










APPROVED 5 August 2002




FORT EUSTIS, VA  23605-5421





Appendix Index


|Paragraph |Page Number |

|1 - System Description |3 |

|2 - Target Audience |3 |

|3 - Assumptions |3 |

|4 - Training Constraints |3 |

|5 - Training Concept (AC/RC) |3 |

|6 - Training Strategy (AC/RC) |4 |

|6a. - NET Strategy (WarMod) |n/a |

|6b. - Individual Training (Warrior) |n/a |

|6c. - Unit/Sustainment Training (Warfighter) |n/a |

|7 - Training Products |4 |

|8 - Training Support |5 |

|9 - Post Fielding Training Effectiveness Analysis (PFTEA) |5 |

|Annexes |  |

|Annex A - Target Audience |6 |

|Annex B - Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS) Individual Training Strategies (Warrior) |7 |

|Annex C - CATS Short-range Unit Training Strategies (Warfighter) |13 |

|Annex D - Training Development Milestone Schedule |14 |

|Annex E - Resources |19 |

|Annex F - References |21 |

|Annex G - Coordination |22 |

|Annex H - Acronyms |27 |

|Annex I - Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations (TADSS) Requirements |32 |







1.  System Description:  


      a. The ATEDS design encompasses the use of diagnostics, prognostics, and expert system techniques, not currently in use to test and troubleshoot malfunctioning engine components/failures. The system is an onboard/offboard aircraft turbine engine diagnostic test system.   Aircraft mechanics and aircraft electricians operating the ATEDS can significantly improve the capability to diagnose and perform electronic verification checks on turbine engines and other assortment of auxiliary power units installed in Army aircraft.  The ATEDS will enhance the user capability to reduce the number of non-operationally ready aircraft by early detection of implementing component failure, minimize parts removal, and prevent un-necessary removal of aircraft engines/ components. 


      b.  First Unit Equipped (FUE) Objective Date.  3QFY05.


2.      Target Audience:  Training will be required for all  non-rated Aircraft Maintenance

Warrant Officers MOS 151A (G7),  also  rated  Warrant Officers 152BDF (G6), 153ABD (G6), and 154C (6) including, Commission Officer MOS 15ABCD (G6), and Enlisted Maintenance Personnel Career Management Field (CMF) 67.   


3.  Assumptions:


      a.  Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations (TADSS) are not required in nonresident training.


      b.  Maintainer training will be developed IAW TRADOC Reg 350-70 and the appropriate Soldier Training Publication.


4.  Training Constraints:  None.


5.  Training Concept (AC/RC).  The materiel developer will develop a complete multimedia Training Support Package (TSP) to support initial entry-level training through sustainment training based on data identified from training task and skill analysis.  The TSP will include computer-based training, videocassette tapes, CD-ROM, operator and maintainer technical manual, programs of instruction (POI), and lesson plans.  Distance learning will be integrated into the training process as the system matures.  The materiel developer will provide Instructor and Key Personnel Training (IKPT).  Personnel attending IKPT will assist in validating/verifying all training documentation.  Operator and maintainer personnel will be required to perform 95% of the critical task requirements to the prescribed standards.  Initial thought advance training for rated and nonrated Maintenance Warrant Officer, including Commission Officers will be conducted at the U.S. Army Aviation Center, Fort Rucker, AL.  Enlisted personnel CMF 67 training will attend maintenance training for ATEDS at the U.S. Army Aviation Logistics School, Fort Eustis, Va. The ATEDS will be taught in all phase of training to include  Advance Noncommissioned Officers Course and Basic Noncommissioned Officers Course, Basic thought Advance Warrant Officer training including Commission Officers Training.  The ATEDS will include embedded training within the system design An ATEDS will be provided to each location with a complete TSP to conduct training. Active Army and Reserve Component (AC and RC) training will receive the same training.


6.  Training Strategy (AC/RC):


      a.  WARMOD XXI New Equipment Training (NET).  NET Strategy.  NET is required during system fielding.  The materiel developer shall develop the system multimedia Training Support Package (TSP) and training products to support institutional, NET, and unit sustainment training.  All training support materials shall be developed and coordinated with the training developer and delivered in draft prior to test player training for the operational test and evaluation.  The system TSP shall include technical manuals in Electronic Technical Manuals/Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (ETM/IETM) format, instructional videotape, and a self-contained interactive multimedia package on ATEDS operation and maintenance.  The materiel developer will provide IKPT.  Attendees to IKPT will assist in development of NET, institution, and sustainment training to include validate/verify all training materials.  Train- the-Trainer concept to include Automated Systems Approach to Training (ASAT) will be used to integrate ATEDS into the proponent training curriculum.  Personnel attending IKPT will support NET integration and unit sustainment training.  NET will address all levels of AC and RC training for the ATEDS.  A copy of the TSP will be left behind with each unit fielded with the ATEDS.


      b.  Individual Training (Warrior):  ATEDS training will be integrated into existing MOS producing schools, professional development, and officer courses at USAALS & USAAVNC.  All training of ATEDS, both during the NET and at USAALS & USAAVNC, will incorporate the individual tasks identified in the training analysis.  The POI will provide a detailed function and operation of the ATEDS for integration into the proponent’s instructional training.  The ATEDS programs will be designed so that the training can be accessible through computer diskette.  Courseware will be performance-oriented and used for individual and collective task training associated with ATEDS.  Students qualified as aircraft engine mechanics, aircraft electricians, or maintenance supervisors will attend ATEDS maintenance classes.


      c.  Unit/Sustainment Training (Warfighter):  Unit sustainment training will be conducted IAW the unit's ARTEP Mission Training Plan (AMTP) and the Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS).  The CATS report will be generated using the ASAT.  These reports will capture the critical gates/tasks for the ATEDS.  Unit training will be supported by the system TSP left with the unit during fielding.  Unit Commanders will use the TSP and the appropriate soldier training publications to conduct individual sustainment and collective training in the unit.  Units may train these tasks during SGT's time, lane training, FTX, STX, or other training sessions deemed appropriate by commanders.


7.  Training Products: The materiel developer/proponent training developer will provide a validated individual training plan which will consist of the following:


      a.  Approved System Training Plan (STRAP).


      b.  Test Training Certification Plan.


      c.  Training Schedule.


      d.  POI.


      e.  Lesson Plans.


      f.  Trainer data requirements. 


      g.  Soldier training publications and changes.


      h.  Training aids, devices/simulators, and embedded training components.


      i.  Critical Task Lists.


The multimedia TSP will be used to train individuals selected to participate in IOT&E.  An Operational Test Readiness Statement, per AR 71-3, will be provided to the test agency before testing.


8.  Training Support:


      a.  Distance Learning:  The materiel developer will provide multimedia systems/ infrastructure requirements to support distance learning.


      b.  Admin/billeting, office supplies, repair parts, expendable and petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL) are not required for this program.


c.  Ammunition requirements:  None.


      d.  Facility Requirements:  Current facilities (simulator complex, academic classroom/classroom XXI, areas, and training sites) are adequate for ATEDS training.  No site surveys or MCA requirements are anticipated at this time.


9.  Post Fielding Training Effectiveness Analysis (PFTEA):  PFTEA is conducted 1 year after initial operational capability.  The purpose of this PFTEA is to determine how effectively and efficiently the ATEDS is meeting user-training requirements.  The results from the PFTEA are used to provide lessons learned for development of future new systems.

Annex A

Target Audience


|  |


|Courses Affected By Aviation Turbine Engine Diagnostics System (ATEDS) |

|[Use the ATRRS course number and name] |

|Functional and Professional |Operator School |Maintainer School |Ordnance School |Additional School |

|Courses | | | | |

|Commission Officer MOS 15ABCD |USAAVNC |USAAVNC/ |NONE |NONE |

|(G6), | |USAALS | | |

| | |  | | |


|MOS 151A (G7),  | |  | | |

|Warrant Officers 152BDF (G6), |USAAVNC |USAAVNC/ |NONE |NONE |

| | |  | | |

|Warrant Officers 153ABD (G6), |USAAVNC |USAAVNC/ |NONE |NONE |

| | |  | | |

|Warrant Officers 154C (G6) |USAAVNC |USAAVNC/ |NONE |NONE |

| | |  | | |








|Legend |

|BNCOC |Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course |

|ANCOC |Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course |

|ATRRS |Army Training Requirements & Resource System |

| | | | | | |


Annex B

Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS) Individual Training Strategies (Warrior)


|CATS Individual Training Strategy Format |




|Military Occupational Specialty (Commission Officer MOS 15ABCD (G6) / Area of Concentration |

|  |

|Training Strategy for Advanced Individual Training Commission Officer MOS 15ABCD (G6) ATEDS |

|  |

|Location: USAAVNC |

|Lesson Plans: 2nd QTR 05 |

|Course Start: 2nd QTR 05 |

|     Classes per Year: 11 |

|     Student Load per Fiscal Year (05) 176 |

|  |

|Integrated Training Strategy for Officer Basic Course (Commission Officer MOS 15ABCD (G6) |

|  |

|Location: USAAVNC |

|Lesson Plans: 2nd QTR 05 |

|Course Start: 2nd QTR 05 |

|     Classes per Year: 9 |

|     Student Load per FY: 130 |

|Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents: |

|     Individual Training Plan (output of the CATS long-range individual training strategy) |

|  |

|     Course Administrative Data |

|  |

|     Program of Instruction (output of the course design) |

|  |

|Training Support Required |





|Annex B |

|CATS Individual Training Strategy Format |

|  |




|Military Occupational Specialty AVN MAINT TECH Warrant Officers MOS 151A (G7) / Area of Concentration |

|Training Strategy for Advanced Individual Training (AVN MAINT TECH Warrant Officers MOS 151A (G7) ATEDS |

|  |

|Location: USAAVNC |

|Lesson Plans: 2nd QTR 05 |

|Course Start: 2nd QTR 05 |

|     Classes per Year: 11 |

|     Student Load per Fiscal Year (05) 176 |

|  |

|Integrated Training Strategy for Officer Basic Course AVN MAINT TECH Warrant Officers MOS 151A (G7) |

|  |

|Location: USAAVNC |

|Lesson Plans: 2nd QTR 05 |

|Course Start: 2nd QTR 05 |

|     Classes per Year: 10 |

|     Student Load per FY: 138 |

|Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents: |

|     Individual Training Plan (output of the CATS long-range individual training strategy) |

|  |

|     Course Administrative Data |

|  |

|     Program of Instruction (output of the course design) |

|  |

|Training Support Required |





Annex B

Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS) Individual Training Strategies (Warrior)

|Annex B - CATS Individual Training Strategy Format |




|Military Occupational Specialty Warrant Officers 152BDF (G6),/ Area of Concentration |

|  |

|Training Strategy for Advanced Individual Training (Warrant Officers 152BDF (G6) ATEDS |

|  |

|Location: USAAVNC |

|Lesson Plans: 2nd QTR 05 |

|Course Start: 2nd QTR 05 |

|     Classes per Year: 11 |

|     Student Load per Fiscal Year (05) 176 |

|  |

|Integrated Training Strategy for Officer Basic Course (Warrant Officers 152BDF (G6) |

|  |

|Location: USAAVNC |

|Lesson Plans: 2nd QTR 05 |

|Course Start: 2nd QTR 05 |

|     Classes per Year: 11 |

|     Student Load per Fiscal Year (05) 176 |

|Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents: |

|     Individual Training Plan (output of the CATS long-range individual training strategy) |

|  |

|     Course Administrative Data |

|  |

|     Program of Instruction (output of the course design) |

|  |

|Training Support Required |

|  |

|  |

|  |

Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS) Individual Training Strategies (Warrior)

|Annex B - CATS Individual Training Strategy Format |




|Military Occupational Specialty (Warrant Officers 153ABD (G6) Area of Concentration |

|  |

|Training Strategy for Advanced Individual Training (Warrant Officers 153ABD (G6), ATEDS |

|  |

|Location: USAAVNC |

|Lesson Plans: 2nd QTR 05 |

|Course Start: 2nd QTR 05 |

|     Classes per Year: 11 |

|     Student Load per Fiscal Year (05) 176 |

|  |

|Integrated Training Strategy for Officer Basic Course (Warrant Officers 153ABD (G6) |

|  |

|Location: USAAVNC |

|Lesson Plans: 2nd QTR 05 |

|Course Start: 2nd QTR 05 |

|     Classes per Year: 11 |

|     Student Load per Fiscal Year (05) 176 |

|Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents: |

|     Individual Training Plan (output of the CATS long-range individual training strategy) |

|  |

|     Course Administrative Data |

|  |

|     Program of Instruction (output of the course design) |

|  |

|Training Support Required |

|  |

|  |

|  |

Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS) Individual Training Strategies (Warrior)

|Annex B - CATS Individual Training Strategy Format |




|Military Occupational Specialty Warrant Officers 154C (G6)Area of Concentration |

|  |

|Training Strategy for Advanced Individual Training (Warrant Officers 154C (G6) ATEDS |

|  |

|Location: USAAVNC |

|Lesson Plans: 2nd QTR 05 |

|Course Start: 2nd QTR 05 |

|     Classes per Year: 11 |

|     Student Load per Fiscal Year (05) 176 |

|  |

|Integrated Training Strategy for Officer Basic Course (Warrant Officers 154C (G6) |

|  |

|Location: USAAVNC |

|Lesson Plans: 2nd QTR 05 |

|Course Start: 2nd QTR 05 |

|     Classes per Year: 11 |

|     Student Load per Fiscal Year (05) 176 |

|Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents: |

|     Individual Training Plan (output of the CATS long-range individual training strategy) |

|  |

|     Course Administrative Data |

|  |

|     Program of Instruction (output of the course design) |

|  |

|Training Support Required |

|  |

|  |

|  |

Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS) Individual Training Strategies (Warrior)

|Annex B - CATS Individual Training Strategy Format |




|Military Occupational Specialty Enlisted Career Management Field 67 Area of Concentration |

|  |

|Training Strategy for Advanced Individual Training Enlisted Career Management Field 67 ATEDS |

|  |

|Location: USAALS |

|Lesson Plans: 2nd QTR 05 |

|Course Start: 2nd QTR 05 |

|     Classes per Year: 11 |

|     Student Load per Fiscal Year (05) 176 |

|  |

|Integrated Training Strategy for Enlisted Career Management Field 67 |

|  |

|Location: USAALS |

|Lesson Plans: 2nd QTR 05 |

|Course Start: 2nd QTR 05 |

|     Classes per Year: 11 |

|     Student Load per Fiscal Year (05) 176 |

|Training Requirement Analysis System (TRAS) Documents: |

|     Individual Training Plan (output of the CATS long-range individual training strategy) |

|  |

|     Course Administrative Data |

|  |

|     Program of Instruction (output of the course design) |

|  |

|Training Support Required |

|  |

|  |

|  |


|Annex C |

|CATS Short-range Unit Training Strategies (Warfighter) |

|  |


|  | |

| |  |

|  |  |


|Exportable Training Support Package|2QFY05 |  |Materiel Developer |  |

|Aircrew Training Manual |2QFY05 |  |USAAVNC Aviation Training Brigade|  |


|Interactive Courseware |2QFY05 |  |Materiel Developer |  |

|(ICW)/Computer Based Instruction | | | | |

|(CBI) | | | | |

|Additional devices TBD |none |  |Materiel Developer |  |

| Multimedia TSP |2QFY05 |  | Materiel Developer |  |

|  |  |  |  |  |

|  |  |  |  |  |

|  |  |  |  |  |


|  |


|    |

| | | | | | |


|TRADOC FORM 568-R-E, Aug 89 |

Annex D

Training Development Milestone Schedule


|Annex D - TRADOC Form 569R-E |




|ATEDS | |ATSQ-LAC-NS |7 July 02 |




|TSM |N/A |  |  |

|CD: |USAAVNC |ATZQ-CD |DSN 558-2703 |

|TD: |USAAVNC  |ATZQ-TDS-GT |DSN 558-9195 |



|MNS: |  |  |TELEPHONE: |  |

|SMMP: | 2QFY 02 |  |  |  |

|ORD: | 1997 |USAAVNC-DCD |ATZQ-CD | DSN 558-2703 |

| | |  | | |

|ILSMP: | 2QFY03 |  |  |  |

|TSP: | 2QFY04 |  |  |  |

|QQPRI: |  |  |  |  |

|BOIP: |1QFY02  |  |  |  |

|STRAP | 1QFY02 |ATSC |ATIC-MSS |DSN 826-2450 |

|NETP: |  |  |  |  |

|COMMENTS: (Continue on reverse side if necessary) |

|   |

| |

|Annex D - TRADOC Form 569-1-R-E |





|ATEDS |ATSQ-LAC-NS |20 Jun 02 |




|LEGEND: | |

| |FY03 |FY05 |FY05 |FY06 |

| |

|COMMENTS: TSP include |

|Interactive Multimedia Instructions (IMI), |

|computer base training, |

|Videocassette tapes, operator and maintainer technical manual, POIs, and lesson plans.  Distance learning will be integrated into the |

|training process as the system matures.  The materiel developer will provide Instructor and Key Personnel Training (IKPT).  |

|   |


|TRADOC FORM 569-1-R-E, Aug 89 |


|Individual Training Plan |

|Milestone: |  |Date |

|1. |ITP submitted. |4QFY04 |

|2. |Annotated task list submitted. |4QFY04 |

|3. |Course Administrative Data submitted. |4QFY04 |

|4. |Training Program Worksheet submitted. |4QFY04 |

|5. |ITP submitted. |4QFY04 |

|6. |POI submitted. |4QFY04 |

|7. |Resident course start date. |4QFY04 |

|  |  |  |

| |  | |

|Army Correspondence Course Program |

|Milestone: |  |Date |

|1. |Requirement identified and submitted for approval. |4QFY04 |

|2. |Requirement approval by HQ, TRADOC. |4QFY04 |

|3. |Development initiated. |4QFY04 |

|  |  |  |

| |  | |

|Army-wide Doctrine and Training Literature Program (ADTLP) |

|  |  |Date |

|Milestone: | | |

|1. |Requirements identified. |  |

|2. |Draft ADTLP changes validated. |  |

|3. |FM outlines approved. |  |

|4. |FM coordinating draft completed. |  |

|5. |Print request initiated. |  |

|6. |Printing and distribution completed. |  |


|STP |

|NOTE:  Includes the SM, ARTEP, and TG. |

|  |

|Milestone: |  |Date |

|1. |Analysis completed. |4QFY04 |

|2. |Draft SM, ARTEP, and TG. |  |

|3. |ATSC Staffing. |4QFY04 |

|  |  |  |

|  |  |  |

|5. |Distribution completed. |  |

|  |  |  |

|  |IMI/DL |  |

|Milestone: |  |Date |

|1. |Requirements identified and submitted for approval. |4QFY02 |

|2. |Requirements approved by ATSC and TRADOC. |4QFY04 |

|3. |Identify resources. |  |

|4. |Develop and validate courseware |  |

|5. |Master materials to ATSC for replication and distribution |  |

|  |  |  |

| |  | |

| |  | |

|  |

|  |

|TEA |

|  |  |Date |

|Milestone: | | |

|1. |Interim TEA developed |  |

|2. |TEA updated for MDR I. |  |

|3. |TEA updated for MDR II. |  |

|4. |TEA updated for MDR III. |  |

|5. |PFTEA planned. |  |

|  |  |  |

|DA Audiovisual Production Program (DAAPP) |

|  |

|Milestone: |  |Date |

|1. |High-risk tasks and jobs identified. |  |

|2. |Validated in storyboard. |  |

|3. |DAAPP requirements submitted to ATSC. |  |

|4. |Requirements approved by DA. |  |

|5. |Production initiated. |  |


|Facilities |

|  |

|Milestone: |  |Date |

|1. |Range and facility requirements identified. |N/A |

|2. |Construction requirements submitted to MACOM |N/A |

|3. |Development of construction requirements completed. |N/A |

|4. |Requirements validated and updated. |N/A |

|5. |Supporting requirements identified and availability coordinated. |N/A |

|6. |Installation and other construction requirements submitted to MACOM. |N/A |

|7. |Refined construction requirements and range criteria forwarded to MACOM. |N/A |

|8. |Construction initiated. |N/A |

|  |  |  |

|Training Ammunition |

|  |

|Milestone: |  |Date |

|1. |Ammunition identified. |N/A |

|2. |Tentative validation of ammunition requirements. |N/A |

|3. |Requirements included in the ORD. |N/A |

|4. |Ammunition item developed. |N/A |

|5. |Validation and test complete. |N/A |

|6. |Ammunition requirements in the ITP. |N/A |

|7. |Requirements provided to installation/MACOM manager. |N/A |

|8. |Requirements included in DA Pamphlet 350-38. |N/A |

|9. |Production. |N/A |






Annex E





Annex F




1.      Mission needs statement (MSN).

2.      Operational Requirements Document (ORD).


3.      System MANPRINT Management Plan (SMMP)


4.      Training Effectiveness Analysis (TEA).


5.      Army Modernization Information Memorandum (AMIM).




Annex G





|  | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-BDE |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-AP |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-TDS-GN |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-TDS-T |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-TDS-D |1 |1 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-ATB |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATTN:  ATZQ-ATC |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-DCD |3 |3 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-DES |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-ABSO |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-APO |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-DRM |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | |  |




Annex G – Coordination (cont)




|  | | |ACCEPTED |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-DPTMSEC |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-DOL |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-DPW |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-TSM-C |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-TSM-LB |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Materiel Command |  |  |  |

|AMCAQ-B-TILO |0 |0 |0 |

|5001 Eisenhower Avenue | | | |

|Alexandria, VA  22333-5001 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Test and |  |  |  |

|Experimentation Command |0 |0 |0 |

|CSTE-TOP | | | |

|Fort Hood, TX  76544-5065 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Communications Electronics Command |  |  |  |

|AMSEL-RD-AS-AR |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Monmouth, NJ  07703-5201 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Training Support Center |  |  |  |

|ATIC-ATMD |13 |13 |0 |

|Fort Eustis, VA  23605-5166 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Forces Command |  |  |  |

|AFOS-FIM |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort McPherson, GA  30330-6000 | | | |


Annex G – Coordination (cont)




|  | | |ACCEPTED |

|Commander, US Army Forces Command |  |  |  |

|AFLG 200 Hardee Drive |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort McPherson, GA  30330-6000 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Training and Doctrine Command |  |  |  |

|ATTG-CS, BLDG 5A |2 |2 |0 |

|Fort Monroe, VA  23651-5000 | | | |

|Commander,  |  |  |  |

|US Army National Guard Command |0 |0 |0 |

|NGB, 111 South George Mason Drive | | | |

|Arlington, VA  22205-1382 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Signal Command |  |  |  |

|AFSC-LOO, 61801 Arizona Street |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Huachuca, AZ  85613-5000 | | | |

|Commander:  US Army Information Systems Software Development |  |  |  |

|Center |0 |0 |0 |


|3901 C Avenue, Suite 102 | | | |

|Fort Lee, VA  238011815 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Reserve Command |  |  |  |

|AFRC |0 |0 |0 |

|3800 North Camp Creek Parkway | | | |

|Atlanta, GA  30331-5099 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Combined Arms Command |  |  |  |

|ATZL-TP |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Leavenworth, KS  66027-2300 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Intelligence Center and School |  |  |  |

|ATSI-TD-NS |0 |0 |0 |

|Building 80505, Room 164 Irwin Street | | | |

|Fort Huachuca, AZ  85613-6000 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Intelligence Center and School |  |  |  |

|ATSI-TD-NS |0 |0 |0 |

|Building 80505, Room 164 Irwin Street | | | |

|Fort Huachuca, AZ  85613-6000 | | | |


Annex G – Coordination (cont)




|  | | | |

|Commander, US Army Intelligence Center and School |  |  |  |

|ATSI-TD-NS, |0 |0 |0 |

|Building 80505, Room 164 Irwin Street | | | |

|Fort Huachuca, AZ  85613-6000 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Ordnance Center and School |  |  |  |

|ATLS-DI |0 |0 |0 |

|3071 Ordnance Circle | | | |

|Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD  21005-5201 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon |  |  |  |

|ATZH-DTM |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Gordon, GA  30905-5070 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Combined Arms Support Command |  |  |  |

|ATLC-A, 801 Lee Avenue |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Lee, VA  23801-1713 | | | |

|Commandant, US Army Air Defense Artillery School |  |  |  |

|5800 Carter Road |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Bliss TX  77916-5000 | | | |

|Commandant, US Army Field Artillery School |  |  |  |

|ATSF-DA |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Sill, OK  73503-5600 | | | |

|Commandant, US Army Infantry School |  |  |  |

|ATSH-TDS |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Benning, GA  31905-5007 | | | |

|Commandant, US Army Sergeants Major Academy |  |  |  |

|11291 SGT. E. Churchill Street |0 |0 |0 |

|Fort Bliss, TX  79918-802 | | | |

|  | | | |




Annex G – Coordination (cont)


|  |  |  |COMMENTS |


|  | | |ACCEPTED |

|Assistant Commandant  |  |  |  |

|US Army Aviation Logistics School |0 |0 |0 |

|ATSQ-LAC-NS | | | |

|Fort Eustis, VA  23605-5414 | | | |

|Commandant, US Army John F. Kennedy |  |  |  |

|Special Warfare Center |0 |0 |0 |

|AOFI-CP-CS | | | |

|Fort Bragg, NC  28307 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Aviation Center |  |  |  |

|ATZQ-TDS-DD |20 |20 |0 |

|Fort Rucker, AL  36362 | | | |

|Commander, US Army Training and Doctrine Command |  |  |  |

|ATCD-SL |  |  |  |

|Fort Monroe, VA  23651-5000 |2 |2 |0 |





Annex H




AMC                           Army Materiel Command


AMIM                         Army Modernization Information Management


AOC                            Area of Concentration


AQC                            Aircraft Qualification Course


ARTEP                        Army Training and Evaluation Program


ASE                             Aircraft Survivability Equipment


ASI                              Additional Skill Identifier


AMCOM                     Aviation and Missile Command


ATEDS                        Aviation Turbine Engine Diagnostics System


AVCATT/ARMS         Aviation Combined Arms Tactical Trainer/Aviation Reconfigurable Manned Simulator


AVN                            Aviation


AVUM/AVIM             Aviation Unit Maintenance/Aviation Intermediate Maintenance


BNCOC                      Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course


BOIP                           Basis of Issue Plan


CATS                          Combined Arms Training Strategy


CBI                              Computer-Based Instruction


CD                               Combat Developer


CDR                            Commander


COEA                         Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis


COMM                       Commercial



DA                               Department of the Army


DCD                            Directorate of Combat Developments



DSN                            Defense Switching Network


DOTDS                       Directorate of Training, Doctrine, and Simulation


DT                               Developmental Test


DTT                             Doctrine and Tactics Training


EMD                            Engineering and Materiel Development


ET                                Embedded Training


ETM                            Exportable Training Materials


FD&IOT                      Force Development and Initial Operation Test


FDTE                           Force Development Test and Experimentation


FDTRS                        Force Development Test Readiness Statement


FD/LS                          Fault Detection/Location System


FQQPRI                      Final Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirements Information


FUE                             First Unit Equipped


FY                               Fiscal Year

IAW                            In Accordance With

ICW                            Interactive Courseware


IETM                           Interactive Electronic Technical Manual


IKPT                           Instructor and Key Personnel Training


ILSP                            Integrated Logistics Support Plan


IOC                             Initial Operational Capability


IOT&E                        Initial Operational Test and Evaluation


IPC                              Instructor Pilot Course


ITP                              Integrated Training Program


LRM                            Line Replaceable Modules


LRU                             Line Replaceable Units


LUT                             Limited User Test


MACOM                     Major Army Command


MDR                           Milestone Decision Reviews


MFD                            Multifunction Display


MOS                           Military Occupational Specialty


MTF                            Maintenance Test Flight


MTP                            Mission Training Plan


MTPC                         Maintenance Test Pilot Course


NET                             New Equipment Training


NETP                          New Equipment Training Plan


OMS                           Operator, Maintainer, and Support


ORD                            Operational Requirements Document


OTRS                          Operational Test Readiness Statement


PFTEA                        Post Fielding Training Effectiveness Analysis


PM                              Program Manager


POI                              Program of Instruction


POL                             Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants


POIMM                       Program of Instruction Management Model


QQPRI                        Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirements Information


RC                               Reserve Component


RFT                             Ready for Training


SAT                             Systems Approach to Training


SLEP                           Service Life Extension Program


SMMP                         System MANPRINT Management Plan


SQI                              Special Qualification Identifier


STP                             Soldier Training Publications


STRAP                        System Training Plan


STRICOM                   Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation Command


TADSS                        Training Aides, Devices, Simulators, and Simulation


TBD                             To Be Determined


TD                               Training Developer


TDA                            Table of Distribution and Allowances


TEA                             Training Effectiveness Analysis


TEMP                          Test and Evaluation Master Plan


TMDE                         Test Measurement Diagnostic Equipment


TOE                             Table of Organization and Equipment


TRADOC                    Training and Doctrine Command


TRAS                          Training Requirements Analysis System Document


TSM                            TRADOC System Manager


TSP                             Test Support Package


TSR                             Training Support Requirements


TTCP                           Test Training Certification Plan


TTSP                           Training Test Support Package


USAALS                     U.S. Army Aviation Logistics School


USAAVNC                 U.S. Army Aviation Center


UT                               User Testing




























Annex I

TADSS Requirements


There are no TADSS requirements identified.  



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