CREDIT HOURS: 3 Elective credits per semester

INSTRUCTOR NAME: MSgt Michael F. Shoemaker, Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI)

REQUIRED TEXT: LE-III Textbook: Life Skills and Career Opportunities, copyright @ 2006 and the LEADERSHIP III Student Workbook.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The LE-III course for the 1st Semester is divided into two Units, four Chapters, and 12 Lessons. Leadership instruction will normally be conducted using lecture format each Tuesday, and Drill and Ceremonies will also be an integral part of the LE curriculum with practical application each Wednesday. The 1st Quarter will begin with Unit 1: Mapping Your Future. Chapter 1: Career Opportunities, covers Lesson 1: Researching and Choosing Careers; Lesson 2: Military Careers; and Lesson 3: Careers in Aerospace. Chapter 2: Educational and Career Paths, covers Lesson 1: Aptitudes and Orientations, Lesson 2: Career Paths; and Lesson 3: Educational Paths. The 2nd Quarter begins with Unit 2: Charting Your Financial Course. Chapter 3: Planning Your Finances completes Unit 1 with Lesson 1: Creating a Budget; Lesson 2: Savings and Bank Accounts; and Lesson 3: Real-Life Issues in Buying and Selling. Chapter 4: Managing Your resources, completes Unit 2 with Lesson 1: Avoiding the Credit Trap; Lesson 2: Financing for College; and Lesson 3: Insurance for Protecting Your Resources. LE-III workbook assignments are considered homework and are due as directed by the ASI.


1st Quarter: Unit 1: Chapter 1:

Lesson 1: Career Opportunities

1. Know the importance of charting a career path.

2. Know career options.

3. Know a process to plan for career decisions.

4. Know the key factors to consider for when choosing a career path.

Lesson 2: Military Careers

1. Know the career options of pursuing military occupations.

2. Know how to enter the Air Force as a member of the enlisted corps.

3. Know how to enter the Air Force as a member of the officer corps.

Lesson 3: Careers in Aerospace

1. Know the types of career opportunities available in the aerospace industry.

2. Know the major agencies in the aerospace industry.

3. Know the types of careers available in the aerospace industry.

4. Know the types of education required for careers in the aerospace industry.

1st Quarter: Unit 1: Chapter 2:

Lesson 1: Aptitudes and Orientations

1. Know the preferred work environment for one of the 16 personality types described by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

2. Know personal preferences of work environments and responsibilities.

3. Know the types of aerospace work associated with the 16 MBTI personality types.

Lesson 2: Career Paths

1. Know the advantages of a technically oriented career path.

2. Know the types of job classifications associated with technically oriented career paths.

3. Know the earning potential of a technically oriented career path.

4. Know different ways of pursuing a technically oriented career path.

Lesson 3: Educational Paths

1. Know the advantages of pursuing a higher education.

2. Know the types of job classifications associated with educational tracks.

3. Know the earning potential of college-educated professionals.

4. Know the general means for pursuing an education-oriented career.

2nd Quarter: Unit 2: Chapter 3:

Lesson 1: Creating a Budget

1. Know the components of a personal financial plan.

2. Know the steps for developing a financial plan.

3. Know the elements of a budget.

Lesson 2: Savings and bank Accounts

1. Know the types of bank services.

2. Know the criteria for choosing a bank.

3. Comprehend how to conduct banking transactions.

Lesson 3: Real-Life Issues in Buying and Selling

1. Know the buying and selling issues that occur in daily life.

2. Know the issues to address in leasing apartments.

3. Comprehend dimensions to consider in buying or leasing cars.

2nd Quarter: Unit 2: Chapter 4:

Lesson 1: Avoiding the Credit Trap

1. Know the positive and negative aspects of using credit.

Lesson 2: Financing for College

1. Know the financial aspects of a college education.

Lesson 3: Insurance for Protecting Your Resources

1. Know insurance options available to protect personal resources.

2. Know the importance of protecting personal and financial information.

UNIFORM DAY: Cadets will be issued an AFJROTC uniform and physical fitness uniform. Specific AFJROTC uniform items will be worn each Tuesday and Wednesday as designated by the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI). AFJROTC Cadets are responsible for the weekly cleanliness of these uniform items. Lost or damaged uniform items are the cadet’s financial responsibility and will be noted in the student records as a student fine until paid.

LEADERSHIP GRADING PROCEDURES: Each Quarter cadets may earn the following LE points:

1. Cadets earn 64-points each week for uniform wear (based on 6 week quarter)

2. 50 percent of the The Leadership Education III semester grade will consist of a 50 question writtent exam covering all of the Unit 1 and Unit 2 student workbook chapters: In addition a portfolio consisting of a "Life Plan" will be due.

Quizes, written and oral assignemnts and homework will account for approixmately 50 percent of the students grade.

3. A drill and ceremony grade will be given to each member of the flight. Each cadet is required to know the 30 steps marching routine developed by the Air Force.

CONSEQUENCES: Each Quarter cadets may lose the following LE points for:

1. Uniform & Grooming Standard violations will result in a loss of up to 64-points per week

2. Late assignments will result in a 10 percent reduction of assigned score per day. After 5-days, a score of zero (0) will be recorded.

3. Extra Credit Points will not be awarded unless all assigned LE lessons have been completed first.

4. Below a 2.0 GPA will result in a loss of field trip privileges until a passing score is recorded.

MAKEUP ASSIGNMENTS: Cadets returning from any absence will turn in LE-III workbook assignment on the day of return. Late assignments due to unexcused absence (ISS & OSS are considered unexcused) will result in loss of points. All assignments will be posted on the school web page under the AFJROTC section the day they are assigned. The excuse of "I was absent" will not be acceptable.


Grade Percentage Required

A 90% and above

B 80-89%

C 70-79%

D 60-69%

F 59% and below

CURRICULUM-IN-ACTION (CIA TRIPS): Cadets are provided opportunities to leave school on field trips. These trips may include visits to museums, Air Force installations, colleges, National Guard Units, and other places of interest. Other visits may be to local middle schools to recruit students for the AFJROTC program, and community service activities. Other trips will be as required to support community requests for Color Guard presentations.


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