REGULAR MEETING – 10:00 a.m.

PRESENT: Alan Anderson (Chairman), Rick Lionberger, Brian Loftus, Pam Broomall

via teleconference), Jim Johnson

ALSO PRESENT: Derek Thiel (Airport Commerce Park Manager)

1. Call to Order:

Anderson called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m. in the Grosse Ile Township Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room.

2. Roll Call:

All members present.

3. Approval of Agenda – additions/deletions:

Lionberger moved to approve the Agenda as submitted with support from Broomall. All ayes. Motion carried.

4. Approval/Correction to Minutes – Regular Meeting of April 4, 2008

Lionberger moved to approve the regular meeting minutes of April 4, 2008 as presented with support from Loftus. All ayes. Motion carried.

At this time, Anderson acknowledged the presence of Ted Finney, who served on the Airport Advisory Committee from its inception in March 2006 until just recently. On behalf of the Committee, Anderson thanked Finney for all his hard work and efforts over the past two years and presented him with an appreciation plaque. Finney accepted the plaque, thanked the Committee and wished them the best in all future endeavors.

Thiel also acknowledged the presence of Scott Templin who has been helping out the Airport office this summer on various projects. Scott Templin, who is a college student at University of Michigan, is serving an unpaid internship at the airport and has been a huge help with some items that have not been addressed previously due to lack of time.

5. Discussion Items:

A. Duathlon Event for 2008

Peter Kantz from the Airport Commerce Park Commission was in attendance to speak to the Committee on the upcoming Duathlon on September 13th. He passed out a map of the course to the Committee members. Kantz mentioned the upcoming taxiway project due to commence the first week of August will still be ongoing on September 13th and as a result, some of the routes may have to be changed from what is currently on the route map. Kantz went on to state that approximately 12 airport tenants have said they are interested in being sponsors for the event. These tenants may also hold open houses or have booths during the event as well. Kantz added that Tom Dunne has volunteered taking up people in his helicopter who want to tape videos of the event. Pictures in Motion has offered to make a DVD of the event, which may be used as a marketing tool for future Duathlons. They hope to have 200-250 participants in the event and just as many spectators. There will be door prizes and raffles as well. They expect participants to show up as early as 6 a.m. and the event should be winding down around 12 noon. Kantz went on to say that they are still looking for more volunteers and would like to see Committee members and other pilots sponsor a fluid station or to act as a course marshal. By sponsoring he means manning the station, handing out drinks etc. He would also like to see the Nature & Land Conservancy sponsor a station as well. Grosse Ile girl scouts have also volunteered to help out during the event. Elite Endeavors is the organization that is actually running the event and any monies collected will be distributed as follows: Elite Endeavors gets the registration fees for the first 150 participants. Twenty-five percent of anything over 150 participants goes to the NASGI Memorial Fund, as well as all of the money collected for sponsorships. Kantz went on to explain there will be some expenses that will be paid from the sponsorship money and it is his hope that the event will at least break even. If any money is left over, NASGI will use it for their memorial garden and possibly a statue at the corner of Groh and Meridian Roads.

All Committee members voiced their support and volunteered their time in any way they could help out.

B. Taxiway Project

Thiel had some printed information regarding the bids that came in for the taxiway project. Funding for the project is in place. The cost of the project was estimated to be around $2 million and the bids came in about 10-15% over that estimate. The State is satisfied with the way the bids came in and the low bidder is Six-S. A few items in the scope of the work will have to be cut in order for the project to come in under or at budget, like the run-up pad at the end of RW 35 and 4 near TW C, fencing, as well as changes to the electrical vault. It was discovered that barricades would have to be purchased at a cost of approx. $150,000 in order for RW 17/35 to be used as a taxiway, so that was cut, which means that 17/35 will have to be closed. This will necessitate pilots back taxi on RW 04/22. Thiel went on to explain that 95% of the items needed to be done will be done and the scope of work is in the handout he distributed. The project should start the first week of August, the contractor has been selected and the final approvals will be before the Township Board on July 14, 2008. Thiel added that the next newsletter would contain information about the project, including closures, routing of traffic, etc.

C. Fuel Terminal

Thiel stated the Commerce Park Commission recently approved the purchase of a new fuel terminal, which should be installed fairly soon. The cost of the new terminal is $9,100.00 and includes the removal of the existing terminal, installation of the new terminal and a 1-year service warranty that covers parts and maintenance. This was a budgeted item. Thiel added that this new terminal should take care of all the printer and printer board problems we have experienced for many years. The new terminal is a thermal paper (no ribbon) system vs. the old paper receipt paper and ribbons.

Anderson asked what the Airport is charging Brooklynair for fuel. Thiel explained that we charge the FBO about $.20 to $.25 less than retail prices. The Airport does not charge them sales tax, as they are the end provider so they charge their customers sales tax on fuel.

Thiel mentioned that Anderson had asked him recently where our fuel prices stand compared to other airports in this area. Thiel added that we currently are charging $5.48/gal. for 100LL and $5.68/gal. for Jet A. He checked out prices on and provided that information to the Committee. GIMA is in line with other area airports and Thiel reiterated that pricing is all a timing issue and is determined by what the current price is at the time you need to order fuel. Hopefully, when you need to order fuel, the price is coming down vs. going up.

D. Rules & Regulations for FBO/Corporate/Box Hangars

Loftus explained he has been talking to Duncan Murdock, Fire Chief, and Duncan has been receiving some complaints second hand about T-Hangar fire rules and regulations. Thiel stated that he was not aware of any recent complaints from T-hangar tenants on the rules and regulations. The annual inspection by the fire marshal was just done recently. There were some minor violations that were found and letters will be going out from the Airport office stating those violations and requesting those items be corrected within a certain timeframe.

Thiel stated he would get with Anderson to go over the recent T-Hangar inspection and violations and he would get with Loftus to meet with Murdock about his concerns.

E. FAA Seminar April 10, 2008

Anderson stated that this seminar went well although the two men from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) who attended changed the tone of the meeting. Anderson had a discussion with Thiel after the meeting about these 2 representatives and then he contacted AOPA to inform them of what happened and how best to respond to their presence and what they said. AOPA has started an investigation of why these guys came across as they did at this meeting and also AOPA is trying to determine how best to respond. AOPA is putting a lot of effort into this matter on a national level at Washington DC.

Discussion followed regarding new rules and regulations that have not been published yet. Anderson stated that he was unaware of anything that has been finalized and/or published, but he will keep everyone informed as he receives information

F. Newsletter

Thiel stated the next newsletter should go out in July. It was originally going to be sent out in June, but Thiel wanted to wait to get definitive dates for the upcoming taxiway project, which has been delayed a bit. Thiel added that he has a basic format already put together with the first 1-2 pages covering the taxiway and commerce park road projects. Other items to be covered will be the FAA seminar held on April 10th, a re-cap of Island Fest held in June, as well as the water rescue seminar held May 3rd, the Michigan Jets event to be held on August 8-10, and the Duathlon to be held on September 13th. Other items that may also be included in the next newsletter are the installation of the new terminal at the fuel farm, the fuel flowage increase passed several months ago, hangar maintenance, Red Bull Races in Detroit, etc.

Broomall made the suggestion that a different font be used on the newsletter that may be easier to read than the one used on the last newsletter. Thiel said he would see what he could do.

G. Advertising of ONZ AV Web/Website

The three basic components of having a website include the design, the hosting and updating. Thiel told the Committee that all of the other Township department websites are hosted by Cygnus Systems, so that is probably who we will go with for that part. He added that the updating portion has always been done by the Airport office, but the design part will most likely be contracted out. The quote received from Cygnus for web design was $5,000-$10,000 and the quote from Media Connections was around $1,600. The Airport Commerce Park Commission asked Thiel to meet with the Township Manager as well as the Cable Director to discuss how best to handle the design of the Airport’s website. Thiel stated he will meet with them and he will get back with the Committee to let them know what is decided. Thiel explained that the Township website’s purpose is to inform, whereas the Airport’s will be to promote and market our facility, so he feels a more professional, polished company should be contracted to do the website design.

Thiel mentioned that he has had Scott Templin working on sending out our brochures to potential T-hangar tenants as well as businesses that may be interested in locating their business in the Commerce Park.

H. AM-1 Dig

Thiel stated that the Mauler engine and parts that were dug up recently east of RW 04/22 are still U.S. Navy property, so he contacted them. The Navy wrote back and said they were not interested in obtaining these parts, but indicated they would likely grant approval if we could donate them to an entity, such as the Yankee Air Museum, for display. Thiel mentioned he would contact Kevin Walsh of the Yankee Air Museum to see if they are interested in rehabilitating the engine and then putting it on display at their facility. He also mentioned that DPS personnel that helped dig up the Mauler speculated there might be more parts buried based on what they could feel while using the backhoe, but Thiel didn’t know if it was worthwhile to continue digging.

Jim Johnson departed at this point to attend another meeting.

I. Instrument Approaches

Thiel stated he spoke to Bob Lewellyn (FAA) recently who informed him that the instrument approaches to Runway 22 are scheduled to be published in March 2009. He also mentioned that Mr. Lewellyn is supposed to send him more information, which he will forward to the Committee.

Broomall added that the WAAS approaches need to get published in order to get any corporate traffic at GIMA. Anderson agreed and Thiel stated he would talk to Jason Clark of URS on July 14th about this to see what was involved. More discussion followed on WAAS approaches, including NDB, VOR, GPS and RNAV.

J. Plane Count and T-Hangar Status

Thiel told the Committee that every year the State requires an official plane count, which he and Lionberger did the previous day. A registration check is also required with the plane count. They counted 87 aircraft (total on field, including those in T-hangars, community hangars and tie-downs).

There are currently 10 open T-Hangars, but will be 11 within 30 days with the departure of Mac Gardner. This number is up 9 from June 2007. Anderson indicated he has heard that Iverson was selling their plane. Thiel also stated he had Scott Templin do a phone check with several southeastern Michigan airports to get a status on their T-Hangar occupancy rates. Scott reported that he called approximately 30 airports and arranged the info he received into a report, which he shared with the Committee. He reported that Grosse Ile was one of the airports with the lowest occupancy rates at 84.6%. Only Flint Bishop was lower at 76.4%. A few of those airports that were at 100% occupancy were Toledo Suburban, Monroe Custer, Marine City, and Plymouth Mettetal. Other airports, Lenawee, Oakland Troy, and Willow Run were all in the 90-percentile range. Broomall stated this was not surprising and a reflection of the economic climate in these areas. Scott also noted that Mettetal currently had a 100-person wait list. Thiel also thought the surrounding population also was reflected in these numbers. Anderson added that our pilot population is an aging group and many seem to be selling their planes and getting out of aviation completely. Anderson stated he has been in contact with AOPA about the failing economic climate of Michigan and the decline of young people getting into aviation.

K. Water Rescue Seminar

Loftus organized this seminar, which was held on May 3rd primarily for boaters, but it was open to aviators as well. They had support and participation by the Coast Guard. Loftus had arranged for some freebies for attendees as well as boat inspections. Although attendance was lower than anticipated, much information was provided and even some of the old pros learned something new. Anderson asked that this seminar be an item in the next newsletter. Thiel asked Loftus if he could provide a quick write-up about the event for this publication.

Loftus stated he would like to hold another water rescue seminar next spring for aviators, but to also invite boaters. If the seminar is part of the Wings program, this will draw many more people.

6. Chairman’s Report:

Anderson reminded the Committee that he had spoken to fire chief, Duncan Murdock, some time ago about putting together a document regarding rescue of people from aircraft accidents/incidents. The document idea turned into the idea of doing a DVD instead. Anderson has gotten the support of Jim Lowlor of Pictures in Motion who has offered his services in putting one together. Anderson mentioned that Cirrus put together an excellent DVD on rescue from Cirrus aircraft that he would like to use as a model. Anderson reiterated the importance of handling aircraft properly after an accident (i.e. location of fuel lines and the jaws-of-life). He would like to focus on the differences of high-wing and low-wing aircraft and where the fuel lines are located.

Thiel suggested that Ted Fournier, cable director for the Township, might also be a good source to film such a DVD as he does public service films on occasion.

7. Public Comment (3 minutes):


8. Roundtable Discussion:

Anderson: Nothing

Lionberger: Mentioned he spoke to the manager of Sparta Airport (near Muskegon) regarding providing fuel without ethanol (auto gas). They have no problem getting this type of fuel, but we would have to find a local supplier. Lionberger stated that there is a law in place that prohibits purchasing of fuel without ethanol, but explained there is a little-known exception regarding airports purchasing this fuel for aircraft.

Thiel stated that an analysis would have to be done to see if providing ethanol-free fuel would be a cost-effective venture for GIMA. There are many related costs such as providing a tank, terminal and software for this fuel, which could get pretty expensive. Thiel described the fuel pump system like they have at the public safety building and DPS. Using a truck is another option. Thiel stated the airport office would look further into this idea.

Broomall: Nothing

Loftus: Nothing

Thiel: Just a reminder that the taxiway construction project contract, as well as the Commerce Park road project contract, are going before the Township Board for their approval on July 14th.

9. Next Meeting:

Next meeting will be set up on an as-needed basis.

10. Adjournment

Lionberger moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 a.m. with support from Loftus. All ayes.


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