American Community School

Table of Contents

Introduction…………………………….……………………………………… 1

Housing Policy Statement………………………………………………………………... 2

Parent Housing Guidelines……………………………………….……………………. 3

Travel Event Schedule………………………………………………………… 4

Table of all ACS activities (2 p) ……………………………………….……… 5-6

Athletics & Activities Awards……………………………………….………. 7

Eligibility…………………………………….……………………………..… 8-10

Athletic Expectations……………………….……………………………..…… 11

Travel Policies …………….…………………..……………………….……… 12

Financial Obligations………..………………….……………………….……… 13

Appendices ……..…………………………………………….…………….…… 14

A: Family Housing Agreement…………… …………………………………. 15

B: Parent Housing Responsibilities…………………………………………… 16

C: Athletic Code of Excellence ……………..…………………….……….…. 17

D: Multi-Sport Athlete Application………………………………….……… 18

E: ACS/ISAC Standard Rules of Travel …………………………….……. 19

F: Petition to travel twice in a semester………………………………………. 20

G: Middle School Travel Form Committed to Excellence ..………………… 21

H: High School pre-arranged absence form…………………………………... 22


ACS is very fortunate to be able to offer such a rich athletic and activity program. Integral to our school philosophy is the belief that education extends beyond the classroom. The extra and co-curricular activities given at ACS allow “students to discover talents and new interests, and encourage responsibility, community involvement, and development of respect for self and others.” Participation and attitude are important elements and leadership skills are fostered as students become more confident in their chosen activity. Our athletic and activity program fosters intercultural cooperation, develops a sense of fair play, self-control and discipline, and broadens horizons through travel.

Whether you are preparing for an International Schools Activities Conference (ISAC) or a M.E.T.S event, working with Model United Nations (MUN), ISTA, participating in an invitational or chosen by AMIS (The Association for Music in International Schools), you the students are ACS. You display what we are all about and we count on you to represent us in the very best way that you can. Have a good year and enjoy.*** Please pay attention to the HOUSING POLICY on the next 2 pages*** This policy will provide ACS with much improved international opportunities in our overall activities program.

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Timothy Doran

Director of Athletics and Activities

2013-2014 Athletics/Activities Performance and Housing Guidelines

Dear ACS Parent,

Your child has taken the initiative to take part in the ACS Beirut activities/athletic program and we are proud of every student who takes this step. It is also, however, a serious commitment and responsibility. Not only is it a commitment to our school, it is a commitment to each individual also trying out for an activity. Because not every student will be chosen to represent ACS, we want to make sure that everyone understands the responsibilities involved and is making a well-informed, parentally supported decision to try out.

Students participating in any ACS sport team or non sport activity must be prepared to meet the following conditions:

1. Participation in the ACS athletic & activities program is a privilege. Students who represent ACS must meet academic, citizenship, and sportsmanship standards.

2. He or she must be prepared to incur the cost and commitment of traveling with the group to the international event, including airline tickets, spending money, certain delegate fees, occasional hotel expenses and visas.

3. He or she must be able to travel on the required dates of the tournaments.

4. Families must be able to host at least one visiting student during two of our hosted tournament events. If you are unable to host, you are responsible for finding a ‘substitute’ family that will take on this responsibility. If you are unable to find hosting, your child will not be eligible to participate in the ACS sponsored event nor will your child be allowed to travel to any event where hosting takes place.

5. Parents are required to cover the costs associated with a traveling event once you and your child are committed (see Travel Commit Form) and he/she is selected as a member of the traveling group. This holds true even if your child is not able to travel with the team for reasons such as academic concerns, family emergencies, or illness. If the school purchases the ticket on behalf of your son or daughter, you will be responsible for 100% of the payment of the ticket.

6. ACS Athletes are expected to attend all practices unless specifically excused by the coach. Students not attending school on a particular day may not practice or play on that day. Students unable to fully participate in PE are not allowed to practice or play in games.

Rules concerning behavior on all ACS supported traveling groups and all events where hosting takes place.

A) The use of tobacco, drinking of alcohol, or use of illegal drugs will not be allowed during travel or while in the host city during the period of time covered by the activity.

B) Any sightseeing or travel in the host city will be done only with the permission of the host family and the coach/sponsor.

C) Under no circumstances will housing arrangements be changed without permission of the host school and the knowledge of the coach/sponsor.

D) Visiting students will be in the home of the host family no later than the curfew hour set by the host school, or as soon as possible after a scheduled activity is completed - whichever is later.

E) There will be no attendance of parties, unless school affiliated, permission granted, and chaperoned.

F) All laws of the host country will be adhered to.

G) Any unusual circumstances or problems, which occur during the stay in the host city will be reported as soon as is possible to either the host school or visiting coach/sponsor.

2013-2014 Major Events Schedule


|Frieze Gallery Art Show |Oct. 8-12 |London |

|ISTA IB Theater |Oct. 8-12 |London |

|ISAC Varsity Volleyball |Oct. 30- Nov.3 |BBS/UAS Kuwait |

|MUN Amman |Oct.30 – Nov.4 |ABS Amman |

|ISAC JV Volleyball |Nov. 13-17 | AIS/MES Cairo |

|ISAC Forensics and Debate |Dec.4-8 |AIS Kuwait |

|ISAC JV Soccer |Dec.4-8 |ACS Beirut |

|ISAC Varsity Soccer |Dec.11-15 |AISE/NCBIS Cairo |

|METS Swim Championship |Dec. 12-15 |ACS/IC Beirut |

|ACS LEBMUN |Jan.30-Feb.2 |AUB |

|METS Cross Country |Feb. 6-9 |ABS Amman |

|MUN Georgetown Univ. Qatar |Feb. 20-24 |Doha |

|ISAC JV Basketball |March 12-16 |Anns Abu Dhabi |

|ISAC Varsity Basketball |March 12-16 |AIS Kuwait |

|ISTA Theater Festival |???? |??? |

|AMIS Int’l Honor Band and Choir |March 19-24 |London |

|METS Track and Field |???? |ABS Amman |

|ISAC JV/Varsity Badminton |April 30-May4 |BBS/UAS Kuwait |

|Activity 2013-14 |

Coach selects team

Pre-Arranged Absences for ACS sponsored trips (See appendices G/H )

• Students going on school-sponsored trips are required to complete a pre-arranged absence form. These forms will be handed out with trips details from the Athletics & Activities office.

• Students traveling on an ACS sponsored trip are not allowed to be late for school or to miss any classes on the day of travel. They are expected to attend school the day following their return.

Worked Missed During Absences

( refer to the new high school handbook for clarification)

Students are responsible for checking with their teacher to make a plan to complete all missed work.

• The work must be turned in within one cycle from date of the trip return to school.

Athletics Expectations


• All athletes must sign an “Athletic Code of Excellence”, once selected for a team and are then expected to adhere to the code throughout the season. (Appendix C)

• If an athlete has been excused from physical education classes due to illness or injury, he/she is expected to attend practice, but is not permitted to physically participate in practices or games.

• Proper athletic attire is to be worn for all practice sessions. Chewing gum is not permitted during practices or games.

• Team uniforms are the property of ACS and may only be worn during competitions. Signing off on uniform reception constitutes a contract with the Athletics Department. Athletes are responsible for returning their uniform at the end of the season according to this contract and will be charged a replacement fee for late return, damaged or lost uniforms.

• Student athletes who belong to sport clubs must make all ACS team practice and game sessions during the ACS sport season. ACS athletics takes priority over club participation. Clubs go on all year. ACS athletic seasons last a maximum of 14 weeks.

Multi-Sport/Activity Students (See Appendix D)

Students are eligible to participate on one team or activity at a time. Exceptions can be made provided the following criteria are met:

- G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher.

- Full agreement of the activity leader or sport coach, and the Athletics & Activities director.

- Players MUST ATTEND ALL PRACTICES AND GAMES of both teams/activities.

Ramadan/Lent Policy

Any student who observes the fast during Ramadan or Lent is expected to be at practice. However, WITH PRIOR APPROVAL they will be excused once/week, as agreed upon by the team. If practice is after sundown, students are expected to break their fast and then attend practice. They will not be excused from practice if it is after sundown.

Uniform Policy

1 - ACS uniforms can only be worn during ACS sponsored competitions.

2 - Final return date of uniforms is set at one month after the season is over.

3 - Non-return of a uniform will result in non-issue of ACS report cards and other official

Documents. Students who damage or fail to return uniforms will be billed for replacement costs and processing.

Travel Policies

• Prior to selecting a traveling group, the athletic/activities office will distribute a travel commitment Form

Travel commitment Form:

A commitment form will be handed out approximately 6-8 weeks prior to travel for parental authorization. This form includes trip destination, dates and estimated total cost of the activity. All arrangements are made based on these signed commitment forms (housing, hotel, plane bookings, visas, team rosters, etc.).

Withdrawal from this commitment two weeks or less from the dates of travel may result in the following:

- No travel for one school year from the date of the trip.

- Non-reimbursement of travel insurance, hotel, airplane and registration cancellation fees.

• A participating student may be permitted to miss only four school days per semester for school trips. Upon returning from trips, it is recommended that students are present for 20 school days before traveling a second time in one semester. The Athletics and Activities Director and the High School Principal of the School must approve any exceptions by petition only. (See Appendix G – Petition to travel)

• Students on academic or disciplinary probation will not be permitted to travel.

Dress Code

When traveling as an ACS representative, sloppy dress is not tolerated. Students are expected to wear an ACS blazer, navy or gray dress slacks, and appropriate length dark skirts for females, white dress shirts, and school necktie for males. The ACS blazer and ties will be sold for the price of $40 and $7 respectively at the school bookstore. Dress shoes must be worn. Sport shoes, sandals and flip flops are not acceptable while traveling. Sloppy dress is not tolerated.

When not competing, students must be dressed appropriately, as they would at ACS.


• A gift from Lebanon is an appropriate expression of gratitude for your host family.

• Each parent is encouraged to purchase a calling card for his or her child in case the need arises to make an international call. The host is not obliged to provide long distance calls.

Discipline / Rules of travel

• When participating in any ACS-sponsored trips ALL ACS/ISAC rules apply, including meeting curfews. All students and their parents/guardians must sign and date the Standard Statement of ACS / ISAC / METS Rules (see appendix E).


All ACS students traveling on school-sponsored trips will travel to and from the trip destination with the group. Any exception to this practice must have the approval of the Principal and the Athletics and Activities Director. Students traveling on school-sponsored trips must have their tickets booked with the group. Requests for student’s tickets to be booked independently by parents in order to take advantage of free tickets, frequent flyer schemes, courtesy discounts, etc. will not be accepted.


Financial Obligation

Students are responsible for the cost of airfare, visas, hotel (if not housed in hosting school homes) and the entry fees for some of the individual events. Payment shall be made out to American Community School at Beirut in the form of a check or money order in US dollars. All moneys must be turned in to the business office cashier by the stated deadlines. Once the deadline has passed, NO REFUNDS will be given.

Students are responsible for the cost of airfare, visas, hotel (if not housed in hosting school homes) for invitational events. The school will cover entry fees for ISAC/METS team events.


A: Family Housing Agreement

B: Parent Housing Responsibilities

C: Athletic Code of Excellence

D: Multi-Sport Activity Application

E: ACS/ISAC/METS Standard Rules of Travel

F: Petition to Travel twice per Semester

G: Middle School Travel form Committed to Excellence

H: High School pre-arranged absence form



Fill out & Sign the attached form & return to Mr. Doran within one week of distribution.

I agree to allow my child to participate in the ACS Activities & Athletic program. We understand and agree to the rules & guidelines, time, hosting and financial commitments we are making.

Full name of student: _________________________________ Grade: ____________

Student’s Name_________________Signature___________________Date______________

_________________________ ___________________________ _____________

Parent’s Name Signature Date

Preliminary Hosting Information REQUIRED:

I am able to host students for the following event:

(Please remember that traveling students ALWAYS prefer to be housed in pairs)

The numbers below are maximum event estimates for which ACS is responsible to host this year.

|Check (() if |Event |Dates |Gender |Number of students you can |

|yes | | |(circle one or both) |host |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Once the tournament/event date approaches, you will receive detailed information about your responsibilities.

If you are unable to host, you must find a ‘substitute’ family that will fulfill your families hosting responsibilities this school year. Fill in the information about this family below:

Name: ____________________________

Signature of substitute family: ____________________________

Phone: ____________________________

E-mail: ____________________________

This form must be filled out completely and handed in to the Athletic Director in order to participate in ACS Activities & Athletics.

Appendix B: Parent Housing Responsibilities

Dear ACS Parent,

In agreeing to host you have not only helped the ISAC/ METS / ISTA /MUN programs but also ACS. ACS’s regional reputation depends on the ability to give and welcome as well as to participate and win.

A few suggestions:

– Accommodations do not need to be fancy: sleeping bags or cots are also feasible. Just make sure the visiting student does have a place to sleep.

– Please allow visiting students a quick phone call home on their first night.

– Remember that the curfew is set by ACS Beirut. This curfew will NOT be altered by anyone except the tournament director and must be adhered to.

– Expect the individual coaches to call to check on their players every night. This is their professional responsibility to their students and to the parents whose children are being hosted by you.

– Help in enforcing the rules set for the event is crucial. If there is any problem please call the coaches or the Dean of Students immediately.

– One parent needs to be at home when the students are home. You would want the same when your child is hosted.

– Unless at the event/tournament, the guest must be with the hosting student or parent.

– Please provide breakfast every morning, and on evenings when the student is home, a dinner.

– Offer a packed lunch or snacks to your guest every day.

– Please allow your visitor to use your washing machine, particularly if it is a sports event.

– Tobacco and alcohol are strictly forbidden at all ISAC/METS events.

– Any transgression of the ISAC/METS regulations by any participant will result in those involved being immediately removed from housing with host families. The student will either be placed in the care of the coach for the duration of the event or will be sent home.

If you have any concerns during this event, do not hesitate to call.

Timothy Doran

Athletic/Activities Director

01-374370 ext. 136


Code of Excellence

Students will receive this form from their coach as soon as their team is selected.

As a member of an ACS team I agree to fulfill the following responsibilities:

1. Be prepared. I will be ready for all practices and tournaments, cell phone turned off and no gum. Unexcused lateness affects the whole team and will not be tolerated by my teammates or coaches.

2. Stay on top of grades and my behavior in class. If I am having difficulties I will inform my advisor / counselor and get help.

3. Be committed to your team. If I have a valid reason for not attending a practice I will let my coach know well in advance. Three unexcused absences will mean that I am not a committed team member.

4. Be a positive team member. I will never criticize a teammate. I will lead others by trying to be the most enthusiastic and industrious member of the team. I will accept criticism from my advisor as a compliment, use it to improve and never offer excuses. If I have a concern I will deal with it maturely.

5. Be a proud representative of ACS. I will follow appropriate behavior expectations at all times. No foul language, good sportsmanship and I will keep emotions under control.

6. Be at my physical and mental best. I will try to improve every day. I will give my best effort in everything I do. I will not do anything to jeopardize my performance such as smoking, possession / use of drugs / alcohol, or not getting enough rest. Violating this aspect of code can result in team dismissal.

I have read and understand the responsibilities that go along with the privilege of being a representative of ACS and its teams. I will do my best to fulfill my responsibilities and to help my teammates also fulfill their responsibilities. I understand that if I do not fulfill my responsibilities, I may be suspended or removed from the team

_________________________________ _________________________________

Student’s Signature Parent’s Signature


Multi-Sport / Activity Application

Students who are considering participating in more than one team or activity at a time must complete this form. Failure to complete this form may result in your removal from one or both activity.

Athletes at ACS are eligible to play for one team at a time. If an athlete meets the following criteria, they may apply for permission to play two sports:

a) Good standing (3.0 GPA or more).

b) Written consent by the appropriate activity sponsor and the Athletics/Activities Director

c) Players MUST ATTEND ALL PRACTICES AND GAMES of both teams/activity.

Student’s Name:___________________________________ Grade/Section: __________

Request to participate in:

|Team |Coach/Sponsor’s Name & |Dates of Season |Practice Times |

|Or Activity |Signature |Dates of Travel | |

| | |Dates of performance/tournament | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Please Note:

If at any time during the season one or both of the coaches feel that the athlete is not fulfilling their responsibilities to their team, they may be removed from one or both teams/activities.

Student Signature ______________________________________ Date _____________

Parent Signature _______________________________________ Date _____________

Please submit to the Athletic & Activities Office for final approval and filing.

Appendix E:


** Please note that ACS employs the same standards of behavior for all ISAC, METS, MUN, AMIS, ISTA or any other out-of-school activities.

1. The use of tobacco, drinking of alcohol, or use of illegal drugs will not be allowed during travel or while in the host city during the period of time covered by the invitational activity.

2. Any sightseeing or travel in the host city will be done only with the permission of the coach/sponsor and should be done accompanied by the hosts.

3. Curfew will be determined by the host school and must be adhered to. Coaches will make curfew calls NIGHTLY.

4. Under no circumstances will housing arrangements be changed without permission of the activity host director and the coach/sponsor.

5. All laws of the host country will be adhered to.

6. Any unusual circumstances or problems which occur during the stay will be reported as soon as possible to the coach/sponsor.

Consequences for major rule violations are :

1. The student will no longer participate in that activity.

2. The student may be sent home at the parents’ expense if it is feasible to do so.

3. A student in the possession or having used alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs will be excluded for one calendar year from ISAC/ACS/METS sponsored events including the same activity the following year.

4. A student committing a major curfew violation will be excluded for one calendar year from ISAC/ACS/ METS sponsored events including the same activity the following year.

5. If at any time a student is suspended from further involvement in an event, then the only

results affected will be those happening after the infraction. All pre-infraction results will


6. Consequences will be carried over if the student transfers to another ISAC school.

We have read, understand, and agree to abide by the rules and consequences which are stated above.

Student’s name (please print) ________________________________________

______________________________ ____________________________

Signature of parent Signature of student

______________________________ ____________________________

Date Date

Appendix F:


Student’s name _________________________________

Current Activity and duration: _________________________________

Travel destination and dates: _________________________________

Previous Activity and travel dates: __________________________________

• Upon returning from trips, it is recommended that students are present for 20 school days before traveling a second time in one semester.

• Student Current GPA (3.3 GPA requirement for this consideration) ____________

• No Academic and Behavioral referrals are permitted for this petition to be considered.

Event Coach/Sponsor ____________________________ Date: ________________

HS Principal: ____________________________ Date: ________________

Dean of Students: ____________________________ Date: ________________

Athletics & Activities Director: ______________________ Date: ________________

Appendix G: Middle School Travel Form

Committed to Excellence

American Community School

Academic Report for Absence

The coach/sponsoring teacher should give this form to students traveling at least two weeks before the travel date. The student should return it to the coach at least one week prior to the anticipated absence.

Student’s Name: _________________________________ Grade level: __________________

Team / Activity: ________________________________ Coach/Sponsor: ________________

Dates of Absence: __________________________ ___________________

|Course | Grade |Missing Work |Comments |Teacher’s |

| | | |(please use reverse if necessary) |Signature |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Parent’s Signature:_____________________ Date: ____________________

Coach’s Signature: __________________ Date Complete _______________





Attendance in class is of primary importance to student learning. As a result, students are expected to be in class each school day. The school does not condone absence from school unless there is a compelling reason, such as illness, family emergency, religious holidays, exceptional educational opportunity or school-sponsored trips.


1. This form will be issued about two weeks prior to the anticipated absence. The student should give the principal a signed note from the parent or guardian explaining the reason for the upcoming absence. The Principal’s signature indicates that the absence is excused.

2. The student keeps the original of the assignment sheet and gives a copy to the high school secretary in the case of an ACS sponsored trip.

ACS follows the guideline that students have one cycle to make up work missed due to a pre-arranged absence.

Student's Name: ______________________________________ Grade: __________________

Dates of Absence: ___________ from: ____________________ to: ________________________

Activity and travel dates: __________________________________________________________

** Please note that this form is for listing homework and future assignments. It is not an approval form.

|Class |Assignment |Due Date |Teacher's Initials |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

1. ________________________ Date: 2. _____________________ Date

Principal Signature Student Signature

3. ____________________________ Date

Parent Signature


Coach selects team

Team list is published immediately to all staff

Team members sign ACS Knights Code of Excellence. Passports copies are brought in to verify validity and check for visa needs.

Faculty feedback to athletic director, coach, counselor, on behavior and academics for student support

Coach decides on initial travel list 6 weeks prior.

List reviewed with Athletic-Activities Director

Potential travel list posted for faculty review. pr………………voyage.

Faculty feedback to Coach/Sponsor for student support

1 week review period

Coach makes final travel list in

Consultation with AD 4 weeks prior to travel

List submitted to ISAC/METS host 3 weeks prior to travel. Invoicing and travel packets prepared. Forms are completed.




Athletic & Activities Director


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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