
Public Employer Risk Management Association, Inc.


as of September 2001

For the most up-to-date listing of PERMA videos, please visit our website at .

|P.O. Box 12250 |9 Cornell Road |

|Albany, NY 12212-2250 |Latham, NY 12110 |


1-518-220-1111, ext. 3039

Toll Free 1-888-PERMA NY (1-888-737-6269), ext. 3039


1-877-PERMA FAX (1-877-737-6232)


PERMA’s Loss Control Department has assembled a library of Safety Training Videos focusing on municipal operations. We will be updating the catalog periodically and notifying you either through mailings or the newsletter. These videos can be used for:

• safety committee meetings

• departmental training sessions

• staff safety meetings.

Videos are available to all PERMA members at no charge. Additional copies of our updated catalogs are available through the PERMA Loss Control Department by calling (888) 737-6269 or (518) 220-1111, ext. 3039.

Scheduling videos: It is best to order videos as early as possible; a month in advance is recommended. While videos are often available within the week, videos that are in high demand may take a month or more to schedule. In order to help us keep waiting lists short, we allow up to 10 business days for viewing. If videos are required for a longer period of time, please be sure to let us know when requesting the videos. We will be happy to make the necessary arrangements when possible.

Seasonal videos: Please be mindful that these videos are in high demand in their corresponding seasons. They are likely to have a long waiting list and may not be available for extended periods.

Timely return of videos: Videos should be returned in the envelope in which they were received, or a similar package, to minimize the potential for damage. Upon receipt of your videos, please be sure to check your return date immediately. Please be mindful of the needs of other members. The due date noted in your letter is the date the videos should be received by our office; we already calculate in mailing time. We require that they be returned on that date in order for the next member to receive them on schedule.

Method of returning videos: We ask that all videos be returned via Federal Express or Airborne Express. This is so we can track the movement of the videos to avoid loss. When you receive a video, the enclosed memo will list the account numbers to be used.

Proper care of videos: You, the PERMA members, pay for these videos. Please help us to control expenses by taking proper care of all videos. However, normal wear and tear is expected; damage and/or operating problems should be reported to us when the video is returned so that appropriate repairs can be made.

Lost videos: Videos are offered with no charges to our members for shipping, rental or return. Should a video become lost or misplaced, please notify our library immediately. It is expected that the municipality will voluntarily replace the lost video so that our Video Library can be properly maintained.































|Accident Investigation: The Accident–What To Do - 1201A (14 mins) This creative |Accident Investigation-1201B - (20 mins) |

|program reviews the basic steps for investigating an accident effectively. This |Covers mechanical accidents, including those resulting from the use or misuse of|

|is the key to making sure accidents do not happen again! Includes: Assembling an|equipment, occupational illness, line-of-duty death, and accidents involving |

|investigation kit, what to check for initially, gathering evidence, key points in |motor vehicles. Emphasizes the use of findings to create a safer work |

|interviewing witnesses, putting data together and making recommendations & |environment. |

|follow-up. | |


|Back Care - 1002B (13 mins) |Back Reaction – Firefighters of America - 1005B (30 mins) |

|Public works and construction employees have special needs for back care. The |The nature of firefighters’ work can create constant physical stress and strain,|

|“old” lift-with-your-legs routine does not always apply. Employees work in mud, |calling for specific care and exercise. This course illustrates many of the |

|rain, snow, and heat. Shoveling, using breakers, tamps, lifting concrete bags, |common movements and lifts that firefighters confront every day. Photographs |

|etc. are all tasks that require special training to avoid strain/sprain injuries. |and graphic illustrations of these movements are provided to show their impact |

|This video addresses not only safe lifting techniques, but also safe methods for |on the muscles. Accompanying the illustrations are diagrams showing specific |

|shoveling, breaking pavement and many other tasks directly related to strain & |exercises to help strengthen these muscles. It’s well known that, given proper |

|sprain injuries. |body mechanics, injuries can be prevented. |

|Back Safety: Landscape Maintenance & Custodial - 1003B (18 mins) Most back |Preventing Back Pain (Police) – 1006A (10 mins) |

|injuries are the result of workers not following safe lifting and carrying |A complete back injury prevention program. All information is presented from a |

|procedures. This program is an invaluable guide to the basic steps that |law enforcement perspective. The materials show officers that their particular |

|landscape, maintenance, warehouse and custodial workers should follow in order to |fitness and health problems are not unique and present solutions that are |

|avoid back injuries. This video covers: Body mechanics; Lifting; Pushing; Back |realistic within the constraints of law enforcement duties. |

|braces. | |

|Safety Bite-Shoveling Safety - 4013A (6 mins) |Safe Lifting/Back Supports - 1007B (11 mins) |

|This video covers: Use of the right shovel for the job (Square-point, flat-blade, |Back supports help your employees use safe lifting techniques. Video coverage |

|or round-tip); inspecting the shovel; proper technique to avoid back injury |includes: ( Anatomy of the back: Importance of disks and ligaments; injuries |

| |(10:1 ratio for safe lifting ( Back supports: Use and care. |

|Back to Fitness – 1004A (20 mins) Back injuries have taken an enormous human and |Construction Back Safety - 1008A (10 mins) |

|financial toll on local government operations throughout the country. Through a |Construction work doesn’t have to mean back pain if you learn to work smart. |

|variety of pro-active and post-event techniques, the probability of injury is |Following the easily-learned safety techniques reviewed in this video program |

|being reduced and disability periods shortened. Join us as we visit with some of |will help you maintain a healthy back for work and play. Covers: Learning |

|the star performers in encouraging employees to stay in shape. They are |correct posture, lifting without injury, and preventing repetitive motion |

|justifiably proud of their accomplishments and are eager to share their stories of|injuries. |

|success. | |


|This back safety program was designed to provide employees with information that can help prevent back injuries from occurring while on the job. This program will|

|review the frequency and costs of back injuries, and practices and equipment that can prevent or reduce back injuries. Includes: (proper posture (lifting formula|

|and recommended weight limits (proper lifting techniques (the use of personal protective equipment (back supports) (the role of diet in injury prevention |

|(stretching and strengthening exercises for the back. |


|Bloodborne Pathogens – Protect Yourself - 1202A (15 mins) Designed for all |Bloodborne Pathogens for Law Enforcement - 1200A (19 mins) Law enforcement |

|employees in your organization, this video program covers basic bloodborne |personnel face dangers every day. The transmission of bloodborne diseases |

|pathogen precautions. It explains vital first aid safeguards and is invaluable |doesn’t have to be one of them. This program reviews the essential elements of |

|for first-on-the-scene co-workers who may find themselves at the scene of a bloody|exposure control. The video covers: ( HBV, HIV and AIDS ( Infectious material (|

|accident. The video covers: (HBV, HIV and AIDS. (First aid safeguards. |Work controls, housekeeping, PPE |

|(Decontamination procedures. (Housekeeping | |

|Bloodborne Pathogens (-Industrial) - 1202B (21 mins) Alarming headlines about the |Emergency Responders: Bloodborne Pathogens (Paramedics) - 1011B (19 mins) |

|risks of AIDS and other bloodborne disease have cast a specter of fear over many |Designed for persons potentially exposed to blood and other potential hazards |

|workers in the healthcare field. Yet this program can help you replace anxiety |relating to BBPs, specifically paramedics, EMTs, firefighters, police officers, |

|with professional confidence. With proper training and work requirements, your |correctional officers, first-aid/CPR personnel and others who provide emergency |

|employees will develop safe work habits and reduce their risk of contracting a |procedures. Meets training requirements for Category I and II employees who are|

|bloodborne disease on the job. This program was created to instruct new employees|reasonably anticipated to becoming occupationally exposed to blood or blood |

|and to update experienced first responders as well as employees trained in first |contaminating products. (1993) |

|aid with current information on federal regulations and the control of bloodborne | |

|infections in an industrial setting. | |

|Rescue BBP - 1010B (22 mins) This video covers training for the general workforce |Bloodborne Pathogens for Corrections - 1200B (22 mins) Jail can be a violent |

|based on OSHA’s Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens Final Rule, 29CFR |place. Fights, drugs, rapes, searches and other events can expose employees to |

|1910.1030, Subpart Z. Through knowledge and preparations, employees can deal with|infected bodily fluids. Based on OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030, this vital video |

|job related risks safely...even when the risks are great. In this video, rescue |program will help workers keep dangerous bloodborne diseases locked away. |

|workers like firefighters and EMTs tell how they deal safely with the enormous |Covers: bloodborne diseases, transmission and exposure control plans. |

|risks they face on the job every day, by being aware and being prepared. The | |

|video covers: (Risk of bloodborne pathogens (BBP). (Most common means of | |

|transmission of BBPs. (Transmission of BBPs in the workplace. (Precautions to | |

|take against exposure to BBPs. (Steps to take in case of exposure. | |

|New!! Bloodborne Pathogens 2000 (SPANISH) - (20 mins) Covers new terminology: “body substances” and “standard precautions,” plus a new approach to meet training |

|requirements: (HBV, HCV and HIV; modes of transmission (Infection and exposure control; PPE, signs/labels |


|Verbal Judo - 1001V (3 2-hour tapes) Verbal Judo, or Tactical Communication, is the principal of Judo itself: Using the energy of others to master situations. |

|Verbal Judo contains a set of communication principals and tactics that enable the user to generate cooperation and gain voluntary compliance in others under |

|stressful conditions, such as hostile suspects and upset or frightened victims. In short, you will learn how to deal with difficult people using conflict |

|management tactics to defuse confrontational encounters. (CAUTION: STRONG LANGUAGE) |


|Confined Space Entry 1203A (21 mins) This video covers: Entry permit requirements; Safe atmosphere testing; Personal protective equipment; Training the Entry Team.|

|Confined Space Entry (Life & Death Series) – 1203B (21 mins) In this video, viewers will see how simple mistakes lead to major injuries and death during a confined|

|space entry operation. Through the eyes of the rescue team, your employees will learn about the three mistakes that caused this tragedy. The video will also help|

|meet your OSHA training and retraining requirements. The video opens with an emergency alarm indicating that something has gone wrong in the tank where two |

|maintenance mechanics are working. It appears that an explosion has occurred and contact has been lost with the two workers. The attendant calls the rescue team |

|and then makes the bad decision to go in after his buddies. Training points covered: Follow Entry Permit requirements completely; Duties of attendants & the |

|entry supervisor; Lockout & line breaking procedures; Rescue team availability; Air testing & monitoring; Contact between attendants & entrants; Understand all |

|hazards in the space |

|NEW! Confined Space Emergency 3-Video Set (5000CF) - 60 mins total |

|Program 1 - Understanding Confined Spaces (26 mins) |

|Learn the hazards associated with confined spaces, including flammable and explosive atmospheres, oxygen deficient and oxygen enriched atmospheres, toxic |

|atmospheres and physical hazards. Find out how to develop an entry plan and the responsibilities of entrants, attendants and supervisors. Learn about entry |

|permits, blinding and blanking, lockout/tagout, atmospheric testing, ventilation, and much more. |

|Program 2 - Confined Space & the First Responder (17 mins) |

|Teaches the first responder, who typically is not trained or equipped to enter a confined space, activities that can be carried out prior to the arrival of |

|technical rescue teams. Describes the dangers of unprepared rescue and the methods of non-entry victim relief. Shows how to size up and isolate the site to guard|

|against hazards both inside and outside of the space. Explains the importance of intrinsically safe & explosion-proof equipment. |

|Program 3 - Confined Space Technical Rescue (17 mins) |

|Provides training for personnel who may need to enter a confined space for rescue purposes. Possible scenarios for technical rescue are shown. Covers both |

|workplace accidents and community incidents. Learn about personal protective equipment and specialized rescue equipment, as well as risk evaluation, entry |

|procedures and rescue techniques. |


|Alcohol & Drug Testing - 4001A (20 minutes) Even though the percentage of commercial drivers who use drugs is low, it only takes one driver to cause a major |

|disaster. That’s why the Department of Transportation now mandates drug testing. This new program explains the drug testing system to supervisors and employees |

|and will help alleviate their fears. Video addresses: Random drug testing, Pre-employment, post-accident, return-to-duty and follow up testing, what to expect |

|during a test, security and false positives and re-testing specimens. |

|Defensive Driving-Prepared for the Worst - 4004A (18 mins) Covers the conditions which can create hazardous driving, including fog, snow and ice, rain, night |

|driving, breakdowns, additional hazards such as driving next to trucks, accidents, emergency vehicles, road construction and animals, and personal security. This |

|is a fast moving video with lots of graphic examples of what can happen when you lose control of your vehicle!!! It depicts all types of weather, covers vans, |

|small trucks and cars, includes driving defensively around trucks and emergency vehicles, and use of anti-lock brakes. |

|Defensive Driving-A Crash Course - 4003A (16 mins) Each year, thousands of people are injured or die in job-related motor vehicle accidents. In fact, motor |

|vehicle accidents are the number-one cause of employee injuries and deaths. Most of these accidents could have been avoided simply by driving defensively. This |

|video covers: Planning and Preparation; A Defensive Attitude; Driven to Distractions; Practical Driving Procedures |

|CEVO-Police Supplement - S300 (1 hr) This 1-hour module addresses the effect of |DOT Drug & Alcohol Testing - 4002A (20 minutes) The Federal Department of |

|lights and sirens on driving behavior-both that of police officers and the |Transportation’s Alcohol & Drug Testing Rule is now in effect. Employers must |

|driving public. Although the program can serve as stand-alone training, it is |train drivers on the dangers of alcohol and controlled substances and the |

|ideally suited for use as a follow-on to the CEVO-Police™ (C300) or other |potential consequences of their misuse. Topics included are: Affects of abuse on|

|training course |job performance, conditions for testing, types of drugs, and collection |

| |procedure. (Comes with sample handbook.) |


|Fire Protection and Electrical Safety - 5001A (9 mins) Excellent for new or |Fire Extinguisher Training - 5002A (6 mins) Saving lives vs. property: know |

|experienced employees. Covers: Fire extinguishers; Sprinklers; Housekeeping; |priorities; Extinguisher inspection; Extinguisher operation: PASS method; Classes|

|Chemicals; Cords, receptacles and general electrical safety. |of fires |

|Facts About Fire - 5009A (15 mins) This video program will provide your |Fire Safety: Getting Out Alive - 5003A(15 mins) Ensure employees know what to |

|Organization with the basic information for your employees to understand and |do in case of a major fire. This excellent video provides details about planning|

|guard against: The essential ingredients in causing fire; the temperatures at |for and surviving a workplace fire: Creating a working fire evacuation plan; |

|which various materials become prone to ignition; sources of ignition and the |Strategies to avoid being trapped by fire; Fire drills: conducting your own |

|areas most likely to produce this key ingredient; and the right mixture to start | |

|and sustain fires. | |

|NEW! Technical Rescue Awareness (5011A) - 26 mins When disaster strikes, rescue teams must locate victims, reach them safely, and return them to safety without |

|causing further injury. This new program provides NFPA-defined Awareness level training for emergency responders who may be first on the scene of a technical |

|rescue incident. Seven rescue disciplines are depicted: Confined space rescue, rope rescue, structural collapse, vehicle rescue, machinery rescue, water rescue |

|and wilderness rescue. Within each scenario, responders learn about specific hazards and appropriate protective & supportive actions to be taken, as well as the |

|bounds beyond which responders should not proceed. Other topics covered include size-up, construction categories, collapse patterns and initial search & rescue |

|operations that do not involve entering the space. |


|Housekeeping Responsibilities (Safety Bite) – 1150A (5 mins) Motivate employees |25 Most Commonly Cited OSHA Violations - 1219A (Approx. 9 mins) Don’t take a |

|to take workplace housekeeping seriously: (Hazards: clean, correct or report. |chance of facing an OSHA inspection without your supervisors having seen this |

|(Stairway, aisle, exit and storage hazards. (Keeping tools & machines in good |video! (Record keeping training. (Electrical, machinery & chemical violations.|

|repair. (Other hazards: extension cords, nails, suspended loads, hand trucks, |(Housekeeping is an OSHA favorite! (HAZCOM program |

|splinters, broken glass, oily rags. | |

|Getting on/Off Tractors, Trailers & Docks - 1210C (12 mins) Don’t let drivers take|Slips, Trips & Falls - 1210D (20 mins) Falls account for almost 400,000 |

|this for granted! Proper mount/dismount techniques will prevent injuries, |workplace injuries each year. This exciting new entry into the Real, Real-Life |

|downtime & comp dollars. Covers: safe hand holds & proper foot positioning. |series will teach your workers to be aware of potential dangers and to minimize |

| |serious injury on the job. |

|Ladder Safety – 1210B (13 mins). Falls represent the largest single cause of accidental death in the workplace. About 40% of these falls result in falling from |

|one level to another, many from ladders and scaffolds. Many of these falls are serious, but more importantly, many could have been avoided if safety procedures |

|were followed. This program looks at the selection and safe use of ladders in the workplace and also looks at the safety involved when using rolling scaffolds. |

|This program has been designed for general training for all personnel who use ladders. Training points covered: Step ladders, straight ladders, extension ladders|

|and rolling scaffolds; General maintenance; Selecting the right ladder; Safe angle; Lifting and carrying of ladders; Erecting ladders; Securing of ladders; Safe |

|positioning of ladders; Working on ladders |


|MSDS - 1213A(20 mins) This award-winning video program will help your employees |Chlorine Safety - 3008A (12 mins) The danger of chlorine is well documented, |

|use and understand the MSDS and in so doing help to control the chemical hazards |yet dozens of employees are injured each year by this deadly gas. This video |

|in their facility. Video covers: Product information; Exposure situations; Hazard|explains the risks and hazards of chlorine, as well as safe use and leak |

|prevention and personal protection; Toxicology, ecology and disposal; |procedures. (Comes with sample handbook.) (1990) |

|Transportation; Regulatory information. | |

|Hazard Communication 2000 - 1205C (20 mins) Up-to-date information provides |Hazard Communication - 1205A (19 mins) Help employees understand the potential |

|compliance for OSHA 1910.1200 written and training requirements. Make sure |hazards of the chemicals with which they work and they will have a greater |

|employees have the essential knowledge necessary to work safely with chemicals. |respect for those chemicals and for your organization. This video complies with|

|This video covers: (Written program requirements, (chemical inventories (MSDS, |OSHA 1910.1200 and covers: Identifying hazardous chemicals; Reading warning |

|(labels, (principles of chemical safety. |labels; understanding an MSDS; specific examples |


|Right to Know for Public Agencies - 1216A (13 mins) Meet OSHA and right-to-know |HAZMAT Leaks, Drips & Spills Clean Up (Safety Bite) - 1220A (5½ mins) This |

|laws by covering: Definitions of hazardous chemicals & health hazards; Hazard |video covers: Hazardous Material definition; Development of an emergency plan; |

|awareness and avoidance; MSDS: Function and contents by section; Chemical |Personal Protective Equipment; Cleanup procedures. |

|labeling. | |

|Lead Awareness - 1222A (5½ mins) This video covers how lead enters the body, hazards associated with overexposure and preventative measures. |


|Fire Safety In Home Health: Ten Burning Questions – 8001A (23 mins) This vital |Home Health Safety Orientation – 8002A (20 mins) This important program will |

|new video program emphasizes the basic facts about fire, steps to take to assess |help you recognize the potential dangers of working in a home care setting. It |

|fire hazards in patients' homes, and ways to teach families how to prevent, |provides important safety tips that will protect you and your patients. (What |

|control and escape home fires. (Home fire statistics (Basic fire safety tips |to look for in the home (Safe work practices (Handling medical waste and |

|(PASS (RACE for safety |equipment (Hand washing |

|Bloodborne Pathogens: Protection in the Home Care Setting – 8005A (17 mins) As a |It's Your Back, Don't Break It: Back Safety For Home Health – 8004A (20 mins) |

|home care provider, you can be exposed to blood and potentially infectious body |Designed specifically for home care workers, this video explains how to lift and|

|fluids—regardless of your specific responsibilities. This program outlines the |move patients safely. It also describes how employees can protect their backs |

|proper precautions that you should follow to ensure your safety on the job. This |with good posture, diet and exercise. This program can easily be incorporated |

|video covers: OSHA 1910.1030, as well as: ( Workplace transmission ( Standard |into your current back safety program and can be used to update supervisors on |

|Precautions ( HBV vaccination ( Housekeeping and laundry |current back safety, procedures. (How the back works (Posture and exercise |

| |(Safe lifting (Preventing back injuries |

|Latex Allergy: Stop the Reaction – 8003A (22 mins) Allergic reactions to natural |Infection Control for Home Healthcare: Winning the Battle – 8007A (19 mins) |

|rubber latex products are being recognized with increasing frequency among |By following the basic infection control practices outline in this vital video |

|healthcare workers who use gloves and other products containing latex. This timely|program, your home care workers can protect themselves and their patients from |

|program contains guidelines for minimizing latex-related health problems while |the spread of infection. ( Work practice controls ( Housekeeping and laundry |

|maximizing protection. (What latex allergy is (Types of reactions caused by latex| |

|(Who is at risk for latex allergy (What you can do to protect yourself | |


|Home Healthcare Violence: Be Smart, Be Safe – 8006A (22 mins) The entire healthcare system in the United States is undergoing a fundamental change. Healthcare |

|treatment is shifting from the hospital to the patient’s home. And your role as a home care provider is shifting to include more and more primary care. This |

|program reviews the vital procedures that you and your employees should follow to minimize risk and have greater security when performing your very valuable work. |

|(The problem of violence (The assault cycle (Pre-visit safety practices (Making safety your priority |

|Proper Use of Posey Gait & Transfer Belts 8008A - (15 mins) Lifting and transferring patients takes a heavy toll on today’s caregivers. This video shows what you|

|can do to minimize back injuries related t patient transfers. It demonstrates how the use of a low-cost, easy-to-apply transfer belt can greatly reduce the |

|physical stress and potential injury associated with patient transfers. It reviews the nine basic rules for successful patient transfers and illustrates these |

|rules by demonstrating common transfer procedures performed every day by healthcare personnel. |


|Heat Stress - 3017A (10 mins) More and more “illnesses” are surfacing from |A New Way to Guard Against Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac - 3013A (8 |

|employees working in abnormally high-temperature jobs. Explains heatstroke, heat |mins) Help employees to identify poisonous plants and understand the allergic |

|stress, fainting, and basically how to prevent illness related to a hot |reaction process. This is a sales video for “IvyBlock”®. |

|environment. | |

|Ticks and Lyme Disease - 3010B (13 mins) Train with accurate, clear information |Heat Stress (Humorous) - 3017B (17 mins) Train employees to recognize and |

|about Lyme disease, a potentially paralyzing condition. |prevent heat stress: (Situations leading to heat-related illnesses (Heat |

| |stress, heat exhaustion, heat stroke (How the body reacts to heat (Heat stress |

| |symptoms and first aid |

|Killer Bees, Wasps and Spiders - 3011A (37 mins) Help employees protect |Ticks: Disease Prevention - 3010A (16 mins) Increases awareness of tick related |

|themselves from an attack or bite from these common yet potentially deadly |diseases, motivates and instructs employees how to prevent bites, inspect for |

|insects. Includes: When/why a bee is likely to attack; Defending oneself against|and effectively remove ticks. |

|a bee attack; Treatment for bee stings and spider bites; Recognizing sting or bite| |

|allergic reactions. | |

|Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - 2001A (6 mins) Help your employees avoid pain and lost work due to this preventable nerve condition. Covers symptoms, hand anatomy and |

|protection of the median nerve, and syndrome causes. |

|Tuberculosis Awareness - 2002A (16 mins) The Centers for Disease Control has reported a resurgence of TB. Anyone can contract TB and its new drug-resistant |

|strains, including your employees. This video program will help your employees understand TB and how to fight against it. Covers: (How you contract TB (Symptoms|

|of TB infection (What happens if you become infected with TB (Who is at risk? |


|Chain Saw Safety - 3014A (28 minutes) An excellent all-around video for teaching |Professional’s Guide to Lawn Mower Safety - 3015A (24 mins) This video provides|

|professional chain saw safety techniques. Topics covered/demonstrated: Choosing a|the viewer with essential information for the safe operation of lawn mowers. |

|Quality Saw, Proper Cranking, Chain Break, Kickback, Saw Operation, Felling |Presented in three parts: General safety, walk-behind mowers, and ride-on |

|Positions, Safety Considerations, Moving through the Woods, and more. |mowers. You’ll see experienced ground maintenance workers explaining personal |

| |safety pointers. |

|Landscape Maintenance - 3019A (10 mins) Addresses landscape maintenance safety |Landscape Power Tools - 3018A (20 mins) This program highlights three of the |

|when using mowers, cutters, knives, and trimmers. Safety procedures relating to |most widely used power tools-string trimmers, power blowers and chain saws-and |

|chemicals and hazardous materials used in this industry. |how to work safely with them. (Personal protective equipment (Proper operating |

| |techniques (Inspection & maintenance |

|String Trimmer Safety - 3020A (20 mins) Avoid accidents with proper maintenance |Tree-Trimming Safety - 3012A (18 mins) This video explains the safety and |

|and safe operation. Discusses flow of work, keep both hands on machine; keep |maintenance considerations for working with chain saws, chippers, high-lift |

|trimmer close to body, don’t overreach, and PPE. |trucks, and general tree trimming safety. |


|Lockout/Tagout-Controlling the Beast – 1206A (19 mins) This video complies with OSHA 1910.147 and covers: Hazards of uncontrolled energy; What is lockout/tagout?;|

|When to use lockout/tagout procedures; OSHA’s six-step procedure; Avoiding catastrophic accidents; Removing locks and tags; Equipment shutdown and isolation; |

|Control of stored energy |

|Lockout/Tagout of Construction Equipment - 1230A (24 mins) Industrial and manufacturing lockout/tagout procedures do not directly relate to repair work done on |

|mobile construction equipment. This video was created to provide a simple, straightforward process designed to meet simple OSHA requirements as they relate to |

|work on mobile construction equipment of all types. The video covers: Reference to the specific OSHA regulation affecting this process; training requirements; |

|types of energy affected by lockout/tagout procedures; areas where hazardous energy may be stored; the six steps of the lockout/tagout process. |


|Wheel Loader Operating Techniques – 3022A (23 mins) This fast-paced video covers |Wheel Loader Walk-Around and Introduction – 3021A (15 mins) The first step in |

|subjects such as recovering from a slide on a side hill, how to avoid slipping |safe operation of any piece of equipment is knowing that it’s in good working |

|into an open excavation, safe road travel, trailer transport techniques, |condition. This video shows operators how to look for more than fluid levels |

|undercutting a bank, truck loading from stockpiles, loading hoppers, operating |and leaks. More importantly, it tells them why and what can go wrong if they |

|near high speed traffic or pedestrians, night operations, and buried utilities, as|miss something. Knowing when, how and why to drain the moisture out to an air |

|well as dozens of other real world operating situations. Every wheel loader |tank can help avoid an accident. |

|operator will be glad they watched it. | |

|Safe Dump Truck Operation - 3006B (16 mins) Ensures that employees follow proper |Backhoe Safety & Operations - 3005A (11 mins) Backhoes are complicated and |

|procedures & correct any bad habits. Covers: (Types & sizes of dump trucks |dangerous machines requiring training for safe, efficient operations. This |

|(Inspecting vehicles to detect problems (Loading, unloading and dumping safety |program is targeted toward new as well as experienced operators. It covers safe|

|(Vehicle maneuvering and terrain considerations (Safety on the road. USE EITHER |operation, maintenance, and pre-startup procedures. (1993) |

|THIS VIDEO OR 3006A | |


|Landscape Equipment (Loader-Backhoe Safety Series) - 3016A (2 20-min videos) |New!! Forklift Case Histories: Serious Business - 9003A (18 mins) Perhaps |

|These two 20-minute videos provide a comprehensive safety framework and |nothing emphasizes the significance of this new video program better than the |

|easy-to-follow guidelines for loader-back hoe crews. Tape I deals with |introduction to the program itself: “This training program presents |

|loader-back hoe safety and is designed for operators. It covers the most common |re-enactments of four actual accidents that occurred on or around forklifts and |

|mistakes and accidents, transporting and utility dangers. Tape II discusses |walkies. Your life may depend on learning from the mistakes of these victims." |

|practical guidelines for many other trades that work with the loader back hoe |Ideal for training and retraining. Covers: (Securing the platform (Securing the|

|daily. It explains how plumbers, electricians and others can work safely with |load (Safe forklift speed and turning (Handling a forklift (Working safely |

|this machine. |around forklifts and pallet trucks. |

|Dump Truck Safety - 3006A (15 mins) Dump trucks are complicated and expensive pieces of equipment where untrained drivers and operators can certainly be a |

|liability. This video covers pre-startup procedures, brake systems, dumping techniques, and general safety while operating the unit. (1990) USE EITHER THIS |

|VIDEO OR 3006B |

|New!! Forklift Safety-The Responsible Operator (9003B) - 25 mins SCHEDULE THIS PROGRAM WITH YOUR LOSS CONTROL CONSULTANT |

|According to the latest statistics from NIOSH, the number of forklift-related injuries is steadily rising. The objective of this training program is to provide an|

|awareness of safe work practices and safe driving skills for operators of powered industrial trucks. The training program also covers OSHA’s training requirements|

|for operators of powered industrial trucks required in standard 29 CFR 1910.178. In this program, employees will learn about: (The different types of forklifts |

|and their classifications (How to conduct a pre-operation inspection (Potential hazards in the working environment (Principles of the stability triangle (Proper |

|load handling (Safe driving skills (Refueling gas and LP tank powered forklifts (Techniques for charging and changing batteries. |


|Motor Fleet Maintenance Safety - 9002A (19 mins) (DBP) This video addresses the |Motor Fleet Maintenance Safety (Safety Bite) - 9002B (6 mins) (LIP) Motivate |

|risks and hazards associated with vehicle maintenance and repair. It explains |your fleet repair staff to see safety as part of their job as a professional! |

|basic tools, electrical hand tools, fire hazards and more. Meets OSHA |Reviews basic & industry specific safety tips. THIS VIDEO IS A SHORTER VERSION |

|requirements for mechanic safety training. |OF 9002A. |


|Computer Ergonomics – The Joyce Institute Approach - 3001A (11 mins) This video |Video Display Terminals - 3000A (21 mins) Computers are able to perform a |

|addresses the best ways to work at video display terminals to reduce stress and |multitude of tasks in mere minutes and even operate 24 hours a Day! |

|possible injury—without sacrificing productivity. The video provides a |Unfortunately, people cannot. Just a regular eight-hour workday can take quite |

|step-by-step examination of the components of the VDT workstation including the |a toll on the human body. This video program is designed to teach employees how|

|height and distance of the monitor, the keyboard, the chair and an explanation of |to fight the battle against minor aches and pains, which could become a serious |

|the science of ergonomics and its benefits. The program also presents five |problem. Video covers: Ergonomic principles; Working with your keyboard; |

|stress-relieving exercises employees can do at their workstations and includes a |Eliminating eye strain; Relaxation exercises; Workstation analysis. |

|quiz on workstation ergonomics. | |

|Working Smart - 1153A (19 mins) OSHA reports that 40,000 disabling injuries and 2,000 safety-related deaths occur in offices each year! This video program alerts |

|employees to potential danger in their offices and gives critical advice on how to avoid those dangers. (Avoiding slips and falls (Ergonomics (Preventing back |

|injuries (Hazardous and flammable chemicals. |


|Personal Protective Equipment - 1209A (18 mins) (Comes with sample handbook.) |Respirators and How to Use Them - 1001B (12 mins) Employees rarely understand |

|Updated to help you comply with the revised OSHA standards, this video program |the Who, What, When, Where and Why of respirator use. They may have general |

|covers information on the safe use and maintenance of PPE. (Comes with sample |ideas, but this program will give them the important facts regarding the use of |

|employee handbook) (Complies with OSHA 1910.132, 1910.133, 1910.135, 1910.136, and|a respirator. Employees will also feel more secure in wearing them once they |

|1910.138 (Proper use and fit (Proper care and storage (The importance of using |know how to properly use them. (1993) |

|PPE. | |

|Hearing Protection - Sounds Good to Me - 1221A (14 mins) The program features |Personal Protective Equipment (SafetyCare) - 1209B (18 mins) Although the |

|country music legend Charlie Daniels and covers the importance of proper hearing |scenes are industrial in nature, this video does show an excellent description |

|protection. It discusses the effect noise has on the human ear, personal |of personal protective equipment, how to use it and how to maintain it. (Hard |

|protective equipment and controlling harmful noise. |hats, safety glasses, etc.) |

|Respiratory Protection - 1111B (27 mins) Give your employees a solid understanding of respiratory hazards as well as the proper use, fit and maintenance of |

|respirators with this classic video program. (Comes with sample handbook) (Complies with OSHA 1910.134 (How the lungs work (Types of respirators (Fitting a |

|respirator |


|Playground Safety: Design and Maintenance - 7002B (20 mins) |S. Park Revolution (Skateboard) - 7004A (45 mins) This video is designed to |

|Playgrounds can be dangerous! That’s why this video is an excellent safety tool |give you the information you need to take a leadership role in bringing a |

|for every city park and school district. Especially valuable for training |skatepark to your community. The video covers case histories and success |

|employees, this 20-minute program demonstrates how to prevent hazards that can |stories of existing non-profit skateboard parks, location needs, additional |

|lead to serious playground injuries. Special segments cover (How to maintain |funding sources, insurance and liability issues, obstacles to overcome, and |

|hazard-free surfaces (How to prevent entrapment dangers (”Hands On” inspection |other important considerations. PERMA does not endorse any one vendor but this |

|techniques that reveal protrusion and entanglement dangers |video by Airwalk( is one of the best around on this subject. Directed by Tim |

| |Payne and Morgan Stone, Groove Productions. |

|Softball & Baseball Field Maintenance and Safety - 7003A (25 mins) |Playground Safety: Supervising Our Children - 7001P (13 mins) |

|Ball field activities have the second highest recreation-related injury statistics|This program will teach viewers how to supervise children on a playground. |

|in the nation. It has now become essential for facility personnel to learn the |Specifically discusses potential hazards of a playground such as hard surfaces, |

|fundamentals or proper inspection and maintenance. The in-field demonstrations of|moving parts, large openings (strangulation hazards), loose or damaged screws, |

|this program clearly illustrate the important aspects of softball and baseball |splintered wood, etc. Briefly explains the purpose of a playground and how your|

|field preparation and maintenance. Scene by scene, they explain how these |philosophy of supervision affects children. Basic rules of the playground and |

|principles relate to player safety and reducing unnecessary risk. Facility |types of unsafe play to watch out for are covered along with how to respond to |

|managers throughout the nation are using this quality educational resource to |an incident and basic first aid tips. This program is designed for anyone who |

|train their staff on the important safety issues. Includes a 24-page |supervises children on a playground, not for maintenance personnel who must |

|inspection/training booklet. This programs covers: Maintenance and risk |perform very thorough inspections and need more detail than provided. |

|management overview; Grading and draining skinned areas; Keeping playing surface | |

|obstruction free; Selecting base styles and installation; Managing turf areas; | |

|Inspecting-fences, lights, bleachers…and much more! | |


|Proactive Safety Committee - 1155A (13 mins) “As an employee, I feel good about |Proactive Safety - 1154A (17 mins) After supervisors and employees learn to |

|my company and do a better job if they give me a fair say in my own safety...” |value Total Quality Safety Management, taking a proactive approach to safety is |

|says an employee interviewed in this video program, which shows how to make safety|a natural. (Unique method of training (Examines small oversights that might |

|committees work. (Setting up a safety committee (Organizational structure |exist (Teaches employees and supervisors to value safety training. |

|(Feedback and evaluation. | |

|Documentation of Safety Efforts - 1218A (11 mins) For legal protection, your |Safety Committees (Safety Bite) - 1155B (5 mins) Create an effective safety |

|company must be able to provide regulatory agencies with written documentation of |committee; one that both educates members & improves safety performance: (Most |

|your training & safety efforts. Video covers: What must be documented, quizzes & |effective membership and chairperson (Introductory & follow-up meetings and |

|employee signatures; Written safety policies and procedures; Hazard identification|making recommendations (Key tasks: written safety manual, hazard correction, |

|& correction program: Document your inspection; Safety rule enforcement |recordkeeping, training, safety counseling, etc. |

|OSHA Recordkeeping and Insurance Paperwork - 1217B |Sexual Harassment: Public Administration – 1001SH |

|(6 mins) Gives clear guidelines for accident/illness paperwork. Covers |(21 mins) NO SYNOPSIS AVAILABLE. |

|determining recordability and paperwork requirements, and answers common | |

|questions. | |

|Evolving Workplace: What To Do When You Are A Victim Or Accused Of Sexual |Sexual Harassment and the Hostile Work Environment - 1003SH (2½ hours) The |

|Harassment - 1002SH (15 mins) Participants learn to resolve harassment situations |first two hours of this video will address supervisory issues related to sexual |

|at the lowest level and how to understand if an action is offensive. Also, you |harassment and the hostile work environment, and is recommended for supervisors.|

|will learn what proactive steps organizations are taking to address this problem. |The last half-hour will address non-supervisor issues related to this subject, |

| |and is recommended for all employees. |

|NEW!! New Rule on Recordkeeping and Requirements (1217C) - 12 mins Avoid over-recording accidents while still complying with the new OSHA recordkeeping |

|regulations/forms for accidents/illnesses. Includes: (Determining recordability: accidents in the work environment, work-related illnesses and treatment; |

|(Paperwork requirements: forms, on-site log, posting, recording deadlines and retention; (Common questions answered, disputed claims, late reporting and recording,|

|recreation and travel injuries. |


|Traffic Control - 3002B (17 mins) Protect the public & your employees through safe|Highway Work Zone Safety - 3004A (18 mins) Hundreds of people are killed each |

|& effective traffic control procedures: (Common causes of traffic control accident|year in accidents related to highway construction. This video program will help|

|(Requirements of effective traffic control (Signs: types, uses and placement |your employees understand and comply with MUTCD and learn what it takes to keep |

|(Traffic control devices: flashers, barricades, cones, delineators, drums and |themselves, drivers and pedestrians safe. Video covers: Being safety conscious;|

|flags (Basic flagging requirements. USE EITHER THIS VIDEO OR 3002A. |Traffic control devices; Slowing down traffic; Detours and closures; |

| |Communication. |

|Flagging Safety - 3003A (9 mins) A leading cause of dangerous situations and |Traffic Control - 3002A (18 mins) Poor traffic control leads to accidents and |

|liability for those working on a project is untrained flaggers. This short video |lawsuits. This is an excellent program addressing all aspects of traffic |

|addresses proper flagging procedures and techniques in a humorous, informative |control common to contractors and public agencies. Signing, cones, warning |

|way. USE EITHER THIS VIDEO OR 3002B |devices, flagging and more are covered. (1990) |

|Flagging - 1204A (18 mins) Video covers: Flagging requirements; Proper clothing and equipment; Flagging position; Stopping and releasing traffic; Unusual |

|situations. |


|Return To Work - Supervisors - 6001A (16 mins) |Return To Work - Employees - 6002A (16 mins) |

|Early return to work benefits everyone-workers, supervisors, teams and the |Early return to work benefits everyone-workers, supervisors, teams and the |

|company. Overcome Supervisor Objections: “Once an injury occurs, it’s out of my |company. Overcome Employee Objections: “I have a right to recover at home.,” |

|hands.”, “I have no job for the injured employee.”, “I don’t return an employee to|“Once my injury is permanent, the employer doesn’t want me.”, “I do as I am |

|work until they are 100%.” (Change attitudes and commit to early Return to Work |told.” Covers (The Return to Work process can be a positive experience to take |

|(Improve communication and work relationships (Understand benefits of Return to |control, rather than feel a victim of circumstances (To communicate one’s needs |

|Work for both employees and supervisors (Explore options for Reasonable |to the supervisor and treating physician (To apply skills and abilities |

|Accommodation (Implement Transitional Employment during the recovery process. |productively through transitional employment (Work can be therapy to accelerate |

| |the recovery process |

|Taking Control: The Workers’ Compensation Return to Work Connection - 6003A (26-½ mins) |

|The goal of this video is to help employers: Reduce Workers’ Compensation costs; Reduce Workers’ Compensation-related litigation; Improve return-to-work rates; |

|Reduce time loss; Improve company morale; Address the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act; (Limit potential ADA litigation. Suitable for: Front |

|line supervisors, managers, human resource professionals, risk managers, safety professionals, occupational health nurses and physicians and claims administrators.|


|Trenching and Shoring Safety - 1211B (19 mins) |Cave-In! – Trenching and Shoring Safety -1211A |

|Comply with OSHA 1926.650-652. Each year, about 50 workers are killed, and many |(18 mins) (Comes with sample handbook.) (Evaluating an excavation site |

|more are injured, in trenching & excavation accidents. Protect employees and |(Effective worker protection systems (General safety practices (Emergency |

|avoid fines. (What to do before excavation (Soil classification (Protective |response |

|support systems (Sloping and benching (Timber & aluminum hydraulic shoring | |

|(Emergency response for cave-ins. | |


|Front-End Loader Operations & Safety - 10015A |Refuse Collection Safety - 3007A (15 mins) Points out the hazards of refuse pick|

|(15 mins) |up operations including motor vehicle operation. |

|Basic operating procedures and techniques for front-end loaders and helpers. | |

|Includes dumping procedures, hoppers, landfill dumping and general safe operating | |

|procedures when using this equipment. | |

| | |

|Water/Sewer Treatment Plant Safety - 3009A (18 mins) Treatment plants can be |On the Road Safety - 10011A (12 mins) |

|hazardous even though they are usually nice, clean places to work. Working with |Great program for the waste hauler. Safe driving formula, 4 second rule |

|and around pumps, electricity, laboratories and chemicals requires special |explained and demonstrated, vehicle driver maintenance inspection, railroad |

|training. This video explains the special safety concerns of operators, |crossings, school zones/children, stopping distances and speed. |

|technicians, and maintenance personnel. (1990) | |


|Check Valves Are Not Enough - 1214A (13 mins) |

|This video explains the workings of check valves and flash arrestors used on oxygen/fuel gas torch sets. While most people are aware of the need for check valves |

|on torch sets they are not aware of the need to install flash arrestors as well. PERMA does not endorse one supplier but this video by AGA( is one of the best |

|around on this subject. |

|Oxyfuel Gas Cutting - 1208A (13 mins) |Health & Safety Factors in Welding Operations - 1207A (27 mins) Excellent |

|Preventing spark and spatter when performing oxyfuel gas cutting is essential for |program to educate welders on the potential health and safety concerns in this |

|the welders’ safety. This video program details proper safety procedures for |occupation. |

|oxyfuel gas cutting. Video covers: Proper safety equipment; Hook up procedure; | |

|Ventilation. | |


|NEW! Winter Driving Safety - 4005A (18 mins) This is an excellent new video |Snowplow Safety - 4010A (23 mins) Deals with collision issues. The SNOWPLOW |

|that makes sure employees know how to drive safely in winter weather. Certain |SAFETY video, which can be used in a classroom setting or as self-study, is ideal|

|rules need to be followed: (Procedures for being stuck in snow/ice (Stopping |for training newly hired snowplow operators or as a refresher for experienced |

|distances in winter weather (Proper use of conventional vs. ABS brakes |operators. Topics addressed include equipment inspection, positioning of the |

|(Correcting/eliminating skids. |truck, scanning, mirror use and defensive driving techniques. Also included in |

| |the video presentation are on-screen diagrams that allow for self-study or group |

| |discussion of collision prevention techniques. |

|Good Highway Winter Maintenance -4011A (8 mins) A video for every Risk Manager. | |

|Explains the necessity for highway safety and the accidents that it can help | |

|managers avoid. | |

|The Snow Fighters - 4012A (21 mins) A comprehensive training video for use by |Snow Removal Techniques: Plowing Tips From the Pros – 4014A (23 mins) This new |

|snow-fighters, whose job it is to keep traffic safely moving when snow and ice |video instructs snowplow operators from the pre-trip inspection to the post-trip |

|make that job very difficult. Explains basics of snow removal, equipment |report, including techniques and the dangers that can occur in between. This |

|preparation and maintenance, salt & ice and fuel consumption, history and uses of|program shows equipment-saving techniques that can be put to work instantly. |

|salt, etc. in a very informative, interesting manner. | |


|Workplace Violence – Customer Service and Field Personnel – 1003V (26 mins) |Workplace Violence-The Calm Before The Storm - 1002V (25 mins) This video |

|Remind your employees that dealing with the public can be dangerous! This program|program will help supervisors and employees identify the warning signs and |

|trains those in service-oriented professions. Contains: (Common types of |prevent workplace violence. It features author/expert Joseph A. Kinney and an |

|violence in & around workplace. (Recognizing the possibility of confrontation. |interview with a victim of workplace violence. (Characteristics of a |

|(Reporting threatening or frightening occurrences. (Protecting oneself: Tactics |potentially violent employee. (Establishing a violence prevention program. |

|to use when threatened, techniques to avoid being a victim |(Warning signs, stress management, conflict resolution |

|Domestic Violence - 1004V (1½ hours) The purpose of this video is to create an awareness of the serious problem of domestic violence and the crossover of violence|

|at home to potential violence at work. Viewers will learn to: (Understand general facts about domestic violence (Identify the risks associated with this type of |

|violence (understand how domestic violence affects your bottom line at work (Identify the early warning signs of potential violence (Develop a risk control program|

|related to domestic violence at work (Reach out to resources for help. |

|Blueprint of Workplace Violence - 1005V (2 hours) Created by Jack Thaw, Ph.D. of The Human Resource Consortium, LLC., the information in this video includes: |

|workplace violence statistics, causes, who commits violent acts, a discussion of the anger chain and anger’s contribution to workplace violence, anger |

|intervention, patterns of violent individuals, a constructive and safe discipline process, healthy vs. unhealthy responses to job termination, and recommendations |

|for prevention and response. |

|NEW! Managing the Problem Library Patron (1003L) - 20 mins Libraries are frequently targets of vandalism, sexual misconduct and other related offenses |

|perpetrated by the "problem patron.” This is the individual who displays disruptive, aberrant or criminal behavior within the library. In recent years, libraries|

|have experienced an increasing number of these problems. When such behavior occurs, it requires a response by library staff. This video provides training on the |

|appropriate response to the “problem patron.” |


Schedule the Following Programs With Your Loss Control Representative.

|Coaching the Maintenance Vehicle Operator - C100 (Approx. 1 hour) Sure your |Coaching the Utility Truck Driver - C200 (Approx. 1 hour) This is a non-lecture,|

|Public Works drivers know how to operate the controls, but do they know how to |trainee participation course suitable for both experienced and novice drivers. |

|apply defensive driving techniques? Coaching the Maintenance Vehicle Operator is |The course instructor, following a “structured discussion” format, leads |

|the program that can take your operators beyond the basics. The course covers |trainees in workbook and classroom exercises to review and analyze safe driving |

|defensive driving techniques that will help your operators anticipate and respond |concepts presented in the video. Gas and electric company vehicles are featured|

|to potential collision situations both on the road and at the work site. In this |throughout the visuals; however, the safety techniques presented are relevant to|

|specialized course, your operators will see their own vehicles featured. They |operators of most utility-type vehicles. Video will discuss comprehensive |

|will also actively participate throughout, analyzing how dump truck, front-loader |coverage of collision-prevention techniques, including familiarity with the |

|and other vehicle operators can effectively use defensive driving techniques, even|vehicle, cushion of safety, blind spots, scanning, following distances, vehicle |

|at low speeds. Included in this course is a videotape presentation and |positioning, right & left turn procedures, backing & parking techniques and |

|application slides. |more. |

|Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator-Police - C300 (Approx. 1 hour) The |Coaching the Refuse Truck Driver - C400 - (Course length: 1-5 hours) This |

|CEVO-Police( course zeroes in on an officer’s ability to read and react to traffic|specialized course, designed to address collision-producing situations common to|

|conditions during routine and emergency driving situations. Its structured |the refuse driver, has become an industry standard. An advanced course (beyond |

|discussion format relies on officer participation throughout-encouraging them to |the basics of handling a refuse vehicle), Coaching the Refuse Truck Driver( |

|utilize their driving experience and investigative skills to analyze and discuss |teaches practical defensive driving techniques that allow the driver to read and|

|critical defensive driving techniques. The instructor, following a fully scripted|respond safely to traffic conditions. Throughout the course, drivers actively |

|presentation, uses various educational techniques to focus instruction and |participate by analyzing and discussing ways to handle potential collision |

|encourage participation-audio/visual learning, self-appraisal, individual |situations. |

|exercises, group discussion and testing. | |

|Coaching the Backhoe Operator - C500 (Course length: 1-1½ hours) With today’s |Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator-Fire - C600 (Course length: 1-2 hours) |

|liability issues, it is no longer acceptable just to train heavy equipment |Just as on-going training plays a critical role in preventing injury and death |

|operators in the mechanics of operating the machine, i.e., how to manipulate the |during fire-fighting, specific training is also needed to prevent and control |

|controls and choose the right digging attachments. Too much is at stake. |apparatus collisions. Throughout the CEVO-Fire™ course, operators actively |

|Operators must also learn applicable safety measures-but not from a co-worker who |discuss defensive driving techniques that can reduce the risk of collisions in |

|may already have developed poor safety habits, or from the learn-as-you-go, |both emergency and non-emergency driving situations. Novice and experienced |

|trial-and-error method of training. This video can help standardize both your |operators benefit from the non-lecture format, which encourages examination of |

|experienced and novice operators' understanding of safe operating procedures. It |safe driving issues, not just a recitation of textbook answers. In many states,|

|is designed in a non-lecture, structured discussion format-can be easily |the CEVO-Fire™ course qualifies for continuing education units-check with your |

|implemented by your instructor. |state or local fire department. |


Schedule the Following Programs With Your Loss Control Representative.

Users of CD-I programs need only a Compact Disc-Interactive player, loaned through Your Loss Control Representative, and a television set. Unlike most other computer-based interactive platforms, CD-I is truly user friendly. That’s primarily because the “computer” in this case is inside the CD-I player. There is absolutely no requirement that users be familiar with computers or keyboards. Users can focus more on the actual training and less on the technical aspects of the hardware they’re using. Also, your Loss Control Representative will be there to guide you with the training.

|Coaching the Lift Truck Operator – 9002F (45 mins) |Snow & Ice Control - 9000S (1 hour) |

|Forklifts are powerful pieces of equipment your employees must respect. Covers |Designed for employees who have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), but may |

|proper operating requirements and safety tips. Includes: (Know job & equipment: |have never driven a truck with a plow attached. The fundamentals of pre-trip |

|Training, company procedures, operating manual. (Daily inspection & maintenance. |inspections, plowing procedures, application of salt and abrasives, and |

|(Refueling/recharging. (Safe driving rules. (Plan ahead; choose the right |post-storm cleanup are covered. |

|forklift. (Safe loading, hauling & unloading | |

|Traffic Control in Construction Work Areas - 9001T (1 hour) |

|Developed for DOT employees who must inspect traffic control devices installed by contractors at long-term construction work areas. In a simulation-type |

|environment, the trainee is guided by a “mentor” through the investigation of the first two of three construction work areas. A traffic control plan is available |

|on-screen for comparison to conditions at the “actual” work site. |

| |

|NEW! This Training Express Series includes a set of multimedia training programs intended for the CDL large truck and tractor-trailer driver. Each program runs |

|1.5 to 2 hours. |

|The NGA Truck and Bus Data Elements Course - CDL-1200 This is a program course |Backing and Turning – CDI-1000 This covers: Backing safely; Basic maneuvers; |

|covering Large Vehicle Road Accident Investigation – A good program designed for |Advanced maneuvers; Right and left turns. A very good program for backing but |

|the investigation of tractor-trailer and bus accidents. Intended for use by police|is specific to tractor-trailer use. |

|agencies or any one responsible for detail investigation and reporting under DOT, | |

|Motor Carrier, Long Haul, or Hazardous Materials guidelines. The four-part | |

|program takes you through the report process, definitions, investigation | |

|techniques, and an actual interactive accident investigation exercise. | |

| |Speed Management – CDI-900 This covers: Stopping distance; Surface conditions; |

| |Road shape; Visibility; and Traffic flow. This is a very good program for all |

| |types of equipment and drivers. |

|Pre-Trip Inspections – CDI-800 This covers: Types of inspections; Key inspection |Space Management – CDI-1100 This covers: Space ahead and behind; Space to the |

|points; inside the cab; lights, brakes, and coupling system. Although it is |sides; Space above and below; and Managing space in traffic. This is a good |

|structured around tractor-trailer operations, it can be used effectively for all |overall program for all types of drivers and equipment. |

|heavy truck and equipment operators. | |


Safety Watch is a convenient way to deliver consistent, relevant safety refresher training to employees. With videos that are 5-12 minutes in length, Safety Watch uses an approach that’s been proven effective, increasing safety habits and safety awareness.

|7001A - Air Monitoring: The Purpose (12 mins) |7029J - Job Safety Analysis (17 mins) |

|7002B - Back Safety: Belt Use (7 mins) |7030L - Lab Safety for Non-Laboratory Personnel (12 mins) |

|7003B - Back Safety (6 mins) |7031L - Lockout/Tagout: A Life is on the Line (6 mins) |

|7004B - Bicycle Safety in Plants and Factories (9 mins) |7032M - Machine Cutting, Grinding & Sanding (7 mins) |

|7005B - BBP: Post-Exposure Follow-up (11 mins) |7033M - Machine Shop Safety (8 mins) |

|7006C - Coaching Safety Behavior-Part 1 (10 mins) |7034M - Materials Handling and Storage (9 mins) |

|7007C - Combating Stress (11 mins) |7035M - Medical Monitoring: How It Works (8 mins) |

|7008C - The Complete Line of Footwear (8 mins) |7036O - Off The Job Safety (7 mins) |

|7009C - Confined Space: Air Monitoring (10 mins) |7037O - Office Safety (14 mins) |

|7010C - Creating The Safety Plan (11 mins) (7 mins) |7038P - PPE: Electrical (10 mins) |

|7011C - Creating The Safety Plan-Part 2 (11 mins) |7039P - PPE: Put It On (10 mins) |

|7012C - Custodial Staff Safety (10 mins) |7040P - Personal Fall Protection (13 mins) |

|7013D - Driving Safety (13 mins) |7041P - Personal Health & Fitness (10 mins) |

|7014D - Drug Use and Abuse (8 mins) |7042P - Proper Use of Compressed Air (8 mins) |

|7015E - Elevated Work Safety (12 mins) |7043P - Protective Clothing (12 mins) |

|7016E - Ergonomic Tools (13 mins) |7044R - Recreational Safety (13 minutes) |

|7017E - Ergonomics: Job Safety Analysis (15 mins) |7045R - Right to Know: Workers & The Community (13 mins) |

|7018E - Eyewash Stations/Safety Showers (8 mins) |7046S - Safety Committee Participation (10 mins) |

|7019F - Fire Prevention (14 mins) |7047S - Surviving the Flu & Cold Season (11 mins) |

|7020F - Fire Hazard Recognition (8 mins) |7048T - Traffic Safety (8 mins) |

|7021F - Fire Extinguishers (8 mins) |7049V - Vehicle Safety (13 mins) |

|7022F - Fire Safety In The Home (12 mins) |7050V - Violence in the Workplace-Recognition (16 mins) |

|7023F - First Aid: CPR Review (12 mins) |7051V - Violence in the Workplace-Part 2 (8 mins) |

|7024G - Groundskeeper Safety, Including Pesticides |7052W - Warehouse Safety (9 mins) |

|(12 mins) | |

|7025H - Heat Stress (10 mins) |7053W - Welding & Cutting Safety (10 mins) |

|7026H - HAZCOM: Acids and Caustics (17 mins) |7054W - Wheel of Misfortune/Grave Remarks (8 mins) |

|7027H - HazWoper: Role of the 1st Responder (9 mins) |7055W - Work Surface Safety (6 mins) |

|7028H - Highway Construction and Maintenance Safety |7056W - Workplace Security (10 mins) |

|(7 mins) | |


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