This master should be used by designers working on Port of Portland construction projects and by designers working for PDX tenants (“Tenants”). Usage notes highlight a few specific editing choices, however the entire section should be evaluated and edited to fit specific project needs.




A. This section describes manufacture and installation of new baggage information system for the new baggage carousel signs. The work includes, but is not limited to:

Must tailor for each use.

1. Manufacture and installation of new electronic (LED) displays in each baggage carousel Sign Nos. 3-317, 3-348, 3-350, and 3-352.

2. Manufacture and installation of new electronic display control consoles. One for control of LED displays in Sign Nos. 3-317 and 3-352, and one for control of LED displays in Sign Nos. 3-348 and 3-352.


A. Section 101400, Interior Signage

B. Division 26, Electrical

C. Section 347716, Baggage Conveyors


A. UL: Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.


A. Submit the following:

1. Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s complete technical product data and installation instructions.

2. Shop Drawings: Submit plans, elevations, wiring diagrams, and details. Include installation details for interface of electronic displays with baggage carousel signs and control console with baggage control start stop station.

3. Programming: Submit the program listing of all airline names, cities, and default messages with corresponding codes display times and methods for approval prior to programming the system.



A. Materials shall be new, or current standard design, conforming to standards of UL to requirements of enforcing authorities having jurisdiction and to applicable federal specifications. Like items shall be all the same manufacture and type.

B. No substitutions for materials specified shall be made by the Contractor unless specifically approved in writing by the Port.

C. Baggage information electronic displays and control console system shall be standard product of a manufacturer regularly engaged in the manufacture of such products. Acceptable manufacturer: Cybernetic Data Products, or pre-bid approved equal.


A. Control electronic displays with a control console located at the incoming baggage start stop control station. The control console shall house all control components in a single weatherproof enclosure. Panel front shall be a sealed membrane with momentary contact, tactile response snap-action type push buttons. The control console shall be solid state design, and microprocessor based. Transmit control information to the display over a single four-conductor cable as recommended by the manufacturer.

B. Panel front shall include a 0-9 numerical keypad for inputting flight number and/or airline code, and light emitting diode (LED) display to display flight input data. Control keys shall be included for clearing input data, sending data to display sign, canceling sign display data, and review of input data.

C. Include 120 VAC power supply and auxiliary momentary contacts which can be used for start control of baggage conveyor belt.


A. Electronic display sign shall be a full matrix cube light emitting diode (LED). The LED display shall display a minimum of twenty 4-inch characters. The display shall be solid state design, microprocessor based, with internal 120 volt power supply, memory, and rechargeable batteries.

B. The LED display shall be capable of interfacing with the baggage control console and a future master controller.

C. Displays shall be readable from a minimum distance of 100 feet and 120 degrees and be furnished with a non-reflective polycarbonate or safety acrylic filter panel. All unlit LEDs shall not be visible under normal ambient lighting conditions.

D. Electronic displays in Sign Nos. 3-317 and 3-352 shall be connected and programmed to display the same messages inputted from the north control console.

E. Electronic displays in Sign Nos. 3-348 and 3-350 shall be connected and programmed to display the same messages inputted from the south control console.


A. Program the control console with a minimum of 40 airline names and 40 cities as directed by the Port. Assign a two-digit code to each airline name and city. Sequence of operation for displaying flight information shall be as follows:

1. Enter two digit airline code.

2. Enter flight number.

3. Enter two digit city code.

4. Press send or enter key.

5. Console shall activate baggage start contact and send message to LED displays.

6. Electronic display shall flash “WARNING! BAG BELT ABOUT TO BEGIN OPERATING” for a predetermined time period (coordinate with baggage conveyor start delay).

7. Electronic display shall then display airline name, flight number, and city for 20 minutes.

8. Flight information shall be displayed in double LED line, full display height characters.

B. System shall be capable of simultaneously displaying seven airlines with corresponding flight numbers and cities. Each flight input shall be individually timed. Multiple flight inputs shall automatically scroll up from the bottom of the display in the same sequence as inputted. The flight information shall display for 5 to 10 seconds and scroll on the next flight, repeating the sequence until all flight inputs have timed out.

C. The system shall have the capability to program into the memory default messages. Default messages will be assigned a three digit code and shall only be accessed when preceded by a password code. The LED display shall automatically display default messages when flight information inputs have timed out and continue to display until the next flight input. The LED display shall sequentially display any combination or all of the default messages for predetermined time periods, in the order inputted. Allow default message codes to be reviewed, added, or deleted at the control console or a master controller. Allow default messages to be displayed as: two lines of characters per display or full height; single, double, or triple LED line characters; scrolling up or across the display; flashing on; twinkling on; or any combination of the above.



A. Install baggage information electronic displays and control consoles per the manufacturer’s recommendations.

B. Install all electrical work in accordance with requirements of Division 26.


A. Include the following features:

1. Construct enclosure with a hinged bottom access to permit routine maintenance and removal of LED displays from the underside of the sign.

2. Provide individual disconnect switch in each sign box so that each sign may be turned on or off for maintenance.


A. Provide mounting hardware required to mount to back side of face plate.

B. Wiring connections to utilize factory-furnished plug-in type connectors.

C. Displays shall be easily removed and disconnected for maintenance or replacement. Removal of each display shall be demonstrated to the Port prior to final acceptance.


A. Install console on pedestal at incoming baggage conveyor control station. Make all connections to related LED displays.

B. Provide a typewritten legend indicating airline names and cities with corresponding code number for each console. Legend shall be mounted in clear acrylic plastic enclosure. Mount legend above each control console.


A. A factory-trained representative of the baggage information system manufacturer shall supervise the final testing of the system and shall be subject to the approval and acceptance of the Port.


A. Conduct a training program for operation and maintenance of baggage information system and provide operation and maintenance manuals.



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