional cleaning).

3. Member Outreach Program (educational materials sent to Plan Participants or outreach phone calls made to Plan Participants encouraging the importance of oral care).

VI. Performance Guarantees

Any Performance Guarantees applicable to Aetna’s provision of Services pursuant to the Self Funded Dental Plan are attached in Appendix II to the Services Agreement.

VII. Fees

The following administrative Service Fees are provided in conjunction with Aetna’s Services relating to the self funded dental products offered under the Plan Sponsor’s self funded benefits plan. All administrative Service Fees from this SAS are summarized in the following Service and Fee Schedule.


| |

|The corresponding Service Fees effective for the period beginning January 1, 2013 and ending December 31, 2013 are specified below. They shall be |

|amended for future periods, in accordance with Section 6 of the Master Services Agreement. Any reference to “Member” shall mean a Plan Participant |

|as defined in the Master Services Agreement. |

|Product |Per Employee* Per Month Fee - |

| | |

| |*A person within classes that are specifically described in Appendix I, including employees, retirees, COBRA |

| |continues and any other persons including those of subsidiaries and affiliates of Customer who are reported, in |

| |writing, to Aetna for inclusion in the Services Agreement. |

| | |

|PPO Dental |$ 4.63 |

|Services applicable and included in above PEPM fees (except where | |

|indicated otherwise) | |

|I. Administration Services |Included |

|II. Network Access Services |Included |

|Access to Network Providers |Included |

|Minimum Plan Benefit Design Structure Set by Aetna |Included |

|Online Directory Maintained by Aetna |Included |

|III. Dental Management Services |Included |

|Dental Utilization Management |Included |

|Dental/Medical Integration |Included |

Aetna also may adjust Service Fees effective as of the date on which any of the following occurs.

(1) If, for this product, there is a:

▪ 15% decrease in the number of enrolled lives during the guarantee period from the Guaranteed Fee Assumptions, or from any subsequently reset assumptions.

▪ 15% increase in the Member to Employee ratio from the ratio assumed in Aetna’s quotation, or from any subsequently reset assumptions.

▪ 15% increase in the processed claim transactions per Employee (PCTs/ee) ratio from the ratio assumed in Aetna’s quotation, or from any subsequently reset assumptions.

(2) Change in Plan - A material change in Plan is initiated by the Customer or by legislative action.

(3) Change in Claim Administration - A material change in claim payment requirements or procedures, account structure, or any other change materially affecting the manner or cost of paying benefits.

(4) If a material change is initiated by Sony Pictures Entertainment or by legislative or regulatory action in the claim payment requirements or procedures, claim fiduciary option, account structure, or any other change materially affecting the manner or cost of paying.

(5) If Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc. terminates any other Aetna products and services not addressed within this renewal package, including but not limited to Group Life products, Group Disability products, fully-insured Dental products, fully-insured medical products, and Medicare Advantage Medical and/or Pharmacy products.

(6) If Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. places the products and services included in this multi-year fee guarantee out to bid with an affective date prior to January 1, 2014 (end of multi-year guarantee period), then this guarantee will be nullified.

Late Payment Charges

In addition to any termination rights under the Services Agreement which may apply, if the Customer fails to provide funds on a timely basis to cover Plan benefit payments as provided in Section 8 of the Master Services Agreement, and/or fails to pay Service Fees on a timely basis as provided in Section 6 of the Master Services Agreement, Aetna will assess a late payment charge. The charge for 2013 will be as follows:

(i) late funds to cover Plan benefit payments (e.g., late wire transfers): 12% annual rate

(ii) late payments of Service Fees: 12% annual rate

In addition, Aetna will assess a charge to recover its costs of collection including reasonable attorneys’ fees.

The late payment charge percentage specified above is subject to change annually.




EFFECTIVE January 1, 2013


Subject to the terms and conditions of the Services Agreement, the Services available from Aetna are described below. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, only the Services selected by Customer in the Service and Fee Schedule (as modified by Aetna from time to time pursuant to Section 6 of the Master Services Agreement) will be provided by Aetna. Additional Services may be provided at Customer's written request under the terms of the Services Agreement. This Statement of Available Services (“SAS”) shall supersede any previous SAS or other document describing the Services.

I. Excluded and/or Superseded Provisions of the Master Service Agreement:

▪ Section 4 (“Standard of Care”) is excluded and replaced by Section IV of this SAS (with respect to Dependent Care only);

▪ Section 6 (“Service Fees), second paragraph, is excluded and replaced by Section V of this SAS;

▪ Section 7(D) (“Responsibilities on Termination”) is excluded and replaced by Section VI of this SAS;

▪ Section 12 (Audit Rights”) is superseded by this SAS, but only with respect to the size of the audit sample, which shall be 150 claims, for each plan;

▪ Section 13 (“Recovery of Overpayments”) is excluded and replaced by Section VII of this SAS;

▪ Section 18 (“Non-Aetna Networks”) does not apply with respect to the Services pursuant to this SAS.

II. Fiduciary Duty

It is understood and agreed that the Customer retains complete authority and responsibility for the Plan, its operation, and the benefits provided there under, and that Aetna is empowered to act on behalf of Customer in connection with the Plan only to the extent expressly stated in the Services Agreement or as agreed to in writing by Aetna and Customer. Customer has the sole and complete authority to determine eligibility of persons to participate in the Plan.

With respect to the Health Care FSA, Customer and Aetna agree that with respect to Section 503 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, Customer will be the "appropriate named fiduciary" for the purpose of reviewing denied claims under the Health Care FSA. It is also agreed that Aetna’s responsibilities under this SAS are ministerial and Aetna has no fiduciary responsibility under this SAS.

In addition, with respect to the Dependent Care FSA, Customer and Aetna agree that with respect to applicable state law, as amended, Customer will be the "appropriate named fiduciary" for the purpose of reviewing denied claims under the Dependent Care FSA. It is also agreed that Aetna’s responsibilities under this SAS are ministerial and Aetna has no fiduciary responsibility under this SAS.

III. Administration Services:

A. Member and Claim Services:

1. Requests for Plan benefit payments for claims shall be made to Aetna on forms or other appropriate means approved by Aetna. Such forms (or other appropriate means) may include a consent to the release of medical, claims, and administrative records and information to Aetna. Aetna will process and pay the claims for Plan benefits incurred after the Effective Date using Aetna’s normal claim determination, payment and audit procedures and applicable cost control standards in a manner consistent with the terms of the Plan and the Services Agreement.

2. Whenever it is determined that benefits and related charges are payable under the Plan, Aetna will issue a payment of such benefits and related charges on behalf of Customer. Funding of Plan benefits and related charges shall be made as provided in Section 8 (“Benefit Funding”) of the Master Services Agreement. Aetna may advise a Plan Participant of any delays in payment of any claim due to the failure of Customer to fund a claim payment and the effect of such delay on the payment of the claim processed pursuant to this SAS. In the event that claims are released prior to funds receipt by Aetna, Customer shall be subject to a “Failure to Fund Claims” fee.

3. Following an adverse benefit determination of a claim during its initial submission, Aetna shall issue a written notification of its decision to the Plan Participant consistent with Department of Labor (“DOL”) regulations or other prevailing law, which shall include: the basis for the adverse benefit determination; reference to the specific Plan provisions on which the determination is based; a description of additional information which may be required in order to perfect the claim; how to formally appeal the claim; and a general statement of rights under the Plan or prevailing law.

4. Upon receipt of an initial appeal by a Plan Participant, Aetna will evaluate the appeal and advise the Customer in a timely manner of Aetna’s recommendation as to the allowability of the claim. Customer shall be responsible for, and has otherwise reserved unto itself, final discretionary authority to render benefit determinations, including interpreting the terms of the Plan, during the review on appeal. Customer shall issue written notice of any adverse benefit determination to the Plan Participant and Aetna, which shall include all the requirements of applicable law. If Aetna fails to notify Customer in a timely manner, Aetna will be responsible for pament of the claim, as this action will have prejudiced Customer’s ability to review it.

5. Aetna shall provide customer service support for Plan Participants by toll free telephone in accordance with its then-current policies.

6. Aetna shall make available to Customer, a check history showing the name of the Plan Participant, name of payee and amount of benefit payable based on Aetna’s initial determination as to the allowability of the claim.

B. Plan Sponsor Services:

1. Aetna will assign an Account Manager to Customer's account. The Account Executive will be available to assist Customer in connection with the general administration of the Services, ongoing communications with Customer and assistance in claims administration and record-keeping systems for Customer’s ongoing operation of the Plan.

2. Upon request by Customer and consent by Aetna, Aetna will implement changes in claims administration consistent with Customer’s modifications of its Plan. A charge may be assessed for implementing such changes. Customer's administration services fees, as set forth in the Service and Fee Schedule, will be revised if the foregoing amendments or modifications increase Aetna's costs.

3. Aetna shall make available the following standard reports in accordance with the benefit-account structure for use by Customer in the financial management and administrative control of the Plan benefits:

(a) Ledger Summary Report (Monthly) – List of deposits, payments and account balances by Plan Participant account for the period and plan year to date.

(b) Election Report (Beginning of Plan Year) – List of elections by Plan Participant account. Customer agrees to verify all deductions and annual elections and notify Aetna in writing of any changes or corrections within thirty (30) days following delivery of such report by Aetna.

(c) Funding Notification Reports (Settlement and Production) – Voucher-style report sent each time funding transactions are initiated.

(d) Production and Settlement Payment Registers – Supporting detail for the Funding Notification Report referenced above. Lists Plan Participant reimbursements by account type, plan year and division (if applicable).

4. Custom reports shall be provided subject to feasibility and data availability. Custom reports are not standard and shall be subject to an additional cost mutually agreed to by the parties in writing. The Plan shall be billed for programming time in accordance with Aetna’s then-current rates.

5. Aetna shall provide Plan Participants with current account balance and activity information via electronic means, including web portal and call center. Periodic balance information shall be provided with Aetna’s responses to submitted claims. Aetna shall not produce or mail separate, periodic statements to Plan Participants.

6. As to the Health Care portion, if Customer has elected to allow the use of debit cards with respect to the FSA, Aetna shall provide the capability for FSA participants to pay for health care FSA-eligible expenses using debit card technology, including the production of FSA debit cards and claim streamlining capabilities. Debit card use shall be bound by and subject to the terms of the “Card Association Rules” as described in the “Cardholder Agreement” that Aetna provides to each Plan Participant upon card issuance.

7. Aetna shall provide Customer with an administration manual for the orderly operation of the Plan as relates to the Services. Such manual may be modified by Aetna from time-to-time. Customer agrees to comply with the terms of the then-current administration manual.

8. Aetna shall assist Customer, or its designated agent, by providing information relating to the preparation and filing of any report, form or document required by any state or federal agency with respect to the Plan. Aetna will also assist Customer by providing the following, when requested, and without exposing Aetna to liability for providing any such assistance unless Aetna acts fraudulently, intentionally misrepresents information or fails to respond to Customer’s requests for information in a timely manner:

(a) Soft copy drafts of the “Plan Document” and “Summary Plan Description,” when requested by Customer;

(b) Information requested by Customer in connection with the filing of the IRS Form 5500; and

(c) Information requested by Customer in connection with conducting non-discrimination testing.

9. Customer shall be responsible for the final proper preparation and timely filing of the following documents, and performance and compliance with the following tests in connection with the Plan:

a) “Plan Document” and “Summary Plan Description”;

b) Corporate resolution approving and adopting the Plan;

c) IRS Form 5500; and

d) Non-discrimination testing and compliance.

10. Customer acknowledges its responsibility to review and approve all Plan documents and revisions thereto and to consult with Customer’s legal counsel, at its discretion, in connection with said review and approval. Aetna shall have no responsibility or liability for the content of any of Customer’s Plan documents, regardless of the role Aetna may have played in the preparation of such documents.

11. Aetna will provide assistance in connection with the initial set up and design of Customer’s Plan, subject to the direction, review and approval by Customer. Customer shall have the final and sole authority regarding the benefits and provisions of the self-insured portion of the Plan, FSA as outlined in Customer’s Plan document.

IV. Standard of Care

Aetna will discharge its obligations under the Services Agreement for the Dependent Care portion with that level of reasonable care which a similarly situated Services provider would exercise under similar circumstances.

V. Service Fees

Second paragraph: Aetna shall submit to the Customer on a monthly basis a statement showing the installation fee and monthly fees due for each month of the Agreement Period. For each month, the fee may consist of the monthly administrative fee or any other fee applicable for that month. The fee is due and payable on the date shown on such statement (the “Payment Due Date”).

VI. Responsibilities on Termination

Upon termination of the Services described in this Flexible Spending Account SAS for any reason other than termination under Section 7 (C) (2), Aetna may be requested by Customer, and Aetna may agree, to continue processing runoff claims for up to ninety (90) days following the termination date, for Plan benefits that were incurred prior to but not processed as of the termination date which are received by Aetna no later than three (3) months following the end of the Plan year. Aetna will be entitled to fees equal to three (3) times the amount of the bill for the last full calendar month preceding the termination date. The procedures and obligations described in the Services Agreement, to the extent applicable, shall survive the termination of the Services Agreement and remain in effect with respect to such claims. Benefit payments processed by Aetna with respect to such claims which are pended or disputed will be handled to their conclusion by Aetna and the procedures and obligations described in this Services Agreement, to the extent applicable, shall survive the expiration date with respect to such claims. Requests for benefit payments received after the Plan run out date will be returned to the Customer or, upon its direction, to a successor administrator at the Customer’s expense.

Customer will be liable for all Plan benefit payments made by Aetna in accordance with the preceding paragraph following the termination date or which are outstanding on the termination date. Customer will continue to fund Plan benefit payments through the banking arrangement described in Section 8 (“Benefit Funding”) of this Master Services Agreement and agrees to instruct its bank to continue to make funds available until all outstanding benefit payments have been funded by Customer or until such time as mutually agreed upon by Aetna and Customer (e.g., Customer’s wire line and bank account from which the Bank requests funds must remain open for one (1) year after runoff processing ends, two (2) years after termination).

Upon termination of the SAS and provided all Service Fees have been paid, upon written request Aetna will release to Customer or, at Customer’s written request, to a successor administrator, in Aetna's standard format, such claim data, records and files reasonably necessary for the administration of the Plan within a reasonable time period following the termination date. All reasonable costs associated with the release of data, records and files from Aetna to Customer shall be paid by Customer. Except as otherwise provided herein, any claims received by Aetna after the termination date will be forwarded to Customer or to the provider at Customer’s expense; Aetna will bear no responsibility with respect to such claims.

VII. Recovery of Overpayments

The parties will cooperate fully to make reasonable efforts to recover overpayments of Plan benefits. If it is determined that any payment has been made by Aetna to or on behalf of an ineligible person or it is determined that more than the appropriate amount has been paid, Aetna shall undertake good faith efforts to recover the erroneous payment. For the purpose of this provision, “good faith efforts” means that Aetna will contact the responsible party twice via letter to try to make the recovery. Except as stated in this section, Aetna has no other duties with respect to the recovery of overpayments.

Overpayments must be determined by direct proof of specific claims. Indirect or inferential methods of proof – such as statistical sampling, etc. – may not be used to determine overpayments. In addition, application of only software may not be used to determine overpayments.

VIII. Fees

Administrative Fees are provided in conjunction with Aetna’s Services relating to the Health Care FSA and Dependent Care FSA. All Administrative Fees from this SAS are summarized in the Service and Fee Schedule.


Customer hereby elects to receive the Services designated below. The corresponding Administrative Fees effective for the period beginning January 1, 2013 and ending December 31, 2013 are specified below. They shall be amended for future periods, in accordance with Section 6 of the Master Services Agreement.

Fees for services performed by Aetna in accordance with the SAS will be determined by Aetna in accordance with the following:

1. In General. The corresponding Fees effective for the period beginning January 1, 2013 and ending December 31, 2013 shall be as follows:

| | |

|Services |Service Fees |

|Monthly Administration Fee** |$ 4.45 Per Participant/Per Month |

|Minimum Monthly Billing |$250 per month |

| | |

|Other Fees | |

| Takeover Administration (previous Plan Year) |$2,500 |

| Special Requests |As mutually agreed upon by the Customer and Aetna |

| Special Handling Fee |If a check is re-issued at the request of the Customer earlier than 14 |

| |days from the time it was originally issued by Aetna, a $25 fee will be |

| |assessed |

|Rejected/NSF Customer Funding ACH Transactions |$50 per occurrence of any Customer funding ACH pull that is rejected |

|Failure to Fund Released Claims |An interest charge assessed for each day in which an outstanding balance|

| |is not funded; calculated at a rate not to exceed regulatory rates and |

| |based on the average daily balance outstanding across all non-funded |

| |days |

|Wire Transfer Fee |$15 per Wire Transfer |

|Open Enrollment Meeting Support |$250/day + travel expenses |

|Custom Reporting |$2,500 Minimum (up to 20 hours of development time) Additional |

| |Development $150 per hour |

|Custom Website (Customer URL) |$6,000 one-time fee |

|Custom Website with Single Sign On |$11,000 one-time fee (Custom websites fees include five hours per year |

| |for Customer updates. Additional hours are charged at $150 per hour). |

|Customized Website |$1,000 one-time fee |

** Participants, as used in this Fee Schedule are defined as:

An employee in an active status

A terminated employee with a balance greater than $10.00 (Billing for terminated employees continues for three billing cycles after termination, or if longer, until the participant’s balance drops below $10.)

The one time Implementation Fee above is priced according to health care flexible spending account participation and dependent care flexible account participation as of the Effective Date. The Implementation Fee is payable in full with the first monthly bill.


In general, the number of Plan Participants on which the per-Participant-per-month fee is based for any month is the sum of (1) the number of Plan Participants on the first day of the Plan Year plus (2) the number of Plan Participants that have been added during the Agreement Period. This number is determined as of the first day of each month of the Agreement Period and any Transition Period, as defined in the Appendix to this SAS. Plan Participants who terminate during a month are included in the Plan Participant count for purposes of determining that month’s per-Participant fee.

The fees shown above are based on administrative services selected. Aetna may adjust the Service Fees effective as of the date on which any of the following occurs:

(a) If, for any Service, there is a 15 % change in the number of employees participating in the health care flexible spending account and dependent care flexible spending account from the number assumed in Aetna’s quotation or from any subsequently reset assumptions.

(b) Change in Plan – A material change in the Plan is initiated by the Customer or by legislative action.

(c) Change in Administration – A material change in claim payment requirements or procedures, account structure or any other change materially affecting the manner or cost of paying benefits.

2. Late Payment Charges: In addition to any termination rights under the Services Agreement which may apply, if the Customer fails to provide funds on a timely basis to cover Plan benefit payments as provided in Section 8 of the Master Services Agreement, and/or fails to pay Service Fees on a timely basis as provided in Section 6 of the Master Services Agreement, Aetna will assess a late payment charge. The charge for 2013 will be as follows:

(a) late funds to cover benefit payments (e.g., late wire transfers): 12 % annual rate

(b) late payments of Service Fees: 12 % annual rate

In addition, Aetna will assess a charge to recover its costs of collection including reasonable attorneys’ fees.

The late payment charge percentage specified above is subject to change annually.

Appendix I - Health Coverage




EFFECTIVE January 1, 2013

An Agreement between

Aetna Life Insurance Company


Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.


Appendix Contents

This Appendix consists of the provisions found in the document(s) listed below.

A "Document" consists of:

The Summary Plan Description ("SPD") which describes the Plan’s benefit provisions, administrators, claim procedures and the participant’s rights under ERISA.

Any Amendment ("Amend.") issued to support or amend the Summary Plan Description.

The Document(s) included in this Appendix are as follows:

|Identification |Issue Date |Effective Date |Eligible Group and/or |

| | | |Type of Coverage |


Appendix I - Flexible Spending Account

Dependent Care and Health Care



EFFECTIVE January 1, 2013

A Services Agreement between

Aetna Life Insurance Company ("Aetna")


Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.


Section 1

Purpose and Definition

1.1 Purpose

The Plan will provide Eligible Employees of the Customer with a choice of receiving certain tax free benefits provided by the Customer in lieu of taxable compensation.

As used in this Appendix, Plan means the Customer's Dependent Care Assistance and Health Expense Reimbursement Plan.

It is intended that the Plan provide, as part of the Customer's cafeteria plan within the meaning of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, (hereinafter referred to as the "Code") Dependent Care Assistance, within the meaning of Section 129 of the Code, the benefits of which are eligible for exclusion from the Employee's income under Section 129(a) of the Code, and Health Care Expense Reimbursement, to the extent such benefits are eligible for exclusion from the Employee's income under Sections 105, 106, other applicable provisions of the Code, and are allowable under the applicable rules of Section 125 of the Code.

1.2 Definitions

a) Covered Expenses:

i. Dependent Care Assistance: those listed in Subsection 2.2(b) of this Appendix, subject to the limitations in Subsections 2.3 and 2.4.

ii. Health Care Expense Reimbursement: those listed in Subsection 3.3 of this Appendix, subject to the limitations in Subsections 3.4 and 3.5.

(b) Dependent: any individual who, in the current calendar year, is a spouse of a Plan Participant or a dependent of a Plan Participant as defined in Section 152(a) of the Code.

(c) Eligible Employees: all full time Employees.

(d) Employee: any individual who is considered to be in a legal employer-employee relationship with the Customer. Such term includes former employees for the limited purposes of allowing continued eligibility for benefits hereunder for the remainder of the Plan Year in which an employee ceases to be employed by the Customer, or, if longer, the period during which a former employee has elected to continue coverage following termination of employment as provided by Section 4980B of the Code and Section 601 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act as amended (hereinafter referred to as "ERISA").

(e) Maximum Benefit: the maximum amount allowable, as specified in Subsection 2.4 of this Appendix for Dependent Care Assistance, and as specified in Subsection 3.5 of this Appendix for Health Care Expense Reimbursement, to a Plan Participant in any Plan Year.

(f) Plan Participant:

(i) any Eligible Employee who has elected to receive benefits under the Plan and who has entered into a salary reduction agreement which provides funding for a Dependent Care Assistance and Health Care Expense Reimbursement Accounts.

(ii) a terminated employee who continues contributions pursuant to Subsection 4.2 of this Appendix, but only to the extent of such contribution.

(iii) a terminated employee whose eligibility for reimbursement continues for the period of coverage prior to termination.

(g) Plan Administrator: the Customer is the Plan Administrator for purposes of ERISA.


(i) Plan Year

For the first year the Plan is in effect, January 1 through December 31.

For each succeeding year, January 1 through December 31.

(ii) Extended Plan Year

January 1 (or the first day of the Plan Year) through March 31 of the following year.

(i) Dependent Care Center: a center that meets the standards set forth in Subsection 2.2(c) of this Appendix.

(j) Qualifying Individual: an individual who meets the definition set forth in Subsection 2.2(a) of this Appendix.

(k) Account: an account(s) for each Plan Participant under the Plan, to which the contributions, made by or on behalf of such Plan Participant, are credited.

Section 2

Dependent Care Assistance Coverage

2.1 Dependent Care Assistance - General

Every Plan Participant who has elected to receive benefits pursuant to this Section 2 will be eligible to receive a benefit for Covered Dependent Care Assistance Expenses incurred by the Plan Participant or the Plan Participant's spouse, subject to the limitations hereinafter described. Benefits will be payable only with respect to expenses that are "employment-related expenses" under Section 21 of the Code, and are otherwise reimbursable under the rules of Sections 125 and 129 of the Code. For any Plan Year, benefits will be payable under this Section 2 only for Covered Dependent Care Assistance Expenses which are incurred during the Plan Year and during the time that the Eligible Employee is a Plan Participant.

2.2 Covered Dependent Care Expenses

(a) Expenses for Dependent Care Assistance services will be reviewed as eligible for reimbursement only if the services are performed for the benefit of a "Qualifying Individual," A Qualifying Individual is:

(i) a Plan Participant's Dependent who is under the age of 13, and with respect to whom the Plan Participant is entitled to a deduction under Section 151(c) of the Code;

(ii) A Plan Participant's Dependent who is physically or mentally incapable of caring for him/herself;

(iii) the Plan Participant's spouse if he/she is physically or mentally incapable of caring for him/herself.

(b) In order to be reviewed as a reimbursable Dependent Care Expense, the expense must have been incurred for services which enable the Plan Participant and his/her spouse to remain gainfully employed. These services are:

(i) Household services, including, but not limited to, services performed by a maid or cook, provided such services are at least in part attributable to the care of one or more Qualifying Individuals;

(ii) Services for the care of one or more Qualifying Individuals in the Plan Participant's home;

(iii) Services for the care of one or more Qualifying Individuals outside of the home of a Plan Participant if the Qualifying Individuals are either (a) under age 13 or (b) regularly spend at least 8 hours each day in the Plan Participant's home;

(iv) The services of a Dependent Care Center.

(c) A Dependent Care Center is a facility which provides care for more than six individuals (other than individuals who reside in the facility), receives a fee, payment or grant for providing services for any of these individuals, and complies with all applicable laws and regulations of the state or unit of local government where it is located.

2.3 Limitations on Benefits

(a) Dependent Care Assistance benefits will not be paid for expenses:

(i) Paid to a Qualifying Individual with respect to whom, for the taxable year, a deduction under Section 151(c) of the Code is allowable to either the Plan Participant or his/her spouse.

(ii) Paid to the Plan Participant's child under age 19 at the close of the taxable year.

(iii) Of a Participant whose parent is in a Nursing Home with respect to the expense incurred for the parent's care provided by the Nursing Home.

(b) All benefits payable pursuant to this Section 2 shall be paid exclusively from the Plan Participant's Dependent Care Assistance Account. A Plan Participant may not receive a benefit for Covered Dependent Care Assistance Expenses incurred for any one month which is in excess of the balance in the Plan Participant's Dependent Care Assistance Account as of the date of the payment of the incurred expense. In no event shall the benefit payable under this Section 2 with respect to any Plan Year exceed the maximum amount allowable for dependent care assistance under the Plan as specified in Subsection 2.4 of this Appendix.

2.4 Maximum Benefit

Under this Plan, the maximum amount of coverage that may be elected by a Plan Participant for dependent care expense reimbursement per family per Plan Year is $ 5,000.

Section 3

Health Care Expense Reimbursement Coverage

3.1 Health Care Expense Reimbursement - General

Every Plan Participant who has elected to receive benefits pursuant to this Section 3 will be eligible for reimbursement of Covered Expenses incurred by the Plan Participant and his/her Dependent subject to the limitations hereinafter described. For any Plan Year, benefits will be payable under this Section 3 only for Covered Expenses which are incurred during the Plan Year and during the time that the Eligible Employee is a Plan Participant.

3.2 Covered Health Care Expenses

In order for a Plan Participant to receive reimbursement from the Health Care Expense Reimbursement Account, a health care expense of the Plan Participant or his/her Dependent must be:

(a) approved by Aetna as reimbursable,

(b) of the type specified in Subsection 3.3 of this Appendix, and

(c) of the type that is recognized as properly reimbursable under Section 125 of the Code for the Plan Participant or his/her Dependents.

A Plan Participant's payments for any other health coverage shall not be considered a Covered Expense under the Plan. No Plan Participant may receive reimbursement under this Section 3 for any expense for which he/she is entitled to reimbursement under any other plan of medical, dental, pharmacy, vision or hearing expenses.

3.3 List of Covered Expenses

Covered Expenses will include:

Expenses incurred for which no benefits are paid or payable under any hospital, medical, dental, vision or hearing coverage program solely because of any one or more of the following:

(i) deductibles or copayments;

(ii) coinsurance provisions;

(iii) the excess over reasonable and customary charges;

(iv) the excess over any scheduled maximum benefit limitation provisions; or

(v) Any other medical/dental expense that is considered a deductible health care expense under the Code and is properly reimbursable under the applicable rules of Section 125 of the Code.

3.4 Limitations on Benefits

All benefits payable pursuant to this Section 3 shall be paid exclusively from the Plan Participant's Health Care Expense Reimbursement Account. The amount available for reimbursement shall, at all times during the Plan Year, be equal to the amount of coverage elected by the Plan Participant less any reimbursement made previously during the Plan Year. However, in no event shall the benefits payable under this Section 3 with respect to any Plan Year exceed the maximum amount allowable for health care expense reimbursement under the Plan as specified in Subsection 3.5 of this Appendix.

3.5 Maximum Benefit

Under the Plan, the maximum amount of coverage that may be elected by a Plan Participant for health care expense reimbursement per family per Plan Year is $ 2,500.

Section 4

General Provisions

4.1 Effective Date

The Plan described in this Appendix shall be effective January 1, 2013.

4.2 Post-Termination Contributions

With respect to terminated Employees only, contributions may be made on a post-tax basis to both the Dependent Care Assistance and the Health Expense Reimbursement Accounts until the end of the Plan Year during which termination occurs. If however, contributions are discontinued upon termination of employment, coverage will cease immediately.

(Note: COBRA continuation does not apply to Dependent Care Assistance. COBRA continuation does apply to Health Expense Reimbursement Accounts.)

4.3 Changes in Participant Election

Changes in the Plan Participant's election may be made by the Plan Participant during the Plan Year provided there has been an applicable status event, as specified in Section 125 of the Code and any regulations there under. A status event includes, but is not limited to:

(i) change in marital status (e.g., marriage, death of spouse, divorce, legal separation, annulment);

(ii) change in number of Dependents (e.g., birth, death, adoption, placement for adoption);

(iii) change in employment status of Plan Participant, spouse or Dependent by reason of termination or commencement of employment, strike or lockout, commencement of or return from unpaid leave of absence, or change in worksite, including change in Plan eligibility resulting from change in employment status;

(iv) change in Dependent eligibility under the Plan (e.g., by reason of age or change in student status);

(v) change in residence of participant, spouse, or Dependent.

Changes in the Plan Participant's election pursuant to Subsection 4.2 must be consistent with the status event.

4.4 Termination of Coverage

Coverage in this Plan will terminate immediately upon the earliest to occur of:

(a) the first day of a Plan Year for which the Eligible Employee has not elected to participate.

(b) termination of employment, Reimbursements may not be made for claims incurred after termination except where a terminated employee has elected to continue to make contributions on a post-tax basis as specified in Subsection 4.2 of this Appendix for the Plan Year in which the termination occurs. If the terminated employee elects to continue to make contributions to the Plan on a post-tax basis, then claims for expenses incurred at any time during that Plan Year may be submitted up until the last day of the Extended Plan Year.

(c) the date on which contributions cease to be made by or on behalf of a Plan Participant.

(d) the discontinuance of the Plan.

(e) the discontinuance of the Master Services Agreement.

4.5 Payment of Benefits and Incurred Expenses

(a) A Plan Participant will make a claim for benefits by making a request to the Plan Administrator on a form acceptable to the Plan Administrator. A Plan Participant must provide (i) a written statement from "an independent third party" (e.g., health care provider, hospital, etc.) stating that the expense has been incurred and the amount of such expense and (ii) a written statement that such expense is not covered and not reimbursable under any other health plan coverage.

(b) Claims will be paid monthly. An explanation of claim settlement will be provided with each claim payment. All claims for Covered Expenses incurred during the Plan Year must be submitted by the last day of the Extended Plan Year.

(c) The maximum allowable reimbursement-available:

i) Dependent Care Assistance shall be determined under Subsection 2.4 of this Appendix.

ii) Health Care Expense Reimbursement under the Plan shall be determined under Subsection 3.5 of this Appendix.

4.6 Administration

At least monthly, the Customer will send Aetna information regarding Plan Participant enrollment and account contributions which is sufficient to administer the Plan. Each month Aetna will send the Customer a listing of drafts cleared and funds called from the employer's account. Aetna will accumulate year-to-date deposits and maintain information on the claims paid and the resulting Account balances.

4.7 IRS Determination

Any determination as to qualification of an expense under this Plan is subject to interpretation by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Should the IRS take a position contrary to that applied under this Plan, this Plan will be administered according to IRS instructions. Plan Participants who disagree with the IRS position, and wish to appeal that position, must obtain their own counsel.

Appendix II




EFFECTIVE January 1, 2013

An agreement between

Aetna Life Insurance Company ("Aetna")


Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.


There are Performance Guarantees between the Customer and Aetna, which are attached by reference and made part of this Services Agreement.



THIS APPENDIX to the Master Services Agreement No. MSA- 810072 between Aetna and Customer (the “Services Agreement”) is incorporated by reference therein. Customer represents that it has the authority to execute, and hereby executes, this Appendix III for and on behalf of the Plan Sponsor’s health benefit plan for which Aetna provides plan administration services (“the Plan” for the purposes of this Appendix III).

In conformity with the regulations at 45 C.F.R. Parts 160-164 (the “Privacy and Security Rules”) Aetna will under the following conditions and provisions have access to, maintain, transmit, create and/or receive certain Protected Health Information:

1. Definitions. The following terms shall have the meaning set forth below:

a) ARRA. “ARRA” means the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

b) C.F.R. “C.F.R.” means the Code of Federal Regulations.

c) Designated Record Set. “Designated Record Set” has the meaning assigned to such term in 45 C.F.R. 164.501.

d) Discovery. “Discovery” shall mean the first day on which a Breach is known to Aetna (including any person, other than the individual committing the breach, that is an employee, officer, or other agent of Aetna), or should reasonably have been known to Aetna, to have occurred.

e) Electronic Health Record. “Electronic Health Record” means an electronic record of health-related information on an individual that is created, gathered, managed and consulted by authorized health care clinicians and staff.

f) Electronic Protected Health Information. “Electronic Protected Health Information” means information that comes within paragraphs 1(i) or 1(ii) of the definition of “Protected Health Information”, as defined in 45 C.F.R. 160.103.

g) Individual. “Individual” shall have the same meaning as the term “individual” in 45 C.F.R. 160.103 and shall include a person who qualifies as a personal representative in accordance with 45 C.F.R. 164.502 (g).

h) Protected Health Information “Protected Health Information” shall have the same meaning as the term “Protected Health Information”, as defined by 45 C.F.R. 160.103, limited to the information created or received by Aetna from or on behalf of Customer.

i) Required By Law. “Required By Law” shall have the same meaning as the term “required by law” in 45 C.F.R. 164.103.

j) Secretary. “Secretary” shall mean the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services or his designee.

k) Breach. “Breach” means the unauthorized acquisition, access, use or disclosure of Protected Health Information which compromises the security or privacy of such information, except where an unauthorized person to whom such information is disclosed would not reasonably have been able to retain such information. Breach does not include:

(i) any unintentional acquisition, access, or use of Protected Health Information by an employee or individual acting under the authority of Aetna if:

(I) such acquisition, access or use was made in good faith and within the course and scope of the employment or other professional relationship of such employee or individual, respectively, with Aetna; and

(II) such information is not further acquired, accessed, used or disclosed by any person; or

(ii) any inadvertent disclosure from an individual who is otherwise authorized to access Protected Health Information at a facility operated by Aetna to another similarly situated individual at the same facility; and

(iii) any such information received as a result of such disclosure is not further acquired, accessed, used or disclosed without authorization by any person.

l) Security Incident. “Security Incident” has the meaning assigned to such term in 45 C.F.R. 164.304.

m) Standard Transactions. “Standard Transactions” means the electronic health care transactions for which HIPAA standards have been established, as set forth in 45 C.F.R., Parts 160-162.

n) Unsecured Protected Health Information. “Unsecured Protected Health Information” means Protected Health Information that is not secured through the use of a technology or methodology specified by guidance issued by the Secretary from time to time.

2. Obligations and Activities of Aetna

(a) Aetna agrees to not use or disclose Protected Health Information other than as permitted or required by this Appendix or as Required By Law.

(b) Aetna agrees to use appropriate safeguards to prevent use or disclosure of the Protected Health Information other than as provided for by this Appendix.

(c) Aetna agrees to mitigate, to the extent practicable, any harmful effect that is known to Aetna of a use or disclosure of Protected Health Information by Aetna in violation of the requirements of this Appendix.

(d) Aetna agrees to report to Customer any Security Incident of the Protected Health Information not allowed by this Appendix of which it becomes aware, except that, for purposes of the Security Incident reporting requirement, the term “Security Incident” shall not include inconsequential incidents that occur on a daily basis, such as scans, “pings” or other unsuccessful attempts to penetrate computer networks or servers containing electronic PHI maintained by Aetna.

(e) Aetna agrees to report to Customer any Breach of Unsecured Protected Health Information without unreasonable delay and in no case later than sixty (60) calendar days after Discovery of a Breach. Such notice shall include the identification of each individual whose Unsecured Protected Health Information has been, or is reasonably believed by Aetna, to have been, accessed, acquired, or disclosed In connection with such Breach. In addition, Aetna shall provide any additional information reasonably requested by Customer for purposes of investigating the Breach. Aetna’s notification of a Breach under this section shall comply in all respects with each applicable provision of Section 13400 of Subtitle D (Privacy) of ARRA and related guidance issued by the Secretary from time to time.

(f) Aetna agrees to ensure that any agent, including a subcontractor, to whom it provides Protected Health Information received from, or created or received by Aetna on behalf of Customer, agrees to the same restrictions and conditions that apply through this Appendix to Aetna with respect to such information.

(g) Aetna agrees to provide access, at the request of Customer, and in the time and manner designated by Customer, to Protected Health Information in a Designated Record Set, to Customer or, as directed by Customer, to an Individual in order to meet the requirements under 45 C.F.R. 164.524.

(h) Aetna agrees to make any amendment(s) to Protected Health Information in a Designated Record Set that the Customer directs or agrees to pursuant to 45 C.F.R. 164.526 at the request of Customer or an Individual, and in the time and manner designated by Customer.

(i) Aetna agrees to make (i) internal practices, books, and records, including policies and procedures, relating to the use and disclosure of Protected Health Information received from, or created or received by Aetna on behalf of, Customer, and (ii) policies, procedures, and documentation relating to the safeguarding of Electronic Protected Health Information available to the Secretary, in a time and manner designated by the Secretary, for purposes of the Secretary determining Customer’s compliance with the Privacy and Security Rules.

(j) Aetna agrees to document such disclosures of Protected Health Information as would be required for Customer to respond to a request by an Individual for an accounting of disclosures of Protected Health Information in accordance with 45 C.F.R. 164.528.

(k) Aetna agrees to provide to Customer the information collected in accordance with this Section to permit Customer to respond to a request by an Individual for an accounting of disclosures of Protected Health Information in accordance with 45 C.F.R. 164.528. In addition, with respect to information contained in an Electronic Health Record, Aetna shall document, and maintain such documentation for three (3) years from date of disclosure, such disclosures as would be required for Customer to respond to a request by an Individual for an accounting of disclosures of information contained in an Electronic Health Record, as required by Section 13405(c) of Subtitle D (Privacy) of ARRA and related regulations issued by the Secretary from time to time.

(l) With respect to Electronic Protected Health Information, Aetna shall implement and comply with the administrative safeguards set forth at 45 C.F.R. 164.308, the physical safeguards set forth at 45 C.F.R. 310, the technical safeguards set forth at 45 C.F.R. 164.312, and the policies and procedures set forth at 45 C.F.R. 164.316 to reasonably and appropriately protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the Electronic Protected Health Information that it creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of Customer. Aetna acknowledges that, effective the later of the Effective Date of this Appendix or February 17, 2010, (i) the foregoing safeguards, policies and procedures requirements shall apply to Aetna in the same manner that such requirements apply to Customer, and (ii) Aetna shall be subject to the civil and criminal enforcement provisions set forth at 42 U.S.C. 1320d-5 and 1320d-6, as amended from time to time, for failure to comply with the safeguards, policies and procedures requirements and any guidance issued by the Secretary from time to time with respect to such requirements.

(m) With respect to Electronic Protected Health Information, Aetna shall ensure that any agent, including a subcontractor, to whom it provides Electronic Protected Health Information, agrees to implement reasonable and appropriate safeguards to protect it.

(n) If Aetna conducts any Standard Transactions on behalf of Customer, Aetna shall comply with the applicable requirements of 45 C.F.R. Parts 160-162.

(o) Aetna acknowledges that, effective the later of the Effective Date of this Appendix or February 17, 2010, it shall be subject to the civil and criminal enforcement provisions set forth at 42 U.S.C. 1320d-5 and 1320d-6, as amended from time to time, for failure to comply with any of the use and disclosure requirements of this Appendix and any guidance issued by the Secretary from time to time with respect to such use and disclosure requirements

3. Permitted Uses and Disclosures by Aetna

3.1 General Use and Disclosure

Except as otherwise provided in this Appendix, Aetna may use or disclose Protected Health Information to perform its obligations under the Services Agreement, provided that such use or disclosure would not violate the Privacy and Security Rules if done by Customer or the minimum necessary policies and procedures of Customer.

3.2 Specific Use and Disclosure Provisions

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this Appendix, Aetna may use Protected Health Information for the proper management and administration of Aetna or to carry out the legal responsibilities of Aetna.

(b) Except as otherwise provided in this Appendix, Aetna may disclose Protected Health Information for the proper management and administration of Aetna, provided that disclosures are Required By Law, or Aetna obtains reasonable assurances from the person to whom the information is disclosed that it will remain confidential and used or further disclosed only as Required By Law or for the purpose for which it was disclosed to the person, and the person notifies Aetna of any instances of which it is aware in which the confidentiality of the information has been breached in accordance with the Breach and Security Incident notifications requirements of this Appendix.

(c) Aetna shall not directly or indirectly receive remuneration in exchange for any Protected Health Information of an individual without Customer’s prior written approval and notice from Customer that it has obtained from the individual, in accordance with 45 C.F.R. 164.508, a valid authorization that includes a specification of whether the Protected Health Information can be further exchanged for remuneration by Aetna. The foregoing shall not apply to Customer’s payments to Aetna for services delivered by Aetna to Customer.

(d) Except as otherwise provided in this Appendix, Aetna may use Protected Health Information to provide data aggregation services to Customer as permitted by 45 C.F.R. 164.504(e)(2)(i)(B).

(e) Aetna may use Protected Health Information to report violations of law to appropriate Federal and State authorities, consistent with 45 C.F.R. 164.502(j)(1).

4. Obligations of Customer

4.1 Provisions for Customer to Inform Aetna of Privacy Practices and Restrictions

(a) Customer shall notify Aetna of any limitation(s) in its notice of privacy practices of Customer in accordance with 45 C.F.R. § 164.520, to the extent that such limitation(s) may affect Aetna’s use or disclosure of Protected Health Information.

(b) Customer shall provide Aetna with any changes in, or revocation of, permission by Individual to use or disclose Protected Health Information, to the extent that such changes affect Aetna’s uses or disclosures of Protected Health Information.

(c) Customer agrees that it will not furnish or impose by arrangements with third parties or other Covered Entities or Business Associates special limits or restrictions to the uses and disclosures of its PHI that may impact in any manner the use and disclosure of PHI by Aetna under the Services Agreement and this Appendix, including, but not limited to, restrictions on the use and/or disclosure of PHI as provided for in 45 C.F.R. 164.522.

2. Permissible Requests by Customer

Customer shall not request Aetna to use or disclose Protected Health Information in any manner that would not be permissible under the Privacy and Security Rules if done by Customer.

5. Term and Termination

(a) Term. The provisions of this Appendix shall take effect on the effective date of the Services Agreement and shall terminate upon expiration or termination of the Services Agreement, except as otherwise provided herein.

(b) Termination for Cause. Without limiting the termination rights of the parties pursuant to the Services Agreement and upon either party’s knowledge of a material breach by the other party, the non-breaching party shall either:

i. Provide an opportunity for the breaching party to cure the breach or end the violation, or terminate the Services Agreement, if the breaching party does not cure the breach or end the violation within the time specified by the non-breaching party;

ii. Immediately terminate the Services Agreement, if cure of such breach is not possible;

iii. If neither termination nor cure is feasible, the non-breaching party shall report the violation to the Secretary.

(c) Effect of Termination.

The parties mutually agree that it is essential for Protected Health Information to be maintained after the expiration of the Services Agreement for regulatory and other business reasons. The parties further agree that it would be infeasible for Customer to maintain such records because Customer lacks the necessary system and expertise. Accordingly, Customer hereby appoints Aetna as its custodian for the safe keeping of any record containing Protected Health Information that Aetna may determine it is appropriate to retain. Notwithstanding the expiration of the Services Agreement, Aetna shall extend the protections of this Appendix to such Protected Health Information, and limit further use or disclosure of the Protected Health Information to those purposes that make the return or destruction of the Protected Health Information infeasible.

6. Miscellaneous

(a) Regulatory References. A reference in this Appendix to a section in the Privacy and Security Rules means the section as in effect or as amended, and for which compliance is required.

(b) Amendment. The Parties agree to take such action to amend this Agreement from time to time as is necessary for Customer and Aetna to comply with the requirements of the HIPAA Privacy Rule, the HIPAA Security Rule, the HITECH Act, and HIPAA, as amended.

(c) Survival. The respective rights and obligations of Aetna under Section 5(c) of this Appendix shall survive the termination of this Appendix.

(d) Interpretation. Any ambiguity in this Appendix shall be resolved in favor of a meaning that permits Customer to comply with the Privacy and Security Rules.

(e) No third party beneficiary. Nothing express or implied in this Appendix or in the Services Agreement is intended to confer, nor shall anything herein confer, upon any person other than the parties and the respective successors or assigns of the parties, any rights, remedies, obligations, or liabilities whatsoever.

(f) Governing Law. This Appendix shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the same internal laws as that of the Services Agreement.

The parties hereto have executed this Appendix with the execution of the Services Agreement.




I. Base Features:

Simple Steps to a Healthier Life (the "Life Program") includes the following base features:

Employer Features:

▪ Display of Employer Corporate Logo (optional feature) – the corporate logo of the Employer will be displayed within the Life Program navigation.

▪ Employer Broadcast Messaging by Location (optional feature) – text area used to broadcast health and benefits information to the User demographically. Limited to one update per quarter.

▪ Your Health Benefits – up to 10 links to Employer-specified Web sites of health-care insurers (Aetna Navigator).

▪ Other References & Resources - links to Employer-specified health and wellness references and resources. The User will need to register separately, if registration is applicable, to access these links from the Life Program.

▪ Standard Quarterly Management Reports are consistent with HIPAA guidelines (reports will not be provided to the Employer if the User population, by a specific category, is below 30).

▪ Incentive Tracking (optional feature) – ability to track an event/activity and a certain time period in order to provide incentives to the User. The fulfillment of the incentives is on behalf of the Employer and Employer understands and agrees that Employer is solely responsible for all costs and expenses in connection with the Rewards and Incentive Program. Aetna to provide Employer with a monthly report outlining Users who have completed events/activities, as defined by Employer.

▪ Communications and Promotional Kit – An on-line Employee Engagement Toolkit is provided at: .

User Features:

▪ Online Health Risk Assessment (the “HRA”) – the User completes an online health risk assessment (the “HRA”) that is a set of health-related questions. The HRA evaluates the answers, provided by the User, based on a series of clinical risk factors that are used to determine if the User is at risk for one or more medical conditions. The User will receive a summary report, identifying the at-risk conditions, as well as other health-related areas the User may need to focus on.

▪ Health Action Plan - in addition to the summary report, the User will receive a health action plan that is generated based upon the User’s completed HRA. The health action plan provides information on certain ways to achieve better health.

▪ Online Wellness Programs - once a User completes the HRA, the User can access certain programs from the site. These programs provide information on particular health topics.

▪ Preventive Health Schedule - a listing of preventive health-care activities.

▪ Wellness Kits To Go – tools to enhance a User’s knowledge about healthy lifestyle changes and how to effectively communicate with their health care providers.

▪ Informed Health Line Text Promotional Message (optional feature)– this is a separately purchased product outside of the Life Program. A text 800 number message, to contact a nurse virtually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, will be displayed within the Life Program navigation if the Employer purchased the product through Aetna Inc.

II. User System Requirements

The User will need the following system requirements to access the Life Program:

▪ Standard Web Browser Requirement: Netscape Navigator 4.x or Microsoft Internet Explorer, versions 4.0 or higher. If the desktop is on a network with a firewall, the network must accept multiple cookies and javascripts; and

▪ Online Access Requirement: use of a computer system to connect to Aetna’s system hosting the Life Program via the Internet using a standard Web browser.



The National Advantage Program (“NAP”) is an Appendix to Master Services Agreement No. MSA-810072 between Aetna and Customer (as identified herein) and is incorporated into the Services Agreement by reference.

I. National Advantage Program

A. Summary

NAP provides access to contracted rates for many medical claims that would otherwise be paid as billed under indemnity plans, the out-of-network portion of managed care plans, or for emergency/medically necessary services not provided within the network. When available, these contracted rates will produce savings for the Customer.

Aetna contracts with several national third-party vendors to access their contracted rates. In addition, a significant number of Aetna directly-contracted rates are available for members with indemnity benefits. Aetna will access third-party vendor rates where Aetna directly-contracted rates are not available. If no contracted rate is available, Aetna will attempt to negotiate an Ad-Hoc Rate (case specific discount) with non-NAP participating providers for certain larger claims or will apply Facility Charge Review, as applicable and as described below.

B. Claim Submission/Payment Process

Providers should bill Aetna directly for Covered Services. The Member should not make payment at the time of service. When the Provider submits the claim, Aetna will process it at the contracted rate (when applicable) and reflect the contracted amount in any explanation of payments made that the Member and Provider receives. The Member would then be responsible for any applicable coinsurance, deductible or non-covered service, based upon the plan of benefits.

II. National Advantage Program – Facility Charge Review

Facility Charge Review is an optional component of NAP. It is only available in conjunction with the National Advantage Program, and is not available separately.

A. Summary

Where a contracted rate is not available under NAP, the Facility Charge Review Program provides reasonable charge allowances for most inpatient and outpatient facility claims under Members’ indemnity plans and the out-of-network portion of Members’ managed care plans or for emergency/medically necessary services not provided within the network. When utilized, these reasonable charges will produce savings for the Customer.

B. Claim Submission/Payment Process

When an inpatient or outpatient facility claim exceeds a threshold (currently $ 1,000) and Aetna does not have access to a contracted rate, Aetna will review billed charges for financial reasonableness for the geographic area where the service was provided. Payment to the facility will be based on the Reasonable Charge Amount. Any excess will be considered not covered as it exceeds the reasonable charge (as defined under the Plan).

Though many facilities accept the Reasonable Charge Amount as payment in full, there may be circumstances where facilities may not accept the determination of the reasonable charge and may balance bill the Member. In the event that a Member is balance billed, Aetna has a review process and will initiate negotiations with the facility in an attempt to come to a mutually agreeable payment amount.

Aetna will negotiate with the facility so that the Member is not responsible for any charges in excess of any applicable deductible and coinsurance/copayments.

The explanation of benefits that the Member receives from Aetna, if applicable, will indicate that the amount paid is based upon the Reasonable Charge Amount and will request that the Member contact Aetna should the Member be balance billed.

The amount actually paid to the provider under the Facility Charge Review Program will be used as the basis for the calculation of the Member’s coinsurance and deductibles.

III. National Advantage Program – Itemized Bill Review

Itemized Bill Review is an optional component of NAP. It is only available in conjunction with the National Advantage Program, and is not available separately.

Prior to claim adjudication when an inpatient facility claim exceeds a threshold (currently $20,000) and Aetna’s contracted rate with provider uses a “percentage of billed charges” methodology, Aetna will forward the claim to the vendor for review. The billed charges will be reviewed for billing inconsistencies and errors. The vendor examines each claim and provides Aetna with billing error detail and the amount of eligible covered (payable) charges. Aetna then pays the claim using the contracted rate, a percentage of this adjusted amount.

When an inpatient facility claim is reduced based on the bill review, the Member’s EOB will identify an IBR reduction in the “not payable” column to show that the Member is not responsible for the difference between the billed charges and the actual paid amount. The amount actually paid to the provider under the Program will be used as the basis for the calculation of the Member’s coinsurance and deductibles. The Member is only responsible for the applicable coinsurance and deductible. Our provider contracts do not permit the facility to bill the member for the billing adjustments.

IV. Terms and Conditions

A. Customer Charges For Provider Payments

Subject to the terms herein, Aetna agrees that for Covered Services rendered by a Provider for which Aetna has a) accessed a contracted rate, or b) negotiated an Ad-Hoc rate, or c) applied a Reasonable Charge Amount for facility services, or d) applied an Itemized Bill Review reduction, Customer shall be charged the amount paid to the Provider. This amount shall be equal to the contracted rate, Ad-Hoc Rate, or Reasonable Charge Amount less any payments made by the Member in accordance with the Plan.

B. Access Fees

1. As compensation for the services provided by Aetna under NAP for savings achieved, Customer shall pay an Access Fee to Aetna as described in the Fee Schedule (excluding Aggregate Savings with respect to claims for which Aetna is liable for funding, e.g., claims in excess of an individual or aggregate stop loss point).

2. Access Fees shall be paid by the Bank to Aetna via wire transfer or such other reasonable transfer method agreed upon by Aetna and the Bank. The Customer agrees to provide funds through its designated bank sufficient to satisfy the Access Fee in accordance with the banking agreement between the Customer and the Bank, i.e., Access Fees will be included in the request from the Bank for payment/funding of claims.

3. An Access Fee will be credited to the Customer for any Aggregate Savings subsequently reduced or eliminated for which the Customer has already paid an Access Fee.

4. Aetna shall provide a quarterly report of Aggregate Savings and Access Fees. Access Fees may be included with claims in other reports.

C. Member Information Regarding National Advantage Program

For most products/plans, Customer will inform Members of the availability of NAP. Further, a Customer’s Plan document language defining reasonable charge or recognized charge must conform to Aetna requirements. Aetna shall provide information regarding participating Providers on DocFind®, Aetna’s online provider listing, on our website at or by other comparable means.

D. Definitions

As used herein:

“Access Fee” means the amount(s) to be paid by Customer to Aetna for access to the savings provided under NAP.

“Ad-Hoc Rate” means the rate which was negotiated for a specific claim in the absence of a pre-negotiated contracted rate with a Provider.

“Aggregate Savings” means the difference between (i) the amount which would have been due or otherwise paid to Providers for Covered Services without the benefit of NAP, and (ii) the amount due Providers for Covered Services as a result of NAP.

“Covered Services” means the health services subject for which charges are paid pursuant to the Plan.

“Member” means a person who is eligible for coverage as identified and specified under the terms of the Plan.

“Plan” means the portion of Customer’s employee welfare benefit plan, which provides medical benefits to Members as administered by Aetna.

“Providers” means those physicians, hospitals and other health care providers whose services are available at a savings under NAP.

“Reasonable Charge Amount” means the amount determined by Aetna to be a reasonable charge for a service in the geographic area where the service was provided to the Member.

E. Customer Acknowledgements

Customer acknowledges that:

1. The NAP listing of Providers includes Providers that are (i) participating by virtue of direct contracts with Aetna and its affiliates, and (ii) participating by virtue of Aetna’s contracts with unaffiliated third parties that have contracts with Providers, and provide Aetna with access to these contracted rates for the purpose of NAP.

2. Aetna does not guarantee (a) any particular discounts or any level of discount will be made available through providers listed as participating in NAP; (b) any obligation to make any specific Providers or any particular number of Providers available for use by Plan participants. Aetna does not credential, monitor or oversee those Providers who participate through third party contracts. Providers listed as participating in NAP may not necessarily be available or convenient.

3. Aetna is not responsible for the acts or omissions of any provider listed as participating in NAP. All such providers are providers in private practice, are neither agents nor employees of Aetna, and are solely responsible for the health care services they deliver.

4. The following claim situations may not be eligible for NAP:

▪ Claims involving Medicare when Aetna is the secondary payer

▪ Claims involving coordination of benefits (COB) when Aetna is the secondary payer.

▪ Claims that have already been paid directly by the Member.

F. General Provisions

1. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any consequential or incidental damages whatsoever. Aetna’s aggregate cumulative liability to the Customer for all losses or liabilities arising under or related to this Appendix, regardless of the form of action, shall be limited to the Access Fees actually paid to Aetna by the Customer for services rendered; provided, however, this limitation will not apply to or affect any performance standards set forth in the Services Agreement.

2. The terms and conditions of this Appendix shall remain in effect for any claims incurred prior to the termination date that are administered by Aetna after the termination date. Except as provided herein, this Appendix is subject to all of the provisions of the Services Agreement, provided, however, in the event of any conflict between this Appendix and the Services Agreement, the terms of this Appendix shall govern.



THIS APPENDIX between Aetna Life Insurance Company or any of its corporate affiliates (“Aetna”) is an attachment to Master Services Agreement No. MSA-810072 (the “Services Agreement”) between Aetna and Customer and is incorporated by reference therein.

WHEREAS, Aetna provides certain integrated claim administration and supplemental administrative services for the Customer’s Plan pursuant to the Services Agreement;

WHEREAS, Customer has amended its Plan to provide for External Review and delegates to Aetna the responsibility to administer such External Reviews;

WHEREAS, Aetna has agreed to provide certain additional administrative services in connection with such External Reviews; and

WHEREAS, Customer agrees to provide Aetna with the Plan’s current plan documents, and any revised, amended, or updated versions no later than the date of any revisions, amendments, or updates.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereby agree as follows:

1. Definitions. As used herein:

“Adverse Benefit Determination” shall have the same meaning as the term “Adverse Benefit Determination” defined in 29 C.F.R. 2560.503-1, and as amended by 26 C.F.R. 54.9815-2712T.

“C.F.R.” means the Code of Federal Regulations.

“External Review” means the review of an eligible Adverse Benefit Determination or a Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination by a neutral independent clinical reviewer, with appropriate expertise in the area in question, as chosen by the Independent Review Organization/External Review Organization (“ERO”) or by the State Insurance Commissioner, if applicable.

“Independent Review Organization/External Review Organization” (ERO) means the entity, accredited as required under federal law, with which Aetna has contracted to conduct External Reviews for members of the Plan (“Member” or “Members”). The ERO will, among other things, select and credential clinical reviewers; assign cases to appropriate clinical reviewers; arrange for clinical reviewers to conduct External Reviews and issue reports on such reviews; utilize legal experts where appropriate to make coverage decisions; communicate the results of the reviews to Aetna and the Member; and provide Aetna with certain reporting on overall External Review activities.

“Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination” means an eligible Adverse Benefit Determination that has been upheld by the appropriate named fiduciary (Aetna) at the completion of the internal appeals process, or an Adverse Benefit Determination for which the internal appeals process has been exhausted.

All capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Services Agreement.

2. External Review Policy

a. The External Review process under this Plan gives Members the opportunity for an independent review of an eligible Adverse Benefit Determination (including a Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination) conducted pursuant to applicable law. A request will be eligible for External Review if the claim decision involves medical judgment and the following are satisfied:

• It is alleged that Aetna, or the Plan or its designee, has not strictly adhered to all claim determination and appeal requirements under federal law (“Deemed Exhaustion”) except for de minimus violations; or

• the standard levels of appeal have been exhausted, other than in the case of Deemed Exhaustion; or

• the appeal relates to a rescission, defined as a cancellation or discontinuance of coverage which has retroactive effect.

b. An Adverse Benefit Determination based upon a Member’s eligibility is not eligible for External Review.

c. Customer delegates to Aetna sole and complete discretionary authority to make determinations on behalf of Customer with regard to eligibility for External Review in accordance with the Plan.

d. Aetna has contracted with a minimum of three EROs accredited as required under federal law.

e. The ERO is responsible for choosing the appropriate reviewer. When a clinical reviewer is necessary, such clinical reviewers must be board certified by the appropriate American medical specialty board in a clinical specialty/area at issue or be a certified allied professional who would normally provide the services in question.

f. The ERO will review all of the information and documents timely received. In reaching a decision, the assigned ERO will review the claim and not be bound by any decisions or conclusions reached during the Plan’s internal claims and appeals process. In addition to the documents and information provided, the assigned ERO, to the extent the information or documents are available and the ERO considers them relevant and appropriate, will consider the following in reaching a decision:

i) Member’s medical records;

ii) The attending health care professional's recommendation;

iii) Reports from appropriate health care professionals and other documents submitted by the Plan or issuer, Member, or Member’s treating provider;

iv) The terms of the Plan;

v) Appropriate practice guidelines, which must include applicable evidence-based standards and may include any other practice guidelines developed by the Federal government, national or professional medical societies, boards, and associations;

vi) Any applicable clinical review criteria developed and used by Aetna, unless the criteria are inconsistent with the terms of the Plan or with applicable law; and

vii) The opinion of the ERO's clinical reviewer(s) after considering the information described above in (i) through (vi) to the extent the information or documents are available and the clinical reviewer(s) consider appropriate.

g. Conflict of Interest: The ERO and the reviewers must each certify that they have no professional, familial, financial, or research affiliation with Aetna (including the officers, directors, and managers of the plan), the Member in question, or the provider (and provider’s group) who recommended the service or treatment under review. There must also be certification of no professional, familial, or financial interest with the developer or manufacturer of the principal drug, device, procedure, or other therapy being recommended for the Member whose treatment is the subject of the External Review. Each review determination must include these certifications.

h. The professional fee for the review will be paid by Aetna. Members will be responsible for the cost of compiling and sending the submission from the Member to Aetna. Members may send any information they choose to support their review requests, but must include the Request for External Review Form, the denial of coverage letter, and any medical records in support of their request.

i. Customer acknowledges and agrees that the EROs are independent contractors and not agents of Aetna, and that Aetna is not responsible for the decisions of the EROs.

j. A dedicated Aetna External Review unit(s), including dedicated fax numbers/address, will facilitate prompt transmission of documentation to ERO.

k. At all times the confidentiality of Member medical information is safeguarded.

l. The decision of the ERO will be final and binding on Aetna, the Member and the Plan, except to the extent the Member has other remedies at law. Where Aetna or the Plan can show reviewer conflict of interest (see standard above), bias, or fraud, notice will be given to the Member and the matter will be promptly resubmitted for consideration by a different reviewer.

m. Any person may request an External Review on behalf of the Member, provided that the Member has consented to such representation on the Request for External Review Form.

n. Customer and Aetna acknowledge that Members and providers will not be penalized for exercising their right to request an External Review or for assisting a Member in pursuing an External Review.

3. Standard External Review Procedures:

( If Aetna, as claim fiduciary, has rendered an Adverse Benefit Determination or a Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination and Aetna determines that the Member is eligible for External Review, Aetna shall inform the Member of the Member’s eligibility for External Review in the written notice of the denial of the appeal. The Member shall also be provided an appropriate Request for External Review Forms (standard and expedited) and shall be informed of the steps necessary to seek an External Review. The letter will also include a statement that the Member’s decision whether or not to request External Review will have no effect on the Member’s rights to any other benefits under the plan, the Member’s rights to representation, the process for selecting the ERO or the impartiality of the reviewer.

• Preliminary Review: Within five (5) business days following the date of receipt of the request, Aetna will provide a preliminary review determining: Member was covered under the Plan at the time the service was requested or provided, the determination does not relate to eligibility, Member has exhausted the internal appeals process (unless Deemed Exhaustion applies), and Member has provided all paperwork necessary to complete Request for External Review and is eligible for External Review otherwise..

• Within one (1) business day after completion of the preliminary review, Aetna will issue to Member a notification in writing. If the request is complete but not eligible for External Review, such notification will include the reasons for its ineligibility and contact information for the Employee Benefits Security Administration (toll-free number 866-444-EBSA (3272)). If the request is not complete, such notification will describe the information or materials needed to make the request complete and Aetna must allow the Member to perfect the Request for External Review within the filing period required by law or within the 48 hour period following the receipt of the notification, whichever is later.

• In the event a Member submits a Request for External Review Form within the timeframe prescribed by law, (with regard to a matter that is eligible for External Review), Aetna shall assign a contracted ERO on a rotational basis to conduct the review and transmit to that entity all information reasonably necessary for the ERO to conduct its review, including information which Aetna reviewed, or relied upon in making its decision on the matter, the relevant plan information, and any additional information the Member wishes the ERO to consider.

( Within five (5) days of the assignment to the ERO, the Aetna External Review Unit will transmit to the ERO by overnight mail, all of the information provided by the Member and Customer, including copies of (i) the applicable Plan documents and criteria and (ii) all of the information Aetna reviewed or relied upon in making its determination.

• The assigned ERO will timely notify Member in writing of the Member’s eligibility and acceptance for External Review, and will provide an opportunity for Member to submit in writing within 10 business days following the date of receipt, additional information that the ERO must consider when conducting the External Review.

• Upon receipt of additional information from the Member, the ERO will forward the information to Aetna within one business day.

• The ERO determination will be made within 45 calendar days of the ERO’s receipt of a request for External Review. The ERO will deliver the written notice, containing all elements as required by law, of Final External Review Decision to Aetna, and the Member, and the treating physician, if authorized by the Member.

( Upon receipt of a notice of Final External Review Decision reversing the Adverse Benefit Determination or Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination, Aetna will process claims for payment pursuant to the ERO decision and in accordance with the terms of the Plan.

• After a Final External Review Decision, the ERO will maintain records of all claims and notices associated with the External Review process for six years.

4. Expedited External Review Procedures

• An expedited External Review may be requested at the time the Member receives:

(a) An Adverse Benefit Determination if the Adverse Benefit Determination involves a medical condition for which the timeframe for completion of an expedited internal appeal would seriously jeopardize the Member’s life or health or would jeopardize the Member’s ability to regain maximum function and the Member has filed a request for an expedited internal appeal; or

(b) A Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination, if the Member has a medical condition where the timeframe for completion of a standard External Review would seriously jeopardize the Member’s life or health or would jeopardize the Member’s ability to regain maximum function, or if the Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination concerns an admission, availability of care, continued stay, or health care item or service for which the Member received emergency services, but have not been discharged from a facility.

• Immediately upon receipt of the request for expedited External Review, Aetna will determine whether the request meets the reviewability requirements set forth above for standard External Review. Aetna must immediately send the Member a notice of its eligibility determination.

• The ERO will review the documents in the same manner as it reviews the standard External Review. The review will be a de novo review and the ERO will not be bound by any decision or conclusion reached during the internal claims and appeals process.

• The ERO shall render a decision as expeditiously as the Member’s medical condition or circumstances require, but in no event more than 72 hours after the ERO receives the request for an expedited External Review. If the notice is not in writing, within 48 hours after the date of providing that notice, the assigned ERO must provide written confirmation of the decision to the Member, Aetna and the Plan.

5. Miscellaneous.

Except to the extent specifically amended by this Amendment, all of the terms and conditions contained in the Services Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. In the event of any inconsistency between this Amendment and the Services Agreement, the terms and conditions of this Amendment shall govern and prevail. This Amendment replaces and supersedes any previous amendment or agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter herein.

Appendix V

List of Aetna Affiliated HMOs


POS II, Aetna Select and SI HMO

Medical Products

Aetna has arranged to provide integrated administration of the POS II, the Aetna Select and SI HMO Product(s), through the HMOs. The HMOs include the following entities to the extent that Plan beneficiaries elect coverage under Products offered in geographic areas served by such entity. Aetna Life Insurance Company is authorized to represent the HMOs listed below for purposes of the execution and administration of this Services Agreement, including receipt of any notices to Aetna required hereunder:

Aetna Health, Inc. (CT)

Aetna Health of California Inc.

Aetna Health Inc. (ME)

Aetna Health Inc. (NY)

Aetna Health Inc. (NJ)

Aetna Health Inc. (PA)

Aetna Health Inc. (FL)

Aetna Health Inc. (GA)

Aetna Health Inc. (MI)

Aetna Health Inc. (TX)



1. Prior to the performance of any service hereunder by Aetna, Aetna shall, at its own expense, procure and maintain the following insurance which shall be maintained in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement and for one (1) year after the expiration and termination of this Agreement except where specifically stated below:

1.1 A Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy with a limit of not less than $3 million per occurrence and $3 million in the aggregate, including Contractual Liability.

1.2 Media Liability or Errors & Omissions Liability including but not limited to Intellectual Property infringements, (excluding patent infringement and trade secrets) violation of rights of privacy, defamation, misappropriation of information, contractual liability for limits not less than $3,000,000 per occurrence and $5,000,000 in the aggregate; Cyber Insurance for Network Security and Data Privacy Liability to include but not be limited to coverage for virus transmission, denial of service attacks, unauthorized access, data breaches, privacy regulatory defense/payment of a civil fines; data breach notification costs and contractual liability for limits of $10,000,000 per occurrence and $10,000,000 in the aggregate.

1.3 Fiduciary Liability in limits of $5,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate.

(An Umbrella or Following Form Excess Liability Insurance Policy will be acceptable to achieve the liability limits required in clauses 1.1 and 1.2 above).

1.4 Workers’ Compensation Insurance with statutory limits to include Employer’s Liability with a limit of not less than $1 million.

1.5 Fidelity Bond or Crime Policy for $5,000,000 in policy limits

2. The policies referenced in the foregoing clause 1.1 shall name Customer, its parent or parents, subsidiaries, licensees, successors, related and affiliated companies, and its officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives and assigns (collectively, including Company, the “Affiliated Companies”) as an additional insured by endorsement and shall contain a Severability of Interest Clause. The policy referenced in the foregoing clause 1.4 shall provide a Waiver of Subrogation endorsement in favor of the Affiliated Companies, and all of the above referenced liability policies shall be primary insurance in place and stead of any insurance maintained by Customer. No insurance of Aetna shall be co-insurance, contributing insurance or primary insurance with Customer’s insurance. If any of the above liability policies are written on a claims-made basis, the Aetna will keep these policies in full force and effective during the term of this Agreement and for three (3) years after the expiration or termination of this Agreement. Aetna’s insurance companies shall be licensed to do business in the state(s) or country(ies) where services are to be performed for Customer and will have an A.M. Best Guide Rating of at least A:VII or better. Any insurance company of the Aetna with a rating of less than A:VII will not be acceptable to the Customer. Aetna is solely responsible for all deductibles and/or self insured retentions under their policies.

3. Aetna agrees to deliver to Customer upon execution of this Agreement Certificates of Insurance and endorsements evidencing the insurance coverage herein required. Each such Certificate of Insurance and endorsement shall be signed by an authorized agent or insurance underwriter of the applicable insurance company, shall provide that not less than thirty (30) days prior written notice of cancellation is to be given to Customer and shall state that such insurance liability policies are primary and non-contributing to any insurance maintained by Customer. Renewal certificates and endorsements will be provided by the Aetna to the Customer at least seven (7) days prior to the expiration of Contractor’s insurance policies. Upon request by Customer, Aetna shall provide a copy of each of the above insurance policies to Customer. Failure of Aetna to maintain the Insurances required under this Exhibit A or to provide Certificates of Insurance, endorsements or other proof of such Insurances reasonably requested by Customer shall be a breach of this Agreement and, in such event, Customer shall have the right at its option to terminate this Agreement without penalty. Customer shall have the right to designate its own legal counsel to defend its interests under said insurance coverage at the usual rates for said insurance companies in the community in which any litigation is brought.

4. If Aetna is hiring or engaging subcontractors to perform services under this Agreement, Aetna will require the same insurance from its subcontractors as Aetna has to provide to Customer under this Exhibit A. It is the responsibility of Aetna to require evidence of such insurance and shall provide this evidence of insurance to Customer upon the request of Customer.


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