1031875342900000MANUALHOW TO WIN EARTHCRAFTIn EarthCraft there are 11 teams: six continents, Palestine, Anonymous, the UN, the World Bank, Greenpeace. There are also the ‘Fates’ who run the game. Each team starts off with a unique set of problems, “Earth Challenges”. The object of the game is to solve all of the Earth Challenges and have improved global wellbeing. Fate will let teams know whether their actions have been enough to solve each challenge.EarthCraft is hard, and there is no one way to win it – your group will have to use wisdom, intelligence and compassion to succeed.THE EARTH CHALLENGESEach team has problems they need to solve. The kind of problems are sometimes ones that they can solve alone, sometimes ones that they can solve with the help of one or more teams, and sometimes the problem requires the whole world to band together. For some challenges there is a suggestion of how to solve the Earth Challenge but you can solve it any way you like, as long as it deals with the problem and the Fates are happy with your solution.The Earth Challenges will affect what you put on your budget form so make sure you read them all carefully and include all of their negative effects. Also you will need to tell other teams the effects that your Earth Challenges have on them.Some Earth Challenges are linked. Each team has one Earth Challenge that can’t be solved until another team solves theirs. This challenge will noted in bold italic writing like this.IMPROVING GLOBAL WELLBEINGAs well as solving all the Earth Challenges, the world needs to improve global wellbeing. This is done by:No team can have zero cash, steel, energy or food (unless they started that way)GLOSSARYM = million (1,000,000)B = billion (1,000,000,000)GW = gigawatt (a unit of energy)EU = Europe / NA = North America / SA = South America / WB = World Bank / UN = United Nations / OC = OceaniaContinenta continent is a large land mass that is made up of lots of countries – there are six continents on Earth, and each is a team in EarthCraft: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Oceania, Europea country is a smaller area that has its own governmentin the game EarthCraft, we pretend that each continent has one giant government, rather than what it is in the real world, where each country has its own governmentcontinent teamin some rules, the term ‘continent team’ is used, this just means only the teams of North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania.THE PROCESS OF THE GAMEYour facilitator will announce who the leaders are. They will pick their teams. Each team will be given their team files. Teams start off with the resources listed in this handbook. The order of turns follows the sun (which rises in the east and sets in the west).When it is a team’s turn, they say “I am the leader of [team name] and these are my actions”. During your turn you must only take actions you have already agreed on; don’t use your turn time to think up things to do. There is a poster showing what you should do on your turn. In between turns, teams negotiate and think up solutions to the Earth Challenges. THE BUDGET FORMEvery day your Treasurer (or Leader if you are a team of one) fills out the budget form. This shows you whether you are losing or gaining money or resources. You must submit this on your turn to the World Bank for checking. When it is your turn soon, your first priority is to complete this form.If you are calculating something and the number is less than the smallest note ($500m) round down to the nearest $500m.THE TEAMSThere are 11 teams in EarthCraft: 6 continent teams, 3 international organisations and 2 small groups run by one person (Palestine and Anonymous)Orange – North AmericaRed – South AmericaBlue – EuropeBrown – AfricaGreen – AsiaPurple – OceaniaYellow – PalestineBlack – AnonymousWhite – the UNFluorescent green - GreenpeaceThe World Bank doesn’t start with any piecesWHAT YOU START WITHTEAMResourcesBuildingsUnitsCash $BSteel(M tons)Energy (M Gigawatts)Food reserves (M tons)PopulationMinesFactoriesFarmsOil WellsSoldiersJetsBattleshipsBombersAstronautsAfrica308010150Check board6245511Asia708020150Check board48155102311Europe708020100Check board243253311N America708030100Check board253277511Oceania30401050Check board1212112S America304010100Check board3423312Palestine105510Check board1Anonymous40000NoneUN8010155None311World Bank804020100NoneGreenpeace405105None3The United Nations sells treaty forms for $5 billion.All teams except Anonymous also have two blank law forms. You can’t get any more.ROLES6 continental teams: (3 each)LeaderTreasurerMinister for Foreign AffairsThe UN has: (3)Secretary-General‘Interpol’ – in charge of fining teams, ‘WTO’ (World Trade Organisation) – in charge of updating resource reservesPalestine: 1 LeaderAnonymous: 1 LeaderWorld Bank (3)Head of the World Bank2 World Bank workersGreenpeace: 2Head of Greenpeace1 Greenpeace workerthe Fates: 2LEADERThe leader is the public face of each team – they stand up to the board at the start of their team’s go and say what their team’s actions are. Leaders are responsible for the overall running of each team. A good leader doesn’t just do what they want. A good leader has good relations with everyone on his team, and represents the whole team to the rest of the world.TREASURERThe Treasurer keeps a continent’s money and budget in order and makes financial decisions for their team. The Treasurer must complete the team’s budget form every day and submit it to the World Bank on their turn.FOREIGN MINISTERThe Foreign Minister is very important in reaching agreements with other teams. They work with the leader to negotiate international agreements and work with the international organisations the World Bank, the UN and Greenpeace to solve Earth Challenges. The foreign minister is also in charge of all a team’s military units.UNThe Secretary-General runs the UN and its workers. The aim of the UN is to try and help negotiate peace and other important international agreements. The Word Trade Organisation (WTO) keeps the resource reserves whiteboard updated. After the World Bank checks a team’s budget, they give it to the WTO to update this whiteboard.THE WORLD BANKThe World Bank runs the “Vault”. The Head of the World Bank must check all budget forms for mistakes. The World Bank also has some items for sale – see the price list. The money goes to the Vault. HEAD OF GREENPEACEThe Head of Greenpeace is the leader of an international environmental organisation. Greenpeace tries to get the whole world to deal with some of the biggest international environmental problems.THE FATESThe Fates work with the instructor(s) to run the game. The Fates make decisions about the rules and can make up new ones. The Fates decide if inventions are possible and how much they cost. The Fates can make other players give reasons why they think their ideas would work. If you think you have solved an Earth Challenge, check with the Fates before your turn. They will say if your idea works.RESOURCESIn EarthCraft there are four main resources: cash, steel, energy and food. With resources you can build things, buy, sell, trade or give them away. Every day you will use up some resources and create more. Make sure you never use up all of your resources! This is what happens if any of your resources drop to zero:Cash:Lose two military or buildings per daySteel:Lose one military or building per day Military can’t moveOil wells stop producing oilEnergy:Lose one military or building per dayMilitary can’t moveMines stop producing steelFood:Lose two military per dayMilitary can’t moveCan’t submit treaties or make inventionsBUILDINGSSome teams start with buildings. You can build them by spending money and steel. Each building uses up resources each day: $1B, 1M tons of steel and 1M gigawatts of energy per dayMINE-425456731000A mine is a giant hole in the ground where people dig things out of the earth. In EarthCraft, mines are set up to dig up the ingredients to make steel. Steel is iron mixed with a little bit of carbon. Mines make 10M tons of steel per day.FACTORY-527052857500Factories make products and provide jobs for many people. Factories are the main way countries make money. Factories make $10B per day.FARM495307747000Farms are where food is produced. Every team needs enough farms to feed its population. It is very important that food production stays high, otherwise your population may starve. Farms make 150M tons of food per day.OIL WELL07620000Oil wells produce oil, which is used for energy. At the start of the game this is the only way to produce energy, but there are others. Oil wells make 10M Gigawatts (GW) of energy per day.MONUMENTSMonuments are amazing structures that give your team pride and earn $5B per day in tourism. You can only put a monument in your continent if it really is from there. You must place it in the correct spot – do some research!. See World Bank Price list for monuments you can have.PRICESBuildingCashSteelFarm$10 B10 M tonsMine$10 B10 M tonsFactory$15 B15 M tonsOil well$15 B15 M tonsMonument$15 B15 M tonsTHE MILITARYMilitary use up resources each day, the same amount as buildings do.$1B, 1M tons of steel and 1M gigawatts of energy per dayMOVEMENT Soldiers can move as far as they like across land in one day. They must wait at borders until the next round. They can attack anything beside them on land, air, or within 1cm of the coastJets can move as far as they like across land or sea in one day. They must wait at borders until the next round. They can attack anything beside them on land, sea or air.Battleships can move as far as they like across sea in one day. They can attack anything beside them at sea or in the air, or within 1cm of the coast. They can also carry soldiers on them.ATTACKINGRoll a dice: 4,5,6 = you destroy the enemy unit2,3 = you miss, nothing happens1 = the enemy unit destroys youIf your attack is successful, you also get $2B off the enemySOLDIERS235353817040900Soldiers are people with machine guns. They can only move on land. They can move to new lands on battleships. Soldiers cannot fight when they are on a battleship.JETS24006309352200Jets are powerful planes that can shoot and bomb targets from the air. They can fly over sea or land. BATTLESHIPS240347510360600Battleships are giant boats with lots of huge guns on them. They can only move on sea. Battleships can carry soldiers. BOMBERS23411433957300Bombers are planes that have nuclear bombs on board. At any time they can drop their bomb and all buildings and military in an 8cm diameter are destroyed automatically. This also uses up the bomber. The land where the bomb was dropped will be unusable forever.PRICESUnitCashSteelSoldier$10 B10 M tonsBattleship$10 B10 M tonsJet $15 B15 M tonsBomber$15 B15 M tonsAstronaut$15 B15 M tonsFORMSFormHow many?PurposeShow it to...Keep it?Invention formunlimitedShow what a new invention does and how much it costs to makeFate You doBudget formunlimitedShow if you’ve earnt or lost money, and if your resources have gone up or downWorld Bank, then UNWorld BankTreaty2, then $5B from World BankPut a deal in writing so people stick to itUNUNLaw1Make a new rule in your continent or the worldUNUNIF YOU COMPLETE ALL YOUR CHALLENGESif you finish all your challenges but the game hasn’t been won yet, on your turn Fate must give you one NEGATIVE chance event card (so they look through the deck until they find something bad and give that to you)remember – sometimes a bad thing from a chance event card is like a mini-Earth Challenge that has to be solved before the class can win the game.WORLD BANK ITEMS FOR SALEItemPriceWhat it doesWind power turbine$20B10 gigawatts per dayNuclear power plant$25B10 gigawatts per dayFusion power plant$80B100 gigawatts per daySolar panels$10B5 gigawatts per dayStock market$15BOnce per day you can bet on the stock market. Bet money and roll 1d6. 1 or 2 = lose money. 3 = no change. 4 = 1.5x money. 5 = 2x money. 6 = 3x money.Bridge$1B per 5cmConnects two sections of landFishing boats$5BMakes 100M tons of food per dayAir defence $20BPlanes can’t come into your territory. They have to fight air defence first.MONUMENTSAsiaGreat Wall of ChinaBurj KhalifaAfricaGreat PyramidSphynxNorth AmericaWhite HouseEmpire State BuildingStatue of LibertyTemple of the SunOceaniaSydney Opera HouseSydney Harbour BridgeEuropeEiffel TowerBig BenSouth AmericaChrist the RedeemerMacchu PicchuRULES SUMMARYCASHFactories earn $10B per dayMonuments earn $5B per day from tourismMoon mining: roll 1d6, 1 = astronaut dies, 4 = $10B (neodymium), 5 = $20B (terbium), 6 = $30B (dysprosium)Buildings and military cost $1B per daySTEELMines earn 10M tons of steel per dayBuildings and military use 1M tons of steel per dayENERGYOil wells make 10M Gigawatts per dayBuildings and military use 1M Gigawatts per dayFOODFarms make 150M tons of food per dayPopulation eats 1/2M tons per M population per dayHOW TO SOLVE THE EARTH CHALLENGESHere are some ideas you could use to solve problems and deal with other teams. But remember – EarthCraft is all about you using your practical, creative mind to think of solutions, so don’t be limited to these ideas!NegotiationsOften the first thing teams will need to do to solve problems will be to negotiate. Negotiation just means to try and solve problems by talking about them. Remember: a negotiation is just a discussion that you have with other players to try and solve problems. You might like to make a treaty or a new policy at the end of a negotiation.Example: a radiation leak is causing environmental problems across a border. To fix the leak, $50 B is needed. Three teams negotiate and decide that two teams will spend $20 billion, and the third team will spend $10 B – because the third team has less money.TreatiesEach team gets one free treaty. You can buy more treaties for $5B (money goes to the Vault, but the UN has the treaties)If you have a disagreement with another team or need to share something, you might like to make an agreement that you both have to stick to, this is called a treaty.You will have to write out your treaty, including anything that happens if someone breaks it, and sign it. The treaty will be checked by the UN and stored with them.Example: two teams always fight over access to a waterway. So they don’t both fight over it, they agree to share the waterway equally. They make a treaty saying this and that if either team breaks the treaty, they will have to pay $10 B to the other team. They sign this treaty and give it to the UN.LawsAll teams except Anonymous and Greenpeace can pass one lawLaws make a new rule that exists where it is enacted. Only the World Bank and the UN can pass laws that apply to the whole world.TradingSometimes another team have a resource or invention that you also want or need. To get this you could arrange to swap materials, or one of you could pay the other one for the item. Example: One team has lots of money but not enough steel. It decides to buy 10 M tons of steel from another team. The two people negotiating, the two Treasurers, write down their trade, sign it and submit it to the UN.InventionsTeams can invent all kinds of new technology to help solve problems Inventions must be realistic – you can’t invent a time machine or a money producing invention…You will need to provide some information and a diagram of how your invention would work in the real worldYou will need to spend money on R&D (research and development) to build your inventionFate will decide whether your invention is okayThese are the things Fate will ask you when deciding if your invention is okay:Are they somewhat realistic?Have they been well-researched?Have they provided a drawing for it?What R&D costs must they pay?Example: a continent invents a kind of force field to protect themselves from nuclear bombs. They draw up a design of how it might work after looking at some websites. Fate decides it would cost $40 B to develop this technology. This continent then has an anti-nuclear force field that it can place somewhere on the board. The team uses a piece of string in a loop to represent where the force field is. ................

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