Health Skills Review - Webs

AHA 3 Midterm Review – December 2017

Ch. 2 – Health Career Clusters

• Description of 5 clusters

• What occupations work in each?

• Major Functions

Ch. 4 – Legal and Ethical Responsibilities

• Malpractice:

• Negligence:

• Abuse including signs and types

• Defamation:

• Invasion of Privacy:

• Slander:

• Libel:

• False Imprisonment:

• Assault vs. Battery

• Ethics vs Legal including interventions used at hospital to ensure ethical and legal practice

• Patients’ Rights (examples and patient’s responsibility)

• Types of advanced directions

• HIPAA inc. PHI

• Types of consent

• Incident Reporting – who performs and in what time frame

Ch. 8 – Cultural Diversity

• Definition and Characteristics of culture

Ch. 12 – Promotion of Safety:

• Fire procedure inc. PASS and RACE

• Principles of body mechanics

Ch. 13 – Infection Control

• HIV vs. AIDS

• Hand washing procedure

• Standard/Universal Precautions:

o What is included (i.e., PPEs)

o Who developed

o When do you use:

• Transmission- Based Precautions: what type of condition would require which isolation and what equipment is needed for each

o Airborne:

o Droplet:

o Contact

o GI Precautions

Ch. 14 – Vital Signs

• Temperature: definition, normal readings; etiology of hyperthermia/hypothermia

• Pulse: normal values; sites

• Respirations: normal values, abnormalities (Cheyne-Stokes, dyspnea)

• Blood Pressure – Normal values, factors that increase or decrease, procedure

Chapter 20 – Nursing Assisting Skills:

• Transferring a patient from bed to wheelchair

• Transporting a patient in a wheelchair on a stretcher – safety aspects

Chapter 21 –Physical therapy Skills

• ROM – types and procedure

• Main movements i.e., flexion, rotation, circumduction, etc.

• Crutches and walkers – how they are used, different gaits, proper set up

• Use of a transfer belt

Miscellaneous/Clinical Rotations:

Alerts specific to Memorial

Ch. 15 – First Aid/CPR:

• CPR – adult, child, infant (reasons fro stopping CPR, use of AED)

• Signs/treatment of shock

• Definitions: laceration, incision, abrasion, puncture

• Care of Poison victim

• Types of burns and their treatment

• Treatment for a seizure

• Information needed by EMS

Ch. 19 – Medical Assistant Skills

• Patient positioning

Ch. 21 – Physical Therapy Skills

• Transporting a pt on a stretcher (rules)

• Gait – two-point, swing through, three-point, four- point

• Three times a pulse is checked during the transferring procedure (i.e., bed to chair)

• Types of Motion:

o Abduction, Adduction

o Circumduction, rotation

o Flexion, extension, hyperextension

o Inversion, eversion

o Dorsiflexion

• ROM (# of times performed)

o Active

o Active-assistance

o Passive

o Resistive

Abbreviations – week 5-9


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