LA&PS SUPPORT FOR SCHOLARLY JOURNALS Guidelines & Application FormAPPLICATION DEADLINE: 31 March Rationale: The objective of this fund is to offset costs related to the successful operations of scholarly journals for which LA&PS faculty members hold substantial, on-going senior editorial roles. Applicants must hold a tenure/tenure-stream appointment with LA&PS, or hold the status of “Senior Scholar” and be affiliated with LA&PS. Applications must be received in advance of the journal being billed for expense(s) for which the applicant is seeking the subsidy.Number of Awards: For each funding year, a maximum of 10 awards will be issued.Frequency of Request: LA&PS faculty who hold a senior editorial role with a journal may apply to this fund once every other fiscal year, to a maximum of $3000/application, on a competitive basis (31 March deadline). Support is contingent on availability of funds. In the case of co-editorship of the same journal by two or more LA&PS faculty members, only one application will be accepted from one of the editors of the journal each two-year cycle. Eligible expenses include costs related to operations of a scholarly journal.Priority Area: Production-related expenses:?Personnel costs (exclusive of any faculty in LA&PS or based elsewhere)?Editorial services?Design/layout/typesetting servicesSecondary Priority: Promotion-related expenses:?Web design services?Marketing/advertising ?Attending conferences for the purpose of acquisitionsExclusions for support?Stipends, salaries or other payments to LA&PS faculty members serving as editors, or scholars at other institutions serving on the editorial team.?LA&PS faculty members who are members of a journal’s editorial board or serving as a journal’s book review editor are not eligible to apply to this fund.LA&PS SUPPORT FOR SCHOLARLY JOURNALS Application FormINSTRUCTIONS: Please submit your application form and required attachments to Questions in advance of submission can be addressed to The applications will be reviewed to ensure all supporting documentation is in place, and then they will be assessed by the Associate Dean, Research & Graduate Studies. A result will be returned within 14 business days. APPLICANT INFORMATIONApplicant Name:Campus Address:Position at York:Unit:Email:Requested Amount:$Journal Name :Position with Journal:Date of application:PLEASE ATTACH THE FOLLOWING TO THIS FORM:Photocopy / scan of masthead of recent issue of the journalEvidence that you currently hold this editorial position if not demonstrated clearly by the masthead (e.g. copy of letter of appointment for the editorial position)List of the responsibilities you hold toward the journal as a result of your editorial positionList of grants and other forms of revenue currently received by the journal (e.g. SSHRC Aid to Scholarly Journals grant, subscription fees, donations, etc.)Budget that outlines the expense(s) for which you seek funding, and the level of support you seek from the fund. Requests cannot exceed $3,000.OFFICE USE ONLYTotal Amount Approved: _______________Date: _____________________________Signature of Associate Dean, Research & Graduate Studies ................

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