SPH4U Exam Review Questions - My Physics Site

SPH4U Exam Review Questions

1) A body projected upwards from level ground at an angle of 50.0 degrees with the horizontal, has an initial speed of 40.0 m/s. a) How long will it be before it hits the ground? b) How far from the starting point will it strike? c) At what angle with the horizontal will it strike?

2) A body is projected downward at an angle of 30.0 degrees with the horizontal from the top of a building 170.0 m high. Its initial speed is 40.0 m/s. a) How long will it take before striking the ground? b) How far from the foot of the building will it strike? c) At what angle with the horizontal will it strike?

3) A satellite orbits the earth at a height of 200.0 km in a circle of radius 6570.0 km. Find the speed of the satellite and the time taken to complete one revolution.

4) The human body can safely stand an acceleration 9 times that due to gravity. With what minimum radius of curvature may a pilot safely turn the plane upward at the end of a dive, if the plane’s speed is 770.0 km/h?

5) A 60.0 kg pilot flies a glider at 40.0 m/s. The pilot wishes to turn an inside vertical loop such that he exerts a force of 350.0 N on the seat when the glider is at the top of the loop. What must be the radius of the loop under these conditions?

6) Suppose the Earth is a perfect sphere. If a person weighs exactly 600.0 N at the North pole, how much will the person weigh at the equator?

7) At sea level, a nitrogen molecule in the air has an average translational kinetic energy of 6.2 E-21 J. Its mass is 4.7 E-26 kg. a) If the molecule could shoot straight up without striking other air molecules, how high could it rise? b) What is the molecule’s initial speed?

8) A mass compresses a spring (k = 400.0 N/m) 8.00 cm and then is released. After sliding 55.0 cm along a flat table (from the point of release), the mass comes to rest. How large a friction force opposed the motion?

9) A 500.0 g mass is attached to the end of an initially un-stretched vertical spring (k = 30.0 N/m). The mass is then released, so that it falls and stretches the spring. How far will it fall before stopping?

10) A 2.00 kg block of wood rests on a long tabletop. A 5.00 g bullet moving horizontally with a speed of 150.0 m/s is shot into the block and sticks in it. The block then slides 270.0 cm along the table and stops. a) Find the speed of the block just after impact. b) Find the friction force between the block and the table.

11) A 2.00 kg block rests on a tabletop. A 7.00 g bullet is shot straight up through a hole in the table beneath the block. The bullet lodges in the block and the block flies 25.0 cm above the table. How fast was the bullet going initially?

12) A 7.00 g bullet moving horizontally at 200.0 m/s strikes and passes through a 150.0 g tin can sitting on a post. Just after impact, the can has a horizontal speed of 180.0 cm/s. What was the bullet’s speed after leaving the can?

13) Green light of wavelength 5000Å is incident normally on a grating, and the second-order image is diffracted 32.0o from the normal, How many lines/cm are marked on the grating?

14) A narrow beam of yellow light of wavelength 600.0 nm is incident normally on a diffraction grating ruled 2000 lines/cm, and the images are formed on a screen parallel to the grating and 1.00 m distant. Compute the distance along the screen from the central bright line to the first-order lines.

15) Blue light of wavelength 470.0 nm is diffracted by a grating ruled 5000 lines/cm. a) Compute the angular deviation of the second-order image. b) What is the highest order image theoretically possible with this setup?

16) Red light of wavelength 6438 Å, from a point source, passes through two parallel slits which are 1.00 mm apart. Determine the distance between the central bright fringe and the third dark interference fringe formed on a screen parallel to the plane of the slits 1.00 m away.

17) One charge (+5.00 µC) is placed at x = 0, and a second charge (+7.00 µC) at x = 100 cm. Where can a third be placed and experience zero net force due to the other two?

18) Two identical tiny metal balls carry charges of +3.00 nC and -12.0 nC. They are 3.00 cm apart. a) Compute the forces of attraction. b) The balls are now touched together and then separated to 3.00 cm. Determine the forces on them now.

19) Four equal magnitude (4.00 µC) charges are placed at the four corners of a square that is 20.0 cm on each side. Find the electric field intensity at the centre of the square a) if the charges are all positive, b) if the charges alternate in sign as one goes around the perimeter of the square, c) if the chares have the following sequence around the square: plus, plus, minus, minus.

20) Determine the acceleration of a proton in an electric field of intensity 500.0 N/C. How many times is this acceleration grater than that due to gravity?

21) The tiny ball at the end of the thread shown, has a mass of 0.600 g and is in a horizontal electric field of intensity 700.0 N/C. It is in equilibrium in the position shown. What are the magnitude and sign of the charge on the ball?

22) An electron is shot at 5.00 E6 m/s parallel to a uniform electric field of intensity 3000.0 V/m. How far will the electron go before it stops?

23) A potential difference of 24 kV maintains a downward-directed electric field between two horizontal parallel plates separated by 1.8 cm. Find the charge on an oil-droplet of mass 2.2 E-13 kg that remains stationary in the field between the plates.

24) Compute the electric field intensity and absolute potential at a distance of 1.00 nm from a helium nucleus. What is the potential energy (relative to infinity) of a proton at this position?

25) What work is required to bring a 0.200 µC charge from a point in a vacuum 30.0 cm from a point charge of 3.00 µC to a point 12.0 cm from it?

26) An electron is accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 3750 V. It enters a region where B = 4.00 mT perpendicular to its velocity. Calculate the radius of the path it will follow.

27) A straight wire is 15.0 cm long, carrying a current of 6.00 A in a uniform field of magnetic induction 0.400 T. What is the force on the wire when it is a) at right angles to the field, b) at 30.0 degrees to the field?

28) A certain sodium lamp radiates 20.0 W of yellow light (589 nm). How many photons of the yellow light are emitted from the lamp each second?

29) Determine the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons ejected from a potassium surface by UV light of 2000 Å. What retarding potential difference is required to stop the emission of electrons? (The photoelectric threshold wavelength of potassium is 4400 Å).

30) Electrons with a max KE of 3.00 eV are ejected from a metal surface by UV radiation of 1500 Å. Determine the work function of the metal, the threshold wavelength of the metal and the retarding potential difference required to stop the emission of electrons.

31) It is proposed to send a beam of electrons through a diffraction grating with the distance between the slits being d. The electrons have a speed of 400.0 m/s. How large must d be if a strong beam of electrons is to emerge at an angle of 25.0 degrees to the straight-through beam?





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