R.B. Stall High School

Cadet Welcome Package

1st Year

Table of Contents:

❖ Fact Sheets

(Pgs 2-6 keep for your information)

❖ Field Trip Permission Forms

(Pg 7 must completed, signed by parent/guardian and returned)

❖ Medical Treatment Permission Form

(Pg 8 must be competed, signed by parent/guardian and returned)

❖ Health-Wellness Parental Permission Form

(Pg 9 must be completed by parent/guardian, signed by both cadet/parent and returned)

❖ Clothing Responsibility Letter

(Pg 11 must be competed, signed by both cadet, parent/guardian and returned)

❖ Cadet / Parent Agreement

(Pg 13 must be signed by both cadet, parent/guardian and returned)

❖ Cadet Fundraiser Contract

(Pg 14 must be signed by both cadet, parent/guardian and returned)

❖ Cadet contract and information for wings

(Pg 15&16 information that must be filled out and returned on student’s first day of JROTC)




Purpose: To provide you with current, factual information about Air Force Junior ROTC.

Curriculum: We have a 4-year program, meaning a student can take JROTC all four years of High School, and receive a number of elective credits toward graduation. Since we are currently on a 4x4 block schedule, cadets meet each day in JROTC for both semesters, and receive two credits of elective per year. One credit may be substituted for Physical Education (all students are required to have either a credit of PT or ROTC to graduate). First year cadets begin with the Leadership I text, and when completed, study the Aerospace Science I text. Leadership texts include many practical subjects, such Common Courtesies and Etiquette, drug abuse, effective study habits, etc. The Aerospace I text is a general history of air power. Cadets will do a research project/presentation on an aviation figure the second semester. In addition to the texts, cadets learn basic military drill, and have physical fitness training.

Marching: Cadets learn basic Air Force drill. More time is spent during the first year than in subsequent years, since the first year is learning new material, and subsequent years is maintaining proficiency.

Military Service: There is absolutely no commitment for any military service for taking JROTC at the High School level. Our mission is to: “Develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community”. Cadets do learn much about the military, and if they continue in JROTC they will be exposed to recruiters but, everyone makes their own decisions about their futures.

Uniforms: Uniforms are issued to cadets and must be worn properly, all day, about once per week. We normally have uniform day on Wednesday and it is graded. Those not wearing the uniform receive a grade of zero for any assigned days missed. If absent on the assigned wear day, they are to wear the uniform the first day they return. There are two uniform grades that cannot be made up. They are for the unit inspection and the pass in review. If the cadets miss them, they will lose 200 points each. The uniform is an Air Force uniform, with only the patches, insignias, and ranks being different. We are required to meet the same standards as active duty personnel when in uniform. Uniforms are returned at the end of the year; cadets keep the shoes, socks, any ribbons earned, and the nametag (which they have bought). Uniform will be cleaned and pressed with a dry cleaning receipt attached when turned in. The cadet will be charged a replacement cost for lost or damaged uniform items which must be paid before the start of the next school year or before the release of any transcripts.

Costs: We will always keep costs to the absolute minimum. Unfortunately we cannot conduct the course without charging some of the costs. JROTC fee is $25.00. That money is used to offset cost associated with maintaining the uniform. Cadets are issued clean uniform items and a nametag. Uniforms will be returned cleaned and serviceable when cadet is no longer enrolled in AFJROTC. Naturally, anything lost or damaged beyond further use must be paid for. Also, cadets may be required to purchase their own lunch on field trips.

Self-Discipline: Success in AFJROTC depends upon your commitment to self-discipline. It is something we teach, something you work to improve upon, and something that will make you a better citizen, student, adult, future parent, and person. This course will build upon the self-discipline and maturity you already have, and help you grow.

Expectations: A number of things are expected of cadets, some of which are a little more demanding than what is required of other High School students. Are you willing to try to meet these expectations?

• Academics - Pay attention in class, complete all assignments, and try to make good grades in all classes

• Conduct - Follow all school and all JROTC rules, show respect for all teachers, guests, and fellow students; to show courtesies to the flag, pledge, and anthem

• Uniform - Properly wear the uniform each day it is scheduled

• Appearance - Maintain high standards of dress and appearance, be well groomed, and practice good hygiene

• Attitude - Maintain a positive attitude, learning to become a good follower as well as leader

• Fitness - Stay in reasonably good physical condition, and try to stay within the desired weight limitations

• Character - Strive to maintain good moral character

Benefits: There are many benefits to taking AFJROTC. A few are listed below:

• Education - AFJROTC adds to your academic education and prove an aid in taking standardized tests, and be a big help with your future adult citizenship

• Credit towards graduation

• Military Training - You can learn about the military, past and present, with no commitment.

• Scholarships - ROTC can help you qualify for several types of scholarships. Though you have to earn most types, based on your grades and test scores, ROTC can greatly improve your chances. In addition, ROTC is a source for your learning about some of those available.

• Color Guard - We have a Color Guard team that presents the colors at ball games, PTSA meetings, and other functions.

• Drill Team - Out Drill Team participates in parades, demonstrations, and competitions.

• CLC - Cadet Leadership Course is a one-week encampment during the summer, conducted at The Citadel. It provides physical, academic, and military training, and leads to advanced rank and positions within our unit.

• Field Trips - Field trips are conducted each year. They vary some, but first year cadets usually visit Charleston AFB, tour various facilities, tour an aircraft, and eat in the dining facility. Other trips include an overnight trip for 2/3 year cadets, overnight Survival trip, and a 3-day senior trip.

• Picnic - We have an annual picnic each spring. This is a fun event and includes food and competitive games between flights (classes).

• Formal Ball - We have an annual ball each year. This is a fun event that is one of the year’s highlights. There is much food, dancing, and more.

• Community Service - We always provide some types of community service each year. Examples are Food Bank, Walk-A-Thons, school improvement projects, Thanksgiving/Christmas food baskets, and others.

• Kitty Hawk Air Society - This is our own Honor Society. If you make an A in ROTC and have a B average in all other courses, you may be invited to join.

• Rocket Club - This club builds and launches model rockets.

• Awards - A number of National Awards are made available each year to the top cadets. These are usually presented in conjunction with a military parade (called a Pass-In-Review) near the end of the year.

Other Notes: You probably have many questions, and are perhaps a little apprehensive about taking this course. Here are a few tips:

• Attitude Is Everything! You will have no problem if your attitude is right. Having a positive attitude means you will follow the rules, you will try, and you will participate.

• Our academics are no harder than other classes.

• You do not have to be an athlete, just able to do basic exercises, job, drill, and be in reasonable condition. If you are in good condition, you can qualify for the physical fitness ribbon. But, you don’t have to qualify, just try (attitude again).

• Do not take JROTC just to get out of PE. JROTC is much more demanding academically, and probably more demanding physically (we have drill plus physical fitness training).

• JROTC is not a place to correct behavioral problems. Students with serious problems will not last.

• It is required that you wear a uniform, which means we have to be able to get one that will fit. If you are excessively large or heavy, check with us about the sizes.

• We feel strongly that you cannot be a good citizen (and have no business voting) if you do not know what’s going on in the world around you. We do current events every week, which establishes good public speaking skills, and provides a general knowledge of the world around us.


These are tips on how to look sharp in uniform. More detailed guidelines are located in your Cadet Handbook. Follow these tips, take pride in your appearance, and you will enhance the image of yourself, your unit and the United States Air Force.

• Avoid any mixing of uniform and civilian items.

• Keep your uniform clean, neat and pressed.

• Wear your hat whenever outdoors/remove it before coming indoors

• Place your insignia/rank correctly according to instructions.

• Keep your hands out of your pockets and keep pockets buttoned.

• Tuck your shirt or blouse tightly at the sides.

• Align the leading edge of your shirt with the belt buckle and the fly of your pants (the line this forms has been affectionately called the “gig line” by cadets who have been “gigged” for having shirt, buckle, and fly out of line).

• Males put belt on starting from the left side, ensuring belt passes through all the belt loops. Females put belt on starting on the right side. The silver tip end of the belt extends beyond the end of the buckle with no blue fabric showing.

• Keep shirt and coat buttoned at all times. The coat may be removed in class or while eating.

• Keep service coat on in public places unless specifically authorized by your SASI/ASI

• Hair must be clean, neat, and well groomed. Must be styled so it does not touch the eyebrow or protrude in front below the band of properly worn headgear except that the hair may be visible in front of the women’s cap. Hair must not be worn in an extreme or fad style such as a Mohawk, pigtails, dog-ears, ducktail, or have designs cut in the hair. The design must not cause the hair to exceed length or bulk standards. Hair may not be dyed unnatural or multiple colors.

• Male Cadets - These specific standards apply to male cadets:

1. Fingernails – Must be short and clean at all times.

2. Beards - must not be worn except for medical reasons when authorized by the SASI with the written recommendation of a physician.

3. Mustaches - Must not extend downward beyond the lip-line of the upper lip or extend sideways beyond a vertical line drawn upward from the corner of the mouth.

4. Sideburns - You may have sideburns if they are neatly trimmed and tapered in the same manner as your haircut. Sideburns must be straight and of even width (not flared) and end in a clean-shaven horizontal line. They may not extend below the lowest part of the outer ear opening.

5. Hair - Keep your hair clean, neat, and trimmed. It must not contain large amounts of grooming aids such as greasy creams, oils, and sprays that remain visible in the hair. When your hair is groomed, it should not touch your ears or eyebrows, and only the closely cut or shaved hair on the back of your neck should touch the collar. Your hair should not exceed 1-1⁄4 inches in bulk regardless of the length. Bulk is the distance that the hair projects from the scalp when groomed (as opposed to length of the hair). The bulk and length of your hair must not interfere with wearing any Air Force headgear properly, and it must not protrude below the front band of the headgear. Your hair must have a tapered appearance on both sides and back, both with and without headgear. A tapered appearance means that, when viewed from any angle, the outline of the hair on the side and back will generally match the shape of the skull, curving inward to the end point. Your hair may not contain or have attached to it any visible foreign items. If you dye your hair, it should look natural. You may not dye your hair an unusual color or one that contrasts with your natural coloring. No extreme of faddish hair styles are allowed. Hair may not protrude below the front band of properly worn headgear.

• Female cadets -These specific standards apply to female cadets:

1. Cosmetics - Must be conservative and in good taste in the opinion of the instructors.

2. Nail Polish - Should be clear, neutral, or a subdued color which does not clash with the uniform. Nail Polish should not be chipped.

3. Hair styles - Your hair should be no longer than the bottom of the collar edge at the back of the neck and know more than 3 inches in bulk. Your hairstyle must be conservative—no extreme or faddish styles are allowed. It should also look professional and allow you to wear uniform headgear in the proper manner, so your hair must not be too full or too high on the head. In addition, your hairstyle shouldn’t need many grooming aids. If you use pins, combs, barrettes, elastic bands or similar items, they must be plain, similar in color to your hair, and modest in size. Wigs or hairpieces must also conform to these guidelines. Hair will not contain excessive amount of grooming aids or touch the eyebrows. Hair color/ highlights/frosting (must not be faddish). Examples of natural looking for human beings: Blonde/Brunette/ Red/Black. No shaved heads or flat-top hairstyles for women. Micro-braids and cornrows are authorized for women.

• Avoid putting items in shirt, coat, or jacket pockets to prevent bulging. Do not place flight cap under shoulder loops.

• Place pens, pencils and handkerchief so they do not protrude from pockets.

• Keep shoes, especially heels and toes, highly polished.

• Trim loose strings and frayed seams. Check yourself in the mirror before going outdoors.

• Necklaces, collar clips, label emblems and similar items of civilian jewelry are not authorized. Watches, identification bracelets, and inconspicuous rings are permissible. Females only may wear earrings, one in each ear, and only in the lower lobe. They must be small, round, conservative gold, white pearl, silver, or diamond pierced or clip on and cannot extend beyond the bottom of the earlobe.

• Use the “Buddy System” to check each other before inspection

• Correct fellow cadets if you observe them violating uniform standards. If they ignore you, bring it to the attention of your flight commander.



Charleston County School District

The AFJROTC Group cadets have the opportunity to attend about six field trips during the year and require parental permission for cadets to take advantage of these unique experiences. These field trips include, but are not limited to, Low Country Drill Competition, Fort Dorchester Field Day, Citadel Drill Meet, Tour of Joint Base Charleston, and JROTC picnic. Cadets must meet academic eligibility requirements as stated in the AFJROTC Cadet Handbook. Every precaution is taken to provide for the safety of your child on each trip. You are requested to grant permission for your child to attend and participate. You are also requested to relieve the school boards, the administration, the teachers, and chaperones of liability for any accident that may occur on these trips. Please complete the remainder of this form and return it to the Aerospace Science Instructors as soon as possible.


We/I _____________________________________________________________ , the parent(s)

of cadet __________________________________________________________ do hereby grant permission for our son or daughter to attend AFJROTC field trips. We also grant permission for my child to use school district or Air Force transportation to attend these field trips. I waive all liability of the school boards, the administration, the teachers, and chaperones for any accident that may occur on these trips.


(Signature of Parent(s) or Guardian(s) (Date)


(Printed name of Parent(s) or Guardian)


(Parent/Guardian email address)

In case of an emergency, please contact name ________________________________________

Emergency contact phone number _______________________________


NAME:___________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH:___________________

ADDRESS:_______________________________ HOME PHONE:_____________________


FATHER’S BUSINESS ADDRESS:________________________________________________________

HOME PHONE/WORK PHONE:_________________________________________________________

MOTHER’S BUSINESS ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________

HOME PHONE/WORK PHONE:__________________________________________________________

STUDENT’S REGULAR PHYSICIAN:___________________________________________________



POLICY #______________________________

Insurance company______________________________________

Policy Holder ___________________________________________

Date of last Tetanus Shot _______________________________

Is student currently taking any medication? List Meds _______________________________________________________________

I hereby give to R.B.Stall High School AFJROTC instructors and/or chaperones in charge, parental consent to seek necessary medical attention for the above student, and to their choice of physicians to attend to such medical needs in the event I cannot be reached. I understand that efforts will be made to contact either parent in the event of an emergency. This permission is for such time as student is enrolled in AFJROTC.






FOR SC-031: R. B. Stall High School


AFJROTC Cadet Health/Wellness Program is designed to work with the cadet to help them improve their physical fitness. All physical activity sessions will be supervised and monitored by at least one of our instructors. These sessions include walking, running; and calisthenics exercises. The AFJROTC instructors have been trained in administering CPR if needed.



By granting permission, we understand there are risks associated with any physical activity. It is our responsibility to inform the JROTC instructors of anything that should keep our child from participating in the AFJROTC Cadet Health/Wellness Program. In the event of a medical problem, we understand that any medical care that may be required is our personal financial responsibility.

________________________ has permission to participate in the Cadet Health/Wellness Program. YES - NO

(Printed Name of Cadet)

_________________________________ _____________________________________ _________________

(Printed Name of Parent/Guardian) (Signature of Parent/Guardian) (Date)



As a Cadet in JROTC, I know that it is my responsibility to monitor my individual physical performance during any activity and to inform the AFJROTC instructor of any problem.

_____________________________________ ____________________________________ ______________

(Printed Name of Cadet) (Signature of Cadet) (Date)

It is mandatory to complete this screening form prior to participating in the Cadet Health/Wellness Program. Return this completed questionnaire to your SASI or ASI, and advise them if you responded "yes" to any of the questions below.

1. Has there been any significant change to your health in the past 6 months? YES - NO

2. Are you currently on a medical profile exempting you from PT activities? YES - NO

3. Has a physician ever indicated you have heart disease, heart or breathing troubles? YES - NO

a. Do you suffer from pains in your chest, especially with physical activity? YES - NO

b. Do you feel faint or have dizzy spells during or after physical activity? YES - NO

c. Do you have shortness of breath related to asthma or any other condition YES - NO

that exercise could aggravate?

4. Have you experienced a significant weight change in the past 6 months? YES - NO

If "Yes", indicate the estimated amount: Gained / Lost ______ lbs.

5. Have you ever been diagnosed or displayed symptoms of heat stress? YES - NO

6. Do you take any dietary, herbal or nutritional supplements, which contain any of the following substances: Ephedra /Ephedrine, Guarana, Phenylephrine, Pseudoephedrine? YES - NO

If "Yes," please list: ______________________________________________________

7. Do you have any other medical issues that may cause a safety concern during YES - NO

physical exercise? (i.e., allergies, pregnancy, etc.)

If "Yes," please list: ______________________________________________________

Note: If cadet's health status changes during this school year cadet will notify AF JROTC Instructor.

The Privacy Act of 1974 applies. The sole purpose of this form is to gather information to be used for screening a candidate for participation as an AFJROTC cadet in the AFJROTC Cadet Health/Wellness Program. This form is for internal use only. Disclosure is voluntary; failure to disclose will result in the inability to participate in PT activities.


TO: All Cadets/Parents/Guardians

1. To expedite the issue of uniforms and accessories, and to apprise you of your responsibilities, please read this letter, fill in the blanks and return as soon as possible. Uniforms will not be issued until this letter is turned in and fees are paid.

CADET:___________________________________ CLASS PERIOD:_____ TELEPHONE:__________________

(Last Name, First, MI)

circle one: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior Yr in ROTC: ___________


____________________________________________ BIRTH DATE: __________________

(City) (ZIP)

2. Items listed below will be issued to each cadet at no cost, upon payment of AFJROTC fee. Uniforms are property of the U.S. Government and must be returned when requested. Items lost or damaged beyond normal wear must be paid for by the cadet/parent/guardian. Uniform items must be worn only as part of a complete uniform and only to school or AFJROTC approved functions. Course credit, completion certificates, and report cards will be withheld until all uniforms are returned dry- cleaned or money owed is paid. Replacement costs are listed below. Uniforms will not be issued until this form is properly signed and on file. Once uniform grades are started, a zero will be given if this form is not on file.


Shirt, s/s $ 13.20 Blouse, s/s $ 15.20 Ribbons $0.50 ea

Pants $ 35.95 Slacks $ 32.35 Officer Cap Insignia $1.45 ea

Service Coat $ 98.00 Service Coat $ 91.00 Rank metal C/CMSgt $4.50 pr

Cap $ 9.75 Cap $ 8.00 Rank metal C/SMSgt $3.90 pr

Shoes $ 44.75 Shoes $ 49.00 Rank metal C/MSgt $4.90 pr

Socks $ 1.50 Socks $ 1.50 Rank metal C/TSgt $4.90 pr

Belt $ 2.15 Belt $ 2.15 Rank metal C/SSgt $2.80 pr

Belt buckle $ 3.05 Belt buckle $ 3.05 Rank metal C/SrA $2.40 pr

Necktie $ 4.50 Necktab $ 4.30 Rank metal C/A1C $2.40 pr

Jacket w/liner $ 107.50 Jacket w/liner $ 107.50 Rank metal C/Amn $2.10 pr

Rank Soft C/Col $ 3.90 pr Rank Soft C/Col $ 3.10 pr Rank metal mini officer $1.50 pr

Rank Soft C/Lt Col$ 3.20 pr Rank Soft C/Lt Col$ 3.10 pr Rank metal C/Col $4.50 pr

Rank Soft C/Maj $ 3.40 pr Rank Soft C/Maj $ 3.10 pr Rank metal C/Lt Col $4.50 pr

Rank Soft C/Capt $ 3.90 pr Rank Soft C/Capt $ 3.10 pr Rank metal C/Maj $4.50 pr

Rank Soft C/1 Lt $ 3.30 pr Rank Soft C/1 Lt $ 3.30 pr Rank metal C/Capt $5.50 pr

Rank Soft C/2 Lt $ 3.30 pr Rank Soft C/2 Lt $ 3.10 pr Rank metal C/1 Lt $6.20 pr

PT set(shirt&short) $16.00 S Shirt $8.00 Rank metal C/2 Lt $4.40 pr

S Pant $10.00

3. Once used, shoes and socks are not to be returned. Likewise, ribbons become the property of the cadet once issued, but replacements for lost items must be paid for.

4. Please acknowledge understanding of responsibilities and costs by signing below.

_____________________________________ ____________________

Cadet signature date

_____________________________________ ____________________

Parent/Guardian signature date


I, ___________________________________, voluntarily enroll in the Stall High School Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) program, and I will: (The cadet acknowledges the statements by initialing before every statement)

(Int) 1. Correctly wear the Air Force uniform issued to me a minimum of once a week (normally Wednesday) and on special occasions as required.

(Int) 2. Maintain my hair and personal appearance within published standards while wearing the uniform.

(Int) 3. Abide by Stall High School student rules of behavior and refrain from behavior that will discredit the school and the Corps.

(Int) 4. Attend and participate in classes unless excused in accordance with school policy.

(Int) 5. Accept monetary responsibility for the issued uniform(s), books and equipment.

(Int) 6. Maintain published AFJROTC academic standards.

(Int) 7. Turn in government issued uniform(s), books, and equipment as directed by the SASI/ASI.

(Int) 8. I understand that failure to abide by this agreement may result in: probation, demotion, removal from cadet jobs, not being permitted to participate in AFJROTC field trips and extracurricular activities, no military credit and disenrollment from AFJROTC program with a grade of “F”, will not receive partial credit for an incomplete year (one semester).

___________________________________ ___________


(The Parent/Guardian acknowledges the statements by initialing before every statement)

(Int) ______I/We have discussed the above with my son/daughter. I/We assume responsibility for the cost of the loaned uniforms, books and equipment that are U.S. government property, if my son/daughter damage said property beyond fair wear and tear, and/or does not return them in proper condition. I/We acknowledge that participation in this program does not incur any military service obligation.

(Int)_______I/We also acknowledge that being physically fit and able to participate in the Stall High School’s physical education program is a requirement to enrollment in AFJROTC. In this regard, I/We certify my son/daughter is medically and physically able to participate in all aspects of AFJROTC, including drill, and physical fitness training and evaluation.

(Int)_______I/We further acknowledge the SASI is allowed to disenroll a cadet at any time during the academic year with proper cause. Disenrollment is a last resort, and must be preceded by documentation and corrective counseling. However, it is necessary in some cases, in order to maintain the morale and discipline of the unit. Instructors must work together with the cadets, their parents, unit cadet leaders, school counselors and administrators to resolve these issues. However, when these efforts are unsuccessful, the SASI is allowed to remove the cadet from the AFJROTC program. A maximum of three weeks is sufficient to complete this entire administrative process.

____________________________________ ___________



Parent/ Guardian email


1. Several times a year cadets are asked to support the program by participating in unit fundraising activities. These fundraisers provide additional support to the JROTC program not given by the Air Force or the School District. This additional support provides great opportunities for cadets to plan, organize, and attend a Military Ball. It also provides additional funding for cadets who are selected to attend the Cadet Leadership Course (CLC), an encampment held every year during the summer at the Citadel. This encampment is designed to foster leadership greatness unequaled by any other leadership program.

2. If you choose to participate in the unit fundraising opportunities you will be responsible for maintaining (i.e. keep it out of the sun or hot car), securing, selling, and returning the fundraising money. If you participate in the fundraisers and fail to return the money by the required date assigned for that fundraiser an owe slip will be placed in your records and you will not be able to transfer/graduate until all indebtedness is settled.

3. Your AFJROTC grade will not be affected if you choose not to participate in the fundraisers. However, your grade can be affected if you chose to participate in the fundraiser and the money is not returned on time. You will accrue one demerit for every dollar not returned on time and in most cases your grade will drop. In addition, a cadet can accrue one merit for every dollar returned on time, which in most cases a cadet’s grade will increase.

4. We believe this opportunity not only teaches cadet a little responsibility but, it also gives a cadet a chance to give back to their unit and instill a sense of ownership in the program.

I Cadet (last name) ___________________have read the fundraising contract and I do/do not (circle one) wish to participate in the unit fundraisers.

_____________________________ _________

Cadet Signature Date

I (printed parent/guardian’s name) ________________________________have read the fundraising contract and I do/do not (circle one) allow my cadet to participate in the unit fundraisers.

_____________________________ _________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date



TO: All Cadets

1. Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training (AFJROTC) cadets must be enrolled voluntarily and membership in the cadet corps must be limited to those cadets who meet and maintain all program requirements. Program requirements include: taking AFJROTC academic courses, participation in the cadet corps activities, properly wearing the prescribed uniform each required uniform day, meeting and maintaining Air Force grooming standards, and maintaining acceptable disciplinary standards. Cadets who are consistently deficient in one or more of the areas or demonstrate a negative pattern of behavior are disruptive to the overall corps operations and must be disenrolled. The information below is a brief summary of student requirements. Please read carefully and consider seriously whether you are willing to meet these requirements, before proceeding farther with AFJROTC enrollment.

a. Academics. All AFJROTC programs require academic performance. The exact content of course materials is determined by the year group of the course, that is, first, second, third, or fourth year.

b. Military. A military uniform is required to be worn once each week. Air Force instructions require proper wear of the uniform, which includes personal grooming, shaving, and haircut standards the same as for active duty military personnel. Cadets must demonstrate correct procedures for handling the flag, participate in marching, and perform other functions in the prescribed manner.

c. Attitude. A positive attitude is required. Cadets must show courtesy and respect for all teachers and fellow cadets. All cadets must be able to be good followers before they can be leaders.

d. General Conduct. Poor or questionable conduct is not an attribute of an AFJROTC cadet and will not be tolerated.  All cadets are expected to adhere closely to the Cadet Honor Code and high personal standards both in and out of uniform. There are several policies with regard to conduct an AFJROTC cadet needs to pay particular attention to.

  1. Public display of affection (PDA) is not allowed.  This includes kissing, handholding, or any other form of physical affection in any Stall AFJROTC uniform combination, in class, or while at any AFJROTC function.

2. All cadets are required to conduct themselves in an exemplary manner at all times, not just in AFJROTC class. Cadets must be willing to follow school and AFJROTC rules, for example, no hats on in building, no electronic devices, no gum, etc. Ignorance of a rule is not an excuse for failure to comply.

e. Physical. Cadets must be in reasonably good physical condition, capable of marching, jogging short distances, and doing push-ups/sit-ups. Additionally, any cadet's weight must allow wearing of a standard Air Force uniform without extensive alterations.

f. Grades. Grades are determined by averaging scores from academic exams with uniform and behavior grades. Grade scales comply with school directives.

g. Grooming. Cadets are to dress like ladies and gentlemen. Cadets will be neat and clean; school and JROTC dress standards are to be met at all times on campus. Males will not wear earrings or grills. Females will not wear nose rings or grills. Cadets will not wear any visible ornaments or piercing though eyebrows, tongue, cheek, etc.

2. CONTRACT: I have read and I understand the information above. I agree to follow all school and AFJROTC rules, and to follow the directions given me by my teachers.

________________________________ __________________ Student Signature Date


Must be completed for each new cadet

CADET NAME (PRINT CLEARLY) ________________________________________________


DATE OF BIRTH (MM/DD/YYYY) ____________________________

GRADE 9 10 11 12









YEAR IN ROTC _________________________

PREVIOUS RANK _______________________

FLIGHT ________________

RECRUITED BY ____________________________________________________

Previous Unit if applicable_____________________

Other interesting information


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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