Ronald Reagan and His Times:

Ronald Reagan and His Times:

A Curriculum Resource for Illinois Educators

Developed and Distributed by:

The Ronald Reagan Trail Association

October 2003


This work was commissioned by the Ronald Reagan Trail Association, and accordingly, the primary debt that must be acknowledged here is one of appreciation to that group for recognizing the importance of this undertaking. The members who currently serve, and those who have served, on the board of the Reagan Trail Association selflessly perform a valuable service to the citizens of Illinois and to the nation by helping to celebrate and commemorate the historic role that central Illinois communities played in Ronald Reagan’s formative years. Although it is impossible to thank everyone individually, special appreciation is due to Joe Serangeli of Eureka and Jim Burke of Dixon, the respective southern and northern “anchors” of the Trail, for the work that they have done both in helping to create the Reagan Trail and in advancing the work of the Association through their creative vision and boundless enthusiasm.

Two Eureka College students provided tremendous contributions to this effort. Elizabeth Henrichs created many lessons for elementary and middle school classes. Ever a thoughtful student, and certainly a gem of a young teacher, Ms. Henrichs’ ideas incorporated into the lessons evoke a sense of awe and wonder from students who realize how exciting learning can be. Eric Hager contributed hours of research to this project in bringing together a comprehensive bibliography of extant works on Ronald Reagan and the Reagan Era. The bibliography included here will help Illinois librarians to select works for their collections, but it will also benefit others at the national and global levels.

Sarah Wilson provided admirable aid in typesetting portions of the manuscript. Joy Kinder provided cheerful assistance in duplicating drafts of this text as it approached final form. Eldrick Smith worked wonders in keeping a pesky computer from losing large portions of text. Jim Flynn helped to facilitate the printing and distribution of this material to school districts. Barbara Perry offered kind words of encouragement and provided valuable contact information for many school districts in central Illinois. Their efforts, and those of many others, brought this work to its final form.

Corporate support from the Jelly Belly Corporation and from Caterpillar, Inc. have advanced the work of the Reagan Trail Association and make this curriculum possible.

In a final sense, acknowledgment is due to the many communities of the Reagan Trail region that have protected, preserved, and honored their history through the years. The realization that we have so much to offer in central Illinois – so much from which to learn – is a valuable testimony to the foresight of those who have come before us. As such, many of the sites that we see today are vaguely familiar with those that a young Ronald Reagan might have experienced while hitching a ride between Dixon and Eureka. Like a roadway connecting disparate communities and providing common direction to past and present, this curricular packet is designed to link the historic present with its salient past. In our journey, both real and metaphorical, we must remember to thank those who blazed the way, those who built the path and those whose task remains to keep secure the well-worn route upon which history always rides circuit. We are still learning, but in the end that is our essential charge.


As a result of two decades of curricular reform initiatives, the state of primary and secondary education in the United States has become much more regularized than it had been in times past. Today educators focus upon long range goals for their students’ achievement and direct progress toward attaining these goals through a discipline-specific series of content-based objectives. The stated outcome of such a system is determined by whether or not the student can demonstrate competency in the content areas, and this is usually assessed through some form of standardized testing. While such a regularized form of curricular design does have its merits, such a system does not preclude the positive impact that a dynamic teacher or an innovative program of lessons can have on student learning and academic achievement. Students are more apt to learn lessons that they can internalize – lessons that they can relate to the world and circumstances about which they are most familiar. It is in this spirit that this curricular packet is offered to the educators of central Illinois.

Clearly the purpose and scope of this endeavor is to focus learning upon the formative role that central Illinois communities had in the life of Ronald Reagan. The lessons also highlight the life and times of the nation’s fortieth president. All of the activities and exercises included in this packet are designed to develop competencies that are essential to student academic achievement. It is neither the intent of this curriculum nor its designers to suppose that all of these materials should be incorporated into any particular school or classroom setting. Rather, these curricular materials are designed and made available to serve as supplementary tools that can be used to help Illinois educators achieve the stated goals and satisfy the necessary objectives of student learning.

These lessons are not produced to advance a political bias of any sort. The curricular materials that are included here are not designed as a laudatory commentary on the life and achievements of Ronald Reagan. Students are encouraged to think independently, to analyze, to evaluate, and to use critical thinking skills effectively as they work with these curricular materials. As a result, many of the lessons that are included have open-ended questions that require thoughtful, subjective responses from the students. If the material is considered objectively and fairly, students have a tremendous latitude with which to evaluate a variety of issues.

This curricular packet will likely be revised as future editions are prepared and distributed. It is important that those teachers who have used the materials within their classrooms have an opportunity to share their experiences with the Reagan Trail Association. This feedback is essential as we strive to improve the quality and the value of this learning resource. Please feel free to share ideas of what works, what needs to be improved, and what other things might need to be included in further editions of this packet. Our ultimate goal must be upon student achievement. These lessons and activities are simply a means that might be used toward that end. By rooting student learning in that which is familiar in central Illinois we hope to spark curiosity and interest that may enhance academic achievement. In the final analysis, that is the common ground upon which we all can agree.


Acknowledgments - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - xx

Preface - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - xxx

Table of Contents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iv

Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -5

Note - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6

Elementary School Resources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7

Middle School Resources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32

High School Resources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53

Answers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -80

Appendix - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 91

Ronald Reagan Chronology - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 93

Ronald Reagan Bibliography - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -105


Illinois can claim historical association with three presidents of the United States – Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and Ronald Reagan. Of these three, only Ronald Reagan was a native-born son of the Prairie State.

In 1999 the Illinois State Legislature authorized the establishment of the Reagan Trail to connect those central Illinois communities that were associated with the formative years of Ronald Reagan’s life in Illinois. Ranging from Tampico and Dixon in the north, respectively his birthplace and boyhood home, to Eureka in the south, where he attended Eureka College from 1928-1932, the Reagan Trail unites distinct communities bound together by a common history.

In similar fashion, this educational resource is a logical extension of the Reagan Trail concept as the common experiences of central Illinois communities, along with the common experiences of the nation and world, are brought into perspective through thoughtful activities and exercises. Just as a journey along the Reagan Trail takes us from one community to another, the intellectual quest presented in this curricular resource connects various academic disciplines and provides essential critical thinking activities to enhance student learning.


A few comments about the abbreviations used in this curricular packet are needed here.

Documents designated with the ES prefix are designed primarily for use in the elementary school setting - grades kindergarten through fourth grade. It is possible that some of these items might work well in a middle school setting, but that determination would be based upon the students’ abilities. Keep in mind that there is variation from lower-order to higher-order thinking that is found within these exercises and activities. Teachers should select items that are appropriate for and commensurate with the abilities of their students.

Documents designated with the MS prefix are designed primarily for use in the middle school setting - grades five through eight. It is possible that some of these items might work well either in an elementary school or in a high school setting, but that determination would be based upon the students’ abilities. Keep in mind that there is variation from lower-order to higher-order thinking that is found within these exercises and activities. Teachers should select items that are appropriate for and commensurate with the abilities of their students.

Documents designated with the HS prefix are designed primarily for use in the high school setting - grades nine through twelve. It is possible that some of these items might work well in a middle school setting, but that determination would be based upon the students’ abilities. Keep in mind that there is variation from lower-order to higher-order thinking that is found within these exercises and activities. Teachers should select items that are appropriate for and commensurate with the abilities of their students.

The notation DBQ that is found on some of the lessons stands for “Document Based Question.” These lessons involve the use of an original text, or primary source, that must be read before answering questions that follow. The questions associated with these lessons often produce open-ended responses, and thus the opportunity for subjective response and interpretation is greater here than in many of the other lessons. DBQ lessons often provide excellent opportunities for students to develop their critical thinking skills.

Many of the lessons that are contained in this resource packet lend themselves toward student research that could be done either in a library setting or through the Internet. Depending upon the constraints of both time and of learning resources, teachers may decide to use some of these activities as group work rather than as individual work.

When and where it is possible, teachers may wish to incorporate field trips to selected Reagan historic sites in association with the use of these curricular materials. Ideal locations to visit would be the Reagan birthplace in Tampico, the Reagan Boyhood Home in Dixon, and the Reagan Museum and Reagan Peace Garden at Eureka College.


ES:1 Cities and Towns of the Reagan Trail

ES:2 Ronald Reagan Acrostic

ES:3 Reading Exercise and Acrostic

ES:4 Words and Sentences

ES:5 Lincoln, Grant & Reagan

ES:6 Find the Words

ES:7 Letters to the President

ES:8 Berlin Wall Replication

ES:9 Reagan Trail Math Exercise

ES:10 Spell Time

ES:11 Space Diorama

ES:12 Find Me!

ES:13 U.S. Map Exercise

ES:14 Putting the Phrase Together

ES:15 Presidents Day Art Activity

ES:16 Which Word Does Not Belong?

ES:17 Asking Questions and Finding Answers

ES:18 Always on the Move

ES:19 Find the Spelling Errors

ES:20 “Unearthing” a 1980s Time Capsule

ES:1 Cities and Towns of the Reagan Trail

Directions: See how many of the cities and towns that are located along the Ronald Reagan Trail can be named in the word puzzle found below:

| | | | |___ |___ |___ |R |___ |

|V |I |D |T |D |E |X |O |K |

|D |Y |R |U |F |M |R |I |M |

|R |R |A |D |I |O |W |N |G |

|A |B |M |E |K |V |Z |U |X |

|U |L |A |N |F |I |L |M |S |

|G |H |E |T |L |E |P |N |A |

|E |N |G |P |D |S |T |S |C |

|F |S |P |O |R |T |S |E |T |

|I |M |H |L |R |A |C |U |O |

|L |G |O |V |E |R |N |O |R |

ES:4 Words and Sentences

| | | |___ |C |___ |___ |___ | | |

| | | |___ |A |___ |___ |___ | | |

| | |___ |___ |L |___ |___ | | | |

| | |___ |___ |I |___ |___ | | | |

| | | | |F |___ |___ |___ |___ |___ |

| | | |___ |O |___ |___ |___ |___ | |

|___ |___ |___ |___ |R |___ |___ |___ | | |

| | | |___ |N |___ |___ |___ | | |

| | | |___ |I |___ |___ |___ |___ | |

| | |___ |___ |A |___ |___ |___ | | |

Write the following words into the spaces found in the puzzle:











Using words from this list (you may also use the word California) write two sentences that tell us something important about Ronald Reagan. Each of your sentences must use at least two words from the terms that are provided.



ES:5 Lincoln, Grant & Reagan

For each of the following questions, you must tell which president is being described. You may use an encyclopedia to find information about Presidents Lincoln, Grant and Reagan.

_______________ (1) He was a general during the Civil War.

_______________ (2) He was born in Illinois.

_______________ (3) He worked as a lawyer in Springfield.

_______________ (4) He became an actor.

_______________ (5) He was nicknamed “The Rail Splitter.”

_______________ (6) He lived for a while in Galena.

_______________ (7) He was assassinated and died the following day.

_______________ (8) Robert E. Lee surrendered to him.

_______________ (9) He survived an assassination attempt.

_______________ (10) Of these three presidents, he did not have a beard.

_______________ (11) Of these three presidents, he did not serve for eight years.

_______________ (12) He was born in Kentucky.

_______________ (13) He was born in Ohio.

_______________ (14) He was nicknamed “Dutch.”

_______________ (15) He was nicknamed “Uncle Sam.”

ES:6 Find the Words

|N |I |C |H |O |T |Z |N |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

Unscramble the tiles to reveal a message.

ES:15 Presidents Day Art Activity

Materials needed:

Outline map of Illinois

Crayons or colored pencils

Old newspapers and magazines



Each year the United States celebrates a national holiday called Presidents Day on the third Monday in February. This holiday was established to honor all of the people who have served as President of the United States throughout the nation’s history.

Three presidents – Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant and Ronald Reagan – lived in Illinois at some point in their lives. Use the outline map of Illinois that is provided to draw a picture of these three presidents.

After you draw your pictures, look through the old newspapers and magazines that are provided and to find words that are related to the president of the United States (for example, the word “leader”). Each of you should try to find at least ten words that you can cut out of the newspapers and magazines to use in your art project. You should paste the words that you have selected in the space around the Illinois outline where you have drawn the pictures of Presidents Lincoln, Grant and Reagan.

Once everyone has completed their art projects the work will be posted on the wall of the classroom. Each student will be able to tell a story about how the words that they have selected and pasted tell us something about the work that the President of the United States does.


ES:16 Which Word Does Not Belong?

For each set of words, circle the word that is not associated with the other three:





| | | | | |





| | | | | |





ES:17 Asking Questions and Finding Answers


(1) Students should work individually and then in groups of five to six for this exercise.

(2) Each student should come up with at least three questions that he would like to ask President Reagan if he had the opportunity to do so. The questions should be related to what life was like in the United States during the 1980s.

(3) Once all of the students in the class have prepared their questions, they should gather in small groups to share the questions that they have written with one another. Each group must determine what single question seems to be the best, or the most interesting, to the members of the group.

(4) Each group will write a letter to one of the locations listed below in order to find out additional information about the question that they have selected.

(5) Once the responses begin to arrive, the information should be shared with the class and the letters can be posted on the wall of the classroom.

Contact Information:

| |

|The National Archives |

|8601 Adelphi Road |

|College Park, Maryland 20740-6001 |

| |

|The Library of Congress |

|101 Independence Avenue, S.E. |

|Washington, D.C. 20540 |

| |

|The Reagan Presidential Library |

|40 Presidential Drive |

|Simi Valley, California 93065-0600 |

ES:18 Always on the Move

Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois, on February 6, 1911. His family moved from place to place when he was a young boy because his father needed to find a steady job. The Reagan family lived for a time in Tampico, Chicago, Galesburg, Monmouth, and Dixon. When the family moved to Dixon in 1921, Ronald Reagan was nine years old. He would always consider Dixon to be his “home” even though his family had lived in many different communities. It was in Dixon that Ronald Reagan completed his high school education before moving on to Eureka where he attended Eureka College from 1928 to 1932.

Consider the following questions and provide your opinion for each:

(1) How do you think that Ronald Reagan felt about having to move so often when he was a child?

(2) Why do you believe that he considered Dixon to be “home.”

(3) What problems might Ronald Reagan have faced because of moving from place to place.

(4) What valuable lessons might he have learned from this experience?

ES:19 Find the Spelling Errors

In each of the following sets of words, one of the words is spelled incorrectly. Circle the word that is spelled incorrectly, and spell it correctly on the lines that are found near the bottom of this page.




| | | | | |




| | | | | |




Spell the misspelled words correctly in the spaces provided below:

|_________________ | |________________ | |________________ |

| | | | | |

|_________________ | |________________ | |________________ |

| | | | | |

|_________________ | |________________ | |________________ |

ES:20 “Unearthing” a 1980s Time Capsule

The teacher should prepare in advance of the class a representative “time capsule” of the 1980s that students will be able to examine and try to explain. The class should pretend that this time capsule was recently unearthed in the schoolyard after having been buried there by a previous class. It will be the job of the students to try to find meaning in the items that this earlier “class” had decided to bury.

Though this is not an exhaustive list, it might suggest some of the possible items that could be included in this time capsule:

political campaign buttons from 1980 or 1984

a cassette tape with representative music from the period

a news magazine from the period

a newspaper from the period

a 5.25 inch floppy disk

an article about the Cold War

a movie poster from the era, or movie-related action figures

a videotape containing a 1980s television sitcom

images of (or actual) early video games [e.g., Pac Man]

a map of Central America

school pictures of individuals that show period clothing and/or hair styles

Once the students have tried to explain the significance of the representative items from the 1980s you should ask them what they would include if they were to produce a representative time capsule of their own era.

If time and circumstances permit, you may want to consider putting together such a time capsule and burying it so that some future class might later discover it.


MS:1 Reading a Chart: Counties along the Reagan Trail

MS:2 Illinois History Quiz

MS:3 Reagan Nicknames

MS:4 Planning a Journey on the Reagan Trail

MS:5 Library Skills Exercise

MS:6 Space Adventure

MS:7 All in the Family

MS:8 Now Where Was That Located?

MS:9 Reading Charts

MS:10 Interpreting Election Results I

MS:11 Interpreting Election Results II

MS:12 Unscramble the Quotation

MS:13 Facts about Illinois

MS:14 Story Problems

MS:15 Facts about Washington, D.C.

MS:16 Build Your Own City

MS:17 Municipalities Along the Reagan Trail

MS:18 Oral History: The Cold War

MS:19 Library Research Projects

MS:20 Definitions

MS:1 Reading a Chart: Counties along the Reagan Trail

| | | | | | | |

| |AREA |1920 |1930 |1940 |1950 |1960 |

| | | | | | | |

|ILLINOIS |- - - - - |6,485,280 |7,630,654 |7,897,241 |8,712,176 |10,081,158 |

| | | | | | | |

|Bureau |869 sq. mi. |42,648 |38,885 |37,600 |37,711 |37,594 |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |716 sq. |46,727 |51,336 |52,250 |54,366 |61,280 |

|Knox | | | | | | |

| |mi | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Lee |725 sq. mi. |28,004 |32,329 |34,604 |36,451 |38,749 |

| | | | | | | |

|Marshall |386 sq. mi. |14,760 |13,023 |13,179 |13,025 |13,334 |

| | | | | | | |

|Peoria |620 sq. mi |111,710 |141,344 |153,374 |174,347 |189,044 |

| | | | | | | |

|Putnam |160 sq. mi. |7,579 |5,235 |5,289 |4,746 |4,570 |

| | | | | | | |

|Tazewell |649 sq. mi. |38,540 |46,082 |58,362 |76,165 |99,789 |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Warren |543 sq. |21,488 |21,745 |21,286 |21,981 |21,587 |

| | | | | | | |

| |mi. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Whiteside |685 sq. mi. |36,174 |39,019 |43,338 |49,336 |59,887 |

| | | | | | | |

|Woodford |528 sq. mi. |19,340 |18,792 |19,124 |21,335 |24,579 |

(1) Which county experienced the highest growth rate from 1920 to 1960?

(2) What factors might help to explain this growth rate?

(3) Which county had a growth rate that was most similar to that of the state of Illinois from 1920 to 1960?

(4) What county experienced the most stagnant (or negative) growth rate from 1920 to 1960?

(5) What factors might help to explain this condition?

(6) Which of these counties has the highest population density?

(7) Which of these counties has the lowest population density?

MS:2 Illinois History Quiz

__________________(1) The National Road ended in this Illinois town that once served

as the state capital.

__________________(2) In 1860 Ulysses S. Grant moved to this Illinois town where he

worked as a clerk in a dry goods store.

__________________(3) This Illinois governor pardoned several of the anarchists who

had been convicted of the Haymarket Riot bombing.

__________________(4) 111 miners died near this Illinois town on March 27, 1947,

when a gas explosion caused a coal mining disaster.

__________________(5) In 1790 this African American frontiersman established the

first Permanent settlement that eventually became Chicago.

__________________(6) This Illinois educator was the longtime president of the

Women’s Christian Temperance Union.

__________________(7) This individual was the only President of the United States who

was born in the state of Illinois.

__________________(8) This town is situated where the Illinois and Ohio rivers meet.

__________________(9) On December 3, of this year, Illinois entered the Union as the

twenty-first state.

__________________(10) These two French Canadian explorers visited Illinois in 1763.

__________________(11) Jane Addams was a social worker from Illinois. She helped

create _?_, a famous settlement house in Chicago.

__________________(12) This poet and Lincoln biographer was an Illinois native.

__________________(13) _?_ was the name of the military skirmish that took place in

western Illinois in 1832.

__________________(14) This Illinois Senator debated Abraham Lincoln in 1858.

__________________(15) This Illinois political figure became the first African

American woman to be elected to the United States Senate.

__________________(16) Home to the Owen Lovejoy homestead, this Illinois town was

actively involved in the Underground Railroad.

MS:3 Reagan Nicknames

There were four nicknames that were used to describe Ronald W. Reagan at various points in his life. These nicknames are listed below.

For each of these nicknames, trace the origin or meaning of the name. How was it used, and generally by whom. Does the nickname reflect a particular characteristic or trait of Ronald W. Reagan?

(1) “Dutch”

(2) “The Gipper”

(3) “The Great Communicator”

(4) “The Teflon President”

MS:4 Planning a Journey on the Reagan Trail

Assume that you must plan a trip for a family of four that will take a two-day trip to visit the main historic and cultural sites along the Ronald W. Reagan Trail in Central Illinois. You may refer to the map of the Reagan Trail that appears on page 17. Answer the following questions to help you plan the excursion.

1. Identify four locations (specific sites) that you would visit on the first day of your trip:





2. In which community along the Reagan Trail would your family most likely spend the night?

3. Identify four locations (specific sites) that you would visit on the second day of your trip:





4. Remembering that you are planning a two-day trip for a family of four, draw up an estimated budget for the excursion by considering the following possible expenses:

__________ Food

__________ Lodging

__________ Transportation

__________ Entrance Fees

__________ TOTAL COST

MS:5 Library Skills Exercise

1. Provide complete bibliographic citations for three biographies of Ronald W. Reagan:




2. Provide the Dewey Decimal System call number for Where’s the Rest of Me? The Ronald Reagan Story (1965).

3. Provide a bibliographic citation for a journal article about Ronald W. Reagan that was written after he left the presidency:

4. Pick a significant issue of the 1980s and find two sources that would give you different perspectives on the issue. Identify the issue and provide bibliographic citations below:




MS:6 Space Adventure

“Remember this: When we come to the edge of our known world, we’re standing on the shores of the infinite. Dip your hand in that limitless sea; you’re touching the mystery of God’s universe. Set sail across its waters and you embark on the boldest, most noble adventure of all. Out beyond our present horizons lie whole new continents of possibility, new worlds of hope waiting to be discovered. We’ve traveled far, but we’ve only begun our journey. There are hungry to feed, sicknesses to cure, and new worlds to explore. And this is no time for small plans or shrinking ambitions. We stand on the threshold of an epic age, an age of technological splendor and an explosion of human potential, an age for heroes. And I think I’m seeing many of them right here in this room.”

~ President Ronald Reagan

Remarks to participants in the Young Astronauts Program, June 11, 1986


1. Read this quote to your students and have them really think about what it means. Tell them to think beyond all of the pictures they have seen in the movies or the tabloids and really imagine what space looks like to them.

2. Their assignment is to imagine they are some of the first astronauts to explore the first livable planet in outer space. They land their spaceship and really do some heavy exploring to make sure it would be livable for the human race. When they find that it would be, they must convince humans to “come aboard” and make it their new home.

3. They must come up with a catchy phrase to use and a brochure to sell their reality. Students need to use their imagination to create the “perfect environment” in which people would choose to live. They could use a known planet or create one of their own. Pictures, descriptions, and quotes from other astronauts that went to the planet are all options to be considered when completing this project.

“Today vistas beyond imagination are being opened for humanity in space. A new future of freedom, both peaceful and bountiful, is being created. And America is telling the world: Follow us. We’ll lead you there. This is the mission for which our nation itself was created, and we ask for God’s guidance. America’s as large as the universe, as infinite as space, as limitless as the vision and courage of her people.”

~ President Ronald Reagan

Remarks congratulating the crew of the Space Shuttle Discovery, October 14, 1988

MS:7 All in the Family

Use either a biography of Ronald Reagan or an encyclopedia article to answer the following questions about the Reagan family.

_______________ (1) The name of Ronald Reagan’s father.

_______________ (2) The name of Ronald Reagan’s mother.

_______________ (3) The nickname that Ronald Reagan’s father gave him as a child.

_______________ (4) The name of Ronald Reagan’s brother

_______________ (5) The nickname of Ronald Reagan’s brother.

_______________ (6) The name of Ronald Reagan’s first wife.

_______________ (7) The name of Ronald Reagan’s second wife.

_______________ (8) The names of Ronald Reagan’s four children.

_______________ (9) “ ”

_______________ (10) “ ”

_______________ (11) “ ”

_______________ (12) Ronald Reagan was born in ___, Illinois, in 1911.

_______________ (13) The Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home is located in ___, Illinois.

_______________ (14) Both of the Reagan brothers attended college at ___ in Illinois.

_______________ (15) Reagan family ancestors came to America from ___ (what


MS:8 Now Where Was That Located?

After viewing the short video that describes the Illinois communities connected by the Reagan Trail, see if you can answer the following questions.

___ (1) Ronald Reagan was born in (A) Dixon. (B) Tampico. (C) Walnut. (D) Eureka.

___ (2) Ronald Reagan went to high school in (A) East Peoria. (B) Henry. (C) Dixon.

(D) Ohio.

___ (3) Ronald Reagan went to college in (A) Eureka. (B) Peoria. (C) Dixon.

(D) Princeton.

___ (4) The “Wings of Peace and Freedom” Memorial is located in (A) Eureka.

(B) Tampico. (C) Chillicothe. (D) Dixon.

___ (5) The largest community located along the Reagan Trail is (A) East Peoria.

(B) Eureka. (C) Peoria. (D) Dixon.

___ (6) The Owen Lovejoy Homestead is located in (A) Tampico. (B) Henry. (C) Dixon.

(D) Princeton.

___ (7) An actual portion of the Berlin Wall can be found in (A) Princeton. (B) Henry.

(C) Peoria. (D) Eureka.

___ (8) The Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home is located in (A) Tampico. (B) Eureka.

(C) Dixon. (D) Washington.

___ (9) The Reagan Peace Garden is located in (A) Dixon. (B) Walnut. (C) Eureka.

(D) Ohio.

___ (10) Lowell Park is located along the Rock River in (A) Tampico. (B) Dixon.

(C) Eureka. (D) Henry.

MS:9 Reading Charts

Election of 1980

|Name of Candidate |Popular Votes |Percentage |Electoral Votes |Number of States Carried |

| | |Popular Vote | | |

|John Anderson (I) |5,720,060 |6.61% |0 |0 |

|Jimmy Carter (D) |35,483,883 |41.01% |49 |6 |

|Ronald Reagan (R) |43,904,153 |50.75% |489 |44 |

Election of 1984

|Name of Candidate |Popular Votes |Percentage |Electoral Votes |Number of States Carried |

| | |Popular Vote | | |

|Walter Mondale (D) |37,577,185 |41.03% |13 |1 |

|Ronald Reagan (R) |54,455,075 |58.77% |525 |49 |

Using the two charts that are located above, answer the following questions:

(1) The elections of 1980 and 1984 are often described as “landslide” victories for Ronald Reagan. Is this an accurate statement? Upon what basis can they be viewed as landslide victories? Does any evidence in the charts indicate anything different?

(2) Was Walter Mondale’s candidacy in 1984 more or less successful than Jimmy Carter’s candidacy had been in 1980? What evidence from the charts can you cite to support your position?

(3) Do the charts produce any evidence of “crossover” voting patterns – for example, Republicans voting for a Democratic candidate, or Democrats voting for a Republican candidate?

MS:10 Interpreting Election Results I

Election of 1980

|COUNTY |John Anderson (I) |Jimmy Carter (D) |Ronald Reagan (R) |Total Votes |

|Bureau |1,093 |5,753 |11,484 | |

|County | | | | |

|Knox |2,069 |8,749 |14,907 | |

|County | | | | |

|Lee |781 |3,170 |11,373 | |

|County | | | | |

|Marshall |336 |1,903 |4,349 | |

|County | | | | |

|Peoria |6,169 |28,276 |47,815 | |

|County | | | | |

|Putnam |235 |1,158 |1,959 | |

|County | | | | |

|Tazewell |3,206 |16,924 |35,481 | |

|County | | | | |

|Warren |489 |2,756 |5,667 | |

|County | | | | |

|Whiteside |1,242 |7,191 |17,389 | |

|County | | | | |

|Woodford |711 |3,552 |10,791 | |

|County | | | | |

Using the chart that is presented here and a calculator, answer the following questions:

(1) In which of the Reagan Trail counties did Ronald Reagan capture the greatest percentage of the votes cast in 1980?

(2) In which of the Reagan Trail counties did Ronald Reagan capture the smallest percentage of the votes cast in 1980?

(3) In which of the Reagan Trail counties was the 1980 contest between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan the most competitive?

MS:11 Interpreting Election Results II

Election of 1984

|COUNTY |Walter Mondale (D) |Ronald Reagan (R) |Total Votes |

|Bureau |6,925 |11,741 | |

|County | | | |

|Knox |12,027 |14,974 | |

|County | | | |

|Lee |3,919 |11,178 | |

|County | | | |

|Marshall |2,386 |4,060 | |

|County | | | |

|Peoria |36,830 |45,607 | |

|County | | | |

|Putnam |1,487 |1,912 | |

|County | | | |

|Tazewell |23,095 |33,782 | |

|County | | | |

|Warren |3,318 |5,846 | |

|County | | | |

|Whiteside |11,226 |16,743 | |

|County | | | |

|Woodford |4,425 |10,758 | |

|County | | | |

Using the chart that is presented here and a calculator, answer the following questions:

(1) In which of the Reagan Trail counties did Ronald Reagan capture the greatest percentage of the votes cast in 1984?

(2) In which of the Reagan Trail counties did Ronald Reagan capture the smallest percentage of the votes cast in 1984?

(3) In which of the Reagan Trail counties was the 1984 contest between Walter Mondale and Ronald Reagan the most competitive?

MS:12 Unscramble the Quotation

Ronald Reagan on Government

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Bureau |Bureau |Village |368 |Timothy Shipp |

|Chillicothe |Peoria |City |5,996 | |

|Dixon |Lee |City |15,941 |Jim Burke |

|East Peoria |Tazewell |City |22,638 |Charles Dobbelaire |

|Eureka |Woodford |City |4,871 |Laura Siscoe |

|Henry |Marshall |City |2,540 |Daryl Fountain |

|Ohio |Bureau |Village |540 |Charles L. Thomas |

|Peoria |Peoria |City |112,936 |David P. Ransburg |

|Peoria Heights |Peoria |Village |6,636 |Earl Carter |

|Princeton |Bureau |City |7,501 |Keith Cain |

|Sparland-Lacon |Marshall |Village & City |584 + 1,979 |Michael Hiell |

|Tampico |Whiteside |Village |772 |Larry Specht |

|Walnut |Bureau |Village |1,461 |Don Steele |

|Washington |Tazewell |City |10,841 |Gary Manier |

MS:20 Definitions

1) Inauguration Day – January 20 following a presidential election in which the President of the United States is elected.

2) Electoral College – a body of electors; one that elects the president and vice president

3) Supreme Court – the highest judicial tribunal in a political unit (as a nation or state).

4) Congress – the supreme legislative body of a nation; our Senate and House of Representatives

5) Election Day – a day legally established for the election of public officials; the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in an even year designated for national elections.

6) Executive Branch – belonging to the branch of government that is charged with such posers as diplomatic representation, superintendence of the execution of the laws, and appointment of officials and that usually has some power over legislation.

7) Legislative Branch – the branch of government that is charged with such powers as making laws, levying and collecting taxes, and making financial appropriations.

8) Judicial Branch – the branch of government that is charged with trying all cases that involve the government and with the administration of justice within its jurisdiction.

9) Oval Office – the U.S. president’s office in the West Wing of the White House in Washington, D.C.

(10) Pentagon – the headquarters of the Department of Defense; located in Washington, D.C.

HS:1 Ronald Reagan: Movie Star

(1) Warner Brothers

(2) Love is on the Air

(3) Tugboat Annie Sails Again

(4) Brother Rat

(5) Bonzo

(6) Gipper

(7) Notre Dame

(8) Drake McHugh

(9) AWhere=s the Rest of Me?@

(10) Hellcats of the Navy

(11) Santa Fe Trail

(12) The Killers

HS:2 Iran-Contra Affair

(1) Nicaragua

(2) Sandinistas

(3) Iraq

(4) Ayatollah Khomeini

(5) Boland Amendment

(6) Oliver North

(7) Donald Regan

(8) Robert McFarlane

(9) John Poindexter

(10) Judge Lawrence E. Walsh

(11) Caspar W. Weinberger

(12) George P. Shultz

(13) Edwin Meese

(14) William J. Casey

(15) John Tower

HS:3 President Reagan’s Cabinet Members

(1) M

(2) B

(3) D

(4) D

(5) A

(6) F

(7) M

(8) J

(9) L

(10) C

(11) D

(12) H

(13) L

(14) J

(15) E

(16) K

(17) F

(18) E

(19) E/H

(20) L

(21) A

(22) J

(23) I

(24) G

(25) M

(26) F

(27) K

(28) I

(29) I

(30) B

(31) H

(32) C

HS:6 A Visit to Eureka College

1) Burgoo - the pioneer settlers of Walnut Grove [later Eureka] brought this tradition with them from Kentucky. A burgoo is a stew that is made up of components that are contributed by community members. The cooking of the stew was a social event that brought the early community together.

2) Recruiting Elm – when the Civil War began in April 1861 Eureka College students and faculty gathered under this tree and gave speeches and sang patriotic songs. They eventually decided to form a company of soldiers (Company G of the 17th Illinois Infantry) who went off to war. A wooden bowl made from the Recruiting Elm sat on President Reagan’s desk in the Oval Office.

3) Abolitionists - many of the early settlers who moved to Walnut Grove [later Eureka] were abolitionists who came from Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana. They were opposed to the institution of slavery.

4) Women’s History – When Eureka College was established it was the first college in Illinois, and only the third in the nation, to admit women on an equal basis with men. Many of the early graduates of the college became leaders in the movement for women’s rights in America.

5) Berlin Wall – a portion of the Berlin Wall stands today in the Reagan Peace Garden at Eureka College. In June 1987, President Reagan challenged the moral legitimacy of the wall when he stated “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”

HS:7 President Reagan’s Views on Peace



HS:9 The Reagan Peace Garden at Eureka College

(1) circle for earth/globe; bell shape for liberty; mushroom cloud for atomic menace; patriotic plantings

(2) answers will vary

(3) symbolic of the divide between East and West for twenty-eight years

(4) Western side has signature graffiti; Eastern side is stark grey

(5) the speech led to a real reduction in nuclear arsenals of the U.S. and the Soviet Union

HS:10 Tough Reagan Trivia Items

(1) Ralph McKinzie

(2) Richard S. Schweiker

(3) Wilson

(4) Iowa

(5) 69

(6) Washington, D.C.

(7) Galesburg

(8) 1962

(9) Edmund G. “Pat” Brown

(10) Jesse Unruh

(11) Minnesota

(12) John B. Anderson

(13) Star Wars

(14) Yuri Andropov

(15) Konstantin Chernenko

HS:11 1911 Trivia

(1) William Howard Taft

(2) forty-six

(3) Philadelphia Athletics (AL)

(4) no

(5) Monday

(6) Tobias M.C. Asser (Holland) & Alfred H. Fried (Austria)

(7) London (1908)


(9) Charles S. Deneen

(10) Tampico, Illinois

(11) Ray Harroun

(12) South Sea Tales

(13) Irving Berlin

(14) Standard Oil Company

(15) Andrew Carnegie

(16) Triangle Shirtwaist Company

(17) fifteen

(18) China

(19) Amundsen

(20) Meridian

HS:12 1921 Trivia

(1) Woodrow Wilson; Warren G. Harding (took office on March 4)

(2) forty-eight

(3) New York Giants

(4) no

(5) Sunday

(6) Karl H. Branting (Sweden) & Christian L. Lange (Norway)

(7) Antwerp, Belgium


(9) Len Small

(10) Dixon, Illinois

(11) Armistice Day

(12) Jack Dempsey

(13) Rudolph Valentino

(14) William ABilly@ Mitchell

(15) The Age of Innocence

(16) nineteen

(17) Massachusetts

(18) Germany

(19) Ottawa Senators

(20) Behave Yourself

HS:13 1928 Trivia

(1) Calvin Coolidge

(2) forty-eight

(3) New York Yankees

(4) yes

(5) Monday

(6) No one was awarded the Peace Prize in 1928.

(7) Amsterdam, The Netherlands


(9) Len Small

(10) Dixon, Illinois; in fall 1928 moved to Eureka, Illinois, to attend Eureka College

(11) Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact

(12) Mickey Mouse

(13) The Bridge of San Luis Rey

(14) AWings@

(15) Amelia Earhart

(16) nineteen

(17) penicillin

(18) Richard E. Byrd

(19) New York Rangers

(20) Reigh Count

HS:15 Reagan and Eureka College

(1) 1932

(2) Tau Kappa Epsilon

(3) Lida’s Wood

(4) swimming

(5) a student strike

(6) President of the Student Senate

(7) 1992

(8) “Dutch”

(9) Economics & Sociology

(10) Margaret “Mugs” Cleaver

(11) Maureen Reagan

(12) [John] Neil “Moon” Reagan

(13) Ralph McKinzie

(14) 1957

(15) May 9, 1982

(16) Melick Library

(17) Aria da Capo

(18) three

(19) Reagan Physical Education Center

HS:19 1980s Popular Culture

(1) Jodie Foster

(2) Family Ties

(3) Madonna

(4) hockey

(5) “Where’s the beef?”

(6) Michael Jackson

(7) “Video Killed the Radio Star”

(8) Bill Cosby

(9) Miami Vice

(10) Brandon Tartikoff

(11) Cheers

(12) Geraldine Ferraro

(13) Moral Majority

(14) Gary Hart

(15) Jim Bakker
















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“Let us build cathedrals of peace, where the people can be free.”

- - Ronald W. Reagan - -

The Reagan Peace Garden was dedicated on May 9, 2000, the eighteenth anniversary of the May 9, 1982 foreign policy address in which President Reagan first proposed the START Initiative. The garden was made possible through the generous donation of David and Anne Vaughn of Peoria, Illinois, loyal friends and supporters of Eureka College.

The Reagan Peace Garden affords visitors an opportunity for pause and reflection:

The Garden itself is designed in the shape of a bell. In the history of the United States the bell has long symbolized the virtue of liberty that is a birthright of American citizenship. The Cold War created insecurity and omnipresent fear for many that threatened the blessings of liberty both here and abroad. Only by ending the Cold War and defeating the forces of tyranny could liberty ring throughout the land.

The interior bluestone of the Garden is shaped as a circle–symbolic of the earth. The Cold War was not merely a rivalry between nations, but it was an ever-present conflict that threatened the peace and security of the entire world. The Garden celebrates the unity of peoples who are less threatened today by the specter of nuclear war.

The entrance into the garden and the circular bluestone together offer a silent reminder of what is at stake in the quest for peace. The shape of the mushroom cloud is an image that haunted the mental landscape of many who lived through the Cold War era. Peace offers us true freedom.

About the Reagan Monument:

The bronze bust of President Reagan was created by Peoria, Illinois, artist Lonnie Stewart. Stewart tried to capture the optimism of President Reagan by reproducing the smile that was his most characteristic feature.

The pedestal that supports the bust is made of Dakota Mahogany granite. The use of stone from America’s heartland characterizes both President Reagan and the 1982 address that he gave from the middle of America to the world. Many of America’s nuclear missile silos are encased in Dakota granite.

Notice the word “start” that is found in the quotation on the eastern side of the pedestal. It was clear that President Reagan chose the ideal location and the perfect time for announcing the START Initiative to the world.

About the Berlin Wall:

The Federal Republic of Germany provided this 2200 lb. artifact for inclusion in the Reagan Peace Garden. The wall existed in Berlin from its construction in August 1961 to its fall on November 9, 1989.

Notice the “Torch of Liberty” graffiti found on the upper right side of the wall. Freedom was a birthright of those who lived in the West, a silent longing for those who lived beyond the wall.

Visitors are invited to view the Reagan Museum in the Donald B. Cerf College Center located immediately south of the Reagan Peace Garden site.


|February 6, 1911 |Ronald Wilson Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois. His parents were John Edward “Jack” Reagan and |

| |Nelle Clyde Wilson Reagan. An older brother, [John] Neil Reagan had been born in July1908. |

|January 1915 |The Reagan family moved to south-side Chicago where Jack Reagan had found a job in retail with Fair |

| |Store. The family resided in the Hyde Park neighborhood at 832 East 57th Street. |

|August 1915 |The Reagan family moved to Galesburg, Illinois. The family would reside at 1219 North Kellogg Street |

| |for about three years. |

|1917 |Ronald Reagan attended first grade at Silas Willard School in Galesburg, Illinois. |

|1918 |The Reagan family moved to Monmouth, Illinois. The family would reside at 218 South Seventh Street. |

|1918 |Ronald Reagan completed second and third grades during the same year at Central School in Monmouth, |

| |Illinois. |

|Fall 1918 |The Reagan family returned to Tampico where they resided in an apartment located above the Pitney |

| |General Store where Jack Reagan worked. Ronald Reagan completed his fourth grade and a part of his |

| |fifth grade education in Tampico. |

|December 6, 1920 |The Reagan family moved to Dixon, Illinois, and resided at 816 South Hennepin Avenue. |

|January 1921 |Ronald Reagan attends the E.C. Smith School and later the South Side School [later renamed South |

| |Central] where he completed his middle school education (grades five through seven).. |

|September 22, 1922 |Rev. David Franklin Seyster baptized Ronald Wilson Reagan at the First Christian Church, the Christian |

| |Church (Disciples of Christ) church in Dixon, Illinois, which Nelle Reagan regularly attended. |

|1924 |Remaining in Dixon, the Reagan family moved into a home on the north side of town at 338 West Everett |

| |Street. |

|1924 |Ronald Reagan begins to attend North Side High School in Dixon, Illinois. He will graduate from high |

| |school in June 1928. |

|Summer 1926 |Ronald Reagan began to work a seasonal job as a lifeguard at Lowell Park in Dixon, Illinois, earning |

| |$200 per summer. He would hold this job for seven consecutive summers. During his time as a lifeguard,|

| |Reagan is reported to have saved seventy-seven individuals from drowning in the Rock River. |

|June 1928 |Ronald Reagan graduates from high school. During his high school years he was actively involved in |

| |basketball, drama, football and track. He was elected president of the student body during his senior |

| |year. |

|August 3, 1928 |Headline of The Dixon Daily Telegraph reads “Ronald Reagan Saves Drowning Man.” |

|September 20, 1928 |Ronald Reagan enrolls as a freshman at Eureka College in Eureka, Illinois. His primary interest in |

| |attending Eureka College was that Margaret “Mugs” Cleaver, his high school sweetheart, had decided to |

| |attend college there. Ronald Reagan would become actively involved in football, track, swimming, drama,|

| |and student government during his college years. |

|November 1928 |Ronald Reagan spoke publicly and became a leader in a student strike movement on the Eureka College |

| |campus. After successfully staging a five-day strike, the student demands were met and Bert Wilson, the|

| |president of the college, was forced to resign. |

|October 29, 1929 |The Stock Market Crash signals the start of the Great Depression. |

|1931 |Ronald Reagan won an award for his dramatic performance in Edna St. Vincent Millay’s play “Aria da |

| |Capo.” The judges of the theatre competition at Northwestern University suggest that Ronald Reagan |

| |consider a possible career in drama. |

|June 7, 1932 |Ronald Reagan graduates from Eureka College earning a Batchelor’s Degree in Economics & Sociology. |

|November 1932 |Ronald Reagan voted for the first time. He, along with his father, supported the candidacy of New York |

| |Governor Franklin Delano Roosevelt. |

|December 1932 |After he was unable to find work in Chicago, Ronald Reagan takes a job as a temporary staff announcer at|

| |radio station WOC in Davenport, Iowa. |

|April 1933 |Ronald Reagan moved to Des Moines, Iowa, when radio stations WOC and WHO merged. At the new and larger |

| |radio station, Reagan became the chief sports announcer. He was the “voice” of Big Ten football and |

| |Chicago Cubs baseball for many in the Midwest. |

|February 27, 1935 |Ronald Reagan enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve as a private. |

|March 15, 1937 |As a sports announcer, Ronald Reagan attended spring training with the Chicago Cubs on Catalina Island |

| |in California. While he was in California he met with people from Warner Brothers and made a screen |

| |test. Shortly thereafter, Warner Brothers offered him a seven-year studio contract for making films. |

|April 20, 1937 |Ronald Reagan signs a contract with Warner Brothers. |

|April 27, 1937 |Ronald Reagan achieved the rank of 2nd Lieutenant in the Army Officers Reserve Corps of the Cavalry. |

|June 7, 1937 |Ronald Reagan arrives in Hollywood, California, to begin working on his first film, Love is on the Air. |

|January 26, 1940 |Ronald Reagan marries actress Jane Wyman. The two had met while filming the movie Brother Rat. |

|September 1940 |Ronald Reagan plays the role of George Gipp in the film “Knute Rockne – All American.” He earns the |

| |nickname “The Gipper” from this role. |

|January 1941 |John Edward “Jack” Reagan, Ronald Reagan’s father, dies. |

|January 4, 1941 |Birth of daughter Maureen Elizabeth Reagan. |

|July 1941 |Ronald Reagan was appointed to the board of the Screen Actor’s Guild. |

|December 7, 1941 |Pearl Harbor is attacked by the Japanese. This action prompts the U.S. to enter the Second World War. |

|April 19, 1942 |Ronald Reagan is drafted into the army. Because of his poor eyesight, he is assigned to the 1st Motion |

| |Picture Army Unit in Culver City, California. His primary wartime role will be making training films |

| |for the army and propaganda films. |

|1942 |Ronald Reagan plays the role of Drake McHugh in the movie “King’s Row.” Many would credit this as being|

| |the high point of his career in film. His film line, “Where’s the rest of me?” would later become the |

| |title of his autobiography. |

|March 1945 |A son, Michael Edward Reagan, was adopted. |

|August 21, 1945 |Ronald Reagan signs a million dollar contract with Warner Brothers. |

|March 10, 1947 |Ronald Reagan was elected president of the Screen Actor’s Guild. He would serve five one-year terms in |

| |this position. |

|June 26, 1947 |A second daughter was born, but died the following day. |

|October 25, 1947 |As president of the Screen Actors Guild, Ronald Reagan testified before the House Un-American Activities|

| |Committee. |

|June 6, 1948 |Ronald Reagan and Jane Wyman divorced. |

|September 23, 1948 |Ronald Reagan introduced President Harry Truman at a campaign rally in Los Angeles. |

|Fall 1950 |Ronald Reagan campaigned in behalf of California Democrat Helen Gahagan Douglas when she faced Richard |

| |Nixon in the race for a U.S. Senate seat. |

|December 7, 1950 |Ronald Reagan made his network television debut appearing in Nash Airflyte Theatre. |

|1951 |Ronald Reagan appears in the Universal Pictures film Bedtime for Bonzo. |

|March 4, 1952 |Ronald Reagan married actress Nancy Davis. |

|June 1952 |Ronald Reagan delivered the commencement address “America the Beautiful” at William Woods College. |

|October 22, 1952 |Daughter Patricia Ann (Patti) was born. |

|Fall 1952 |Ronald Reagan began to organize a movement of Democrats for Eisenhower during the 1952 presidential |

| |campaign. He would do the same thing in 1956 when Eisenhower sought a second term. |

|May 2, 1953 |Ronald Reagan was named the honorary mayor of Malibu Lake, California. |

|September 26, 1954 |Ronald Reagan made his first appearance on GE Theatre. He eventually became the host of the television |

| |series and the spokesman for General Electric. In this capacity he traveled the country and gave many |

| |speeches. |

|1956 |Unable to land major roles in films, and facing the financial burdens of a growing family, Ronald Reagan|

| |finds work as an emcee in Las Vegas, Nevada. |

|1957 |Ronald Reagan and Nancy Davis Reagan both appear in the movie Hellcats of the Navy, the only film in |

| |which they ever appeared together. |

|June 7, 1957 |Ronald Reagan speaks at commencement exercises at Eureka College on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his |

| |graduation from the College. He receives an honorary degree from the College on this occasion. |

|May 28, 1958 |Son Ronald Prescott (Ron Jr.) was born. |

|1959 |While serving in his last term as the president of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), Ronald Reagan |

| |successfully negotiates for increased benefits and better working conditions for actors. |

|Fall 1960 |Ronald Reagan delivered more than 200 speeches in behalf of Richard Nixon’s presidential campaign. |

|March 1962 |General Electric decides to discontinue GE Theatre because of low ratings. |

|1962 |After noting a decade-long change in his political ideology, Ronald Reagan officially changed his |

| |political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. |

|1962 |Nelle Clyde Wilson Reagan, Ronald Reagan’s mother, died. |

|1964 |Ronald Reagan appears in the film The Killers. It will be his final movie. |

|1964 |Ronald Reagan became the host of Death Valley Days. He appeared on twenty-one episodes broadcast from |

| |1965-1966. |

|October 27, 1964 |Ronald Reagan delivers the speech “A Time for Choosing” in behalf of the presidential campaign of |

| |Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater. |

|1965 |Ronald Reagan published his autobiography, Where’s the Rest of Me? |

|January 4, 1966 |Ronald Reagan announces that he will be a Republican candidate in the campaign for governor of |

| |California. |

|November 8, 1966 |Ronald Reagan defeats incumbent governor Edmund G. “Pat” Brown by a margin of one million votes. |

|May 2, 1968 |A “Draft Reagan” movement begins within the Republican Party as supporters try to encourage the |

| |California Governor to seek the Republican Party’s presidential nomination in 1968. |

|August 5, 1968 |At the Republican Party’s Nominating Convention in Miami, Florida, Ronald Reagan announces that he is a |

| |candidate for the party’s nomination. |

|May 15, 1969 |In response to student unrest, Governor Reagan sent the California National Guard onto the University of|

| |California Campus in Berkeley. |

|November 1970 |Ronald Reagan is elected to a second term as governor of California. He defeats Jesse Unruh, the |

| |Speaker of the State Assembly. |

|1971 |Governor Reagan signs the California Welfare Reform Act which was designed to reduce the numbers of |

| |welfare recipients. |

|Fall 1974 |Reagan friends Michael Deaver and Peter Hannaford establish a consulting and public relations firm that |

| |will promote Ronald Reagan. Opportunities to deliver speeches, write newspaper columns, and deliver |

| |radio commentaries begin to take shape. |

|Fall 1974 |Governor Reagan declines offers to accept a position in the Ford Administration. He had been offered |

| |the posts of Ambassador to the Court of St. James, Secretary of Transportation, and Secretary of |

| |Commerce. |

|November 20, 1975 |Ronald Reagan begins his campaign for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination. He challenges |

| |incumbent president Gerald Ford for the party nomination. |

|March 1976 |The National Republican Conference of Mayors asks that Reagan consider withdrawing from the presidential|

| |primaries in order to increase the likelihood that President Ford can win the 1976 contest. |

|August 19, 1976 |After failing to win the presidential nomination, Ronald Reagan addresses the Republican Party National |

| |Convention in Kansas City. |

|November 1976 |In a very close election, Democrat Jimmy Carter defeats incumbent president Gerald Ford. |

|November 13, 1979 |Ronald Reagan announces his candidacy for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination. He is one in |

| |a crowded field of ten candidates who are seeking the nomination. |

|February 26, 1980 |Ronald Reagan wins the New Hampshire primary. |

|July 17, 1980 |Ronald Reagan accepts the Republican Party nomination for President at the nominating convention in |

| |Detroit. |

|October 28, 1980 |President Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan take part in a nationally televised debate broadcast from |

| |Cleveland, Ohio. The following day polls indicate that viewers judged Reagan to win the debate. |

|November 4, 1980 |Ronald Reagan is elected President of the U.S. when he defeats incumbent president Jimmy Carter. |

|January 20, 1981 |Ronald Reagan is sworn in as the fortieth president of the United States. |

|January 20, 1981 |The Iranian hostage crisis ends as Iran releases the 52 Americans that it had held for 444 days after |

| |Iranian students took control of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. |

|February 20, 1981 |In his first State of the Union Message, President Reagan calls for cuts of $41 billion from the budget |

| |that President Carter had proposed. He further calls for a reduction in income tax rates over the next |

| |three years and requests an additional five billion dollars in defense spending. |

|March 30, 1981 |Ronald Reagan is shot by John Hincikley, Jr., in an assassination attempt outside the Washington Hilton.|

|April 12, 1981 |NASA successfully launches the first mission of the space shuttle Columbia. The reusable craft returned|

| |to earth on April 14 after a three day mission. |

|April 21, 1981 |The U.S. announces a significant sale of arms to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis will purchase one billion |

| |dollars worth of U.S. military equipment including five AWACS electronic surveillance aircraft. The |

| |Israeli government protests the agreement. |

|April 24, 1981 |The U.S. lifts the fifteen-month embargo on grain sales to the Soviet Union that had been put in place |

| |after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. |

|July 29, 1981 |Congress passes President Reagan’s tax plan. |

|September 1981 |President Reagan appoints Sandra Day O’Conner as the first female justice to serve on the U.S. Supreme |

| |Court. |

|March 10, 1982 |The U.S. imposed economic sanctions on Libya because of that country’s alleged involvement in support of|

| |international terrorist organizations. |

|May 9, 1982 |President Reagan delivers a major foreign policy address at Eureka College. The President proposed the |

| |START Initiative which outlined a new approach to nuclear arms control that he believed the U.S. and the|

| |U.S.S.R. should follow. |

|June 30, 1982 |The Equal Rights Amendment dies when it fails to win ratification by three-fourths of the states. |

|August 20, 1982 |About 800 U.S. Marines arrive in Beirut, Lebanon. They are there to oversee the withdrawal of PLO |

| |fighters from the city. |

|November 22, 1982 |President Reagan calls upon Congress to support construction of the MX missile system at an estimated |

| |cost of $26 billion. |

|April 18, 1983 |A car bomb explosion destroys the U.S. Embassy in Beirut. Sixty-three people are killed, including |

| |seventeen Americans. |

|October 23, 1983 |241 American military personnel are killed when a truck bomb explodes at the U.S. Marine Headquarters in|

| |Beirut, Lebanon. |

|October 25, 1983 |U.S. forces launch an invasion of the Caribbean island nation of Grenada. They restore order and remove|

| |a pro-Cuban Marxist government that had come to power in a bloody coup. |

|November 11, 1983 |The first U.S. cruise missiles begin to arrive in Europe. 572 of these will eventually be deployed in |

| |NATO countries. |

|November 23, 1983 |The Soviet Union withdrew from arms limitation talks in response to the deployment of U.S. cruise |

| |missiles in Europe. |

|December 1983 |Time magazine selects U.S President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Leader Yuri Andropov as its “Men of the |

| |Year.” |

|January 29, 1984 |Ronald Reagan officially declared his candidacy for reelection as President of the United States. |

|June 6, 1984 |President Reagan takes part in ceremonies at Normandy recognizing the fortieth anniversary of the D-Day |

| |Invasion. |

|November 4, 1984 |Ronald Reagan wins reelection by defeating Walter Mondale. |

|January 20, 1985 |Ronald Reagan is sworn in to office for a second term as president. |

|July 13, 1985 |President Reagan undergoes surgery on his large intestine to remove cancerous tissue. |

|November 1985 |President Reagan meets with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev at a summit meeting in Geneva. |

|September 9, 1985 |The U.S. imposes sanctions on South Africa to protest that nation’s policy of apartheid. |

|December 11, 1985 |Congress passes the Gramm-Rudman bill which is designed to eliminate the federal deficit by 1991. |

|January 15, 1986 |President Reagan signs legislation making Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday a national |

| |holiday. |

|January 17, 1986 |President Reagan underwent surgery to remove polyps from his colon. |

|January 28, 1986 |The space shuttle Challenger exploded seventy-four seconds after liftoff from Cape Canaveral, Florida, |

| |killing the seven astronauts aboard. Included among those killed was Christa McAuliffe, a New Hampshire|

| |schoolteacher, who had been selected to be the first teacher in space. |

|March 20, 1986 |The House of Representatives defeated a controversial measure that would have provided $100 million in |

| |aid to the contra rebels who were fighting in Nicaragua. |

|April 14, 1986 |The U.S. conducted an air strike against Libya for its involvement in supporting international terrorist|

| |activities. |

|November 3, 1986 |A Lebanese magazine revealed the first details of what would eventually become known as the Iran-Contra |

| |Affair. |

|February 26, 1987 |The Tower Commission released its report on the Iran-Contra Affair. The report was critical of |

| |President Reagan’s failure to understand or control the covert attempt to funnel profits from Middle |

| |Eastern arms sales to aid the contra rebels in Nicaragua. |

|June 2, 1987 |President Reagan appointed economist Alan Greenspan as the new chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. |

|June 12, 1987 |Speaking in Berlin, President Reagan said “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” |

|October 11, 1987 |Reagan and Gorbachev meet for a summit conference in Reykjavik, Iceland, but the meeting turns out to be|

| |a failure. |

|October 19, 1987 |The worst stock crash in the history of the New York Stock Exchange took place as the Dow Jones average |

| |fell by 508 points to close at 1738.74 – a loss of 22.6% of its valuation. This was twice as large as |

| |the 1929 stock crash that triggered the Great Depression. |

|October 23, 1987 |The Senate rejected the nomination of Robert H. Bork to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. |

|1987 |President Reagan underwent prostate surgery. |

|December 8, 1987 |Gorbachev arrives in the United States to attend the Washington Summit. Reagan and Gorbachev sign the |

| |ICBM Treaty. |

|April 14, 1988 |The Soviet Union began to remove its forces from Afghanistan. |

|May 29, 1988 |President Reagan travels to Moscow to attend a summit meeting with Gorbachev. |

|January 20, 1989 |Ronald Reagan leaves office as former Reagan Vice President, George Bush, is inaugurated as the nation’s|

| |forty-first president. |

|November 9, 1989 |The Berlin Wall is opened. This signals the end of the Cold War. |

|January 8, 1990 |Ronald Reagan was awarded the Theodore Roosevelt Award by the National Collegiate Athletic Association |

| |(NCAA). |

|July 31, 1991 |Leaders of the U.S. and Russia sign the START I Treaty |

|November 4, 1991 |The Reagan Library and Museum is dedicated in Simi Valley, California. |

|May 9, 1992 |President Reagan delivered the commencement address to the graduates of Eureka College. It was the |

| |sixtieth anniversary of his graduation from the College. |

|January 3, 1993 |Leaders of the U.S. and Russia sign the START II Treaty. |

|January 13, 1993 |President George Bush awards Ronald Reagan the Presidential Medal of Freedom. |

|November 5, 1994 |Former president Reagan writes a letter to the American people in which he discloses that he was |

| |suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. |

|December 11, 1996 |Death of [John] Neil “Moon” Reagan, the older brother of Ronald Reagan. |

|September 30, 1999 |Release of Edmund Morris’ controversial biography Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald W. Reagan. |

|May 9, 2000 |The Reagan Peace Garden was dedicated at Eureka College. |

|August 25, 2000 |Ceremonies held in central Illinois to dedicate the Reagan Trail. |

|January 13, 2001 |Ronald Reagan undergoes hip surgery after sustaining an injury in a fall at home. |

|August 8, 2001 |Maureen Elizabeth Reagan, the eldest child of President Ronald Reagan, dies after battling complications|

| |of skin cancer. |

Ronald Reagan Bibliography

A Collection of Books and Documents

'80 Presidential Debates: As Sponsored by the League of Women Voters, Education Fund. Washington, DC: League of Women Voters, Education Fund, 1980.

100 Questions: What Americans Want to Ask Their Next President. Washington, DC: The Center, 1984.

500 Days: ADA Assesses the Reagan Administration. Washington, DC: Americans for Democratic Action, 1982.

The 1980 Campaign Promises of Ronald Reagan: Update '84. Washington, DC (400 N. Capitol St., N.W., Suite 319, Washington 20001): Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, 1984.

The 1984 Campaign Promises of Ronald Reagan. Washington, DC: Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, 1985.

ABC News Reagan Speech Poll, March 1987. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, 1988.

ABC News Reagan Speech Poll, December 1987. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, 1988.

ABC News Reagan Press Conference Poll, January 1986. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, 1988.

ABC News Reagan Press Conference Poll, March 1987. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, 1988.

Abrams, Herbert L. The President Has Been Shot: Confusion, Disability, and the 25th Amendment in the Aftermath of the Attempted Assassination of Ronald Reagan. New York: W.W. Norton, 1992.

Adelstein, Eric D. Reagan and the New Possibilities of Presidential Power. 1987.

Adler, Bill; Huffaker, Sandy. Kid's Letters to President Reagan. New York: M. Evans, 1982.

Alexandre, Laurien. Selling the State: Public Diplomacy, Government Media and Ronald Reagan. 1988.

Allen, Yvonne. The War on Drugs in the U.S. and Latin America and the Rise and Fall of Manuel Noriega. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1997.

Al-Sohaibani, Abdolrahman Saleh. President Reagan's Role as Chief Legislator: Explaining Variations in Congressional Support for Presidential Legislation, 1981-1988. 1991.

America, Our Treasure and Our Trust: The Legacy of President Ronald Reagan, 1981-1988. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior, 1988.

American Legends: Our Nation's Most Fascinating Heroes, Icons and Leaders, Selected from the Time 100. New York: Time Inc. Home Entertainment, 2001.

Anderson, De'Andre M. The Use of Political Rhetoric in Electoral Politics: A Study of Ronald Reagan and Dr. Alan Keyes. Virginia Beach, VA: Regent University, 1999 1997.

Anderson, Janice. Ronald Reagan. Optimum Books, 1982.

Anderson, Martin. The Ten Causes of the Reagan Boom, 1982-1997. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, 1997.

Anderson, Martin. Revolution: The Reagan Legacy. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1990.

Andrew, Christopher M. For the President's Eyes Only: Secret Intelligence and the American Presidency from Washington to Bush. New York: HarperPerennial, 1996 1995.

Appelbaum, Henry. Studies in Intelligence: A Collection of Articles on the Historical, Operational, Doctrinal, and Theoretical Aspects of Intelligence. Washington, DC: Center for the Study of Intelligence, 1999.

Arak-Zeman, Jill L. An Analysis of the Similarities and Differences of United States Human Rights Policies under the Carter and Reagan Administrations: The Cases of Guatemala and Chile. 1991.

Archer, J. Clark; Taylor, Peter J. Section and Party: A Political Geography of American Presidential Elections, from Andrew Jackson to Ronald Reagan. Chichester; New York: Research Studies Press, 1981.

Arenson, David; Werden, Marilyn. Rambo Reagan: Over 1,400 Mind-Bending Trivia Questions about the '80s. Chicago, IL: Contemporary Books, 1996.

Arneson, D. J. There He Goes Again!: What He Said Was-- What He Meant Was--. Carlstadt, NJ: Andor, 1984.

Arneson, Patricia Ann. Political Perspectives on Revolution: A Mythic Analysis of the Public Discourse of Presidents Ronald Reagan and Daniel Ortega. 1987.

Aruri, Naseer Hasan; Moughrabi, Fouad; Stork, Joe. Reagan and the Middle East. Belmont, MA: Association of Arab-American University Graduates, 1983.

Audit of Reagan Presidential Transition Expenditures (GGD-81-50). Washington, DC: Comptroller General of the United States, 1981.

Auth, Tony. Lost in Space: The Reagan Years. Kansas City, MO: Andrews and McMeel, 1988.

Autry, Billy Edward. De Tocqueville and Reagan: Similarities in Power. 1983.

Baird, John William. A Time for Choosing by Ronald Reagan: A Rhetorical Analysis. 1967.

Baker, Gregory Edward. The Effect of Reagan Administration Policies on the Broadcast Regulatory Process. 1989.

Baker, Howard H.; Thompson, Kenneth W. Leadership in the Reagan Presidency. Part II, Eleven Intimate Perspectives. Lanham, MD: University Press of America,1993.

Balz, Daniel J. Ronald Reagan: A Trusty Script. Washington, DC Capitol Hill News Service, 1976.

Banker, Stephen R. He Who Gaffes Last: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Gaffes of Reagan and Carter in the 1980 General Election Campaign. 1987 1984.

Barilleaux, Ryan J. The Post-Modern Presidency: The Office after Ronald Reagan. New York: Praeger, 1988.

Barnekov, Timothy K.; Rich, Daniel. The Reagan Legacy and the Politics of Urban Disinvestment. Glasgow: University of Strathclyde, Centre for Planning, 1988.

Barrett, Laurence I. Gambling with History: Ronald Reagan in the White House. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1983.

Bauer, Alfred W.; Reagan, Ronald. Dear Mr. President: An Open Letter to Ronald Reagan about War and Peace and Our Chances for Survival in a World Gone Nuclear-Mad. Kirkland, WA: A.W. Bauer.

Baumann, Lawra J. Institutional Immortality: The Reality of Cabinet Level Abolition Attempts: Ronald Reagan and the Departments of Energy and Education. 1995.

Be It Resolved--: Oppose Candidacy of Reagan. United Republicans of California. San Gabriel, CA: UROC, 1975.

Behm, Gary F. The Reagan Administration's Impact on the Judicial System of the United States. 1989.

Behrens, June. Ronald Reagan, An All-American. Chicago: Children’s Press, 1981.

Bell, Coral. The Reagan Paradox: American Foreign Policy in the 1980s. Aldershot [England]: E. Elgar, 1989.

Benenson, Robert. Federalism under Reagan. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly, Inc, 1988.

Bennington, Tobi L. The White House Counsel: A Study of Its Creation and Development, from Franklin D. Roosevelt through Ronald Reagan. 2001.

Berman, Larry. Looking Back on the Reagan Presidency. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990.

Beshenich, George Michael. From Carter to Reagan: Formulation of American Policy During a Time of Transition: An Explanation of Foreign Policy Decisions Based on the Initial Presidential Transition Period. Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. Army War College, 1999.

Bickel, Beverly; Brenner, Philip; LeoGrande, William M. Challenging the Reagan Doctrine: A Summation of the April 25th Mobilization. Washington, DC: Foreign Policy Education Fund, 1987.

Biggart, Nicole Woolsey. The Magic Circle: A Study of Personal Staffs in the Administrations of Governors Ronald Reagan and Jerry Brown. 1981.

Biggart, Nicole Woolsey; Hamilton, Gary G. The Policy Effects of Management Style: A Comparison of Governors Ronald Reagan and Jerry Brown. 1983.

Blanton, Thomas S. White House E-Mail: The Top Secret Computer Messages the Reagan/Bush White House Tried to Destroy. New York: New Press, 1995.

Blassingame, Wyatt. The Look-it-up Book of Presidents. New York: Random House, 1988 1984.

Blumenthal, Sidney. Our Long National Daydream: A Political Pageant of the Reagan Era. New York: HarperCollins, 1990.

Blumenthal, Sidney; Edsall, Thomas Byrne. The Reagan Legacy. New York: Pantheon Books, 1988.

Boaz, David. Assessing the Reagan Years. Washington, DC: Cato Institute, 1988.

Boggs, Luther M. From Hollywood to Reykjavik: Ronald Reagan and Nuclear Abolition. 1997.

Bolger, Dermot. After the War is Over. Dublin: Raven Arts Press, 1984.

Bonafede, Dom. Spoiled Legacy: [Survey Shows Reagan Record Spoiled by Iran-Contra Scandal]. 1987 In: National Journal. Vol. 19, no. 10 (Mar. 7, 1987).

Borchers, Timothy A. The Rhetorical Construction of Allegations of Political Corruption in Case Studies of Nixon, Carter, Reagan, and Clinton. 1996.

Borland, Jay; Vance, Malcolm. The Ronald Reagan Hollywood Quiz Book. New York: Exeter Books: Distributed by Bookthrift, 1981.

Borland, Jay; Vance, Malcolm. Ronald Reagan Political Quiz Book. New York: Exeter Books: Distributed by Bookthrift, 1981.

Bosch, Adriana. Reagan: An American Story. New York: TV Books, 1998.

Boskin, Michael J. Reagan and the U.S. Economy: The Successes, Failures, and Unfinished Agenda. San Francisco: International Center for Economy Growth, 1988.

Bostick, James Preston. The Universal Audience and Political Narration Embodied in Reagan Administration Public Discourse Regarding Central America, 1981-1984. 1987.

Bourrie, Michelle A. Candidate Style and Election Issues: Ronald Reagan in 1984, A Case Study. 1987.

Boyarsky, Bill. The Rise of Ronald Reagan. New York: Random House, 1968.

Boyarsky, Bill. Ronald Reagan, His Life and Rise to the Presidency. New York: Random House, 1981 1968.

Boyer, Paul S. Reagan as President: Contemporary Views of the Man, His Politics, and His Policies. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1990.

Bradley, Melvin; Habecker, Jackie; Magyar, Roger; and others. The Governor's Office: Access and Outreach, 1967-1974: Interviews. Berkeley, CA: Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California, 1987.

Brian, Earl W.; Lage, Ann; and others. Governor Reagan's Cabinet and Agency Administration: Interviews. Berkeley, CA: Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California, 1986.

Brophy-Baermann, Bryan Edwin. International Terrorism: Rationality, Retaliation, and the Reagan Shift. 1993.

Brown, Edmund G. Reagan and Reality; The Two Californias. New York, Praeger Publishers 1970.

Brown, Edmund G.; Brown, Bill. Reagan: The Political Chameleon. New York: Praeger, 1976.

Brownstein, Ronald; Easton, Nina. Reagan's Ruling Class: Portraits of the President's Top 100 Officials. Washington, DC: Presidential Accountability Group, 1982.

Bruce-Briggs, B. The Political Milieu of the Reagan Administration. Croton-on-Hudson, NY: Hudson Institute, 1980.

Buitron, Richard A. An Analysis of the Advocacy Role of President Ronald Reagan in American Church-State Relations. 1991.

The Bully Pulpit and the Reagan Presidency. 1995 In: Presidential Studies Quarterly. Vol. XXV, no. 1 (Winter 1995).

Burch, Philip H. Reagan, Bush, and Right-Wing Politics: Elites, Think Tanks, Power, and Policy. Greenwich, CT: Jai Press, 1997.

Busby, Robert. Reagan and the Iran-Contra Affair: The Politics of Presidential Recovery. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: New York: Macmillan Press; St. Martin's Press, 1999.

Busch, Andrew. Ronald Reagan and the Politics of Freedom. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001.

Byrne, Iain. Compromising Morality: American Human Rights Reporting under Carter and Reagan. 1994.

Calabrese, Michael. Reagan on Reagan: The Rewriting of History. Washington, DC: Center for the Study of Responsive Law, 1980.

Campagna, Anthony S. The Economy in the Reagan Years: The Economic Consequences of the Reagan Administrations. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994.

Campbell, Colin. In Search of Executive Harmony: Cabinet Government and the U.S. Presidency --The Experience of Carter and Reagan. 1983.

Cannon, Lou. Ronnie and Jesse: A Political Odyssey. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1969.

Cannon, Lou. Ronald Reagan: The Presidential Portfolio: A History Illustrated from the Collection of the Ronald Reagan Library and Museum. New York: Public Affairs, 2001.

Cannon, Lou. President Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime. New York: Public Affairs, 2000 1991.

Cannon, Terence. 101 Reasons to Vote Against Ronald Reagan. Chicago, IL: National Center for Trade Union Action and Democracy, 1984.

Carbone, Ralph E. Carter and Reagan on the Panama Canal: An Analysis of Issues and Arguments. 1988.

Cardigan, J. H. Ronald Reagan: A Remarkable Life. Kansas City, MO: Andrews and McMeel, 1995.

Carlson, Nancy Lynn. Resignation Rhetoric: An Inquiry into the Reagan Cabinet Resignations. 1995.

Carter, Hodding. The Reagan Years. New York: G. Braziller, 1988.

Casey, Joan A. Federalism: A Balancing Act. Washington, DC: U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1988.

Casey, Michael J. Ronald Reagan's Epideictic Rhetoric within the Context of the State of the Union Addresses during the Cold War, 1945-1985. 1986.

Chilcoat, Charles Mark. Televised Presidential Debates: Paralinguistic Factors of Source Credibility and Status in the 1980 Carter-Reagan Debate. 1989 1985.

Chilton, Michael J. Ronald Reagan and the Legacy of the 1980s. 1994.

Christina, Vernon J.; McDowell, Jack S; and others. Republican Campaigns and Party Issues, 1964-1976. Berkeley, CA: Regional Oral History Office, Bancroft Library, University of California, Governmental History Documentation Project, Ronald Regan Gubernatorial Era, 1986.

Churba, Joseph. The American Retreat: The Reagan Foreign and Defense Policy. Chicago: Regnery Gateway, 1984.

CIS Index to Presidential Executive Orders and Proclamations, 1789-1983. Washington, DC: Congressional Information Service, 1986.

CIS Presidential Executive Orders and Proclamations Part II: Mar. 4, 1921 to Dec. 31, 1983: Warren Harding to Ronald Reagan.. Washington, DC: Congressional Information Service, Inc., 1986.

CIS Presidential Executive Orders and Proclamations, 1789-1983. Washington, DC: Congressional Information Service, Inc., 1986.

The Citizen's Guide to the 1976 Presidential Candidates. Washington: Capitol Hill News Service, 1976.

Clark, John Frank. Realism and the Reagan Doctrine. 1988.

Clarkson, Stephen. Canada and the Reagan Challenge: Crisis in the Canadian-American Relationship. Toronto: J. Lorimer in association with the Canadian Institute for Economic Policy, 1982.

Cohen, Allen. The Reagan Poems. San Francisco: Aquarius Publishing Company, 1981.

Cohn, Elizabeth. Idealpolitik in U.S. Foreign Policy: The Reagan Administration and the U.S. Promotion of Democracy. 1995.

Colbert, William. Ronald Reagan, A Personal Story. New York: Manor Books, 1980.

Collective Remembering. London; Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1990.

Combs, James E. The Reagan Range: The Nostalgic Myth in American Politics. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1993.

Contra Aid and the Reagan Doctrine: A Major Issue Forum. Washington: Congressional Research Service Review, 1987.

Cosgriff, John. Modern Economics. Elk Grove, IL: J. Cosgriff, 1981.

Courtney, Geromina Ferrara. The Reagan Response to Terrorism: A Modern Revenge Tragedy. Toledo: University of Toledo, 1987.

Craig, Mickey G. Defending the Reagan Legacy: Rejecting Revisionist History. Ashland, OH: John M. Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs, 1993.

Cribb, T. Kenneth. The Reagan Legacy. Springfield, VA: Conservative Republican Committee, 1992.

Critchlow, Donald T.; Hawley, Ellis Wayne. Poverty and Public Policy in Modern America. Chicago, IL: Dorsey Press, 1989.

Crothers, Lane; Lind, Nancy S. Presidents from Reagan through Clinton, 1981-2001: Debating the Issues in Pro and Con Primary Documents. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001.

Cuba's Answer: Reagan before the OAS Council. La Habana: Editora Politica, 1982.

Culligan, Matthew J. Ronald Reagan and the Isle of Destiny: A Fascinating Journey into a Proud Irish History. New York, NY: M. J. Culligan-Hogan: Dalcassian Publishing, 1982.

The Cumulated Indexes to the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Ronald Reagan, 1981-1989. Lanham, MD: Bernan Press, 1995.

Curry, Richard Orr. An Uncertain Future: Thought Control and Repression during the Reagan-Bush Era. Los Angeles, CA: First Amendment Foundation, 1992.

Dalal, B. P. Glimpses of American History: George Washington to Ronald Reagan. Bombay: Vora, 1990.

Dale, Stephen. Lost in the Suburbs: A Political Travelogue. Toronto; New York: Buffalo, NY: Stoddart; Distributed in the U.S. by General Distribution Services, 1999.

Dallek, Matthew. A Time for Choosing: Ronald Reagan, Pat Brown, and the Political Contest That Shaped a Decade. 1999.

Dallek, Matthew. The Right Moment: Ronald Reagan's First Victory and the Decisive Turning Point in American Politics. New York: Free Press, 2000.

Dallek, Robert. Ronald Reagan: The Politics of Symbolism: With a New Preface. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999 1984.

Darshan Singh. Ronald Reagan: Crusader of Peace. New Delhi: A. Singh, 1989.

Davis, Abraham L. Blacks in the Federal Judiciary: Neutral Arbiters or Judicial Activists?. Bristol, IN: Wyndham Hall Press, 1989.

Davis, Barbara Marie. A Content Analysis of the Coverage Given the 1985, 1986, and 1987 Summits Between President Ronald Reagan and General Secretary Mikhail S. Gorbachev. 1988.

Davis, Kathy Randall. But What's He Really Like?. Menlo Park, CA: Pacific Coast Publishers 1970.

Davis, William Eric. The Impact of the Reagan Presidency on the U.S. Federal System. 1992.

De Waal, Ronald Burt. Ronald Reagan: A Bibliography. 1981.

Deaver, Michael K. A Different Drummer: My Thirty Years with Ronald Reagan. New York: HarperCollins, 2001.

The Decision Makers: Reagan's Team, Where They Come from, Where They're Going. Washington: Government Research Corporation, 1981.

DeGrasse, Robert. The Costs and Consequences of Reagan's Military Buildup. New York: The Council on Economic Priorities, 1982.

DeMuth, Christopher C. The Reagan Doctrine and Beyond. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1987.

Denk, Jürgen. Perspectives on Superpower Summitry: A Content Analytic Study of U.S. and Western European Newspaper Accounts of the October, 1986 Reykjavik Meeting Between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachëv. 1987.

Denton, Robert E., Jr. The Primetime Presidency of Ronald Reagan: The Era of the Television Presidency. New York: Praeger, 1988.

Derbyshire, Ian. Politics in the United States: From Carter to Reagan. Edinburgh: Chambers, 1987.

Designation of Ronald Reagan Federal Building and Courthouse Report (To Accompany H.R. 4281). United States. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works and Transportation.

Detlefsen, Robert R. Civil Rights under Reagan. San Francisco, CA: ICS Press, 1991.

Devaney, John. Ronald Reagan, President. New York: Walker, 1990.

Devine, Donald John. Reagan Electionomics: How Reagan Ambushed the Pollsters. Ottawa, IL: Green Hill Publishers, 1983.

Dewar, John. Nuclear Weapons, The Peace Movement and the Law. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1986.

Dewey, Joseph. Novels from Reagan's America: A New Realism. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1999.

Dimasi-Miskiel, Deena. Political Belief Systems: The Case of Ronald Reagan and Anti-Sovietism. 1989.

Dinnerstein, Victor David. The Fascist Gun in the West. People's Productions, 1971.

Dixon, Marlene. On Trial: Reagan's War against Nicaragua: Testimony of the Permanent People's Tribunal. Permanent Peoples' Tribunal.

Dolan, John T. Reagan: The Revolution Continues. Alexandria, VA: Paid for by the National Conservative Political Action Committee, 1987.

Dolan, John T.; Fossedal, Gregory A. Reagan: A President Succeeds. Falls Church, VA: Conservative Press Inc., 1983.

Dolan, John T.; Fossedal, Gregory A. Reagan: A Record of Achievement. Falls Church, VA: Conservative Press Inc., 1983.

Donnelly, Jane Ladonna. Ronald Reagan's America: An Anecdotal Approach to Rhetoric. 1986.

Dorn, Sharon. Ronald Reagan: Before the White House. 1998.

Dorsey, Leroy G. The Presidency and Rhetorical Leadership. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 2002.

Downey, Thomas J. Rating Reagan: Trend Lines and Fault Lines: November, 1981. New York, NY. (145 E. 49th St., Suite 9D, New York 10017): Democracy Project, 1981.

Doyle, William. Inside the Oval Office: The White House Tapes from FDR to Clinton. New York: Kodansha International, 1999.

Drucker, Mort; Laikin, Paul. The Ronald Reagan Coloring Book. Kansas City, MO: Andrews and McMeel, 1988.

D'Souza, Dinesh. Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary Man Became an Extraordinary Leader. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1999 1997.

D'Souza, Dinesh. Ronald Reagan: An Extraordinary Leader. London: Touchstone, 1999.

Ducat, Stephen. Taken In: American Gullibility and the Reagan Mythos. Tacoma, WA: Life Sciences Press, 1988.

Dugger, Ronnie. On Reagan: The Man and His Presidency. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983.

Duke, Paul; Corddry, Charles. Beyond Reagan: The Politics of Upheaval. New York, NY: Warner Books, 1986.

Dunckel, Earl B. Ronald Reagan and the General Electric Theater, 1954-1955. Berkeley, CA: Regional Oral History Office, the Bancroft Library, University of California, 1982.

Dunham, Montrew; Henderson, Meryl. Ronald Reagan, Young Leader. New York: Aladdin Paperbacks, 1999.

Durant, Robert F. The Administrative Presidency Revisited: Public Lands, The BLM, and the Reagan Revolution. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1992.

Dyer, Samuel Coad. Evaluating Reagan as a Conservative Speaker: Utilizing Richard M. Weaver's Critical Methodology as a Rhetorical Tool in a Content Analysis of a Set of Randomly Selected Speeches by Ronald Wilson Reagan. 1986.

Edel, Wilbur. The Reagan Presidency: An Actor's Finest Performance. New York: Hippocrene Books, 1992.

Edelmayer, Kathleen M. The Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty: A Cluster Analysis of Ronald Reagan's Addresses to the Nation. 1993.

Edgar, Tracey. Operational Code Beliefs of Ronald Reagan: The Nature of the International Environment and Image of the Soviet Union. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia, 1993.

Edgington, Steven D.; De Graaf, Lawrence Brooks. The "Kitchen Cabinet": Four California Citizen Advisers of Ronald Reagan: Interviews. Fullerton, CA: Oral History Program, California State University, Fullerton, 1983.

Edgington, Steven D.; Grody, Harvey Peyton. Legislative-Governor Relations in the Reagan Years: Five Views: Interviews. Fullerton, CA: Oral History Program, California State University, Fullerton, 1983.

Edwards, Anne. Early Reagan: The Rise of an American Hero. Sevenoaks: Coronet, 1988 1987.

Edwards, Donald Clark. A Symbolic Analysis of Decision Making: Ronald Regan and the News Media. 1989.

Edwards, Lee. Ronald Reagan: A Political Biography. Houston, TX: Nordland Publishing International, 1981.

Egger, Terrance C. Z. The Rhetoric of Presidential Tax Reduction: Kennedy, 1963, and Reagan, 1981. 1981.

Erickson, Paul D. The Making of an American Myth. New York: New York University Press, 1985.

Evans, Medford Stanton. The Reason for Reagan. La Jolla, CA: La Jolla Rancho Press, 1968.

Evans, Rowland; Novak, Robert D. The Reagan Revolution. New York: Dutton, 1981.

Falcione, Raymond L. A Rhetorical Analysis of Ronald Reagan. 1967.

Executive Privilege: Legal Opinions Regarding Claim of President Ronald Reagan in Response to a Subpoena Issued to James G. Watt, Secretary of the Interior. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1981.

Falling Behind: A Report on How Blacks Have Fared Under the Reagan Policies. Washington, DC: The Center, 1984.

Faux, Geoffrey P.; Kahler, Miles; Carnoy, Martin. The U.S. Economy after Reagan. Bonn: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 1989.

Federal Credit Activities: An Analysis of President Reagan's Credit Budget for 1982. Washington, DC: The Office, 1981.

Fett, Patrick Joseph. Presidential Influence and Legislators' Voting Decisions on the President's Legislative Agenda: The First Year of the Carter and Reagan Presidencies. 1989.

Fischer, Beth A. The Reagan Reversal: Foreign Policy and the End of the Cold War. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1997.

Fitch, Nancy Elizabeth. The Management Style of Ronald Reagan, Chairman of the Board of the United States of America: An Annotated Bibliography. Monticello, IL: Vance Bibliographies, 1982.

FitzGerald, Frances. Way Out There in the Blue: Reagan, Star Wars, and the End of the Cold War. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001.

Fitzwater, Marlin. Call the Briefing!: Bush and Reagan, Sam and Helen: A Decade with Presidents and the Press. Holbrook, MA: Adams Media Corp., 1996 1995.

Flamenco, J. Roberto. A Presidential Portfolio: Ronald W. Reagan, 1981-1982. Boston: Professionals and Entrepreneurs of America, Inc. 1982.

Flores, Juan Carlos. Cultural Value Differences in Arguments Between Presidents Ronald Reagan and Oscar Arias. 1989.

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