25 FEBRUARY 2016

Civil Engineering




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OPR: AF/A4CFC (Mr. Satish Abrol)

Supersedes: AFI32-1021, 31 October 2014

Certified by: AF/A4CF (Mr. Robert Gill)

Pages: 53

This Instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 32-10, Installations and Facilities and Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 4270.5, Military Construction. It provides guidance on how to plan, develop, and obtain approval for Military Construction (MILCON) projects. It applies to the active forces, the Air National Guard (ANG), and the US Air Force Reserve. It addresses facilities obtained through military construction, Unspecified Minor Military Construction (UMMC), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Fuels MILCON, emergency construction, Defense Access Roads (DAR), and relocatable building programs. It excludes military family housing (MFH), medical facility funding, DLA and defense-wide military construction programs, non-appropriated fund (NAF) and host nation funded construction programs, operations and maintenance (O&M) funded minor construction, Working Capital funds, and construction projects funded with research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) funds. Refer recommended changes and questions about this publication to the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) using the AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route AF Forms 847 from the field through the appropriate functional chain of command. Ensure that all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in accordance with (IAW) Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 33-363, Management of Records, and disposed of IAW the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) located in the air Force Records Information Management System (AFRIMS). or any updated statement provided by the AF Records Management Office (SAF/CIO A6P) The authorities to waive wing/unit level requirements in this publication are identified with a Tier (T-0, T-1, T-2, T-3) number following the statement. See AFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management, for a


AFI32-1021 25 FEBRUARY 2016

description of the authorities associated with the Tier numbers (T-0 through T3). Submit requests for waivers through the chain of command to the appropriate Tier waiver approval authority, or alternately, to the Publication OPR for non-tiered compliance items.


Revises AFI 32-1021, 31 October 2014 to incorporate the Compliance Statements recommended for edit, rewrite, and reduction. This was due to the AF publication Assessment for Reform. All the changes accepted has been incorporated in this Revision. In addition, the designations AF/A7C, AF/A7CF, and AF/A7CFC have been changed to the new designation AF/A4C, AF/A4CF, and AF/A4CFC respectively. This change is due to the Air Force reorganization.

This document is substantially revised. Revisions include updated and expanded sections on MILCON planning and programming processes, host and tenant responsibilities, MILCON submittal procedures, cost estimating, DLA fuels, UMMC, relocatable and temporary facilities, and the DAR construction program. New project compliance certification, demolition policy, sustainable design, and antiterrorism (AT) requirements for MILCON projects are also included.



1.1. Facility Project Planning and Programming Objective............................................


1.2. Principles. ................................................................................................................


1.3. Responsibilities. .......................................................................................................


Table 1.1. Joint Base MILCON Programming and Budgeting Responsibilities. .....................




2.1 Planning. .................................................................................................................. 10

2.2. Planning Actions...................................................................................................... 10

2.3. Certificate of Compliance for Critical Planning Actions. ........................................ 10



3.1. MILCON Programming........................................................................................... 17

3.2. MILCON Definition. ............................................................................................... 17

3.3. MILCON Project Development. .............................................................................. 17

Table 3.1. Supervision, Inspection, and Overhead (SIOH) Percentage by Location. ............... 19

3.4. MILCON Program Development. ........................................................................... 19

3.5. MILCON and Program Objective Memorandum Schedules. .................................. 20

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3.6. Advertising Construction Projects. .......................................................................... 21

3.7. Project Files. ............................................................................................................ 21

Table 3.2. Suggested Source Documentation. .......................................................................... 22

3.8. Special Military Construction Authorities. .............................................................. 22

3.9. Demolition Policy. ................................................................................................... 25

3.10. Emergency and Standby Power Authorization. ....................................................... 25



4.1. Unspecified Minor Construction.............................................................................. 26

4.2. Minor Construction Project Funding. ...................................................................... 26

4.3. Associated Projects. ................................................................................................. 26

4.4. Project Submittal Process. ....................................................................................... 26

4.5. Project Justification.................................................................................................. 27

4.6. Project Execution. .................................................................................................... 27

Figure 4.1. Certificate of Compliance for Unspecified Minor Military Construction Projects Carried out Under Authority of 10 U.S.C. ? 2805................................................... 28

Figure 4.1. Certificate of Compliance for Unspecified Minor Military Construction Projects Carried out Under Authority of 10 U.S.C. ? 2805................................................... 29




5.1. Purpose of Chapter................................................................................................... 30

5.2. Special Construction Programs. ............................................................................... 30



6.1. Relocatable (Temporary) Use Facilities Background. ............................................ 33

6.2. Interim Facilities. .................................................................................................... 33

6.3. Temporary Facilities Incident to MILCON. ........................................................... 35


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Chapter 1


1.1. Facility Project Planning and Programming Objective. The objective of facility project planning and programming is to provide adequate facilities needed to perform the Air Force mission. All commanders and civilian directors shall support this objective by ensuring project requests meet validated requirements; are in compliance with all applicable standards; are programmed at the lowest life cycle cost; achieve optimum resource efficiency and minimize damage to the natural and human environments. (T-3)

1.2. Principles. Planning and programming facilities follows these principles:

1.2.1. Facility Project Planning. Facility project planning identifies facilities needed to satisfy current and known or planned future mission requirements, determines the most economical means of providing those facilities, and identifies the year in which they are required. This determination should always begin with an evaluation of existing facilities for their suitability to satisfy mission requirements.

1.2.2. Military Construction (MILCON) Programming. MILCON programming is the process of acquiring both the authority and resources necessary to meet facility requirements identified by the planning process. A construction project with an estimated cost greater than $1,000,000 is normally funded through the MILCON Program.

1.3. Responsibilities.

1.3.1. Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Environmental, Safety and Infrastructure), SAF/IEE. Provides Air Force policy development and oversight, and advocates for the MILCON program through the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and Congress.

1.3.2. Secretary of the Air Force Administrative Assistant, SAF/AA. Acts as a Major Command (MAJCOM) representative for Field Operating Agencies (FOA) that report to elements of the Headquarters Air Force (HAF), in accordance with the Program Objective Memorandum Preparation Instruction (PPI) guidance.

1.3.3. The Director of Civil Engineers, AF/A4C. Formulates guidance governing the Air Force MILCON program, overseas development of Air Force capital investment strategies, and advocates for resources through the Air Force Corporate Structure, OSD, OMB, and Congress.

1.3.4. The Facility Management Division, AF/A4CF. Formulates guidance and procedures governing the Air Force MILCON program, develops Air Force capital investment strategies, reviews MILCON programs, and integrates Total Force (Active Air Force, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve) MILCON projects into a single prioritized list based on a pre-approved MILCON Model and presents the MILCON program to the Air Force Corporate Structure for approval. Advocates for MILCON resources through the Air Force Corporate Structure, OSD, OMB, and Congress. Coordinates construction programs requiring interagency approvals, such as DAR, medical facilities, defense fuels, and energy conservation.


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1.3.5. Air Force Civil Engineer Center, AFCEC. Consults with MAJCOM/DRU/FOA and the Base Civil Engineer (BCE) during the planning and planning charrette phases. Refer to Section of AFI 32-1023, "Designing and Constructing Military Construction Projects" for definition of Planning and Planning Charrette. Responsible for executing the planning charrette and developing the initial planning documents for MILCON projects. Facilitates Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI) assessment during the planning charrette process to evaluate and mitigate project risk. Follow Engineering and Construction Bulletin (ECB) 2010-17, Implementation of Project Definition Rating Index or the most current guidance for PDRI development. AFCEC does not execute ANG MILCON program.

1.3.6. US Air Force Reserve, AF/RE. Issues guidance to Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) for submitting its MILCON program, reviews and validates the cost estimate and scope of each project and submits a prioritized list of projects to AF/A4CF for developing the Total Force prioritized MILCON list. Assists Air Staff in determining size and content of their MILCON program. Prepares and submits the AFR MILCON portion of the President's Budget. Advocates for the AFRC MILCON program through OSD and Congress. AFRC, in coordination with Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC), United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), or United States Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), will continue to accomplish AFRC MILCON programming, design, and execution.

1.3.7. Air National Guard, NGB/A7. Provides instructions to ANG installation commanders for planning and preparing construction programs, reviews and validates cost estimate and scope of each MILCON project and submits the prioritized list of projects to AF/A4CF for developing the Total Force MILCON list. Assists Air Staff in determining size and content of their MILCON program. Prepares and submits the ANG MILCON portion of the President's Budget. Advocates for the ANG MILCON program through National Guard Bureau, OSD, and Congress. ANG will continue to accomplish ANG MILCON programming, design, and execution (T-2). .

1.3.8. Major Commands (MAJCOM), Field Operating Agencies (FOA) and Direct Reporting Units (DRU). Plan, program, review, validate, prioritize, and submits MILCON programs in accordance with guidance issued by AF/A4CF and all applicable Air Force Instructions. Coordinates with all applicable functions to verify all requirements are documented and cost estimates are accurate. . FOAs that report to MAJCOMs will provide instructions and guidance to installation commanders for planning and submitting MILCON programs; to include review and validation of scope, cost estimates, as well as validation and prioritization of all facility requirements. (T-2). FOAs will submit their MILCON requirements in accordance with the latest PPI guidance. (T-2).

1.3.9. Installation Commander. Identifies, plans, and programs facilities to support their assigned missions. (T-1). Determines whether existing facilities are available to meet the mission requirement (refer to AFI 32-9001, Acquisition of Real Property); ensures existing facilities are used economically and efficiently and that excess space is evaluated for demolition. Reviews, validates, prioritizes, and submits MILCON programs to their assigned MAJCOM. Installation Commander will ensures all requirements necessary to make the MILCON a complete and usable facility are identified. (T-1).

1.3.10. Installation Base Civil Engineer (BCE). Ensures all required certifications and environmental actions are complete or well underway prior to project submission to

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MAJCOM for programming consideration. Accomplishes required planning actions, compliance items, and certificates for every MILCON project and retains for future reference and project management. Develops initial planning documents to support the installation's MILCON projects in accordance with AFI 32-1023, Designing and Constructing Military Construction Projects. Submits the planning documents for each prioritized MILCON project to their assigned MAJCOM.

1.3.11. Host, Tenant, and Supported Unit Responsibilities. The host installation provides services to tenant and supported units IAW AFI 25-201, Intra-Service, Intra-Agency, and Inter-Agency Support Agreements Procedures and AFI 65-601, Vol 1, Budget Guidance and Procedures. Projects for On-Base Tenants and Supported Units. Commanders will ensure that host installations provide facilities and/or space needed by on-base tenants or supported units from existing assets, if available. (T-2). If adequate existing facilities are not available, or if the tenant requires construction or renovation of facilities for its sole use, Commanders will ensure that the host installation will prepare program-related project documentation on behalf of the tenant or supported unit's mission. (T-3). Commanders will that the host installation will then forward documentation concurrently to the host MAJCOM/DRU or supported MAJCOM Civil Engineers/HAF representatives and the tenant. (T-2). Any MILCON requirements programmed or planned by other organizations must be coordinated by the host base MAJCOM/CV. Commanders will ensure that this level of authority will not be delegated below the host MAJCOM/CV. (T2). Additionally, for mission bed-down MILCON, the host base MAJCOM/DRU and supported MAJCOM Civil Engineers/HAF representatives must participate in the beddown planning and the host MAJCOM/CV should coordinate on the bed-down plan IAW AFI 10-503, Strategic Basing. The tenant or supported unit's command will validate the project, establish its priority, and submit the project as part of its MILCON submittal to AF/A4CF. (T-1). AFR/ANG should reference AFI 32-1012, Reserve Component Facilities Programs. Air Force Reserve Components Units. Commanders will ensure that host Installations will follow AFI 25-201, "Support Agreements Procedures" on host-tenant relationships when reserve component units are tenants on Air Force installations. (T-0) Joint Basing. At joint bases, refer to Department of Defense Initial Guidance for BRAC 2005 Joint Basing Implementation dated January 22, 2008; Department of Defense Facilities Investment Supplemental Guidance for Implementing and Operating a Joint Base dated April 15, 2008. Table 1.1 summarizes the programming and budgeting responsibilities highlighted in the DoD Initial Guidance for BRAC 2005.


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Table 1.1. Joint Base MILCON Programming and Budgeting Responsibilities.



DoD Financial Management Regulation (Volume 2B, Chapter

8) Work Definition

Component Responsible for Programming & Budgeting

Supporting Component

Supported Component

Installation Support Facilities and

Common Infrastructure for which the

Supporting Component is generating

New Construction2


the requirement1

Mission Facilities for which the

Supporting Component is generating

the requirement

New Construction2


Installation Support Facilities and

Common Infrastructure for which the Supported Component is generating

New Construction2


the requirement1

Mission Facilities for which the

Supported Component is generating

the requirement

New Construction2



1. For example, the Component generating an increase to the Joint Base population is responsible for any new construction needed to expand installation support facilities to accommodate the population increase. See DUSD(IE) memorandum, 15 Apr 08, for examples of Installation Support Facilities types.

2. New construction encompasses activities that provide new or expanded facilities. New construction adds footprint and increases the real property inventory. General Note. The following guidance applies to projects carried out under Title 10 U.S.C. 2854, Restoration or Replacement of Damaged or Destroyed Facilities. Programming and budgeting for Installation Support Facilities and Common Infrastructure are the responsibility of the Supporting Component. Programming and budgeting for Mission Facilities are the responsibility of the component owning the mission. Joint Use of Installations with Other Agencies. Commanders will ensure host installations will follow AFI 25-201, "Support Agreements Procedures" in cases where units of other government agencies, departments, or military services use facilities or portions of an Air Force installation. Commanders will ensure that each MILCON project must be reviewed for joint use potential and certified in the certificate of compliance and stated on DD Form 1391. (See Chapter 2) (T-0).


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