OAS - Organization of American States: Democracy for peace ...



8 August 2002





Operative paragraph 2: Application of Confidence- and Security-Building Measures


Permanent Mission Of Chile

to the

Organization Of American States

Note No. 209

The Permanent Mission of Chile to the Organization of American States respectfully presents its compliments to the General Secretariat and has the honor to forward, in compliance with resolution AG/RES. 1879 (XXXII-O/02), paragraph 2, adopted by the General Assembly in Barbados, the list of Confidence- and Security-Building Measures applied by the Armed Forces of Chile for the period June 2001 to May 2002.

The Permanent Mission of Chile to the Organization of American States avails itself of this opportunity to reiterate to the General Secretariat assurances of its highest and most distinguished consideration.

Washington, D.C., July 23, 2002



3-Ch. Promotion of the development and exchange of information concerning defense policies and doctrines.


➢ Visit of the Chief of the General Staff of the Argentine Army to Chile in commemoration of the Glories of the Army (September 19, 2001).

➢ Visit of the Chief of the General Staff of the Argentine Navy to Chile in commemoration of the Glories of the Army (September 19, 2001).

➢ The Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Navy, Admiral Miguel A. Vergara Villalobos, paid an official visit to the Argentine Navy from November 21 to 24, 2001.

➢ Visit of the Chief of the General Staff of the Argentine Air Force from March 20 to 22, 2002, on the occasion of the Seventy-Second Anniversary of the Chilean Air Force.

➢ Bilateral Intelligence Conference with the Argentine Navy in May 2002.

➢ Eighth Round of Talks between the Chilean Air Force and the Argentine Air Force.

➢ Sixth Consultation Meeting of the Joint General Staff of the Armed Forces of Argentina, the National Defense General Staff, and the High Commands of the Armed Forces of Chile and Argentina, from June 17 to 21, 2002.


➢ First Meeting of the General Staffs of the Chilean Navy and the Peruvian Navy, in Valparaiso from April 14 to 18, 2002. The meeting addressed the issues pertaining to the Sixteenth Bilateral Intelligence Conference.

5-Ch. Agreements on invitation of observers to military exercises, visits to military installations, arrangements for observing routine operations and exchange of civilian and military personnel for regular and advanced training


➢ The implementation phase of the “Cabañas 2001” Combined Multilateral Peacekeeping Exercise was carried out at Salta, the Seat of Command of the Fifth Mechanized Brigade, from August 27 to September 14, 2001.

In addition to Chile, also taking part were Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, United States and Uruguay.

➢ Three naval officers and two sailors took part in the “Cabañas 2001” Multinational Peacekeeping Operations from August 13 to September 18, 2001.

➢ Two naval officers and 16 sailors took part in the “Cabañas 2001” Multinational Peacekeeping Operations from August 13 to September 18, 2001.

➢ One Officer of the Chilean Marines was a member of the Argentine contingent in the UNFICYP Mission (Cyprus), and formed part of Argentine Task Force 18 from October 2001 to April 2002.

➢ One Officer in the Chilean Marines is a member of Task Force 19 with the Argentine contingent in Cyprus, serving from April 2002 to October 2002.

➢ Ninth International Competition for Mountain Troops in Argentina from August 12 to 19, 2001, which was reciprocated with the visit of an Argentine Army delegation, which took part in the Continental Skiing Championships held in Portillo from August 21 to 28, 2001.

➢ Two Cadets of the Military College of the Nation visited the Military School of Chile from September 10 to 18, 2001; in like fashion, the Chilean Army reciprocated that activity with a visit by two cadets of the Military School to the Military College from October 6 to 14, 2001.

➢ Fourteenth World Military Equestrian Championship in Santiago, Chile, from February 1 to 11, 2002, in which one senior officer, two officers in charge, 11 junior officers, three noncommissioned officers, and five volunteer soldiers took part.

➢ A senior officer of the Argentine Army visited Chile from February 1 to 11, 2002.

➢ Master Equestrian Courses in Chile (one officer) from February 2002 to December 2002.

➢ Complete Horse Trials Instructor Course in Argentina (one officer) from February 2002 to December 2002.

➢ From March 12 to June 15, 2002 a junior officer of the Argentine Army attended a Special Intelligence Course for Foreign Officials.

➢ Visit of one general officer and one junior officer to the Submarine Fleet Command of the Argentine Navy from August 29 to September 2, 2001.

➢ The Commandant General of the Chilean Marine Corps attended the change of command of the Argentine Marine Corps at Belgrano Naval Base from December 11 to 15, 2001.

➢ The Training Course on Operation and Maintenance of Súnica and Saft Batteries was attended by two sailors from June 16 to 26, 2001.

➢ The Training Course on Use of a Submarine Escape Chamber was attended by four officers and 16 sailors from September 8 to 15, 2001.

➢ One officer and four cadets navigated by sailing boat from Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata from July 18 to 31, 2001.

➢ One officer took part in a Training Cruise aboard the Argentine Navy Training Vessel ARA Libertad, from May 13 to December 3, 2001.

➢ One officer took part in stage "A" of the Combined Antarctic Naval Patrol aboard ARA SO Castillo of the Argentine Navy from December 1 to 19, 2001.

➢ One officer attended an exchange course as Flight Instructor at the Argentine Naval Aviation School from January 22, 2001 to January 22, 2002.

➢ One officer attended the General Staff Command Course - Naval Branch at the Naval Warfare School of the Argentine Navy from January 28, 2001 to January 28, 2002.

➢ One officer took part in the Marine officer exchange program with the Argentine Navy, Puerto Belgrano Battery, from May 2, 2000 to January 31, 2002.

➢ One officer took part in the Combined Antarctic Naval Patrol aboard ARA SO Castillo from January 15 to February 9, 2002.

➢ One officer is taking part in an Instruction Cruise aboard the Argentine Navy Training Vessel ARA Libertad, from May 18 to October 15, 2002.

➢ One officer will attend a Flight Instructor Course and will subsequently be part of the staff of the Argentine Naval Aviation School (flight instructor exchange program) from January 15, 2002 to January 15, 2003.

➢ One officer will take part in the exchange program between the Chilean Marine Corps and the Argentine Marine Corps at the Marine Training Center, Marine Naval Base, Puerto Belgrano Battery, from January 3, 2002 to January 3, 2003.

➢ The Inspector-General and the Director of Naval Supplies of the Argentine Navy visited Chile from June 14 to 16, 2001.

➢ A sea cadet participated in a Training Cruise from April 29 to Nov. 9, 2001 aboard the Training Vessel (BE) Esmeralda.

➢ One officer of the Argentine Navy took part in an exchange program to attend the General Staff Training Course at the Naval Warfare Academy from February 15 to December at 31, 2001.

➢ One Argentine Marine officer took part in the Marine Officer Exchange Program at "Aldea" Marine Base from January 15, 2001 to January 16, 2002.

➢ An Argentine Marine Officer took part in the Marine Officer Exchange Program at "Aldea" Marine Base from January 15, 2002 to January 16, 2003.

➢ One officer of the Argentine Navy took part in an exchange program to serve as a Flight Instructor at the Naval Aviation School from October 2001 to December 2002.

➢ One officer took part in an exchange program to attend the General Staff Training Course at the Naval Warfare Academy from February 15 to December at 31, 2002.

➢ One aviation officer of the Argentine Navy took part in an exchange program to serve as a Flight Instructor at the Naval Aviation School from January 2001 to January 2003.

➢ An instructor officer of the Chilean air Force Tactical School visited Mendoza Fighter Jet School from November 12 to 14, 2001.

➢ One officer of the “Halcones” High Aerobatics Squadron took part in an exchange program with the Argentine High Aerobatics Squadron in November 2001.

➢ A Synthetic Aperture Radar Training Course was held from September 10 to 21, 2001 in Argentina. The course was attended by a Chilean junior officer.

➢ Capitan Avalos Aviation School conducted a study trip to Argentina from September 20 to 23, 2001,

➢ Visit of a Section of the Military School on the national days of Argentina (May 25) and of Chile (September 19).


➢ From May 7 to 10, 2002 the second planning meeting was held of the UNITAS PACIFICO Multinational Exercise, which falls to the Chilean Navy to organize this year. Taking part together with Chilean and Peruvian units will be units from the USA, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, and Panama. The exercise is scheduled for execution from June 28 to July 13 in the central zone of Chile.

➢ There was a visit by two officers of the Chilean Army to installations of the Peruvian Army from September 30 to October 7, 2001.

➢ There was a visit by two officers of the Peruvian Army to Chile from December 2 to 9, 2001.

➢ One officer of the Chilean Army attended a training course on Psychological Operations imparted by the Peruvian Army from January 9 to June 30, 2002.

➢ At the invitation of the Peruvian Army, two junior officers who are specialists in demining paid a visit to the Peruvian Army from June 16 to 20, 2002.

➢ From October 1 to 20, 2001, two officers of the Peruvian Navy sailed aboard a general service patrol vessel (PSG) of the Chilean Navy in the area of Chiloé.

➢ One officer of the Peruvian Navy is attending the General Staff Training Course at the Naval Warfare Academy from February 15 to December 31, 2002.

➢ A Navy lieutenant is taking part in a Training Cruise aboard the Training Vessel (BE) Esmeralda from May 27 to December 22, 2002.

➢ From October 20 to November 10, 2001 two junior officers sailed aboard a Peruvian Navy vessel in the Amazon region.

➢ One officer of the Chilean Navy is attending the General Staff Command Training Course at the Superior Naval Warfare School from January 3 to December 15, 2002.

➢ The Chilean Air Force held a Training Seminar for Helicopter, Transport and Combat Pilots from September 30 to October 5, 2001. Present at the seminar were six officers of the Peruvian Air Force who are specialists in these flight materials.

➢ The Peruvian Air Force Officer School was received by Capitan Manuel Avalos Prado Aviation School, from December 2 to 5, 2001, with professional and cultural activities.


➢ The CRUZEX exercise was held from May 2 to 10, 2002 in Brazil, with the participation of Brazil, Chile, Argentina and France in a low-intensity air campaign involving Mirage fighters from the four countries.


➢ A professional visit was conducted by three officers to US Military Police units.

➢ One officer paid a professional visit to the Office of Homeland Security, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the USA.

➢ One officer conducted a professional visit to examine US procedures and policies in the areas of counter-terrorism, forces protection, crisis response, and assistance in NBC disasters.

➢ One officer attended an advanced aviation course in the USA.

➢ One officer attended the Inter-American Defense College in the USA.

➢ One class took an Aviation Mechanic training course in the USA.

➢ Two civilian employees participated in a Symposium on Calorimetry in the USA.

➢ One officer and 10 classes took part in a leadership training course in the USA.

➢ Six officers attended a Flight-Simulator Training course in the USA.

➢ Two officers attended a Military Intelligence training course in the USA.

➢ One class took a training course on Aircraft Structural Repair and Corrosion Control in the USA.

➢ Three classes took a training course in Aircraft Pneudraulics in the USA.

➢ Four officers participated in the Annual Exercise organized by the Army Command and General Staff College in the USA.

➢ One officer attended an advanced aviation course in the USA.

➢ One officer paid a professional visit regarding Command, Control, Telecommunications, Computers and Data Systems in the USA.

➢ Two officers took part in a training course for aviation mechanics in the USA.

➢ One officer attended the International Fellowships Program in the USA.

➢ Two officers engaged in professional visits.

➢ 12 classes attended a training course for aviation mechanics in the USA.

➢ Two officers, 23 noncommissioned officers and 10 classes took part in armored car training activities in the USA.

➢ Two civilian employees engaged in an advanced postgraduate medical training program on reparation surgery, microsurgery, and maxillary facial surgery in the USA.

➢ A class took a Drill Instructor training course in the USA.

➢ Two classes took part in the personnel exchange program between the U.S. Marine Corps and the Chilean Marine Corps.

➢ Two officers took part in a project on equipment standardization in P-3 aircraft for ice prospecting in the USA.

➢ Three officers were invited to go to sea aboard a US Navy vessel in the USA.

➢ Three classes went to sea with the US Navy.

➢ One officer attended a seminar on Operational Law in the USA.

➢ Eight officers and 10 sailors received training in P-3 aircraft flight simulators in the USA.

➢ One officer and three sailors took part in training courses on submarine equipment maintenance in the USA.

➢ One officer took part in the Information Technology Management course at the Naval Postgraduate School in the USA.

➢ Two officers and two sailors took part in the professional exchange program and went to sea aboard a U.S. Navy vessel in the USA.

➢ Two officers participated in the Air Intelligence course at the Inter-American Air Force Academy in the USA.

➢ One officer took part in a training seminar on automation of medical procedures in the USA.

➢ One officer attended the Senior International Officers Supply Management Course in the USA.

➢ A civilian professor paid a professional visit to various U.S. Armed Forces public relations agencies in the USA.

➢ One officer attended the Surface Warfare Officer Course for Department Heads in the USA.

➢ One officer attended a Master’s Course in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering in the USA.

➢ Two officers paid a professional visit to the Joint Inter-Agency Task Force – East (JIATF - E) in Key West, Florida; Coastguard District No. 7 of the Southern Command; the Regional Office of the DEA in Miami Florida; DEA National Headquarters; the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) in Washington, D.C.; El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC); and the US Customs in El Paso, Texas.

➢ One officer took part in the officer exchange program between the Chilean Marine Corps and the U.S. Marine Corps.

➢ Two officers took part in an International Seminar for P-3ACH Aircraft Operators in the USA.

➢ One officer attended courses on Principles of Epidemiology and on Statistical Reasoning in Public Health I and II, in the USA.

➢ Two officers conducted a technical visit to the Finance Organization in the USA.

➢ Two officers took the Combat Medic Training Course at the Latin-American Cooperation Institute in the USA.

➢ Two officers attended a training course on CJ1 Material in the USA.

➢ Two officers attended a basic training course on Lear Jet Material in the USA.

➢ One officer took part in the First Training Workshop on Legal Issues in the USA.

➢ Two officers and a class attended a basic training course on C-130 Material in the USA.

➢ One officer served at the Logistics Control Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

➢ Six officers and six noncommissioned officers received training in a C-130 flight simulator.

➢ One officer attended a training seminar on Osseointegration in the USA.

➢ One class attended a Security Specialist / Ground Defense Skills training course in the USA.

➢ Six officers and six noncommissioned officers received training in a B-707 flight simulator in the USA.

➢ One class took a Electrical Maintenance Training Course on for BELL 412 Material in the USA.

➢ Two officers took part in a Pilot Training Course for BELL 412 Material in the USA.

➢ Four officers received training in a B-737 flight simulator in the USA.

➢ A delegation composed of one officer and five students visited the U.S. Air Force Academy.

➢ One officer attended the Air War College in the USA.

➢ Three officers received G-LOC training in the USA.

➢ One officer attended a Strategic Intelligence training course in the USA.

➢ Four officers received training on a G-IV flight simulator in the USA.

➢ Five classes attended an Aircraft Mechanic training course in the USA.

➢ Two officers attended a basic training course in the Boeing 737 in the USA.

➢ One senior noncommissioned officer and one class attended a Supply Training Course in the USA.

➢ Two officers took part as observers in the Annual Firefighting Exercise and Conference and visited the 146th National Guard Airwing in the USA.

➢ Two officers conducted a professional visit to various U.S. Armed Forces public relations agencies in the USA.

➢ One class attended a training course on the BELL 412 Automatic Flight Control System in the USA.

➢ One officer served as an adviser at the Inter-American Defense College in the USA.

6-Ch. Meetings and activities to prevent incidents and increase security for transport by land, sea, and air


➢ Two officers attended the 2001 Antarctic Navigation Course from August 26 to September 8, 2001.

➢ Combined Antarctic Naval Patrol between the Navies of Chile and Argentina from December 1, 2001 to March 1, 2002.

➢ The International Maritime Organization Search and Rescue Course (IMO-SAR) was held at Usuahia from September 12 to 24, 2001.

➢ An International Course on Aviation Medicine and Aeromedical Evacuation was imparted at the Chilean Air Force Hospital in conjunction with the U.S. Southern Command from March 22 to 28, 2002, with two officers of the Argentine Air Force (FAA) taking part.

➢ An Argentine Air Force officer attended as a speaker at the Chilean Air Force Accident Prevention Course from July 25 to 29, 2001.

➢ International Symposium on Aeromedical Evacuation on August 6 and 7, 2001, jointly organized with the U.S. Southern Command, with two officers of the Argentine Air Force taking part.

➢ The Chief of the General Staff of the Argentine Air Force attended the International Air and Space Fair (FIDAE) in Chile from April 1 to 7, 2002.


➢ The Combined Sea Search and Rescue Exercise RESKATAMUY was held from October 17 to 19, 2001.

➢ From October 16 to 25, 2001 an officer of the Peruvian Navy took part in the International Training Course on Operations in Antarctic Waters with the Chilean Navy.

➢ In November 2001 the Chilean Air Force held a Training Seminar on Aerospace Medicine, which two specialist officers from the Peruvian Air Force were invited to attend.

➢ The Third Meeting on Bilateral Cooperation between the Maritime Authorities of Chile and Peru was held in Valparaíso from April 16 to 18, 2002.

➢ The First Semi-Annual Meeting of the Harbormasters of the Ports of Arica and Ilo was held in Ilo, Peru on May 27 and 28, 2002.


➢ Two officers took part in the Seminar-Workshop on Application of the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships in the USA.

➢ One officer paid a visit to the Office of Homeland Security, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Office of Emergency Management in the USA.

7-Ch. Cooperation programs in the event of natural disasters or to prevent such disasters, based on the request and authorization of the affected states.


➢ The Seminar Game between the Armed Forces of Argentina and Chile on Cooperation in the Event of Natural Disasters was held in Argentina on June 11 and 12, 2001.

➢ Meetings were held at the Joint General Staffs of the Armed Forces (EMCFFAA) in Argentina in October 2001 and at the National Defense General Staff (EMDN) in Chile in April 2002, in order to determine objectives, a general idea of maneuvers, participating agencies, and overall structure for implementation of the disaster cooperation exercise between Chile and Argentina. This exercise will take place in April 2003 in the general area of the Puerto Natales and Río Turbio.

8-Ch. Development and establishment of communications among civilian or military authorities of neighboring countries in accordance with their border situation.


➢ Two officers attended the Meeting of the Chilean-Argentine Borders Committee from June 3 to 11, 2001

➢ Direct channel of communications between the 10th Air Brigade of the Argentine Air Force and the 111th Air Brigade of the Chilean Air Force. *

➢ From June 4 to 6, 2001 the Commandant of the Argentine Army 8th Mountain Brigade conducted a professional visit to the Commanders-in-Chief of the 2nd and 3rd Chilean Army Divisions

➢ A delegation of the 2nd Motorized Artillery Regiment visited the 6th Mounted Artillery Group (Junin de los Andes – Neuquén) in February 2002.

➢ From September 16 to 20, 2001, there was a meeting between the Commander-in-Chief of the III Naval Zone of Chile and the Commandant of the Ushuaia Southern Naval Area in Punta Arenas.

➢ From May 23 to 25, 2002, there was a meeting between the Commander-in-Chief of the III Naval Zone of Chile and the Commandant of the Ushuaia Southern Naval Area in Ushuaia.

➢ From April 5 to 7, 2002 a General Officer of Chile participated, together with a delegation, in the commemorative acts of the 184th Anniversary of the Battle of Maipú in Mendoza, Argentina.

➢ In October 2001 a Chilean Navy vessel and delegation paid a one-day visit to attend the celebrations marking the Anniversary of the City of Ushuaia.

➢ In November 2001 an Argentine Navy vessel and delegation paid a one-day visit to attend the celebrations marking the Anniversary of the City of Puerto Williams.


➢ The Twentieth Regional Bilateral Intelligence Meeting between the Military Garrisons of Arica and Tacna, presided over by the Commander in Chief of the 6th Chilean Army Division and the Commandant of the Peruvian Army 3rd Cavalry Division, was held on October 5, 2001 in Arica.

➢ The Meeting Preparatory to the Twelfth Bilateral Meeting and the Tenth Meeting of Brotherhood between the Border Air Garrisons was held from May 19 to 22, 2002.

9-Ch. Holding of seminars and courses, and studies on mutual confidence- and security-building measures and policies to promote confidence involving the participation of civilians and military personnel, and on the special security concerns of small island states.


➢ One officer attended the Defense Resource Management Course at the National Defense University in the USA.

11-Ch. Education Programs of education for peace.


➢ One Marine officer attended a training course on “Disarmament, Demobilization and Reinsertion” at the Argentine Center for Training in Peacekeeping Operations (CAECOPAZ), from September 9 to 21, 2001.

➢ Six Naval and Marine officers attended the training course for United Nations Military Observers in Ground Operations at CAECOPAZ from November 4 to December 3, 2001.

➢ An officer of the Chilean Navy participated as an instructor at CAECOPAZ from November 2000 to December 2001.


➢ One civilian professor attended a course on Military Peacekeeping Operations in the USA.

➢ Two officers attended a course on Peacekeeping Operations in Canada.

1-S. Encourage contact and cooperation among legislators on confidence-building measures and on matters of peace and hemispheric security, including conferences, the exchange of visits, and a meeting of parliamentarians, in order to strengthen this process.


➢ Chile’s Director of Army Intelligence attended the Second Meeting of COSEDE on March 26 and 27 in Lima, Peru.

2-S. Extend to diplomatic training institutes, military academies, research centers, and universities the seminars, courses, and studies envisioned in the Declarations of Santiago and San Salvador on confidence- and security-building measures, disarmament, and other issues related to peace and hemispheric security, with participation in those activities by government, civilian, and military officials and by civil society.


➢ War Games at the Operational Strategy level between the Naval Warfare Academies and the Naval Warfare School of the Argentine Navy from May 13 to 16, 2002.

➢ Six officers attended the Pentalateral War Games in Argentina from May 26 to June 2, 2001.

3-S. Identify and carry out activities promoting cooperation among neighboring countries along their border regions.


➢ On November 8 a delegation of five Peruvian Naval officers and their families played in a volleyball match in Arica.

➢ On November 9 a delegation of five Chilean Naval officers and their families visited Tacna in order to play a volleyball match.

4-S. Promote the exchange of information, inter alia, through the publication of books on defense or official documents, as appropriate, permitting greater transparency with respect to the defense policies of each country, and on the organization, structure, size, and composition of the armed forces.


➢ The Chilean Army and the Argentine Army exchange the following magazines and publications


- Memorial del Ejército de Chile

- Revista Armas y Servicios


- Revista del Soldado Argentino

- Suplemento “Tecnología para la Defensa”

- Revista del Suboficial

➢ The Chilean Navy and the Argentine Navy exchange the following magazines and publications


- Revista de la Marina

- Revista Vigía


- Boletín del Centro Naval

- Revista Publicaciones Navales

- Revista Puesto de Maniobra

- Revista Mach 1

➢ The Chilean Air Force and the Argentine Air Force exchange the following magazines and publications


- Revista Fuerza Aérea

- Revista Minerva


- Revista Aeroespacio

- Revista Escuela de Guerra FAA


➢ The Chilean Army sends the publication Memorial del Ejército to the Peruvian Army on a quarterly basis.




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