Hammonton Early Childhood Education Center

1219200000Hammonton School DistrictAn Open Letter From Your School NursesApril 7, 2020Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):By now, we’ve all received much information on the Covid19 virus pandemic. Most understand the seriousness and are following the guidelines and restrictions per the CDC and government officials. However, as your school nurses, we would like to review a few points as the health and safety of our students and their families are always a top concern.It is apparent that until we all practice strict social distancing to stop the spread of this virus, the longer it will take to fade away. This means it could be longer for our return to school, and other scenarios, such as affecting many jobs in the community with major financial implications. Most importantly, more people could be infected and become very ill.We implore you to carefully practice the following during this delicate time:1) Please do not take children out with you for essentials and limit this trip to once a week. Keep 6 feet distance from others when out of home. Use an antibacterial wipe when leaving a store, if available, and always wash hands when returning home. Many people are wiping off their groceries and discarding bags before entering the home. It’s also good idea to change clothes after an outing.2) When leaving home, it is recommended to wear a cover over your mouth as extra protection. It is easy to fashion and tie a handkerchief, bandana, or other piece of material as a cover.3) If you are using gloves too, we urge you to please dispose IN TRASH CAN AFTER ONLY ONE USE as they are like hands that can’t get washed and may have Covid19 virus on them.4) Please do not allow play dates even with one friend or relative that is not living in the home.Also, children/teens of age to walk down street on their own can likely meet up with other children/teens allowed to leave their yard as well. Without adult supervision, they may not grasp the crucial need for social distance and the true risks of not following this plan. This is a dangerous practice in a time where the virus can be airborne and is at a critical point.5) Cover coughs and sneezes with elbow or tissue, NOT hands.6) Keep hands away from face. The virus can enter the openings of your eyes, nose, mouth.7) Wash hands often for 20 seconds or sanitize frequently with >60% alcohol base.8) Disinfect/Wipe surfaces often, preferably with 99.9% bacteria and virus cleaner, such as Clorox or Lysol as Covid19 is believed to live for a few days on surfaces.*If you feel someone in your home may be having Covid19 symptoms (flu-like) such as fever (temp 100 or higher), cough, short of breath, sore throat, muscle/body aches OR if you think or know you’ve been exposed to someone w/Covid-19, officials ask that you contact your adult or pediatric doctor first on their regular phone line.*these symptoms are not all inclusive*However, if someone in your home is experiencing severe difficulty breathing and very high fever, new confusion, or difficulty to arouse, bluish color of lips or face, chest pain, has an underlying medical condition, then seek emergency services such as calling 911 or go to nearest emergency room.Listed below are other local hotlines to talk to a healthcare professional for direction with COVID-19 symptoms:AtlantiCare Hospitals: 888-285-2684 Virtua Hospitals: 888-847-8823SJFMC: 800-486-0131 (South Jersey Family Medical Center clinic patients)Please visit for most up to date informationStay well & follow the guidelines to help this be over sooner than later.Sincerely, Teresa Christopher, Cindy McBride, Kim Scavo, Christine Haines, Jennifer Chappine ................

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