Commonly Used Acronyms and Abbreviations

Commonly Used Acronyms and AbbreviationsANat'l Aux. Dept. of Marketing & Public AffairsABCAmerica's Boating CourseABYC HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" American Boat and Yacht CouncilADMAdmiral (USCG, USN, USPHS)ADSOAssistant District Staff OfficerAIDEAide to National Commodore/District CommodoreAIMAcademy Introduction MissionAISAutomatic Identification SystemALCOASTAll Coast Guard MessageAMOSAuxiliary Mission Objectives SystemANSCAuxiliary National Supply Center (Catalog)AORArea of ResponsibilityARCAmerican Red CrossARCOArea Rear CommodoreASOCAuxiliary Senior Officers CourseASSTAssistantATONAids to NavigationAUXCoast Guard AuxiliaryAUX-AIRAuxiliary AviationAuxACNAuxiliary Advanced Coastal Navigation (Alternative name for AUXNAV)AUXCENAuxiliary CenterAUXCOMAuxiliary Communication Specialty CourseAUXDATAInformation data base effective March, 02AUXFACAuxiliary FacilityAUXLAMAuxiliary Leadership & Management CourseAUXLEAAuxiliary Leadership CourseAUXLOAuxiliary Liason Officer (Auxiliary Member designated as primary interface to Gold SideAUXMANAuxiliary ManualAUXMINAuxiliary Administration Specialty Course (Obsolete. Credit if prev. earned)AUXMISAuxiliary Management Information System, Now AUXDATAAUXNAVAuxiliary Navigation Specialty Course (See Also AuxACN)AuxNetCGAUX Radio Network (General Description)AUXOPOperational Auxiliarist Status (Passed 6 [formerly 7] Specialty Courses)AUXPALAuxiliary Personnel Allowance ListAUXPATAuxiliary Patrols Specialty CourseAUXSARAuxiliary Search & Rescue Specialty Course (No longer Offered Replaced by AuxSCE)AUXSEAAuxiliary Seamanship Specialty CourseAUXWEAAuxiliary Weather Specialty CourseAWWAmerica's Waterway Watch (Previously "Operation Waterway Watch")AXAUXOP (designation in AUXData database-Top--B-BDesignates the Nat'l Aux. Dept. of BoatingBABranch Assistant, National StaffBCBranch Chief, National StaffBC-NCAConference Assistant, NACO StaffBC-NCOConference Organization, NACO StaffBC-NCPConference Planning, NACO StaffBC-NCRConference Registration, NACO StaffBC-NCSConference Support, NACO StaffBCQBoat Crew QualificationBEDBase Enrollment DateBFOIBoat Force Operations InsigniaBIABoating Industry AssociationBICBasic Instructor Course (USCG)BLABoating Law AdministratorBMBoatswains MateBMOWBoatswain's Mate of the WatchBOAT/USBoat Owners Association of the U. S.BOCABoat Owners Council of AmericaBOSAFBoating Safety Correspondence CourseBQBasically QualifiedBS&SBoating Skills and SeamanshipBSACBoating Safety Advisory Council (NBSAC)BSCBoating Safety CircularBT"Break" between message header and message contentBUIBoating Under the Influence (of alcohol, etc.)BWIBoating While IntoxicatedBYBBBackyard Boat BuildersBZBravo Zule -- "Well Done"-Top--C-CAMSCommunications Area Master Station (e.g., CAMSPAC: Communications Area Master Station Pacific, NMC, Pt. Reyes CACAPCivil Air PatrolCAPTCaptain (USCG, USN, USPHS)CAVUCeiling and Visibility Unlimited (Aviation)CCCareer Counselor (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation - now obsolete)CDRCommander (USCG, USN, USPHS)CEUContinuing Education UnitCFRCode of Federal RegulationsCFVECommercial Fishing Vessel ExaminationCFVSCommercial Fishing Vessel SafetyCGCoast Guard (United States Coast Guard)CGAUnited States Coast Guard Academy (USCGA)CGAUXCoast Guard AuxiliaryCGICoast Guard Institute, Oklahoma City, OKCGMACoast Guard Mutual Assistance (formerly CG Welfare)CHDIRAUXChief Director, Auxiliary (Headquarters)CMCommunications Officer (CG Aux. SO specialty designation)CMCMerchant Marine Safety CounselCMCCommand Master ChiefCMECourtesy Marine (or Motorboat) Examination (Now “VSC”)COCommanding OfficerCOMDTCommandant of the Coast GuardCOMDTINSTCommandant InstructionCOMDTNOTECommandant NoticeCOMDTPUBCommandant PublicationCOMOCommodoreCOSChief of StaffCOTPCaptain of the PortCPOChief Petty Officer (USCG, USN)CPTCaptainCRCCivil Rights CounselorCSCommunications Services (CG Aux. SO specialty designation)CWOChief Warrant Officer-Top--D-D-AAAdministrative Assistant to DCOD-ADAide to the DCODBW(California) Department of Boating and WaterwaysDCAPTDistrict CaptainDCDR?????????Division CommanderDCOSDistrict Chief of StaffDCODistrict CommodoreDDODistrict Directorate Officer (sometimes District Directorate Commodore)DEPDeputyDHSDepartment of Homeland SecurityDIR?National Department DirectorDIRAUXDirector of Auxiliary (District or Region)DISTDistrictDIVDivision At the local level Divisions are the next level of leadership above the Flotilla. At the National Level Departments are broken down into operating areas of responsibility called DivisionsDODirect Operations, a PSI clearance required for direct support of CG Operations, or Defense OperationsDODDepartment of DefenseDOJDepartment of JusticeDOLDepartment of LaborDOTDepartment of TransportationDPGDistrict Planning GroupDSODistrict Staff OfficerDVCDivision Chief (National Staff)DVC-NCConference Coordination, NACO staff-Top--E-EDesignates the Nat'l Aux. Dept. of EducationELTEnforcement of Laws and TreatiesEMPLIDEmployee Identification NumberENSEnsign (USCG, USN)EPIRBEmergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (Also see PEPIRB)EXCOMDistrict Executive Committee-Top--F-FCFlotilla CommanderFEDFlotilla Enrollment DateFNFinance Staff Officer (CG Aux. SO specialty designation)FNFireman (Enlisted USCG, USN)FMFamily Member (AUXMIS designation)FMVFair Market ValueFOUOFor Official Use OnlyFSO-Flotilla Staff Officer– (followed by specialty designation)FWPCAFederal Water Pollution Control Act-Top--G-G-Staff Symbol identifying the CG & offices within DOTG-CCommandant of the Coast GuardG-CCSChief of Staff of the Coast GuardG-CVVice Commandant of the Coast GuardG-0Assistant Commandant for OperationsG-PCXChief, Office of Auxiliary/Chief Director, AuxiliaryGISGlobal Information SystemGMTGreenwich Mean Time (See ZULU) (Also sometimes "GCT" "UT")GPOGovernment Printing OfficeGSGeneral Service -- Federal employee pay level designationGSAGeneral Services Administration-Top--H-HARPATHarbor Patrol (as a CGAUX function) Harbor Patrol Guide 2001 (HTML Format) Harbor Patrol Guide 2002 (WORD Format)HFHigh Frequency (Radio - 3 to 30 mhz)HINHull Identification NumberHLSHomeLand Security-Top--I-INat'l Aux. Dept. of Information & Communications ServicesICOMIAInternational Council of Marine Industry AssociationsICSIncident Command SystemIPImmediate Past Office (except National Commodore)IQInitially Qualified Auxiliary MemberISInformation Services (CG Aux. SO specialty designation)ISCIntegrated Support CommandITInstructor-Top--J-JOODJunior Officer of the Deck/Day-Top--K- HYPERLINK "" -Top--L-LDesignates the Nat'l Aux. Dept. of Legal AffairsLCDRLieutenant Commander (USCG, USN, USPHS)LELaw EnforcementLEPOLaw Enforcement Petty OfficerLMLife MemberLMCG Auxiliary Land Mobile Radio Station FacilityLOLiaison OfficerLORSTALoran StationLTLieutenant (USCG, USN, USPHS)LTJGLieutenant (Junior Grade) (USCG, USN)-Top--M-MNat'l Aux. Dept. of Marine Safety & Environmental Protection (Also MSEP)MAMaterials (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation)MARSMilitary Affiliate Radio SystemMARSECMaritime Security (MARSEC 1 is the "New Normalcy")MCPOMaster Chief Petty OfficerMCPOCGMaster Chief Petty Officer Of The Coast GuardMDAMaritime Domain Awareness (also see OPR III) CGAUX MDA/OPR MissionMDVMarine Dealer Visitor (Obsolete. Now "PV") (CG Aux. SO specialty designation)MEPMarine Environmental ProtectionsMFMedium Frequency (300 to 3000 khz)MHLSMaritime Homeland Security Strategy -- Three scalable Maritime Security postures for increased attention:?MARSEC 1 New Normalcy;?MARSEC 2-Heightened Risk;MARSEC 3-Incident ImminentMLBMotor LifeboatMLCMaintenance and Logistics CommandMIMaster InstructorMOAMemorandum of AgreementMOUMemorandum of UnderstandingMRMember Resources (old name for Personnel Services)MSMarine Safety (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation)MSMember ServicesMSCMarine Safety CouncilMSDMarine Sanitation Device or Marine Safety DetachmentMSEPMarine Safety & Environmental Protection (Also "M")MSSEPMarine Safety, Security & Environmental ProtectionMSIMarine Safety Insignia (Trident Device)MSTMarine Science Technician (USCG PO Rating)MSOMarine Safety OfficeMTMember Training (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation)MTSAMaritime Transportation Security Act-Top--N-N-AAdministrative Officer, NACO staffN-ASNACO SecretaryN-DNACO AideN-SSpecial Assignment, NACO staffN-PSpecial Projects Officer, NACO staffNACONational CommodoreNACOSNational Auxiliary Chief of StaffNACONNational Auxiliary ConferenceNADCONational Directorate Commodore (appointed)NAPDICNational Association of Past District CommodoresNAPMNational Area Planning MeetingNASBLANational Association of State Boating Law AdministratorsNATLNationalNAVCONational Vice Commodore---NBFNational Boating FederationNBSACNational Boating Safety Advisory CouncilNBSSNational Boating Safety SchoolNDRSNational Distress and Response System (Being replaced by "Rescue 21")NEXCOMNational Executive CommitteeNFPANational Fire Protection AssociationNIPCOImmediate Past National CommodoreNMNew MemberNOAANational Oceanic & Atmospheric AdministrationNOKNext of KinNOSNational Ocean Survey (NOAA-Dept. of Commerce)NRCUSCG National Response CenterNSBCNational Safe Boating CouncilNSBWNational Safe Boating WeekNSCNational Safety CouncilNTRAINNational Training ConferenceNTSBNational Transportation Safety BoardNWSNational Weather Service (NOAA - Dept. Of Commerce)-Top--O-ODesignates Nat'l Aux. Dept. of OperationsOBSOffice of Boating Safety (Coast Guard)OSCOutboard Boating ClubOCMIOfficer in Charge, Marine InspectionOCSOfficer Candidate SchoolODUOperational Dress Uniform (Replacing Working Dress Blue)OIAOrder Issuing AuthorityOINC or OICOfficer-in-ChargeOMSOperations and Marine SafetyOODOfficer of the Deck/DayOPOperations (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation)OPMOperations Policy Manual (CGAUX)OPFACOperational FacilityOPORDOperation OrderOPROperation Patriot Readiness (now in Phase III. See Also: MDA)OPSOperations, Operations OfficerOSOperations Specialist (CG Petty Officer Rating -- Merger of RD and TC)OWWOperation Waterway Watch (Now "America's Waterway Watch")-Top--P-PDesignates Nat'l Aux. Dept. of PersonnelP(before officer title acronym) Past OfficerPAPublic Affairs (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation)PAOPublic Affairs OfficerPATCOMPatrol CommanderPCOPaddle Craft OperatorPBPublications (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation)PEPublic Education (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation)PEPIRBPersonal Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (Also see EPIRB)PFDPersonal Flotation DevicePIWPeople (Person) in WaterPOPetty Officer (USCG, USN)POBPeople on Board (Formerly SOB - Souls on Board)POCPoint of ContactPODPast Officer DevicePOMSPatrol Order Management SystemPPEPersonal Protective EquipmentPQSPerformance Qualification StandardPSPersonnel Services (Also Reserve Port Security Rate)PVProgram Visitor (Previously "MDV") (Staff Officer designator)PWCPersonal Water CraftPWCSPorts, Waterways, and Coastal Security-Top--Q-QEQualification ExaminerQECQualification Examiner Coordinator (See )QMQuartermaster (CG PO Rate now Combined with BM)QMOWQuartermaster of the Watch-Top--R-R&DResearch and DevelopmentRADMRear Admiral (Upper Half) O-8RBSRecreational Boating SafetyRBSVPRecreational Boating Safety Visitation ProgramRCCRescue Coordination CenterRDMLRear Admiral (Lower Half) O-7 (Previously Commodore)REPRepresentativeRETRetiredREWKREcertification required for failure to attend required WorKshopREYRREcertification required for failure to meet Yearly RequirementsRMSReadiness Management System-Top--S-SAMAStandard Auxiliary Maintenance Allowance (for personal equipment used on ordered patrols)SARSearch and RescueSBLAState Boating Law AdministratorSCSpecialty Course (One of six)SCASmall Craft Advisory (a NASBLA periodical)SCPOSenior Chief Petty Officer (USCG, USN)SKStorekeeper (USCG Petty Officer Rate)SLOState Liaison OfficerSNSeaman (USCG, USN)SODivision Staff OfficerSOPASenior Officer Present AfloatSRSecretary/Records (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation)SRSeaman Recruit (USCG, Navy)STAN TeamStandardization Team-Top--T-TDesignates Nat'l Aux. Dept. of TrainingTADTemporary Assignment to Duty (or Temporary Assigned Duty)TARPTargeted Augmenting and Recruiting ProgramTCTelecommunications Specialist (Obsolete - Merged into OS rating)TCTTeam Coordination TrainingTONOTravel Order Number-Top--U-UDCUniform Distribution Center (Official CG source, purchase of Auxiliary uniforms)UNCLASUnclassified (immediately following BT after unclassified message header)USAUnited States ArmyUSAFUnited States Air ForceUSAFRUnited States Air Force ReserveUSA-NGUnited States Army - National GuardUSARUnited States Army ReserveUSCUnited States CodeUSCAUnited States Code AnnotatedUSCGUnited States Coast Guard (also CG)USCGAUnited States Coast Guard AcademyUSCGAUXUnited States Coast Guard AuxiliaryUSCGRUnited States Coast Guard ReserveUSMCUnited States Marine CorpsUSMCRUnited States Marine Corps ReserveUSNUnited States NavyUSNRUnited States Navy ReserveUSPHSUnited States Public Health ServiceUSPSUnited States Power Squadrons-Top--V-VDesignates Nat'l Aux. Dept. of Vessel ExaminationVADMVice Admiral (USCG, USN)VCDRDivision Vice CommanderVEVessel Examiner (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation)VEVessel Examination (See VSC)VFCFlotilla Vice CommanderVFR/IFRVisual Flight Rules/Instrument Flight RulesVHFVery High Frequency (30 to 300 mhz)VMCVisual Meteorological Conditions (See VFR)VSCVessel Safety Check (formerly CME: Courtesy Motorboat [Marine] Examination)-Top--W-WAGBIcebreaker Class Coast Guard CutterWHECHigh Endurance Coast Guard CutterWLBBuoy Tender Class Coast Guard CutterWMECMedium Endurance CutterWMSWaterway Management SecurityWPBPatrol Boat Class Coast Guard CutterWSWatchstanderWW(See AWW)WWWDWOA?what would we do without acronyms?-Top--X-XOExecutive OfficerXPOExecutive Petty Officer-Top--Y-YICYou're in Command (CG/CGAUX Boating Safety Program)YNYeoman-Top--Z-ZKN"I have taken over guard for ____________" (Used as Radio Log entry)ZKO"I have handed over radio guard to __________" (Used as Radio Log entry)ZKP"I am radio guard for __________" (Used as Radio Log entry)ZUI"Your attention is invited to . . ." (Used in message header)ZYBDesignates an administrative message (Used in message headerZULUMilitary designator for GMT Date-Time Group on Messages (also GMT/GCT/UT)-Top- ................

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