SAC AICE English Pre-AICE English Language

SAC AICE English Summer Projects Due August 27th, 2021

Pre-AICE English Language The Hound of the Baskervilles By Arthur Conan Doyle

See Attached for assignment

AICE General Paper

Choose One Prompt

Can breaking the law ever be justified? Does immigration bring positive or negative

ramifications to your country? Are the high salaries paid to athletes and actors

justified? Should students be required to study a foreign

language in high school? Should there be stricter gun regulations

nationwide? Are video games beneficial or detrimental to

teenagers? Does social media bring more negative or

positive ramifications to teenagers? Assignment: See attached for further instructions Additional preparatory info on Mrs. Wyce's Page

As your students step into their AICE-level English journey, they will need to prepare themselves for the rigor and intensity of the

college level class. By completing the assignment attached, your students will be well-prepared to take on the

challenge they will face as they begin preparing for next year's exams. Please be sure to see any attached materials as many of the teachers included additional information about

their class and what you can expect. Students,

We hope you find these assignments enriching and enlightening as you prepare yourselves to embark upon your AICE English Adventure this

year! Have a wonderfully well-read summer!

AICE English Language

Thank You for Arguing; Third Edition, by Jay Heinrichs

Assignment: See attached for further instructions. You will need this text for the school year, but your project is not based on it.


AICE English Literature ? AS

All My Sons By Arthur Miller


AICE English Courses Summer Assignments

Pre-AICE English Language: (Middle and High School course)

Write one to two well-crafted paragraphs in which you examine the themes of reality

and superstition in the novel. Consider who reacts most viscerally to the idea that the

hound is supernatural and who believes most firmly that the hound is not.

AICE General Paper: Summer Assignment

In order to prepare for this class, and in order to help your teachers prepare lessons based on what YOU need, this summer I am asking you to write an essay. This essay should be either argumentative or discursive. I will leave it up to you to choose which style.

o In an argumentative essay, you are to choose a side of an argument and make your claim, supporting that claim with evidence and examples. You must acknowledge the other side of the argument (the counter-claim) but not support it in any way. You must include a rebuttal (proof of why the other side is wrong).

o In a discursive essay you are to examine an argument subjectively, giving equal time to both sides. You should support both sides with evidence and examples. You MUST choose a side in the conclusion.

It is NOT required that you conduct research, use sources, or provide a Works Cited page, although you are allowed if you choose to do so. This is merely a way for you to dip your toe into the type of writing we will be doing in the coming school year, and a way for me to pinpoint the areas in which you need the most assistance. You will NOT be able to use sources in your essays for this class, as the exam does not allow them, so it is recommended that you research your topic a little to get ideas, but then use YOUR OWN WORDS in your essay and refrain from using sources. If you DO choose to use sources, they MUST be cited properly, and you MUST include a Works Cited page. Please write in a formal style (NO "I think," or "I believe"), include an introduction, thesis statement, multiple body paragraphs, a counterargument and rebuttal (IF you're writing an argumentative essay) and a conclusion. Use proper grammar and spelling.

You must choose to write your essay using one of the prompts below. Please write 300 - 500 words and INCLUDE A WORD COUNT. Your essay will be due at the beginning of the school year. They should be typed, DOUBLE SPACED, and titled with your name. THIS IS A GRADE and late essays will be penalized.

Can breaking the law ever be justified? Does immigration bring positive or

negative ramifications to your country? Are the high salaries paid to athletes

and actors justified? Should students be required to study a

foreign language in high school?

Should there be stricter gun regulations nationwide?

Are video games beneficial or detrimental to teenagers?

Does social media bring more negative or positive ramifications to teenagers

AICE English Courses Summer Assignments

AICE English Language

Analytical Terms for Discourse in AICE Language

To prepare to analyze literature, I would like you to become very familiar with some specific terms. The more comfortable you become with these terms, the more comfortable you feel when you are working to analyze any text. Please LOOK UP and record (in writing) the LITERARY DEFINITIONS of each of the following terms; there are 55 in total. You may either write them down in a list or create note cards, if you wish. THERE WILL BE QUIZZES. Please legibly HAND WRITE each term and its definition (in words YOU UNDERSTAND). This list will be helpful to you to study from before you begin analysis and before we take quizzes, so make sure that you create definitions that are correct and that YOU can work with.

Please be sure to look these words up for their LITERARY/RHETORICAL definitions; some of the words will have other meanings outside of the word of writing and rhetoric. PLEASE LEAVE ROOM underneath each definition for additional info (and examples) we will accumulate over the coming months.


j. anecdote

g. paradox

2. Deductive

k. metonymy

9. Rhetorical Modes/


l. synecdoche

Modes of Discourse

3. Inductive

6. Diction

a. exemplification


7. Detail

4. Alliteration

a. mood

b. cause/effect


b. imagery

c. description

a. Denotation

c. setting

d. process analysis

b. Connotation

8. Figurative

e. narration

c. Colloquial


f. compare/contrast

d. Formal

a. allusion

g. exposition

e. Informal

b. simile

h. argumentation

f. Concrete

c. metaphor

10. Point of View

g. Abstract

d. personification

a. first person

h. verbal irony

e. hyperbole

b. second person

i. analogy

f. understatement


AICE Literature ? AS

c. third person d. subjective e. objective 11. Syntax a. repetition b. anaphora c. antithesis d. asyndeton e. polysyndeton f. periodic sentence g. cumulative sentence h. rhetorical question i. inverted syntax

Students entering AICE AS-Level in Literature will read the play, All My Sons by

Arthur Miller. This is one of the set texts from Cambridge for the course. We will work

on the play at the beginning of the school year.

Summer Project You are a newspaper reporter in the same town as the Keller family. Joe Keller (Kate's husband and Larry and Chris's father) has died. This is huge news in their town. Your editor has given you the assignment to write an article regarding Joe's life and death. The instructions are clear: the article should include quotes from his family and friends (including George and Ann Deevers).

Notes: 1. You are allowed to make ups a few basic facts about Joe (e.g., his birth date, the town's name). However, you must have more "fact than fiction" based on the play. 2. Your article should be at least two typed pages (no more than four) for your assignment 3. You will be graded on everything--grammar, punctuation, spelling, content, and creativity.


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