Westside High School Counseling Department

2017-2018Duval County Public SchoolsOffices of School Choice and High School Acceleration ProgramsSelection of Program Preference(s)Student NameStudent IDHome AddressParent/Guardian NameEach family MUST complete this form identifying the High School Acceleration Program(s) you would like to attend. You may choose up to three High School Acceleration Programs. Place (1) before your first choice, (2) before your second choice, and (3) before your third choice. Families choosing only one program should place (1) before the program of your choice and leave the other choices blank. In addition to this form, families must also complete an application(s) for the High School Acceleration Program which they wish to apply. Choice High School Acceleration Program_______ Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Program_______ Advanced Placement (AP) Capstone_______ Early College_______ International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme Signature of Parent/GuardianImportant Dates and Deadlines:In order for applications to be processed, the following must be received by the appropriate deadlines at the Office of High School Acceleration Programs, located on the third floor of the DCPS Administration Building, 1701 Prudential Drive, Jacksonville FL 32207. Applications may not be faxed or pleted Application Form and Selection of Program Preference(s) Form received in the Office of High School Acceleration Programs by Friday, January 13, 2017. To confirm receipt of your application, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with the completed application.Students not enrolled in a Duval County Public School must provide a copy of their birth certificate, immunization records, report card showing the first or first two quarters’ grades from 8th grade, last year’s report card, and 7th grade achievement test scores that show their national percentile in reading comprehension and math problem solving to be received in the Office of School Choice by Friday, January 13, 2017.All students who have submitted an application by the deadline will be notified if their application is incomplete. An acceptance/non-acceptance letter will be mailed to each applicant the week of January 30, 2017 and a return decision must be received from the student and parents/guardians by Friday, February 17, 2017.Each applicant will receive a letter indicating either acceptance into one of the programs they have applied for or non-acceptance from the program.If neither an acceptance or non-acceptance letter is received by Friday, February 3, 2017 then it is the responsibility of the family to contact the Office of High School Acceleration Programs. The deadline for decisions remain Friday, February 17, 2017.If a student accepts his or her program placement, his or her name will be withdrawn from the magnet lottery for other High School Acceleration Programs.Return this form along with the High School Acceleration Program Application to Office of High School Acceleration Programs/1701 Prudential Drive/Jacksonville, FL 32207 by FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 2017.2017-2018 Cambridge AICE Application265938173660Duncan U. Fletcher High SchoolMandarin High SchoolWestside High SchoolWilliam M. Raines High School0Duncan U. Fletcher High SchoolMandarin High SchoolWestside High SchoolWilliam M. Raines High SchoolCongratulations on taking the first step toward a world class educational opportunity!WHAT IS AICE?The Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) program is an international pre-university curriculum and examination system for academically able students. AICE is internationally recognized as a university-level qualification and is committed to a broad, balanced, and flexible curriculum with global acceptance while maintaining the academic rigor that is a keystone of Cambridge. The AICE program of study offers students one of the most demanding and rigorous college preparatory programs in the world. The AICE program in Duval County Public Schools includes a pre-AICE program, as well as individual AICE courses for freshmen and sophomores with advancement to the full AICE program during the junior and senior years. Students who pursue the Cambridge AICE Diploma enjoy many educational advantages such as:Participating in one of the most demanding pre-university course of study available in the world.A universal education accepted at the world’s leading institutions.Preparation for problem-solving from a global perspective.Recognition for admission to colleges and universities worldwide.Advanced placement and course credit in many prestigious colleges and universities.Eligibility for the Bright Futures Scholarships.POINT EVALUATION CRITERIA:Admission for the Cambridge AICE Program will be based on the following criteria. Applicants will be ranked in order according to the total points. Admission will be based on the total points earned.40 points – 8th Grade Core Academic Grades (English, Math, Social Studies, and Science) – First (or first two quarters)30 points – 7th Grade FSA/NRT scores in Reading & Math20 points – 7th Grade Core Academic Grades (English, Math, Social Studies, and Science) – Final grades10 points – Personal StatementIMPORTANT DATES & DEADLINES:In order for applications to be processed, the following must be received by the appropriate deadlines at the Office of High School Acceleration Programs, located on the third floor of the DCPS Administration Building, 1701 Prudential Drive, Jacksonville FL 32207. Applications may not be faxed or pleted Application Form and Selection of Program Preference(s) Form received in the Office of High School Acceleration Programs by Friday, January 13, 2017. To confirm receipt of your application, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with the completed application.Students not enrolled in a Duval County Public School must provide a copy of their birth certificate, immunization records, report card showing the first or first two quarters’ grades from 8th grade, last year’s report card, and 7th grade achievement test scores that show their national percentile in reading comprehension and math problem solving to be received in the Office of School Choice by Friday, January 13, 2017.All students who submit an application by the deadline will be notified if the application is incomplete. An acceptance/non-acceptance letter will be mailed to each applicant the week of January 30, 2017 and a return decision must be received from the student and parents/guardians by Friday, February 17, 2017.Each applicant will receive a letter indicating either acceptance into one of the schools they have applied for or non-acceptance to the Cambridge AICE Program.If neither an acceptance or non-acceptance letter is received by Friday, February 3, 2017 then it is the responsibility of the family to contact the Office of High School Acceleration Programs. The deadline for decisions remain Friday, February 17, 2017.If a student accepts his or her Cambridge AICE Program placement, his or her name will be withdrawn from the magnet lottery and other high school programs including AP Capstone, Early College, and IB.If a student declines or fails to accept an offer of admission to Cambridge AICE Program, his or her seat will not be guaranteed for the 2017-2018 school year. 2017-2018Cambridge AICE ApplicationPlease indicate your first choice school by placing a (1) next to the school. If you would like your application to be considered by a second or third school, please place a (2) or (3) by your second and third choices.______ Duncan U. Fletcher High School______ Mandarin High School______ Westside High School______ William M. Raines High SchoolPlease mail or hand deliver your completed application to the Office of High School Acceleration Programs, Third Floor, 1701 Prudential Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32207.PART I – Please print in blue or black ink.Student Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________LastFirstMiddleResidential Address: _______________________________ City: _______________________ State: _____ Zip: ________________Home Phone: ( __ __ __ ) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __Duval County Student ID Number: _____________________________Date of Birth: ____ / ____ / ________(Attach a copy of your birth certificate and immunization records if you are not currently attending a Duval County Public School)Current School: ____________________________________________________________Current Grade: _______________NOTE: The selection of students for the Cambridge AICE Program will be based on standardized test scores, grades, and a personal statement. If you are NOT currently attending a Duval County Public School, you must attach a copy of your birth certificate, immunization records, report card showing the first or first two quarters’ grades from 8th grade, last year’s report card, and seventh grade achievement test scores that show your national percentile rank in reading comprehension and math problem solving. If you ARE currently attending a Duval County Public School, we will obtain this information from your present school.Father / Guardian’s Name: ________________________________________Work Phone: ( __ __ __ ) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __Email: _________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ( __ __ __ ) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __Mother / Guardian’s Name: _______________________________________ Work Phone: ( __ __ __ ) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __Email: _________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ( __ __ __ ) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __If you have any questions regarding this application, please contact the AICE Specialist in the Office of High School Acceleration Programs at 904-390-2899 or by email at hardemanb@. PART II – Personal StatementPlease provide a short essay (300-500 words) in response to ONE of the following prompts. Personal statements will be scored based on the student’s ability to follow directions and appropriately respond to the prompt. Please write (do NOT type) your response in the space provided. Do NOT attach additional sheets. Creativity is welcome, but essays should be organized and professional.Difficult and/or challenging experiences occur at times in our lives. How have these experiences made you the person you are today?Our principal belief is that an AICE candidate is a well-rounded student. In what way(s) do you consider yourself a well-rounded candidate for our AICE Program? Explain. Think about discussing sports, clubs, community involvement, and any other extracurricular activities in which you participate.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PART III – Statement of CommitmentPlease read the statement below and sign indicating your agreement and commitment.I understand that the Cambridge AICE Program is a four year, rigorous academic course of study for academically oriented and highly motivated students. If accepted, I am willing to strive for the attainment of the high standards required for success in this program.Student’s Name: ________________________________________________________Student’s Signature: _____________________________________________________Date: _____________________________Parent’s Signature: ______________________________________________________Date: _____________________________ ................

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