Service Delivery Standards

The Management and Administration of Postgraduate Medical Education

|Service |Educational Supervisors or Named Clinical Supervisors for GP Trainees in Secondary Care Posts |

|Author |Health Education East of England (HEEoE) / Regional Medical Directors and Directors of Medical Education (DoME) |

|Provider |Trust / HEEoE |

|Period |1 August 2014 - onwards |

| |

|1. Aims and Expected Outcomes |

|Aim To define the contractual requirements for the delivery of the high quality educational supervision and named clinical supervision for all Local |

|Education Providers (LEPs)/Trusts and the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) associated with this |

| |

|2. Service Delivery |

|Requirements are as follows: |

|Delivery by (LEPs)/Trusts and their educational and named clinical supervisors of the KPIs detailed below |

| |

|3. Quality and Performance Standards |

|Key Performance Indicator (KPI) |

|1) Evidence of 100% completion of trainee educational requirements; this should include a review of the trainees educational needs and performance at |

|the beginning, midpoint and end of every placement |

|2) Evidence of full completion of all sections of the Structured supervisors report as appropriate for the specialty and the Educators role and within |

|the required timescale for the ARCP process. |

|3) Report by exception evidencing appropriate management of trainees where there is concern regarding performance and/or professionalism, linked to |

|Trust reports to the HEEoE RO. |

|4) Evidence of attendance at faculty meetings within the LEP, and contribution towards HEEoE processes including recruitment and ARCP panels. |

|LEP/Trust KPIs |

|A) Evidence that all Educational and named Clinical Supervisors have been trained to GMC and AoME standards. |

|B) Evidence that all Educational Supervisors and Named Clinical Supervisors have been appropriately selected/reselected at three yearly intervals. |

|C) Evidence that all Educational Supervisors and Named Clinical Supervisors have 0.25 PA/trainee formally recognised with their job plans. |

|D) Evidence of the supervisor’s role being appraised annually as per Trust and GMC requirements. The appraisal should include evidence of feedback from|

|learners. The summary output of this appraisal should be shared with the DOME. |

|E) Evidence that all GMC timelines for delivery of Approval for Trainers have been achieved. |

| |

|4. Activity |

|Trusts to provide evidence that their Educational Supervisors and named Clinical Supervisors are trained, appointed, appraised and have appropriate |

|jobs plans to deliver the agreed quality and performance standards. (QM3 and Quality Matrix annual returns) |

| |

|5. Reviews |

|Review Type |Frequency |

|Matrix and QM3 |Annual |

|LDA | |

|Quality Monitoring Visits |Trust and School Visits (Various) |


Educational Supervisor and Named Clinical Supervisor for GP Trainees in Secondary Care Posts


GMC Definition of Educational Supervisor

“A trainer who is selected and appropriately trained to be responsible for the overall supervision and management of a specified trainee’s educational progress during a training placement or series of placements. The Educational Supervisor is responsible for the trainee’s educational agreement.” This definition shall also apply to a trainer who fulfils the role of Named Clinical Supervisor for GP trainees in secondary care posts.

Job Purpose:

An Educational Supervisor is a named individual who is responsible for supporting, guiding and monitoring the progress of a named trainee for a specified period of time. He/she may be in a different department, and occasionally in a different organisation, to the trainee. Every trainee must have an Educational Supervisor and the trainee should be informed of the name of his/her Educational Supervisor in writing. Best practice is for an Educational Supervisor to supervise between two and four trainees at any one time.

Normally the Educational Supervisor will be a consultant, but specialty doctors/associate specialists, where appropriately skilled and trained, may also fill this role, so long as the relevant College/Specialty Advisory Committee has no rules to the contrary.

Appointments Process:

There should be a clear Trust process for appointment of Educational Supervisors which ensures that the appointees meet the attached person specification, including the criteria set out by AoME. The tenure is for three years, and incumbents will require re-selection to continue in the role.

Key Responsibilities

1. The Educational Supervisor should ensure that he/she is adequately prepared for the role. He/she should have completed the following training:

a. An approved course in Educational Supervision; which must include appraisal skills and giving constructive feedback, how to deliver the relevant workplace based assessments and use to the relevant portfolio.

b. Maintain up to date training in Equality and Diversity and appropriate levels of safeguarding training for children and vulnerable adults.

c. Can demonstrate understanding of current educational theory and practical educational techniques.

d. Be familiar with the current structure of the training programme, the curriculum and the educational opportunities available.

e. Be familiar with the current local and HEEoE policies for dealing with underperforming trainees and other trainees requiring additional support.

f. Have identified time both allocated and timetabled within his/her job plan to carry out the role effectively at a rate of 0.25 PA per trainee.

g. Attend 75% of regional and national Faculty events such as meetings, recruitment and ARCPs.

h. Notify the Medical Director, Clinical Tutor and Director of Medical Education of any trainee who is involved in a SI, never event or coroners case.

2. The Educational Supervisor should oversee the education of the trainee, acting as his/her mentor and meeting with the trainee to ensure that he/she is making the expected clinical and educational progress.

3. Where numbers of trained educators permit, consideration may be given to a separation of roles of College /Specialty Tutor and Educational Supervisor to enable the former to provide independent support to trainers and trainees.

4. The Educational Supervisor should ensure that all meetings occur in protected time and are held in a private and undisturbed environment.

a. The Educational Supervisor should meet with the trainee during the first week of his/her post in order to:

i. ensure that the trainee understands his/her responsibility for his/her own learning, the structure of the programme, the curriculum, the educational opportunities available, the assessment system and the relevant portfolio.

ii. develop a learning agreement and educational objectives with the trainee which is mutually agreed and which will be the point of reference for future appraisals.

iii. establish a supportive relationship.

b. The Educational Supervisor should meet with the trainee to carry out regular educational appraisals and review performance (generally at the beginning, midpoint and end of every placement). Before each meeting, (and if necessary after the meeting) the Educational Supervisor should exchange information with those involved in the clinical supervision of the trainee and other key personnel with whom the trainee is working.

During each meeting:

i. Assess progress against the learning plan and educational objectives.

ii. Review the personal development plan and learning objectives and update as necessary.

iii. Review the outcome of any workplace based assessments and the attendance at formal teaching events.

iv. Review the trainee’s portfolio to ensure that it is being maintained and developed by the trainee.

Note: The trainee has overall responsibility for ensuring that his/her portfolio is maintained and developed and that all relevant documentation is completed at the appropriate time and signed off where necessary.

v. the trainee’s clinical performance and professionalism should be reviewed (see 6).

vi. the trainee should be given honest and constructive feedback.

vii. the trainee should be given the opportunity to comment on his/her training and the support that is being provided. Any problems that are identified by the trainee should be discussed and a solution should be sought.

c. The Educational Supervisor should ensure that appropriate support is available if one of their trainees is involved in an SI, never event or coroner’s case. This may be from the Educational Supervisor themselves or by a third party identified by the educational supervisor.

5. The Educational Supervisor should ensure that t the Educational Supervisor’s Structured Report to the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) Panel is completed and available to the Panel within the necessary timescales. This may require seeking feedback on the trainee’s performance from other Trainers and Clinical Supervisors.

Note: Educational Supervisors’ reports are an important mechanism for identifying trainees who are underperforming or need additional support. They must be completed fairly and honestly so that ARCP Panels and Foundation Programme Directors can make fully informed decisions. The GMC’s document “Good Medical Practice” states “You must be honest and objective when appraising or assessing the performance of colleagues, including locums and students. Patients will be put at risk if you describe as competent someone who has not reached or maintained a satisfactory standard of practice”. Educational Supervisors should work within local processes, discuss cases and decisions with HR and other appropriate colleagues across the Trust and Faculty and not make decisions in isolation

6. The Educational Supervisor should facilitate access to careers advice and support for trainees.

7. If a trainee’s clinical performance and/or professionalism is not reaching the required standard, the Educational Supervisor should ensure that:

a. This is discussed with the trainee as soon after the problem is identified as possible. Meetings with the trainee should take place, and consideration given as to whether it is appropriate for another person to be present, and outcomes should be conveyed both verbally and in writing.

Note: Written records of this and all subsequent meetings with the trainee must be kept and copies of these records must be handed to the trainee.

b. Remedial measures identified and are put in place with clearly defined written objectives so that the trainee has the opportunity to correct any deficiencies.

c. Discussions may include the Training Programme Director, Head of School, and, where appropriate, the Trust medical Director and the trainee’s Responsible Officer. As appropriate, further support may be sought through referral to the Performance Support Unit at HEEoE.

d. The Educational Supervisor must report any concern that may affect a trainee’s fitness to practice or any patient safety concerns that they may identify in fulfilling their role immediately to their Medical Director.

e. He/she seeks support from experienced colleagues (e.g. Clinical Tutor/DME, Foundation Programme Director or Speciality Tutor) who will ensure that the processes followed are consistent with the relevant local and HEEoE policies and procedures as well as providing personal and professional support

8. If a trainee needs additional support for other reasons, the Educational Supervisor should ensure that the local and HEEoE policies and procedures for managing such trainees are followed.

Person Specification

Educational Supervisor

|Attributes |Essential |Desirable |

|Qualifications |GMC full registration |Postgraduate qualification in education|

| | | |

| |Specialist or General Practitioner registration* | |

|Knowledge |Knowledge of management and governance structures in medical education and |Evidence of supporting trainees and |

|& |training and awareness of recent changes in the delivery of medical education|trainers. |

|Skills |and training nationally and locally. |Understanding of uses of IT in |

| |Enthusiasm for delivering training |education. |

| |Evidence of, or will have completed, current training prior to taking up the |Evidence of personal development in |

| |post including: |medical education |

| |Appraisal and feedback | |

| |Relevant workplace-based assessments |Evidence of delivering well evaluated |

| |ARCPs and revalidation |teaching sessions/tutorials |

| |Knowledge of the relevant portfolio and curriculum | |

| |Equality and diversity | |

| | | |

| |Evidence to demonstrate, or will be able to demonstrate prior to taking up | |

| |the post, achievement of the 7 domains of the AoME Professional Standards | |

| |Framework (see appendix 1) | |

| | | |

| |Effective communications skills, motivating and developing others, | |

| |approachability, good interpersonal skills. | |

| | | |

* Normally the Educational Supervisor will be a consultant, but specialty doctors/associate specialists, where appropriately skilled and trained, may also fill this role, so long as the relevant College/Specialty Advisory Committee has no rules to the contrary.

Appendix 1

Academy of Medical Educators Professional Standards Framework

Achievements in your role as an educator should be considered in the context of this framework, which forms the structure for the GMC recognition and approval of trainers.

The following is a brief overview but please refer to the Academy of Medical Educators (AoME) Professional Standards Framework for more detail and guidance.

|AoME Professional Standard |Descriptor |Suggested examples to link with achievements |

|Core Values: |Values and Personal Development as a clinical educator and|Personal reflective log |

| |the core values of Good Medical Practice and the NHS |Feedback such as MSF, compliments, complaints, significant|

| |Constitution. |event analysis |

|Domain 1: |Demonstrate how you assess learning needs, facilitate |Example(s) of facilitation of, or contribution to |

|Design and planning of learning |appropriate provision and evaluate activities |developing, learning activities such as faculty |

|activities | |development days. Include evaluations if available. |

|Domain 2: |Demonstrate how you deliver an appropriate learning |Link to quality management activity and strategies put in |

|Teaching and supporting Learners|environment and facilitate a range of teaching resources |place to share good practice and support quality |

| | |improvement. |

| | |Use of innovative funds for school development |

|Domain 3: |Demonstrate how you utilise assessment of learners and |Delivery of curricular based assessment processes |

|Assessment and Feedback to |give feedback |ARCP process training and participation |

|learners | |Appeal panel chair/ member |

| | |Support for trainees |

|Domain 4: |Demonstrate awareness of the evidence base in medical |Describe any involvement in educational research or peer |

|Educational research and |education and the ability to critically evaluate |review |

|evidence-based practice |literature | |

|Domain 5: |Demonstrate awareness of educational governance, quality |Describe your involvement in these activities for your |

|Educational Management and |assurance, resource management and strategic development |specialty. |

|Leadership | | |


JOB TITLE: Educational Supervisor or Named Clinical Supervisor for GP Trainees in Secondary Care Posts

ACCOUNTABLE TO: Health Education East of England, Relevant Foundation/Speciality School, Trust Board/MD/DME

REPORTS TO: Director of Medical Education (or equivalent title) via Foundation Programme Director or Speciality Tutor

TENURE: 3 years to be reviewed annually (as part of Trust appraisal process)


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