Concept 1: The World in Spatial Terms

|Concept 1: The World in Spatial Terms |

|The spatial perspective and associated geographic tools are used to organize and interpret information about people, places and environments. |

|Kindergarten |Grade 1 |Grade 2 |Grade 3 |Grade 4 |

|PO 1. Recognize the differences |PO 1. Recognize different types of |PO 1. Recognize different types of |PO 1. Discuss that different types |PO 1. Use different types of maps to solve|

|between maps and globes. |maps (e.g., political, physical) |maps (e.g., political, physical, |of maps (e.g., political, physical, |problems (i.e., road maps –distance, |

| |serve various purposes. |thematic) serve various purposes. |thematic) serve various purposes. |resource maps-products, historical maps- |

| | | | |boundaries, thematic map- climates). |

|PO 2. Construct maps of a familiar |PO 2. Identify characteristics of |PO 2. Interpret political and |PO 2. Interpret political and |PO 2. Interpret political and physical |

|place (e.g., classroom, bedroom, |maps and globes: |physical maps using the following |physical maps using the following |maps using the following map elements: |

|playground, neighborhood). |compass rose |elements: |elements: |title |

| |symbols |alpha numeric grids |alpha-numeric grids |compass rose (cardinal and intermediate |

| |key/legend |title |title |directions) |

| | |compass rose - cardinal directions |compass rose -cardinal and |symbols |

| | |key (legend) |intermediate directions |legend |

| | |symbols |symbols |scale |

| | | |legend |f. road map index |

| | | |scale |g. grid (latitude and |

| | | | |longitude) |

|PO 3. Determine the relative |PO 3. Construct a map of a familiar |PO 3. Construct a map of a familiar |PO 3. Construct a map of a familiar |PO 3. Construct maps using symbols to |

|location of objects using the terms |place (e.g., classroom, bedroom, |place (e.g., school, home, |place (e.g., school, home, |represent human and physical features. |

|near/far, behind/in front, |playground) that includes a compass |neighborhood, fictional place) that |neighborhood, fictional place) that | |

|over/under, left/right, up/down. |rose, symbols, and key/legend. |includes a title, compass rose, |includes a title, compass rose, | |

|Connect with: | |symbols and key (legend). |symbols, and legend. | |

|Science Strand 5 Concept 2 | | | | |

|Math Strand 4 Concept 1 | | | | |

|PO 4. Identify land and water on |PO 4. Recognize characteristics of |PO 4. Construct tally charts and |PO 4. Construct maps using symbols |PO 4. Construct charts and graphs to |

|maps, illustrations, images, and |human and physical features: |pictographs to display geographic |to represent human and physical |display geographic information. |

|globes. |a. physical (i.e., ocean |information (e.g., birthplace – city |features. | |

| |continent, river, lake, |or state). | | |

| |mountains, islands) | | | |

| |b. human (i.e., equator, | | | |

| |North and South | | | |

| |Poles) | | | |

|PO 5. Locate continents and oceans |PO 5. Locate physical and human |PO 5. Recognize characteristics of |PO 5. Construct charts and graphs to|PO 5. Describe characteristics of human |

|on a map or globe. |features using maps, illustrations, |human and physical features: |display geographic information. |and physical features: |

| |images, or globes: |a. physical (i.e., ocean, | |a. physical – (i.e., river, lake, |

| |a. physical (i.e., |continent, river, lake, | |mountain, range, coast, |

| |continent, |mountain range, | |sea, desert, gulf, bay, |

| |ocean, river, lake, |coast, sea, desert) | |strait, plain, valley, |

| |mountains, islands) |b. human (i.e., equator, | |volcanoes, isthmus, |

| |b. human (i.e., equator, |Northern and Southern | |canyon, plateau, mesa, |

| |North and South |Hemispheres, North | |oasis, dunes) |

| |poles, country) |and South Poles) | |b. human – (i.e., equator, |

| | | | |four hemispheres, city, |

| | | | |state, country, harbor, |

| | | | |dams, territory, county) |

| |PO 6. Locate Arizona on a map of the|PO 6. Locate physical and human |PO 6. Recognize characteristics of |PO 6. Locate physical and human features |

| |United States. |features using maps, illustrations, |human and physical features: |using maps, illustrations, images, or |

| | |images, or globes: |a. physical (i.e., ocean |globes: |

| | |a. physical (i.e., ocean, |continent, river, lake, |a. physical (i.e., river, lake, |

| | |continent, river, lake, |mountain range, |mountain range, coast, |

| | |mountain range, |coast, sea, desert, gulf, |sea, desert, gulf, bay, |

| | |coast, sea, desert) |bay, strait, plain, |strait) |

| | |b. human (i.e., equator |valley, volcano, |b. human (i.e., equator |

| | |Northern and Southern |peninsula) |four hemispheres, city, |

| | |Hemispheres, North |b. human (i.e., equator, |state, country, roads, |

| | |and South Poles, city, |Northern and Southern |railroads) |

| | |state, country) |Hemispheres, North | |

| | | |and South Poles, city) | |

| | | |PO 7. Locate physical and human |PO 7. Locate physical and human features |

| | | |features using maps, illustrations, |in Arizona using maps, illustrations, or |

| | | |images, or globes: |images: |

| | | |a. physical (i.e., seven |physical (e.g., Gran Canyon, Mogollon Rim, |

| | | |continents, four |Colorado River, Gila River, Salt River) |

| | | |oceans, river, lake, |human (e.g., Phoenix, Yuma, Flagstaff, |

| | | |mountain range, coast, |Tucson, Prescott, Hoover Dam, Roosevelt |

| | | |sea, desert, gulf, bay, |Dam) |

| | | |strait, peninsula) | |

| | | |b. human (i.e., equator, | |

| | | |Northern and Southern | |

| | | |Hemispheres, North | |

| | | |and South Poles, city, | |

| | | |state, country, roads, | |

| | | |railroads) | |

|Concept 1: The World in Spatial Terms |

|The spatial perspective and associated geographic tools are used to organize and interpret information about people, places and environments. |

|Grade 5 |Grade 6 |Grade 7 |Grade 8 |

|PO 1. Interpret information from a variety of |PO 1. Construct maps, charts, and graphs to |PO 1. Construct maps, charts, and graphs to |PO 1. Construct maps, charts, and graphs to |

|maps: |display geographic information. |display geographic information. |display geographic information. |

|contour | | | |

|population density | | | |

|natural resource | | | |

|historical maps | | | |

|PO 2. Locate features in the world (e.g., |PO 2. Identify purposes of, and differences |PO 2. Identify purposes and differences of |PO 2. Identify purposes and differences of |

|continents, waterways, mountain ranges, cities)|among, maps, globes, aerial photographs, |maps, globes, aerial photographs, charts, and |maps, globes, aerial photographs, charts, and |

|on a map using latitude and longitude. |charts, and satellite images. |satellite images. |satellite images. |

|PO 3. Identify the location of significant |PO 3. Interpret maps, charts, and geographic |PO 3. Interpret maps, charts, and geographic |PO 3. Interpret maps, charts, and geographic |

|geographic features from content studied on a |databases using geographic information. |databases using geographic information. |databases using geographic information. |

|physical or political map. | | | |

|PO 4. Locate physical and human features |PO 4. Locate physical and human features |PO 4. Locate physical and cultural features |PO 4. Locate physical and cultural features |

|(e.g., gulf, delta, isthmus, strait, bay, |(e.g., significant waterways, mountain ranges, |(e.g., continents, cities, countries, |(e.g., continents, cities, countries, bodies of|

|canyon, swamp, peninsula, province, cape, tree |cities, countries) in the United States and in |significant waterways, mountain ranges, climate|water, landforms, mountain ranges, climate |

|line) in the United States and world on an |regions of the world on a map. |zones, major water bodies, landforms) |zones) throughout the world. |

|appropriate type of map. |Connect with: |throughout the world. | |

| |Strand 2 Concept 2 | | |

|PO 5. Identify each state on a U.S. map. |PO 5. Interpret thematic maps, graphs, charts,|PO 5. Interpret thematic maps, graphs, charts,|PO 5. Interpret thematic maps, graphs, charts,|

| |and databases depicting various aspects of |and databases depicting various aspects of the |and databases depicting various aspects of the |

| |world regions. (Apply to regions studied.) |United States and world regions. (Apply to |United States and world regions. (Apply to |

| | |regions studied.) |regions studied.) |

|PO 6. Construct maps, charts, and graphs to | | | |

|display geographic information. | | | |

|Concept 1: The World in Spatial Terms |

|The spatial perspective and associated geographic tools are used to organize and interpret information about people, places and environments. |

|High School |

|PO 1. Construct maps using appropriate elements (i.e., date, orientation, grid, scale, title, author, index, legend, situation). |

|PO 2. Interpret maps and images (e.g., political, physical, relief, thematic, Geographic Information Systems [GIS], Landsat). |

|PO 3. Use appropriate maps and other graphic representations to analyze geographic problems and changes over time. |

|PO 4. Use an atlas to access information. |

|Concept 2: Places and Regions |

|Places and regions have distinct physical and cultural characteristics. |

|Kindergarten |Grade 1 |Grade 2 |Grade 3 |Grade 4 |

|PO 1. Recognize through images how |PO 1. Discuss human features (e.g., |PO 1. Identify through images of |PO 1. Locate major physical and human|PO 1. Describe how the Southwest has |

|people live differently in other |cities, parks, railroad tracks, |content studied (e.g., Japan, China, |features from content studied (e.g., |distinct physical and cultural |

|places and times. |hospitals, shops, schools) in the |United States) how places have |Greece, Canada, Spain, United States) |characteristics. |

| |world. |distinct characteristics. |on maps and globes. | |

| |PO 2. Discuss physical features |PO 2. Discuss human features (e.g., |PO 2. Describe how physical and human|PO 2. Describe ways in which Arizona |

| |(e.g., mountains, rivers, deserts) in |cities, parks, railroad tracks, |characteristics of places change from |has changed over time from statehood |

| |the world. |hospitals, shops, schools) in the |past to present. |to today. |

| | |world. | | |

| |PO 3. Recognize through images of |PO 3. Discuss physical features | |PO 3. Locate the landform regions of |

| |content studied (e.g., Egypt, Arizona,|(e.g., mountains, rivers, deserts) in | |Arizona (plateau, mountain, desert) on|

| |local community) that places have |the world. | |a map. |

| |distinct characteristics. | | | |

| |PO 4. Discuss the ways places change |PO 4. Discuss the ways places change | |PO 4. Compare the landform regions of|

| |over time. |over time. | |Arizona according to their physical |

| | | | |features, plants, and animals. |

| | | | |PO 5. Describe how regions and places|

| | | | |(e.g., Grand Canyon, Colorado River, |

| | | | |Casa Grande Ruin, Canyon de Chelly, |

| | | | |Yucatan Peninsula) have distinct |

| | | | |characteristics. (Connect to content |

| | | | |studied.) |

|Concept 2: Places and Regions |

|Places and regions have distinct physical and cultural characteristics. |

|Grade 5 |Grade 6 |Grade 7 |Grade 8 |

|PO 1. Describe how the following regions |PO 1. Identify regions studied in Strand 2 |PO 1. Describe the human and physical |PO 1. Identify common characteristics of |

|exemplify the concept of region as an area with|using a variety of criteria (e.g., climate, |characteristics of places and regions. |contemporary and historical regions on the |

|unifying human or natural factors: |landforms, culture, vegetation). | |basis of climate, landforms, ecosystems, and |

|three American colonial regions |Connect with: | |culture. |

|West, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest|Strand 2 Concept 2 | | |

| | | | |

|North and South during the Civil War | | | |

|Connect with: | | | |

|Strand 1 Concept 3, 4, 5 | | | |

|PO 2. Describe the geographic characteristics |PO 2. Describe the factors that cause regions |PO 2. Explain the concept of regions and why |PO 2. Explain the factors that contribute to |

|of a state in the United States with the |and places to change. |they change. |political and social change in various world |

|assistance of maps, the internet, atlases, and |Connect with: | |regions (e.g., USSR/Russia, Israel, European |

|other reference materials. |Strand 2 Concept 2 | |Union, China, Korea, Germany). |

| |PO 3. Describe the interactions of people in |PO 3. Compare the historical and contemporary |PO 3. Examine relationships and interactions |

| |different places and regions. |interactions among people in different places |(e.g., Middle East Conflicts, NATO, European |

| |Connect with: |and regions. |Union) among regions. |

| |Strand 2 Concept 3, 4, 5 | | |

| |PO 4. Explain why places and regions serve as |PO 4. Describe how a place changes over time. |PO 4. Identify how the role of the media, |

| |cultural symbols such as Jerusalem being a |(Connect with content studied.) |images, and advertising influences the |

| |sacred place for Jews, Christians, and Muslims.| |perception of a place. |

| |Connect with: | | |

| |Strand 2 Concept 2 | | |

| |PO 5. Describe the physical and human | |PO 5. Describe how a place changes over time. |

| |characteristics of places and regions of a | |(Connect with content studied. |

| |Middle Eastern country studied. | | |

| |Connect with: | | |

| |Strand 2 Concept 2 | | |

|Concept 2: Places and Regions |

|Places and regions have distinct physical and cultural characteristics. |

|High School |

|PO 1. Identify the characteristics that define a region: |

|a. physical processes such as climate, terrain, and resources |

|b. human processes such as religion, political organization, economy, and demographics |

|PO 2. Describe the factors (e.g., demographics, political systems, economic systems, resources, culture) that contribute to the variations between developing and developed regions. |

|PO 3. Examine geographic issues (e.g., drought in Sahel, migration patterns, desertification of Aral Sea, spread of religions such as Islam, conflicts in Northern Ireland/Ireland, Jerusalem, |

|Tibet) in places and world regions. |

|PO 4. Analyze the differing political, religious, economic, demographic, and historical ways of viewing places and regions. |

|PO 5. Examine how the geographic characteristics of a place affect the economics and culture (e.g., changing regional economy of the sunbelt, location with respect of natural hazards, location |

|of Panama Canal, Air Force Bases in Arizona). |

|PO 6. Analyze how a region changes over time (e.g., U.S./Mexico border, Europe from World War I to the development of European Union, change from pre- to post-colonialism in Africa, Hong Kong). |

|PO 7. Analyze sides of scientific debates over how human actions (e.g., global warming, ozone decline) modify a region. |

|Concept 3: Physical Systems |

|Physical processes shape the Earth and interact with plant and animal life to create, sustain, and modify ecosystems. These processes affect the distribution of resources and economic |

|development. Science Strands are summarized as they apply to Social Studies content in Grades K-8. In High School, the Performance Objectives are a summary of skills and content for grades 9 |

|-12. These concepts are reinforced in Social Studies classes, but assessed through Science. |

|Kindergarten |Grade 1 |Grade 2 |Grade 3 |Grade 4 |

|Connect with: |Connect with: |Connect with: Science |Connect with: |Connect with: |

|Science Strand 4 Concept 3 |Science Strand 4 Concept 3 |Strand 6 Concept 3 |Science Strand 3 Concept 1 |Science Strand 3 Concept 1 |

|Identify plants and animals in the |Identify, compare, and describe plants|Measure and record weather conditions,|Describe major factors that impact |Describe how natural events and human |

|local environment. |and animals in various habitats. |identify clouds and analyze their |human populations and the environment.|activities impact environments. |

| | |relationship to temperature and | | |

| | |weather patterns. | | |

|Science Strand 6 Concept 1 |Science Strand 6 Concept 1 | |Science Strand 4 Concept 3 |Science Strand 4 Concept 3 |

|Identify the basic properties of earth|Identify the basic properties and uses| |Explain the relationships among plants|Describe uses, types, and conservation|

|materials (rocks, soil, water; natural|of earth materials (rocks, soil, | |and animals in different environments.|of natural resources. |

|or man-made; reusable and recyclable).|water, conservation). | | | |

|Science Strand 6 Concept 3 |Science Strand 6 Concept 2 | |Science Strand 4 Concept 4 |Science Strand 6 Concept 2 |

|Understand the characteristics of |Identify objects in the sky (sun, | |Describe ways species adapt to |Understand processes acting on the |

|weather and how it affects people. |moon, stars, clouds). | |environments and what happens if they |earth (erosion, floods, earthquakes, |

| | | |cannot adapt. |volcanoes, forest fires) and evidence |

| | | | |of their occurrence. |

| |Science Strand 6 Concept 3 | |Science Strand 6 Concept 1 |Science Strand 6 Concept 3 |

| |Understand characteristics of weather | |Identify the basic properties of earth|Understand characteristics of weather |

| |patterns and how they affect daily | |materials (rocks, fossils, layers of |conditions and climate. |

| |activities. | |the earth). | |

|Concept 3: Physical Systems |

|Physical processes shape the Earth and interact with plant and animal life to create, sustain, and modify ecosystems. These processes affect the distribution of resources and economic |

|development. Science Strands are summarized as they apply to Social Studies content in Grades K-8. In High School, the Performance Objectives are a summary of skills and content for grades 9 |

|-12. These concepts are reinforced in Social Studies classes, but assessed through Science. |

|Grade 5 |Grade 6 |Grade 7 |Grade 8 |

|Connect with: |PO 1. Identify the physical processes that |Connect with: |Connect with: |

|Science Strand 3 Concept 1 |influence the formation and location of |Science Strand 3 Concept 1 Analyze |Science Strand 3 Concept 1 Analyze risk factors of |

|Explain the impacts of natural hazards on |resources such as oil, coal, diamonds, and |environmental benefits and risks of human |and possible solutions to chemical and biological |

|habitats. |copper. |interactions. |hazards. |

|Science Strand 6 Concept 2 Describe lunar |Connect with: |Science Strand 4 Concept 3 Analyze | |

|cycles, Earth’s revolution and rotation, and |Science Strand 3 Concept 1 |relationships in the environment (food chains, | |

|gravity. |Evaluate the effects of, and describe how |food webs, carrying capacity, problems | |

| |people plan for and respond to natural |associated with population growth, | |

| |disasters. |environmental factors) affecting living | |

| | |organisms. | |

|Science Strand 6 Concept 3 Describe the |Science Strand 4 Concept 3 Describe how |Science Strand 6 Concept 1 Describe the basic| |

|planets, other objects in the solar system, and|sunlight, water quality, climate, population |properties of earth materials (rocks, fossils, | |

|exploration of the solar system. |density and pollution affect quality of life. |layers of the earth) and how change over time | |

| | |is estimated. | |

| |Science Strand 6 Concept 1 Describe the |Science Strand 6 Concept 2 Relate plate | |

| |composition of and interactions between bodies |tectonics to the resulting landforms and | |

| |of water and the atmosphere. |earthquakes. | |

| |Science Strand 6 Concept 2 Explain the water |Science Strand 6 Concept 3 Explain the | |

| |cycle and factors that affect climate. |relationships between the Earth and other | |

| | |objects in the solar system. | |

|Concept 3: Physical Systems |

|Physical processes shape the Earth and interact with plant and animal life to create, sustain, and modify ecosystems. These processes affect the distribution of resources and economic |

|development. Science Strands are summarized as they apply to Social Studies content in Grades K-8. In High School, the Performance Objectives are a summary of skills and content for grades 9 |

|-12. These concepts are reinforced in Social Studies classes, but assessed through Science. |

|High School |

|PO 1. Analyze how weather and climate (e.g., the effect of heat transfer, Earth’s rotation, and severe weather systems) influence the natural character of a place. |

|Connect with: Science Strand 6 Concepts 1, 2, 4 |

|PO 2. Analyze different points of view on the use of renewable and non-renewable resources in Arizona. |

|Connect with: Science Strand 3 Concept 2 |

|PO 3. Analyze how earth’s internal changes (e.g., earthquakes, volcanic activity, folding, faulting) and external changes (e.g., geochemical, water and carbon cycles, erosion, deposition) |

|influence the character of places. |

|Connect with: Science Strand 6 Concepts 1, 2 |

|PO 4. Analyze how hydrology (e.g., quality, reclamation, conservation) influences the natural character of a place. |

|Concept 4: Human Systems |

|Human culture, their nature, and distribution affect societies and the Earth. |

|Kindergarten |Grade 1 |Grade 2 |Grade 3 |Grade 4 |

|PO 1. Discuss the food, clothing, |PO 1. Discuss elements of cultural |PO 1. Discuss housing and land use in|PO 1. Describe changes over time in |PO 1. Describe the factors (push and |

|housing, recreation, and celebrations |(e.g., food, clothing, housing, |urban and rural communities. |transportation (e.g., animal, boat, |pull) that have contributed to the |

|practiced by cultural groups in the |sports, holidays) of a community in | |train, motorized vehicle, aircraft). |settlement, economic development (e.g.,|

|local community. |areas studied (e.g., local community, | | |mining, ranching, agriculture, and |

| |Arizona, Egypt). | | |tourism), and growth of major Arizona |

| |Connect with: | | |cities. |

| |Reading Strand 2 Concept 2 | | | |

|PO 2. Discuss how land in the |PO 2. Discuss how land in the |PO 2. Describe the reasons (e.g., |PO 2. Describe changes over time in |PO 2. Describe how Mexico and Arizona |

|students’ community is used for |students’ community is used for |jobs, climate, family) for human |communication networks (e.g., |are connected by the movement of |

|industry, housing, business, |industry, housing, business, |settlement patterns. |telegraph, telephone, postal, |people, goods, and ideas. |

|agriculture, and recreation. |agriculture, and recreation. | |internet). | |

|PO 3. Describe how people earn a |PO 3. Describe how people earn a |PO 3. Discuss the major economic |PO 3. Recognize there are differences|PO 3. Describe how the building of |

|living in the community and the places|living in the community and the places|activities and land use (e.g., natural|in political units and hierarchies |transportation routes (e.g., trails, |

|they work. |they work. |resources, agricultural, industrial, |(i.e., community, city, county, state,|stage routes, railroad) resulted in |

|Connect with: | |residential, commercial, recreational)|country, continent). |human settlement and economic |

|Strand 5 Concept 1 | |of areas studied. | |development in Arizona. |

| | |PO 4. Describe elements of culture |PO 4. Describe elements of culture of|PO 4. Describe the cultural |

| | |(e.g., food, clothing, housing, |a community or nation (e.g., food, |characteristics (e.g., food, clothing, |

| | |sports, customs, beliefs) in a |clothing, housing, sports, customs, |housing, sports, customs, beliefs) of |

| | |community of areas studied. |beliefs) in areas studied. |Arizona’s diverse population. |

| | |Connect with: |Connect with: | |

| | |Reading Strand 2 Concept 2 |Reading Strand 2 Concept 2 | |

| | |PO 5. Discuss that Asian |PO 5. Discuss that Ancient |PO 5. Describe the major economic |

| | |civilizations have changed from past |Civilizations have changed from past |activities and land use patterns (e.g.,|

| | |to present. |to present. |agricultural, industrial, residential, |

| | | | |commercial, recreational, harvesting of|

| | | | |natural resources) of regions studied. |

| | |PO 6. Recognize the connections |PO 6. Discuss the major economic |PO 6. Describe elements of culture in |

| | |between city, state, country, and |activities and land use (e.g., |areas studied (e.g., Mexico, Central |

| | |continent. |harvesting natural resources, |and South America). |

| | | |agricultural, industrial, residential,| |

| | | |commercial, recreational) of areas | |

| | | |studied. | |

|Concept 4: Human Systems |

|Human culture, their nature, and distribution affect societies and the Earth. |

|Grade 5 |Grade 6 |Grade 7 |Grade 8 |

|PO 1. Explain why and how boundaries change |PO 1. Interpret the demographic structure of |PO 1. Discuss the implications of the |PO 1. Identify the push and pull factors |

|(e.g., Westward Expansion, Civil War, Mexican -|places and regions using a population pyramid. |demographic structure of places and regions. |(e.g., economic conditions, human rights |

|American War). | | |conditions, famines, political strife/wars, |

|Connect with: | | |natural disasters, changes in technology) that |

|Strand 1 Concept 5, 6 | | |drive human migrations. |

|PO 2. Explain the effects (e.g., economic, |PO 2. Describe the environmental, economic, |PO 2. Describe the push and pull factors (e.g.,|PO 2. Describe the effects (e.g., economic, |

|cultural, environmental, political) of human |cultural, and political effects of human |need for raw materials, enslavement, employment|environmental, cultural, political) of human |

|migration on places. |migrations and cultural diffusion on places and|opportunities, impact of war, religious |migrations on places and regions. |

|Connect with: |regions. |freedom, political freedom) that cause human | |

|Strand 1 Concept 5 | |migrations. | |

|Strand 2 Concept 5 | | | |

|Strand 5 Concept 1 | | | |

| |PO 3. Analyze the causes and effects of |PO 3. Describe the effects of human migration |PO 3. Describe the characteristics and |

| |settlement patterns. |(e.g., imperialism, quota system, changing of |locations of various cultures throughout the |

| |Connect with: |political boundaries, multiculturalism) |world. |

| |Strand 1 Concept 2 |in the U.S. and regions of the world. | |

| |Strand 2 Concept 2 | | |

| |PO 4. Identify how factors such as |PO 4. Analyze how social (e.g., family), |PO 4. Identify the factors (e.g., breakup of |

| |river/coastal civilizations and trade |physical (e.g., good climate, farmland, water, |USSR, unification of Germany, cheap labor |

| |influenced the location, distribution, and |minerals), and economic (e.g., jobs) resources |forces, outsourcing of services, oil industry) |

| |interrelationships of economic activities over |influence where human populations choose to |that influence the location, distribution and |

| |time and in different regions. |live. |interrelationships of economic activities in |

| |Connect with: | |different regions. |

| |Strand 2 Concept 2, 3, 4 | | |

| | | | |

| |PO 5. Identify cultural norms that influence |PO 5. Analyze the effects of settlement (e.g.,|PO 5. Explain how cooperation contributes to |

| |different social, political, and economic |quality of life, transportation, population |political, economic, and social organization |

| |activities of men and women. |density) on places. |(e.g., United Nations, European Union, NAFTA). |

| |Connect with: | | |

| |Strand 2 Concept 2 | | |

| | |PO 6. Describe the distributions and patterns |PO 6. Describe the aspects of culture (e.g., |

| | |of cultural characteristics (e.g., religions, |literacy, occupations, clothing, property |

| | |language, standards of living) over time. |rights) related to beliefs and understandings |

| | | |that influence the economic, social, and |

| | | |political activities of men and women. |

| | |PO 7. Describe the factors (e.g., nearness to |PO 7. Describe how changes in technology, |

| | |transportation routes, markets, raw materials, |transportation, communication, and resources |

| | |labor force) that influence the location, |affect economic development. |

| | |distribution and interrelationships of economic| |

| | |activities in different places and world | |

| | |regions. | |

| | |PO 8. Explain how cooperation and conflict | |

| | |contribute to political, economic, and social | |

| | |activities. | |

| | |PO 9. Identify cultural aspects (e.g., | |

| | |literacy rates, occupations, property rights) | |

| | |based on social and political factors. | |

| | |PO 10. Describe how changes in technology, | |

| | |transportation, communication, and resources | |

| | |affect the location of economic activities in | |

| | |places and world regions. | |

|Concept 4: Human Systems |

|Human culture, their nature, and distribution affect societies and the Earth. |

|High School |

|PO 1. Interpret population growth and demographics (e.g., birth and death rates, population growth rates, doubling time and life expectancy, carrying capacity). |

|PO 2. Analyze push/pull factors that contribute to human migration. |

|PO 3. Analyze the effects of migration on places of origin and destination, including border areas. |

|PO 4. Analyze issues of globalization (e.g., widespread use of English, the role of the global media, resistance to “cultural imperialism”, trade, outsourcing). |

|PO 5. Analyze the development, growth, and changing nature of cities (e.g., urban sprawl, suburbs, city revitalization). |

|PO 6. Analyze factors (e.g., social, biotic, abiotic) that affect human populations. |

|PO 7. Predict the effect of a change in a specific factor (e.g., social, biotic, abiotic) on a human population. |

|PO 8. Explain how ideas, customs, and innovations (e.g., religion, language, political philosophy, technological advances, higher education, economic principles) are spread through cultural |

|diffusion. |

|Concept 5: Environment and Society |

|Human and environmental interactions are interdependent upon one another. Humans interact with the environment – they depend upon it, they modify it, and they adapt to it. The health and |

|well-being of all humans depends upon an understanding of the interconnections and interdependence of human and physical systems. |

|Kindergarten |Grade 1 |Grade 2 |Grade 3 |Grade 4 |

|PO 1. Identify the origin of natural |PO 1. Identify ways (e.g., clothing, |PO 1. Identify ways (e.g., |PO 1. Identify ways (e.g., farming, |PO 1. Describe human dependence on |

|resources (e.g., fish from sea, |housing, crops) humans adapt to their |agriculture, structures, roads) in |building structures and dams, creating|the physical environment and natural |

|minerals from the ground, wood from |environment. |which humans depend upon, adapt to, |transportation routes, overgrazing, |resources to satisfy basic needs. |

|trees, food from farms). | |and impact the earth. |mining, logging) in which humans | |

| | | |depend upon, adapt to, and impact the | |

| | | |earth. | |

|PO 2. Recognize that resources are |PO 2. Identify resources that are |PO 2. Recognize ways of protecting |PO 2. Describe ways of protecting |PO 2. Describe the impact of extreme |

|renewable, recyclable, and |renewable, recyclable, and |natural resources. |natural resources. |natural events (e.g., fires, |

|non-renewable. |non-renewable. | | |volcanoes, floods, droughts) on human |

| | | | |and physical environments. |

| | | |PO 3. Identify resources that are |PO 3. Describe the impact of human |

| | | |renewable, recyclable, and |modifications (e.g., dams, mining, air|

| | | |non-renewable. |conditioning, irrigation, |

| | | | |agricultural) on the physical |

| | | | |environment and ecosystems. |

|Concept 5: Environment and Society |

|Human and environmental interactions are interdependent upon one another. Humans interact with the environment – they depend upon it, they modify it, and they adapt to it. The health and |

|well-being of all humans depends upon an understanding of the interconnections and interdependence of human and physical systems. |

|Grade 5 |Grade 6 |Grade 7 |Grade 8 |

|PO 1. Describe the ways European colonists and|PO 1. Describe ways that human dependence on |PO 1. Identify the physical processes (e.g., |PO 1. Describe how (e.g., deforestation, |

|Native Americans viewed, adapted, and used the |natural resources influences economic |conservation of natural resources, mining, |desertification) humans modify ecosystems. |

|environment. |development, settlement, trade, and migration. |water distribution in Arizona) that influence | |

|Connect with: | |the formation and location of resources. | |

|Strand 1 Concept 3, 6 | | | |

|PO 2. Describe the impact that natural events |PO 2. Describe the intended and unintended |PO 2. Describe the consequences of natural |PO 2. Describe why (e.g., resources, economic |

|(e.g., floods, earthquakes, droughts) have on |consequences of human modification (e.g., |hazards (e.g., Dust Bowl hurricanes, droughts, |livelihood) humans modify ecosystems. |

|human and physical environments. |irrigation, aqueducts, canals) on the |earthquakes). | |

| |environment. | | |

| |Connect with: | | |

| |Strand 2 Concept 2 | | |

| |PO 3. Explain how changes in the natural |PO 3. Describe how humans modify environments |PO 3. Explain how changes in the natural |

| |environment (e.g., flooding of the Nile) can |(e.g., conservation, deforestation, dams) and |environment can increase or diminish its |

| |increase or diminish its capacity to support |adapt to the environment. |capacity to support human activities. |

| |human activities. | | |

| |Connect with: | | |

| |Strand 2 Concept 2 | | |

| |PO 4. Identify the way humans respond to/ |PO 4. Describe the positive and negative |PO 4. Explain how technology positively and |

| |prepare for natural hazards (i.e., lightning, |outcomes of human modification on the |negatively affects the environment. |

| |flash floods, dust storms, tornadoes, |environment. | |

| |hurricanes, floods, earthquakes) in order to | | |

| |remain safe. | | |

| | |PO 5. Explain how modification in one place |PO 5. Analyze changing ideas and viewpoints on|

| | |(e.g., canals, dams, farming techniques, |the best use of natural resources (e.g., value |

| | |industrialization) often leads to changes in |of oil, water use, forest management). |

| | |other locations. | |

| | |PO 6. Describe the ways human population |PO 6. Explain how societies and governments |

| | |growth can affect environments and the capacity|plan for and respond to natural disasters |

| | |of environments to support populations. |(e.g., evacuation routes, changing farming |

| | | |techniques, warning systems). |

| | |PO 7. Compare different points of view and | |

| | |research on environmental issues (e.g., land | |

| | |use, natural resources, wildlife, biomes). | |

|Concept 5: Environment and Society |

|Human and environmental interactions are interdependent upon one another. Humans interact with the environment – they depend upon it, they modify it, and they adapt to it. The health and |

|well-being of all humans depends upon an understanding of the interconnections and interdependence of human and physical systems. |

|High School |

|PO 1. Analyze how the Earth’s natural systems (e.g., Gulf Stream permitting habitation of northern Europe, earthquakes, tsunamis, periodic droughts, river civilizations) affect humans. |

|PO 2. Analyze how natural hazards impact humans (e.g., differences in disaster preparation between developed and developing nations, why people continue to build in disaster-prone places). |

|PO 3. Analyze how changes in the natural environment can increase or diminish its capacity to support human activity (e.g., major droughts, warm and cold periods, volcanic eruptions, El Niño |

|events, pollution). |

|PO 4. Analyze the environmental effects of human use of technology (e.g., irrigation, deforestation, overgrazing, global warming, atmospheric and climate changes, energy production costs and |

|benefits, water management) on the environment. |

|PO 5. Analyze how humans impact the diversity and productivity of ecosystems (e.g., invading non-native plants and animals). |

|PO 6. Analyze policies and programs for resource use and management (e.g., the trade-off between environmental quality and economic growth in the twentieth century). |

|PO 7. Predict how a change in an environmental factor (e.g., extinction of species, volcanic eruptions) can affect an ecosystem. |

|Concept 6: Geographic Applications |

|Geographic thinking (asking and answering geographic questions) is used to understand spatial patterns of the past, the present, and to plan for the future. |

|Kindergarten |Grade 1 |Grade 2 |Grade 3 |Grade 4 |

|PO 1. Discuss geographic concepts |PO 1. Use geography concepts and |PO 1. Discuss geographic concepts |PO 1. Discuss geographic concepts |PO 1. Describe the impact of |

|related to current events. |skills (e.g., recognizing patterns, |related to current events. |related to current events. |geographic features (e.g., rivers, |

| |mapping, graphing) to find solutions | | |mountains, resources, deserts, |

| |for problems (e.g., trash, leaky | | |climate) on migration and the location|

| |faucets, bike paths, traffic patterns)| | |of human activities (e.g., |

| |in the local environment. | | |exploration, mining, transportation |

| | | | |routes, settlement patterns). |

| |PO 2. Discuss geographic concepts |PO 2. Use geography concepts and |PO 2. Use geography concepts and |PO 2. Discuss geographic knowledge |

| |related to current events. |skills (e.g., patterns, mapping, |skills (e.g., recognizing patterns, |and skills related to current events. |

| | |graphing) to find solutions for |mapping, graphing) to find solutions | |

| | |problems (e.g., trash, leaky faucets, |for local, state or national problems | |

| | |bike paths, traffic patterns) in the |(e.g., shortage or abundance of | |

| | |environment. |natural resources). | |

| | | | |PO 3. Use geography concepts and |

| | | | |skills (e.g., recognizing patterns, |

| | | | |mapping, graphing) to find solutions |

| | | | |for local, state or national problems |

| | | | |(e.g., shortage or abundance of |

| | | | |natural resources). |

|Concept 6: Geographic Applications |

|Geographic thinking (asking and answering geographic questions) is used to understand spatial patterns of the past, the present, and to plan for the future. |

|Grade 5 |Grade 6 |Grade 7 |Grade 8 |

|PO 1. Describe how geographic features |PO 1. Describe ways geographic features and |PO 1. Describe ways geographic features and |PO 1. Describe ways geographic features and |

|influenced events in the past in the Original |conditions influenced settlement in various |conditions influence history. |conditions influence history. |

|Thirteen Colonies, the Great Plains, the |locations (e.g., near waterways, on high |(Connect to time periods studied as well as |(Connect to time periods studied as well as |

|Pacific Northwest and the West. |terrain, with adequate fresh water, on good |current events.) |current events.) |

| |land for farming, in temperate climates) | | |

|Connect with: |throughout different periods of time, places, | | |

|Strand 1 Concept 3, 5, 6 |and regions. | | |

| |Connect with: | | |

| |Strand 2 Concept 2 | | |

|PO 2. Use geographic knowledge and skills |PO 2. Use geographic knowledge and skills |PO 2. Describe how environments (e.g., Sun |PO 2. Describe ways different groups of people|

|(e.g., recognizing patterns, mapping, graphing)|(e.g., recognizing patterns, mapping, graphing)|Belt, urban areas) influence living conditions.|(i.e., Native Americans, Hispanics, retirees) |

|when discussing current events. |when discussing current events. | |create and shape the same environment. |

|PO 3. Use geography concepts and skills (e.g.,| |PO 3. Use geographic knowledge and skills |PO 3. Use geographic knowledge and skills |

|recognizing patterns, mapping, graphing) to | |(e.g., recognizing patterns, mapping, graphing)|(e.g., recognizing patterns, mapping, graphing)|

|find solutions for local, state or national | |when discussing current events. |when discussing current events. |

|problems (e.g., shortage or abundance of | | | |

|natural resources). | | | |

|Concept 6: Geographic Applications |

|Geographic thinking (asking and answering geographic questions) is used to understand spatial patterns of the past, the present, and to plan for the future. |

|High School |

|PO 1. Analyze how geographic knowledge, skills, and perspectives (e.g., use of Geographic Information Systems in urban planning, reapportionment of political units, locating businesses) are used|

|to solve contemporary problems. |

|PO 2. Analyze how changing perceptions of places and environments (e.g., where individuals choose to live and work, Israeli settlements, role of military bases, Viking colonization and naming of|

|Iceland) affect the choices of people and institutions. |

|PO 3. Analyze how geography influences historical events and movements (e.g., Trail of Tears, Cuban Missile Crisis, location of terrorist camps, pursuit of Pancho Villa, Mao’s long march, |

|Hannibal crossing the Alps, Silk Road). |


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