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 MovementDirections: Box and summarize each paragraph. Then answer the comprehension questions as you read it a second time, ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. 4991100180975Paragraph 1:4991100180975Geography is the study of the Earth. It includes the earth’s features. It shows us the effects that land has on people, plants, and animals. It also discusses how people affect the Earth. There are five themes of geography that help us study about Earth and organize the information to better understand it. It is important to learn about movement as we explore the five themes of geography. Stop and Recall: What are the five themes of geography? (The five themes of geography are…) Movement is the theme of geography deals with how people, goods, ideas, and information travel from one place to another. The movement can range from local to international. All types of movement have changed tremendously over time. The movements have also greatly impacted cultures of the world. Food, clothing, languages, goods and services, music, art, occupations, religions, laws/governments, economics have all been impacted by movement. 4991100247650Paragraph 2: 4991100247650Stop and Answer: What is the theme ‘movement’? (The theme of movement is…) Use evidence to support your answer.Based on what it says in the passage, what does the passage mean when it says “movement can range from local to international?”List 5 things that have been impacted by movement throughout history. (5 things that were impacted by movement throughout history are…)People may use many different forms of transportation to travel. People are constantly moving. People use automobiles to travel over short and long land distances. People traveling across busier cities may choose to travel by subway train. People who live near water may use boats or ferries. Travelers looking to rest on their journey over further land distances may choose to travel by passenger train. Travelers looking to cross oceans, continents, or to the other end of the world find it best to travel via airplane. The forms of transportation available often depend on an area’s population. 5067300238125Paragraph 3: 50673002381253005138295275169545096202540767001962150Stop and think: Choose a type of transportation people use. Describe why they would choose that type of transportation to get around. Then illustrate the type of transportation you chose. The passage says “Travelers looking to cross the oceans, continents, or to the other end of the world would find it best to travel via airplane.” Make an inference about what the word ‘via’ means in the passage. (I think the word via means… I know this because…)How does peoples locations help them decide which type of transportation they will use to get from place to place? Use evidence to support your answer. If people want to travel short distances they use…If people want to travel long distances they use...Migration is the movement from one location to another. Immigration is moving into another country. Emigration is moving out of one country to move to another. People move for different reasons. Push factors are reasons people leave a place. Some examples include natural disasters and war. They also include unemployment and famine. Famine is the lack of food in an area. Pull factors are reasons people might come to a place. Some examples include peace and job opportunities. They also include climate and religious freedoms. 5057775228600Paragraph 4: 5057775228600Stop and Think: What is migration? (Migration is…)What is emigration? (Emigration is…)What are some reasons people would leave a place? (Some reasons people would leave a place are…)What are some reasons people would move and live in another place? (Some reasons people would want to move to a new place are…)Illustrate an example of a push factor and a pull factor. Explain your illustrations. Goods can move within a city or across an ocean. Goods must be transported to get to the place they are needed or wanted. Places like Alaska are isolated. They must receive goods from outside places. Goods are brought to faraway places by huge cargo ships or planes. Cargo ships and planes have one main purpose: to carry large amounts of goods from one place to another. It would be more difficult to live in harsh conditions or isolated places without receiving goods from outside resources (importing). Being able to move goods from one place to another all over the globe is a way that people are able to live almost anywhere and still be able to survive fairly comfortably. 12192008334385057775552450Paragraph 5: 5057775552450Stop and Think: What forms of transportation do we use to move large amounts of goods? How does moving goods from place to place affect people? Use evidence to support your answer. Information and ideas get from place to place through many communication sources. This is a way of movement that has grown tremendously over the past fifty years. What used to take a pony express rider three weeks to deliver mail, can be delivered in a matter of a few seconds because of technology. Many people do not mail letters because they take several days to receive. People primarily use technology to send information from one place to another. Computers, phones, television, social media, and printed sources have drastically changed how quickly ideas and information are communicated and moved around the world. 17907009048754924425161925Paragraph 6: 4924425161925Stop and Think: Historically (or in the past), how did mail move from place to place? (In the past, people used to send mail by…)Based on the text, what can you infer a pony express rider is? (A pony express rider is…)What is the primary (main) form of transportation for our ideas and information? Make an inference. What would the world be like if we didn’t use technology to move our information around? ................

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