MICHAEL L - Babson College


Accounting Professor

Walter Carpenter Distinguished Professor

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses: National Curriculum Design and Site Launch Team

Babson College Home:

Babson Hall 301 142 Maquoit Drive

Babson Park, MA 02457 Freeport, ME 04032

Phone: 781 239-4316 Phone: 207-865-0165

Fax: 781 239-6416

Email : fetters@babson.edu

Education :

1973 Ph.D. University of Wisconsin – Madison

Major: Accounting

Minors: Economics, Public Utilities, Sociology

1968 MBA: University of Wisconsin – Madison

1967 BS: Business Ohio State University

Academic Experience:

2014 – Present Professor of Accounting

2007 - 2014 Walter Carpenter Distinguished Professor

2004 – 2006 Provost

1998 – 2004 Academic Vice President and Dean of Faculty

1988 – 1998 Chairman, Division of Accounting and Law

1982 – Present Professor

1977 – 1982 Associate Professor

1973 – 1977 Assistant Professor of Accounting – Northeastern

University Promoted to Associate Professor – 1977

1968 – 1972 Instructor, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Awards and Honors:

2016 Babson College ETA award

2016 Faculty Unsung Hero award given by ugrad- CAB

2007-2014 Walter Carpenter Distinguished Professor

1996. The Carpenter Prize for Exceptional Contribution to

Babson College

1986, 1996 Thomas Kennedy Award, Graduate School -

Professor of the Year

1968 Beta Gamma Sigma

1965 Beta Alpha Psi

1972. CPA – Wisconsin

Board Memberships:

2016-Present Board of Advisors, Precision Textile Color; Board of Advisors, Applewood Books; Board of Directors, OnsiteCare; Board of Advisors, Davis, Davis & Harmon LLC - Sales Tax Experts; Board of Adviors,

2013 - 2017 Academic Advisory Board, ShanghaiTech University, School of Entrepreneurship and Management, Shanghai, China

2010 - 2014 Board of Advisors, Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) and Chairperson for the Audit Committee

2003 – 2009 Board of Directors, (NFTE);

Chairperson for the Audit Committee

2003 – 2014 Board of Directors Recycline, Inc.

2003 – 2005 Accreditation Quality Committee for AACSB

2005 - 2007 National Science Foundation (NSF) Panel Reviewer

Professional Experience:

• Co-founder Scale Smarter Partners: consulting & executive education

• Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program: Member of the National Curriculum Design and Site Launch Team (2010-present)

• Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Program: Member of the National Curriculum Design and Site Launch Team for Pilot programs (2015--2017)

• Online tool for entrepreneurs to evaluate themselves on 5 Cs of lending, formulates steps to improve 5 Cs ratings and matches funding source categories to current 5 Cs assessment. This tool is available online through WENYC, a department within the NYC mayor’s office and Babson Executive Education (2016-present)

• Audit Committee Chairperson, NFTE

• Advisor for several small, growing businesses including healthcare, restaurants, manufacturing, banking software, production company, construction and consulting firms not listed under Board memberships

• Executive education, programs, and consulting for WENYC, WeWorks, Advest, CSC Consulting, Dennison, Hewlett Packard, Lucent Technologies and a number of smaller firms

• Strategic planning and research support work for Expert Witness testimony.

• Staff Accountant with Arthur Andersen and Company, as well as KPMG Peat Marwick

• General Motors

Sample of College Service:

1977 to Present

o Provost Advisory Committee

o Curriculum Design Task Force: Core 1 & Financial Reporting course Miami MBA

o Task Force leader: Divisional Self-Study Review

o Task Force leader: Development of learning/teaching/curriculum development metrics

o Member of Babson Faculty Development Program development team

o Faculty Technology Advisory Committee

o Curriculum Redesign: Fast Track MBA

o Chairperson – Tenure and Promotions Committee

o Chairperson – Graduate Dean’s Search Committee

o Member of the Graduate Program Strategic Planning Committee

o Member of five-person team that developed Babson’s innovative MBA curriculum (3 years)

o Member of nine-person team that guided the MBA curriculum launch (3 years)

o Member of the undergraduate curriculum redesign and implementation team (Awards from Pew Foundation and TIAA/CREF for curriculum innovation)

o Member of the Development Team and Director of the Lucent Technologies Master of Science Program



The Development of University-Based Entrepreneurship Ecosystems: Global Practices, by Fetters, Rice, Greene & Butler; published by Edward Elgar Publications, September, 2010.

Financial Statements: Construction, Analysis and Forecasts, 1e by Fetters, Halsey & Soybel, Cambridge Business Publishers, 2014. ISBN 978-1-61853-134-6

Financial Statements: Construction, Analysis and Forecasts, 2e by Fetters, Halsey & Soybel, Cambridge Business Publishers, 2015. ISBN 978-1-61853-179-1

Book Chapter

“The Future of Entrepreneurship Education: Educating for Economic and Social Impact”

By Greene P. G., Fetters M.L., Donnellon, A. & Bliss R.T., Babson College

Chapter in: A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship Education edited by Alain Fayolle (June, 2018)


“University-based entrepreneurship ecosystems: a global study of six educational institutions” by Rice, M.P., Fetters, M.L. and Greene, P.G.; International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 18, Nos. 5/6, pp.481-501 (2014)

Selected by Inderscience Publishers to include in a news broadcast described as follows: Occasionally selects papers from forthcoming issues of its journals that might be of interest to a non-specialist audience and prepare a news item based on the results described in the paper. We have selected your paper as potentially being of broad interest and have written a version…”

“The Evolution of a Blended MBA Program from the Perspectives of Administrators, Curriculum Technologists, Faculty, & Students: A Case Study at Babson College”, pages 25-29

                             IMSCI ’09: The 2nd International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics, and Informatics, proceedings Volume 1

1.       Book ISBN-10: 1-934272-72-8 & ISBN-13: 978-1-934272-72-5 ($125 US)

2.       CD ISBN-10: 1-9374272-74-4 & ISBN-13: 978-1-934272-74-9

“Technology and Integration: Innovations that Demand Faculty Development” in the Proceedings of the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, June, 2008 (Boston, MA) (co-authored with William Lawler and Tova Garcia Duby) (1,O)

“Major Changes at Babson College: Curricular and Administrative, Planned and Otherwise” in The Academy of Human Resource Development, August 2005 (Co-authored with Cohen and Fleischmann) (2)

“Understanding the Numbers” Chapter in The Portable MBA: Accounting and Finance, John Wiley and Sons (1993), Second edition (1997)

“Numbers by Choice: The ‘Flex’ in the FMIS,” Chapter in World-Class Accounting and Finance, Irwin, December 1992

“Inconsistency in U.S. Accounting Standards,” Abacus, Summer, 1989 (Co-authored with Les Livingstone and William Lawler)

“Integrating Concepts in Accounting, American History and English Literature: A Cluster Model Approach,” Journal of Accounting Education,

Spring, 1989 (Co-authored with Martin Tropp and James Hoopes)

“Does the Computer Hinder Accounting Education? An Analysis of Some Empirical Data,” Issues in Accounting Education, Spring, 1986, AAA (co-authored with John McKenzie)

“Restructuring Accounting Firms for Better Client Service,” Sloan Management Review, Spring, 1985, (Co-authored with Louis Corsini and Judith Gordon)

“Women Managers: Are they Perceived Ready for the Executive Suite?” Journal of Business Ethics, Summer, 1993 (Co-authored with Debra Kauffman)

“The New Pension Accounting,” The CPA Review, Summer, 1983, (Co-authored), Selected Best Article of the Year

“Software Development for FASB Requirements,” Info Systems, May, 1982

(Co-authored with Leslie Ball)

“Auditor Independence: The Pressures are Growing,” The CPA Review, Fall, 1982, (Co-authored)

“Work Motivation and Job Values Among Professional Men and Women: A New Accounting,” Journal of Vocational Behavior, June, 1980. This was the lead article in this journal. (Co-authored with Debra Kauffman)

“Accounting for Leases: An Analysis of FASB No. 13,” September/October, 1979, The Massachusetts CPA Review, (Co-authored)

“Views on Retention of Women in Accounting,” Public Accountant Report, June, 1979

“The Change in Prior Period Adjustments by the Financial Accounting Standards,” The Louisiana CPA, January, 1978 (Co-authored)

“Management’s Perceptions of Adequate Disclosure and the FASB,” The Atlanta Economic Review, September, 1978 (Co-authored)

“Segment Reporting: Issues and Implications,” The Massachusetts CPA Review, September/October, 1977, (Co-authored)

“Government Involvement in Accounting Principle Formulation: A Study of the Implications for the Accounting Profession and Users of Accounting Data,” The National Public Accountant, July, 1977 (Co-authored)

“Materiality and Accounting Principles,” The Ohio CPA, June 1977 (Co-authored)

“The Educational Background of the Managerial Accountant: Recommendations from a Field Study.” The Ohio CPA, May, 1976, (Team of Professors)

“State Insurance Examiners’ Reactions to Forecasted Financial Data: Some Implications for Accountants,” The Massachusetts CPA, May/June, 1976 (Co-authored with Dan Anderson)

“An Empirical Analysis of State Examiners’ Reactions to Loss Reserving Patterns,” Journal of Risk and Insurance, July, 1975 (Co-authored with Dan Anderson)

“Accounting for the Lease Receivable Under Opinion 27: A Dilemma,” The Accounting Review, October, 1974, (Co-authored with Steve Grossman)

The Isolation of Accounting Practitioners and Educators: A Development in the Search for Channels of Communication,” The Massachusetts CPA, November/December, 1974 (Co-authored)


September, 2017 Babson Faculty Research Seminar, "The Future of Entrepreneurship Education: Educating for Economic and Social Impact Lessons Learned from the 10,000 Businesses Program by Greene, Fetters, Donnellon and Bliss," Babson College, Babson College. (September 2017).

August, 2015 “An Entrepreneurial Approach to Teaching Introductory Accounting”; Teaching Craft and Learning Conference at the American Accounting Association Annual Conference, August, 2015, Chicago, Il USA.

April, 2015 “Blending 10KSB to Reach Small Businesses Nationwide—A Case Study”; Eighth Annual Emerging Technologies for Online Learning International Symposium for 2015, April 22-24, Dallas, TX USA.

December, The Entrepreneurship Effect: Developing an Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

2012 Two Day Workshop for Economic Developers & City Planners: The Goodman Lecture Series, the Goodman School of Business, Brock University, St. Catherine’s, Ontario, CN

September, ICIC 2012 Inner City Annual Economic Summit

2012 a. Presentation: Helping Underserved Businesses Scale and Grow: The Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Experience

April, 2011 AACSC International Conference and Meeting 2011, NYC

a. Presentation: University-Based Entrepreneurship Ecosystems: Developmental Pathways with Patti Greene, Mark Rice and Arturo Torres (ITESM)

Oct, 2010 Providence College: Graduate Curriculum Committee and Business School Faculty,

Providence, Rhode Island: Ethics in Organizations—An Online Learning Module

Sept, 2010 Northeast Business School Deans’ Conference, Boston, Ma. September 24, 2010.

a. Presentation: Ethics in Organizations—An Online Learning Experience with James Hoopes

May, 2010 Darden Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Charlottesville, Va. May 1, 2010

a. Presentation: Development of University-Based Entrepreneurship Ecosystems: A Global Study of Six Educational Institutions, with Mark Rice & Patti Greene

April, 2010 Sloan C Conference: Blended Learning, Chicago, IL, April 18, 20101

a. Presentation: Stages of Faculty Development in Blended Learning: A Ten Year Case Study, with Tova Duby

July, 2009       Blackboard World 2009: Get Answers, Do More, Washington DC, July 15th

a. Presentation: Creating Blended Learning Evangelists: Babson's Faculty Fellows

Program, with Tova Duby

b.      URL:


July, 2009      EISTA 2009: Application of Education Technologies Track, Orlando FLA, July 11th

a.      Presentation: The Evolution of a Blended MBA Program from the Perspectives of Administrators, Curriculum Technologists, Faculty, & Students: A Case Study at Babson College with Tova Duby, Bill Lawler & Sandra Lundeen-Wellinghoff

b.       URL:

 April, 2009 NERCOMP SIG: Blended Learning: Realizing the Best of Both Worlds, Norwood, MA

a.      Presentation: Supporting the Blend: Faculty development for blended learning at Babson College with Tova Duby

b.      URL:



June, 2008 “Technology and Integration: Innovations that Demand Faculty Development” given in conjunction with William Lawler and Tova Garcia Duby at the annual Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference in Boston, MA. (refereed) (1, V)

April, 2008 “Entrepreneurship Eco-system on Campus: Necessary Components in Family Enterprising and Corporate Entrepreneurship”, given in conjunction with Mark Rice and Maria Fonseca Paredes at the AACSB’s International Annual Conference in Hawaii. (1,V)

May, 2007 “International Strategic Alliances; Three Institutional Perspectives on Opportunities, Partnership Structures and Institutional Resource Commitments”, AACSB Conference “World Class Practices in Management Education”. Beijing, China. Developed and moderated the session as well as presented.

June, 2006 “Developmental Stages of an Integrated Curriculum: A Babson College Case Study,” AACSB International Faculty Conference on Learning and Education, Tampa, FL given with Tova Garcia Tuby

April, 2006 “Babson Brand Review,” Chartered Institute of Marketing Fellows, Belfast, Northern Ireland

January, 2006 “Babson and Entrepreneurship,” AACSB Meeting, Tampa, FL

November, 2005 “Using Entrepreneurship to Create an International Strategic Alliance Network,” Emerging Curricula Conference, AACSB

Meeting, Tampa, FL

March, 2003 “Innovation at Babson,” Symposium on Global Entrepreneurship, Tampa, FL

November, 2002 “Program Structure Issues: Integration and Customization”

Emerging Curriculum Conference, AACSB Meeting, St. Louis given with Stephen Laster

2002 - Present Numerous other presentations for AACSB conferences, as well as AAC&U Meetings and PEW Foundation events

April, 1988 “Integration of American History, Accounting and English Literature,” presented at the Northeast Regional AAA Meeting

April, 1986 “How Consistent is the Treatment of Interest in GAAP?” Co-presented at the Northeast Regional AAA Meeting

November, 1984 “Managerial Accounting and Computers: A Workshop,” presented to IDS National Meetings

November, 1983 “The Electronic Spreadsheet and Management Accounting: A Field Experiment on the Perceived Value of Computer Integration in the Business Curriculum,” Co-presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Decision Sciences

November, 1982 “Computers in the Accounting Curriculum,” presented to IDS National Meetings

August, 1982 “Does the Computer Hinder Accounting Education? An Analysis of Some Empirical Data,” presented to the AAA National Meeting

April, 1982 “Computers in Intermediate Accounting: A Field Experiment,” presented at the Northeast Regional AAA Meetings in Newport, Rhode Island

November, 1981 “The Use of Computers in the Accounting Curriculum,” presented to the National IDS meetings in Boston

1980 “The Executive Suite: Are Women Perceived as Ready for the Managerial Climb?” Eastern Sociological Meetings (Co-presented)

1980 Work Motivation and Job Values Among Accountants, American Sociological Association, National Meetings (Co-presented)

1979 Women in the Accounting Profession – Research presentation AAA Northeastern Regional


Revised the cases listed below in 2017

• Mario’s Case 1—Start-Up and Introduction to Financial Statements, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Program, July, 2015

• Mario’s Case 2—Financial Statements & the BSE Format, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Program, July, 2015

• Mario’s Case 3—Financial Statement Analysis and the Board Meeting, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Program, December, 2015

• Mario’s Case 4—Opportunity Assessment, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Program, July, 2015

• Mario’s Case 5—Forecasting, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Program, Program July, 2015

• “Financial Statement Fundamentals: Valuation Headframe Spirits” with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program-2014

• “RCP Case (A) – Financial Statement Fundamentals: Construction”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, Revised 2014

• “RCP Case (B) – Financial Statement Fundamentals: Construction”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, Revised, 2014

• “RCP Case (C) – Financial Statement Fundamentals: Analysis”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, Revised, 2014

• “RCP Case (D) – Financial Statement Fundamentals: Forecasting”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, Revised, 2014

• “RCP Case (E) – Financial Statement Fundamentals: Valuation”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, Revised, 2014

• “Introduction to Business Valuation”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program,  2011-2013

• “Mario’s Case 1 – Introduction to Financial Statements and the BSE”, with Jennifer Alvarado and Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program,  2011-2013

• “Mario’s Case 2 – Financial Statements and the BSE Format”, with Jennifer Alvarado and Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program,  2011-2013

• “Mario’s Case 3 – Opportunity Assessment”, with Jennifer Alvarado and Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, 2012

• “Cherub Chocolates, Inc.”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, 2012

• “Superior Seafood, Inc.”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, 2012

• “CB Dermatology Services, LLC.”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, 2012

• Concierge Case Series, 2015

o Bliss, R. T., Fetters, M. L. Concierge Cleaners: From Idea to Opportunity Case & TN. WENYC: Promoting the Success of Women Entrepreneurs (pp. 5). NYC, NY & Wellesley, MA: WENYC-NYC Mayor's Office and BEE, Babson College.

o Bliss, R. T., Fetters, M. L. Concierge Cleaners: Getting Off the Ground Case & TN. WENYC: Promoting the Success of Women Entrepreneurs (pp. 5). NYC, NY & Wellesley, MA: WENYC-NYC Mayor's Office and BEE, Babson College.

o Bliss, R. T., Fetters, M. L. Concierge Cleaners: The Next Level Case & TN. WENYC: Promoting the Success of Women Entrepreneurs (pp. 5). NYC, NY & Wellesley, MA: WENYC-NYC Mayor's Office and BEE, Babson College.

• Body Restorations Inc. Case Series, 2015, Appendix A Financial Statements: Construction, Analysis and Forecasts, 2e by Fetters, Halsey & Soybel, Cambridge Business Publishers, 2015. ISBN 978-1-61853-179-1

o Case 1: Introduction to the Income Statement and Balance Sheet

o Case 2: Financial Statement Development and the Balance Sheet Equation (BSE) Format

o Case 3: Financial Statement Development and the Balance Sheet Equation (BSE) Format

o Case 4: Financial Statement Analysis and the Board Meeting

o Case 5: Forecasts

• “Y & D Audio: Warranty Policies: Accrual Estimates and Ethical Decision-Making” with Peter Wilson, Babson Case Series: Entrepreneurial Leadership Collection, available through the Babson Case Center and Harvard

• Mario’s Case Series

o Mario’s Case 1—Start-Up and Introduction to Financial Statements, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Program, July, 2015

o Mario’s Case 2—Financial Statements & the BSE Format, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Program, July, 2015

o Mario’s Case 3—Financial Statement Analysis and the Board Meeting, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Program, December, 2015

o Mario’s Case 4—Opportunity Assessment, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Program, July, 2015

o Mario’s Case 5—Forecasting, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Program, Program July, 2015

• “Financial Statement Fundamentals: Valuation Headframe Spirits” with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program-2014

• RCP Case Series

o “RCP Case (A) – Financial Statement Fundamentals: Construction”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, Revised 2014

o “RCP Case (B) – Financial Statement Fundamentals: Construction”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, Revised, 2014

o “RCP Case (C) – Financial Statement Fundamentals: Analysis”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, Revised, 2014

o “RCP Case (D) – Financial Statement Fundamentals: Forecasting”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, Revised, 2014

o “RCP Case (E) – Financial Statement Fundamentals: Valuation”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, Revised, 2014

• “Introduction to Business Valuation”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program,  2011-2013

• “Mario’s Case 1 – Introduction to Financial Statements and the BSE”, with Jennifer Alvarado and Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program,  2011-2013

• “Mario’s Case 2 – Financial Statements and the BSE Format”, with Jennifer Alvarado and Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program,  2011-2013

• “Mario’s Case 3 – Opportunity Assessment”, with Jennifer Alvarado and Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, 2012

• “Chapter 1 – Financial Statements: Basic Format”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, 2012

• “Chapter 2 – The Balance Sheet Equation”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, 2012

• “Chapter 3 – Analyzing Financial Performance”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, 2012

• “Cherub Chocolates, Inc.”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, 2012

• “Superior Seafood, Inc.”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, 2012

• “CB Dermatology Services, LLC.”, with Richard Bliss, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, 2012

“CB Dermatological Services, LLC”, with Michael Fetters, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program,  2011-2013

“Superior Seafoods, Inc.”, with Michael Fetters, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program 2011-2013

Cases for Integrated Babson Programs

2005 WorldCom and teaching note (Fetters, 2002) - Revised

2002 Xerox (A) and teaching note (Fetters and Harrington)

2002 Xerox (B) and teaching note (Fetters and Harrington)

1998 Southwest (A) with teaching note (with faculty team)

Southwest (B) with teaching note (with faculty team)

Industry Airline Note (with faculty team)

Ben & Jerry’s (A) with teaching note (with faculty team)

Ben & Jerry’s (B) with teaching note (with faculty team)

Ice Cream Industry with teach note (with faculty team)

1997 Wild Mike Snowboards (A) and teaching note (Fetters and Ho)

Wild Mike Snowboard (B) and teaching note (Fetters and Ho)

Webolution with teaching note (Ho and Fetters)

PC Finished with teaching note (Ho and Fetters)

Unidentified Industries with teaching note (Ho and Fetters)

Financial Sleuth with teaching note (Ho and Fetters)

Note: All of these cases are or were used in integrated programs.


2011-2012 Price Waterhouse Coopers Grant for Curriculum Innovation

2003–2006 Harold S. Geneen Charitable Trust: “To Support Ethics in Babson’s Undergraduate Curriculum: An Integrative and Holistic Approach”

2004–2007 National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant: Partnerships for Innovation, "Symposium for Engineering Entrepreneurship Educators"

1986 NEH and Babson Board of Research Grant – cluster courses across Liberal Arts and Management disciplines

1978 – 1998 Various Babson Board of Research Competitive Grants to Fund Research

1984 – 1985 Cooper’s & Lybrand Grant – Implementation of Computers in the Accounting Curriculum

1976 – 1978 Cooper’s and Lybrand Grant to Study Retention of Women in Accounting

1973 “Accounting for Extraordinary Gains and Losses: An Empirical Analysis of the Behavioral Consequences.” This research effort was funded by an AICPA doctoral grant.

Activities/Professional Associations:

AACSB International

2004 - 2007 The Association to Advance College Schools of Business (AACSB) International; a member of the Accreditation Quality Committee (AQC)

2002-2010 AACSB Accreditation Peer Reviewer

American Accounting Association

2015-Present Member, AAA

1998 – 2000 American Accounting Association’s Faculty Development Advisory Committee

1997 – 1998 Chairperson – Steering Committee for the Trueblood Seminars

1996 - 1997 Member – Steering Committee for the Trueblood Seminars

1995 – 1997 Member – Accounting Education Change Commission task force on the effects of professional examinations (i.e., CPA exam) on accounting education


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