-2539991333500CALIFORNIA 20141AIR FORCE JUNIOR RESERVEOFFICERTRAINING CORPS --- CADET GUIDE --2016 - 2017-2539991333500-232408-2743194668520-274319 AIR FORCE SONGOff we go into the wild blue yonder, climbing high into the sun;here they come, zooming to meet our thunder, At 'em boys, give 'er the gun! Down we dive, spouting our flame from under, Off with one heck of a roar! We live in fame or go down in flame, Hey! Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!Here's a toast to the host of those who love the vastness of the sky,To a friend we will send a message of his brother men who fly.We drink to those who gave their all of old;Then down we roar to score the rainbow's pot of goldA toast to the host of men we boast, the U.S. Air Force!Minds of men fashioned a crate of thunder, sent it high into the blue;Hands of men blasted the world asunder; how they lived God only knew! Souls of men dreaming of skies to conquer, Gave us wings, ever to soar! With scouts before and bombers galore, Hey! Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!Off we go into the wild blue yonder, Keep the wings level and true;If you'd live to be a gray-haired wonder Keep the nose out of the blue! Flying men, guarding our nation's borders, we'll be there, followed by more! In echelon we carry on, Hey! Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!Words and music byRobert Crawford1939, Carl Fischer, IncNew YorkDEPARTMENT OF AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND LEADERSHIPAFJROTC CA-20141Beaumont High School39139 Cherry Valley Blvd.Beaumont, CA, 92223Telephone (951) 845-3171 ext. 3215 Cadets, The California 20141 Air Force Junior ROTC Unit was established at Beaumont High School in the Spring of 2014 by agreement between the Beaumont Unified School District and the United States Air Force. The Air Force Junior ROTC curriculum includes aerospace related academic instruction and leadership training. The Unit is managed and operated by cadet commissioned and noncommissioned officers. Your senior Group staffs, together with the instructors provide this Cadet Guide to reduce confusion and aid you in becoming an AFJROTC role model. The Cadet Guide contains policy, guidance, requirements, and rules of conduct for AFJROTC cadets at Beaumont High School. Each cadet is required to study this guide and will be held responsible for its contents on examinations. Remember - it is only a guide and not a substitute for initiative, common sense, and good judgment.Congratulations to each of you on your decision to join in the AFJROTC program. We wish you success and personal satisfaction as members of Beaumont High School's CA-20141 AFJROTC Cadet Unit.AUSTIN WARFIELD, C/Maj MARK R. McLOUTH, Maj, USAF (Ret)Cadet Group Commander Senior Aerospace Science InstructorRYAN DAHL, C/Maj EDWARD E. BRACKINS, MSGT, USAF (Ret)Cadet Deputy Group CommanderAerospace Science InstructorTable of ContentsChapter PageMISSION, GOALS, AND MILITARY COURTESY OF AFJROTC PROGRAM5APPERANCE OF CADETS6WEARING THE UNIFORM & INSPECTIONS7PROTOCOL: SALUTING/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/NATIONAL ANTHEM RULES14CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES16CADET PERSONNEL BOARDS17JOB DESCRIPTIONS & ORGANIZATION OF THE UNIT18AWARDS AND DECORATIONS23CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION AND TRAINING30INDIVIDUAL AND FLIGHT COMPETITION30STAFF MEETING PROCEDURE31UNIT COMPUTER USE GUIDELINES32 UNIT BREAKDOWNS32AttachmentsRibbons (Awards & Medals) 33Insignia and Ranks34Cadet Male Headgear 35Cadet Female Headgear36Cadet Male Service Coat37Cadet Female Service Dress38Cadet Lightweight Blue Jacket39Cadet Male Blue Shirt40Cadet Female Blue Shirt41Tie Diagrams 42Glossary4312. Unit Manning Document CA-20141 44CHAPTER ONEMISSION, GOALS, AND MILITARY COURTESY OF AFJROTC PROGRAMMISSION: The mission of the Air Force Junior ROTC program is “To develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their community and nation.”OBJECTIVE: The objective of the AFJROTC program is to instill Responsibility, Character, and Self-Discipline.THE CORE VALUES OF THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE. INTEGRITY FIRST. SERVICE BEFORE SELF. EXCELLENCE IN ALL WE DO! CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: When entering the classroom each cadet will go to his/her desk and place all required materials and only AFJROTC required materials (books, paper/note pads, pencils etc.) on their desk top. Book bags, gym bags etc. will be stored underneath each cadet’s desk.Once the tardy bell has rung the Flight Commander (CC) or Flight Sergeant (Sgt) will call the room to attention.Step 1. Flight is called to attentionStep 2. The Flight will recite the Memory WorkStep 3. The Flight CC/FLT will then allow the flight to be seatedStep 4. The SASI/ASI will then begin roll call.- When the SASI/ASI calls your name you will respond with “Here Sir/Ma'am.” -Bring to class all materials necessary for class each day.-Raise your hand before speaking. REQUIRED ITEMS: Chromebook. CHAPTER TWOAPPEARANCE OF CADETSYou wear the official uniform of the United States Air Force. Proper conduct, actions, and attitude will create and sustain a favorable public reaction, which will enhance the image of the Unit. Objectionable behavior in public can create an unfavorable reaction towards AFJROTC and the Air Force. Therefore, as an Air Force JROTC cadet, you must strive to always present a neat, clean, and well-groomed appearance.MALE CADETS:-Hair will be clean, well groomed and neat. If dyed, it will look natural and will not contain excessive amount of grooming aids. Hair will not touch eyebrows when groomed or protrude below the front band of properly worn headgear. Hair will have a tapered appearance on both sides and back; both with and without headgear (a tapered appearance is one that when viewed from any angle outlines the individual’s hair so that it conforms to the shape of the head, curving inward to the natural termination point). Block cut is permitted as long as it has a tapered appearance. Hair will not be worn in an extreme or fad style or in such a way that exceeds length or bulk standards or violates safety requirements. Hair will not touch the ears and only closely cut or shaved hair on the back of the neck may touch the collar. Hair will not exceed 1 ? inches in bulk, regardless of length and not exceed ? inch at the natural termination point. Hair will not contain nor have any visible foreign items attached to it. Male cadets whose hair is not in accordance with the above rules will have points deducted from their uniform grade. Step or braided hairstyles, Mohawks, and lines or initials/lettering shaved into the head are not authorized, nor are other bizarre hairstyles, including a partially shaved/bleached head or dyed unnatural colors. Such hairstyles will result in minus 100 points (a zero grade) during inspection.-Shaving - the face will be clean-shaven. -Mustaches are permitted. If worn, mustaches will be neatly trimmed, must not extend downward beyond the lip line of the upper lip and may not extend sideways beyond a vertical line drawn upward from the corner of the mouth. Beards or goatees are not permitted.-Sideburns, if worn, will be neatly trimmed. Sideburns will not extend below the lowest part of the exterior ear opening, will be straight and even width (not flared), and will end with a clean-shaven horizontal line.-Piercing/Tattoos – body piercings (including tongue rings) are not allowed in uniform. Tattoos (if you have them) will not be visible and will be within current Beaumont High School and USAF Instructions.-Male cadets will not wear earrings while in uniform. FEMALE CADETS: -Hair will be clean, well groomed and neat. If dyed, it will look natural. It will not contain an excessive amount of grooming aids. Hair will not touch eyebrows when groomed or protrude below the front band of properly worn headgear. EXCEPTION: Hair may be visible in front of the women’s flight cap. Hair will be styled to present a professional appearance. Plain and conservative pins, combs, headbands, elastic bands, and barrettes similar to the individual’s hair color are permitted to keep hair in place. Hair will not be worn in an extreme or fad style or violate safety requirements. Hair will not extend in length on all sides below an invisible line drawn parallel to the ground at the bottom edge of the shirt collar at the back of the neck. Hair will not exceed 3 inches in bulk or prevent proper wear of headgear. Hair will not include hair ornaments such as ribbons or jeweled pins. -Piercing/Tattoos – body piercings (including tongue rings) except for earrings are not allowed. Tattoos (if you have them) will not be visible and will be within current Beaumont High School and USAF Instructions.-Earrings – female cadets are authorized to wear one small spherical, conservative, diamond, gold, white pearl, or silver pierced, or clip earring per earlobe and the earring worn in each earlobe must match. Earring should fit tightly without extending below the earlobe. This applies always when in uniform. -Nails/nail polish. When female cadets wear nail polish while in uniform, it should be conservative in color with intact application (not chipped). Nails ornamentation is not permitted. -Makeup should reflect a natural and professional appearance. Excessive makeup is not authorized.CHAPTER THREEWEARING THE UNIFORM & INSPECTIONSINSERT INSPECTION PROCEDURES and RUBRICThe reputation of the USAF as a professional military organization is known worldwide. Since the uniform you wear is a symbol of that reputation, each cadet in the AFJROTC program at Beaumont High School must wear it properly. The importance of this cannot be overemphasized, since the uniform, except for the insignia, rank and patches, is very similar to that worn by active duty Air Force men and women.Protecting government property is each cadet's responsibility. All uniform items (with the exception of shoes and socks,) AFJROTC textbooks, computers, charts, etc., are equipment items loaned to you by the Air Force. Other items of equipment belong to or are the responsibility of Beaumont High School. Each item of the uniform and of equipment must be accounted for at all times.-If you lose an item, or willfully or negligently damage/destroy it, you will be required to pay for it. The cost of replacement will be the cost that is in effect when the account is cleared.-The complete uniform with all accessories and insignias (with the exception of shoes and socks) must be returned or paid for before the end of the school year. Neither the AFJROTC Certificate of Training nor the Certificate of Completion will be awarded until all uniforms and equipment items have been turned in. In addition, a financial obligation will be incurred which will disallow graduation, registration, or transfer of credit until satisfied.-To preclude unnecessary expense to the cadet and/or delay of receipt of grades or diploma, and to provide for efficient turn-in of uniforms and equipment, the following suggestions are offered:-Do not leave uniform items in unlocked lockers or unattended in other places at school.-Do not lend insignia or other uniform/equipment items to your friends.-Do place your uniform number on each uniform item with suitable clothing identification tape/marker. Ensure bleed-through will not occur.-Do be alert for uniform or equipment items left or misplaced by another cadet. Turn in such items to the Logistics Officer.-When turning in or exchanging uniform items or other equipment, turn them in clean.-Clothing items that become worn or otherwise unserviceable should be turned in as soon as possible. If the unserviceable condition is due to fair wear and tear in normal use, the item will be replaced at no cost. If the unserviceable condition is deliberate or due to negligence you will be held financially responsible. Items of clothing that do not fit properly should be altered or exchanged.THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE UNIFORM IS ONE OF THE SYMBOLS OF A PROUD AND HONORABLE SERVICE. WEAR THE UNIFORM WITH THE CARE AND PRIDE IT DESERVES.-UNIFORM OF THE DAY: Cadets must wear the required uniform on Uniform Days (usually Wednesday) field trips, orientation flights, and at other times as directed. It must be worn correctly throughout the Uniform day, except when dressing out for P.E. or a similar overriding circumstance.UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS FOR MALE CADETS: (Ref: Uniform Diagrams Atch. 6 to 14; Pages 28-36)-The Flight cap is worn with the front crease towards the lower center of the forehead in a straight line with the nose, approximately 1" or one finger width above the eyebrows. When worn in this manner, the vertical crease of the cap will be fully extended without a protruding tip at the back. If your cap does not fit in this manner, it is either too large or too small. See the military Property Custodian (PC) for a trade. It is always removed indoors unless you are a member of a honor guard or carrying a weapon. When not worn, the flight cap should be tucked under the belt on the left side of the buckle, "grounded" to the second belt loop with the insignia to the outside.-The socks must be black; no other colors are authorized.-The belt is threaded through the loops to your left. When buckled the silver tip end of the belt extends beyond the buckle facing the wearer’s left; no blue fabric shows.-The bottom of the trouser legs will touch the shoes in such a manner as to cause a slight break in the front trouser crease. No cuffs are worn on military uniform trousers. The rear pocket of the trousers will be buttoned at all times. Articles carried in the pockets will not be visible. The zipper tab will be pressed down to permit the fly to be neatly closed.-The short-sleeve blue shirt is worn with the collar open (Exception: the necktie is optional with the short-sleeve blue shirt unless otherwise directed) and you must always wear a plain white "U" or "V" neck T- shirt. The necktie will always be worn with the long-sleeve shirt. The shirttail is pulled down into the trousers tightly and tucked at the sides to make it neatly form fitting. The only creases on the shirt are down the sides of the sleeves. Nothing will be carried in the shirt pockets.-A plain collar white shirt with issued tie is worn with the coat and trousers on formal occasions, such as at the military ball. No nametag or cap/hat is worn with this combination.-The tie is mandatory with the long-sleeve shirt and optional with the short-sleeve shirt. The tie is always worn when wearing the service coat. NOTE: if a tie tack or tie clasp (Air Force coat of arms, grade insignia, or wing and star) is worn it will be centered between the bottom edge of the knot and the bottom tip of the tie. -The nametag is worn over the right breast pocket centered on but not over the edge of the pocket on the long and short sleeve shirts. The nametag is always worn except with the semi-formal uniform.-Ribbons are worn centered, resting on but not over the edge of the left breast pocket of the service-coat and shirt.UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS FOR FEMALE CADETS: (Ref: Uniform Diagrams Atch. 6)-The flight cap is worn with the vertical crease of the cap at the center of the forehead in a straight line with the nose and approximately 1 to 1? inches above the eyebrows. Hair may protrude below the front of the cap but must not touch the eyebrows.-Nylons - commercial, sheer, nylon in neutral, dark brown, black or off-black, or dark blue shades that complement the uniform and the individual’s skin tone. Do not wear patterned nylons.-The belt is threaded through the loops to your right. When buckled the silver tip end of the belt extends beyond the buckle facing the wearer’s right; no blue fabric shows.-The slacks should fit naturally over the hips with no bunching at waist or bagging at seat; bottom front of slack legs rests on the front of shoe or boot with a slight break in the crease; back of legs is approximately 7/8 of an inch longer than the front. Articles carried in the pockets will not be visible. The zipper tab will be pressed down to permit the fly to be neatly closed.-The skirt should hang naturally over the hips with a slight flare; skirt length will be no shorter than the top of the kneecap or longer than the bottom of the kneecap. When worn properly the zipper will be on the left side.-The short-sleeve blue blouse is worn with the collar open (Exception: the tie tab is optional with the short-sleeve blue blouse unless otherwise directed). The tie tab will always be worn with the long-sleeve blouse. Ensure bottom of blouse is not visible below the bottom of service dress coat, pullover sweater or lightweight jacket. Wear with available service skirts or slacks. -The tie tab is mandatory with the long-sleeve blouse and optional with short-sleeve blouse. The tie tab is always worn when wearing the service coat.-The name tag is worn centered between the lapel and arm seam on the right side, even with to 1? inches higher or lower than the first exposed button on the long and short sleeve blouses. The nametag is always worn except with the semi-formal uniform.-The ribbons are worn centered, resting on but not over edge of service-coat welt pocket. Ribbons will be centered on the left side of blouse parallel with ground, aligning the bottom of the ribbons with the bottom of the nametag.GENERAL RULES FOR WEARING THE UNIFORM: (Ref: Uniform Diagrams Atch 3 to 11; Pages 28-35)-Wednesday of each week is uniform day unless you are instructed otherwise. The uniform will be worn the entire school day. If you are found out of uniform without permission from the SASI/ASI you will be given a zero uniform grade that day. -Only authorized uniform items will be worn. Do not mix any uniform items (including the lightweight jacket and all-weather coat) with civilian clothing. Male and female cadets may wear the Air Force lightweight jacket.-The lightweight jacket, if issued and worn, may be worn as an outer garment on chilly days even though there is no threat of rain. It will be zipped at least three-fourths when worn. -The all-weather coat may be worn as an outer garment on chilly days even though there is no threat of rain. It will be buttoned properly at all times when worn and male cadets will wear ties and female cadets will wear tie-tabs.-Leather low quarter shoes will be issued. They will be worn during Leadership training and will be laced to the top and shined to a high gloss at all times. Female cadets may wear black pumps as an optional item for school or social occasions.-Wear authorized insignia as shown in the Cadet Guide – AFJROTC Insignia. (Reference: Atch 2; Page 27)-AFJROTC cadets are authorized to wear ribbons earned while enrolled in Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard JROTC, as well as the Civil Air Patrol (only four authorized). Badges or insignia from Active Duty, Guard, Reserve, or any other non-AFJROTC Unit are not authorized on the AFJROTC uniform.-Medals and ribbons may be worn on the semi-formal uniform for special occasions. Medals are worn instead of ribbons with the metallic portion of the medal immediately above the top of the pocket button. If both medals and ribbons are worn the medals will be centered ?" below the bottom row of ribbons. The order of precedence is the same as for ribbons.-The Model Rocketry Badge is worn: vertically 2 inches below AMA wings or 3 inches below pocket/Ribbons if no AMA wings are worn (males); vertically, centered ?" above top row of ribbons (females).Shoulder Cords-Only one shoulder cord will be worn; on the left shoulder.Uniform Pockets-The outside pockets of the coat are for decoration only. Nothing should be carried in them. Use the inside pocket for carrying small, flat items. All outside pockets and snaps will be secure at all times. The coat may be removed in the classroom when it becomes uncomfortably warm. If the coat is removed in the classroom, it will be carefully draped over the back of the chair. The necktie will not be removed or loosened even though the coat is removed. The coat is not to be removed while eating.-UNIFORM CLEANING: The service coat, trousers, slack, skirt, lightweight jacket, all-weather coat, flight cap, tie and tie-tab must be dry-cleaned NOT WASHED. IT IS THE CADETS RESPONSIBILITY TO CLEAN THEIR UNIFORM; HOWEVER AFJROTC WILL PAY FOR ALL ALTERATIONS.-Shirts/blouses should be laundered after each wearing. Medium starch will keep the shirts neat throughout the day. The shirtsleeves of the long sleeve blue shirt/blouse should remain buttoned.-Your "GIG" line is the line formed by the edge of the shirt, the edge of the belt buckle, and the fly of the trousers/slacks. The "GIG" line should always be kept straight. Check it frequently.-Gloves (male or female) are optional for cadets. These may be purchased at the cadet’s personal expense. They are to be solid black in color, without designs and five fingered (no skiing type gloves).-All pockets will be buttoned. Hands should be kept out of uniform pockets.-Do not distort the appearance of the uniform by carrying bulky item(s) in the uniform’s pocket(s).-Cadets are required to wear their headgear outdoors at all times. -Trim loose strings and frayed seams on the uniform.-Shoes should have a gloss shine (hint: check heels and sides of the soles.)-Replace missing buttons promptly. Do not attempt to shine hat or collar insignia.-Wrist watches, identification bracelets and rings (three total maximum with up to two on one hand) may be worn. Necklaces, pendants, ankle bracelets, and other adornments should not be visible when in uniform.-All insignia are fastened with metal clutches.-Sunglasses may be worn in uniform – they must be: free of ornamentation on frames and lenses, conservative, slightly tinted, or photosensitive lenses indoors. Sunglasses are not allowed while in formation or in the classroom. Sunglasses will not be worn around the neck, partly out of pocket, or tucked in belts. Sunglasses are not to be worn when cadets are fallen in formation.-Public Display of Affection (PDA) is strictly forbidden at ALL times while in uniform.-Use appropriate language; no put downs, teasing, cursing, loud or vulgar language. Use of profanity or vulgarity will result in a warning and/or After School Work. Subsequent occurrences may result in suspensions-Cadets may never smoke in uniform. Smoking is not permitted on Beaumont High School property.-At the end of the school year or within 10 days of withdrawing from AFJROTC, ALL UNIFORM ITEMS MUST BE TURNED IN AND ACCOUNTED FOR with the exception of the shoes, socks, and cap. Lost items must be paid for promptly. Turn in uniform items only to the Logistics Officer. UPON ISSUE, CHARGES WILL BE PLACED ON STUDENT ACCOUNTS. ACCOUNTS WILL BE "CLEARED" WHEN UNIFORMS ARE RETURNED.-Uniform inspections will be conducted each Wednesday. Every cadet will begin the uniform inspection with 140 points. 5-20 points will be deducted for every uniform infraction. However, some infractions will result in 0 pts. (Ex: Males needing a haircut, unauthorized piercing)INSPECTION PROCEDURES (Followed by proper Open Ranks Procedures)- All cadets shall have their uniform taken to alterations or the dry cleaners in a timely manner to ensure they will have it for uniform wear.- All uniforms will be clean and maintained. - Cadets will wear the proper uniform combination that is designated for each specific uniform wear, unless otherwise advised. Failure to do so will result in a minor infraction during inspection.- Those cadets who wear PT gear will still be in proper standards as if they were in uniform. (Clean shaven, haircut, hair up, etc.)INSPECTION RUBRICCadets will be awarded 100 points for wearing the uniform, but points will be deducted for infractions or improper wear, according to the following rubric:5 points for the following:- Failure to shined/clean shoes- Misaligned Accouterments (Ranks, Medals, Badges)- Missing/Unbuttoned buttons- Misaligned Gig Line- Failure to answer question correctly. 10 points for the following:- Missing Accouterments (Rank, Name Tag, Collar/Hat Brass, Ribbons)20 points for the following:- Missing tie/tab- Missing belt/buckle- Missing or wrong color socks/hose.- Improper nail color- Improper bearing25 points for the following: - Missing hat30 points for the following: - Dirty or Wrinkled Shirt/Blouse100 points for the following:- Haircut/Shave needed- Failure to wear uniform for the entire school day- Cadets who receive a zero for any uniform wear will take the uniform off.CHAPTER FOURPROTOCOLS: SALUTING, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, NATIONAL ANTHEM RULES, ATTENDANCE- Military personnel consider the salute a courteous and respectful greeting among members, and it is one of the oldest traditions binding military people together.-When outdoors and in uniform at Beaumont High School, saluting is always required. Salute when you recognize the person as an officer and eye contact is made with him/her within about 6 paces.-The salute is rendered indoors only when cadets are reporting to cadet officers or an instructor. -A salute is never given or returned while running. -Cadets not in uniform may salute as if they were in uniform.-If a cadet in uniform observes the American flag being raised or lowered from any flagstaff, he or she will assume the position of attention, render the hand salute and hold it until the flag has reached the summit or base of the flag staff. If the cadet is in civilian clothes, he or she will assume the position of attention and place the right hand over the heart. If a male cadet is wearing civilian attire including headgear, he will remove the headgear and hold it to his left shoulder so the right hand is over the heart.-Pledge of Allegiance is recited and a cadet is in uniform indoors, the cadet should stand at attention, face the flag and recite the Pledge.-If the Pledge of Allegiance is recited and a cadet is in uniform outdoors, the cadet should stand at attention, remain silent, face the flag, and render the hand salute.-If the Pledge of Allegiance is recited and a cadet is not in uniform and is either indoors or out of doors, the cadet should stand at attention, face the flag, and recite the pledge. The right hand is over the heart during the recitation, and males will hold hats, if worn, as described above.-If the National Anthem is being played, and a cadet is in uniform and is indoors, the cadet should face the flag (if present, if not, face the music,) remain silent but not salute unless under arm.-If the National Anthem is being played, and a cadet is in uniform and is outdoors, the cadet should stand at attention, face the flag (if it is visible, or the music if it is not,) remain silent and salute until the anthem is completed. (If no flag is visible and the music is recorded, the cadet should simply face straight ahead while saluting.)-If the National Anthem is being played, and a cadet is not in uniform and the cadet is outdoors, he/she should stand at attention, face the flag, and place the right hand over the heart (men will also hold the hat in the right hand as described in 8.6 above). If in civilian clothes, indoors, the cadet will stand at attention and face the flag, if visible or the music if it is not.-If a cadet is late for a formation, he or she will approach the cadet or person in charge when the formation is at a halt, salute, and request permission to fall-in.-Cadet Officers and cadet NCOs should correct saluting errors in a courteous and helpful manner when such errors are committed by cadets junior to them. All cadets are expected to accept such corrections properly.-When the instructors are calling attendance, each cadet will say “here sir!” immedetialy after his/her name is called. CHAPTER FIVECO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESAFJROTC CO-CURRICULAR/EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: These activities are designed to reinforce portions of the Aerospace and Leadership Education objectives. They also serve to stimulate cadet involvement in AFJROTC activities and to increase cadet morale and esprit-de-corps. All guidelines and requirements for these activities will be initially developed by the SASI/ASI. The SASI/ASI will be responsible for the supervision and control of these activities. Cadets must be in good academic and disciplinary standing to participate in Unit activities. These activities include but are not limited to: Co-Curricular activities are cadet led events. Conduct of the programs below depends on cadets’ level of interest. For instance, if only a few cadets are interested in rocketry, the program will not be conducted until there is sufficient interest to justify the resources required to make it happen.HONOR GUARD. The Honor Guard has the honor of presenting the national, state, and USAF flags at school and community events. Distinctive uniform items will be worn by the Honor Guard. Training for Honor Guard will be throughout the school year. DRILL TEAMS. The AFJROTC Drill Teams will represent CA-20141 in drill competitions and at ceremonial functions. - The drill teams perform precision drill maneuvers at school and squadron activities. The drill team also marches in parades positioned behind the honor guard. The armed and unarmed drill teams execute these maneuvers. They show rifle performances and the unarmed perform drill techniques and other maneuvers.LEADERSIP LABORATORY ACTIVITY (LLA), formerly known as SUMMER LEADERSHIP SCHOOL - is an optional extracurricular program that teaches AFJROTC cadets aspects of citizenship and leadership in a highly structured and focused instructional environment. Its mission is to promote this development by preparing cadets for leadership roles in their units, schools, and local communities. As such, the activities during SLS must stress the following: team building, leadership, respect for authority, responsible citizenship, personal character, academic achievement, health, and community service. SLS is normally conducted during the summer months. However, there are no restrictions on conducting a SLS equivalent at other times during the year.SOCIAL ACTIVITIES. Various social events will be held, including a Dining-In/Out, a Military Ball, Picnic and Field Day, etc. These events will be planned by the Group staff and are open to all members of the Unit. ATHLETICS. The unit may field volleyball, touch/flag football, and basketball teams against other AFJROTC units or other High School organizations during the school year. Such activities are the primary responsibility of the Group Athletics Officer.FUND-RAISING. Various fund raising activities will be conducted to support the above functions. Parent approval is required to participate. The success of any fund raising effort depends largely on the support of each cadet. The AFJROTC Booster Club will be a key participant in these events.SERVICE TO SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY PROJECTS. Various volunteer opportunities will be coordinated throughout the school year. They will be advertised both in the classroom and on the CA-20141 web site.AWARDS CEREMONIES. Cadets will receive ample notification of award ceremony dates in order to invite family members and guests. This event is open to the public. CHAPTER SIXCADET PERSONNEL BOARDSCADET PROMOTION BOARDS (CPB) will be formed to make recommendations concerning cadet promotions, awards, cadets-of-the-year, job assignments and other Group promotions.-Cadet Promotion Boards will consist of a president, members, and a recorder (who is a voting member). Make-up of the board will be:President - Cadet Group or Deputy Group CommanderRecorder - Cadet Personnel OfficerMembers - Cadet Squadron Commanders and/or Cadet Flight CommandersOther Members - Cadet Officers and Cadet NCOs appointed by the Cadet Group Commander.-Under unusual circumstances, board membership may vary as determined by the Cadet Group Commander or authorized representative.-Cadets appearing before the board will report to the president in a military manner at the time and place previously announced.-Boards results/decisions related to promotions, awards and job assignments will be publicly posted after it is reviewed and approved by the instructors.-The SASI or ASI will monitor cadet boards to offer advice and ensure proper procedures are followed.-Pertinent findings and recommendations of the board, following review and approval by the SASI/ASI, will then be published as special orders and become a part of the cadet personnel records.-Promotions. There are three ways to be promoted.A CPB will be convened every quarter and cadets will submit a promotion request to the CPB. The CPB will weigh the promotion criteria (Leadership, corps participation, community service, academics, attendance) and interview cadets. The CPB will then issue a promotion list based on the CPB determination.Some positions require a certain rank. Therefore, if a cadet is selected for a certain position that requires a specific rank, and if that cadet is “promotable” based on the CPB results, he/she will be promoted to the appropriate rank. For instance, Squadron Commanders will be a minimum of C/1Lt..The SASI/ASI can select cadets for promotion. This is usually only the case for the top positions such as Commander or Deputy CommanderCHAPTER SEVENJOB DESCRIPTIONS&ORGANIZATION OF THE CALIFORNIA 20141 AFJROTC CADET UNITThe following charts reflect the Cadet Unit organization. Organizational charts break the functions of the Unit down to specialized tasks. The responsibilities associated with each task are found in the corresponding job description in this chapter of the guide. Each cadet should become familiar with all of the job descriptions to gain a more complete understanding of those jobs as they relate to the total Unit.A completed organizational chart will be posted in the classroom. It will remain updated at all times. Each Cadet is responsible for reviewing and gaining an understanding of how the CA – 20141 Unit is composed. Do not be hesitant in asking a senior cadet, or instructor to explain the hierarchy. -Authorized leadership positions are shown in the Unit Manning Document (Atch 21) of this guide. Cadets must learn the duties and responsibilities of their assigned positions and should learn as much as they can about other positions in the Unit. Promotions will be based on job performance and potential for more responsible jobs.-CADET GROUP COMMANDER (C/GC/CC) is responsible for the smooth and efficient functioning of all aspects of the Unit, including-Command and control of the Unit through the staff and subordinate commanders.-The appearance, discipline, effectiveness of training, and conduct of the cadets.-Establishes unit goals for the year and coordinates with the staff -Monitors and ensures achievement of unit goals.-Coordinates with corps staff, develops the unit manning and assigns cadets to their posts of staff position in the corps-Yields the authority to replace cadets for poor performance in their duties-Ensuring all members of the Unit have the opportunity to develop leadership skills and commensurate with their individual abilities.-Convening cadet boards as required.-Coordinating with the Aerospace Science Instructors in the conduct of leadership training.-Administering Group activities according to Air Force principles and procedures.-Follow-up delegated actions from staff meetings (see chapter 20).-CADET DEPUTY GROUP COMMANDER (C/DC) is responsible for:-Command of the Unit in the absence of the Cadet Group Commander.-Ensuring all Group activities are conducted in accordance with current Air Force, AETC, AFROTC, and Unit regulations, directives, policies, and procedures.-Inspecting and evaluating all staff functions. Ensures compliance with the AFJROTC Inspection Guide.-Performing other duties as assigned by the GC/CC.-Presiding over cadet boards as required.-Preparing and coordinating agendas for the weekly staff meeting with ASI or SASI-Keeping the Cadet Group Commander informed of all activities.-Keeping track of attendance and latecomers at Staff Meetings and providing the information to the SASI or ASI for appropriate RBI action. -Conducts promotion board- OPERATIONS COMMANDER (usually a C/Major) is responsible for:-Oversees all staff positions (Logistics, Personnel, etc.)-Assisting the SASI or ASI in scheduling cadets for base visits and similar activities.-Keeping the instructors and cadets informed of all activities (cadet participation statistics will be published after each event).-EXECUTIVE OFFICER (XO) (usually a C/Captain or above) is responsible for:-Writing and posting weekly staff meeting minutes.-Calendar Maintenance of the Unit’s master schedule-Performing other duties assigned by the Wg/CC.-Ensures the Organization Chart is updated-Track any assignments/tasking issued by the Wg/CC-CADET SQUADRON COMMANDER (C/SQD CC) rank is no lower than a C/Captain and no higher than a C/Major. They are responsible for:-Overseeing the flight commanders.-Ensuring Flight CCs nominate cadets for various award, such as Cadet of the Quarter, Good Conduct Ribbon, etc.-Nominating Flights for the Outstanding Flight Award-Relaying information from the Cadet Wg/CC to the flight commanders.-The appearance, discipline and training of their Squadrons.-Assisting the instructors in the conduct of leadership laboratory-Performing other duties as assigned by the Group CC.-SQUADRON FIRST SERGEANTS (First Shirt) are the highest ranking NCO in the squadron and are responsible for:-Order and discipline within the Squadrons-Oversight of all enlisted issues within his or her assigned squadron.-Supporting/mentoring Flight Sergeants.-Working in tandem with Squadron leadership.-Report directly to the SQD CC-CADET FLIGHT COMMANDERS (FLT/CC) hold the ranks of Lieutenant through Captain and are responsible for:-Maintaining the appearance, discipline, efficiency, training, and conduct of the flight during leadership training and in the academic classroom.-Calling the classroom to attention per direction of the C/FltCC. -Planning and coordinating activities within the flight.-Advising the instructors on matters pertaining to the cadet flights.-Leading and directing the cadet flight at all cadet formations.-Advising the C/SqCC of discipline or other problems within the flight.-Recommending the top cadets within the flight for awards and recognition to the C/SqCC-Performing other duties as assigned by the C/SqCC-Leading Stretches prior to physical activities-CADET FLIGHT SERGEANTS (C/FltSgt) are mid-level NCOs responsible for:-Order and discipline within the flights-Preparing the cadet flight for personal inspection.-Assisting the cadet flight commander as required.-Serving as cadet flight commander when required.-Assisting in the training of cadets.-CADET ELEMENT LEADERS are responsible for:-Leading the cadet element in the classroom and during leadership training.-Assisting the cadet flight commander and flight sergeant.- ATHLETICS OFFICER is responsible for:-Leading a voluntary cadet physical fitness program including supervising stretching exercises prior to any physical activity. -Tracks Presidential Fitness Program, ensuring all cadets are afforded an opportunity to earn their Physical Fitness Ribbon by holding Physical Fitness Testing (with appropriate make up days) at least once each quarter.-Provides Personnel the names of Cadets who have earned the “Health and Wellness” Ribbon- Entering cadet PT Performance information into AFJROTC WINGS - Posting current health awareness information on the athletics bulletin.-Performing other duties as assigned by the Sqd CC-Planning, organizing and conducting athletic activities to promote high morale, esprit-de-corps and recreation within the Unit. --Promoting high levels of physical fitness within the Unit.- CADET FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OFFICER is responsible for:-Manages all cadet financial transactions for the Associate Student Body (ASB) account.-Maintaining accurate, descriptive, and up to date records of all financial transactions.-Presenting an audit report to the cadet staff and Wg/CC of Wg. Staff meetings.-Prepares budget projections for successive weeks and terms (as needed).-Ensures all checks are issued in accordance with policies established by DHS/ASB and the C/MSS.-Assisting instructors and the cadet staff in planning, organizing, controlling and coordinating unit fund drives.-Performing other duties as assigned by the C/MSS.-Ensuring the budget can cover planned Unit activities. -Plans fund raising activities to produce required funds.- CADET PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER is responsible for:-Review articles and send to publisher with pictures-Ensure that OPRs take pictures-The Public Affairs Officer disseminates public relations information to the school, the Unit, and the community about the AFJROTC program.- Reports the activities of AFJROTC to the school and local and national news media. Provides input to the school newspaper and yearbook staffs. Publishes cadet Unit newspaper.-SCRAPBOOK & DISPLAYS: Responsible for maintaining a scrapbook of all AFJROTC activities at Beaumont High School. Prepares displays. Responsible for coordinating photographic support for Unit activities.-AUDIO-VISUAL: Responsible for coordinating audio/visual (photographic/video) support for Unit activities. Ensures film is processed and returned to appropriate organizational unit (if applicable).-Assigning the project officer for the event the camera to ensure that pictures of the trip are taken.-CADET PERSONNEL OFFICER is responsible for:-The timely and accurate maintenance of cadet records and for all personnel actions.-Coordinates inputs for promotions and awards-Maintaining the Unit organizational chart and unit manning document (UMD) current with correct names, ranks, etc.-Publishing a cadet directory.-Filing all documentation in cadet records or other internal information media.-Serving on cadet boards as necessary.-Performing other duties as assigned by the C/MSS.-CADET RECORDS: Initiates personnel record folders on all cadets. Maintains a complete and accurate cumulative record of cadet assignments, promotions, awards, etc.-SPECIAL ACTIONS: Maintains current cadet rosters. Makes recommendations for assignments and promotions. Organizes cadet boards.-EVALUATION: Initiates and maintains performance evaluation records on all cadets.-CADET LOGISTICS OFFICER is responsible for:-The receipt of, issue, and accountability all items of uniform, equipment, and supplies for operating the Cadet Unit.-FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. The Supply Officer insures proper Air Force supply discipline in the custody, security, control and issuance of United States Air Force, Beaumont High School, and California 20141 Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet Unit property.-UNIFORM CONTROL: Assists the Military Property Custodian with the issue and securing of AFJROTC uniform items.-INVENTORY: Conducts periodic and special inventories of equipment and supplies, and maintains an inventory of required supplies. Identifies and assists in ordering supplies.- CADET HONOR GUARD COMMANDER is responsible for:-Commanding the cadet honor guard teams.-Training the honor guard teams in basic and exhibition drill maneuvers.-Leading the cadet honor guard in ceremonial functions.-Commanding the honor guard in competition.-Planning and coordinating all Honor Guard participation in parades and ceremonies.-Providing instruction and supervision for all retreat and flag raising ceremonies.-Insuring all honor guard team members follow rules and are good ambassadors of Beaumont High School in conduct and appearance during daily practice and at competitions.-Insuring the care, proper use and accountability of honor guard team equipment.- CADET DRILL TEAM (ARMED/UNARMED COMMANDER(S)) is/are responsible for:-Commanding the cadet drill team.-Training the cadet drill team in basic and exhibition drill maneuvers.-Leading the cadet drill team in ceremonial functions.-Commanding the Drill Team in competition.-Planning and coordinating all Drill Team participation in parades and ceremonies.-Providing instruction and supervision for all retreat and flag raising ceremonies.-Insuring all drill team members follow rules and are good ambassadors of Beaumont High School in conduct and appearance during daily practice and at drill competitions.-Insuring the care and proper use of drill team equipment.-Ensuring cadet who have earned them are provided their berets and cords, if appropriate and are submitted for activities ribbon-Performing other duties as assigned by the C/SVCC.- CADET ARMED DRILL TEAM COMMANDER is responsible for:-Commanding the cadet rifle team.-Training the cadet rifle team in basic and exhibition drill maneuvers.-Leading the cadet rifle team in ceremonial functions.-Commanding the Rifle Team in competition.-Planning and coordinating all Rifle Team participation in parades and ceremonies.-Providing instruction and supervision for all retreat and flag raising ceremonies.-Insuring all rifle team members follow rules and are good ambassadors of Beaumont High School in conduct and appearance during daily practice and at rifle competitions.-Insuring the care and proper use of rifle team equipment.-Performing other duties as assigned by the C/SVCC.-ORIENTEERING COMMANDER helps the orienteering team learn and become proficient in wilderness lore. They will learn everything from how to properly read a map and compass, to being able to survive in the dead of winter with nothing but the bare essentials and is responsible for:-Coordinating with the instructor for orienteering lessons-Planning internal events/fieldtrips-Establishing a team roster for competitive events-Coordinating Corps Participation in competitive orienteering events and other related eventsCHAPTER EIGHTAWARDS AND DECORATIONSAFJROTC AWARDS AND NATIONAL AWARDS: The CA-20141 AFJROTC Cadet Unit will recognize individuals for performance, achievement, and participation. A number of distinctive awards are authorized by AFROTCI 36-2001 for AFJROTC cadets to recognize outstanding academic and leadership performance or for a specific display of valor. When a cadet is recognized by a subsequent award of a ribbon he/she has previously received, an oak leaf cluster is awarded to be attached to the ribbon. No more than one ribbon, except service is worn at the same time. Medals, ribbons, and certificates are awarded in the following categories:NATIONAL AWARDS-Gold Valor Award. Awards consist of a medal, ribbon, and certificate. The Gold Valor Award recognizes the mostoutstanding voluntary acts of self-sacrifice and personal bravery by a cadet involving conspicuous risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. -Silver Valor Award. Awards consist of a medal, ribbon, and certificate. The Silver Valor Award is awarded to a cadet for a voluntary act of heroism which does not meet the risk-of-life requirements of the Gold Valor Award. Cadet Humanitarian Award. Award consists of a ribbon and certificate. It is intended to recognize cadets who provide aid in response to a singular extraordinary event such as a natural disaster or other catastrophe that has placed or has the potential to place a hardship on their fellow citizens. This award is not to be used to recognize day-to-day service in the community.-Community Service with Excellence Award. Award consists of a ribbon and certificate. It is intended to recognize those individual cadets who provide significant leadership in the planning, organizing, directing, and executing of a major unit community service project that greatly benefit the local community. This is not an award given to participants but to the key leader(s) of the project. -Air Force Association (AFA) Award: This award consists of a medal and ribbon. This award is presented annually at each unit to the outstanding ASIII cadet in AFJROTC who meets the following eligibility criteria:Award recipient must possess/meet the following personal characteristics and eligibility criteria:Positive attitude (toward AFJROTC and school).Outstanding personal appearance (uniform and grooming).Display personal attributes such as initiative, judgment, and selfconfidence.Courteous demeanor (promptness, obedience, and respect for customs).Growth potential (capacity for responsibility, high productivity, adaptability to change, possession of the-Daedalian Award: The Order of Daedalians is a fraternity of commissioned pilots from all military services. It is named after the legendary figure, Daedalus, and was organized by WWI military pilots who sought to perpetuate the spirit of patriotism, love of country, and the high ideals of self-sacrifice which place service to the nation above personal safety and position. This award is offered to encourage the development of these traits in cadets and to interest them in a military career. The medal is fashioned after an ancient Grecian plaque discovered by a Daedalian in the village of Lavadia, Greece and depicts Daedalus and his son Icarus fabricating their legendary wings of wax and feathers. The award also includes a ribbon and medal. Each cadet must:This annual award recognizes one outstanding AS-III cadet that meets the following criteria:Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of patriotism, love of country, and service to the nation.Indicate the potential and desire to pursue a military career.Rank in the top 10% of their AS class.Rank in the top 20% of their school class.-American Legion Scholastic Award: This award consists of a bronze medal accompanied by a ribbon with a distinctive miniature attachment depicting a scholastic scroll.The award is presented annually to one ASIII or ASIV cadet based on the cadet’s overall scholastic achievements. Each cadet must:Rank in the top 10% of the high school class.Rank in the top 25% of his or her AS class.Demonstrate leadership qualities.Actively participate in student activities.-American Legion General Military Excellence Award: This award consists of a bronze medal accompanied by a ribbon with a distinctive miniature attachment depicting a torch.The award is presented annually to one ASIII or ASIV cadet based on the cadet’s general military excellence. Each cadet must:Be in the top 25% of his or her AFJROTC class.Demonstrate outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship.-Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Award: This award consists of a bronze medal and ribbon.This award is presented annually to one ASIV cadet. Each recipient must:Rank in the top 25% of his or her AS class.Rank in the top 25% of his or her high school class. Demonstrate qualities of dependability and good character.Demonstrate adherence to military discipline.Possess leadership ability, and fundamental and patriotic understanding of the importance of ROTC training.-American Veterans (AMVETS) Award: This award consists of a medal pendant and ribbon.This award is presented annually to one qualified cadet who possesses individual characteristics contributing to leadership such as:A positive attitude toward Air Force ROTC programs and service in the Air Force.Personal appearance (to include the wearing of the uniform, posture, and grooming, but not physical characteristics, per se).Personal attributes (initiative, judgment, dependability, and selfconfidence).Officer potential (capacity for responsibility, adaptability, and maintenance of high personal standards).Obtained a grade of “A” in his or her AS class.Be in good scholastic standing in all classes at the time of selection and at the time of presentation.-Reserve Officers Association (ROA) Award: This award consists of a bronze medal, ribbon and certificate.This award is presented annually for military and academic achievement to an outstanding AS-IV cadet. Each cadet must possess individual characteristics contributing to leadership such as:Positive attitude toward the AS curriculum.Outstanding personal appearance (wear of uniform, posture, and grooming).Attributes of initiative, judgment, and self-confidence.Courtesy (promptness, obedience, and respect).Growth potential (capacity for responsibility, high productivity, and adaptability to change).Demonstrate the highest personal and ethical standards, and strong positive convictions.Rank in the top 10% of his or her AS class.-Military Order of World Wars: This award consists of a bronze medal pendant, certificate and ribbon.The award is presented to an AS-I cadet. The cadet must excel in all military and scholastic aspects at the time of selection and presentation of the award. The cadet must also indicate by military and scholastic grades, extracurricular activities, and individual endeavors a desire to serve our nation, and have committed to continue the Aerospace Science program for the next school year.-The Retired Officers Association Award: The award consists of a medal pendant with ribbon.This award recognizes an outstanding AS-III cadet who shows exceptional potential for military leadership. Each cadet must:Be a member of the junior class.Be in good academic standing.Be of high moral character.Show a high order of loyalty to the unit, school and country.Show exceptional potential for military leadership.-Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Award: This medal consists of a medal pendant with a ribbon.This award recognizes an outstanding AS-III or AS-IV cadet who is actively engaged in the AFJROTC program and who possesses individual characteristics contributing to leadership. Each cadet must:Have a positive attitude toward AFJROTC.Have outstanding military bearing and conduct.Possess strong positive personal attributes (such as courtesy, dependability, punctuality, respect, andcooperation).Demonstrate patriotism (being a member of the honor guard, drill team, saber, and rifle or exhibition teams) and actively promote Americanism.Demonstrate leadership potential.Attain a grade of "B" in AFJROTC with an overall grade of "C" in all subjects for the previous semester.Be active in student activities.Not have been a previous recipient of the award.-National Sojourners Award: This award consists of a ribbon, medal pendant and a certificate.This award recognizes an outstanding AS-II or AS-III cadet who contributed the most to encourage and demonstrate Americanism within the corps of cadets and on campus. Each recipient must:Be in the top 25% of his or her academic class.Encourage and demonstrate ideals of Americanism.Demonstrate potential for outstanding leadership.Not have previously received the award.-Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Award: This award consists of a bronze medal with ribbon.This award recognizes an AS-III cadet who exhibits a high degree of leadership, military bearing, and all-around excellence in AS studies and who has not have previously received the award. Each recipient must:Be currently enrolled in the AFJROTC program.Be in the top 10% of his or her AFJROTC class.Be in the top 50% of his or her overall class.-Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction Award: This award consists of a medal, ribbon, and certificate.This award recognizes an outstanding AS-III cadet annually. Each cadet must:Encourage Americanism by participation in extracurricular activities or community projects.Demonstrate academic excellence by being in the top 25% of his or her classDemonstrate the qualities of dependability, good character, self-discipline, good citizenship and patriotism.Not have been a previous recipient of this award.-Military Order of the Purple Heart Award. This award consists of a medal pendant with a ribbon.This award recognizes an outstanding AS-III or AS-IV cadet who is enrolled in the AFJROTC program and demonstrates leadership ability. Each cadet must:Have a positive attitude toward AFJROTC and country.Hold a leadership position in the cadet corps.Be active in school and community affairs.Attain a grade of "B" or better in all subjects for the previous semester.Not have been a previous recipient of this award.-Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA) Award: This award consists of a medal pendant with a ribbon.This award recognizes an outstanding AS-III or AS-IV cadet. The recipient must demonstrate outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship. Each cadet must:Be in the top 25% of the AFJROTC class.Demonstrate outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, and citizenship.Not have been a previous recipient of this award.-Noncommissioned Officers Association (NCOs) JROTC Award. This award consists of a medal, ribbon and certificate and annually recognizes the most outstanding cadet Noncommissioned Officer in the unit. Each cadet must consistently exhibit the best military bearing, personal appearance, deportment and leadership ability.-Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) Award. This award consists of a medal pendant with a ribbon and recognizes one deserving cadet annually (may be first, second, third, or fourth year cadet). The recipient must display a high degree of patriotism and have demonstrated a high degree of academic excellence and leadership ability. -Sons of Confederate Veterans H. L Hunley Award: This award should go to a rising second year cadet who has demonstrated the qualities of Honor, Courage and in particular Commitment to his/her unit throughout the school year. This award consists of a Medal ribbon and a certificate. -Tuskegee Airmen Incorporated (TAI) Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet Award. This TAI sponsored award consists of a ribbon and a certificate and is presented annually to two cadets. Cadets may be AS-I, AS-II or AS-III cadets and must meet the following criteria:Attain a grade of “B” or better in their AS classBe in good academic standingActively participate in cadet corps activitiesParticipate in at least 50% of all unit service programs-The Retired Enlisted Association (TREA) Award: Awarded for exceptional leadership to the most outstanding AFJROTC cadet while serving in an Enlisted Rank. The selected enlisted cadet must have shown outstanding leadership throughout the course of the school year. This award consists of a medal set with ribbon and a certificate from TREA. -The Celebrate Freedom Foundation: Awarded annually, for outstanding performance in academics and cadets corps activities as a first or second year JROTC cadet. This award consists of a ribbon and a certificate. See Attachment 11 for list of award points of contact. -National Society United States Daughters 1812 Award: Awarded annually for academic excellence, leadership, military discipline, dependability, patriotism and upright character in speech and habits. This award consists of a ribbon, medal and certificate.-Air Commando Association Award: Awarded annually for completing a one page essay based on a historical AF Special Operations Mission possessing the thirteen critical attributes of success: integrity, self-motivation, intelligence, self-discipline, perseverance, adaptability, maturity, judgment, selflessness, leadership, skilled, physical fitness and family strength. This award consists of a ribbon and certificate -Non-Funded National Awards: (i.e., NCOA, National Society, Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, etc.) (Organization must be submitted to and approved by HQ AFJROTC: award criteria must be published in Cadet Guide or Unit Operating Instruction)AFJROTC RIBBONS. In addition to the ribbons listed below, AFJROTC cadets are authorized to wear ribbons earned while enrolled in Army, Navy or Marine Corps JROTC, as well as the Civil Air Patrol (only five authorized). -Distinguished Unit Award: Awarded to cadets enrolled during the period a unit’s “outstanding” rating is valid.-Outstanding Organization Award: Awarded to cadets enrolled during the period a unit’s “excellent” rating is valid.-Outstanding Flight Ribbon: Awarded each semester to members of the outstanding flight of the CA20141.-Top Performer Award. The Cadet Top Performer Award is a Headquarters, AFJROTC award presented to a maximum of 2% of the current unit cadet corps population. All currently enrolled cadets may be considered. Specific consideration should be given to cadets not previously recognized for superior performance. The award will recognize a cadet’s performance in the following key areas: Leadership and job performance: in primary duty and specifically in preparation for the unit’s annual assessment. Leadership qualities: involvement and positions held in extracurricular activities. Academic performance: nominee must be in good academic standing in all high school course work. Significant self-improvement. Community involvement. Other accomplishments. -Outstanding Cadet Ribbon: Awarded annually to the outstanding first-year, second-year, third-year, and fourth-year cadet. The recipient from each class must be of high moral character, demonstrate positive personal attributes, display outstanding military potential, and attain academic and military excellence -Leadership Ribbon: Awarded at the SASI’s discretion for outstanding performance in a position of leadership as an AFJROTC cadet in corps training activities. Ensure recognition of cadets who have consistently displayed outstanding leadership ability above and beyond expected performance.-Achievement Ribbon: Awarded for a significant achievement as deemed appropriate by the SASI. Individuals may not receive more than one ribbon during a 1-year period.-Superior Performance Ribbon: Awarded annually for outstanding achievement or meritorious service rendered specifically on behalf of AFJROTC. Present the ribbon for a single or sustained performance of a superior nature. Ensure award is presented in recognition of achievements and services which are clearly outstanding and exceptional when compared to achievements and accomplishments of other cadets.-Academic Ribbon: Awarded for academic excellence as signified by attaining an overall grade point average of at least “B” for one academic term, in addition to an “A” average in AFJROTC and no grade of “D” or below.-Leadership School Ribbon: Awarded for completion of an approved leadership school program of at least 5 days in duration. A star is added for outstanding performance or leadership ability at a Leadership School. The star is limited to 10% of the class.-Special Teams Competition Ribbon: Awarded to drill team members for “placing” in an Air Force or Joint Service drill meet. OLCs are awarded for subsequent awards.-Orienteering Competition: Awarded to team members for completing unit specific Orienteering Program as part of unit curriculum-Co curricular Activities Leadership Ribbon: Awarded for leadership in AFJROTC co curricular activities (such as dining-in chairperson, military ball chairperson, etc.). The recipient must have demonstrated exceptional leadership in achieving objectives through the coordinated efforts of others. This award may be earned a maximum of four times. The ribbon is initially awarded with one silver star.-Drill Team Ribbon: Awarded to members of the Armed and Unarmed Drill Team who have competed in at least one event over the course of the year. An oak leaf cluster should be added to this ribbon for each year of qualifying membership beginning with the second year. Exceptional to competitions approved by services commander.-Honor Guard Ribbon: Awarded to members of the CG who have participated in 5 or more public events.-Saber Team Ribbon: Awarded for distinguished participation in at least 75 percent of all scheduled saber team events - It is awarded once.-Marksmanship Team Ribbon: Awarded to members of the Marksmanship Team who have competed in at least one external competition. An oak leaf cluster should be added to this ribbon for each year of qualifying membership beginning with the second ye-Good Conduct Ribbon: Awarded to cadets for each semester completed with zero, negative personnel actions (deferrals, unexcused absences/tardies, etc) and confirmation by instructors that their behavior meet the AFJROTC standards and expectations.-Service Ribbon: Awarded for distinctive performance in school, community, or AFJROTC service projects. This award is limited to members whose active participation in a service project contributed significantly to the goals of the organization. Also awarded to those cadets with more than 20 hours of community service.* Participation in Drill Teams, Saber Teams or Honor Guard Teams does not qualify for theService Ribbon (see above criteria for Drill Team Ribbon) unless community service hoursare awarded within established local criteria.-Longevity Ribbon: Awarded for completion of each AS Year.-Health and Wellness Ribbon: awarded for participation in the health and wellness physical fitness program. All cadets who FULLY participate in the wellness program will receive the Physical Fitness Ribbon. All cadets who participate in the Presidential Physical Fitness Program will receive the Physical Fitness Ribbon. The Bronze Star device will be awarded and worn on the ribbon to any cadet scoring in the 75-84 percentiles in the Presidential Physical Fitness Program. If a cadet earns a percentile score of 85-95 they will wear a Silver Star. If they receive a 96-100 percent they will wear the Gold Star on the ribbon. The percentiles are computed automatically under Presidential Physical Fitness Program Assessment in WINGS.Additionally this ribbon is given to Cadets for outstanding performance in competitive sports, for sustained fitness performance in non-traditional sports or for significant improvement in physical fitness.-Coaches can nominate cadets who demonstrated outstanding performance or leadership. Coach's recommendation may be based on his/her observation only; the coach need not verify the cadet performed the test in paragraph who participate in a lifetime sport such as swimming, running, aerobics, etc., can be awarded the ribbon if the cadet’s parent or guardian verifies the activity and the cadets can produce a journal that verifies consistent activities. Verification means active participation at least three times per week throughout the year and has done so at least since the beginning of the school year. The Physical Fitness Award may be awarded each semester. Subsequent awards will consist of oak leaf clusters. -Recruiting Ribbon: awarded for outstanding effort in support of unit recruiting activities. Some examples of outstanding efforts that may qualify cadets are: active participation in eighth grade recruiting efforts at the feeder middle schools, recruiting at least three eighth graders who sign up for JROTC during registration, recruiting at least four students already enrolled and attending Beaumont High School, and developing unit brochures or displays, etc.-Activities Ribbon: awarded for participation in co-curricular activities other than those that qualify for the Honor Guard, Drill Team, and Special Teams Competition ribbons. These include, but are not limited to model rocketry clubs, Cyber Patriot, AFJROTC academic teams (e.g. Academic Bowl), and AFJROTC sports teams. An oak leaf cluster should be added to this ribbon for each year of membership beginning with the second year. This is awarded in the academic term it is earned.-Attendance Ribbon: Awarded to cadets with no more than 4 excused absences and no unexcused absences in a semester. Participation in school events, sports, and other competitions (e.g. Mathletes) does not constitute an excused absence. Students on a school event are considered in attendance.-Good Conduct Ribbon: Awarded to cadets with no suspensions of any kind, and no adverse reports from other staff or faculty in a semester.-Longevity Ribbon: awarded for completion of each AS year. An oak leaf cluster is added at the successful conclusion of ASII.-National Competitions.-Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) JROTC Video Contest: The AEF in conjunction with the AFA conducts a contest each year for AFJROTC units. New categories and subjects are selected each year by the AEF to supplement and reinforce the AFJROTC program. Certificates of merit are provided to 20 participants receiving honorable mention. A cash award of $500.00 and a plaque are presented to the four individual category winners. A special award of $1,000.00 and a distinctive plaque are presented to the overall winner of the contest.-Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge (FFVF) National Awards Military Contest: The Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, conducts an annual essay contest for cadets in ROTC programs. The competition is interservice and nationwide. Awards are combined for all services. The overall winner receives a $100.00 United States Savings Bond and an encased George Washington Honor Medal. Runners-up receive the medal and a $50.00 United States Savings Bond. The top award winner is invited to Valley Forge, at no expense, to receive the award. CAP Awards. Only five CAP ribbons (General Carl Spaatz Award, General Ira C. Eaker Award, Amelia Earhart Award, General Billy Mitchell Award, and the General J. F. Curry Achievement Award) may be worn on the AFJROTC uniform. Units should contact the nearest CAP unit to obtain awards, invite presenters, or obtain any guidance on criteria or presentation. A unit locator can be found at . INSIGNIAS AND BADGES-Ground School Badge: Awarded for completion of the honors ground school curriculum option or completion of an aviation ground school program prescribed by the FAA and successful completion of the FAA ground school test.-Flight Solo Badge: Awarded to any cadet possessing a solo flight certificate signed by an FAA certified flight instructor for either powered or un-powered aircraft.-Flight Certificate Badge: Awarded to any cadet who possesses an FAA flight examiner pilot's certificate for either powered or un-powered aircraft.-Awareness Presentation Team Badge: Awarded for participation in an Awareness Presentation Team (per AFROTCI 36-16, paragraph 10.6).-Kitty Hawk Air Society Badge: Awarded to those cadets who are members of the Kitty Hawk Air Society.-American Modeling Association (AMA) Wings: Awarded to cadets who are members of the model airplane club and have successfully completed the academic training, built and soloed a remote control aircraft.-Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Academic Cadet Award: Awarded to rising Junior and Senior cadets for academic excellence as signified by attaining an overall 3.3 grade point average with no grade below a "C" on their transcript. The individual must be recommended by the SASI.-Model Rocketry Badge: Awarded to cadets who have fulfilled the model rocketry program requirements.-AFJROTC cadets are authorized to wear ribbons earned while enrolled in Army, Navy or Marine Corps JROTC, as well as the Civil Air Patrol (only four authorized). Ribbons are worn per chapter 6.-Awards will be worn in the following order of precedence as prescribed by AFROTCI 36-2001: CHAPTER NINECERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION AND TRAININGThere are two types of certificates that may be awarded to AFJROTC cadets. They are the CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION and the CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING. Descriptions of each follow.-CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION. Awarded to cadets who satisfactorily complete at least three years of JROTC. Cadets must have this certificate in their possession when joining the senior ROTC program or upon enlisting in the armed forces to gain the benefits offered by successfully completing JROTC.-With the CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION, the cadet may be excused from one year of the General Military Course (GMC) of the senior AFROTC program. This privilege must be arranged with the Professor of Aerospace Science (PAS) at the time of enrollment in the college or university.-If the cadet elects to enlist in the USAF, the CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION will provide promotion to pay grade E-3 (Airman First Class). AFJROTC graduates may also be eligible for advanced enlistment in the other military services. Promotion at the time of enlistment provides for a monetary benefit.-CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING. Presented to cadets in good standing who successfully complete two years of AFJROTC. With this certificate, a cadet may be excused from one academic term (semester or quarter) of the GMC of the senior AFROTC program. This privilege must be arranged with the PAS at the time of college or university enrollment.-"Satisfactorily completed" in paragraph 1 means both a passing letter grade for the year and a grade better than "Unsatisfactory" in citizenship; otherwise, a student has not satisfactorily completed the course.-SCHOLARSHIPS. AFJROTC nominates the best-qualified cadets for scholarships provided cadets meet the minimum Air Force requirements. Scholarship (depending on type - may have limits) pay for tuition, books, lab fees and uniforms. Recipients may use the scholarship at a college/university where the recipient is enrolled provided it has a senior ROTC unit and the recipient enrolls in the program. After graduation from college the cadet is commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant and must serve an active duty obligation.CHAPTER TENINDIVIDUAL AND FLIGHT COMPETITION-Competition to determine the outstanding individuals and flights will be held each semester during the school year. -The following criteria will be used to evaluate all-around individual and flight performance:Wear of the uniform.Academic grades.Behavior/attitude in class/during Unit functions.Attendance at special events (parades, fund raising activities, Dining-Out, field day, Military Ball, etc.).Community Service Hours.The Group Staff will keep a tracking database. It will contain the achievements and current standing of each individual and of each flight. The compiled data will be posted by the end of the first week of the following month. (The first posting will by the end of the first week in October). -CADET OF THE QUARTER (UNIT): One "Cadet of the Quarter" will be selected from the CA-20141 Cadet Unit for each Quarter of the school year.-CADET OF THE QUARTER (FLIGHT): One "Cadet of the Quarter” will be selected from each flight in the Cadet Unit for each Quarter of the school year.-OUTSTANDING FLIGHT OF THE YEAR. The single flight excelling in the competition will be designated OUTSTANDING FLIGHT OF THE SEMESTER by the SASI/ASI and each member of that flight will be awarded the AFJROTC Outstanding Flight Ribbon.-The four individuals representing freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and senior class will be designated OUTSTANDING CADET OF THE YEAR by a Cadet Board. Nominations will be requested by Group Staff and will be reviewed by the SASI/ASI prior to board vote. -Records will be maintained by the SASI/ASI and Operations personnel, and these records will be used by the SASI and ASI to aid in determining the winners.CHAPTER ELEVENSTAFF MEETING PROCEDURES-The Cadet Group Commander will normally hold weekly staff meetings throughout the school year. These staff meetings will be held on Wednesdays throughout the school year during lunch break. The Cadet Group Commander may also hold expanded staff meetings if necessary. If no such periods are provided, it is possible no expanded staff meetings will be held, and the provisions of paragraph below, assume extra importance.-All staff meetings provide the opportunity for face-to-face communication among the commander and staff. They are also vehicles for Unit problem solving and allow the cadet staff to participate in the planning of Unit activities.-The following meeting procedures will apply:-The Cadet Group Commander will conduct the meeting;-The Cadet Deputy Group Commander will prepare the meeting agenda and will maintain close liaison with the Group Commander in so doing. The agenda will be approved by the Cadet Group Commander and submitted to the SASI or ASI for review prior to the scheduled meeting.-The Cadet Executive Officer will serve as recorder and prepare a report of each meeting detailing decisions reached, actions taken, assignments made, etc. The report will be submitted to the Cadet Group Commander for approval not later than two days following the meeting. A copy of the minutes will be posted in the Cadet Minutes binder, which will be kept in the Group Staff Office. It is the responsibility of all absent cadet officers to review the binder. -The Cadet Group Commander will follow-up to ensure that actions directed during staff meetings are accomplished by the responsible staff member(s).-Cadet staff members who miss a staff meeting will receive demerits.CHAPTER TWELVEUNIT COMPUTER USE GUIDELINES-The computer lab is open to all cadets. It is managed by the leadership following BHS guidelines.-No food or drinks will be allowed on the computer tables.-No outside thumb drives or CDs without Data Automation Staff or instructor approval are allowed in the computer.-Any misuse or failure to follow computer lab guidelines will result in the loss of computer privileges.-Instructor computers are off limits to all cadets unless otherwise instructed by an instructor.-The internet may be used with instructor approval.CHAPTER THIRTEENUNIT BREAKDOWNThe unit consists of five flights, FlightGradeResponsibilitiesClass PeriodAlpha12thorganizes Unit events, sets up meetings, works closely with the ASI and SASI1Bravo11thAssists Alpha flight, performs drill, develops leadership skills, participates in p.t., learns about aerospace science4Charlie10th in addition to 1 Junior Flight Commander, and 1 Junior Flight SgtLearn fundamentals of drill, participate in p.t., and develop basic leadership skills3Delta9th in addition to 1 Junior Flight Commander, and 1 Sophomore Flight SgtLearn basic drill, learn about aerospace science, participate in p.t.2Echo9th in addition to 1 Junior Flight Commander, and 1 Sophomore Flight SgtLearn basic drill, learn about aerospace science, participate in p.t.5Attachment Two457200281940 Attachment Three-116204152400Attachment Four-116204152400 28575519430Attachment FiveAttachment Six-161924152400-57149152400Attacbment Seven -114299278764Attachment EightAttachment Nine-56196152400Attachment TenUNIFORM DIAGRAMSFour-in-Hand KnotWindsor KnotStart with the wide end of the tie on the right side; then cross the wide end over in back and to the left; bring it completely around the front to your right; bring it back and up through the center, pass it through the loop in front; tighten the knot neatly, forming a “dimple” with your index finger.With the wide end of the tie about 12 inches longer than the narrow end, make a loop as shown. Bring the wide end around and behind the narrow end in the position illustrated; turn the wide end up and put it through the loop and around in front of the narrow end; bring it through the loop of the tie; pull the wide end through the knot and shape carefully.Attachment Eleven: GlossaryAAlphaASB Associate Student BodyASIAerospace Science Instructor (Commissioned or Enlisted)AdminAdministration or AdministrativeAFJROTCAir Force Junior ROTCAFOATSAir Force Officer Accession & Training School AFOATSIAir Force Officer Accession & Training School Instruction (guidance)AFROTCAir Force Reserve Officer Training CorpsAPTAwareness Presentation TeamCCharlieC/CadetC/ABCadet Airman BasicC/AmnCadet AirmanC/A1CCadet Airman First ClassC/SrACadet Senior AirmanC/SSgtCadet Staff SergeantC/TSgtCadet Technical SergeantC/MSgtCadet Master SergeantC/SMSgtCadet Senior Master SergeantC/CMSgtCadet Chief Master SergeantC/2LtCadet Second LieutenantC/1LtCadet First LieutenantC/CaptCadet CaptainC/MajCadet MajorC/Lt ColCadet Lieutenant ColonelC/ColCadet ColonelCA-20141California 20141 AFJROTCCCCommanderCD Deputy CommanderCCM Command Chief Master SergeantCNCOICCadet Non-Commissioned Officer-in-ChargeCOCChain-of-CommandCOICCadet Officer-in-ChargeDDeltaDAData AutomationDODirector of OperationsDPPersonnelDT Drill TeamE EchoE&TEducation & TrainingFFoxtrotFltFlightFMFinancial ManagementFSFlight SergeantG GolfGBGuidon BearerGCWinGC/CC Group CommanderH HotelHG Honor GuardI IndiaIMInformation ManagementM MikeMJUSDMuroc Joint Unified School DistrictMPCMilitary Property CustodianN November NCONon-Commissioned OfficerNCOICNon-Commissioned Officer-in-ChargeO OscarOICOfficer-in-ChargeOJTOn-the-Job TrainingOpsOperationsP PapaPAPublic Affairs OfficePCSPermanent Change of Station (Duty Location)POC Point-of-ContactPTPhysical Training (Athletics)R RomeoRHIPRank Has Its PrivilegeROE Rules of EngagementROTC Reserve Officer Training CorpsS SierraSA Special AdvisorSASI Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (Officer - in-charge -- Junior ROTC)SESafety1st Shirt First SergeantSgt SergeantSPSpecial ProjectsSqSquadronSq/CC Squadron CommanderSSANSocial Security Account NumberSTSSpecialty Training StandardSUP SupplySVServicesT TangoTDYTemporary Duty (Duty Location)U UniformUMDUnit Manning Document USAFUnited States Air ForceAttachment Twelve UNIT MANNING DOCUMENTCALIFORNIA 20141 AFJROTC CADET UNITMAXIMUM GRADE NUMBERFUNCTIONPOSITION TITLE AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZEDCommandGroup CommanderCadet Col.1Deputy CommanderCadet Col1Operations OfficerCadet Maj1Executive OfficerCadet Capt1Squadron CommanderCadet Maj2Flight CommanderCadet Capt_Flight SergeantCadet MSgt_Personnel Personnel OfficerCadet Capt1Technical Technical OfficerCadet Capt1Financial Financial Management OfficerCadet Capt1ManagementLogisticsLogistics OfficerCadet Capt1Public AffairsPublic Affairs OfficerCadet Capt1AthleticsAthletics OfficerCadet Capt1Drill TeamDrill Team CommanderN/A1Honor Guard Honor Guard CommanderN/A1Orienteering Orienteering CommanderN/A1RECAPITULATION (TBD)Maximum # Allowed:Cadet Colonel2Cadet Lt Col4Cadet Major6 TOTAL CADET OFFICERS: ________ Cadet CMSgt 2 Cadet SMSgt/MSgt 10Cadet TSgt/SSgt Cadet SrA/A1C Cadet Amn/AB TOTAL CADET ENLISTED: ________ Date: ______________TOTAL CADETS: _______ ................

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