T-44C Briefing Guides - T-44C TiltMafia



Local operations, NOTAMs (FDC: General/ARTCC/airports, facilities, procedural/special FDC, military flight safety/civilian “D” NOTAMs, NTAP, GPS, and DINS), IAF/FAF procedures (6T’s, descent, and lead turns), and CRM callouts.

Local Operations

Lighting configurations depending on visibility and time of day.

In-Flight Guide

Local Area Letter of Agreement: Lost Comms with Corpus Approach

1. Attempt to contact NGP Tower.

2. Continue on assigned heading/route at 1600’MSL.

3. If unable to re-establish comms within 3 minutes, climb to 2600’MSL.

4. Proceed direct to a KNGP IAF and shoot associated approach.


Squawk 7600 and make all calls in the blind throughout.

Canned Routes:

Local plans KNGP to KNGP (Tango-3, GCA-1, etc) can be filed via the radio.

Stereo Routes to other areas (Harley1, Mucho5, Gee6, etc) must be filed with Base Ops. These routes don’t need to be filed for every airport intended to do an approach at, just need to reach the proper controlling agency for all subsequent airports. Best practice is to file outbound route for airport of first intended approach and return route for airport of last intended airport.

Example: Depart KNGP, 1 approach at KHRL, 2 approaches at KBRO, 1 approach at KMFE, return KNGP. Valley Approach will be coordinating for all three airports. File a Harley1 and a Mucho5R.

Non-standard flight plans will need to be submitted to Base Ops on a DD-175.

NOTAMs (FDC: General/ARTCC/Airports, Facilities, Procedural/Special FDC, Military Flight Safety/Civilian “D” NOTAMs, NTAP, GPS, and DINS)

AIM 5-1-3

Time-critical aeronautical information which is of either a temporary nature or not sufficiently known in advance to permit publication on aeronautical charts or in other operational publications receives immediate dissemination via the National NOTAM System.


1. NOTAM information is that aeronautical information that could affect a pilot’s decision to make a flight. It includes such information as airport or aerodrome primary runway closures, taxiways, ramps, obstructions, communications, airspace, changes in the status of navigational aids, ILSs, radar service availability, and other information essential to planned en route, terminal, or landing operations.

2. NOTAM information is transmitted using standard contractions to reduce transmission time. See TBL 5−1−2 for a listing of the most commonly used contractions.

1. NOTAM (D) information is disseminated for all navigational facilities that are part of the National Airspace System (NAS), all public use airports, seaplane bases, and heliports listed in the Chart Supplement U.S. The complete file of all NOTAM (D) information is maintained in a computer database at the Weather Message Switching Center (WMSC), located in Atlanta, Georgia. This category of information is distributed automatically via Service A telecommunications system. Air traffic facilities, primarily FSSs, with Service A capability have access to the entire WMSC database of NOTAMs. These NOTAMs remain available via Service A for the duration of their validity or until published. Once published, the NOTAM data is deleted from the system. NOTAM (D) information includes such data as taxiway closures, personnel and equipment near or crossing runways, and airport lighting aids that do not affect instrument approach criteria, such as VASI. All NOTAM Ds must have one of the keywords listed in TBL 5−1−1 as the first part of the text after the location identifier.

2. FDC NOTAMs. On those occasions when it becomes necessary to disseminate information which is regulatory in nature, the National Flight Data Center (NFDC), in Washington, DC, will issue an FDC NOTAM. FDC NOTAMs contain such things as amendments to published IAPs and other current aeronautical charts. They are also used to advertise temporary flight restrictions caused by such things as natural disasters or large-scale public events that may generate a congestion of air traffic over a site.


1. DUATS vendors will provide FDC NOTAMs only upon site-specific requests using a location identifier.

2. NOTAM data may not always be current due to the changeable nature of national airspace system components, delays inherent in processing information, and occasional temporary outages of the U.S. NOTAM system. While en route, pilots should contact FSSs and obtain updated information for their route of flight and destination.

3. Pointer NOTAMs. NOTAMs issued by a flight service station to highlight or point out another NOTAM, such as an FDC or NOTAM (D) NOTAM. This type of NOTAM will assist users in cross−referencing important information that may not be found under an airport or NAVAID identifier. Keywords in pointer NOTAMs must match the keywords in the NOTAM that is being pointed out. The keyword in pointer NOTAMs related to Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR) must be AIRSPACE.

4. SAA NOTAMs. These NOTAMs are issued when Special Activity Airspace will be active outside the published schedule times and when required by the published schedule. Pilots and other users are still responsible to check published schedule times for Special Activity Airspace as well as any NOTAMs for that airspace.

5. Military NOTAMs. NOTAMs pertaining to U.S. Air Force, Army, Marine, and Navy navigational aids/airports that are part of the NAS.

Notices to Airmen Publication (NTAP)

The NTAP is published by Mission Support Services, ATC Products and Publications, every 28 days. Data of a permanent nature can be published in the NTAP as an interim step between publication cycles of the Chart Supplement U.S. and aeronautical charts.


There are four types of GPS NOTAMs.

1. Satellite Vehicle (SV) Outage NOTAMs

These NOTAMs are accessed through the DINS Web page by entering the four-letter identifier “KGPS” in the main NOTAM Retrieval area. When entered, this identifier will provide information on SV outages. SVs will be identified by a number (e.g., 15) and listed as “unreliable” or “unusable.” These SVs should be deleted from your FMS using the RAIM page. Any mention of “Pseudo Random Noise (PRN)” is a reference to the SV type only and should not be interpreted as a degraded SV.

2. RAIM availability NOTAMs

These NOTAMs may be obtained by entering any four-letter ICAO identifier in the main NOTAM Retrieval area on the DINS page.

3. Jeppesen NavData Alerts/NOTAMs

These NOTAMs highlight significant changes affecting the database in the T-44A/C and TC-12B FMS and can be found on the Jeppesen Web site. There is a link to the Jeppesen Web site on the right side of the DINS page under “Flight Related Links.” These NOTAMs do not detail any problems with RNAV/GPS procedures, just errors in the Jeppesen database.

4. GPS jamming NOTAMs

Information on planned GPS jamming operations for the US National Airspace System (NAS) is listed in the appropriate center NOTAMs. In areas of predicted jamming, aircraft may not plan to use GPS to fly instrument procedures.


The FMS 3000 database is populated by Jeppesen and alerts may also be found at: .

IAF/FAF Procedures (6t’s, Descent, And Lead Turns)

Time Turn Time Transition Twist Talk – Chair fly it and insert relevant CRM callouts.

Lead DME = .5*Groundspeed. [~.8DME for 150KIAS]

Lead Radial = (60/DME)*(.5*Groundspeed). [~5Rad for 150KIAS on 10DME arc]

CRM Callouts

Review NATOPS 22 for a complete list.

FAF (Verify position, “altitude _____ set, minimums ____”)

100 to mins


DA/DH (“Field in sight” or “negative contact”; announce intentions)

MAP (“Field in sight” or “negative contact”; announce intentions)

Flight director mode selection/arm/capture

Autopilot engage/disengage

CDI/Glideslope alive

GPS- approach mode armed(w/in 30 miles of IAWP)/approach mode active (w/in 2 miles of FAF)





Pt-Pt to RYNOL

Hold at RYNOL

LOC 13R @ KNGP via arcing approach

ILS 13R @ KNGP via RV

PAR 13R @ KNGP via RV

ASR 13R Circle 31L @ KNGP via RV

VOR 18 @ KCRP via D( CRP full PT


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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